As for the games, stuff running in 1080p on the PS3 look incredible. Wii games look ok, but I don't think the best graphics are going to come out of Activision published games, but they are committed to 480p and 16:9 on their games. Everything on the 360 looked and played well, but it seems that the PS3 has the edge graphically across the board already (shader effects especially). Sonic was a dissappointment. The camera was shifting all around and in general the game was hard to control because of it. The PS3 version looked a little better than the 360 version. Sony: PS3 problems 'unsubstantiated' SCEA communications chief blasts an analyst report citing next-gen console issues at Tokyo Game Show, says flatly that the "PS3 does not suffer from an overheating problem." By Tor Thorsen, GameSpot Posted Oct 4, 2006 3:53 pm PT ソニー:PS3の問題は「根拠の無いもの」 SCEAのコミュニケーションチーフは東京ゲームショーでの 次世代機について言及したアナリストのレポートについて非難し、 「PS3はオーバーヒート問題に苦しめられる事は無い」ときっぱりと言った。
"If you read the report from Macquarie closely, you can see that their reports are unsubstantiated and that comments related to the alleged failure of PS3 units at TGS are also not attributed to a source," 「マッコーリー(金融関係の会社。PS3の試遊台がTGSで不安定な動作をして 何度もリセットしているのを見てオーバーヒートのよるものではないかとコメントした) からのレポートを詳しく読めば、彼らのリポートは根拠が無いものであり、また、 TGSでのPS3ユニットの不具合について言い立てられたそのコメントは ソースに基づいたものでは無いと気づくはずです。」
"Despite the report from Macquarie Securities implying that they had heard of reports of PS3s needing to be rebooted at TGS, SCEI are not aware of any instances of this occurring at TGS, nor have we received any reports from third parties to such effect," 「マッコーリー証券はそういったレポートを出してはいますが、 SCEIはTGSでそういう問題があったとは認識していませんし サードパーティたちからもそういった現象についての報告は全くありません」
"The environmental conditions at TGS conspire to test any electrical item. In the case of PS3, the combination of pre-production software, running on pre-production debug units, enclosed in demonstration units without ventilation, and surrounded by so many eager fans that on Saturday and Sunday it was almost impossible to move, are bound to prove a challenge. If indeed, there was the occasional unit that needed rebooting, it was due solely to the adverse environmental conditions within the Hall and not to any more general problem with PS3."
BBC NEWS | Technology | Ghost Recon battles to Bafta win >PSP game LocoRoco was a big winner also- >picking up awards for best character and best children's title.
Nintendo May Ship 9 Million Wii Consoles by 2007 | TechFreep Gaming >The report estimates that Nintendo has already manufactured 2 million consoles, >and stipulates that between seven and nine million will be available by the end of the year.
>「ソニーは自分達が次世代の始まりを宣言すると言っているが、 >そんなモンは私に言わせれば嘘八百(bullshit)だ。 >Gears of WarはXBOX360初の第2世代ゲームだ。 >(PS3の)ロンチにはコレほどまでに美しいゲームは存在しない」 >--Mark Rein, VP of Epic Games, at GDC London
三番目はPS3の記事。あちらでも予約できた便乗転売屋が既に2000ドルでeBayに出品しているらしい。 面白いところ抜き出すと、 > Behold: It's shiny, black and surprisingly heavy. And shaped, as some game fans have already joked, > like a George Foreman grill. Analysts say this thing is the biggest, > most expensive, craziest gamble that consumer electronics giant Sony has ever made.
We stole the Rumble. We stole the Analog Stick. We stole all of the third party developers. We kind of stole the sequel to Goldeneye. We wish we had stolen Rare.
>>88の続報 BBC NEWS | Technology | Judge clears Bully game release >"There's a lot of violence," Judge Friedman said. >"A whole lot. Less than we see on television every night."