
Oh, Ididn't know that . What didthe priests do with the letters?
They wrote books with them. The books were about the culture and the history of the Naxi people.
Oh, you know these letters very well. Why do you like them so much?
They (1) interesting, and itis alot of fun to guess what they mean.
Really? (3) Will you teach me some of the letters?
Sure. For example, this means man. This is the head, and these are the arms.
I see. What does this letter mean?
He (4) when he listens to music, so it means.
That's right.





1. Where is Lee from?

2. When did the priests use Tompa letters?

2名無しさん@3周年:2006/09/18(月) 11:39:27

          /ヽ      /ヽ
          / ヽ      / ヽ
______ /U ヽ___/ ヽ
| ____ /         U ::::U:\
||      // ___   \      ::::::::|
||      |   |  |         U :::::::::| なにこのスレ……
||      .|U  |   |         ::::U::|
||       | ├―-┤      U ...:::::::/
||____  ヽ            ....::::::<
└___/ ̄ ̄            ::::::|
|\                    | ::::::|
\ \ \___              :::::|



3名無しさん@3周年:2006/09/18(月) 21:06:24


1 名前:渡来人[] 投稿日:2006/09/18(月) 14:46:07
Oh, Ididn't know that . What didthe priests do with the letters?
They wrote books with them. The books were about the culture and the history of the Naxi people.
Oh, you know these letters very well. Why do you like them so much?
They (1) interesting, and itis alot of fun to guess what they mean.
Really? (3) Will you teach me some of the letters?
Sure. For example, this means man. This is the head, and these are the arms.
I see. What does this letter mean?
He (4) when he listens to music, so it means.
That's right.





1. Where is Lee from?

2. When did the priests use Tompa letters?

4名無しさん@3周年:2006/09/18(月) 23:21:20
5名無しさん@3周年:2006/09/19(火) 20:05:07
   キヨミちゃん。       ミズホちゃん。       タカコちゃん。

    ,-― ー  、         ,-~ ̄ ̄ヽ         _,,-―''   ヽ、
  /ヽ     ヾヽ     /~`'      \      /     ヾ   ヽ、
  /    人( ヽ\、ヽゝ  /  / ̄ ̄ヽ   ヽ    /彡     彡ノヽ  ミ ヽ
 |   ノ ⌒,,  ⌒,,`l  ヽ  /    (||))ヽ ヽ  /  ,,ノ-~  ̄  ヽ     |
  |   /  (o)  (o) |   ヽ/ ⌒    ⌒ `、 /  |  / へ , ,、 ノヾ \ミ  ノ
 /ヽ |   ー   ー  |    |  ゚     ゚  ヾ/   /彡| -・=/ ヽ =・-  |    )
 | 6`l `    ,   、  |    |    (。。)、     |ノ   ヽ .|   <__っ   ノ |彡 ノ
 ヽ_ヽ  、_(、 _,)_/    ヽ  __     |     `-|  /  __ ヽ |  |_ノ
   \  ヽJJJJJJ      ゝ ヽ┴ノ  ,/       .|  ノ`--´\   |
     \_   `―'/        \__ /         ヽ'   ⌒ 丶 丿
         ̄ ̄                         `― - ― ~   
       『 自 衛 隊 は 、 憲 法 違 反 ! ! 』
       『 憲 法 第 9 条 改 悪 反 対 ! ! 』
6名無しさん@3周年:2006/09/19(火) 21:40:33
      ノ′       イ ('i, ,/               (ヽ
     ,/ヾー==-=ニ-‐''( 'i,`ミ' ヽ iー-ヽ            ヽ`)'フ
   ,.、‐'":ヽ      (\ヽ,,_ ` ':.ヽ  人            )γ),ノ)
   /ヽ        ヾ' ..,,    '; 'l,  ノ            ,/ .:' ノ'
 /ヾ` ヽ、        ゝ- .,,,   .: i! (;;゚;;)         ノ' ,:' ''",フ
/:    (;;゚;;)    ,,-'', ',,,..    .:' /'        _,,.. -‐''",,::'   "つ
             `ツ、,,ー- .:' (       γ´ ,,..  ''"ヾ、  彡'
              ''-彡,,  ':,  ∧ ∧ _,ノ ,:'"  ''ヽ.,. ヽ、,,_,,ノ'⌒
                ,彡'  '(*‘ω‘*)        ゙" '-=-'"
                .ノ., "シ(    )    ,ト、ヽ、,_,,,ミ^ヾ
    (*‘ω‘ )          "''ツ'  v v "ヾ)ノヽ'Jツ' ヽ)
    U U  すごいんです     川
( <●><●>)(><;)        ( (  ) )
(U      /つと ノ            川    ぼぼぼいん
  u  u  しー-J..         ( (  ) )
゙'゙゙''"'''"゙"'"⌒"~''"゙""~⌒゙゙"'''ョ     川
 ゙~,,,....-=-‐√"゙゙T"~ ̄Y"゙=ミ    ( (  ) )     ∧ ∧
 T  |   l,_,,/\ ,,/l  |.             (´‘ω‘ `)もいん
 ,.-r '"l\,,j  /  |/  L,,,/              (   )
 ,,/|,/\,/ _,|\_,i_,,,/;;;;;/                v v
 _V\ ,,/\,|  ,,∧,,|__/wwwwwwwwwwwww`、. 川 ,,' "wwwwww
7名無しさん@3周年:2006/09/19(火) 21:41:17
                    /:;ヾ :ゞ:;ヾ :::ゞ:;ヾ :::ゞ:;ヾ :::ソ :::ゞ:;ヾ;ヾ:;ヾソ
                   ''ゞ:;ヾ :::ゞ:;ヾ; ∧ ∧ :::ゞ:;ヾ ::: :::ゞ:;ヾ ゞ:;ヾ
                    ゞ:;ヾ :ゞ: :ゞ(*‘ω‘ *):;ゞヾ :::ソ :::ゞ:;ヾ;ヾ ::ゞ
                    ヽゞ:;ヾ :::ゞ:;ヾ(;;゚;;):; ヾ :::( <●><●> ) .ゞ:; '"
                     | ゞ:;ヾ :::ゞ:;ヾ :::ゞ:;ヾ ::ゞ:;ヾ::: :::ゞゞ:; '"
                     l     ;lゞ:;ヾ :::ゞ:;ヾ :::ゞ:ヾ :::ゞ:;ヾ:, '"
                     |,     |     ヾ;; i r´
                     i!    li .       l!. i ;|
                  ヽヾ / |(;><) キャー   . | l; .li  
                   /_,,_,{0,   ⊃     |, ;i0.l. 
                 (( (0),_i_l!(,,O,_O       l ; l. i|, 
        _,,..,,,,_          (( (0),_il__!_)      |l:; .l,i;l    _,,..,,,,_
  (Y). (Y)  / ,' 3  `ヽーっ                   |0l i l.|   / -ω-ヽ     (Y)
,,,,ヾレ,, 、レ,,;,,l   ⊃ ⌒_つ,,;;, ,;;,,,,,wWw,,,, ;:.,,;.,,. ,、wWw丿;i;;'、 ;ヾ.,,;,l      l,.,;; ,,,..;ヾレ,,
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8名無しさん@3周年:2006/09/20(水) 21:14:10
              /:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: !
           ,l:::::::::::::::::::::,l ::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::|::::::::::l::|::::::::::::::::::::l
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       ///l ::::r┐::::::,j !イニ |_|、! |l___l ll ィ--,ニ,┐::::::::::l !:::: !
     .////l::::::|,!.|::::::::l'lア::。::lヽヽ      /,イ"。:ヾ||::::::::::| !::::::|  >>1 糞スレ立てんな、蛆虫、氏ね
   / /./. //l::::::::|亅::::::|.|ヽ__,ノ .`      ヽ___/ ||:::::::::|ノ::::::::!
 ./  / / // !:::::::::::|::::::::| !              |,! :::::::|:::::::::::|!
'´  / / /./ |::::::::::::|:::::::| l.      _ _        ,|::::|:::::|:::|::: :::!l
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/   / / ./  ! ::::::::::::::|:::::::l.l:::::: ヽ、    ー   _,ィ'´::::::::,||:::::::::|::::|::::l l,
  /./ /  .l::::::::::::::/|::::::,!,!|:::_,ノ| ``ー---‐'"  ト_ ::::::l !::::::::|l:::|l::::| !l
/ / /   .!:::::::::::::/i,|:::::/,l〃'、 ヽ\.     / ./入l |:::::::::| !:l.l::: l !l
 ,/  /   .,!::::::::::::/ !!|:/"ヽ_ノ`、 !、ヽ.   / ./ / :::::7-、::::| !: !l::: ! !l
/  /    ,' :::::::::://.!'´  ,' ::::::::ヽ \ ヽr'  //::::::::::/~"ヽj !: ! !::l. l.l
.  /    ./:::::_, -'"::::::::``= ヽ::::::::::::::ヽ、ヽ  / / :::::::::::::::!、 " ! ヽ! l:::l !.!
 / .  / /ヽ: :: :::::::::::::::::::::ヽ:::::::::::::::::: !、 У ,/ :::::::::::::::::ノ`‐~~::::::::::::ヽl. | |
9名無しさん@3周年:2006/09/28(木) 10:12:49