OS Info : MicrosoftR Windows Vista? Home Premium (Service Pack 2, Build 6002) CPU Info : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9400 @ 2.66GHz Memory Info : 3548 MB RAM VideoCard1 Name : Intel(R) G41 Express Chipset VideoCard1 Info : igdumdx32.dll,igd10umd32.dll ( VideoCard2 Name : ORC Mirror Driver VideoCard2 Info : ( VRAM : 128 MB SoundCard Name : Realtek High Definition Audio SoundCard Info : RTKVHDA.sys ( Monitor Info : 1920 * 1080 (32 bit)(60 Hz) DirectX Info : C Drive Info : free 133 GB (total 488 GB) D Drive Info : free 174 GB (total 210 GB) K Drive Info : free 62.8 GB (total 1.36 テラバイト)
やってみたらできたけど超絶めんどくさい。 ; ACTOR BODY SECTIONSで0.05刻みで0.7までつくった。 次は; ACTOR ARMOR SECTIONSで [05]:actor_body_damage_05, actor_head_damage_absent こんな感じに頭防具と体防具の耐性を組み合わせる。
gamedata→scripts→xr_bodyguard.script内の if sgm_functions.read_obj_variable(npc,"issued_medkit")~=nil and npc.health<r_mod_params("number","bodyguard_medkit_threshold",0.35) and npc:object(sgm_functions.read_obj_variable(npc,"issued_medkit"))~=nil then npc:eat(npc:object(sgm_functions.read_obj_variable(npc,"issued_medkit"))) if sgm_functions.read_obj_variable(npc,"issued_medkit")=="medkit" then npc.health=0.60 この部分 elseif sgm_functions.read_obj_variable(npc,"issued_medkit")=="medkit_army" then npc.health=0.70 この部分 elseif sgm_functions.read_obj_variable(npc,"issued_medkit")=="medkit_scientic" then npc.health=0.85 この部分 elseif sgm_functions.read_obj_variable(npc,"issued_medkit")=="medkit_elite" then npc.health=1.00 この部分 end sgm_functions.clear_obj_variable(npc,"issued_medkit") end