

I am Japanese.
Now, the national diet is leaning towards passing the human rights protection bill.
This law will take away our freedom of speech and leads Japan to Fascism.
Judging someone as a philosophic criminal obviously violates the freedom of belief.
Many Japanese have not realized this.
Now, I would like to ask you a favor.
I would like you to speak to the Japanese government in order to prevent the bill go through.
We must not experience any more wars again.
I chose a part of the legislature as an example.
The human rights protection law is defined only by the member of the human rights committee who

are selected by the diet.
Judging someone as a philosophic criminal obviously violates the freedom of belief.
Article 41 (General remedies)
1. (b)
Provide guidance on the concerned acts of human rights violations to persons
who have or are likely to be involved in such acts or
who foster or induce them (referred to as “the perpetrators” in clause (c)),
raise their awareness on the philosophy of respect for human rights
and guide them in any other way;