1 Fallout 3 XBOX360/PS3 2 Grand Theft Auto 4 .XBOX360/PS3 3 Gears of War 2 XBOX360 4 Metal Gear Solid 4 .PS3 5 Little Big Planet .PS3 6 Fable 2 XBOX360 7 Left 4 Dead .XBOX360 8 Braid .XBOX360 9 Burnout Paradise XBOX360/PS3 10 Dead Space XBOX360/PS3 11 FIFA 09 XBOX360/PS3/PS2/PSP/Wii/DS 12 Portal .XBOX360 13 Rock Bank 2 .XBOX360 14 Professor Layton DS 15 Mario Kart Wii Wii
1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - 3414 2. Little Big Planet - 2610 3. Fallout 3 - 2293 4. Left 4 Dead - 1839 5. Gears of War 2 - 1691 6. Grand Theft Auto IV - 1647 7. Dead Space - 1313 8. Fable II - 1192 9. Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 1064 10. Valkyria Chronicles - 878 11. Burnout Paradise - 835 12. Braid - 834 13. Rock Band 2 - 705 14. Mirror's Edge - 702 15. Wipeout HD - 682 16. Resistance 2 - 605 17. Persona 4 - 597 18. No More Heroes - 575 19. World of Goo - 513 20. Mega Man 9 - 506 21. The World Ends With You - 441 22. Mario Kart Wii - 432 23. Motorstorm: Pacific Rift - 399 24. Mother 3 (Eng) - 353 25. Professor Layton and the Curious Village - 369