Dutch (1) adj 1. someone who is Dutch is from the Netherlands 2. relating to the Netherlands, or to the language and culture of Netherlands (2) noun 1. [U] the language that people speak in the Netherlands 2. "the Dutch" [plural] the people of Netherlands
”go Dutch” if people go Dutch, each of them pays for their own meal, drinks, entertainment, etc. when they go somewhere together (つまり、割り勘) ”Dutch`auction” noun [count] a sale in which the price of something gradually goes down until someone agrees to buy it (普通のオークションとは逆をたどって売価をやり取りすること。逆競り。) ”Dutch barn” noun [count] a farm building with a roof but no walls that is used for storing HAY (=dried grass used for feeding animals) (屋根がある干草置き場) ”Dutch cap” noun [count] (British) a diaphragm that a woman uses to prevent her from getting pregnant (女性用の避妊具の一種) ”Dutch courage” noun [uncount] (informal) a feeling of confidence that comes after drinking alcohol(アルコール類を飲んだ後にやってくる酔っ払い感) ”Dutch elm disease” noun [uncount] a serious disease that kills elm trees(にれの木を枯らす重い病気) ”Dutch oven” noun [count] a large metal pan used especially for cooking meat and sauces(特に肉とソースの料理のために使用される大鍋類) ”Dutch uncle” noun [count] (informal) someone who advises or criticizes a younger person in a severe way(若者に厳しく叱咤激励する人)
複合語で使われる場合は大体こんな感じです。以上、出典元:Macmillan English Dictionary。