バカリズム Part27

Anyone else just see that arguably racist #ANA commercial?
Yes, I did. Thoroughly disgusted about it. Glad someone else saw it. I just went to their website and sent a complaint it.

Just got around to watching #ANA Airways ad that has caused much consternation on my twitter timeline http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jgzAOCmWA0 … Pretty terrible

#Gaijin stereotyping - I just saw this #ANA commercial on TV, minus the hug joke but still w/ blond wig & fake nose:

Japanese Airline commercial where man where's foreigner mask is controversial. What do you think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jgzAOCmWA0 … #japan #ana

I am ashamed and shocked about #ANA CM. I will do my choice and stop flying an racist airline!

I don't think it's enough to just protest on Twitter. I would call their PR office and file a complaint.
agree. My excuse is that I am too busy. I will make my choice with the upcoming three business trips in Asia

If you are a foreigner and have planned to come to #Japan do not chose an openly racist airline like #ANA ! Watch their Japanese commercial!

fully agree any kind of racism is wrong, does not matter against which race! That is why I complain now and in the past

I don't support stereotyping of any race

sorry, it is not about me, nor Westerner, it is about stereotyping

depends on the situation. As a global company I expect global sensitivity, not stereotyping

#ANA apologizing to individuals who complained about this CM, but says not pulling the ad deemed racist by some:

#Japanese airline #ANA sorry over commercial but hasn't decided whether to pull the ad:

Clearly @ANA_travel_info is not sorry if they're not pulling the ad. Changing image of Japanese people for the worse. #ANA
agreed, if they are not pulling the ad it means they are not really sorry
337名無しさん:2014/01/25(土) 13:29:38.03
Wow. @ANA_travel_info knocks it out of the park with this one.

It’s ironic that the #ANA ad is about changing Japan, when in fact it’s the epitome of old school Japanese racism. LOL.

#ANA's new ad: clumsy racism, or an innovative work of surrealism on a par with Bunuel, Dada and Warhol?

All Nippon Airways withdraws "big nose" TV commercial after "racism" complaints @thetimes #ANA #Schnozzgate

JapanToday: ANA apologizes over racial stereotyping in new TV commercial #Japan #ANA

Update to our earlier tweet: @dicklp reports #ANA now pulling the TV CM seen as stereotyping Caucasians  #Japan

VIDEO: Are you offended by this TV commercial?   #ANA

ANA apologizes to customers over new commercial
What were they thinking? RT@tokyoreporter: ANA apologizes to customers over new commercial
@sanchanta @tokyoreporter @ANA_flight_info @ANA_travel_info Really? Unbelievable & unacceptable.., needs to be removed immediately..

.@ANA_flight_info Japanese airline sorry over 'racist' commercial. #video #racism

Perhaps there's a reason @ANA_flight_info are retiring these planes as we are now delayed for mechanical.

.@ANA_flight_info a Japanese airline to change ‘racist’ Westerners ad via @TheScotsman

#Japan #ANA pulls "big nose" TV ad after furor. (Not that I'm sensitive about big-nose jokes, mind you.

Thank you #ANA for stopping CM! I will remember you for the 3 upcoming business trips in Asia

Japan's #ANA pulls "big nose" TV ad after online furor

My attempt to analyze the "racist" ANA CM #ANA:
338名無しさん:2014/01/25(土) 13:30:35.72
@ANA_flight_info https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jgzAOCmWA0 … Welcome to japan ! thank you for being racist

@ANA_travel_info @ANA_flight_info hugs, big noses and changing the image of Japan. Someone got paid to make that trash.

@ANA_flight_info I saw the advert too, and it is noft funny either!

Apropos @ANA_travel_info's racist ad, let's revisit this chart, shall we? pic.twitter.com/qBElkTBklU Which city is not like the others?
I think the point is that Tokyo is not as cosmopolitan as most non-Japanese expect.

ANA resort to mindless racism to try and promote their airline. Pricks. @ANA_travel_info @ANA_flight_info

A bizarre new ad for @ANA_travel_info involving a wig and a oversized rubber nose.

"Let's change the image of Japan.... Just kidding, here's a Western stereotype! Hahaha!" http://youtu.be/QQ652zF5jEk Way to go, @ANA_travel_info.

#VIDEO Japanese airline @ANA_travel_info apologises for ‘racist’ pic.twitter.com/2XAwNVVVOR
339名無しさん:2014/01/25(土) 13:33:18.98

@ANA_travel_info か @ANA_flight_info へのメンションや#ANAつけたツイ検索結果(英語のみ)