Savage2:A Tortured Soul


Can you give us the system requirements yet?

Disclaimer: Savage2 is still in development and we are constantly making optimizations and improvements.

Minimum (note: game will run and be playable but it will run slowly):
Processor - 2.2Ghz P4 or faster
AMD 2000+ or faster
RAM - 1 Gb of ram
Video Card - 128Mb fully directx 9.0 compliant Geforce or Radeon
Windows XP, Win2k, Windows Vista
Network Connection Required

We strongly advise players to use components closer to the recommended system requirements. While the game will function with these minimum requirements it will have significantly poorer performance than the recommended requirements.

Processor - 2.0ghz Core 2 duo / AMD 3500+ or faster
RAM - 1.5 Gb or higher
Video Card - 256Mb Geforce 7800+ or Radeon x1900+
Windows XP, Win2k, Windows Vista
Network Connection Required (Broadband)