ニュー速でゲハスレを見かけたら報告するスレ 13

>>878 あっちの月曜の分ね。ゴキちゃんが参考にしないようにまた穴開けといたけど。

Happy mon f○,just h○ with your fix for feb.8th.A quick congrats to ○w or○ and all you saints fans for an a○ super bowl victory.
Once again,EA a○ pr○ the winner,which makes you wonder,just how advanced the Madden franchise is.K○ of scary.Speaking of M,
EA will soon introduce its epic M football series to all 400 million of you on facebook.In t○ n○ to M more accessible,
Peter Moore announced the EA sports' d○ l○ l○ week,in the h○ that EA can take advantage of the s○ popularity in facebook gaming.
This isn't a ○ge s○ however,considering EA just recently b○t up the social game developer playfish,for nice 300 million b○s.
Playfish has also reportedly been hi○ at a specific EA brand that they're currently working on,could it be M?My guess is yes.
Moving on, M F fans,be warned.Some of(記事朗読略)