>>40 この文章をコピペしてSteamサポートにメールしたけど、削除してもらえたよ
> 551 名前:UnnamedPlayer[sage] 投稿日:2010/09/11(土) 19:17:11 ID:KU5QGzv2
> 例文というかサポートとのやりとり貼っておく
> 俺Please remove my DLC1
> 蒸気
> Hello ,
> Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
> I can assist you in permanently removing the DLC pack from your account. However, this item will not be refunded and will not be accessible any further.
> If you would like to proceed with this process, please let us know.
> 俺
> Okay
> Thank you remove DLC
> 蒸気
> Hello,
> As requested, we have removed the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Stimulus DLC from your account.
> If you have any further questions, please let us know - we will be happy to assist you.