小泉純一郎は運が強すぎる ▲522▲

The List of Bush's Jewish Handlers

Jack Abramoff - JEW
Jeff Gannon - JEW
Richard Perle - jEW
Paul Wolfowitz - jEW
Douglas Feith - jEW
Edward Luttwak - jEW
Henry Kissinger - jEW
Dov Zakheim - jEW
Kenneth Adelman - jEW.
Lewis Libby - jEW
Robert Satloff - jEW
Elliott Abrams - jEW
Marc Grossman - jEW

Richard Haass - jEW
Robert Zoellick - jEW
Ari Fleischer - jEW
James Schlesinger - jEW
David Frum - jEW
Joshua Bolten - jEW
John Bolton - jEW
David Wurmser - jEW
Eliot Cohen - jEW
Mel Sembler - jEW
Michael Chertoff - jEW
Steve Goldsmith - jEW
Adam Goldman - jEW
Joseph Gildenhorn - jEW
Christopher Gersten - jEW
Mark Weinberger - jEW
Samuel Bodman - jEW
Bonnie Cohen - jEW
Ruth Davis - jEW
Daniel Kurtzer - jEW
Ambassador to Israel - jEW

Cliff Sobel - jEW Ambassador to the Netherlands.
Stuart Bernstein - jEW Ambassador to Denmark.
Nancy Brinker - jEW Ambassador to Hungary.
Frank Lavin - jEW Ambassador to Singapore.
Ron Weiser - jEW Ambassador to Slovakia.
Mel Sembler - jEW Ambassador to Italy.
Martin Silverstein - jEW Ambassador to Uruguay.
Lincoln Bloomfield - jEW Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs.
Jay Lefkowitz - jEW Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council.
Ken Melman - jEW White House Political Director.
Brad Blakeman - jEW White House Director of Scheduling.