Nobody would accuse you of being stubborn. But once you've committed to a plan or project, you like to see it through. That may not be possible. With so much in transition, in fact, you're probably better off allowing certain arrangements about which you once felt passionate to come to their natural conclusion.
Since you are a lover of challenges Sag let me remind you that in order to reach the highest heights, you must first go to the greatest depths. With a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer energizing the house of your Soul and making a life changing trine to liberating Uranus in your house of the emotions and home, you are in position now to make a positively memorable transformation. Never mind the burr in your saddle, just give in to the energy at hand at let it take you travelling to the other side.
Swift change leads to new environments and enhanced connections with those you care most about. Trust your heart this week and you can’t go wrong.
July 22 brings a New Moon eclipse. I'll have more on this as we get closer to the date - including all the usual New Moon info - but it's good to know now that eclipses OPEN DOORS for us - so here's some advance info about which doors the eclipse is going to be opening for you.
The doors which are swinging open for you: Watch out! There's an eclipse about - in your Sex Zone! No kidding. The Universe has decided it's the right time for you to do something about your sex life. If it's already very good, thank you very much, expect it to get better. You and your partner could be about to connect on a soul-level through your love-making. If it's no good at this point? It's time to worry less about your performance and more about being close to your partner. You have a chance now to learn what it really means to be intimate.
An ant can carry up to a hundred times its own weight. That makes it one of the strongest creatures. Yet, it still doesn't give it much of a fighting chance in an altercation with a rhinoceros. Everything is relative - a point well worth remembering this weekend. A certain person has a lot to say for themselves. You are not obliged to listen. You are in a position of some considerable strength. You are doing the right thing for the right reason. You can consider yourself entitled to ignore the pressure you are under.
There are few things you dislike more than those who attempt to tell you what to do. However, in one particular case in question now, the issue is one of style, because the insights and information being offered are extremely valuable. So much that soon you won't even notice this individual's overbearing manner.
Mercury electric slides into Leo this Friday putting an end to that dark, brooding thought spiral you’ve been stuck in. There’s no room in your mind for anything but the sunniest of thoughts. (After all, worrying about life did little good for the past few weeks.) Take your Big Dream out of cold storage. Some careful review reveals that this actually IS the right time to pursue it. Do so with your signature flair - there's no need to play by anyone else's rules this go' round. Over the weekend, relationships (of the platonic and lust-fueled varieties) take center stage. When you catch yourself starting to go it alone, stop and ask, “who could join me on this mission?” You’ve got quite an inspiring social circle to draw from and they’ll be flattered (NOT burdened) that you’ve reached out to them as collaborators. Mars brings firepower back to your love life on Sunday. It’s okay to be a bit more aggressive now, even bringing up a sensitive topic that needs to be discussed. You won’t be satisfied til' the air is cleared. Do make sure the other party knows that your intention is to create harmony, not just stir the pot.
Venus and Mars are both in your opposite sign, Gemini, this week but are having very different effects. Venus is squaring Saturn in Virgo, which suggests that you are feeling some sort of blockage or restriction in your career because of how you relate to others or fears of being judged. Meanwhile, Mars is sextiled by Mercury in Leo, which makes you inclined to be very impulsive in how you express your ideas and thoughts to others. Though the Venus-Saturn aspect may make you feel you should hold back, you will probably do best to be very direct in how you deal with others. The Solar Eclipse seems to indicate a need for sudden reforms in your home or family situation.
Image: "In a lush jungle, three sleeping lion cubs" Message: Promising beginnings.
New business ideas and investment opportunities may arrive over the next few days. Expect colleagues and friends to be overly optimistic about time schedules and potential rewards. New documents and contracts, although highly promising, will now require close scrutiny or adjustment. Watch calculations and legal expectations for obvious mistakes: disagreements over terms or conditions may now be quite costly. Tuesday/Wednesday a friend or lover may ask a series of unusual or highly personal questions. Aspects indicate that others may now need to feel more intimately involved in your life. A recent period of social isolation or ongoing misunderstandings in family relations is now ending. Go slow and let others know your level of comfort.
By now you’ve undoubtedly realised that you’re in the midst of a cycle that’s all about the wise use of your resources. If you’re a typical Sagittarius, you give little thought to concerns such as time, money or even your energy - until you’re running out. Because eclipses, two weeks ago, on the 7th and this Wednesday both shake things up and begin a new cycle, you’ve undoubtedly been struggling with the resulting disarray, if not a serious shortfall. While this will be remedied soon, and magically, that doesn’t excuse you from analysing how you’ve been handling such matters. Make that this week’s primary objective, and you’ll be ready to capitalise on next week’s amazing developments.
Mars is now travelling through your opposite sign and that in itself suggests a high degree of relationship activity. More importantly though is Wednesday's solar eclipse occurs right on the border of an area associated with deep partnership issues and travel. Arguably, this would be a perfect time for travelling and for holiday romance! It is likely that your memory will be stretched in some way too - so perhaps also a good time to undergo a test. With continuing significant activity on the domestic front and recent moves by friends and colleagues, you may be giving thought to where you want to put fresh roots down. What's discussed between Wednesday and Friday has significant impact. These discussions could lead to plans being made implemented before the end of August. This may not be the only special feature of that day. News reaching from colleagues now travelling makes clear that if you want to fill a gap, you have to make a decision very quickly.
If you've been looking for a new way to get your ideas across, then destiny could hand you the equipment, the people or the option near July 22nd. This year is all about finding your voice. This has involved extensive writing for some of you, and in other cases, trial and error with the internet, foreign languages, telephone counselling, the media and so on. Right now this cycle is peaking which is why something (or someone) very special is about to cross your path. You will never have a chance like this again - just remember that if you're going to challenge and confront people at the same time, it has to be a price you're prepared to pay.
This is a changeable week. New ventures should be held aside at present. Strange things may go on at the work during the early days of the week. Get clearance from superiors before embarking on a new project. Devote more time and attention to those who can fully appreciate your genuine enthusiasm, unconditional love and optimism. You will be at your most artistic in the weekend.
Your lucky numbers are 4 and 2 and winning colors are lavender and marigold. Your lucky days this week are Wednesday and Thursday.
Sagittarius - The Week Ahead* 20th July 2009 - 26th July 2009
Taking-off is a theme close to the Sagittarian heart and, thanks to this week's impressive astro-scape, you could be on your way, both in the sense of travel and success. First, however, there could be a financial glitch to resolve, although this could be the very factor that gets you heading in new directions. It is possible that you have been remaining loyal to a person or a situation despite deteriorating conditions, thus what happens now or in the next few weeks acts as a happy release. On the other hand, you may be ready to make a serious commitment, which will, of course, take you into new territory. Either way, a celebration could be in order.
Contracts, negotiations, and handshake agreements are likely, not only today, but also during the next 30 days. You might need to travel to meet with certain people that are interested in what you do. Face to face meetings are so revealing and pretty tough to top. Actually, a face to face could be the tipping point that moves everything in your favor. So just say yes ? enthusiastically. Of course, travel goes two ways. An interested party might decide to see you on your turf. Either way will work wonders. You feel almost as if you're coming out of the darkness that you've labored under for so long. It's taken a toll on your energy, health, and attitude. That is all about to change ? for the MUCH better!
During his time in hiding, the Biblical prophet Elijah was kept alive by ravens who brought him food. John the Baptist survived on nothing but honey and locusts when he was roaming the wilderness. And I'm sure that some unexpected source of comfort and sustenance will likewise turn up during your wanderings, Sagittarius. It may not be what you're used to. You might even have to cultivate a taste for nourishment that seems foreign. But stick with it. You could learn to love it, and in the process become less dependent on stuff you thought you couldn't do without.
If there is something you haven't got, perhaps it is something that you do not need. If there is something you have too much of, maybe you are better off with a surplus than a shortage. If there is something you yearn for, maybe you enjoy the experience of yearning. If there is something you truly need, you will get it somehow, even if you currently can't see a way in which that might be possible. Venus now aligns harmoniously with Jupiter. That's a strong suggestion of support and reassurance. You don't need to worry.
There's a New Moon eclipse this week - that's a Big Astro Deal. Eclipses are major because they're when we realign ourselves with our destiny. If you've been feeling a bit wired, tired, or just a bit mad over the past two weeks, it's because we're in the eclipse season. It's as though the ground shifts under our feet and we have to do a kind of very fast two-step dance to keep our footing. Now with the coming New Moon eclipse, which takes place in the sign of Cancer on July 22, the ground stops moving and we get a chance to steady ourselves and launch ourselves into the future with a whole new sense of What Really Matters.
Last week I talked about the Door Which Are Opening For You - this week, there's a closer look at where the eclipses is touching your chart exactly. The New Moon Eclipse Influencing You Now Is Taking Place In Your 8th House - Your Sex And Shared Money Zone What it means: It's all about ... Other people's money, and how it combines with yours Moon Meditation: I will tackle my cash problems head-on
Now is the time to attend to your cash set up and see how good you feel about it. Are you confident that you're on track? Can you meet the bills you know you have ahead and if not, is there something you tan do now about that? This is a great time to seek financial advice too, or to do a weekend business seminar to help you better understand the financial basics. This part of your chart also deals with deep, dark and maybe even risque sex. If you have intimacy issues you know you need to work on, tackle them this month.
New Moon Ritual: Wear the sexiest thing you have in your wardrobe out on the town Things to do this month: Pay off your loan (or get one) Open a savings account and make your first deposit Cancel a credit card you know you can't afford Ask for a raise (only if you think you might get it!) Refinance your mortgage, if it suits you Talk dirty to your partner Try a sexual position for the first time
'Nature,' they say, 'abhors a vacuum.' How right they are. Sooner or later, every gap in this world will be filled. Every vacancy will be met, every need addressed. It's only the 'sooner or later' bit that's tricky. Some of us don't have enough patience. We want our nothings to be replaced by somethings as fast as possible. It is, though, infinitely preferable to have the right kind of nothing than the wrong kind of something. Create some room in your life, this weekend, and then see what comes rushing in to fill it.
Daily Horoscope for Saturday 25th July 2009 You do best when trying to speak another language - or at least testing your communication skills with those who don't know you well. Discussions with those who do may be intense. News might not be what you want to hear - even though there's been ample warning. There's also the issue of cost and how to cover expenses when you're not on the spot. 7/25 あなたはほかの言語を話すときに、いいたいことが言えます。 あるいは、あなたのことをよく知らない人と会話するときにコミュニケーション能力が発揮できるとも。 そういった人と会話をするのは難しいです。 たくさん警告がありましたが、ニュースはあなたが聞きたいと思っているものではないでしょう。 それには、あなたにスポットライトが当たらない間のコストをどうするのかという問題があるでしょう。
よろしくお願いします Mars is now travelling through your opposite sign and that in itself suggests a high degree of relationship activity. More importantly though is Wednesday's solar eclipse occurs right on the border of an area associated with deep partnership issues and travel. Arguably, this would be a perfect time for travelling and for holiday romance! It is likely that your memory will be stretched in some way too - so perhaps also a good time to undergo a test. With continuing significant activity on the domestic front and recent moves by friends and colleagues, you may be giving thought to where you want to put fresh roots down. What's discussed between Wednesday and Friday has significant impact. These discussions could lead to plans being made implemented before the end of August. This may not be the only special feature of that day. News reaching from colleagues now travelling makes clear that if you want to fill a gap, you have to make a decision very quickly.
Sticking to what you believe in and have committed to may be a virtue. But when it comes to certain pivotal matters currently very much on your mind, it can also mean you're trapped. Consider the possibility these should take a less important role in your life, if not be retired altogether.
Image: "In the eye of a hurricane, gentle quiet" Message: Finding center.
Family stress or ongoing emotional obligations will begin to fade this week. Over the next 2 days watch for a close friend or lover to subtly release you from past duties and emotional debts. All of this will trigger new creativity and an awareness of social needs: expect to feel strongly motivated to begin new relationships or establish a fresh circle of friends. Early next week watch also for daily workplace challenges to be draining. At present, colleagues and officials will avoid public responsibility for their actions. Expect a sudden wave of paperwork and incomplete details before the end of this week.
Ordinarily, you rather enjoy the challenge of figuring out how to capitalise on intriguing ideas or turn obstacles to your advantage. However, the past several weeks have required persistence, because every time you devised a plan, the actual circumstances you were dealing with changed. Worse, because these changes were the result of July’s two unsettling eclipses, which influenced others just as much as you, nobody was prepared to make commitments of any kind. Frustrating as that was at the time, once you hear about this week’s intriguing ideas, you’ll be relieved you couldn’t commit. Good as these are, there’s yet one more eclipse to come next week, so you’ll want to keep things loose.
Daily Horoscope for Monday 27th July 2009 Contact with someone far away gives you loads to think about. And if it's not that, then it's news from someone who's consulted in an expert. Either way, you have more information and that's good - especially since it's now clear you're considered part of a team and that what's proposed looks exciting and rewarding.
In the 100-metre race you can give it all you've got. In the marathon, it is another matter. Commitment remains essential, but there's no point in getting off to a great start only to discover that you cannot sustain your speed. Right now, you are under pressure. Someone wants you to do something. You are willing to do it, but whose agenda is being followed? Why must it all be so quick? Establish a more sedate schedule or you may end up unnecessarily exhausted. Pace yourself for a rare challenge - and a big chance.
よろしくおねがいいたします How much trouble are you actually in? How complicated is your current conundrum? Of course it all seems perplexing to you. You are in the midst of it. Yet if you think of it as a maze, you can see why it all seems simple to someone on the outside looking in. A small amount of perspective can make a world of difference. You need the ability to peep over the top of a hedge. Of course, you can't supply this for yourself. But if you now talk to someone who is not so involved, you will make a discovery that pleases you. I've much more to tell you about the exciting changes coming up next month in your new August video. For the moment
it's only available on the 5 Star Service. You can watch it right now by becoming a full subscriber. It doesn't cost much and you can cancel right away. You can hear an audio sample if you like then click the register button to join. Your August video is ready!
Weekly Horoscope beginning Sunday 26th July 2009 お願いいたします〜
Let's hope you are on holiday, or least surrounded by people you enjoy being with. The first half of this week looks to be really interesting and exciting - and even romantic. What's discussed makes clear that others have visions and hopes you want to share. True, on Wednesday you may go off on something of a tangent: but even those little bit of excitement is set to bring you closer together to someone who shares your humour and thirst for adventure. The end of the week promises to be tricky for most people. Communication or transport difficulties create headaches. Further, understanding exactly what's happened whilst you've been out of contact takes time. It might also be costly. One way or another, by Saturday you could be digging deep into financial reserves. There's strong possibility of property investment or repair. That said, the accent here is on savings and though this takes you in a new direction, might not be as much of a problem as initially appears.
For the week of July 27 - August 02 Sagittarius お願いします〜
Loveplanet Venus puts your commitments on the line this week. Will you move to the next level or just move on? No more sitting on the fence, Sagittarius. Clear-cut decisions are called for, especially since there are other people involved. If you do decide to push forward, there will be many exciting details to attend to between now and August 27. Merging resources is part of the picture (and in some cases, dividing them will also be). You’re a generous soul, so it might seem romantic to just share and share alike. Don’t be too quick to give away the farm. It’s appropriate to discuss the long-term here and perhaps even spell out an agreement with the help of an attorney. Clarity on the front-end can do wonders for communication. True, it might bring some uncomfortable moments, but you’ll sleep a lot easier at night knowing exactly where you and the other party stand.
If everyone on earth could find a worry free space inside themselves for one second, all at the very same time, this planet would be transformed. This week, a few heavies seem to be finding corners in your psyche to park themselves and it is time you removed them with a swift kick. As each day passes this week, you will feel the inner Sun progressively bring light to the shadows of thought that have strapped you down in some way. By Monday, July 27, you will know for yourself firsthand the true power of your ability to influence outcomes simply by directing your mind and emotions in productive ways.
Image: "At daybreak, a flock of sparrows flying low over the water" Message: Group movement.
New work ventures or financial investments may need to be reversed this week. Before Thursday unexpected business details may appear without warning: stay focused on long term goals and original plans. Past ideas or partnerships are worthwhile: expect business delays or confusion, however, until late August. Thursday through Saturday a close relative or romantic partner may ask for extra time to make an important decision. Family relations, home commitments or parenting obligations may all be involved. Wait for further information before making judgements. At present, emotional duties are complex and socially demanding: be patient.
Sagittarius, Wednesday, 29 July 2009 翻訳お願いします You see your commitments through, regardless of how stressful they may be. This does not mean, though, that you let yourself be taken for granted or play out pointless charades. Important conversations must be held. Yet you can see how wise it could be to avoid upsetting someone. You need to apply determination and sensitivity in equal measure. That's like saying, you need to balance fire and water. It is no easy task. But as long as you don't let your emotions get the better of you, you'll find a way. Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are now forming a rare, powerful triple conjunction. Order your Guide to the Future and discover how this exceptional alignment can change your life over the coming months.
You see your commitments through, regardless of how stressful they may be. This does not mean, though, that you let yourself be taken for granted or play out pointless charades. Important conversations must be held. Yet you can see how wise it could be to avoid upsetting someone. You need to apply determination and sensitivity in equal measure. That's like saying, you need to balance fire and water. It is no easy task. But as long as you don't let your emotions get the better of you, you'll find a way. Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are now forming a rare, powerful triple conjunction. Order your Guide to the Future and discover how this exceptional alignment can change your life over the coming months. 貴方は自分の約束を、どれほどストレスが掛かっても見届けるハメになるでしょう。 これは、貴方が誰かの意のままになるとか、無意味な物まねを演じるという事を意味してるわけではありません。 重要な会話が行われるでしょう。あなたは、誰かに怒るのを避けるのがどれほど賢いか知っていますが、 貴方は決意と感性のバランスをとらねばなりません。 火と水のバランスをとらねばならないと言うようなもので、簡単ではありません。 しかし、感情に流されたりしなければ、できるでしょう。 木星、海王星、キロンが珍しく、力強い3重のコンジャンクションを作っています。 未来へのガイドを手配して、この星の角度がこれから数ヶ月でいかに変えるのかを見つけてください。
This is a week of emotional decision making. Not much thinking is going to win this fight, it is a fight born out of feeling. You are a naturally intuitive being. If it feels right, then it is right, so no amount of thinking is going to change the score. A Full Moon Eclipse rocks the skies on Wednesday, August 5 and opens up your vision of perspective and possibility. You think you want one thing, but another thing wants you and the thing that wants you is far better than the thing you think you want.
Don’t hold too tightly to an idea, cuz a better one is on the horizon and it's about to blast down your door. Surprise city.
We ought never to judge a person until we have walked a mile in their shoes. Sometimes, though, we take one look at their shoes and wonder why on earth they ever put them on their feet! You can't quite understand why someone is so serious about a matter that, to you, is immensely trivial. But, then, who is to say that what matters so much to you is truly important? The cosmos is inviting (well, all right then, urging) you to rethink some priorities. Something counts for far more than you have realised, up until now.
Have you been thinking about working towards a career as a writer or teacher? If you have, a, this is the day to get the ball rolling. Perhaps you need to just sit down and start writing, or perhaps you want to take some courses that could help to improve your skills. A number of communications from out of state or even from distant lands could come your way, from people with information that might change your life in some way.
「 sit down and start writing」が気になります 何をすればいいんだろう?? 翻訳してもらえませんか?
You probably well remember your first favorite hit song. The fact is there was more than one. They made you feel good. But what you thought was cool at twelve was supplanted by something else, even before you reached thirteen. That’s the way of life ? creativity in action. If we keep listening to the same thing over and over it loses its spark. And when it doesn’t have the same wow factor we look for something else that does. It’s not that the track became any better of worse, it just became predictable. Spontaneous enjoyment devolved into robotic habit.
But as soon you moved onto something else the magic returned. And that’s where the Sun is for you now. It’s looking for a new self-expression, it’s seeking a new game, it’s returning to its creative and impromptu roots. If you follow the Sun then you’ll do the same. All you have to do is be open to the process. Life is all around you; hit records keep coming every week. It’s whether you are open to enjoyment; ready to appreciate something new and innovative that will determine how well you experience the month ahead.
The emphasis is on the creative, recreational and pleasure loving zone in your solarscope. This is the area of artistry and play. Focus on what gives you pleasure. That seems an easy enough statement but how many times has life got in the way of that.
You don’t have to be self-indulgent; it’s more about walking on the sunny side of the street. There is an area in our lives where we could all use the advice to wake up and live. We can go to the theatre or a concert, we can develop a new passion, and we can start taking chances again. They all feed the creative process, and they all make us more alive.
In the professional sense if you’re running a business from the home this can be a positive month. You also have promising energies connected to real-estate sales, and home improvement projects. Last months eclipses did focus on your home and living conditions and with stylish Venus moving through the same area home improvement is on the cards.
The Moon in a fellow fire sign sparks up your emotional life (AEST) on the 1st until early everning of the 2nd, from the 10th until mid afternoon of the 12th, the 19th and 20th, and again from early afternoon of the 27th and on the 28th and 29th inclusive.
As the traveller of the zodiac you should be in your element. Planets in the zone of far horizons could send you off to all four corners of the globe, or at least out of familiar territory. Then again, the theme of far horizons could apply to your future. Either way, the lunar eclipse of the 6th and aspects to Saturn and Uranus (11th, 17th, 19th and 21st ) could change the map. If you are travelling, anticipate some delays and general irritations, especially on or near the above dates, however, as you may know, when we make an effort we appreciate the result so much more... While there is much to enjoy from August's stars, don't turn a blind eye to any distress signals, whether they are emitted by friends, family or the bank! Come September you'll need to have stabilized one or more rocky situations, which means taking a pro-active approach in August. Talk to people, air problems and make sure you have back-up plans. Even if you don't need a safety net and even if September turns out to be a golden month, you'll have gained much from 'research and development' now. Mars will be moving through the area of partnership for much of the month, so don't expect other people to roll over for you. You'll be better off going along with their ideas and generally being very accommodating. On the other hand, if sex has been off the agenda for a little too long, get ready to boogy!
As one of the most inspired -- and inspirational -- signs of the zodiac, your thoughts are your prime currency. Meaning, when your thoughts are aligned with your beliefs and feelings and you're expressing them straight from the heart, you are empowered and you empower the people around you. The July 21 solar eclipse in your 8th House of transition, surrender, and power-sharing has been pushing you to examine some of the painful events in this lifetime that have convinced you to hold your tongue and to try to emotionally control yourself and others, rather than allowing the life force to flow freely through you as it wants to do. The August 5 lunar eclipse in your 3rd House of thoughts and communication highlights the many ways in which you are a natural teacher to the people you come in contact with on a daily basis. This fact may be brought home to you by a seemingly innocuous comment you make that turns out to be a catalyst for healing. Or you may become aware of just how routinely you have sabotaged your soul mission by repressing your thoughts out of fear that you'll be wounded by the kind of harsh criticism you absorbed in the past. This year is a powerful year of mind healing for you and whatever the specific message of the coming eclipse, its energy is illuminating your natural ability to teach and inspire others to create a more soulful and meaningful world.
You Sagittarians are famous for filling your cups too full. Sometimes this is cute. Sometimes it's a problem for those who don't like Cabernet Sauvignon sloshed on their handwoven Persian rugs. This week, however, I predict there will be little or no hell to pay for overflowing. So go ahead and transcend your containers, you beautiful exaggerators. Feel free to express yourself like a fire hose. Now enjoy a few gems from your fellow Sagittarius, the extravagant poet and painter William Blake. 1. "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." 2. "Exuberance is beauty." 3. "The lust of the goat is the bounty of God." 4. "You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough."
Mars is in your opposite sign, Gemini as it squares Saturn in Virgo this week and next, so your relationship with a partner, a parent or others in positions of authority could prove rather challenging. There seems to be a battle over who is in control or considerable impatience, frustration or anger because someone is not able to do or have what they want. Your sign doesn't like any restrictions or limitations, and it may be you that is fighting for control. The Lunar Eclipse suggests that your thinking may need to change, especially if you have a 'might makes right' mentality. Mercury's trine with Pluto early this week suggest you may have some good ideas for transforming your career and earning potential.
Be more relaxed about your sources of stress! Ask yourself why you haven't got what you want. Is it because, for all that you claim to want it, a part of you knows better? Might your guardian angel be working in the best interests of your highest, most noble self? Maybe, in keeping you away from something or preventing you
from getting somewhere, the fates are not conspiring against you, but working overtime to save you from the consequences of a dire desire. Given the fascinating and helpful course that Jupiter traces through the sky in August, if you can't get what you seek now, there has to be a really good reason.
You’ll be happy to hear that August will be a memorable month because you will be learning something new. The 9th house, which is lit up now, is the place in your horoscope where you gain new knowledge from people, travel, or events that take shape. Some Sagittarians will be heading back to the classroom as fall semester is right around the corner. You may be traveling great distances, reading a new series of books, or coming in contact with interesting people who will leave a lasting impression on you. Other areas in the spotlight for you are people far from home, grandparents, foreign relations, legal issues, and your personal philosophy.
Mercury transits your 10th house of career and status through Aug. 25. There may be changes in your career or the direction that your career is taking. This may include added benefits, increased income, or a change in routines. You don’t have to be employed for this transit to be helpful; the energy works wherever you are wanting to make an impression.
You’ll gather information and ideas to help you advance, earn more, and excel at what you are currently doing. This could also include parenting or in your relationship with parents. You should expect to have more talks with bosses, people in authoritarian positions, or high offices. If your intellect is not being challenged or you don’t have enough to keep you busy at work or in your daily life, you may feel more like an under-achiever during this time. If your position, “purpose”, or job title includes communicating or writing, you could probably sell snow to an Eskimo this month because people will be listening to what you have to offer.
Venus glides through your 8th house until August 26. Money may come easily, but it usually leaves your hands just as quickly. Your expenses may be a result of indulging in what you normally couldn’t afford. This could be due to an extension of credit, gift money, or using your credit cards. You may benefit through real estate, child support, alimony, taxes, inheritance, or money from another source aside of income. You may be more sensitive to your partner’s needs and feel a deeper emotional connection. Jealousy issues could arise, for this is a time that your passions are more intense-emotionally and sexually.
Mars bolts through your 7th house through August 25. The positive side of this influence is that you move ahead in your marriage or business relations. Mars can cause conflicts so you may need to compromise more than other times which may seem challenging. Be careful that you use the energy wisely, or disagreements could cause tempers to flare and arguments will be the result. The 7th house is also the house of open enemies. Someone may be keeping you from making progress, in business or in your personal affairs.
August 6, full moon Lunar eclipse 14 degrees Aquarius, your 3rd house. Sagittarians born within 5 days of Dec. 6 will be most influenced by the lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses close chapters in our lives that have worn out their usefulness.
This lunar eclipse concludes our eclipse season in the fixed signs that began in Feb. 2008. This is our last eclipse in Leo/Aquarius until 2016. This month’s eclipse may trigger a permanent change in your life or something that develops will help you find closure to an issue going on in your life now, although it may not fully take shape before November. Uranus, the planet that shocks and surprises, renews and upgrades in unpredictable ways, has rulership over this eclipse.
The 3rd house governs relatives, but is more closely related to siblings. You may receive news concerning a sibling if you have one. News could come to you from far away, or may suggest that a sibling will be traveling or relocating somewhere far from where you are now. Perhaps a sibling who has been out of the country will be coming home soon. Another possibility is that you could be the one who travels to spend time with them, for work or health related reasons. Our lives are influenced by other people; this lunar eclipse could impact their life which could change your circumstances. This eclipse message may concern another family member that lives far from you, or a grandparent. Other news, contracts, or documents may concern a court case or education.
This lunar eclipse could finalize a contract for you. This contract could be work related; however, this is not a career eclipse. If you have been working on a contract for your employer, this contract may be ending. The sun will enter your career Aug. 23 and there will be an emphasis on something going on at work. This may relate to a man in your life, such as your father or your husband (if you have one), because the sun governs important male figures in your life. Uranus rules over this eclipse, so news may surface suddenly. In addition, Uranus has rulership of your home and family sector, so whatever develops may be felt in this area as well. Therefore, the contract I mention could concern home or property matters.
This eclipse could change your thinking or beliefs. If you’ve been stuck in a negative pattern of thought, this eclipse may present a new more positive frame of mind.
This could be the final semester of school for you and this eclipse will find you heading off in a new career soon. This could be an important time to contact potential employers or begin working an internship. There is a chance that something going on in your life prevents you from continuing your education at this time and you’ll feel it necessary to leave. Perhaps a decision to further your education will be the result of this eclipse.
Publishing your works may be the focal point of this eclipse. After much hard work you may get your book, online business, trademark, artistic creation, or lucky break!
The 3rd house governs transportation and local travel. If you’re use to public transportation, this eclipse could put you in your own ride. Other travel or transportation issues can play an important role in your life in the coming months.
Aug. 20, new moon in your 9th house. Sagittarius with birthdays near Dec. 21 will feel the energy of this new moon most. New moon energy helps you begin something new. This new moon may find you heading back to school or taking a trip within the following two weeks. Other areas receiving a fresh outlook may be regarding to a legal case, foreign affairs, publishing, or media related issues. You may start a blog, begin networking online, or you could learn something that changes your future outlook.
This new moon has some stressful aspects to compete with. The end of August may add stress and/or the ability to overcome many odds for those born near the end of the sign.
Mercury enters your 11th house Aug. 25 as you turn your attention to friends and groups. This will be a busy time for you socializing, connecting with like minded people, or through your volunteer efforts.
Mars will oppose Pluto on August 26 influencing Sagittarius born near Nov. 23 most. This is volatile energy which can cause power struggles, manipulations, emotional outbursts, aggression, and transformations. This opposition falls in your earned income and other people’s money sector. Finances or possessions will be highlighted; however, for other Sagittarians more emphasis will be placed on something you value more than money-such as respect or injustices.
This new moon may find you heading back to school or taking a trip within the following two weeks. Other areas receiving a fresh outlook may be regarding to a legal case, foreign affairs, publishing, or media related issues. You may start a blog, begin networking online, or you could learn something that changes your future outlook. This new moon has some stressful aspects to compete with. The end of August may add stress and/or the ability to overcome many odds for those born near the end of the sign.
Sagittarius, Tuesday, 4 August 2009 お願いします It is, of course, when we feel most insecure that we most crave clarity. Under normal circumstances, when all seems reasonably safe and stable, we can easily cope with a few ifs, buts and maybes. We don't fuss and worry about our every choice and option. If we do something and it doesn't work out, we will just do something else. But when a situation seems loaded, emotionally or financially, we soon start to worry - and that makes everything worse. Just do, today, what feels as it if is probably the best thing to do.
Sagittarius, Wednesday, 5 August 2009 おねがいします You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. And you can't make a big, brave, decision without making moves that are bound to cause upset to someone, somewhere. Understandably now, you feel as if you are in tricky territory. You want to get a balance absolutely right. You are trying to satisfy several contradictory criteria, yet you cannot hope to meet them all. Something has to be sacrificed. Whatever else you decide you can afford to let go of, it must not be your sanity or your sense of self-worth. Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are now forming a rare, powerful triple conjunction
Good news can change the world. As I just shared when writing for Scorpio, two American female journalists were given a “special pardon”from the leader of North Korea and will finally be able to return home to their families after months in a North Korean jail. This story ate at me for months and with this breaking news, I felt a rush of relief. What felt like the impossible just became possible. Enough suffering already, let’s get down to making a little more peace and a lot less of that achy breaky heart stuff.
Let down your shield of resistance. There is no time like the present for a few crazy good miracles to materialize.
How can you be sure of where you are going, if you can't say for certain where you've been? You need, this weekend, to gain a better understanding of your current position. The success of any attempt to alter it will depend greatly upon your ability to recognise what it truly contains. If you are deluding yourself about where you are, you are probably fooling yourself, too, about where you are going to next. Yet clarity now can bring you great power in the near future. Ask yourself some difficult questions. Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are now forming a rare, powerful triple conjunction.
As a Sagittarian, you are never at a loss for words. I know I shouldn't use the word "never," but let's say it as it is. You are a gifted communicator, and when you speak, others listen. This month your talent for informing, persuading, and even inspiring others will put you ahead of the pack. Jupiter is now in your third house and is traveling shoulder to shoulder with Neptune, indicating that you may have a spiritual or deeply felt message or project that you are working on, something that goes beyond the usual day-to-day assignment done just to bring home the bacon. You are learning to communicate in a whole new way, even if you are a veteran in media or negotiations. You may now surprise yourself on how far you've come, and by fall you will develop even more impressively.
Mars, the energy planet, is now touring Gemini, not the easiest place for you, for Mars is in your partnership sector, giving your partner or even competitors, detractors, or adversaries the enviable dominant position. They seem to know it too, and they are using their power by being vocal or possibly quite critical. When these types throw down the gauntlet, you are wise to their shenanigans and can put them in their place as long as you don't blow your cool. As a brainy, intellectual sign, you are able to stay objective, even if the person in question becomes annoying or even outrageous. Fortunately, you are nearing the end of this challenging period, for Mars will depart this house on August 25. 精力的な火星は現在、双子座にいます。 これは、あなたにとって簡単ではない場所です。 なぜなら火星はあなたのパートナーシップのセクターにおり、そして、あなたのパートナー、競争相手、あなたを中傷する人、敵などを優位な位置につけます。 彼らは声高に言うか、できるだけ重要に言うかによって、彼らの力を使えることを知っているようです。 これらのタイプが反抗するとき、あなたは賢く彼らのペテンを追いやれます。 あなたが冷静さを失わない限りね。 たとえ問題の人が腹立たしくあきれるようなことさえしても、あなたは客観的な立場にいることが、賢い知的なサインによりできます。 幸運にも、この挑戦的な機関は終わりに近づいています。 火星は8月25日にこのハウスを去ります。
Jupiter, your guardian planet, will be retrograde until mid-October, so you won't be able to rely on luck to get out of tight situations. You won't have to. Sagittarius often lives by their wits, and this month that talent will again help you untie the most complicated Houdini-like knots if needed. Watching a Sagittarius in action is actually quite a fascinating experience for the rest of us - you do all this so gracefully, you seem not to even break a sweat. You are the supremely confident, optimistic sign, and that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The month begins with a full moon eclipse on August 5 in Aquarius at 14 degrees. Aquarius is an air sign that blends beautifully with your fire sign Sagittarian Sun. You may be wrapping up a critically important negotiation at this time, or getting papers ready to sign. With really good days and really adverse days falling side by side in parts of August, you would be wise to choose the right day to sign. I never advise signing on an eclipse, because eclipses - known to have the strength of three new or full moons rolled into one - kick up an enormous amount of cosmic dust, so it's not always easy to see the terrain clearly. I suggest signing instead on August 12 or 13, two stellar days for you. Fortunately, Mars will be very well angled to this eclipse, suggesting that you will have a partner, lawyer, agent, or other middleman who will be very helpful to you near August 5. On the days I chose, August 12 or 13, this intermediary person in your life will quite noticeably prove to be a gem. 今月は水がめ座の14度で、満月の食から始まります(8月5日) 水瓶座は空気のサインで、あなたの太陽の射手座の象徴である火を美しく混ぜるサインです。 あなたは今、きわどい大切な交渉を、もしくは署名が必要な書類を隠しているかも知れません。 八月には本当に運のいい日と、本当に不運な日が並んであるので、あなたはサインするのに適した日を賢く選ぶでしょう。 私は食にサインするのを決して勧めません。 なぜなら、この食は新月か満月を3つ分の強さがあり、膨大な量の宇宙の塵を巻き起こし、地形をクリアに見ることがいつも簡単ではありません。 私はその代り、8月12日か13日にサインすることを勧めます。 幸運にも、火星はこの食にとてもいい角度です。 これは、8月5日近辺であなたのパートナー、弁護士、エージェント、もしくは仲介者がとても助けてくれることを示唆します。 私が選んだ、8月12.13日の近辺で、この仲介者が目立ってあなたの生活にとって宝石のような存在(本当にいい人)であることがわかります。
The August 5 eclipse could bring exceptional opportunity to travel a short distance away from your base, within a day's drive or train ride of say 200 or 300 miles. While your trip may be for fun and relaxation, it may also coax your creativity to flow more freely, often more possible if you are in a new setting. Travel may also be for a business meeting that will prove to be lucrative. Keep your eye on clients based just out of town, for those are the ones that may be the most profitable of all, not only now but in months, and possibly even years, to come. If you don't go for business, you may go to look at property you own, want to buy, rent, or sell, or to visit a family member. See what comes up near August 5. If you were born on or within five days of December 5 you will feel this eclipse most, but you also stand to benefit from it most, too.
Lucky Days: 1, 10, 11, 18, 28, 29 Yucky Days: 7, 8, 14, 15, 20 Fashion Icon: Lily Allen Colour: Navy The planets are totally on your side this month, Sag -- a most welcome break from the blase' feelings you’ve been having as of late. With the Sun in your travel sector for the majority of the month, chances are you’ll be spending summer’s finale jet-setting around the world. Follow that with the fact the Sun will go on to light up the zenith of your horoscope on 22 August, and you can safely conclude that life is on a glorious upswing. Even though Jupiter is still retrograde, lucky stars are rallying for your cause. If the last few months have tested your faith, the rush of excitement will have you back in good spirits in a jiffy. The full moon lunar eclipse on 5 August in your communication sector should generate a slew of important correspondence. Pay special attention to your words and steer clear of any unnecessary verbal trauma by avoiding conversations that you know will only go south. The New Moon in your travel sector on 20 August is the official commencement of your end-of-summer getaway extravaganza. Most Sagittarians are happiest when en route to the next grand adventure―and the higher elevation, the better.
翻訳お願いいたします。 Weekend Update: Aug 07, 2009 A weekend of escapism lies ahead but there’s no running away from your emotions. Incorporate them into your weekend plans. What activities nurture your feelings and give you the freedom to let ‘em rip? It’s not that you need to sit around sobbing, Sag. Rather, you need to tune your antennas to feminine energy, beauty and creativity. Visit a friend at her summer share on the beach (without your significant other), fill your environmentally friendly bags with lush produce from a Farmer’s Market, jump in your car and go Garage Sale-ing, belt out Joan Jett at karaoke. You need a giant dose of happy relaxation, that’s it. When the moon slinks into Aries on Sunday, you’ll be spilling over with the desire to share your discoveries. Someone finds you irresistibly sexy?it’s the way you speak so passionately about that roadside blueberry vendor or the rustic farm table you got for a steal and dragged up three flights of stairs into your apartment. Gush on.
'I can't get used to something so right.' Thus sang Paul Simon, many years ago, in one of the most wonderful of his many most wonderful songs. This has to be your theme tune this week. Something that has long needed to happen is happening at last. There's progress where there once was stagnation, warmth where there once was an icy chill. Materially, emotional and physically. So, what could be about to go horribly wrong? Nothing. Stop looking for flaws in the diamond. Even if they do exist, you've still got a precious, priceless jewel. Appreciate it. Let it shine. And excel, this week, at what you're naturally good at.
翻訳お願いします。なんか恋愛とかよさそうなんです☆ Mars (action) is moving through your relationship sector. It can create warmness or stress in relations based on current situation. This is unique opportunity for you to strengthen your marriage or business commitments. If you are dating, this is right time to make it long term commitment.
Financially, last month was action packed for all Sagittarius. You might have seen lots of money movement in or out. It was happening since there were two eclipses in these sectors. In August, there will an eclipse in Aquarius on August 5 and this is quite positive full moon for your sign.
Your third house is most blessed house this year. You may be seeing many supportive activities in your communication, travel, education, neighbors, or sibling. Many changes have been happening in these sectors for last two years for Sagittarius. This is the last eclipse in this area. With Jupiter (luck), Neptune (dreams), Chiron (healing), and Moon (emotions) in same house, you may be seeing best time in your life for third house.
If you were born near December 5, plus or minus five days, this eclipse will help you in big way.
Next two years are more about changes in your financial stability. Eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn can improve your financial strength significantly until 2011. Meantime, it is better to save some money for hard times as eclipses also expose any area of weakness. You may find hard to pay loans. Do pay your taxes well in advance.
Mars (action in your relationship sector) will make square between Uranus (surprises at home front) and Saturn (in-security in career) within August 10-18. It may be tough time for all Sagittarius. Don’t take any impulsive decision that you may regret later. However, Jupiter (luck) and Neptune (dreams) are supporting Mars in it. If you act with patience, this could be productive time for you.
As month progresses, we have a supportive new moon in another fire sign, Leo, on August 20. This is an initiation point for any travel or education initiative. New moon in ninth house helps in broadening your knowledge base by higher education, spirituality, or foreign travel. You can plan to publish a new website. Alternatively, you may be asked to make a presentation.
Foreign travel is your favorite area. Possibly, you may have been involved in travel for last two years due to eclipses in same area. This is another month to enjoy the same.
If you are looking to add value in form of higher education, do think in same direction just after August 20.
This new moon will impact all Sagittarius in same fashion, However, If you were born near December 5, plus or minus five days, this eclipse will help you in big way.
Take care of your hard earned money just after August 25. On August 25-27, Mars (action), Mercury (communication), and Pluto (passion) are making tough angle with each other.
Important dates:event : most impacted birthdates
August 1-25 : Marriage or relationship focus August 1: Tough day in earned income life August 5 plus or minus one month: Culmination point in sibling or communication through supportive eclipse August 10: Tough day in career needse August 13-17: Great time in sibling or communication life August 18: Tough day in domestic life August 19: Tough day for career, social status and sibling life August 20 plus or minus five days: Great time in travel or education August 23: Great day in earned income August 25-31 : Focus on partner’s income August 25-26-27: Tough day for partner’s income and sibling life August 31: Tough day for career health
Sagittarius, Sunday, 9 August 2009 Your Week Ahead Part Two
Some say you love the limelight. Others know you better and they see how often you loathe it. Everything depends on what that light is shining on. If it is helping you to show off your assets you rarely object. But if it is revealing some untidy mess that has been hiding in the half-darkness, you understandably resent it. We none of us like our anxious secrets to be put on full public display. The cosmos is now obliging you to face up to home truths that you might well prefer to ignore. Yet nothing but good can come from all that is now being revealed. And if you do what you're best at now, you'll gain great rewards. Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are now forming a rare, powerful triple conjunction.
SINGLE? Don't assume that everyone is having a better time than you are. Of course you want to be in the limelight, but funnily enough it’s behind the scenes where you’re going to find the lights, camera and action will be all yours. Attached? You can make love last if you're honest about your needs, but also learn to listen to your partner's Respect each other's independent spirit and make sure you're equal in mind too.
Mars is in your opposite sign, Gemini, as it squares Saturn in Virgo this week, so you are likely to experience some friction with a partner or in relationships with others. It may seem to you as if others are being demanding or controlling, or both, this week and you keep running into issues concerning who is leading, who is in control. Your sign tends to like spontaneity and can be a little impatient at times, so it may be that the message of this planetary combination is a lesson in patience and discipline in order to accomplish your goals. The Mercury- Venus sextile suggests that you can present some valuable ideas if you are tactful and diplomatic.
Umbrellas, opened out fully and then turned upside down, make handy portable bread-baskets. Kitchen sinks, filled with soil, can make oddly ornamental plant pots. We live in a free world. We are entitled to be as creative as we wish in our use of the various facilities on offer to us. If we want to be practical, though, we are usually better off employing things for their original, intended purpose. Might there be a sense now, in which you are somehow missing the point of a reasonably straightforward opportunity.
The stars have news for whoever said that good things wouldn't last. Baloney! Sagittarius, your love light is shining, and that's fantastic! You're smack dab in the middle of a great trend as far as love is concerned. Relish it, burnish it up, and curl up with it! You exude sexuality and there will be no shortage of kisses for you this week.
Sagittarius, Tuesday, 11 August 2009 けいなー意訳おねがいします☆
Structures and systems suffocate us. Rules and routines restrict us. What we all need is glorious freedom. Or do we? Freedom leaves us feeling confused and intoxicated. When we have too much choice we can't choose anything. We end up creating problems or obstacles, just to give us some sense of being earthbound. There must be a balance between liberty and liability. You now have a great opportunity. For it to have any real meaning, it needs to be contrasted with a problem. One not unlike your current one! Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are now forming a rare, powerful triple conjunction.
Your Third House - this part of your chart is about communications and an eclipse in this part of your chart suggests you need to think clearly about how well you're getting your message across. It also suggests change re your siblings and/or that you're either going to be taking off somewhere or about to be VERY busy!
Your Eight House - This is the part of your chart connected to love and sex, as well as to all the things you consider to be taboo. If you've taken a walk on the dark side lately, it's time to come back into the light! If you're looking for ways to boost your sex life or your finances, you should have had all the hints you need now.
Your Ninth House - one of the most common question I get is "Will I travel?" The answer is usually "Yes, if you want to". This goes quadruple for you right now! You can if you want to. Do it if you dare! For some the eclipses were also about realizing more study is needed. And for others, that a 'life philosophy' change is required!
It's not as simple as saying, 'Right, that's it, I am going to lead a sensible life from now on.' First of all, you don't really mean it. What you mean is, 'Whoops, I have bitten off more than I can chew... again.' Secondly, how are you going to undo the cumulative result of all those years spent in dedicated pursuit of drama? What (or who) will you have to cut out of your life to be in with a chance of being truly sensible? Forget it! You can't straighten everything out. But you can now make it just a little less tangled. Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are now forming a rare, powerful triple conjunction.
シェリーが不穏な感じで気になります。 ラストあたりの高圧的態度?はやめたほうがいいのか、やったほうがいいのかだけでも 訳して頂けませんでしょうか? Those who feel they've the right to tell you how to approach certain matters that really aren't their business are hugely irritating. Now, however, you must do exactly that. You must adopt a rather heavy-handed approach with one particular individual who's already making unwise decisions and who, if they continue, could cause others serious problems.
Think of an article of clothing that is held up by a piece of elastic. If that elastic is too tight, it will be most uncomfortable, even if it fits in every other way. And if it is too loose? It will be useless. So what can we conclude? Does this mean that elastic is a bad thing? No, it is a fine thing. It is just important to have exactly the right amount of it: not too little, not too much. Something in your life now is out of proportion. You don't need to apply a dramatic solution to an unsatisfactory situation. You just need to make an adjustment. Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are now forming a rare, powerful triple conjunction.
Yesterday, we spoke about elastic. Today, let's consider salt. It, too, is one of those things that you can easily have too much or too little of. When you are cooking, you have to be careful. If you don't add enough, your food will taste bland. Overdo it, and it will be inedible. None of this, though, makes salt a useless or pointless condiment. Something in your life now is right. More right than you realise. You just need to ensure that you rearrange things so that you have the right amount of it this weekend. Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are now forming a rare, powerful triple conjunction.
●1 As a Sagittarian, you are never at a loss for words. I know I shouldn't use the word "never," but let's say it as it is. You are a gifted communicator, and when you speak, others listen. This month your talent for informing, persuading, and even inspiring others will put you ahead of the pack. Jupiter is now in your third house and is traveling shoulder to shoulder with Neptune, indicating that you may have a spiritual or deeply felt message or project that you are working on, something that goes beyond the usual day-to-day assignment done just to bring home the bacon. You are learning to communicate in a whole new way, even if you are a veteran in media or negotiations. You may now surprise yourself on how far you've come, and by fall you will develop even more impressively.
●2 Mars, the energy planet, is now touring Gemini, not the easiest place for you, for Mars is in your partnership sector, giving your partner or even competitors, detractors, or adversaries the enviable dominant position. They seem to know it too, and they are using their power by being vocal or possibly quite critical. When these types throw down the gauntlet, you are wise to their shenanigans and can put them in their place as long as you don't blow your cool. As a brainy, intellectual sign, you are able to stay objective, even if the person in question becomes annoying or even outrageous. Fortunately, you are nearing the end of this challenging period, for Mars will depart this house on August 25. 精力的な火星は現在、双子座にいます。 これは、あなたにとって簡単ではない場所です。 なぜなら火星はあなたのパートナーシップのセクターにおり、そして、あなたのパートナー、競争相手、あなたを中傷する人、敵などを優位な位置につけます。 彼らは声高に言うか、できるだけ重要に言うかによって、彼らの力を使えることを知っているようです。 これらのタイプが反抗するとき、あなたは賢く彼らのペテンを追いやれます。 あなたが冷静さを失わない限りね。 たとえ問題の人が腹立たしくあきれるようなことさえしても、あなたは客観的な立場にいることが、賢い知的なサインによりできます。 幸運にも、この挑戦的な機関は終わりに近づいています。 火星は8月25日にこのハウスを去ります。
●3 Jupiter, your guardian planet, will be retrograde until mid-October, so you won't be able to rely on luck to get out of tight situations. You won't have to. Sagittarius often lives by their wits, and this month that talent will again help you untie the most complicated Houdini-like knots if needed. Watching a Sagittarius in action is actually quite a fascinating experience for the rest of us - you do all this so gracefully, you seem not to even break a sweat. You are the supremely confident, optimistic sign, and that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
●4 The month begins with a full moon eclipse on August 5 in Aquarius at 14 degrees. Aquarius is an air sign that blends beautifully with your fire sign Sagittarian Sun. You may be wrapping up a critically important negotiation at this time, or getting papers ready to sign. With really good days and really adverse days falling side by side in parts of August, you would be wise to choose the right day to sign. I never advise signing on an eclipse, because eclipses - known to have the strength of three new or full moons rolled into one - kick up an enormous amount of cosmic dust, so it's not always easy to see the terrain clearly. I suggest signing instead on August 12 or 13, two stellar days for you. Fortunately, Mars will be very well angled to this eclipse, suggesting that you will have a partner, lawyer, agent, or other middleman who will be very helpful to you near August 5. On the days I chose, August 12 or 13, this intermediary person in your life will quite noticeably prove to be a gem. 今月は水がめ座の14度で、満月の食から始まります(8月5日) 水瓶座は空気のサインで、あなたの太陽の射手座の象徴である火を美しく混ぜるサインです。 あなたは今、きわどい大切な交渉を、もしくは署名が必要な書類を隠しているかも知れません。 八月には本当に運のいい日と、本当に不運な日が並んであるので、あなたはサインするのに適した日を賢く選ぶでしょう。 私は食にサインするのを決して勧めません。 なぜなら、この食は新月か満月を3つ分の強さがあり、膨大な量の宇宙の塵を巻き起こし、地形をクリアに見ることがいつも簡単ではありません。 私はその代り、8月12日か13日にサインすることを勧めます。 幸運にも、火星はこの食にとてもいい角度です。 これは、8月5日近辺であなたのパートナー、弁護士、エージェント、もしくは仲介者がとても助けてくれることを示唆します。 私が選んだ、8月12.13日の近辺で、この仲介者が目立ってあなたの生活にとって宝石のような存在(本当にいい人)であることがわかります。
●5 The August 5 eclipse could bring exceptional opportunity to travel a short distance away from your base, within a day's drive or train ride of say 200 or 300 miles. While your trip may be for fun and relaxation, it may also coax your creativity to flow more freely, often more possible if you are in a new setting. Travel may also be for a business meeting that will prove to be lucrative. Keep your eye on clients based just out of town, for those are the ones that may be the most profitable of all, not only now but in months, and possibly even years, to come. If you don't go for business, you may go to look at property you own, want to buy, rent, or sell, or to visit a family member. See what comes up near August 5. If you were born on or within five days of December 5 you will feel this eclipse most, but you also stand to benefit from it most, too.
●6 More travel opportunities may come up after the new moon August 20, but this new moon is one to watch because it will be a harbinger of a larger trend that will take you straight through mid-2010. You seem to have something percolating on foreign shores, or soon will. If that doesn't ring true for you, then it will be that an opportunity involving university study or a grant or research project will involve you, or that a chance to do something big with the media, in TV or publishing, will begin to light your imagination. All these areas glow for you, and you can't even see how huge the seeds you may be planting now could grow.
●7 You need to get as much done now as you can, because you will be running into a confusing, unproductive month in September. Mercury will retrograde all next month, and planets will be clashing in unusually harsh ways in the middle of September. You will need to sit through the storm and wait for the clouds to clear, which will happen in October. Your home situation and career will be the focus, and those are heavy-duty areas, so keep your schedule light next month. Sign nothing in September and agree to no plans, commitments, or new ventures. I suggest you not be on the road, for it looks like you'll want to be around to attend to whatever comes up. September will be a time to look back and fix flaws, but not look forward to new plans - not quite yet. Once you get to October, you will be in fine shape, but you will have to make it through September. If you can settle things in August, do, but don't push too hard at the end of the month, for you will start to see talks slow down quite a bit as you and the rest of the world get caught in the strong undertow of Mercury retrograde. 何故ならあなたは9月に、実りのない混乱に出会うので、今までよりもっとできるようにならなければなりません。 水星は来月の間ずっと逆行しています。 そして、9月半ば惑星たちは珍しく厳しい衝突をします。 あなたは嵐をじっとがまんし、雲が晴れるのを待つ必要があります。 これは10月におこります。 きわめて重要なエリアで、あなたの家庭状況と、キャリアが焦点となりますので、来月はあなたのスケジュールを軽くしておく必要があります。 9月は何にもサインしてはいけません。 計画、約束、新しいベンチャーなど何にも同意してはいけません。 あなたが望んでいるように見えるものは、あなたが向かっているところにはないでしょう。 9月は過去を振り返り、弱点を修復し、まだまだ、将来の新しい計画に目を向ける時ではありません。
●8 As you go through this month, keep an eye to home/property and family details, for the full moon early next month will bring things to a final climax. Sign papers early in August in anticipation of actions you may take on that full moon, such as to move or close on a house, for example. A difficult day for your career may turn out to be August 21, or even the day prior, due to unexpected news that will pull you in a different direction. It's possible that things going on at home will demand your attention, just at a time when things are so critical at work. See how things play out, but I suggest to you that you avoid making any promises or commitments on August 21. 来月頭の満月は最後のクライマックスを運んでくるので、今月は、家、資産、家族の詳細、をよく見ておいてください。 8月の上旬に、満月で起こること、たとえば、あなたは引っ越しか、家を売るか等のことを予測して、書類にサインしなさい。 8月21日は、あなたのキャリアにとって深刻な日であることがわかる日かもしれません。 もしくは、予想もしないまったく違った方向へ引っ張られるという予定を聞かされるかもしれません。 重要な仕事をしているときに、家のことで、あなたの注意を必要とすることが起こる可能性があります。 どのように事が展開するか見てください。 しかし、私は8月21日は約束や誓約をすることを避けるべきだと提案します。
●9 Once Mars enters Cancer and your eighth house on August 25 until October 15, you will focus on raising money for a large goal you have in mind. Before you get to this date, you will have Venus filling this house, a harbinger of the large bounty you can raise if you are persuasive enough. Even if you are, talks won't be easy as you get closer to the end of the month. Pluto will make a very strong opposition to Mars on August 26, so you are likely to encounter quite a bossy, self-centered demanding type who will name terms you may find to be way out of line. How you resolve this impasse will exhibit your skill in negotiation but also reflect your character, your situation, and how much you are willing to do to get the money. 一旦火星が、8月25日から10月15日の間、蟹座とあなたの第8のハウスに入ったら、あなたが心に描く大きなゴールの為に資金調達に集中します。 この日までに、金星はこのハウスを満たしており、あなたは十分な説得力があるなら、大きな報奨金の前触れがあるでしょう. いくら、月末近くになって会談が簡単でなくなってきてもです。 冥王星は8月26日に火星に対して非常に敵対しますので、あなたはボス面をする、自己中心的なきついタイプに出会って、その人と親しくなり自分が道を外れているのに気がつかせてくれるかもしれません。 この袋小路をあなたはどのように交渉のスキルを示すことによって解決するでしょうか。また、お金を稼ぐためにあなたの性格や立場を熟考するでしょう。
●10 Some negotiations are not meant to be, however, and if you find this one demands too much and delivers too little, you might just surprise the other side by standing up and walking away. I am not saying you will definitely do this, because clearly you will be passionately and fervently looking for cash at the end of August, but you can and will leave this deal if the other side is unwilling to give an inch. With Mercury about to retrograde, the person who changes his or her mind could be you. This month could be quite romantic if you are getting engaged or married, which is actually quite possible. If so, how exciting will that be! Travel will also fan the fires of love, so you if you get a chance to take a short weekend away with the one you love, take it. Love could turn out to be quite hot and sexy in August, and that, dear Sagittarius, means you have plenty to look forward to as the weeks unfold! Romance will be best on August 1, 4-6, 11, 14-15, 13, 19, 27, and 28.
On Friday, harmonious vibes return to one of your closest connections. You’ve been uber-critical of this person lately, but bear in mind that you’ve also been ripping yourself to shreds. The cosmic directive is clear: rewind and be kind. エルの週末運を翻訳お願いいたします。 To yourself first and formost, then everything else will fall back into balance. By mid-Saturday, the veil is lifted and you see new outlets for co-creation. Take these visions seriously, even put some time and money behind them. If you’re single (and sick of it) you won’t scout out your soulmate doing the same old things with the same old people. Widen the arc of your social circle and stretch into daring new terrain. You’re genuinely ready to meet that person who shares your rare mix of stability and adventurism?and this could happen by Sunday.
Love Horoscope for Friday 14th August 2009 お願いします☆
Friday ought to be your sort of day - where you're asked questions and revel in knowing the answers. Yet it could all prove too much: perhaps you're being asked to think out of your comfort zone. There's also the possible issue of knowing you're about to be separated from someone important. If that's the case, then it's almost certain that the heart will grow fonder as a result. There's a bit of 'parting is such sweet sorrow' in the air for much of this weekend - with the exception of Saturday when, (and probably over a meal), you could meet with a couple who're clearly very much in love - inspiring you to use words of love and regretting very much that you haven't used these words more often.
You know how to make the very best of something. Even if the situation looks or feels far from ideal, you will find the good in it. For you do know that whatever it is, it is happening for a reason. It is an art to see something from a higher vantage point, a more objective glance and this week as Jupiter, your ruler, receives a deliberate message of intent from Mars, it raises your own vibration and you able to feel a rapid push of growth, not only in the progress of your Soul but in your relations with others. You are seeing the bigger picture with a fierce clarity now and are able to cut through a handful of fears and a belly of nerves that have been getting in the way of your Soul’s growth.
翻訳お願いします。 Your outgoing, aggressive nature will attract someone you've been eager to meet. Follow through on some of the good ideas that come up, and you could have a real winner of a deal. Wait and get all the information before consulting your boss. Be aware that you don't get anything for nothing.
翻訳お願いします。 Image: "A white porcelain bowl full of glacial water" Message: Pure reflections.
This week accents powerful emotional insights and revelations concerning the underlying truth in key relationships. Pay particular attention to flashes of intuition or wisdom involving romantic promises, long term plans and differing life values between romantic partners. Some Sagittarians may also receive vivid dream impressions or sudden flashes of emotions. Spiritually, many Sagittarians will this week experience a small opening to their deeper unconscious needs. Listen carefully: a positive emotional direction may now be revealed. After Tuesday watch also for quick series of reversals in a business relationship: loans, long term agreements or shared financial ventures may all be affected. Before next week, it may be necessary to redefine your goals in a key business partnership. Don't be shy: let others know your limits.
Your Week Ahead Part Two: Would you like the good news or the bad news? The bad news is that you're about to get some good news! And why is this bad news? Because when you first hear it, you won't like it. Or, at least, you won't like all of it. You might scratch your head and wonder. You may even roll your eyes in despair. 'Oh surely not' you will say. This news, though, is not so bad at all. The implication may take a little while to dawn on you, but once it does, you'll feel very proud and powerful. Pay close attention to a situation, a suggestion or a development you think you don't like. It will lead to something you're deeply glad of.
Justifying your actions or decisions to others is low in your priorities, particularly if it involves those for whom you’ve little respect. Ironically, however, what comes to light in the process of dealing with such questions forces you to acknowledge failings in your plans that, otherwise, you’d have missed until it was too late. The resulting review and reorganisation may be disruptive, but allows you to rethink your approach and update arrangements. This particularly focuses in changes involving your resources, that is, your money but also your time and the support you can rely on from others. Difficult as making cutbacks are, they’ll save you more serious problems in the long run.
>>469 (翻訳ボラ様の代理で貼ります) Michael Thiessen 8/15-21:2009/08/15(土) 22:44:53 ID:EripO0x7 翻訳お願いします。 Your outgoing, aggressive nature will attract someone you've been eager to meet. Follow through on some of the good ideas that come up, and you could have a real winner of a deal. Wait and get all the information before consulting your boss. Be aware that you don't get anything for nothing.
Your lucky day this week will be Sunday. あなたの社交的で、積極的な性格はあなたが会いたいと熱望する相手をひきつけます。 思いつくいい考えに従ってみてください。 あなたは取引において本当の勝者になることができます。 あなたのボスに相談する前にすべての情報をゲットして待ってください。 見返りなしには何も得ないことを了承してください。 今週の日曜日はあなたのラッキーデイです。
There is something that you want. You want it rather badly yet it seems that you cannot have it. So, what else is new? Isn't your whole life a struggle to come to terms with one harsh reality or another? Don't you just have to get used to the idea that some things - no matter how desirable or seemingly suitable - are just impossible or unattainable? Maybe, sometimes, that is precisely what you have to accept. But not now. Not here. Don't strive to get it; but don't give up either. It may just come and present itself to you.
(翻訳ボラ様の代理で貼ります) There is something that you want. You want it rather badly yet it seems that you cannot have it. So, what else is new? Isn't your whole life a struggle to come to terms with one harsh reality or another? Don't you just have to get used to the idea that some things - no matter how desirable or seemingly suitable - are just impossible or unattainable? Maybe, sometimes, that is precisely what you have to accept. But not now. Not here. Don't strive to get it; but don't give up either. It may just come and present itself to you. あなたが望む何かがあります。 それはかなわないように見えにもかかわらず、あなたはかなりそれを望んでいます。 いつものことじゃない? あなたの人生は、厳しい現実を受け入れ努力するか否かじゃないですか? あなたは当然不可能か、達成不可能か(それがどんなに望ましいか、一見ふさわしくても)そういう考えに慣れてはいけません。 あなたは時々はっきりと受け入れなくはならないものであるでしょう。 今とは違います。 ここでもないです。 それを得るために努力しないで。 しかし、ギブアップもしないで。 あなたに、ちょうど到来しそうです。
Disappointing as setbacks in plans or arrangements you've worked hard to organise may be, in fact they' re in your best interests. They are the result of changes in the actual background circumstances involved, changes of which you were entirely unaware. Once you've learned more about these, you'll be grateful things didn't go any further.
(翻訳ボラ様の代理で貼ります) Disappointing as setbacks in plans or arrangements you've worked hard to organise may be, in fact they're in your best interests. They are the result of changes in the actual background circumstances involved, changes of which you were entirely unaware. Once you've learned more about these, you'll be grateful things didn't go any further. 失敗すると失望される計画、もしくはまとめるのが難しい取り決め。 実のところこれらにあなたの最大の利益があります。 それらは、あなたがほとんど気がつかなかった、実際の入り組んだ背景事情の変化の結果です。 ひとたびこれらについてさらに学ぶなら、あなたはこれ以上ないほど感謝するでしょう。
翻訳お願い出来ますでしょうか? Journeys and travels are the theme of the week?whether you’re floating down the French Riviera or making plans for a Labor Day camp-out. In the past three weeks, you’ve recognized the futility of trying to control other people’s choices, alter their viewpoints or involve yourself in their healing processes. Your own higher truth has sounded its call in your psyche. This is for you to follow Sagittarius. Beyond that, your motto might as well be, “live and let live.” The Sun sets its dial on Virgo-mode from Sunday through September 23. Developing career and family plans will soon become the top-level agenda items in your life. Don’t throw away the lessons you’ve learned over the past month while the Sun was rocking out in playful, passionate Leo. Structure and planning can be expansive (not stifling) if you keep your spirit of adventure intact.
Sometimes, we simply have to concede defeat. We have to face the facts, recognise the realities and reset the expectation. Strangely, when we do this we can find that it somehow proves to be the trigger for the very change we had been most hoping for. It may be that we have to give up in some way before we can get what we want. But we cannot count on that, nor can we manipulate this natural law. If we are only pretending not to care any more, then we still care. With that in mind, be brave, let go today. I've got so much more to tell you in your spoken forecast.
You’re continually being challenged to let go of control in a partnership. The idea of joining assets with another person pushes your buttons in a major way. Today confront your fears around shared finances. The last thing you want to do is check in with another person when you want to splurge on a festival tickets, baliage hair painting, or a punchy neon clutch. You also have no desire to micromanage another person’s spending. Throw away the rulebook and talk through alternative solutions, like setting up a third account that you both contribute to.
(翻訳ボラ様の代理で貼ります) Because you tend not to take clashes with others too much to heart, you don't worry overly about their personal dramas either. While in many cases that's wise, one particular situation needs your thoughtful attention. The individuals involved are trying to be strong, but they're struggling, and would greatly value your support.
翻訳お願い出来ますでしょうか? Early this week career-related news arrives that may seem somewhat sobering, but things are rarely what they appear to be, and it’s important that you hold on to your legendary positivity in order to gain the perspective that will help you uncover the true message that’s being conveyed to you. Support you don’t see coming is on its way. Thursday’s new Moon occurs very close to your midheaven, implying that if you keep an open mind and explore all your options, you can come out way ahead of the game. Do your best to open up and receive all that is offered to you this week, regardless of the way you judge it at first. The Moon’s Nodes move into the houses that relate to your possessions, and you’re about to find out what it is you have that is so meaningful to others.
本日のケイナー、翻訳お願いします。 The universe is a mysterious place full of things that are hard to explain or understand. That is why we are all so fond of explanations and why we take such pride in the amount that we understand. It makes us feel more secure. It bolsters us against the insecurity of uncertainty. Every day, though, we find ourselves subject to processes and influences that are so far beyond our comprehension that we hardly even notice their existence. Given all that, how can you say that you really know what is or is not possible now? Be less negative.
(翻訳ボラ様の代理で貼ります) The universe is a mysterious place full of things that are hard to explain or understand. That is why we are all so fond of explanations and why we take such pride in the amount that we understand. It makes us feel more secure. It bolsters us against the insecurity of uncertainty. Every day, though, we find ourselves subject to processes and influences that are so far beyond our comprehension that we hardly even notice their existence. Given all that, how can you say that you really know what is or is not possible now? Be less negative. Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are now forming a rare, powerful triple conjunction. Order your Guide to the Future and discover how this exceptional alignment can change your life over the coming months.
翻訳お願いできますか?機械訳では中々いい感じのようなんですが・・。 I am not sure what has gotten into me, but all of these prior posts that I have written this week were singing with good news. I guess that’s what the New Moon energizes. It fills one with hope and promise and good vibrations. It reminds me of what IS possible versus all that has been breaking down. So do forgive me if I sugar coat this week’s forecast in any way, for I do know that life is far from easy. However, the only way to better days is when the flame of passion burns with creative forces. The New Moon in fellow fire sign Leo on Thursday brings light to your world where there had been a shadow or two. Venus also lines up with Uranus in a stellar way and initiates a flood of healing emotion, paving the way for closer connections with those you love and adore.
That IS what’s possible. Now go and see that it happens.
翻訳お願simasu. I'd like to discuss The Game. Do you know what I mean? I'm talking about The Unnamed Game. The Uber-Game that is so vast and all-encompassing that it's virtually a secret. What if you discovered that one of the seemingly sacrosanct rules of The Game was really just a local ordinance, and no longer applied if you played in a different arena or at a higher level? And what if I said that in this different arena or higher level, new allies are poised to introduce you to loopholes and shortcuts you never imagined existed?
(翻訳ボラ様の代理で貼ります) Yet again you've been caught in a situation in which your options are curtailed by the views of somebody for whom you've little respect, or whose rules you regard as pointless. Still, they have considerable influence, and the fallout from ignoring them would hardly justify the pleasure you'd derive from doing so.
(翻訳ボラ様の代理で貼ります) There are all sorts of ways in which your eyes could be opened: new glasses for a start! Yet it's as likely that what you've learnt in the last couple of days has awakened a new line of thinking. Now you need to let go of the past - which might not be at all easy. The good news is that you have support from someone aware that you need time to rebuild and willing to help - at every level.
(翻訳ボラ様の代理で貼ります) If you like adventure -and what true Archer doesn't - you'll love these stars. There's magic and mystery from Neptune, surprises from Uranus, and from Saturn a reminder that actions have consequences... If you are indeed travelling, expect some diversions and should you be looking at a blank page in your weekly planner don't expect to be chilling out on the patio, unless you're mending the roof and repairing a leaky water feature at the same time. Breakdowns of one sort or another could be on the agenda but if your wheel of life loses a spoke and sets you on a different path, sit tight and think: c'est la vie!
Single? Dawn to dusk you're about to cause envy, and wind up a few friends. They really need to start taking themselves seriously and get their acts together. Simultaneously you'll be surrounded by gushing admirers.
Settled? Jupiter's is still making you feel like a verbal fight, and with all this sloshy energy around you feel even more goaded into action. Have a little stomp or flounce, get it our of your system and see your partner's true worth.
We do not come to this earth so that we can feel important. 翻訳お願いできますか? We are not put here so that we can have strong opinions and express them forcefully. If we exist for any particular reason, it is surely so that we can learn. How can we learn when we already think we know all the answers? The New Moon is causing you to question an assumption from which you once gained a great sense of security. This is only happening, though, so that you can develop a deeper understanding of yourself and of a crucial matter.
Sagittarius November 22 ? December 21 Daily stars for today 20 August 2009
When you made plans, there was enough time and money for you to get everything done, with plenty to spare. But recent events have devoured those resources, leaving you short on both fronts. Tempting as it is to try to stretch what's left, you're better off telling others you miscalculated, and making realistic cutbacks. 計画を立てた時、貴方には充分な時間とお金がありました。 しかし、最近の出来事は、それらを飲み込み、貴方の時間とお金は欠乏しつつあります。 残されたお金と時間を引き延ばしてやりくりしたいでしょうが、あなたは他人に計画が間違っていたと伝え 縮小したほうがよいです
(翻訳ボラ様の代理で貼ります) Life-changing and healing developments in the life of someone close impacts on you. There may be no guarantees. For now, it may be necessary for you to learn some of their ropes and, maybe, take over a task they usually do. This looks to be an action packed day when emotions run high but where you draw ever closer to someone already very special.
(翻訳ボラ様の代理で貼ります) When you made plans, there was enough time and money for you to get everything done, with plenty to spare. But recent events have devoured those resources, leaving you short on both fronts. Tempting as it is to try to stretch what's left, you're better off telling others you miscalculated, and making realistic cutbacks.
翻訳お願いします☆ Some pennies, when they drop, make a bit of a rattle. Others land with a slight, almost imperceptible, chink, especially when they fall on top of many other pennies that have recently dropped. Then there are the ones that don't just dislodge themselves in a place in the back of our minds and land on the floor of our conscience but would somehow hurtle to the depths of our very being changing us slowly from the inside out. This weekend brings you a realisation, a revelation and a lasting sense of elevation.
Daily Horoscope for Friday 21st August 2009 お願いします☆
Now you really do have a lot to think about - most particularly the implications of helping someone out. This is more than just about cash - and perhaps more about the effect all this is having on someone you care about deeply. The good news is that one potential problem seems to have been stopped in its track: not quite enough to celebrate but very nearly.
Cool it with the stress fest, Sagittarius. Though you’re itching to get the job done, your crew won’t react favorably if you dump a whole load of pressure on them. That doesn’t mean you should let go of the wheel. Your direction is sorely needed La Capitana. Spend time mapping out your master plan, then call together a summit. Calmly (yet firmly) assign specific tasks to people and the mission will be accomplished in far less time than you initially imagined. Accept any invitations to socialize with colleagues this weekend. With the Sun entering your ambitious tenth house on Saturday, every soiree doubles as a networking opportunity. Make sure your business cards (and other materials such as a blog, website, or presentation PDF) are up to snuff and an accurate graphic representation of the quality work you produce. If not, consider hiring a designer to help bridge the gap.
週末の翻訳をお願いいたします☆ Seeking a calm environment makes a great deal of sense on Friday because the day begins on a nervous note. Mental Mercury is hyped up by shocking Uranus, a combination that's great for brilliant ideas but not ideal for intimacy. The Moon is in picky Virgo, a sign that can sometimes lead us to become overly critical and caught up in endless details. Points are earned by being helpful, but even then we may not receive the gratitude we deserve for our efforts. The Moon joins sobering Saturn in the evening, raising our doubts about finding any love or affection. Of course some people will discover a bit of sweetness, yet the atmosphere is more likely to be heavy with worry than bright with optimism.
Thankfully, Saturday is very different. The Moon enters Libra, the partnership sign, in the morning, setting the stage for a more harmonious day. There may be some grumpiness until the early afternoon as the Moon trips over insatiable Pluto. But then Venus, the planet of love, washes away old worries and fears with a harmonious 120-degree trine to inventive Uranus. This pair adds new life to old relationships and opens the way to fresh experiences on the road to romance. There's freedom to explore different places, faces, attitudes and experiences, enlivening hearts with fresh hope and new forms of pleasure. These good vibes should carry over through Sunday, capping off a delicious weekend.
Within days, the courageous Mars moves to accent new arrangements, which suggests that your current situation could be vastly improved. And soon. Knowing that, instead of struggling with what you have now, ensure you're out and about, so you can be absolutely certain you won't miss the promised exciting developments.
There may be some major shift or change in your life that you are resisting this week. The changes that are trying to happen are necessary, so fighting against them are really self-defeating. It seems that you need a fundamental shift in your values, which would have profound effects on your sense of self-worth. The aspect pattern formed this week between Mercury in Libra and the Mars-Pluto opposition suggests that you could have a power struggle, arguments or other conflict over financial matters, involving friends or a group. Defensiveness and aggressiveness will get in the way of understanding and nobody wins. Try going for a win- win, instead.
Image: "On the surface of the moon, a lone golf ball" Message: Yesterday's games.
Social invitations or group discussions may be complex this week. Expect friends and lovers to now publicly react to previously withheld feelings. Aspects indicate that subtle emotional competitions have been in operation over the last 2 to 3 weeks. Now, and continuing over the next 7 weeks, social differences will be publicly addressed. Much of this looks quite entertaining, so not to worry. Pace yourself and expect a few dramatics. Mid-week work routines will shift. Previously planned events or schedules will no longer be appropriate for short term projects. Expect work assignments to quickly broaden: business obligations will now increase to include team objectives.
The weeks ahead feature ambition, business, prestige relations, status in the community, and your parenting role. Nothing will come swiftly, easily nor “free” in this zone through October ? in fact September brings delays and mistakes in this and other zones. Despite this, you can advance (ultimately, toward bigger earnings); and the more serious you are, the better the progress. You’ll be helped in the month ahead by affectionate wisdom and happy social interactions. Charge into the latter Sunday, Monday morning! Take care mid-week with finances, sex and commitment ? big changes lurk!
翻訳お願いします☆ Your Week Ahead Part Two: Can you do it? That, actually, is the wrong question. A more relevant one is 'Do you really, really want to?' Where there's a will, there's a way. You will need, though, a strong will if you are to find a way forward now. If you suffer a loss of confidence, it will be easy to see your situation as impossible. You may grow aware of a resentment or a reason to feel restricted. It's all very well for your astrologer to say 'just ignore all that', but in practice, the advice won't be easy to take. If, though, you do just resolutely focus on your desire yet remain willing to wait for the right moment, you will arrive at it eventually.
This week sees the Sun join Saturn and Mercury in the area of you solar chart concerned with your career, reputation and worldly status: the most outward aspects of your life. This is also the time to seriously examine your life as a whole and decide whether you’re going in the right direction.
You may find yourself, or your work, in the limelight in some way and with the natural flow energies on your side you’re likely to make a very good impression on those who’ll be in a position to help you fulfil your ambitions. You’ve an opportunity to shine so don’t cut corners.
Like your Scorpio predecessors you can be bringing a lot of things to fruition now. People may be looking to your for leadership and authority as it’s now that your Sun can literally shine in a crisis. There can be increasing involvement with a parent figure, but the over riding message from this is that you are no longer the child.
翻訳お願いします☆ Venus moves into your fellow fire sign of Leo this week and brings with her a desire to show off and show everyone else up. Your competitive side is rearing to go!
* Single: Venus in Leo means that you have to put your best head of hair and shoes forward this week and for the next few weeks! It’s all your appearance so make the most of your assets!
* Couples: Make an effort this week when meeting up with your partner’s friends/family/coworkers and make sure he makes an effort too if meeting yours. It’s okay to show off a little.
早くも9月の占い登場!翻訳をお願いできるようでしたらよろしくです♪ Thanks to your shooter natural optimism, you are always ready to change and new ideas. You have the chance to be a leader this month, while the less you to benefit from a new concept convinced. Emotional grow in sensitivity and understanding of this month.
お願いします。 You're feeling wonderfully energized as the month starts, leaving others in your wake as you bounce from one task to another. Watch out for ego clashes with other strong personalities who want the limelight too. Mid September sees you embroiled in heated exchanges with individuals for whom you can barely disguise your passion. Pluto in your sign harmoniously connected with Mars and Venus sends your pulse racing and your mind conjuring up all sorts of thrilling escapades for yourself and your amour. You are a born traveller and philanthropist and now is a great time to in indulge both of these.
翻訳できるようでしたらお願いします☆ At last you can feel freed up from the pressures of others, giving a sense that you can focus on future goals. Past ideas might need to be dropped but this may not be as easy as it first seems. Your best starting point is to consider the level of obligation you would be comfortable to accept taking into account unknown factors.
What’s good for the goose isn’t always good for the gander. Take an opinion poll this week to see where your collaborators’ heads are. There are some stellar ideas that haven’t been voiced, as well as some constructive criticism that hasn’t been offered. Set aside ego and open yourself up to differing opinions and advice. This can only strengthen your collective end product. Mars enters your house of sex and binding contracts this week as well. Unspoken erotic tension could come to a head?especially if you’ve been suppressing your desires in any way. A contract offer could be extended, but there’s a bit of grey area around money. Prepare to negotiate; you may even need to play hardball for a time in order to get your way.
翻訳お願いします☆ This is a week of musical chairs, as people change positions and a whole new set of circumstances arise, creating stresses and strains for those who need to adjust. As the week starts you see the necessity of some financial reform or reorganization of resources. The wrong people have control and this can bring considerable anxiety into your life. People whose talents you appreciate are in the vice, and only after they have fought their way out can you be of help. A few weeks go by before the situation softens, but when it does you are going to have a great time with friends and lovers.
翻訳お願いします☆ Sexy and sensual you seem to be. The beautiful moon will be in your sign this week from late on Wednesday night through early on Saturday morning. Work may be the last thing on your mind. You will want to play, play, play! And if you can find someone to play with - or maybe a few people to play with you - the more the merrier you will be! Fun turns to work for this upcoming weekend when you will be expected to take care of some important business in regards to helping out a friend or family member move in a new direction possibly closer to you.
翻訳おねがいします。 As your horoscope week begins it begins on a serious note as The Sun enters the practical Earth sign of Virgo, children return to school, college semesters begin and it's the holy observance Ramadan. So our focus should be more somber and more practical. The planet Saturn has just entered new degrees in it's transit through Virgo and in a somewhat rare occurrence is tipped in such a way that from Earth it's rings are not observable. We couldn't as for more clarity. Things make sense and confusion lifts, in some way we can all see the truth in our lives as never before and you know what? We are ok with what we see. We know now that there is good and bad and there are always two sides to everything. We are not shocked by the simple truth. We can now proceed accordingly with our lives as we prepare for the hectic pace ahead of us. Saturn is transiting your solar 10th house of career, status and the height of your career. How well you do is up to you. Once we reach where we wanted to be what's it like? Is it all we expected and how are we treating those under us. The use and abuse of power is where we are tested.
Mars enters Cancer sign of its fall. That means that Mars the natural ruler of Aries is in its "Fall" because it's transiting the sign its naturally squares. The very nature of this transit can force decisions, and moves. Since Mars takes a little over two years to transit the entire zodiac or 12 signs it can be quite revealing to look back two years ago when Mars was last in Cancer Sept. 30th 2007. Think back to Sept. 30th 2007, where you and what were you doing? In your solar 8th house of ear and jealousy this transit can make your worst fears surface, but only to teach you a little more about yourself. Secrets can be revealed.
Mercury the planet of communications enters Libra another air sign that trines the natural placement of Mercury, Gemini. However with both Mercury and Mars in signs that square each other weather could be volatile this week. Rain due to Mars in the water sign of Cancer and wind due to air sign Mercury transiting air sign Libra could produce wild winds and lots of rain, which could translate into an active hurricane or tropical storm week! In your solar 11th house of friends you could have a lot to get off your mind with a friend or group of friends.
The transiting Nodes have changes signs and entered Cancer and Capricorn. The North Node which is our forward moving destiny has entered Capricorn and the South Node which rules past life karmic patterns has entered Cancer. Our goal is to balance these two, and that could be hard to do with Mars in the same sign as the South Node. When people don't feel comfortable about the future they naturally revert to the area of the South Node. The Nodes are transiting your solar 2nd and 8th houses of money and joint assets. Money becomes a major focal point for your sun sign now.
Venus the planet of love enters Leo the sign that naturally rules the 5th house of romance and having fun! This could stir up all kinds of romantic urges in everyone! Venus rules your 11th house of past lovers and friends, it's time to plan fun things to do in groups, or get back together with a past lover!
Mars opposes Pluto retrograde and those prone to being hyper sensitive and easily offended could look to take revenge for insignificant slights. So take care not to make others mad or step on toes this week. In your solar 8th house you could find that jealousy is at the bottom of trouble you are having with others.
Once you have tasted something wonderful, it is very hard to settle for a substitute. If circumstances leave you with no choice but to accept second best, you have to find some way to banish the memory of that more preferable alternative. Otherwise, you will be constantly making comparisons and finding fault. Yet if you entirely deny the possibility of a better deal, you may fail to recognise one, even when it is on offer, at a price you can afford. You deserve better than what you're getting and the cosmos thinks so too. Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are now forming a rare, powerful triple conjunction.
お願いします。 The Moon in your sign on Friday should lift your spirits. Yet stern Saturn's lurking nearby to hold you accountable for your actions. A serious re-evaluation of your assets can make the rest of the weekend worthwhile even if it's not a lot of fun. Do the hard work of dealing with tough issues now and better times are sure to follow.
if money makes the world go round, how come the days and nights haven't got any longer since the recession started? And when we live in more prosperous times, can we expect the sun to start coming up and going down faster than a yo-yo? And if money doesn't make the world go round, how come so many people seem to be convinced that it does? Don't doubt what you know, today. And don't let someone else's convictions cloud your judgement, no matter how passionately they may uphold their belief. Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are now forming a rare, powerful triple conjunction.
翻訳お願いします At the beginning of the month it may feel as though you have to move mountains as you’re putting in double the energy for half the results. Part of the struggle could lie in the lack of resources but equally, it may be time to examine why this mission is such an uphill climb. With the New Moon in the area of career and recognition on the 18th, the emphasis will be on putting your best foot forward professionally and projecting a positive persona within your social standings. Setting yourself new career objectives at this time will help you climb the ladder of success.
Towards the end of the month, taking clear and decisive action in the office will not only help you to be seen in a more positive light but shows that you aren’t afraid to take on challenges. You’re on a roll, you clever thing so go with it!
Advice is easy to give and hard to take. That's true of good advice, but it is not, sadly, so true of bad advice. That is just as easy to give, but it often engenders a more receptive response. Worse still, bad advice often passes itself off as 'sensible thinking'. When people encourage each other to do what's conventional or to act as most people would be inclined to act, they are rarely being genuinely helpful. You are not 'most' people. Your own very individual need and nature must be taken into account as you formulate a plan. Soon, many dramas will unfold around us as Saturn and Uranus renew their intense opposition. But the healing 'triple conjunction' of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron remains powerful too. Find out when it is due to affect your personal birth chart and when you should be ready to rise above old problems, forever.
Daily Horoscope for Thursday 27th August 2009 おねがいします☆
A curious change to your routine brings positive results on the domestic front. There is much to discuss however. Plans for a journey, or discussions as to how best to stay in contact with someone who travels about a lot take on new urgency. Contact with a place of learning seems very likely. Responsibility is headed your way
(翻訳ボラ様の代理で貼ります) There is a major sea change going on for everyone this week: Mars and Pluto are at opposite ends of the zodiac and in an area that hasn't seen this relationship for a couple of hundred years. This, coupled with Mercury's refereeing position between the two, suggests that actions stations will be necessary for all signs. Though many are likely to act first and think later, that's not quite your style. Venus moves into another of the fire signs (Leo) on Thursday just as the Moon enters Sagittarius. This is where you really come into your own. Even with the pressures you face, suddenly, you can see a way forward that's not entirely unpleasant. Even midst chaos, a little rapture is possible as you reconnect with someone you haven't seen for some time. In fact, reviving old friendships as well as salvaging items after some kind of trauma could even find you in your element.
(翻訳ボラ様の代理で貼ります) Your Week Ahead: The ongoing conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune, in triple alignment with Chiron marks a departure point. You can set off at any moment but it may not happen this week. It's as if you are at a station, waiting for a delayed train. You need to stay near that platform and you mustn't give up hope that your ride is coming. In times to come, you will look back on this time and say, 'This was when something changed for me. It was the time when a penny dropped, a mystery cleared itself up, a decision was reached or a brand new vision presented itself.' Right now, you just feel pressure. Even so, something good is happening.
Your Week Ahead Part Two: Can you do it? That, actually, is the wrong question. A more relevant one is 'Do you really, really want to?' Where there's a will, there's a way. You will need, though, a strong will if you are to find a way forward now. If you suffer a loss of confidence, it will be easy to see your situation as impossible. You may grow aware of a resentment or a reason to feel restricted. It's all very well for your astrologer to say 'just ignore all that', but in practice, the advice won't be easy to take. If, though, you do just resolutely focus on your desire yet remain willing to wait for the right moment, you will arrive at it eventually.
Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are now forming a rare, powerful triple conjunction. Order your Guide to the Future and discover how this exceptional alignment can change your life over the coming months.
おねがいします☆ If at some future time you sell your life story to a filmmaker who makes it into a feature film, it may have a lot to do with adventures that kick into high gear in the coming weeks. The fun will start (I hope) when you decide not to merely lie back and be victimized by your signature pain any longer. This brave act will recalibrate the cosmic scales and shift the currents of destiny that flow through you. Soon you will be making progress in untangling a mystery that has eluded your insight for a long time. You will be able to uncover the guarded secrets of a source that has for some time been tweaking your personal power without your full awareness.
翻訳おねがい出来たら嬉しいです☆ What you think and feel are most important now. What other’s think and feel are most important to them, now, too. Therefore, stand back and observe everyone’s daily routines and ways of speaking. Other people are perhaps unable at this time to tend to your needs, wishes and wants. A sad situation but one that allows you time to be creative, innovative, avant garde and surreal if you need be. A trip and travel are in the works, too. You just may meet someone.
ボラ様方、ありがとうございます。 翻訳、またお願いできると嬉しいです。 What’s going on with your career these days, Sagittarius? You’ve got major energy in the sector of your chart that deals with how you rank in the world, and for most people that means career. But the energy is all?well, wacky right now. Mercury retrograde, Saturn opposing Uranus?those don’t sound too good. Sun and Venus in the sector, though; those do sound good.
What’s going on, in a backhanded kind of way, is that your chart is anticipating a big transition when Saturn moves out of Virgo in a couple of months. A couple of months might seem like a long time from now, and it kinda is. But your chart’s all abuzz with anticipation and in the process it’s partially getting its undies in a knot. But soon enough, you’ll get your promotion or you’ll get the heck out of Dodge, whatever the case may be. Or?you’ll finally get a job if you’ve been unsuccessfully looking.
お願いします The accent lies on career, ambition, relations with VIPs, bosses and parents, and your reputation, community standing. DON’T start new projects in these (or generally, any) arenas before September 29. Protect ongoing ventures from delays and supply shortages. You might revive a former career project or life might nudge you to deal with a former boss or job role. Nothing terrible here; despite what seems like an unending puzzle, you’re collecting very solid “earning points.” A sexual or financial attraction grows. Research, intellectual luck, travel and learning fill the month ahead.
Making plans is one thing. But with the Full Moon, late next week, accenting both your domestic situation and your activities out in the world, it's unlikely arrangements will remain as organised. Recognise this, and instead of struggling to keep these as they are, you'll allow them to evolve, as they must.
翻訳お願いします Image: "At the bottom of a mine shaft, a canary in a cage" Message: Testing the atmosphere.
Friendships and close family relations may become emotionally entangled this week. Sunday through Tuesday expect close friends and loved ones to strongly disagree or provide conflicting opinions. Key issues may involve relocation, planned workplace changes or relations with older family members. Emotionally, this is a difficult but positive time for stating your own limits, boundaries and expectations in relationships. Be assertive and expect others to listen to your needs. After Wednesday business relations may provide new choices: contracts, valuable assignments and promotions are all accented. Remain cautious, however: work politics may be more involved than is apparent.
There are choices to be made and expensive mistakes to avoid - presenting you with challenges. News might not be what you want to hear: it might also prompt you to think about uprooting. It's as well that you can multi-task!
Timing is everything. Yet when you are chomping at the bit, restless and waiting, it can be nearly impossible to trust the need to ride something out. The energy in the sky this week is bigger than big, stronger than strong and larger than life itself. Just knowing this is a gentle reminder that you must not force anything. Brother Pluto and Mars are at odds in the sky. The Soul and the ego are fighting their way back to the same page while speaking their peace. There is a steep growth curve this week with the potential for visible evidence of long awaited personal progress.
A steady center will lead you right into the arms of perfect timing leading to a sudden breakthrough.
When it comes to your own life, you’ve no problem with rearranging things. In fact you rather enjoy the challenge that comes with figuring out what would work. However, you’ve commitments to others, and you know the individuals involved wouldn’t be nearly so comfortable with even minor changes. They’ll grumble, then do only the minimum. By mid-September, however, events - many sudden - will have so dramatically reshaped the situations you’re dealing with that even those who’re most reluctant about making alterations will admit they’re necessary. Knowing that, begin exploring various options now and discussing them, if only in theory, so when the times comes, they’ll be less of a shock.
This weekend's aspect between Venus in Leo and Mercury in Libra suggests that you will enjoy philosophical discussions and light-hearted conversations with friends then. The rest of the week seems to be dominated by the square between Mercury and Mars which is inclined to controversy, defensiveness and conflict. With this planetary combination, the reason of Mercury in Libra is challenged by the reactiveness of Mars in emotionally sensitive Cancer, so if feelings are threatened or hurt in any way there will be a defensive reaction and logic and rationality will be no match for it. If you can rise above the emotional reactivity, then you can have a vigorous debate.
Now that you’re in a place where you can think for yourself and make choices for yourself over money matters and new career opportunities, allow those innovative ideas you’ve had brewing at the back of your mind to come to the fore. You feel more liberated than you have done in a long time, and now that your ambitions are back on track, you’re desperate to impart your hopes dreams and ideas to certain people you trust. The only trouble is, that with fateful Pluto in your money zone, you’d be best to stick to the tried and tested for now, instead of going out on a limb without doing the proper homework over a situation. Don’t rock the boat. The added input of Venus in your sister sign of Leo adds spice and sparkle to your emotional life. Enjoy.
This Friday’s full moon helps you put down roots, the Sagittarius way. You are a global citizen who likes to have at least three places on Earth to call home. Expect to connect deeply with your surroundings this week?as well as with the community of people who are in your midst. You’ll play a matriarchal role for many of them who look up to you for your unique brand of nurturing. You’re the mom/big sis figure who mothers but never smothers. If you feel yourself veering towards codependent territory, challenge yourself to let go and trust. People are capable of greater responsibility than you’ve given them credit for. Don’t interfere with their progress by rushing in for the save. Through struggle, they are able to grow beyond their current limitations. The women in your life play a fundamental role in your happiness, especially on Friday. Embrace the flow of give and take. Allow yourself to receive their generous gifts and creative input.
Have you noticed how, lately, you have begun to live in some kind of a soap opera? All around you, people are going through dramas and traumas. Each passing day brings upheaval to the life of someone you know or poses a threat to the security of a seemingly safe situation. Can you expect things to get easier and simpler, soon? Will the storm give way to a sense of calm? It will. This will happen all the sooner if you take a problem less seriously. Your greatest worry now is based on a flawed supposition.
Clearly others do want to listen - but do you have time for all this now? A growing mound of paperwork requires attention. The lazy part within finds displacement activity in calls to people you rarely see and in making elaborate plans - which will require a reality check at some point! There's also the small problem of a bill that needs to be paid before a penalty is incurred.
ELLEの9月月報の翻訳をお願いできるとありがたいです。 MONTHLY OVERVIEW: After an unfocused?but hopefully adventurous?August, your goals become clear again. The Sun is in Virgo until the 22nd, your tenth house of career and long-term ambitions. If you’re ready to charge into Fall like a conquistador, that’s great?but don’t forget to wear a helmet. Mercury will be retrograde (backward) from the 8th-28th, strewing your path with a few unexpected potholes. The road gets smoother next month, and even more so in November. Your ruling planet Jupiter ends a four-month retrograde on October 12th, which will take the lead weight off your wings. On October 29th, heavy Saturn will depart from your career sector after a three-year visit. All this is to say: patience, Sagittarius. We know it’s hard for your sign to sit still and wait, but hang in there. Brighter days are ahead. In the meantime, devote more energy to your personal life. On the 4th, the Pisces full moon illuminates your home and family sector. A female relative could need your attention, or you could have some important emotional work to do. You may be busy with a domestic project, like selling or buying a home, or planning Fall renovations. Either way, tend to you heart and soul now. The rat race will be there when you’re done.
LOVE & ROMANCE: Romantic Venus is in Leo until the 20th, making you optimistic and adventurous. Leo rules your ninth house of travel and expansion, so you could find love on a Labor Day trip, or simply evolve with your mate through important conversations about the future. We’re not talking about garden variety goal setting, but about trying the kinds of pursuits that light you up inside. You can work on practical matters (finances, real estate, family, etc.) after the 21st, when Venus enters Virgo. In the meantime, start with what inspires you and let everything flow from there. Sexy Mars is in your intense eighth house this month, revving up your libido and churning up some buried feelings in the process. You have the urge to connect on a mind-body-soul level, and you aren’t in the mood to accept less. In early September, Mars will oppose transformational Pluto, a confusing and emotionally charged time. Pluto has been shape-shifting your identity all year, evolving your beliefs, priorities and values. You may find this causes tension with a significant other, or that you’re attracted to a new kind of person. On the other hand, you could also experience greater intimacy than ever before, which turns your world upside-down. Sagittarius, you’re so self-reliant; you’re not used to such deep emotional bonding. Don’t be surprised if you feel like you’re lost on the high seas without a compass, especially at the September 4th full moon. On that day, your emotions open like a flower, and you wonder why you fought so hard to preserve that “rugged individualist” stance in the first place.
MONEY & CAREER: Work stagnation begins to lift this month, though you’ll still need to practice the fine art of patience. The Sun’s visit to Virgo through the 22nd brings promise to your career, and it’s a great time to set and review goals for the rest of 2009, especially at the Virgo new moon on September 18th. While Mercury is retrograde from September 8th-28th, turn to past contacts, old employers and career coaches to refine your ambitions. Pick up an unfinished or abandoned project?there could be hidden gold there. In early September, you might feel stressed about money, joint property or debt when Mars opposes Pluto. Chances are, your emotions and ego are wrapped up in the matter. Many Sags spent this summer working like dogs or in a jobless free-fall. This whole career roller coaster has begged the question: Who am I, anyway? That’s a larger exploration worth tackling now. In January, transformational Pluto settled into Capricorn for a 16-year makeover of your identity, values and self-esteem. Capricorn rules your money sector, so it’s important now that who you are aligns with what you do for a living. This will require a deeper level of soul-searching around what money means to you, and what you really “need” to be fulfilled in life. (Check out The Happiness Project website at for inspiration.) If you’re not sure what you stand for or believe in these days, it’s no surprise. Material things that once made you happy could ring hollow, and you sense that life has a much deeper purpose than you can even put your finger on. Pluto has been retrograde since April, filling many Sags with a sense of emptiness or existential angst at times. Although you may not find the meaning of life tomorrow, you’ll feel a lot less tortured after the 10th, when Pluto goes direct (forward).
HEALTH & FITNESS: With Mercury retrograde in Libra from the 8th-18th, nervous and scattered energy abounds. Your friends or colleagues could be particularly stressful, and you may find yourself worn out from trying to navigate group dynamics. Do yourself a favor: stay out of it. On top of that, work demands steal your personal time, especially mid-month. On the 15th, tough Saturn in your career sector opposes wild-card Uranus in your home and family house. Juggling deadlines with unexpected personal issues take skillful navigation. This work-life seesaw has been going on for almost a year. Fortunately, this will be the final round. Pay special attention to your emotional well-being this month. With Mars in your private eighth house, journaling and therapy can be particularly healing. You’re processing some strong feelings, and it’s best not to do it alone. The eighth house also rules the blood, so get any bloodwork or surgery done. If you’re feeling fatigued, you could be iron deficient, so find out about energy-boosting supplements and vitamins. Lucky Days: September 15, 26 Money Days: September 1, 27 Love Days: September 8, 12 Off Days: September 13, 22
何となく復活愛チックなのですが・・翻訳して頂けませんでしょうか? Life perks along like a cosmic cappuccino this month, with a few hiccups here and there along the way ? but would you have it any other way? You fire signs really do enjoy drama and with Mercury the planet of communication out of phase in your friendship zone Sep 7?, you can expect plenty of it. Silly tiffs and arguments with friends is sure to have you fired up in September. Librans and Aries are particularly people you will have issues with (and they will have issues with you).
If your birthday is near December 17 you can expect more developments in matters that got your attention in February. The planetary forces are at their strongest the week of the Sep 18 New Moon in Virgo, your career zone. Expect tensions to rise in your home and your family life. And as much as you want to fuss and fight and argue with people, what good does it really do? You might be better off ’agreeing to disagree’ in September, with Mercury the communications king out of phase most of the month.
If your job situation has reached the breaking point, remain calm, keep your thoughts to yourself and try to postpone your decision until late October or November as things will change. While your sign is the one most likely to bail when the going gets tough or boring, it’s worth hanging in there. Not to mention that the economy is such that quitting your job isn’t such a great idea. ’Better the devil you know’ type deal girls and boys.
Don’t be surprised if you hear from faraway friends as Venus hangs out in Leo, your friendship zone. Or ex lovers who want back in your life for various reasons. Your face book/my space and twitter pages could light up with all sorts of people you know from ’other lives’ you lived many Moons ago. And while it’s fun to reminiscence and take a walk down memory lane, it probably won’t work out trying to pick up where you left off. You’ve changed, they have too (or maybe they haven’t). But trying to pick up where you left off is never easy and can often lead to you feeling insecure or them feeling inadequate.
Your Fabu September Days: 2, 6, 26 & 29 Your Not so Fab September Days: 10, 14, 17 & 25 Friends: Gemini’s & other Sags Frenemies: Virgos & Capricorns Lovers: Librans & Leos
お願いします☆ Your Month Ahead: You may now be tempted to water down your words. Although you don't normally have difficulty expressing yourself, there is something you want to say - yet you dare not say it. You fear that there will be great controversy if you speak out. Perhaps so. But you believe yourself to be right about a matter and you also feel that it urgently needs to be discussed. SO, have faith in your own belief! Err on the side of diplomacy wherever possible in September, but don't become too mealy-mouthed. Sometimes, the only way to make something constructive occur is to take a risk and tell the whole truth. Soon, many dramas will unfold around us as Saturn and Uranus renew their intense opposition. But the healing 'triple conjunction' of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron remains powerful too. Find out when it is due to affect your personal birth chart and when you should be ready to rise above old problems, forever.
What if all your problems were to be solved? What if the cosmos were to reach out a helping hand to you and lift you out of a hole that you fell into long ago? Would you be inclined to celebrate? Or might you feel as if your life had been turned upside-down and that now you could no longer rely on any of the old certainties? You have fallen into the habit of expecting trouble each time you attempt to alter a set of circumstances. There is, though, no reason now to expect anything other than success.
It is just possible that someone close is facing one of their greatest fears - and that they're looking to you for support. Meanwhile, you have your own issues to deal with: in this case coming to some sort of decision about the team you need to build. And yes, there's also the question of rebalancing work and leisure time!
翻訳して頂けたらうれしいです☆ Undoubtedly, this week is going to give expected outcomes. You would be much relaxed and comfortable. Those who are married may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time. This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at home. Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time.
翻訳して頂けたらうれしいです Before she became a rock goddess, Gwen Stefani cleaned the floors at an ice cream parlor. Prior to ascending to stardom, Ellen DeGeneres was an oyster shucker, Keanu Reeves worked a janitor, and Brad Pitt performed as a giant chicken mascot. As for me, my gig as an internationally syndicated astrologer was not my first. Among many other things, I washed enough pots and pans in cheap restaurants to fulfill my dishwashing karma for my next five incarnations. I hope these examples serve to inspire you, Sagittarius. Even during the down economy, the next six months will provide you with ripe astrological conditions for upgrading your job. And the coming weeks will be prime time to brainstorm about how to go about it.
Life is precious and so fragile. Just reflect upon any time when someone was either taken from you or it was one of those near miss moments. All it takes is one of those mini wakeup calls to get you living back in the moment again, making the very most of each breath. You are naturally good at living fully but this week something motivates you even further and has you appreciating every little morsel. Saturn and Uranus are opposing each other in the next few weeks while Mercury makes its way into retrograde motion on Sunday, September 6.
Make some key shifts in your priorities, which include how you spend your energetic mind and where you invest your heart, and you will triumph beautifully.
You're experiencing yourself largely as the role you play in your public life this week. You're not one who is overly prone to deep self-analysis and introspection but you seem to be putting your career and reputation under the microscope these days. This is in keeping with the current astrological cycle, as the Sun in your 10th House moves toward a conjunction with Saturn over the next two weeks. Just remember that you may not have all the facts you need to make a conclusive diagnosis yet. Next Monday's Mercury retrograde in your 11th House urges you to focus on your ideals and on the people you connect with socially and professionally. We need others to help us achieve our life goals and this Mercury retrograde wants you to evaluate both your goals and the networks you have integrated yourself into. Are the people you're sharing time and energy with really aligned with what you want out of life? Friday's Full Moon in your 4th House sheds light on a home, family or security pattern. This is a potent opportunity for you to take another step in your process of individuation -- learning to act and react based on your own needs and desires rather than the ones you inherited from your parents and grandparents.
翻訳おねがいします☆ This is a perfect time to change locations. If it involves schools, then start new studies. A unique and interesting roommate may be found now. New and lasting friendships are usually formed now. Love and romance could enter your life at this point. Your reputation can rise to new heights and you are generally off to a good running start.
翻訳おねがいします☆ If your job situation has reached the breaking point, hang tough boys and girls. Keep your thoughts to yourself and try to postpone major decisions until late October or November.
* Single: You hang with a tight group of people, but with Mercury getting ready to go out of phase in that area of your life, you could be left behind or not included in their plans this weekend and for the next few weeks.
* Couples: Don’t be surprised if you hear from faraway friends ? or have them showing up and sleeping up on your pull out couch.
High five day: Sunday Boring as all get out day: Monday Friend: Leo Frenemy: Capricorn
(翻訳ボラ様の代理で貼ります) They say, 'There is no place like home.' The Full Moon, though, is causing you to wonder where it is that you feel yourself to be most at home. It is not just a matter of location; it is a question of connection. Who do you need to spend more time with? What do you feel proud or excited to be a part of? Where are your roots? Which close involvements mean the most to you? The Full Moon invites you to look again at some personal arrangements that are not as conducive to comfort as you might wish them to be. Soon, many dramas will unfold around us as Saturn and Uranus renew their intense opposition. But the healing 'triple conjunction' of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron remains powerful too. Find out when it is due to affect your personal birth chart and when you should be ready to rise above old problems, forever.
Friends or associates you haven't seen in years may come back into your life now, as Mercury turns retrograde. You would benefit from reviewing your friendships and group affiliations now to see which ones are working an which ones aren't. Situations may arise that make you question some of these relationships, but you shouldn't make any decisions regarding these relationships until after the middle of October. This is also a good time to review your long-term goals and do some research and rethinking about these. The energy of the Full Moon and the Saturn-Uranus opposition highlight the balance of career goals and inner needs.
Image: "At the movies, a group of giggling teenagers" Message: Joyful moments.
Romantic dreams or long term family plans will be a compelling influence this week. Express your ideas, needs or thoughts to loved ones and wait for valid, clear answers. Over the next few days harmony and shared intentions will return to key relationships. Expect both lovers and relatives to openly state their plans, goals and long held beliefs. Before mid-week watch also for a shift in workplace duties: co-workers may soon change. Business influences are unpredictable and scattered over the next 8 days. For many Sagittarians late changes in work assignments may create team conflicts or a dramatic reduction of free time. Go with the flow: before next week there's no clear solution.
翻訳お願いします。 Friends and family have not forsaken you?they’ve just been in a bit of a crunch themselves. Things ease for all this week, as you are more clear about what has to be done. Projects that moved so slowly as to make you twitchy, or those whose future seemed unclear, now breathe fresh life after the collapsing effects of the summer eclipses. Don’t mind Mercury’s retrograde movement on Sunday; it’s restorative.
翻訳お願いします♪ They say there’s no place like home, but let’s face it Sagittarius, where exactly is your home? Friday’s full moon in Pisces will provide clarity on this elusive realm of your life. It will also be a good time to resolve tensions with your family, especially the female side. Ram Dass once said, “If you think you’re enlightened, spent two weeks with your family”. This may ring true on Saturday when you are triggered beyond good measure. But instead of playing peacemaker, tune out and tune into more blissful creative realms. Paint away your frustrations, or turn the music up and dance like a wild lemur. On Sunday, give up the shield and the medieval suit of armor and admit that you feel fragile. It’s ok to be overwhelmed, just share your vulnerable side with a friend, and you will have all the support you need.
翻訳お願いします Archers are not known for their robust sex drive but now, you are a sensual force with whom to be reckoned. What a nice change of pace! Make the most of this rare energy and spread your good cheer to all. Gallop to the nearest meet market and see who is hanging on the hook and ready to be bought. The summer is almost over but you can still stoke the grill....
翻訳お願いします What’s going on with your career these days, Sagittarius? You’ve got major energy in the sector of your chart that deals with how you rank in the world, and for most people that means career. But the energy is all?well, wacky right now. Mercury retrograde, Saturn opposing Uranus?those don’t sound too good. Sun and Venus in the sector, though; those do sound good.
What’s going on, in a backhanded kind of way, is that your chart is anticipating a big transition when Saturn moves out of Virgo in a couple of months. A couple of months might seem like a long time from now, and it kinda is. But your chart’s all abuzz with anticipation and in the process it’s partially getting its undies in a knot. But soon enough, you’ll get your promotion or you’ll get the heck out of Dodge, whatever the case may be. Or?you’ll finally get a job if you’ve been unsuccessfully looking.
翻訳お願いします This Full Moon, your ruler, Jupiter, is still retrograde in Aquarius and by wide orb is opposing Venus in Leo. Jupiter is still traveling close in the company of Chiron and Neptune, also still in retrograde. If business is slow or you are simply caught up, spend time with those you love. You may find yourself wondering where all the time has gone. Renew affections and demonstrate your more playful and creative side. At New Moon, it is much the same. Perhaps the cosmic forces are encouraging you to take time to stop and smell the roses! Acts of charity are highlighted by this configuration. You may want to extend some of your time and energy to those who have contributed to your joy and success! Enjoy!
翻訳お願いします. Recent problems with behaviour or communication are over and someone emerges as a better friend than they previously were. You should end doubts that have been nagging you and start believing in yourself - soon you will find that colleagues are more than willing to follow your exampe and take a lead from your actions. Finances look good and maybe it's time for a personal treat! Visit an old friend for a surprising revelation about a new one! Lucky day 26th.
今月のチェリシーは短いですね。翻訳お願いできたらうれしいです♪ You may hear from overseas or distant friends who are planning to visit, or you may yourself plan a trip abroad. You may feel slightly confused right now about the path you should take, especially after September 7 when Mercury goes retrograde. Listen closely to your own intuition which is right on the mark, and also take the time to focus on your spirituality through prayer, meditation and reflection on your future and life in general. You are approaching a time of change. Moneymaking opportunities are accented so go with this positive flow but do take time to read the fine print.
As the month of September begins you have a choice in front of you walk into the future or take the baggage of the past with you and let it slow you down. Let's take a moment to see what the outer planets are doing this month and in the future. First, Pluto the planet of transformation, death, rebirth, disintegration, breakdowns and healing will go direct at the beginning degree of Capricorn. Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune are in apparent retrograde motion, causing repetitions of the past, and giving everyone a 2nd and then 3rd chance to change themselves. Uranus in Pisces is intercepted with Neptune because each planet is in the others sign making them work together. Yet all the outer planets will change signs this year and next, Jupiter will enter Pisces January 2010, Saturn will enter Libra in Late October, Uranus will enter Aries in May 2010 and Neptune will enter Pisces in 2010 Pluto of course is in Capricorn already. These are major planetary ingresses that we have to keep in mind when making predictions even for one month, because you don't get anywhere being where the hockey puck is, you have to know where the hockey puck is going!
The Full Moon in Pisces at 12* wakes us out of our summer rest with surprises and snaps us back to alertness. This coincides with the Full Equinox as the Sun enters Libra.
The big news though is Mercury going retrograde which it does in an equal proportion to the amount of time we humans spend sleeping. Mercury in ancient mythology was a messenger and angel. Mercury ruled commerce trade and abundance; he also helped the newly deceased souls to cross over into the afterlife. Mercury is the bridge from the subconscious mind to the conscious mind that manifests in our lives. Mercury is the mythical element that took messages from the angels and gods to humans on earth. Mercury rules your day to day activities, in fact your immediate day to day activities. Mercury takes your subconscious thoughts from the day before, the week before or years before, those that have been programmed in your mind and create the outward manifestation, turns them into action, right now! Mercury rules thoughts and communications. How much are we communicating to ourselves and programming Mercury for tomorrow's outcomes? The 3rd house is ruled by Mercury and as long as we have to toil for our food and bread and as long as slavery, sickness and worry exists in the world Mercury will rule the 6th house too and create his manifestations there too. Physicists tell us that energy follows thought. Researchers tell us it only takes 30 days to reprogram our thoughts. That's amazing! You can change the course of your destiny, our destiny in 30 days! We can collectively change the course of the world in 30 days! Reprogramming your thoughts should not be entrusted to anyone else but yourself, because it's not wise to let anyone else interfere with your thought process. Your thoughts respond to you and you alone. Create positive affirmations for yourself when you are most relaxed. Early morning and just before you fall asleep, try it give the 30 day Mercury Challenge a try!
Surviving Mercury Retrograde rx: Mercury the planet of communications goes retrograde at 6°Libra on Sunday Sept. 6 for those in PST and Monday Sept. 7th for those in EDT, it depends on your time zone, until Sept. 29th. Mercury will retrograde back to 21° Virgo where it was on August 17th. This is significant in that Mercury retrograde is a repetitive aspect. The planet passes through the 1st time, retrogrades back for the 2nd pass, and goes direct for the 3rd pass; giving us time to work out the kinks from the events of the month prior and giving us a 2nd chance at events we might have thought passed us by. Normally, we might not get 2nd chances or even a 3rd chance to get things right, change or go back. Typically we as humans don't see it that way though, every time something doesn't work out as planned we think we are being picked on, singled out and punished for some unknown karma, or victimized by others. Not so! Life on Earth would clip along at a very quick pace and never give us a 2nd or 3rd chance to correct or refine anything. Is there something over the past month you would have done differently, or said differently? Well, you just might have a 2nd or 3rd chance at it! The period then from Sept. 6th - October 13th when finally Mercury transits past its retrograde point of 6° Libra, gives us the same Mercury experience from August 17th its a longer period of influence than most people realize!
Let's face it, Planets aren't really retrograde! They are not really going backwards in the universe! They only appear to do so through the naked eye, because they are at their furthest point or in a different angle to the Earth. Think about it for a minute, something really far away doesn't appear to move, even though it might be moving right? So it is with retrograde planets. Their movement is distorted because their orbit has taken them far away from us or at different angle to us! Distance and angles produce different colors and so it is with planets. Planets retrograde are not reflecting their normal colors on us; this is called "Red Shift". The planet reflects on us a different color light energy, and this can be considered the antithesis or opposite color. In fact when Mercury is retrograde we are without the influence of its energy.
Mercury keeps things in order to some degree, communications, electricity, the fine running of machinery, the weather, our thoughts, and of course our memory! We have to work harder under Mercury retrograde to remember all is not as it appears for us and for others.
Typically astrologers tell people not to sign documents, make binding decisions, and schedule important meetings, start relationships, or take important trips. This isn't always possible though so I tell people to do these things with the intent of revisiting the action, being flexible to changes, after Mercury goes direct. Plan for the fact that things could need to be re-done or revised during the retrograde period. Starting new love relationships isn't encouraged as people you meet during Mercury retrograde can seem perfect until Mercury goes direct and then the fizzle fades.
Remember, during Mercury retrograde Life doesn't stop does it? Life isn't a train you can get off because Mercury has gone retrograde is it? During Mercury retrograde do your normal activities, realize that things could run amuck and plan for it. If you have to enter an agreement tell the person, that you would like to do more research or if you have to start a project do so with the intent that it is in the "testing" stages and you are working out the kinks. Mercury retrograde is great for working out the kinks, testing and research, because it will show you everything that could go wrong and that's important information to have!
Why Mercury is retrograde so important now, because the Sun is in Virgo, because Saturn is in Virgo and Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. So navigating the Mercury cycle is as important as navigating the Saturn cycle.