
   /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; :;:::"'
  /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;:ノ ヽ;:::\
 /::;;;;;;;;;;;,,,;..-‐'''"^~     ヽ:;::|
 |::::::::::|            |ミ|   
 |::::::::/             |ミ|   
 |::::::::|   ,,,,,    ,,,,,   |ミ|       Imagine    
  |:::::|.  '''"""''   ''"""'' |/  / Imagine there's no China  it's easy if you try
 /⌒|   fエ:エi   fエエ) |  |  No submrine below us  Above us only sky
 | (    "''''"   | "''''"  | <  Imagine all the Tibetan  Living for today
  ヽ,,         ヽ    .|  |  Imagine there's no chinese  It isn't hard to do  
   |       ^-^     |  \Nothing to kill or die for  And no communist too
   . |     ‐-===-   |     Imagine all the people  Living life in peace
    ヽ     "'''''''"   /       You may say I'm a dreamer  But I'm not the only one
     \,,,________,,,/      I hope someday you'll join us  And the world will live as one