
2名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2001/08/05(日) 06:17
3The Chief Causes of Water Shortages
Every year there are water shortages in various places on earth. The problem is not that there is not enough water. The problem is that the right amount of water is not in the right places at the right times. There are several causes of water shortages. Some desert areas always receive too little rain. Changes in weather conditions mean that some areas have temporary dry seasons.

How the water is used also affects the water supply. In some dry areas, groundwater is used for farming. Most of this water changes into vapor and disappears from the surfaces of plants and the land. Eventually it falls to earth again as rain and snow, but weather patterns make it likely that it will fall in a far distant place.

In this way, water supplies in some areas are gradually drying up. The biggest natural underground water reserve in the United States stretches from Nebraska to Texas. This resource is being used so fast that the water level is falling about a meter each year. At this rate, it will be dry by the year of 2020. The level of the land in San Joaquin Valley, in California, has dropped almost 9 neters in the last 50 years as groundwater has been removed from beneath the surface.

Water shortages also occur in areas where rainfall is ample but where the population is large. The East Coast of the United States is an example.