The Elder Scrolls V: SKYRIM 質問スレ 37

▼ 585 名前:名無しさんの野望[sage] 投稿日:2012/01/09(月) 11:31:55.81 ID:65d4OkuZ
> 1. Start Skyrim and load up a saved game.
> 2. Use ALT+TAB to switch out of Skyrim and back to your Desktop.
> 3. Edit the Skyrim.ini file as normal, modifying the uGridsToLoad variable to the
> desired lower value. Save Skyrim.ini and close it.
> 4. Use ALT+TAB to switch back to Skyrim.
> 5. Open the Command Console using the tilde ~ key and type refreshini.
> 6. Save your game to a new save slot, and it should now have the correct new
> uGridsToLoad value.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Tweak Guide > Advanced Tweaking