>>939 ur liar u sure need to get correctly what Titor described on some internet boards as he visited at the worldline2000 where titor never said the whole world went to ruin after that war, unlike u claimed here. clearly, it's coz u only got those stuffs out of japanese wiki or so that aint depicted accurately what Titor was
You are liar You sure need to get correctly what Titor described on some internet boards as he visited at the worldline2000 where titor never said the whole world went to ruin after that war, unlike you claimed here. clearly, it's coz you only got those stuffs out of japanese wiki or so that I am not depicted accurately what Titor was.
Indeed, Almost all Japanese never believe both of the serious food crisis or the war. I am one of person who try to tell them some original and accurate information of John Titor, but actually I should say it's in vain. How can we help them ? Should we help them ? I've been considering it.
>>988 But I think since hes an American dude, he also did not leave many clues nor special attention to the fortune of asianlands. And also, as far as I can see the chaotic scenario brought on by heavy nuclear seemed to happen in China, Russia, EU and of course his motherland (American Federal Empire). So Japan would not be by much compared to those nations
>>994 What is American Federal Empire?Our recognition is correct in the United States of America. though J.Titor might have been calling the enemy in the civil war like that. Do you think that the name of the country will change? let's meet in the next web!