SOULCALIBUR IV ソウルキャリバー4 part27
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俺より強い名無しに会いにいく:2008/06/24(火) 23:56:25 ID:QR+w9/Y50
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とノ と ノ
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俺より強い名無しに会いにいく:2008/06/25(水) 04:08:40 ID:rwqDgXsX0
Q タキの顔が濃くて気に入らない、他デザインやキャラが気に入らない。
A 価値観は人それぞれなので、自分の好みを押し付ける論争はやめましょう。
Q ファンやリロンなど、未発表の過去レギュラーキャラはどうなりますか?
A どうなるかはわかりませんが、制作側としては、すべてのファンを満足させたいと考えているとのこと。
Q アイマスのように、課金追加制のDLCはありますか?。
A 今のところ、キャラクタークリエーション用の武器やパーツの一部に配信で手に入れられるものがあることがわかっています。
Q キャラクタークリエーションモードはどうなりますか。
A あります。今回は体格や筋肉量も調整可能で、作成キャラをオンライン対戦で使用できます。
Q ロストクロニクルズのような、一人用ゲームはありますか?
A 塔に潜む強力な敵に挑む、タワーオブロストソウルズというモードがあります。
Q オンライン対戦の詳細は?
A 従来通りのスタンダードVSと、カスタマイズが反映されるスペシャルVSがあります。その他の仕様は不明です。
Q PS3版とXbox360版の違いは?
A ゲストキャラクターのダースベイダーとヨーダ以外にゲーム内容に違いはないとのことです。
ソウルキャリバー4発売前情報まとめ@ ウィキ よくある質問
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俺より強い名無しに会いにいく:2008/06/25(水) 10:50:22 ID:k8RvMHjtO
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俺より強い名無しに会いにいく:2008/06/25(水) 11:31:35 ID:k8RvMHjtO
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俺より強い名無しに会いにいく:2008/06/25(水) 11:49:15 ID:0fCuN0VX0
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俺より強い名無しに会いにいく:2008/06/25(水) 11:52:46 ID:k8RvMHjtO
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俺より強い名無しに会いにいく:2008/06/25(水) 12:57:05 ID:k8RvMHjtO
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俺より強い名無しに会いにいく:2008/06/25(水) 13:02:28 ID:k8RvMHjtO
>>17 任天堂のゲームは興味ないので嬉しくないなあ。
20 :
俺より強い名無しに会いにいく:2008/06/25(水) 13:10:55 ID:k8RvMHjtO
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俺より強い名無しに会いにいく:2008/06/25(水) 13:29:23 ID:k8RvMHjtO
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俺より強い名無しに会いにいく:2008/06/25(水) 13:33:13 ID:k8RvMHjtO
なるほど それじゃーwiiの色に合わせてへらちょんぺでok
26 :
俺より強い名無しに会いにいく:2008/06/25(水) 13:49:26 ID:k8RvMHjtO
>>16 ダースベイダー
リザードマン ソフィーティア . エイミ 雪花
御剣. カサンドラ..... ラファエロ. タキ
ジークフリート. 白髪男? ランダム ナイトメア
ヒルダ. マキシ. ヴォルド?. ティラ
シャンファ. キリク アスタロス アイヴィー
ユンスン. ソンミナ. ロック セルバンテス
タリム. 吉光 ザサラメール
30 :
俺より強い名無しに会いにいく:2008/06/25(水) 15:11:58 ID:vbw0w+L30
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
34 :
俺より強い名無しに会いにいく:2008/06/25(水) 17:41:53 ID:XFXZ459E0
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching me
I feel your stare watching me
So you want a little action
Want a piece of my meat
You're spanking your monkey alone at night
It's got you in a heat
You're beating the bishop
Choking the choad
Putting on your plonker
And you're puffed up like a toad
But you don't like girls, don't like women
Don't like admitting that you're losing your hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head...
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
Sinuation normal all fucked up
Escaping a bas location
With a madman in a hole
He's got a pistol in his pocket
But he ain't pleased to see me
I'm scanning, I'm planning, I'm tracking down
the man who's in control
He doesn't like girls, doesn't like women,
Doesn't like admitting that he's losing his hair
We've got a solution, the girls in the gang
We're gonna cure your fucking problem
by cutting off your head
It's what you want it to be
It's what you want it to see
I feel your eyes watching