houzi shei mengjian hungede haizi shuo,"women yao jiehun yong lang hui xiong". houzi shei mengjian leishide haizi shuo,"women yao jiehun yong leishide houzi". yixie houzi cheng ren zuo wei yizhi houzi de lang. yixie houzi cheng ren zuo wei yizhi houzi de xiong. tamen shuo,"wo he ta zhi jian mei you ren he cha yi na?"
【scene9:The Grassland】the old wise monkey,the young wise monkey,ugly monkeys,beautiful monkeys,strong monkeys,weak monkeys,wolves,bears
Monkeys who dream about a new kind of mixed one said, "We want to try to marry with a wolf or a bear". Monkeys who dream about a similar one said, "We want to marry with same-type monkeys". Some monkeys looks like considering a wolf as a monkey. And some monkeys looks like considering a bear as a monkey. They said, "Is there any difference between me and him?"
houzi shuo lang, "ta you yizhong weixian de saixiang". lang shuo xiong, "ta de saixiang shi taiwei xianle". xiong shuo houzi,"ta you yige fuza de saixiang, suoyi tashi taiwei xianle".
A monkey said about a wolf. "He has a dangerous thought." A wolf said about a bear. "His thought is too dangerous." A bear said about a monkey. "He has a complex thought, so he is too dangerous."