English thread for gay!

English only!
2陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 04:30:07 ID:hK4M8+V6
3陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 04:31:21 ID:4itOkJwu
4瀬戸内着床:05/01/29 04:32:14 ID:w/y/XFcc
5乳輪の翼:05/01/29 04:34:32 ID:nSEd4ltv
6陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 04:35:04 ID:hK4M8+V6
oh!!what's a shit sread!!
7陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 04:38:13 ID:hK4M8+V6
why do you stand this sread this deep night?
8PILEUP ◆.6mZu5K6R2 :05/01/29 04:43:39 ID:xItc0cGF
This rule is too rigorous for me :-(
9乳輪の翼:05/01/29 04:49:10 ID:cWjJHt8s
Let me watch your penis.
10bro's:05/01/29 04:52:14 ID:V+HGJhK2
What does thread mean?
Explain it in English.OK?
11大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/01/29 09:33:40 ID:UDrEPp4Z
12陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 12:00:47 ID:w+dKrrx+
13陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 12:29:50 ID:AvTKP2Dc
This is a pen.
14陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 12:35:57 ID:hqxObGD+

○ thread
× sread
15陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 12:50:54 ID:w+dKrrx+
16Mme.Yang ◆iq0/pGgn6k :05/01/29 13:09:59 ID:ankwu93t
piece of piss
17陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 13:17:52 ID:+9jQmKWu
not have but let?
I laugh.
18陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 13:27:52 ID:AvTKP2Dc
I am Takeo.
19陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 13:32:55 ID:AvTKP2Dc
Do you like basketball?
20陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 13:35:53 ID:cpHgXpBm
No. I prefer sucking.
21陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 13:37:52 ID:JdNw813a
「life is good my friend」って
語順はこれでいいの? 「my good friend」じゃなくて。

22陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 13:40:08 ID:AvTKP2Dc
What is this ?
23陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 13:47:26 ID:tb3PnaQS
no, i can't play basketball very well....
but player is favorite food.
underarm hair which is visible when a player shoots is the highest.
24陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 13:48:27 ID:apkXbInB
I am a book.
25Mme.Yang ◆iq0/pGgn6k :05/01/29 14:01:23 ID:ankwu93t
Silent night,

Horny night...
26陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 14:11:17 ID:+9jQmKWu
I've taken horny for holy!wwwwww
27陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 14:16:57 ID:AvTKP2Dc
I am pretty.
28陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 14:35:38 ID:apkXbInB
I have never seen such a pretty dick you are.
29陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 16:02:47 ID:+AIuL6t/
A molester is here.
30陽気な名無しさん:05/01/29 16:12:48 ID:+AIuL6t/
I have a good looking hole.
31PILEUP ◆.6mZu5K6R2 :05/01/29 16:14:57 ID:wczohT6O
I think its sentence leaves comma out,
that is to say "life is good, my friend".
32大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/01/29 21:38:34 ID:SvcQY+cU
問題の個所はfor gayよ。forは前置詞なんで、その後は名詞句が来ます。よって正解は
for gaysね。もっともビアンも含めたほうがいいので、for gays and lesbiansのほうが

若い人たちだったらfor queersとやっても抵抗がないかもしれません。
33陽気な名無しさん:05/01/30 13:16:13 ID:KOI8TtmQ
34陽気な名無しさん:05/01/31 05:04:11 ID:6M7gUbhk
35陽気な名無しさん:05/01/31 05:09:50 ID:nKkoo1rm
doesn't matter as long as you understand, you know,
you don't need to be that perfect, ya ?
36陽気な名無しさん:05/01/31 07:51:43 ID:29WQZXyo
for beautiful human life.
37陽気な名無しさん:05/01/31 08:09:09 ID:IdOyn7Tv
38陽気な名無しさん:05/01/31 16:01:38 ID:GHUupI7G
Do your best ! by 山本陽子
39No name:05/01/31 23:18:01 ID:qaZKqttI
Your handle is Japanese!
You must not use full calacter.
40(^..^):05/01/31 23:37:21 ID:KA5YRIkJ

41陽気な名無しさん:05/01/31 23:42:13 ID:8xMo+sTZ
Do you wanna die young?
42PILEUP ◆.6mZu5K6R2 :05/02/01 01:39:42 ID:c55sbOpW
No kidding! :-P
43陽気な名無しさん:05/02/01 01:43:27 ID:l0ZJGCU2
44陽気な名無しさん:05/02/01 02:24:23 ID:4xA4CdVW
45Cheerful nameless Mr.:05/02/01 02:46:27 ID:tV7M+NxL
46ヽ(`皿´)ノ ムッキー・タイラー ◆8tD4.X.7jM :05/02/01 02:51:09 ID:GrD0jZpH
Are you Natsumi?
47陽気な名無しさん:05/02/01 13:51:26 ID:yA+BOyVU
48Mme.Yang ◆iq0/pGgn6k :05/02/02 23:12:50 ID:d9xogwzI


Internationally :-C
49陽気な名無しさん:05/02/08 15:02:15 ID:JpujM48H
50陽気な名無しさん:05/02/08 16:02:08 ID:y+s7KmW2
what the hell are you looking at!
This is it!
It's over!
You're getting on my nerves...ummm...NO,
You're such an ass.
51陽気な名無しさん:05/02/08 16:05:57 ID:LiRtGJqY
I can't find my hat, darn it.
Oh, excuse the expression.
52陽気な名無しさん:05/02/08 16:08:02 ID:y+s7KmW2
What the fuck is "durn it"??????
53陽気な名無しさん:05/02/12 01:10:18 ID:5ElnKMVo
Oui, je habit á Tokyo.
54大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/12 01:14:23 ID:DBPr99u3
J'habite a` Tokyo.
55陽気な名無しさん:05/02/12 01:20:05 ID:EOUjJO+e
I wanna sex!
56大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/12 01:28:43 ID:DBPr99u3
That's not good English, I'm afraid. Since "wanna" is a contraction of "want" and "to," it
has to be followed by a bare infinitive. Say "I wanna have sex" or "I wanna f*ck" instead.
57PILEUP ◆.6mZu5K6R2 :05/02/12 02:06:22 ID:dlbsUfrK
Ich schickte ihm eine E-Mail, aber ich bekomme keine Antwort.
Was soll ich bloß machen!?

You're an intelligent person. I have admiration for you.
58大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/12 12:20:04 ID:VMcIBC1e
Ich hoffe, dass Sie eine Antwort von ihm bald empfangen. U¨brigens, wer ist
er? (I apologize for my lousy German. Thanks also for your kind words.)
59PILEUP ◆.6mZu5K6R2 :05/02/12 15:24:56 ID:dlbsUfrK
Er ist mein spezieller Freund (oder Lieber),
aber ich bin nur ein Briefpartner für ihn...

I owe you a lot. I'll wait his response for a while.
"A watched pot never boils"
60陽気な名無しさん:05/02/12 20:43:37 ID:y5i2H3cC
61陽気な名無しさん:05/02/12 21:02:12 ID:NOlgaQv/
62官僚™ ◆X1nINI.I7A :05/02/12 22:17:04 ID:IOj5qFel
You have a good command of some foreign languages.
63大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/12 22:52:03 ID:C+LpNCYO
Good luck!
64陽気な名無しさん:05/02/12 23:59:31 ID:c5eUHbLi
I thought this thread was for English only...??
65陽気な名無しさん:05/02/13 00:06:54 ID:NYlT8chd
Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?
66陽気な名無しさん:05/02/13 00:08:42 ID:LI79owYu
Non, merci. Ce soir je suis un peu fatigue.
67陽気な名無しさん:05/02/13 00:12:08 ID:wK3bEc/e
68官僚™ ◆X1nINI.I7A :05/02/13 00:13:27 ID:fJ4vDUWm
Je pense, donc je suis.
69陽気な名無しさん:05/02/13 00:13:55 ID:xpEkh4MV
I think your English is wrong grammatically.

It's German or French?
70陽気な名無しさん:05/02/13 00:16:44 ID:xpEkh4MV
Oh! I know! I know!
Fatigue means toil ,doesn't it?
7164&66:05/02/13 00:31:56 ID:LI79owYu
I've always liked that song "Lady Marmalade", too.

Ah, you know Descartes? Actually, he wrote "Cogito ergo sum", I think.

My French is wrong grammatically if you read it as English. :)
And it's probably wrong as French, too!
But my English is almost native.

Fatigue in French means "tired".
72陽気な名無しさん:05/02/13 00:37:47 ID:QWu1GRcN
Fuck my ass!
73大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/13 01:03:21 ID:f7BK5pnS
Although the Cartesian dictum seems to be far better known in its Latin translation,
Descartes wrote his famous "Discourse on Method" ("Discours de la me´thode") in
French. Therefore, Descartes wrote "Je pense, donc je suis" first.
7464&66:05/02/13 01:14:45 ID:LI79owYu
Ah, you're right, of course. My bad!
75じょそ:05/02/13 01:48:31 ID:zNVxe37Z
    [゜w ゜]
   ∪|_|⊃g  blackbird singing in the dead of night 〜♪
76陽気な名無しさん:05/02/13 01:59:17 ID:NYlT8chd
77陽気な名無しさん:05/02/13 02:17:25 ID:WvgfesjL
78陽気な名無しさん:05/02/13 02:46:02 ID:HgDRS42x
79大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/13 13:16:56 ID:OKbB61rS
Yakimanko? Roasted cunt?? Yuck!!! No matter what state it may be in, I don't think
I can take it....
80大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/13 13:27:30 ID:OKbB61rS
Actually, I know quite a few Japanese gay men who speak English fairly well. They just
don't spend much time on "Channel 2."
81陽気な名無しさん:05/02/13 14:23:26 ID:LqYu/jHE
I've been spending more than 5 hours here today... that's why my english is still poor.
I have a serious dependence on 2ch. ;-(
82ミルコ@7回裏でつかまえて:05/02/13 14:33:22 ID:fJn13lKO
大年増さんが最近勧めていたClaritin Reditabsを
Rite Aidで買ったんですが、効き目がよくわかんないでつ(涙
83大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/13 14:38:59 ID:OKbB61rS
実は私もClaritin Reditabsを処方されて飲んでるんですが、Claritinって私も効きませんわ。
hydrochloride 25mgで、これはRite AidとかSav-Onだと自社ブランドで安く手に入ると
思います。(Benadryl社の出している薬のいわゆる generic薬品です。)
84大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/13 14:55:50 ID:Zbs/8ETi
85ジェノバ ◆cTESP/7prg :05/02/13 15:02:44 ID:XPEn5L4p
Sir Oodoshima

Credimi almen
Il tuo fedel sospira ognor
86大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/13 15:12:31 ID:Zbs/8ETi
87大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/13 15:19:45 ID:Zbs/8ETi
Credo che siate un fungo molto buon.(所詮私のイタリア語なんてこの程度のもんよ。)
88ジェノバ ◆cTESP/7prg :05/02/13 15:21:33 ID:XPEn5L4p

Caro mio benですね。

89大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/13 16:47:00 ID:emmkLj3/
Thanks, Genova, but I am already married! :-)
90陽気な名無しさん:05/02/13 23:49:00 ID:WvgfesjL
91陽気な名無しさん:05/02/13 23:49:58 ID:m4UidVGN
92うさぎ【・x・】 ◆Usa./AsupI :05/02/14 01:50:00 ID:VNMT0uus
To Mrs,Odoshima,and everyone who is here. Nice meeting you.
Could you possibly help my trouble or give me advice?

Once I was learning English Conversation, in not a major school
but a small circle,from a bilingual speaker.
The girl I learned to know in those days went to internatoinal school.
"Food fair", which means"School festival",is held in YIS every year.
I've taken part in it with her several times. There were a variety of races.
It was useless even if I tried communication with them somehow.

Communication seems to be impossible although I can do conversation.
And...I seem to be timid. I will become tense or nervous beyond necessity,
if they acts before my eyes as a native speaker. I think......
Is there the good method of conquering it? ...or nothing?

Thank you for reading my English at which is by no means good.
93うさぎ【・x・】 ◆Usa./AsupI :05/02/14 04:54:15 ID:Jr1/K8k0
× if they acts before my eyes as 〜.
○ if they act before
Others.. a lot....sorry for some mistakes.
94大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/14 17:46:05 ID:aGSmGNaC
Dear Usagi-san,

Do you get nervous only when you were with students at the international school?
Perhaps all you have to do is to learn how to "chill" (relax) a bit.
It's only natural for anyone to feel a bit tense and stressed around people who they
are interested in and want to be friends with. Just remember that it's quite all right
to make mistakes when you speak English. Nobody's perfect (with the possible
exception of yours truly, of course). I bet they can't speak Japanese as well as
you speak English. Good luck!
95大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/14 19:43:02 ID:aGSmGNaC
O la la. I made a typo. For "were" in the first line in >>94. read "are."
96うさぎ【・x・】 ◆Usa./AsupI :05/02/14 23:58:12 ID:/wOw27t0
Wow〜the answer early from you! Thank you, Mrs.Odoshima.

Since she is a bilingual, I could talk with the friends ordinarily.
It was at the time that I felt nervous enclosed by parties concerned
at the school and their family. Anyway, it may be the characteristic
inferiority complex which Japanese people have.
As shown in your point,don't fear any mistake,it is !
I hold out and do my best.

Thank you very much. Please guide from now on.
97大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/15 00:05:15 ID:dZ+AWWEY
Dear Usagi-san,

I hope you will get used to talking with students at the international students. It's
really no big deal once you realize that they are not that different from you.

BTW, both my husband and I are ♂, so I am not really a "missus." :-)
98うさぎ【・x・】 ◆Usa./AsupI :05/02/15 00:21:54 ID:cbTiIvp8
Oh-,I'm sorry I was wrong..m(_ _)m
It is noted that I won't do the same wrong.. (´・x・`)
99陽気な名無しさん:05/02/15 06:06:30 ID:4kMn/O2r
100陽気な名無しさん:05/02/15 11:06:01 ID:VpbNJ6jQ
101うさぎ【・x・】 ◆Usa./AsupI :05/02/15 18:23:44 ID:/Hdkn6sQ
I anticipated such an opinion as >>99.
It is reasonable that you feel it odd.

But I seldom use "a translation site".
I always change Japanese sentence into English one in my brain.
In short,my conception is very Japanese.
and I recognize it 's not good to do so, especially,
for the person who wants to acquire a living or practical English.

By the way, how come you use Japanese?
102大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/15 22:23:00 ID:C6DJDQSv

Thinking in English is not as difficult as you may think. I strongly recommend that
you do that when you speak/write English. You don't have to use "big" words to
speak English naturally.
103うさぎ【・x・】 ◆Usa./AsupI :05/02/15 23:18:14 ID:l6hiiciH
Thank you,Odoshima-san.
It's just so.
I rely on the grammar too much....
Therefore, I don't progress...orz
104陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 00:13:07 ID:dQL5tWfQ
What the fuck are you talking about? Big words ARE necessary to impress
your boss, make you look smart, and get the words delivered to
higher, bigger persons. It's a natural process that people wish to achieve
higher status by using big words deliberately. If you intend to climb up the
economic ladder, use as much big words as possible in your fucking writing and
conversation. Your words represent your personality, educational levels, and
socioeconomic status. They are not just words but words to take you further up.
Take my word for it.
105陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 00:17:47 ID:dQL5tWfQ
And one more thing. I hate people using lower cases and abbreviations only
used in chat rooms. It makes people think you've learned your English through
chatting with some psychos. Always capitalize the first letter of sentence!
106陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 00:21:29 ID:dQL5tWfQ

hi how u doing? i am sorry my english is so poor. i hope u understand my english.....


Hi, how are you today? I am fine, thank you. And you? My English is better
than your Japanese, fucking illeterate!
107大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 00:45:58 ID:Y7/Q9tMl
Are we having our first flamewar on this thread? Lovely, isn't it?

You are taking my words out of context. I was giving a piece of advice to a student
learner of English, whose objective at the moment was not to climb up the socioeconomic
ladder, but to be able to speak English with people in his age group. He would look
uncool and geeky if he suddenly started to use "big" words in such a context.
108ME:05/02/16 00:52:47 ID:dhqm2cHb
I wonder how many J boys could be able to read and wright.
109大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 01:20:26 ID:Y7/Q9tMl
Oh, by the way, I AM smart, so I don't have to rely on big words to look smart. I ooze
intelligence out of every single pore of mine.
110陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 01:33:58 ID:Fjvt80zn
Oh!!doshima isn`t needed by anyone. 
Anyone isn`t interested in your sentence.
So, get away!!  
111大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 01:37:39 ID:Y7/Q9tMl
"Anyone isn't interested...." should be "No one is intereted..." because the negative "not"
cannot take a wide scoe over "any" in the subject position.

I guess this proves that I am indeed needed. Otherwise, you would not have realized
that your English isn't nearly as good as you believe. So there!
112大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 01:38:22 ID:Y7/Q9tMl
113大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 01:42:14 ID:Y7/Q9tMl
それからGet away""っていうのも実はこの文脈では変な英語だわ。正しくはGo away!ね。
114大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 01:50:36 ID:Y7/Q9tMl
Fuck off!
115陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 01:52:08 ID:Fjvt80zn

You are very funny. It is very surprised that you check the English grammar.
Here is 2ch. Think it more roughly!!  
116陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 01:53:19 ID:I0nttFq0


117陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 01:54:32 ID:I0nttFq0
It is surprisedってwww
118陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 01:55:11 ID:Fjvt80zn

Write the sentence in English!!
Read the title of this thread 100 times!!
119大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 01:57:20 ID:Y7/Q9tMl
It is surprised...とか、Here is 2chとか全然英語になってないわよ。
120陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 01:59:39 ID:ICCaJTiJ
It is difficult for me to write in English...
121陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 02:01:01 ID:Fjvt80zn
Oh!! It`s an axiom!!
122大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 02:01:26 ID:Y7/Q9tMl
the sentenceって単数形定冠詞付きのsentenceって何をさすのかしら。www
123陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 02:03:48 ID:Fjvt80zn
You are foolish!!
Think it by yourself!!
124うさぎ【・x・】 ◆Usa./AsupI :05/02/16 02:06:32 ID:YmLa6386

Please come to the mush thead when you have time.
125大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 02:07:07 ID:Y7/Q9tMl

修辞疑問(rhetorical question)が判らないお馬鹿さんみたいね。 正しくはWrite your
sentences in English.なのにthe sentenceなんて出鱈目書いてるから指摘してあげたのよ。
126陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 02:10:32 ID:ICCaJTiJ
I think so,too.
I wanna know what was his intention in wrighting that.
127陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 02:14:06 ID:Fjvt80zn
It is that your English is not sophisticated very much.
It is imaginable very easily.
128陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 02:18:58 ID:tlJr0GGD
129陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 02:21:55 ID:Fjvt80zn
Thank you!!
By the way, can you write English?w 
130陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 02:21:56 ID:ICCaJTiJ
Sorry,but I cannot believe in you...
131陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 02:29:14 ID:Fjvt80zn
Me, either!!
132陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 02:36:56 ID:Fjvt80zn
133陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 02:38:32 ID:ICCaJTiJ
Because your remarks really hurt.
134陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 03:16:29 ID:wr5aVFgW
Okay guys let's face it. Your English is not great, even not as half
good as mine, because you don't think in English. Thinking in English
is a synonymous of being agressive, but less emotional, in my opinion.
Know the difference? Calling someone a jerk is emotional but convincing
others the someone a jerk is not. Smart people like me will never
blame people but make others blame the people. To speak English, you
have to first understand the societies where English is spoken.

P.S. Fuck you.
135陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 03:20:02 ID:TYd2ba3J
136陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 03:32:44 ID:3KYdnASd
137陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 03:35:39 ID:TYd2ba3J
Oops! only speak in English.
138陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 06:28:27 ID:wr5aVFgW
Cut the craps and face the reality. You, at some point in your life,
started to learn English hard to make you look smart. You know, the
biggest reward you'll get by speaking English fluently is winning respect from
others. Some people will look you up as if you're a god once you start
speaking English. Respect, that's what you get. I'm not concerned about
money because money often follows respect. Then some will go, "Hey,
there are a lot of Japanese who speak English very well these days.
You must have something on top of that." Not true. There aren't many
Japanese who speak English fluently. You just can't tell when you
don't speak well. To me, Tetsuya Tsukushi speaks very poorly. I don"t
even know why he doesn't use an interpreter. His English is that bad.
139ME:05/02/16 08:33:59 ID:dhqm2cHb
So,what's new?
140陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 11:02:35 ID:C3obKe1C
blow job
141陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 15:37:44 ID:I0nttFq0
142陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 15:38:48 ID:YiErjq4+
a MUJINA lives here.
143陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 15:39:44 ID:Fjvt80zn
144陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 15:41:37 ID:I0nttFq0
あらあら、it is surprisedの低学歴登場!w
145陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 15:42:21 ID:Fjvt80zn
146PILEUP ◆.6mZu5K6R2 :05/02/16 16:24:14 ID:T55wUI/0
This thread is getting to be degenerate.
Why don't we speak gently?
147大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 19:41:35 ID:MJyVZOnY
Hear! Hear!
148陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 19:50:46 ID:Fjvt80zn
149陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 19:59:38 ID:tlJr0GGD
150大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 20:46:00 ID:PllNzl92
Let's not beat a dead horse and let's just move on.
151ME:05/02/16 20:55:00 ID:dhqm2cHb
Let's talk about gaylife in Japan '05 from now.
In case of ME, I got a very young guy lastnight on website.
We will meet and get fuck.
I am so happy now.
So,how about you?
152陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 21:07:18 ID:Fjvt80zn
153大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 21:35:51 ID:PllNzl92
Why restrict our topics to gay life *in Japan*? :-) I have been happily married for more
than a decade now. Since my partner lives on the other side of the Pacific, we get to
be together for only two to three months a year, which is admittedly a drag.
154エスクラルモンド ◆VX.HrThais :05/02/16 21:36:19 ID:Sg6//YVK
Thank you for your invitation to the thread, dearest my little sis.
I haven't reckoned that the one whom you have let me know are 'not sophisyicated ape'.
I am sorry, in fact, I am unable to assist you in the matter. Unfortunately, as you know, I am the person who hate DQNs.
155エスクラルモンド ◆VX.HrThais :05/02/16 21:39:40 ID:Sg6//YVK
typo sophisyicated=sophisticated
156大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 21:40:41 ID:PllNzl92
Soyez la bienvenue, ma grande soeur!
I hope you will write only in British English! ;-)
157陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 22:01:46 ID:OH7VqOYc
Gay marriage became legal in my city last year!
It's the first state in the United States.
158陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 22:04:44 ID:Fjvt80zn
Your behavior is very shameful in the U.S.
Let`s change your thought.

159陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 22:08:26 ID:NagOLYU3
Mind your own business!
160大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 22:10:19 ID:PllNzl92
Obviously you have a pretty good command of English.

>Thinking in English
is a synonymous of being agressive, but less emotional, in my opinion.

I kind of unerstand what yo are driving at, but I beg to disagree. Thinking in English
does not make you any more aggressive. Perhaps you subsconsciously ACT like a more
assertive (read: pushy) American when you speak in English TO English speakers.
Anyways, "is a synonymous of" needs to be rephrased.

>>Know the difference? Calling someone a jerk is emotional but convincing
others the someone a jerk is not.

You mean, convincing others that someone is a jerk is not. :-) :-) (I know, I know. I am
being a smeghead, aren't I? My bad.)
161大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 22:12:50 ID:PllNzl92
Oops. Here I go again. I don't speak hip hop. Yo was obviously a typo for you....
162陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 22:18:53 ID:+rchx/dJ
naniga nanndaka wakarann? (訳:ナニガ ナンダカ ワカラン?)
163陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 22:25:39 ID:R5OLjRdr
I feel there are no wastefull res(ponds)...
You enjoy talking seriously, I think.
164大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 22:25:55 ID:PllNzl92
Which is the mush[room] thread? I thought it was the "Those bastards doubled the price"
thread. Am I wrong?
165陽気な名無しさん:05/02/16 22:36:33 ID:Sg6//YVK
>>Please come to the mush thead when you have time.
I am not sure, but I think 'thread if you have spare time' sounds better.
Oh dear dear, my sis would complaint about that
166エスクラルモンド ◆VX.HrThais :05/02/16 22:37:24 ID:Sg6//YVK
167うさぎ【・x・】 ◆Usa./AsupI :05/02/16 22:55:45 ID:/moPrdOh
You're right. I wrote the message to you last night.
168大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/16 23:08:19 ID:PllNzl92
So many messages are posted on the mushroom thread so fast that it is rather
difficult to keep track of what's going on there. It's a fun thread, to be sure.
Even Ooya behaves himself to some degree there, doesn't he?
169陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 00:27:21 ID:oWI+mPz8
170陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 01:29:24 ID:5QdLe+Zd
Καλη νυχτα!
171陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 05:34:00 ID:EFy7Z5IZ
I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean at all.
Why do I have to change my thought?
What's the problem?
I just wrote the truth of the U.S to compare with Japan.
172陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 13:09:55 ID:CAPswE6Y
Καλημερα! Πωs εισαι;
173陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 15:22:38 ID:oWI+mPz8
174陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 16:00:08 ID:TgR0xYfp
I just wondered where you live,I mean, where you are based.
Your name is familiar to me here, but I don't know really about you.
You wrote , "Since my partner lives on the other side of the Pacific, we get to
be together for only two to three months a year, which is admittedly a drag.
I thought you are living in Los Angeles, and live with your boyfirend.
so you are based in Japan, and visiting LA for a few times in a year?
I am sorry asking too personally stuff, just wondered it is possible to have a relationship such as 遠距離。
175陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 16:03:06 ID:L3O5C9LL
sorry asking too personally stuff
176陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 16:49:59 ID:CIJm09Sj

177大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/17 20:14:42 ID:cj2YCSrq
I used to live in L.A. but I have a full-time job in Tokyo now. Because of the nature of the
job that I have, I get two to three months off each year, and that's when I get to be with
my husband.
178大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/17 20:35:03 ID:cj2YCSrq
As for the long-distance relationship, I don't deny that it's hard, but as the saying goes,
omnia vincit amor. :-)
179陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 20:52:01 ID:74kGJdlm
You don`t understand your present situation.
Your long-distance relationship has already been destructive.
Let`s analyze yourself a little more.  
180大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/17 20:56:35 ID:cj2YCSrq
181陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 21:11:29 ID:oWI+mPz8
182陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 21:13:34 ID:74kGJdlm

183157,171:05/02/17 21:16:29 ID:EFy7Z5IZ
I think 178=158 and this person's not answered my question. :-(
184大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/17 21:18:33 ID:cj2YCSrq
Fjvt80zn=74kGJdlm is too pathetic to bother. Just ignore him.
185陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 21:19:16 ID:74kGJdlm
It is wrong.
You absolutely misunderstand it.
You make an elementary mistake.(w  
186大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/17 21:32:50 ID:cj2YCSrq
It is wrong.
相手の言うことが違う場合はitを主語に出来ません。正しくはYou are wrong.です。(もっとも
You make an elementary mistake.
いけません。You've made an elementary mistake.が正しい英語。(もっとも183さんは
187大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/17 21:37:04 ID:cj2YCSrq
188陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 21:37:12 ID:74kGJdlm

189大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/17 21:38:14 ID:cj2YCSrq
190陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 22:23:55 ID:r6Pgy0xK
Your English is redundant, making readers bored as you repeat the same words
& ideas in your writing.
191エスクラルモンド ◆VX.HrThais :05/02/17 22:28:57 ID:p4YGm6cS
dearest my sis, Ignore the DQNs!
you are not the person who have to be involved in the DQNs matter.
Sorry i am drunk.
192大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/17 22:30:55 ID:cj2YCSrq
You are abso-f'uckin-lutely right. I shouldn't have wasted time.
193エスクラルモンド ◆VX.HrThais :05/02/17 22:41:02 ID:p4YGm6cS
My sis,
Do not use four letters word in front of me.
I am a gentleman ( I wish), and i could not stand for that sort fo words.
Understand? you bastard! SOB!
(just joking LOL)
I wish it sounds British.
194Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/17 22:45:38 ID:cj2YCSrq
How about "abso-bloody-lutely"? BTW, this process is known as "fuckin insertion"
and "bloody insertion" in theoretical linguistics, and has been given several
morphological analyses.
195エスクラルモンド ◆VX.HrThais :05/02/17 22:46:18 ID:p4YGm6cS
<I wish it sounds British.>
I wish it would be sound british
196Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/17 22:49:21 ID:cj2YCSrq
だからI wish it sounded British.が文法的だけど、これは自分でBritishに聞こえないって
いうことを認めた発言ね。そうじゃなかったら、I hope it sounds British.と仮定法を
197陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 22:52:58 ID:okFAS/iT
I wish I were genius.
198エスクラルモンド ◆VX.HrThais :05/02/17 23:03:05 ID:p4YGm6cS
I wish I'd been a girly just like my dear papa
199官僚™ ◆X1nINI.I7A :05/02/17 23:06:47 ID:xmCIvTa1
>>170 >>172
It's Greek to me.
200中森明代 ◆yN9gp8eBYM :05/02/17 23:07:05 ID:oO9auacO
201大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/17 23:11:01 ID:cj2YCSrq
I studied Attic Greek many years ago, and I don't really know Modern Greek, but I think
170 and 172 mean "Good night!" and "Good morning! How are you?" respectively.
(>>170, 172. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
202陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 23:38:14 ID:74kGJdlm
Oodoshima is a typical DQN because he can`t ignore the others` malignant remarks.(w
So, he is an imaginary elite. Many people is subject to be deceived by Oodoshima.  

203陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 23:42:04 ID:oWI+mPz8
Many people is
204陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 23:43:09 ID:74kGJdlm
205陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 23:44:59 ID:SQDcD+jl
206陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 23:46:05 ID:oWI+mPz8
207陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 23:55:02 ID:ULxbkmlP
208陽気な名無しさん:05/02/17 23:57:18 ID:SQDcD+jl
pillory ID:74kGJdlm
209陽気な名無しさん:05/02/18 12:15:06 ID:peQFVnNU
210陽気な名無しさん:05/02/18 16:14:25 ID:hqfAMVqH
You've got to be JOKING!
211青筋にんぢん:05/02/18 21:49:13 ID:xUZ/4uXv
Genova tell picup me
im vistor from outer space
so good to me u thk u
212陽気な名無しさん:05/02/19 00:18:45 ID:1sl4vdY5
I'm sleepy.
213Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/19 12:03:36 ID:nXmoX4SH
>>Usagi-san and/or Mr. Mushroom himself,

Which is the new mushroom thread? Perhaps Genova hasn't created one yet, as I cannot
find it anywhere.
214うさぎ【・x・】 ◆Usa./AsupI :05/02/19 15:21:47 ID:N3s74Mra
>>213 I confirmed you had already come.
215青筋にんぢん:05/02/19 20:27:54 ID:VE+Ge3t0
216Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/19 21:45:00 ID:gWBGUFAa
Thanks, guys! What a strange name for a thread!
217陽気な名無しさん:05/02/19 21:47:46 ID:lQAE4S58
You are crazy and strange. It`s true forever!!
218Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/19 21:53:26 ID:gWBGUFAa
618 :陽気な名無しさん :05/02/19 20:26:44 ID:lQAE4S58

Ah, you are back again! Welcome! Try to remember that graves accents should not be
used in place of apostrophes.
219Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/19 21:55:21 ID:gWBGUFAa
Oops. Grave accents, in English, unlike French accents graves.
220青筋にんぢん:05/02/19 22:10:05 ID:VE+Ge3t0
mmmh...grave? whats mean?
i think thats accent is ` or.. somethin? wrong?
221Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/19 22:20:00 ID:gWBGUFAa
There are three types of accents used in European languages. One is called the acute
accent. It is used in words like "risque´" (risque´). (I am not sure if accented vowels
show up correctly here. The second type is called the circumflex accent. You don't see
it much used in English, but languages like French use it. The third type, called the
grave accent, is the accent that Fjvt80zn=74kGJdlm=lQAE4S58 uses instead of the
correct apostrophe.
222青筋にんぢん:05/02/19 22:52:03 ID:VE+Ge3t0
hummm.. i got accents hav 3types,acute(-> "), cir--x(-> unknown) and grave(-> `)
okei, i hope to hav lectures next time. thks!
223Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/19 23:09:25 ID:gWBGUFAa
" " are known as double quotes, and ' ' are known as single quotes.
224青筋にんぢん:05/02/20 00:11:32 ID:XR0ZejmW
oops just take a bath

mmm...i wonder ill of w qoute, ...confused it
by the way, why u r good english-user?
will u r english-teacher or person goes-aboard many time, or somethin?
225エスクラルモンド ◆VX.HrThais :05/02/20 01:00:52 ID:38O5ctvd
Could I use letters with accent in the thread, couldn't I ?
I think I would check it.

He is na?ve.
'M Sat?, parles vous Fran?aise ?' 'Comme ci comme ?a'
I think I would be able to see with my Mac and Firefox enviroment.
226エスクラルモンド ◆VX.HrThais :05/02/20 01:03:12 ID:38O5ctvd
ooops I couldn't see the letters.
dear dear
227陽気な名無しさん:05/02/20 02:45:55 ID:QWhbzzMw
Will this be OK?

à, á, â
à, á, â
à, á, â
228陽気な名無しさん:05/02/20 03:13:18 ID:QWhbzzMw
Ça a marché!

So just try to use "character entity references",
that's a way to use diacritic marks in this board.
229陽気な名無しさん:05/02/20 11:33:37 ID:mTAF7NlC
a`, a´, a^
a`, a´, a^
a`, a´, a^
230陽気な名無しさん:05/02/20 11:34:45 ID:mTAF7NlC
231陽気な名無しさん:05/02/20 11:37:22 ID:mTAF7NlC
232陽気な名無しさん:05/02/20 13:10:14 ID:gQh4OW8e
233陽気な名無しさん:05/02/20 15:10:16 ID:tt61U0WF
234陽気な名無しさん:05/02/20 15:30:34 ID:IBCLiZkj
I understand where you are coming from but this thread is a bunch of shit.
Try to express something that leads to another. I don't want finger pointing
here, making
235陽気な名無しさん:05/02/21 03:58:23 ID:kqSeduAl
you feel unwanted, which is true to some extent. Yet, here we are to discuss

our community from viewpoints of a wide variety of expertise, ranging from

farmers to politicians from the developing countries of Africa. The president

of Ghana said in his auguration speech that
236陽気な名無しさん:05/02/21 04:44:34 ID:Nv+5HAbQ
237陽気な名無しさん:05/02/21 09:19:27 ID:BAUKUQ2p
238陽気な名無しさん:05/02/21 15:24:41 ID:6zWZ31+d
239陽気な名無しさん:05/02/22 04:09:40 ID:K+brKDYl
no more i love you's
240陽気な名無しさん:05/02/22 12:30:21 ID:313yPqOv
241陽気な名無しさん:05/02/22 22:25:46 ID:n3KWXdF8
242陽気な名無しさん:05/02/23 02:25:10 ID:K8u4wAx+
Come on may back! Give it to me.
243陽気な名無しさん:05/02/23 08:58:53 ID:JifVl0Lm
244陽気な名無しさん:05/02/23 13:10:05 ID:DQ39MN6i
There are people speaking french here. That's funny.
245陽気な名無しさん:05/02/24 00:36:20 ID:uXa2kdER
Gloria In Excelsis Deo
246陽気な名無しさん:05/02/25 10:59:41 ID:HaXUca1P
247陽気な名無しさん:05/02/25 11:43:18 ID:fxHfuZeK
248陽気な名無しさん:05/02/25 12:44:00 ID:pAwcB8JS
249陽気な名無しさん:05/02/25 13:38:43 ID:fxHfuZeK
the people にしないと世界中の人々みたいな意味になっちゃうよ
250陽気な名無しさん:05/02/25 13:42:46 ID:fxHfuZeK
theじゃなくてもsomeとかa lot ofでもいいんだけど
251陽気な名無しさん:05/02/25 14:37:38 ID:0re3nASY

という意味でしょう?There are the peopleって言わないわよ。
There are peopleで合ってると思うけどね。

252陽気な名無しさん:05/02/25 16:22:56 ID:pAwcB8JS
253陽気な名無しさん:05/02/25 21:38:20 ID:1VNNBN7e
254Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/25 22:45:27 ID:D2lcLWk+
It's true that there are people who have written in languages other than English in this
thread, but in 2chan, hardly anything goes the way the people who started
threads intended, innit?
255陽気な名無しさん:05/02/25 23:03:33 ID:oBzPh2nK
256陽気な名無しさん:05/02/25 23:06:53 ID:G0+NmxSn
Can you use the word "gay" for the meaning of "merry"?
257Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/25 23:24:27 ID:D2lcLWk+
Only when the context makes it very clear that the intended meaning is "merry." The
primary sense of the word, however, is "homosexual" in contemporary English, so
I don't think it can be used unself-consciously in the older senses of "merry" and "carefree"
without sounding somewhat old-fashioned or arousing a sense of double entendre.

I have been reading C.S. Lewis' "The Chronicles of Narnia" series, which were written
in 1950's, and the word "gay" is used more often than I expected, and it always means
"merry" or "carefree" there.
258陽気な名無しさん:05/02/26 00:11:02 ID:kJFbk4A2
259陽気な名無しさん:05/02/26 00:46:00 ID:oeRJxOtR
Oodoshima, your english is excellent ! I'm amazed.

260Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/26 13:05:19 ID:ZNc1JD+O
Thanks! :-)
261陽気な名無しさん:05/02/26 21:31:51 ID:I0cKiUdg
262陽気な名無しさん:05/02/26 21:57:12 ID:1D5Pw8sF
263陽気な名無しさん:05/02/26 22:08:33 ID:Vq6Nn5/v
I don't think he (she?) is bald.

By the way, can you call gay people "he" or "she"?
264Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/26 22:18:44 ID:1WDfYil/
I suppose 262 wants me to kick the bucket. :-0

As for the personal pronoun queston, it all depends on who you are and who you are
talking about. I can easily imagine a flaming nelly being referred to as she/her.
Likewise, if you are a flaming nelly, you might use she/her even if you are talking
about some hunk who is gay. Even if you are not particularly flaming, if you want to be
a bit campy, you might use she/her. But be careful! Some people may take offense.
265陽気な名無しさん:05/02/26 23:33:38 ID:JDcA1Efv
Ms. Oodoshima,

I believe 263 wanted to say that 262 had asked you
to 'shine' yourself like the sun or moon.
Just a trite pun to pacify.

It's so boring to explain a pun, so I go away. Bye;-)
266Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/02/27 01:14:21 ID:acK6B4Eg
You're right. I guess I was a bit too jumpy.
267陽気な名無しさん:05/03/02 12:15:53 ID:2HmWkrKc
Is anybody here?
268PILEUP ◆.6mZu5K6R2 :05/03/02 16:39:05 ID:Fv7c8F49
And Then There Were None
by Agatha Christie
269陽気な名無しさん:05/03/05 14:09:30 ID:TJtAtujy
anybody here?
270陽気な名無しさん:05/03/05 16:21:47 ID:Jx9Dsg1g
271陽気な名無しさん:05/03/07 17:49:21 ID:vjCH6OqT
Where's Egawa?
272Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/03/08 01:08:33 ID:5IMLQLAn
I was just wondering about the same thing....not! :-)
273陽気な名無しさん:05/03/11 23:10:48 ID:xAit9l5e
274PILEUP ◆.6mZu5K6R2 :05/03/12 00:57:53 ID:icSd8xZ2
Below is a meaning of the word.
"someone, especially an old man, who is very wise"
275陽気な名無しさん:05/03/12 08:26:32 ID:ry5xU1of
I deserve it.
276陽気な名無しさん:05/03/12 10:10:33 ID:yXoEYDyl
I am eager to brush up on my English. However, I don't have any English speaking friends.
Is there anybody who can advises me what to do for mastering English?
I need to go to a new affliated company in Singapore on business next month in order to
explain our business policy to the local managers.
I have few opportunities to use English on the business scene so far. I am afraid
lest I might understand their questions in English.
277陽気な名無しさん:05/03/12 10:27:07 ID:JEX6fZeL
278陽気な名無しさん:05/03/12 10:27:10 ID:iRmdqhbo
279陽気な名無しさん:05/03/12 10:58:22 ID:S6XH6rAS
write your opinion in english, please!
280陽気な名無しさん:05/03/12 11:10:57 ID:yXoEYDyl
281Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/03/12 22:03:44 ID:zGYU13t/
I think your English is pretty good as it is. If you want to practice conversational and/or
business English, the easiest way I can think of off the top of my head is for you to go to
one of those ubiquitous "English conversational schools." Listening comprehension is
very important, but you also have to practice SPEAKING English, which I think is equally
282陽気な名無しさん:05/03/13 02:30:20 ID:ZAp4uvSX
283陽気な名無しさん:05/03/13 03:10:59 ID:xLuURtGN
284Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/03/13 22:26:17 ID:Q/HKVs9Q
Could it be true???
285陽気な名無しさん:05/03/15 22:51:33 ID:SYUfsTlj
286PILEUP ◆.6mZu5K6R2 :05/03/15 23:14:40 ID:rlbk2bqi
Below is a meaning of the word.
"the number of years someone has lived or something has existed"
287陽気な名無しさん:05/03/15 23:46:16 ID:E3IudDJt
288陽気な名無しさん:05/03/21 02:37:52 ID:5Geg7WGu
Keep this thread.
289Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :05/03/21 02:42:18 ID:ODx4YfNm
ないゲイが出ててるときはa token gay characterとか言いますが、287さんのお書きになって
290陽気な名無しさん :2005/03/25(金) 07:18:17 ID:AHImg4DG
Where are you guys?
291Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :2005/03/25(金) 07:51:33 ID:hw7MCsCv
I, for one, am here in Lalaland.
292Depeche i-mode ◆III132.COM :2005/03/25(金) 08:26:02 ID:VMcTLqoy
How are you, guys?

This is my first time to come here and write my opinion. Nice to meet you, guys.

I've read No.276 and want to give him my advice.

Firstly, don't go to English school, because I really think it is waste of your money
and time. Well, do you know how much money English teachers gain? Only teaching
their language and using students, they can earn over \5,000-/ hour basically.
Moreover, are you truly sure that you can speak English with only 2 or 3 hour lessons
per week? The point is that you have to pay enormous money for nothing.

In stead of that, you can easily get English materials from the internet, which is totally
free. For example, why don't you read and listen to BBS news with your computer?
You are able to watch DVD movies in English with subtitles, as well.

If you need writing skill, you can visit
and make new friends or new pen friends. If you need more systematic writing skill for
IELTS or something like that, go to amazon.com and buy books. Your teacher don't have
to be a native English speaker, right? Even teachers from overseas use English materials,
don't they?

You may lastly ask me about speaking. Speaking is the simplest one, because all you have
to do is make friends! Keep it simple, stupid, hehe.
Here are some clues.
1) Go to Gaijin Bars in nichome. (eg. Dragon, Fuji-bar, G.B., etc.)
2) Meet friends whom you met in a chat room
3) Log on to MNS and do voice chat.

See, as I've explained, you needn't go to school. Just enjoy your life with expectancy.
293Depeche i-mode ◆III132.COM :2005/03/25(金) 08:52:25 ID:VMcTLqoy
I forgot to talk about business scene.

Remember TERMS, remember TERMS, remember TERMS!!!

Then, write how you present your business policy, preparing OHP films and handouts.
(recently high-tech people may use Power Point though.)

Read it aloud every night in frot of a mirror.

Find some predictable questions and prepare.

1) 15 min is generally enough for presentation.
2) make
- introduction
- 3 or 4 topic sentences (3 or 4 points)
- conclusion
3) Don't be so fast or slow. Talk loudly. Don't munble.
4) Endure Singaporian Englsih, la~~~.
5) Enjoy
294Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :2005/03/25(金) 08:58:47 ID:hw7MCsCv
Huh? ;-)
295Depeche i-mode ◆III132.COM :2005/03/25(金) 09:05:05 ID:VMcTLqoy
Dear Mr. Money for Jam

Huh? ;-)
296陽気な名無しさん:2005/03/25(金) 11:52:29 ID:NWaJztjq


と思ったら、Endure Singaporian Englishってアンタ突然何を・・・w
297Depeche i-mode ◆III132.COM :2005/03/25(金) 12:13:53 ID:VMcTLqoy
Oops! I did it again.

Singaporian -> Singaporean
or simply

As you mentioned, their English writing is almost perfect or better than natives,
because English is the mother tongue in Singapore and that has been used in school
or public places for over 100 years. However, most of people there were originally from
China and some of them still speaks Chinese. Therefore, they have very strong
Chinese accents, la.

Btw, this "la" is from 「了」 in Chinese and means 「〜ね」 in Japanese, but some of
western people abhor it.
298Depeche i-mode ◆III132.COM :2005/03/25(金) 12:24:38 ID:VMcTLqoy


299陽気な名無しさん:2005/03/25(金) 12:33:59 ID:NWaJztjq

300Depeche i-mode ◆III132.COM :2005/03/25(金) 12:44:15 ID:VMcTLqoy

see >>276. + use sage function.
301大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :2005/03/25(金) 13:52:11 ID:hw7MCsCv
302Depeche i-mode ◆III132.COM :2005/03/25(金) 13:58:33 ID:VMcTLqoy
something like that

I haven't spoken English for a long time, so it was inaccurate. Sorry.
303Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :2005/03/25(金) 14:00:48 ID:hw7MCsCv
At any rate, it is good to have someone new in this admittedly rather stagnant thread.
Welcome aborad!
304Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :2005/03/25(金) 14:01:44 ID:hw7MCsCv
For "aborad," read "aboard." How embarrassing!
305Depeche i-mode ◆III132.COM :2005/03/25(金) 14:15:56 ID:VMcTLqoy

Odoshima か Ohdoshima が発音に則してると思う。


306Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :2005/03/25(金) 14:43:15 ID:hw7MCsCv
307Genova ◆cTESP/7prg :2005/03/25(金) 16:28:38 ID:oLhkScOj
Estoy en el clinico oftalmico.
308陽気な名無しさん:2005/03/25(金) 18:46:42 ID:KJQ0/kH8
What's matter with your eye?
309Genova ◆cTESP/7prg :2005/03/25(金) 19:41:53 ID:JhCzPCHs
No hay ploblem sobre mis ojos.
Quiero unas lentilla.
310陽気な名無しさん:2005/03/25(金) 20:22:37 ID:KJQ0/kH8
Oh, I see. So is this first time for you to wear them?
You don't like glasses?
311陽気な名無しさん:2005/03/26(土) 15:49:40 ID:CsHuClFA
How do you say "KETSUWARE Supporter" in English?
312Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :2005/03/26(土) 15:59:45 ID:TrTVsEep
They are called athletic supporters, or more colloquially, jockstraps, in English.
313陽気な名無しさん:2005/03/26(土) 16:14:58 ID:CsHuClFA
314Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :2005/03/26(土) 16:23:18 ID:TrTVsEep
No problem.
315陽気な名無しさん:皇紀2665/04/01(金) 08:06:13 ID:/FXiRcGm
And then there were none....
316陽気な名無しさん:皇紀2665/04/01(金) 12:47:23 ID:vgk9dO2g
Nobody but you.
317陽気な名無しさん:皇紀2665/04/01(金) 18:07:21 ID:WPA7aHMU
I have a conscience.
318陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/05(火) 06:11:32 ID:JTx58h7+
Hay fever sucks!
319陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/05(火) 12:29:20 ID:vpIFGYcy
(・∀・)you stink!
320陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/06(水) 18:51:50 ID:s7uEtgWt
I'd like to take xxx class ”in?” xxx university.

321陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/07(木) 00:10:35 ID:sVoQ/8La
Definitely "at".
322320:2005/04/07(木) 17:11:41 ID:N7i7q9d1
323陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/08(金) 05:13:41 ID:jai0qsrw
Up to the top!
324陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/08(金) 09:30:22 ID:PptncVQW
fuckin bored yo.
what u guys up 2?
325陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/08(金) 10:56:43 ID:IsF7do90
(・∀・)eat shit!
326陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/09(土) 08:05:15 ID:q0J0zkJU
327陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/10(日) 17:55:16 ID:ZFTC8f3y
Slang is not always cool.
328陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/11(月) 17:22:03 ID:zxL9iPHZ

             Ou voyez−vous?
329Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :2005/04/15(金) 23:31:14 ID:vpnAsZ2n
There's an impostor who's pretending to be me on this board, saying lots of bullshit.
I am SO annoyed....
330陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/17(日) 18:58:37 ID:qa92WjO7
Is it true that you are a graduate of the University of Tokyo and received
the Fulbright Scholarship to attend a grad school in the US?

That's impressive!
331陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/20(水) 13:10:24 ID:X+H6dm5s
Missionary.........................................12 Calories ←正常位よね?
69 lying down...................................78 Calories
69 standing up..................................812 Calories
Wheelbarrow....................................216 Calories ←手押し車??・・・両手を掴んでの立ちバックかな?
Doggy Style......................................326 Calories
Italian chandelier.............................2912 Calories ←なにこれ????????

イタリアンシャンデリア??????????よくわかんねー 詳しい方教えて下さいな。
332陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/21(木) 01:11:33 ID:IZlvopB8
333:2005/04/21(木) 01:24:01 ID:8qz3K3kE
334陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/21(木) 16:16:14 ID:Vrl4qY2q

335陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/21(木) 16:18:34 ID:k2PemJh1
336331:2005/04/22(金) 15:51:33 ID:8uK2dnTo
Italian Chandelier
Italian Chandelierって下のが男なのかな?そんなにカロリー消費するんだろうか。
337陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/24(日) 08:19:29 ID:aOlHOF3s
Is 煌 a monkey or an ape?
338陽気な名無しさん:2005/04/24(日) 14:53:57 ID:3Z3vapz3
What dose 煌 mean?
Sorry, I don't have enough knowledge.
339陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/01(日) 07:44:15 ID:TlgJCfxq
Golden Week!
340陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/07(土) 08:51:49 ID:xu317vgW
341陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/07(土) 13:45:11 ID:E/1UUdWn
I wanna sex with a good looking guy.
I am 23 years old.
eat me.
342陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/07(土) 17:22:50 ID:R3gcu5yq
I won't have a stomachache.
343Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :2005/05/08(日) 16:54:30 ID:LiZymQsP
This is a deja vu, but....

You cannot use "sex" as a verb like that. Say "I wanna HAVE sex with...." instead.
344陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/08(日) 17:09:28 ID:tXuoooyH
How about "make love"?
345Oodoshima ◆kEpdXOPERA :2005/05/08(日) 17:34:14 ID:LiZymQsP
That's okay. Make sure you use the preposition "with." It has quite a different sense
(somehwat old-fashioned) when used with "to."
346陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/08(日) 20:11:22 ID:p4z4V8nG
Oodoshima, are you still alive?
Die as soon as possible!!
347陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/08(日) 21:33:04 ID:neHuzQFV
By the way, you are boring.
348陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/08(日) 23:06:38 ID:p4z4V8nG
Write the amazing sentence if it is possible.
I think it is imppossible. shine
349陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/08(日) 23:59:51 ID:HhAF9N9w
Tell the truth I can lick my dick.
It's a bit hard to suck though,,,.
350陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/09(月) 03:44:19 ID:UAzqNHMr
How about this...
Don't create off topic discussions.
If you don't care about the shit don't even look at it. eh?Mr.Sun Shine.

lol Keep going.
If you suck your own dick,you won't turn gay?
...i wish i could.
351陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/09(月) 17:56:26 ID:+5PBtXAy
352陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/14(土) 07:12:09 ID:041gm/iJ
353陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/14(土) 10:40:40 ID:KQU5F4ex
354Genova ◆cTESP/7prg :2005/05/18(水) 22:53:58 ID:KY032qRE
Tengo mucho sueño porque estoy cansado.
355陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/21(土) 18:28:29 ID:45gYyRWg
> You cannot use "sex" as a verb like that.

I hear people saying like "I wanna sex you" or "look forward to sexing you".
I know it's intentional and peculiar and that's not really what oososhima-san means, anyway.
356陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/28(土) 19:34:12 ID:UFIwYsJy
whereをof whichで言い換えることはできるのでしたっけ?
of whichの使い方を誰か教えてください。それと、これを使うと
どんな感じですか? 古めかしい言い方ですか?
357陽気な名無しさん:2005/05/29(日) 04:25:12 ID:J/Oq3vK8
Can someone tell me the meaning of "Up Close & Personal"?
358陽気な名無しさん:2005/06/01(水) 21:21:24 ID:BYR4rKZj
359陽気な名無しさん:2005/06/13(月) 06:34:43 ID:QVyOkCl7
tell me plz
360大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :2005/06/14(火) 00:16:10 ID:YFhUx/WC
lol=laughing out loud
361大年増 ◆kEpdXOPERA :2005/06/14(火) 00:24:26 ID:YFhUx/WC
lolはにちゃん風に言えば、『めがわろす」かな? ROTF(L), ROF(L) (=rolling on the floor laughing)
362陽気な名無しさん:2005/06/14(火) 00:25:48 ID:2m/RyfNE

of whichで言い換えられるかはwhich以下の動詞etc. 次第よ。
363陽気な名無しさん:2005/06/14(火) 00:51:31 ID:bLYEsm89
「めがわろす」平仮名で書くと凄いわねw ま、「(笑)」みたいなモンじゃない?
364陽気な名無しさん:2005/06/14(火) 17:36:23 ID:CYWOer3S
This might be probably off-topic, but if anyone know this plz enlighten me:

I was amazed by the news regarding Steven Spielberg's resignation
(as a chairman of that boyscout organization in the U.S.), and it's still
bugging me to the extent that I am starting to have this silly fantasy
of Spielberg being gay or at least bisexual, etc. etc...

Face it, he's married twice and has like 5? children or so, still lives happily
with his wife and kids so no chance of ever becoming personally
attracted to male sexuality or anything but that news was really a blast.

I mean some straight men over there may not be anti-gay,
that I can understand, but the whole notion of quitting that respectable
post (at least to me) just for the sake of political correctness or his
understanding of and philanthoropic love towards the gay population
is, um, simply incredible. Did (or does) he have a gay boyscout friend
or something? Or any other personal factor that might have led to that
particular decision of his? Thanks in advance for any thought on this
365陽気な名無しさん:2005/06/17(金) 19:46:51 ID:idsKTSGl
ファック みー
366陽気な名無しさん:2005/06/17(金) 20:45:43 ID:Sn8x9XMM
hai! evreyone fine?
i'm very happy
eveyday is wonderfull
check ra ccyo?