【MW3】Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 3 Vol.23

すぐに返信あったよ、Nice guyだな。
2012/1/1 14:41:11 Dear ********, I occur error when use MW3 FoV Changer v1.4.368.4.(see attached file MPerror.jpg) Can you identify the problem?
2012/1/1 15:36:10 What FoV チェンジャー version are you using, and which Windows are you on?
2012/1/1 15:45:59 I just saw you said you used v1.4.368.4, so yeah I'd still need to know your Windows version. In the meanwhile, try this one: http://www.mediafire.com/?11im1a711zirxv8
2012/1/1 16:31:29 Thank you for reply. My OS is Windows XP Professional SP3, MW3 FoV チェンジャー is V1.4.368.4. I tried change to "RelativeFoVOffset=*******" in mp.ini file. It worked with no error! Thank you for support.
2012/1/1 16:35:51 Interesting to know. It might help me fix the issue for other people.