>>96 いえいえ、謝ってもらうようなことじゃないわ。(No need to apologize.) 一応、日本語は読めるのね?(You can understand Japanese, don't you ?)
>A Chinese competition show off 〜 ゲイやビアンの歌手がたくさん出てきたってことかしら? (Does it mean that some homosexuals are active as a singer now in China ?) 中国も 芸能人にはカムアウトできる環境があるのね。 (China also have a circumstance for singers to be able to come out as a homosexual, don't you.) もしかしたら日本よりも、人口が多くて困ってる中国の方が 同性愛を認めてるのかしら? (Might China be tolarent to homosexuals better than Japan because of the population problem ? ...or not ?)
我能看明白一些日文,但不能看明白所有。 (I can understand some of Japanese, but not all.) 這種日英互訳的方式對我来説真的很好,既能学習日文,又能鞏固英文,謝謝! (The way you did is really good for me, because it could makes me learn more Japanese. Thank you!)
我的意思是:中国的一些歌手看上去很像Gay或者Les,但具体是不是,我不敢肯定。 (I meant that some of Chinese singers are very like Gays or Lesbians, but I'm not sure whether they are or not.) 中国和日本一樣,是一个保守的国家,所以大多数同性恋者仍是秘密活動的。 (The same as Japan, China is also a conservative country, so most of the homosexuals still live in secret.) 即使是同性恋歌手,也不大可能会暴露自己是同性恋者。 (Even if a homosexual is a singer, he/she may not reveal his/her identity.) 不過,中国的電視上最近播放過一些同性恋艾滋病患者。 (However, some homosexuals who are AIDS patients began to appear on TV recently in China.) 李銀河博士也在為實現中国的同性恋者的權益而独自努力着。 (Doctor Li Yinhe is doing lots of things for our Chinese homosexuals.)
>>100 誕生日おめでとう!!(Happy birthday !!) いい一年になるといいわね。 (I wish you'll have a good year.)
>>98 そういうことなのね。中国も日本とそれ程変わらない状況なのね。 (Oh, I see. There's not so much difference between China and Japan, I think.) 同性婚はまだ難しいでしょうね。 (It's still so hard for homosexuals to marry in both our countries.)
>>エイメイ この掲示板のことを書くわね。(I'll write about this BBS.) @特定の2人が長期間会話するのを嫌う。(Hate the long time(term) conversation between 2 people.) Aタイトルから外れた書き込みを嫌う。(Hate the writings which hardly have something with the title.) Bタイトルに合った話題でも興味がなければ反応しない。(Don't respond the uninteresting writings even if the topic is proper on this board.)
だからあんまり2人だけで会話はできないの。 (So I can't keep the conversation between us because of the reason @.) どうしても分からない書き込みがあったら「通訳して」って 書いてくれたら時間のあるときに英語訳くらいはするわ。 (If you really don't understand some other's writings, you write "Translate number**" and I'll translate it into English when I'm free.)
あと、この掲示板で使われてる日本語はオカマ言葉だから気をつけてね。 (And...Japanese sentences here belong to 'the way homosexuals do'. Be careful.)