†女神転生 メガテン総合スレ110〜葛葉ラ110 対 110ラ
[dapithapon] (1 month ago)
Now you can take a piece of YHVH's ass?
Obviously, any christian(practicing)/jew will puke
[messengerofd] (1 month ago)
History goes to show that the Japanese always hated Christianity/Catholicism/Judaism,
since the Japanese had persecuted them in the past.
[Captureman] (4 weeks ago)
I never knew that Jehovah looked like a bald Mr. Spock. Only in Japan I suppose.
[dgarrat] (4 days ago)
It's not bloody 'taboo' for a Japanese company to put god (or YHWH, or YHVH, or YHWA, or whatever) in a video game, even as a villain.
It's controversial, but it's a design choice.
Get yourselves over it. It is a GAME.
-Sincerely, an unconcerned agnosticist
[eukako83] (6 months ago) Show Hide
[MunichBMW] (1 year ago)
Well, yes, only in this game. But not in the real life.
I think Atlus now realizes that it is a taboo to put YHWH as? The Final Boss
because that is why the final boss of Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne was Lucifer.
It is taboo, man, it is taboo. No one can go against The Almighty One.
[Th3ba1r0n] (1 year ago)
lol, gods chewing gum while he fights you:3
[wuchow] (1 year ago)
Ha-ha he is wants to drink water.