http://messages.yahoo.com/bbs?.mm=GN&action=m&board=1604979422&tid=koreafacingfifaandiocban&sid=1604979422&mid=1&type=date&first=1 Korea Facing FIFA and IOC Ban
by: boxingsamurai 06/11/02 05:57 pm
Msg: 1 of 278
The so-called skating dance was the most classless display
in soccer history. Never before has the players of a host
nation mocked their opponents in such a petty fashion.
In front of a baffled and alienated world audience.
Sepp Blatter, to whom I have written personally complaining
about this unparallelled football scandal, should immediately
use his executive powers to revoke the participation of the
Korean Republic in this World Cup and suspend them for at least
the next three major international competitions.