Parece que ahora no solo no saben patear una pelota sino que ni siquiera saben pensar. En lo que sí hay una gran diferencia es en que yo tengo un corte de cabello de varón, cosa que no pueden decir ellos.
レパブリカのメアドの振り分け文なんですが、どれを選んでいいのやら・・・ 記事に対してではなく、メールを送るだけなんですが、 ローマ字なんだしわかるかなと辞書引っぱっても(英語w) この時間まで首ひねってもさっぱりで・・どれに送ればいいのか教えて頂けたら幸いです、お願いします。 1.Per scrivere al direttore di - Vittorio Zucconi? 2.Per scrivere alla redazione di 3.Per scrivere alla redazione di Repubblica? 4.Per scrivere alla rubrica delle lettere? 5.Per scrivere alla redazione Motori?
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Wow,,, wow,,, So many Fascists are here. Hi.. hello..How r ya doin'? R ya sad from defeat by Coreano ? yeah.. I understand your miserable mood. But I wanna advice to ya something. u know, soccer is only soccer. I saw the game from TV. hmmmm... My thought is that your team Italy was weak and not impressive to show your ability. I heard that you insisted the game was failed by unfair ref and it's paid big money for them. But I ,including the majority of my Japanese think that you Itaians behave in a cowardly way and it's too much disgusting. As you know, here's many my Japanese junks to enjoy your deep sorrow and they pretend to give a comfort as insulting Koreans . This is our Japanese purpose to stupid Italians. We enjoy your sorrow and stir up anger against Koreans. That's why we visited here. Have you ever seen Japanese before the WC games in this message board ? In fact, we don't have any concern about your victory or defeat. We don't care whether you are faced with anger and sorrow or not. All we wanna do is have some fun!!! Okay guys. Cry and get angry more. We Japan is twice richer than you Italy so we have twice more elegant sense . Viva Italy,, the stupidest people of the world. What the poor loser !!! That's fun ...