【AOM*TT】Age of Mythology 第80幕【総合・雑談】

Bug/Exploit Fixes:

・Added a number of checks for hacks. If a hacking attempt is detected, Age of Mythology will close, causing the player to instantly resign from any game they are taking part in.
・Added a number of checks for hotkey exploits.
・The console is now disabled (except in Developer Mode, which is not compatible with ESO), which will help prevent exploits and hacks.
・Fixed an exploit that allowed players to indefinitely freeze a game in order to persuade their opponent(s) to resign.
・Fixed an exploit that allowed players to spawn Ajax SPC units for no cost during games.
・Added checks to help prevent players building foundations on top of dead animals in order to reduce the food availability for their opponent(s). This only applies to dead huntable animals that villagers are gathering food from.
・Fixed a bug that allowed wall segments to be built near gold mines providing you double-clicked to place them.
・Fixed a bug that caused trees to sometimes provide one less wood than they were supposed to.
・The Bolt god power now instantly kills any unit that has been frozen by the Frost god power.
・Mummies can no longer use their special attack on Hippolyta.
・The Deconstruct god power can no longer be used on Healing Springs.
・The Frost god power now affects Animals of Set.
・The Traitor god power now affects Animals of Set.
・Fixed a bug that stopped Caribous of Set from converting nearby herdables.