>Some authorities state that the glans should be kept dry. >This advice is founded in ignorance of normal human physiology >because the sub-preputial area is normally moist. >Attempts to keep the sub-preputial area dry may be >impossible to comply with and may worsen a dermatitis condition. >The sub-preputial moisture contains lysozyme - an antibacterial enzyme - >which may be protective against infective organisms. >The sub-preputial moisture also contains secretions from sebaceous glands >that moisturize,lubricate, and protect the mucosa of the glans penis.
http://www.cirp.org/library/disease/STD/ >Dried-out mucous membranes are more prone to infection than naturally moist ones (the reason people tend to get more colds in the wintertime!).
>circumcised men seem to have a greater incidence of many different STDs.
>the late circumcisionist Aaron J. Fink made >the suggestion that the dried-out, cornified circumcised glans and mucosa >would be "tougher," and somehow therefore less prone to infection, than those of intact men. >This claim was even published in The New England Journal of >Medicine, but, in fact, there is no evidence to support Fink's theory
過去の割礼論者のAaron J. Finkは亀頭を渇かそう、皮角化した割礼してある亀頭の粘膜は 「より強く」、とにかくそれゆえ包茎男性よりも感染症にかかりにくい、ということだった。 こんなクレームでさえ、The New England Journal of Medicinに発表されたことだったが、 実際、Finkの説を裏付ける証拠や明白性などはない。 (ムケチンだと感染症にかかりにくいなんて医学的根拠は無い、と。)