> カート禿のまお評 > Mao Asada of Japan > With an Olympic medal already in her trophy cabinet, her biggest competition has been the judges. > She has had to re-tool her jumping technique to get rid of edge changes and under-rotations. > This is a hard task but something she has tackled well. > I have not seen or heard much about her triple axel lately. > If that jump were to make a comeback, it sure would help her out. > What she does have is exquisite skating and musical skills. > She's wonderful to watch with or without that pesky triple axel. > > まおはすでに五輪メダリストの偉大な実績があり、彼女の最大のライバルはジャッジたちでした > リスクがあるのにジャンプ修正に彼女はよく取り組んだものです > トリプルアクセルの最近の状態はよく知らないが、 > アクセルが戻ったらそれは確かに彼女を助けるだろう > しかし彼女は精巧なスケーティングスキルと音楽技能を持っており、 > トリプルアクセルがあってもなくても彼女の演技は素晴らしいのである > ttp://www.cbc.ca/sports/figureskating/opinion/2012/12/grand-prix-heading-for-the-showdown-at-the-sochi-corral.html