>>954 Local Time: 28-Nov-2009, 17:40 Mail Tracking Outward Registered Letter
Destination - Japan
The item (RT0xxxxxxxxHK) was posted on 21-Nov-2009 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee.
To make further enquiry of this item, please complete the Online Enquiry Form or send the item number; the details of sender; addressee and contact information by fax to Mail Tracing Office. Our fax no. is (852) 2868 4723. You can also email or call our Mail Tracing Office at (852) 2921 2211 during office hours. Online tracking information on the delivery status of registered mail/parcels sent overseas is available for selective destinations. You can connect to the mail tracking website of the destinations below directly. For destinations not on the list, tracking information is only available up to departure from Hong Kong.
11月14日に頼んだものが、昨日見たら The item (RB0xxxxxxHK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Nov-2009 ってなってて、キタ - .∵・(゚∀゚)・∵. - ッ!!って思ってたら、今日、 The item (RB0xxxxxxHK) will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Nov-2009 に変わってた(´・ω・`) まぁ、気長に行くかぁ。