Dualis (Release 19) CPU: Added the LZ77UnCompWram SWI CPU: Fixed a typo in the SWI 3 emulation that caused single cycle waits GPU: Added the option to display only one of the DS' screens (useful in fullscreen mode if only one of the screens are used) GPU: Added support for texture alpha bits (for 16-bit textures) APU: Optimized the resampling filter a bit, and applied filter to PCM16 samples as well APU: Added PSG emulation (rectangle waves only) GUI: Added fullscreen support (toggle with Alt+Return) GUI: Added a couple more registers to the I/O register viewers
The preferred fullscreen resolution can be specified in dualis.ini. Some new keyboards shortcuts have been added: Ctrl+Shift+1..Ctrl+Shift+3 to select which of the screens are displayed, and Ctrl+Shift+F to toggle on-screen fps display while in fullscreen mode. I've also written a little PSG demo that plays 3-channel rectangle wave music - you can find it here.
DeSmuMe project is over. You may don’t know but there are a new law in France that could put me in big trouble. With DeSmuMe, I have closed the doors of game company but I can not offer to pay for it.
The worst thing is that I have found the bad coded instructions. For those how have download the sources you have to look in sbc, rsbc instructions the Carry flag updating is wrong. Sorry for the home brew programmers.
GPU: Added support for the A3I5 and A5I3 texture formats GPU: Fixed some errors in color selection for paletted textures MMU: Upped the FAT limits to max 32768 files/directories with a total size of 256 MB MMU: Added support for long filenames in the FAT GUI: GBAMP emulation can be turned off (on memory tab, or in dualis.ini) GUI: Switched from WM_TIMER to a multimedia timer callback
Note that the max number of directory entries at the root level still is 512, and that the max total number of files/directories will be lower than 32768 if there are files that uses long filenames.