Kernuak Squyr a ve dysplegys dheworth ober Jenner gans bagas hembrynkyes R Mordon Nans, 'th eja ow tewedha gans an kensa cuntellyans grammar, gerva ha magasyn.
Standard Cornish was developed from Jenner's work by a team under the leadership of Morton Nance, culminating in the first full set of grammars, dictionaries and periodicals.
Pobel Geltek yw an bobel a Gernow . Yn osow hendasek, an wlas Gorlewenna yn Wlas Dumnonii, neb a dregas yn Kernow, Dewnans ha Gwlas an Haf.
Y hyllyr bos del An Gernowyon a wrug trega yn Kernow hedro an dallath gonys tyr adro 3000 K.C.. An dallath gonys tyr yn Kernow a vo dallath an os 'proto Yndo-Europek', dres an tavajow Keltek ha tavajow Ytalek dallath dhe dhysplegya.
The Cornish are a Celtic people, in ancient times the Westernmost kingdom of the Dumnonii, the people who inhabited all of Cornwall, Devon and West Somerset.
17の英訳 The start of farming in Cornwall may also indicate the start of what some scholars now term 'proto Indo-European', from whence the Celtic languages along with the Italic and other related groups of languages began evolving.
Pobel Geltek yw an bobel a Gernow . Yn osow hendasek, an wlas Gorlewenna yn Wlas Dumnonii, neb a dregas yn Kernow, Dewnans ha Gwlas an Haf.
Y hyllyr bos del An Gernowyon a wrug trega yn Kernow hedro an dallath gonys tyr adro 3000 K.C.. An dallath gonys tyr yn Kernow a vo dallath an os 'proto Yndo-Europek', dres an tavajow Keltek ha tavajow Ytalek dallath dhe dhysplegya.