決して、小泉・靖国外交を支援してない米国 terrorist networksとしての米国の滅亡を望む自民党タカ派
アメリカ合衆国 ホワイトハウス HP での小泉訪米における生ビデオ
President Bush Welcomes Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi in an Arrival Ceremony on the South Lawn
http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/06/20060629.html ホワイトハウス内の「VIEW」でブッシュ大統領の演説が日本語訳付きで聞けます。
「Decades ago, our two fathers looked across the Pacific and saw adversaries, uncertainty and war. Today their sons look across that same ocean and see friends and opportunity and peace. 」
「These values are under attacks by terrorist networks that bring death and destruction to all who oppose their hateful ideology. So the United States and Japan are working together to defend our shared values and win the war on terror. 」