A friend of my friends fansite Janet-Online had the opportunity to hear 6 new songs from the upcoming "20 Years Old" album at the press conference in Berlin this last Wednesday. Here is her review about the new songs:
1."So Excited" Great club song featuring female rapper Khia! Amazing track that makes you wanna get up and dance right away. I loved it! 2."Do It To Me" had a similar style to "We need a resolution" by Aaliyah -- the beats and the music. Also a great song to dance to. 3."Show Me" is another club song that also featured a female rapper singing "How bad do you want it ?, how bad do you need it?" We were thinking it might have been Da Brat but were not 100% sure. 4."With You" was a slow jam but still a bit up tempo. Was a bit of a dreamy track. 5."Get It Out of Me" was yet another track to dance to. It had an oriental sound to it. Very awesome! 6."Enjoy" was a typical and timeless Janet song.In the beginning she inserted "her laugh" as she has done on a lot of her past tracks. It was also a song that was a bit slower and dreamy.
I love what JD has added to her songs to make them sound like something she has never done before. From what I heard, I think this album will be very succesful because it will attrack the attention of a new audience aside from the already existing fans. Because she has some great club songs on there I can only IMAGINE how she will portrait them LIVE! It will be fantastic! Janet is back!!!! [Special thanx
ジャネットにとっては今回の作品は大きな岐路にたたされていると思う。とにかく内容が気になるわね。リードシングルがそこまで良くなかっただけに心配。 The Velvet Ropeは内容は神よ。ジャケットもそこまで嫌いではないわ。あのとき、今はなき新宿のメガストアにインストアイベントに来たわね。握手してもらったけどきれいで可愛かったわ。 ここで落ちぶれてほしくないわ。
女ラッパーとの絡みはSon Of A Gunのリミックスでミッシーとやってるわ。 Go DeepのTimbalnd Remixがあるみたいだけど聞いてみたいわ。 やっぱりジャネの声は良いわよ。サラ〜っとアルバム通しで聞けちゃうわ。 だからCall On Meもジャネの声に合ってない事はないし、心地良いわ。ただネリー全く不要ね。 それに比べてGot Til It's GoneのQ Tipは抜群だったわ。
At CD WOW! Janets album is posted with the following tracklisting [*note that we are not sure yet if this is the official tracklisting, but i could very well be]:
- Call on Me (With Nelly) - This Body of Mine - Stuck Inside the Groove - So Excited - With U - Enjoy - Clap Your Hands - Love 2 Love - Daybreak - Take Care - Do It to Me - Get It Out Me - Show Me
アルバムのJanetからのはずよ。 でもVelvet RopeとAll For YouではJacksonはついてたと思うわ。 あと今アメリカで200〜300万は相当な売れ行きよ。 メアリーJのBrebthroughで250万枚ぐらいだったもの。 あれ結構なロングヒットだったわ。 All For YouやDamita Joはチャート入って1ヶ月以内に10位以内から落ちてたと思うのよ。 だからかなり力の入ったアルバムじゃないと難しいわね。