People who think they have all the answers are effectively prisoners of their own vanity. They never dare do anything spontaneous lest it puts them in a position where they encounter a question that poses them a problem. You have a famously open mind. You are firm when you absolutely know you are right, but you feel fine about acknowledging a doubt. Be grateful for your greatest uncertainty. Dwell on it as much as you dare. Mull it over. Ask yourself if a greater misgiving lies behind it. April brings an imminent clash of understanding, followed by a much more inspiring way to look at a cause for concern.
Since late last year there's been talk of serious changes in elements of your work or lifestyle, but nothing's been decided. Suddenly all those ideas come together in a plan that could be as exciting as it will be far-reaching. Certain well-meaning individuals are advising you to take it slowly. Ignore them. It's now or never
13th April 2009 - 19th April 2009 Remember the tale of the tortoise and the hare? Well, you need to acquire the virtues of the tortoise and take life at a slow and steady pace. There will be many diversions and unexpected potholes, all of which can be successfully negotiated if you take your time. Family matters could be a source of dispute and, if you're moving house or undergoing domestic changes don't be surprised if there are some last moment hitches. On the plus side, a difficulty could be resolved and if you've been torn between two courses of action, you'll know exactly which way to go. Whatever happens during the week ahead, keep your cool.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 12 April 2009 Only recently you were enthusiastically discussing intriguing ideas and potential changes in your way of living or working. Now, suddenly, they're turning into reality. Usually you adore new ideas and are the first to get involved in ventures that seem worthwhile. However, because aspects involving Mars and the practical Saturn, last week and, on this Wednesday, between Mars and Uranus, indicate events as sudden as they are thrilling, even you could be taken aback by the swift pace. Still, being a Sagittarius, you won't let that stop you. And it shouldn't, since these changes are preparing you for even more exciting - and far-reaching - ones coming your way in late May.
You don't like it when life is too quiet, dull, predictable or repetitive. To ensure things don't stay that way (even if they sometimes get that way) you create challenges for yourself. Or you get drawn into situations that provide you with problems to solve. All that's fine. Healthy, even. As long as you know that you have the choice. You don't have to dive as deep into a difficulty as you now seem to be falling. And if you're already in it and you'd like a swift, pleasing way to sort things out, you won't have too far to look today.
Uranus is strategically positioned in the sky to initiate shocking waves of change with impressive speed on Wednesday, April 15. Mars, the planet of new beginnings races ahead of Uranus in Pisces, the sign of healing and closure, bringing one chapter to a close while simultaneously energizing new horizons. A new level of awakening is unveiling itself as you travel those emotional seas, one that has potent power to transform your inner reality. You may have a certain ideal of what you want that you hold in your heart and mind but the universe has another thing in store, something far better, and something you never could have imagined. Let it take you by storm.
Balancing the achievement of long-standing goals with a rewarding personal life is always a challenge. But it's particularly difficult now, with each day's pressure adding to those from the days before. Still, those who've supported you in the past are an essential part of your life. However tricky it is, ensure you find time for them.
Work and health issues are likely to take a direct turn up today. You sense that something incredible is in the air, but aren't clear on the details. More information begins to collect during the morning and afternoon. The next 22 days are very important for getting a new project off the ground and out of the gate. What you say and do during this phase is incredibly important and will shape the template for a new enterprise. As improbable as it is, you're on the precipice of a fresh new start. It's definitely time past time to try something new that you can respect and be passionate about, and also make considerable money.
Go with the crowds for romantic happenings. On Saturday your ruler, Jupiter, is joined by the Moon, planet of the public. Group activities should fire your enthusiasm and encourage you to listen to your heart in preference to your mind. Your rapport with new or old acquaintances will be marked, awakening a pleasure in shared philosophical or spiritual insights. It is possible that partnered people now will find the right balance in any needed discussion between a structured agenda and a more relaxed approach so that planning for key goals should be easy. These may involve ideas for summer holidays. If that is the case, strange though it may seem, you may find yourself considering travelling to places where you could make a pragmatic difference to people's lives. Sagittarians are natural teachers - think about your useful skills and polish up the preaching.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 19 April 2009 After a period of seemingly relentless confusion and chaos, suddenly certain practical arrangements come good - and magnificently. While this is a relief, don't imagine that means everything else will go smoothly. Recent changes caused such disarray that the arrangements that once went smoothly are unreliable. Actually, this is in your favour, because having so much undecided gives you a chance to review things as they stand and explore the intriguing new options emerging from these changes. So when others are uncooperative or circumstances go in perverse directions, you'll recognise that it's an opportunity to broaden your horizons in terms of who you meet and what you discover, and you'll seize the moment.
Your Week Ahead Part Two: Sometimes, we have to trick ourselves. We have to tell ourselves we are doing one thing when, actually, we are doing another. Otherwise, we end up only ever following our conscious thought patterns. Our inner urges and deeper needs never get a look in. We end up with repressed emotions and suppressed desires. That's not healthy, no matter how attractive the proposition sounds. You are doing what one part of you sorely needs to be doing. If it is 'a part of you', how can it be your enemy? Be careful what and who you criticise now. And on no account be too harsh on yourself.
What gives you the right to be, not just judge and jury, but prosecution and defence? To say nothing of chief prison officer and parole board. Might there not be the slightest element of bias in your current appraisal of a sensitive situation? Are you really able to stand back and evaluate all claims and explanations with supreme objectivity? Consult more widely before reaching a potentially irreversible decision. Someone in your world is seeing a seemingly familiar situation from a very different point of view. Their testimony should be taken into account.
You can say as much as you want to. If you speak today, you will not just be heard ad understood, you will be respected and responded to. Don't underestimate the extent of your own authority. Don't assume either, though, that your every diagnosis is accurate and thus your every prescription appropriate. The real question is not, 'what are you going to say?' but, 'how much are you going to listen and how carefully are you going to understand what you are told?' A crucial piece of information is still waiting to make its way into your world.
Now you've discovered just how much you'd misunderstood the nature of certain situations and the intentions of the individuals involved, you realise that a far-reaching analysis is in order. This means not only examining here and now arrangements, but also reviewing what you organised in the past, and when you discover mistakes, putting things right.
For April 22: You take a back to basics approach this morning, with a twist of imagination and spiritual inspiration. Naturally, this works. A miracle may already be in the works. This morning is validating in a big way. You are reminded by others' remarks and responses that YES, you do matter. This affirmation is like clear, cool water in a parched, barren desert. It's a game changer and gives you the motivation to continue to push ahead with even more determination than before. You can see what needs to be done and can't wait to get started. Later this afternoon, a financial issue might test your patience, but it won't last. Don't allow it to interfere with what should be a wonderful evening.
If life is a play, who wrote the script? If it's a book, who created the story? We all feel that there ought to be some explanation for the drama we have lived through. We are continually on the lookout for the rhyme and reason. Perhaps, though, the author is an artist. Maybe he or she prefers a good old-fashioned mystery to a dull, linear, narrative. Confusion is always much more intriguing than clarity. Do you really want everything to make sense? Don't you just want to feel okay? Stop looking so hard for explanations, and you'll find them. To find out what the planets have in store for you over the coming, critical next few months, download your Guide to the Future, now.
Friday's New Moon in Taurus signals a change of pace in work, your exercise and wellness regimen and general lifestyle. The next two weeks are action-packed, filled with deadlines and polishing a presentation, product or brainstorm for its big reveal. You really enjoy Friday. You get a lot of traction in big projects. Instead of feeling as if you've lost your grip, you hang on like a snapping turtle. Nothing curls your toes or scares you away. You're pretty fierce, and most people are smart enough to get out of your way, Miss Busy! By the end of the day, you carve a couple new notches in your bedpost, some for romantic conquests and some for flat-out career or financial successes. Keep up the great work! Saturday starts off slowly. You don't want to be pushed or nudged. Others may nag or babble at you. Your automatic response is to tune them out and distance yourself emotionally from all pestilence. (Naggers feel like pestilence to you.) Despite another's poking and prodding, you manage to accomplish a lot. Sometimes, it's smart to wear earplugs or headphones to shut out another's truly pointless banter. Saturday might be one of those days. Your imagination is on fire throughout the weekend, nudging you to push through whatever boundaries you've previously set. Allow your vivid thoughts and memories to flow into the creative project you're working on. Doing so puts the heart and soul back into what might have been a predictable project. Sunday gets off to a different start than you're accustomed to. It's a good start one that makes the rest of the day better and more fulfilling. After a refreshing, emotionally revitalizing start, your imagination and intuition kick in, making you a force to be reckoned with. There isn't anything you can't do, Sagittarius. You're Queen of the Jungle and you know it.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 26 April 2009 There is no easy way around issues involving your resources - that is, your time, money or even the goodwill of others. Because you come by these with amazing ease, when you run short, you assume you'll devise a clever way around the problem. You might. Between now and then, however, you'll have to face the stern but ultimately instructive lessons provided by adverse aspects by both Mars and Venus to Pluto, the planet of both truth and transformation. This suggests that if you're willing to face the facts you've been avoiding, not only will you find a solution for the issue in question, what you learn could prevent it happening again in the future.
This month you have Mars in the most romantic, enchanting part of your chart, your fifth house of true love. Venus will be orbiting very close to Mars, which is highly unusual, adding a great deal of oomph to this charming situation. Together these planets should stir up quite a bit of spicy fun. You've not had this level of cosmic help in ages for matters of love, so enjoy all the heavenly episodes that are due to come your way this month. 今月は、最もロマンチックなあなたの第五ハウスの真実の愛において(魅惑的なあなたのちゃーと)、火星があります。 金星は非常に火星の近くの軌道にあり、 (これは非常に珍しいです)そして、多くの性的魅力もこのすてきな状況に加えます。 これらの惑星は、一緒にきわどい楽しみを起こします。 このレベルの宇宙の助けがなく成熟した愛を得られなくても、今月はあなたの行く手には素晴らしいエピソードを楽しめます。
The moment June begins, you'll have to turn your thoughts back to matters of work and project assignments. Still, you will have a moment to enjoy the full effects of these two planets, slack off a little at work, and indulge in the pleasures of love. 6月が始まるややいなや、あなたは思考を仕事に戻さなくてはならないでしょう。 しかし、まだこの二つの惑星から引き起こされる結果をフルに楽しんむ時間はあり、仕事はちょっといい加減で、深い幸福観のある愛にふけります
The full moon of May 9 may bring a secret to light, or you may have a blind date. These are very different manifestations, of course, but both deal with private matters. You may discover a secret that someone has tried to keep from you, or you may need to hold a confidence of yours very close for fear it will come out. See how this works out. It would be a great time for that coffee with someone you've been emailing. At the same time, keep your health robust, as you may feel a little less energetic near the full moon, May 9, plus or minus four days. It's a time to slow down just a little and recharge. 5月9日の満月は秘密を明るに出すか、もしくは、あなたはブラインドデートをするかもしれません。 これらは勿論、かなり違った兆候ですが、両方とも内密のこととして扱います。 ある人があなたから隠そうとしていた秘密を見つけ出すかもしれません、もしくは信頼を保つ必要があるため、発覚を恐れる間際にいるかもしれません。 どのように動くがよく見てください。 メールをやり取りしていた人とコーヒーを一緒に飲む素晴らしい時間です。 同時に健康を保ってください、5月9日の満月プラスマイナス4日間でエネルギッシュでなくなります。 再充電するちょっとの間スローダウンするときです。
This month is due to be unusual in many ways, and not only because of the proximity of Venus and Mars. Mercury will be retrograde all month, from May 7 to 30 (but you will feel the effects immediately as soon as the month begins, May 1). Because Mercury will be touring your partnership sector, you may start to think back on an earlier relationship and perhaps consider having a reconciliation or reunion. 金星と火星が近接するということだけでなく、今月はさまざまな点でいつもと違います。 水星は、5月7日から30日まで月の間ずっと逆行します(しかし5月1日、月が始まるやいなや影響を感じるでしょう)。 なぜなら水星はあなたのパートナーシップのセクターを周遊しており、初期の関係を思い出し、再会か和睦を考え始めるかもしれません。
Alternatively, you may try to solve a sticky problem that has come up in a present relationship. Mercury retrograde is a time of reflection, but not action. Don't make any firm decisions or initiations yet, even if you feel pressured to do so. That also applies to business relationships - you should not sign contracts or launch any new products. Delays will benefit you. あるいは、現在の関係にやってきた、難しい問題を解こうとするかもしれません。 逆行する水星の時間は、行動でなく再考する時間です。 そうするようにプレッシャーを感じても、確固とした決定か創業とか開始はしては駄目です。 それは、ビジネス関係においても適用します。契約書のサインや新製品などを始めるべきではありません。 遅れは利益につながります。
Once you get to the new moon in your partnership sector, May 24, you will have a much clearer understanding of a situation surrounding a current or proposed relationship. That new moon will allow you to come to a few conclusions. Your period of meditation, reflection, or investigation will soon begin to wind down. (Background checks may be necessary if you are about to create a business partner.) From this point on, you'll feel sure about the direction you want to take. Even so, wait until June before you make any firm verbal or written announcements or commitments. 5月24日、ひとたび新月があなたのパートナーシップのセクターでおこれば、 取り巻く環境の流れか、申し込まれた関係についてクリアな理解ができるでしょう。 この新月は少し結論を与えてくれます。 瞑想、再考、調査の期間は徐々に終わります。 (もしビジネスパートナーを探していたら身元調査は必要かもしれません) 今後、欲して受け入れた動向は確信を持てます。 それでも、強固な口約束、書面での発表、公約など6月まで待ってください。
Creatively you will be outstanding and will outdo yourself. This is a month to take risks as you sit at your drawing board, composing sheet, or computer keyboard, for this month, more than any other, ideas will come frequently. In fact, you may feel as though you are being channeled by a higher power. You must take your ideas seriously now! This will be going on the entire month. It's possible, with Mercury retrograde, that you will return to a project that you had started and for some reason had to stop a long time ago, or there may be a project that you wanted to start but couldn't for any number of reasons. 独創的なあなたは傑出していて、あなた自身をしのぐほどです。 今月は、製図ボード、作業机、キーボードの前などなどの前にいることで、ほかの月より、他の人より、頻繁にアイデアがでます。 事実、強い力で道が開けるように感じられるかもしれません。 アイデアについてまじめに考え始めなければなりません! 完全なひと月です。 逆行する水星により、あなたが過去にしたかったけどいろんな理由で出来なく、長い間中座していたプロジェクトを再度戻って始めることも可能になるかもしれません。
Career wise, you will have the potential for a truly sterling day, May 21, when Mercury will send a signal to Uranus. On this day, surprises reign, so enjoy the attention you are likely to create. You'll be magnetic and charming - who could resist you? When news comes, you'll love it. 賢明に突っ走ってください。 5月21日、水星は天王星にシグナルを送ります。 純粋に本当に将来見込みのある日です。 この日、あなたが想像するような求愛(親切とか)で驚かされ楽しめます。 あなたは魅力的でチャーミングでしょう。 誰が抵抗できるでしょう? ニュースが届く時、それを愛するでしょう。
This has to do with your reputation and ability to gain more status in your industry, worthy of double gold stars! あなたの評判と能力により職業的地位をさらに得ます。ダブル金星に値します!
Financially, you have reason to feel you're about to move into a better financial phase. Saturn, the planet that rules your second house of earned income, is about to go direct for the first time this year. Saturn went retrograde on December 31, 2008, but will turn direct on May 16 and stay in fine form from now on. If you've had problems getting a raise or better job so far this year, you now know why. You'll get your best opportunity to see more money in your paycheck in July, at the coming eclipse and also in mid-September. For now, bide your time and make sure your work is flawless. When it comes time to dole out money, you'll be first on the VIP's mind. 財政的に、よりよいファイナンシャルの時期に来ている感じがする理由があります。 土星(勤労所得を意味する第二のハウス)は今年初めて直進します。 土星は2008年12月31日に逆行しましたが、5月16日に巡行に戻り以後すばらしい形をとります。 もし、今年度まで昇進やいい仕事を得るために問題を抱えていたら、現在なんでか知ってます。 7月と9月中旬の月食により、給料増額の最高の機会を得ます。 今のところ、時節を待って完璧な仕事をしてください。 給料の分配の時、偉い人の心に一番先にあなたが来るでしょう。
One last piece of chocolate is being given to you this lovely month: the first of three vital meetings of Jupiter and Neptune this year. The first of these days will occur on May 27. It's been said that Sagittarius is the sign of the most talented storyteller. Your sign is known for extraordinary ability to spin a yarn that is so enthralling and believable, no one can stop reading or listening to what you have to say. This month, focus on this ability. Write down your ideas, dear Sagittarius, or speak them as a screenplay. The world will be listening. このラブリーな月に、チョコレートの最後の一かけらはあなたに与えられます。 今年のきわめて重要な三つの、海王星と木星の合の最初です。 5月27日に起こります。 射手座のサインは、最も素晴らしいストーリーテーラーと言われています。 あなたのサインは、ほら話を長々と話しても心を奪われ、信じてしまうい、誰も読んだり聞いたりすることをやめられないことで知られています。 今月はこの能力に集中してください。 親愛なる射手座さん アイデアを書き留めるか、シナリオのように話してください。 世界は聞いています。
Honesty bridges the divide between you and a romantic interest on Friday. You haven’t fully revealed your opinion on a certain matter. False cheer is fairly transparent now. If you truly want to restore optimism, you have a few questions that need to be answered. Boldly ask them before the weekend begins. The answers will come as quite a relief. Saturday, don’t defend your romantic choices to your group of friends. They don’t have to get it; this affair is between the two of you. Placating a pal who feels ignored could cut into your previously scheduled erotic playtime with someone else. Save your breath. She’s a big girl; your “neglect” might be the catalyst she needs to get on the horse in her own love life. Sunday brings an elite invitation that winds up doubling as a networking event. Slip a few business cards into your purse to pass to the impresarios you meet.
GENERAL: Back to work! After some much-deserved April fun, your career picks up again in May. The Sun is in Taurus until May 20th, your sixth house of health, fitness and organization. When you’re not kicking butt at the gym, you should be tearing through your closets, organizing your files and tossing out old papers. With Mercury retrograde (backward) from May 8th-31st, your past reenters the picture. Who knows what you might find in a drawer or cabinet?
Mercury retrograde can throw communication and technology out of whack, so take precautions. Back up important computer data, and shred any financial or identity-revealing papers before you trash them. Be careful with online shopping and make sure you only use secure sites. It’s a good time to refresh your passwords, too.
After the 20th, the Sun moves into Gemini, your seventh house of relationships. Teaming up will bring great results. All the more incentive to handle those administrative tasks before Memorial Day. You’ll want to spend quality time with a partner, or if you’re single, meeting an exciting new prospect. Business opportunities and contracts could also come your way. Get your life in order?you’ll want to be ready!
LOVE & ROMANCE: Sexy Mars and romantic Venus spend the whole month in Aries, your passionate fifth house. May is one long honeymoon, so enjoy. Hookups abound, and if you’re in a relationship, the stars bring back the flirty energy of your early days together.
On the 24th, the Gemini new moon extends a fresh start for relationships. Whether setting off to meet The One, or beginning a fresh chapter with your sweetie, set a few goals for the rest of 2009. What would you like your personal life to look like by the holidays? Make time for togetherness if you’re coupled up. For single Sags, our recommended reading is Calling In The One: Seven Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life. It’s the “bible” for anyone who wants to remove those unconscious blocks that stand between you and the kind of soulmate love Sagittarians need.
The only rough patch is May 8th-15th. Mercury retrograde will spend this week in your seventh house of relationships. An ex could come back into the picture, or you and your mate could have a good old-fashioned blowout. The Scorpio full moon on May 9th only makes it worse. This moon will churn up all of your subconscious crap?buried resentments mixed with old fears and control issues. The good news is, once the air is cleared, you’ll be on much firmer standing as a couple. Or, if this person was really not right for you, you’ll cut ties and move on to a better match.
MONEY & CAREER: At last?your work life starts to balance out again. If it didn’t grind to a halt, your career has certainly been a pileup of work, work and more work this year. That’s because challenging Saturn has been retrograde in your tenth house of career since New Year’s Eve. This caused you to doubt your own authority, even clash with higher-ups. A promising goal may have taken much longer than anticipated.
On May 16th, Saturn returns to direct (forward) motion. While you’ll still need to continue building brick by brick until November, the rewards for your hard work will roll in again. On May 22nd, a harmonious grand trine between Saturn, Pluto and the moon could bring career news that transforms your entire lifestyle.
Just don’t base all your happiness on success, or you could learn a tough lesson. Transformational Pluto is retrograde in your money sector from April 4th-September 11th. Continue evolving your attitude toward material possessions and security. If your self-worth comes from how much you make or what you have, Pluto will shake that up. Money comes and goes. It’s time to develop a stable identity that’s grounded in unconditional self-love.
HEALTH & FITNESS: With the Sun in Taurus, your sixth house of health and fitness, the first three weeks of May are a great time to shape up. It’s going to be a busy month, so you’ll need to plan carefully. Arrange your schedule to accommodate healthy eating, cooking, shopping and exercise. You don’t have to be perfect?even working out 2-3 times a week is a great start.
With Mercury retrograde in your health sector from May 15th-31st, don’t commit to any contracts or big purchases. Hold off on joining gyms or buying fitness equipment, as there may be hidden fees or other problems. Start with buying fresh produce from the greenmarket, drinking raw juice or scheduling checkups. At the May 9th Scorpio full moon, you might want to do a one-day fast or colon hydrotherapy to eliminate toxins from your system.
Watch your stress levels on Memorial Day. (Make sure to unplug all electrical fixtures if you go away, too.) A tense “grand cross” between the Sun, moon, Uranus and Saturn could bring unexpected family or homefront drama. You could find yourself tearing your hair out at the computer while everyone else frolics at the beach, or sucked into mediating a family conflict. You need this like a hole in the head. Make a quick but gracious exit?trust us, you’ll be glad you did.
Lucky Days: May 2, 30 Money Days: May 1, 13 Love Days: May 20, 26 Off Days: May 8, 18 New Moon: May 24 Full Moon: May 9 Mercury Retrograde: May 8-29 Saturn Direct: May 16
Your monthly stars for May The only thing worse than being confronted with a list of boring tasks is having them appear suddenly and disrupt more appealing plans. Happily, you're not alone in facing these. So tackling them can become a team effort, in which you benefit both from others' knowledge and their company. Better yet, certain individuals make it fun and, when you lose interest, encourage you. In some cases you learn a valuable lesson in balance, in others the actual relationship becomes as important as what you achieve.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 03 May 2009 You deal with things as swiftly as possible, then move on, while others are agonisingly painstaking. Usually you're able to accommodate this difference between your pace and style and that of certain individuals. Currently, however, the issues you're dealing with require a tandem approach, from discussions to finding a solution and putting it into place. Obviously there have been tensions. Tempting as it is to leave things to them, you'd regret it. Their pace may be frustratingly slow, but the facts they discover are of huge significance now and will be more so when you've decisions to make on other, related but entirely separate matters. So hang in there. You won't regret it.
Monthly Horoscope for May 2009 Mercury begins a retrograde period on Thursday 7th which continues until the end of the month. As this occurs at the other end of the zodiac to your own, the likelihood is that you will be commercially affected by others and that close partners in particular will have singular influence on your financial position. What's suggested and discussed over the first weekend on May promises much. However, this might not develop as you'd hoped so that you find yourself dealing with a degree of disappointment mid-month. Do see that as temporary - all could change again next month. This, plus essential repairs could have negative effect on your position - at least until 21st when the picture starts to change. From then, and boosted by developments between 25th and 28th, the potential for you to stand in for someone and, in the process enjoy a cash boost, increases. Indeed, it appears you could end May, with a partner, looking forward.
Weekly Horoscope beginning Sunday 3rd May 2009 With Mercury turning retrograde in your opposite sign of Gemini, partners may be reconsidering recent decisions, or indeed joint agreements you thought set in stone could be reversed in coming weeks through no fault of either party. Work might be particularly intense as the week draws to a close and there may be deadlines to meet for those in authority behind the scenes. No mind, your application to work and your willingness to accept responsibility could come to the attention of bosses midweek, so if progress reviews are under way take heart! Availing yourself of mentoring help may bring to light hidden motives that might be holding you back from achieving your full potential and making the most of your innate talents. Any fascination you may have for wealth and the financial independence it can bring might find you upping the gambling stakes in lotteries or games of chance later in the week. Beware betting your shirt and emptying your account! You could have a wealth of ideas and feel intuitively driven to impart them to those you feel may be in need of your knowledge, but avoid the temptation to judge.
24日には、双子座の新月が、異性関係に新鮮なスタートを与えます。 運命の人に会うために出発するか、あるいはあなたの可愛い人と共に新たな章を始めるか、 いずれにしろ、2009年の残りに向けていくつか目標を定めましょう。 年末の休暇までに、あなたは自分の私生活をどのようにしたいですか? カップルになりたいなら、一緒にいられる時間を作りましょう。 独身の射手座の方には、「Calling In "The One": Seven Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life」 を読まれることをお薦めします。これは、あなたと、あなたに必要な魂の伴侶の愛との間に立ちはだかる 無意識のうちのブロック塀を取り除きたいと願う人のための「バイブル」です。
Your weekly stars for the week starting 10 May 2009 It's not the first time in your life you've acted impetuously and then regretted it. The problem is that it would appear your impulsiveness is responsible for plans you've worked hard to organise coming apart. Actually, things are more complex than that, and it's unlikely that these would have survived, at least as originally conceived. You soon sense that's good news. True, until you've facts to back up those feelings, you'll need to take that reassurance on faith. Within days, however, the first hints of the stunning developments promised by late May's alliance between your ruler Jupiter and Neptune will begin to surface. After that, you'll have no doubt that miracles are possible.
Your Week Ahead Part Two: Satisfying events don't always have to be dramatic. Sometimes, our whole view of life can alter as a result of one small but significant development. Sometimes, one chance remark in a conversation can teach us as much as a year of research. I make this point because otherwise, you may develop the wrong expectation. The sky suggests you will soon hear or see something that has a major impact. The future will change, for the better, as a consequence of a discovery. It may seem small at first - but, when the implications sink in, will you realise how important it is? Prepare to gain the power to transform your whole future for the better.
Weekly Horoscope beginning Sunday 10th May 2009 There are three major cosmic factors to consider this week. Firstly, Mercury is now retrograde in your opposite sign: indicating much to discuss with close friends and partners and commercial decisions to be carefully considered. Secondly, Saturn is now slowing down and will station next Saturday. This is SO important for you as it suggests a career turning-point. Thirdly, the Sun and your ruling planet, Jupiter, arrive at a new phase at the weekend - which might well indicate a fabulous opportunity. True, it could take some weeks before this really 'flies' and mainly because it needs to be dovetailed with others. Assuming that administration difficulties can be resolved - and that you can cope with the domestic and family matters requiring great care, the indictors are that you will arrive at an important decision next weekend. In this, those born under Gemini and Libra could have important roles to play.
Even in the most desirable environments, people can still manage to have a hard time. It's perfectly possible to feel lonely, angry or angst-ridden in a hammock, on a golden beach, under a palm tree, sipping on an exotic drink. The enhanced environment implies pleasure, but it does not guarantee it. It's the same with the current harmonious alignment from Jupiter to Neptune. This may not make everything wonderful. But there will soon be at least one aspect of your life that it indisputably helps.
Retrograding Mercury plays havoc on your relationships after May 7, retrograding in Gemini first, your one on one relationship zone and then in Taurus through the end of the month. Mercury retrograde will impact your relationships and your work life. Misunderstandings are unlikely too, so do try to be especially tactful in what you say and write and do (you know how you Sags have foot in mouth disease).
The big bright spot is the presence of Venus and Mars in your romance zone all month long. Venus is the goddess of love and beauty while Mars is the planet of passion and this combo is great for you! Single? You won’t be for long! Mr or Mrs Right is right around the cosmic corner and you’ll meet him when you least expect it ? so you won’t be dressed up, boozed up or anything else ? you’ll just be you. Aries are your best match, as are Gemini’s (but beware, it won’t work at first ? June is the month you and your Gemini lover will really work out).
May is perfect for get togethers with friends and family members and for those of you trying to have a baby, good news is close by regarding this. If you’re already a parent, you could have a lot to cheer about in May ? your kid really comes through and makes you proud!
The Sun shines in Taurus, your 6th house of hard work and service to others, as well as your house of health and wellbeing. Keep in mind that retrograding Mercury hangs in the same part of your chart as the Sun May 15? ? so silly misunderstandings with coworkers is very possible. Once again watch what you say and how you say it. Even if everyone else is chatting up a storm about stuff, keep quiet! You tend to be louder and more ’out there’ than most.
Rewarding May days: 7, 11, 21 & 28 Unrewarding May days: 2, 17, 23 & 27 May playmates: Aries & Leos May steer clear of mates: Cancers & Virgos Fall in love with: Gemini’s (but be patient)
Your dream world is a majestic place this week as the Full Moon in Scorpio on Friday, May 8 brings new layers and levels of potency and depth to what you longer for to be possible. Also, the combination of your ruler Jupiter and Neptune conjoining in Aquarius should do well to lift the roof off of any self created ceiling you may have in place. Since there are elements of surprise and unforeseen potential, it would be best to create enough space for anything from a minor miracle to a galactic gift from the gods.
In the sprit of energizing what you want versus the other way around, contribute all the creative juices you can to help this blessing along. Go big and then pray like hell.
As Venus and Mars, the planets of love and romance, continue to dominate your romantic sector and will do for the rest of the month, there is an opportunity to revisit an old relationship or some old relationship issues or ghosts. This comes with a sense of urgency for while Mercury, planet of communication, only moved into your relationship sector on the 1st May, he is already in retrograde motion and on Thursday will back all the way out. While he will return in a month's time, it is the opportunity you have in the first 4 days of the week, that could make all the difference, especially at a time when there are so many positive romantic forces. While Mercury will return to your relationship sector next month, Venus and Mars will be gone. Leave no room for regret.
'Never apologise, never explain.' This, once upon a time, was the motto of many people in positions of authority. If you asked them why or suggested that somehow it was irresponsible to be so imperious, they would simply refuse to apologise or explain! As you now find yourself needing to implement a difficult decision, you could do with taking a leaf out of this book. The more questions you entertain, the more you will doubt yourself, quite unnecessarily. Yet you ought now to stick with what you have started. Be ready to grasp the opportunities that are surely coming your way in the rest of 2009! Find out more...
For nearly two years you’ve been going along for the ride of your life,and your world has been completely restructured in the process. This week Saturn stations to go direct while forming a great eliminator aspect to Mars, planet of action, and you’re being asked to make some ultimate decisions about where your life is going to go from here. You may feel you’ve done this already, but as the Great Teacher teaches from your most public arena, you’re going to be asked to account for your recent decisions, openly and honestly. If you’re not sure about any of them, this is the time to consider your reasons, while Mercury retrogrades back into your house of self-adjustment and offers the chance to be filled in. Talk things out where you’re unsure. Everything happens for a reason. Trust in the perfection of the plan.
Venus and Mars are together in your romance zone. The core meaning of this lies in enhancing your creativity, encouraging your willingness to take chances, and to move you into more pleasurable environments. New romances may manifest, newlyweds may experience the joy of childbirth, and older Sagittarians may get the chance to develop creative talents. Lucky in money and love can be how you’re feeling by the end of the week.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 17 May 2009 While others are driven to distraction by the petty problems that come with Mercury's retrograde cycle, you deal with what you can - and shrug off what you can't. Now, however, you're encouraged to ask questions about both their source and various options, even if you've no intention of doing a thing. What you learn is preparation for the rare and fabulous alliance between your ruler Jupiter and Neptune, planet of transformation, next week. However, because this is the first of three this year, the cycle of dramatic growth this symbolises is just beginning. Outrageous as your ambitions seem, by the year's close you could be revising them, and beyond your wildest dreams.
Weekly Horoscope beginning Sunday 17th May 2009 So, Saturn has stationed - and in your career zone. This marks a turning point but not necessarily full steam ahead. You now need to let others in on your plans and might not wish to do this with too much haste. There's also the issue of what's going on in a partner or close colleague's life and how that does - and will - affect you. On top of that family demands increase. None of this can be dealt with at speed. Impatience would be understandable. You might also feel you've lost the will to proceed midweek when it seems that too many people are shilly-shallying and not getting on with the job. You may need to wait for the Sun to move into Gemini (your opposite sign) on Wednesday and for others to at least grasp what needs to be done even if they even then don't take action. What is becoming clear though is that there is one person with whom you don't always see eye to eye but who is proving to be a rock.
Recent events have taken you so far, so fast that you're hardly sure where you stand with regard to anyone or anything any more. You suspect you're on the threshold of one of the most rewarding eras of your life. You fear though, that you may be about to encounter some enormous obstacle, make a big mistake or experience some great disappointment. The very fact that you have this concern makes it very unlikely that things will go so far wrong. If you think back on past problems, they have all arisen through over confidence! You are taking a step into the great unknown... but it's an exceedingly positive one.
By keeping your ears and eyes open at work, you can learn some top?secret information before anyone else does. This could be of immense benefit, especially to those of you who are intent on career climbing. With love, be careful of placing restrictions on someone ? if you issue an ultimatum; be prepared for the outcome to go either way.
Two is your magic number. The Sun grooves into Gemini ? your partnership sign ? for the next month, marking a fruitful time for one-on-one collaborations. The old “opposites attract” rule holds true, so link up with people whose skills complement your own. Other people are a mirror for you, so at times it may be uncomfortable working alongside them. This is simply because they are reflecting parts of you back to yourself that could use a little fine-tuning. Embrace conflicts as opportunities to learn about the inner you. Avoid playing the blame game ? you’ll simply miss the lesson that way. Love will be a bit of a balancing act. In some matters, it may seem as if you’re standing on a different planet than your significant other. Seek a compromise or agree to disagree. You simply won’t see eye-to-eye on this issue for a while. Sunday’s new moon in Gemini brings a fresh wave of lovin’ vibes your way. Prioritize romance if you’re single. That may require you to make room in your busy schedule for free time.
Once that match is lit, there is no telling how fast and far you can go. Passion has never been something you have had in short supply. Moderation is the thing that you have forever been challenged to find. Tempering your overly enthusiastic self feels like being forced into a box yet this is earth and there are rules. This week when you find that happy middle groove and you want to take that feeling all the way, think again. Your influence will be far more effective when you sell your story and then let it be. They say the gift a great salesperson is the one who first knows how to listen and second when and how much to deliver.
New soul strategies are being written. Make every step and every word count and you are golden.
Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, is closely conjunct Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius now, so you may be feeling even more optimistic and idealistic than usual. You may even feel as if there is magic all around you. Anything truly is possible and you can imagine all kinds of wonderful possibilities at the moment. As Mars in Aries sextiles this conjunction this week, your creative juices are really flowing and you will want to express your thoughts and ideas in a creative way. Let yourself play, have fun, create and enjoy, whether through artistic creation or recreational activities.
This is an important time for significant career opportunities and decisions and that dream job may literally fall into your lap. However, with Mercury retrograde you would be well advised to take your time and not jump on the first promising offer that comes your way.
With Mercury retrograde, this would be a good time to go back over old work projects and schemes that may not have been completed yet, to clear your desk and your back log before getting too deeply involved in new projects. Romance now could be intoxicating and make you feel highly charged and keenly in touch with your sexual desires. However, your desire for pleasure is unlikely to turn out quite how you expected, so think first before throwing caution to the wind.
You may feel deep conflicts, not a new state, as it’s a continuation of what you’ve known before. Let’s look at conflict for understanding. It’s creative, forcing your to attention (tension creates attention), allowing you to form independent perspectives. You will form units of intimacy (different levels) for various purposes. These help you understand the effects you have on others. You need others now.
Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, is closely conjunct Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius now, so you may be feeling even more optimistic and idealistic than usual. You may even feel as if there is magic all around you. Anything truly is possible and you can imagine all kinds of wonderful possibilities at the moment. As Mars in Aries sextiles this conjunction this week, your creative juices are really flowing and you will want to express your thoughts and ideas in a creative way. Let yourself play, have fun, create and enjoy, whether through artistic creation or recreational activities.
With your ruling planet, Jupiter, at exactly the same degree as Chiron and Neptune this week, you may feel heaven on earth has finally come to stay. Day trips to beautiful locations become more inspirational; your musical and healing abilities expand; and you may meet a new friend who speaks with the tender compassion of an angel. Take care to get your work done, and be gentle with yourself. Breathe.
Although it may not seem likely at the moment, next week's stunning aspect between your ruler Jupiter and Neptune will usher in fantastic opportunities. They'll be so new and unexpected that it may be you won't recognise them, even once they've appeared. Knowing that, be sure you consider absolutely everything that comes your way. 来週の木星と海王星の素晴らしいアスペクトは、素晴らしい機会へと導きます。 今のところそんな風には感じないかもしれないけどさ その機会が一旦現れても、それらは新しくって、予想もできないものなので、あなたは認知できないかもしれません。 それがめぐってくるとき、すべてを絶対的によく考え、了解しなさい。
Weekly Horoscope beginning Sunday 24th May 2009 This weekend the New Moon is in your opposite sign, Gemini. Next weekend, its ruling planet, Mercury appears stationed in the sky. Between these two events the two planets Jupiter and Neptune, which align every dozen or so years begin a new cycle. These three factors together suggest that much will be going on in the lives of those closest to you - especially if they were born under one of the Air signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Since Jupiter is your ruling planet, it's very likely that you will be swept up by events. The speed at which things take place over the next few days could be quite extraordinary. It would be unsurprising if you were planning a trip or new partnership before next weekend. Certainly, changes to your regular routine may need to be implemented before next Saturday. Though much of this may be welcomed - especially if it brings the rewards you've been seeking, it could be your turn to worry about basic administration, and whether or not those working with you have the physical stamina to cope with these developments.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 24 May 2009
Because you enjoy cooking up new schemes, the stunning developments that accompany Wednesday’s encounter between your ruler Jupiter and Neptune won’t intimidate you. Until you realise they’re for real. These aren’t your usual intriguing ideas but transform elements of your life. Once it’s clear the extent, and that events could influence those closest, personally or professionally, as much as you, the mood changes. As your enthusiasm increases, others become more cautious and begin demanding facts. Give them what you can, but not only are things too new for such guarantees, with Mercury retrograde until the 31st, changes are inevitable. Plan ensuring others knowing that, and you begin this adventure on the best possible footing.
翻訳して頂けたら嬉しいな It's another good week for shooting the shit, shirking the work, and shuttin' down early. It's a perfect backdrop for throwing an impromptu celebration: 'To the end of a totally annoying few weeks!' Toast that mantra with a whisky shot or two, Sagittarius… but make sure to drink plenty of water following this upcoming week's indulgences. Starting bright and early next Monday morning, you are due for a booster of magic in your getting-crap-done zone (a.k.a. your solar 6th house) ?and not the kind that requires seven earnest attempts to make one inch of progress either. Soon enough, you are going to feel like the focus and wherewithal have returned to your working world, so that you aren't anymore exhausted by midway through the day (or is it really just thoroughly annoyed, which is exhausting enough?). You will have numerous opportunities over the next several many weeks?not including this one, which we might as well write off as lost (even if it isn't) so you get the chance to squeeze in some partying?to catch up on the job, tidy up the mess at home and make headway on the piling-up papers. (Fair warning: You will also have numerous opportunities to fill up on junk food while you work, so beware of that innocent jar of licorice sticks or supposedly-healthy bottomless bag of roasted nuts you keep on your desk.) For a few final days of justifiable slackitude, I'd love to see you loitering an extra-long time at the local café or watering hole, chatting up the locals with your hilarious list of semi-ridiculous complaints and stupid jokes, knowing there's no reason to rush right back to task now, when they'll be plenty of time for that come next week and beyond. Cheers! To the end of a totally unproductive-feeling few weeks!
A relationship from your past may have you thinking about the good old days, when love was all that mattered. Smile! That was an important time of your life and love can still feel just as good. Look around you, the person from your past was important but the love of your life could be right in front of you now. Release the temptation to ‘compare and match’ your old relationship to your new one. You are being asked to love those around you ‘just as they are’ and not try to change them. You are also being asked to love yourself too…just as you are…for when you do then those around you will more easily accept you too.
A dramatic shift of influences now will make you feel unusually creative. Not knowing what to do with these feelings at first, you may be inclined to a greater-than-usual amount of physical activity. With the abundance of career opportunities coming your way, however, it's important for you to be selective in where you focus your energies so as not to spread yourself thin. By week's end, you'll resolve how to proceed on a new project.
There is a sense of relationship and romantic urgency this week, but for two very different reasons. It is a New Moon in your relationship sector on Monday that creates a sense of urgency on the relationship front, but as the Sun only arrived last Thursday, this is about waking you up to the possibilities ahead. Meanwhile Venus and Mars, the planets of love and passion, spend their last full week together in your romantic sector, bringing to a close an epic romantic chapter that began early in February. While Mars won't leave your romantic sector until next Monday and Venus, planet of love, not until the end of next week, already they're giving you the hurry up. A sense of romantic passion is giving you the confidence and the courage to take a leap of faith.
It would be easy to see everything through rose colored glasses this week. You may be seeing reality, and then on the other hand, maybe you are seeing what you want to see. Enjoy the beauty and your enchantments, but don't bet the house payment on them.
"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing," said Indian philosopher Nisargadatta Maharaj. "Love is knowing I am everything. And between the two my life moves." According to my calculations, Sagittarius, you'll be more on the "knowing you are everything" side of the polarity for the next few weeks. That's because a flood is imminent. I expect you'll be on the receiving end of a massive outreach from the universe -- an influx of invitations, inquiries, and offers to make connection. You should also be prepared for the dizzying pleasure that comes from seeing how profoundly interlinked and interdependent you are.
Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, is still conjunct Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius this week, as Venus in Aries sextiles them, so it is all about the healing power of love and compassion. Now is the time for you to express those feelings to everyone you meet. With love, all things are possible now. Now that Mercury is direct, you can begin to make some decisions, especially about your work and anything that affects your health. When it comes to work and career, use your intuition to decide on timing and when to take action. If you try to force things they won't go so well, but if you allow things to unfold naturally everything will seem to just flow.
翻訳お願いいたします。 If I write about giving what do you immediately think about? I will write about giving because it’s the most powerful of all actions creating a magnetic force field directing us toward others and away from ourselves. When giving to others in small ways and large ways, a great love encompasses us. We become free. When we give we are then given to, so we can give more. It takes a great and courageous spirit to do this. Quite like your spirit in hiding.
There’s no need to couch your true feelings on Friday. You’ve got the chutzpah others wish they could summon and people will applaud you for telling it like it is. Don’t be lazy with evening plans. Circling the same old spots is (yawn, stretch) boooring. A quick search through local guides unearths a plan that’s both bizarre and ballsy. Incite the riotous spirit of adventure among your friends and go check this out together. You might just wind up becoming regulars at this newfound hotspot. Mercury goes direct on Saturday helping you strengthen your mind-body connection. Worries about the future have brought your resistance down for the past few weeks. You’ve been susceptible to the sniffles?both from colds and somewhat depressing thoughts. Finally, you’re ready to snap out of it. Setting inspiring goals will pull you out of the funk. Focus on health and finances. You’ll get plenty of firepower for these plans on Sunday when Mars enters Taurus. Structure ensures success, so push yourself to commit to a more organized lifestyle. Between now and July 12, you could see vast improvements to both your bod and your bank account.
Relationships, in business and love, enmity and friendship, fill the weeks ahead. The indecisions and delays of May - either on your part or another's - end now. You should pursue a person or opportunity, unless you first encountered him/her/it in the last three weeks. 翻訳お願いいたします。
Do the pursuing, as others hold the cards and resources. You'll succeed best with work-related relationships for most of June. Your work and health spheres race forward - a co-worker romance might brew. If so, tread carefully. Chase ambitions Sunday - you'll succeed! Happiness, maybe love, visits Tuesday/Wednesday!
They say you should strike while the iron is hot! But the saying refers to metalwork, not housework. Many delicate fabrics require a lukewarm iron. The art is in knowing when the iron is too hot! This month, if you wait too long for something or someone, you may lose your chance. You either have to bring about a major permanent change soon - or leave it for a good while. By then, other circumstances may have altered. Yet if you act now, you may spoil what you are trying to get - in the very act of trying to get it too fast. Relax and wait. The planets are about to bring you a perfect moment and a perfect chance. When it arises, you'll instantly know it.
It seems you always have to give up one thing in order to gain another, better one. As soon as you close one door, you leave room for another to open. You are in a very creative mood this week and should make something nice for yourself. You are spending money to make your surroundings more appealing and comfortable. Do not make any hasty or rash decisions.
June is one of those ‘however,’ and ‘on the other hand’ kind of months. All month long, there’s energy in your 7th house of striking a balance and looking at both sides of things. As any Libra can tell you, a keen eye for the howevers and on-the-other-hands can lead to indecisiveness. So you may experience a bit of that. If you persist however, you’ll be able to come up with win-win solutions to life’s little daily dilemmas. And, as any Libra can tell you, that sort of thing increases harmony in your life all around. Take note, too, that the long happy transit of Venus to your solar 5th house comes to an end at the end of the first week of June. Enjoy, while the enjoying is good. If you’re looking for news about lovers or children it may finally arrive.
Last but not least, there’s a whole bunch of energy in your job and health sectors. Expect many comings and goings in these areas of your life. Mercury will be in your solar job and health sector for the first half of the month. Venus will be in your job and health sector after the first week. Mars will be there throughout the month. Basically, this mixed bag of inner planets indicates that the general however and on-the-other-hand vibes will play out (perhaps most prominently) in these very areas of your life. Or, as the French say, c’est la vie.
>>787 コピペ元を見ましたが、やはりいて座のものです。 ちなみにてんびん座の欄も「It’s that time again, Libra. ..」 と書いてあるので、入れ子になったわけでもないらしい。 単に占い師さんが「どのいて座生まれの人でも言えるように」と書くところを「てんびん座」と書き間違えてしまった可能性も考えられますね。
翻訳お願いいたします。 You are best to move quickly and to get in good with the boss. Your tendency to take on too much will end in fatigue. Think twice before eating spicy foods; you may have problems with your stomach. Invite friends over.
翻訳して頂けると嬉しいです♪ Your Week Ahead: You can probably sense an exciting change, deep down in your bones, You've already got some idea of what's in store and you can hardly wait for it all to start happening. Savour the sense of anticipation. Once things do begin to move, progress will happen so fast you'll be left with precious little time to notice (or care) how you feel. There'll be too much to watch, to respond to, to deal with and to keep up with. So this is the time to plan, to prepare, to do a little research and to decide what you'll do if you get the right kind of opportunity. Because, when your big moment comes (and it IS coming) you want to be ready for it!
Even though it is Sunday there may be some new jobs to involve yourself with. Still, find time to relax and enjoy life. There are special pleasures to discover. たとえ今日が日曜日であるとしても、あなた自身を必要とするいくつかのの新しい仕事があるかもしれません。 それでもリラックスして、人生を楽しむ時間を見つけてください。 何かを発見する特別な楽しみがあります。
翻訳お願いします。 You are best to move quickly and to get in good with the boss. Your tendency to take on too much will end in fatigue. Think twice before eating spicy foods; you may have problems with your stomach. Invite friends over.
Image: "In a pet store, a busy aviary" Message: A network of demanding voices.
Office politics and business duties may be complex or emotionally demanding this week. Before Tuesday expect work officials and colleagues to be easily agitated by incomplete information or lost records. For some Sagittarians this may also affect personal relationships with co-workers or business partners: go slow and expect unusual moments of tension. After Tuesday business confusion fades: pace yourself and wait for a calm and predictable atmosphere. Wednesday through Friday may usher in dramatic changes in a long term relationship: watch for loved ones and long term friends to be expressive and mildly confrontational. Areas of sensitivity may involve minor jealousies concerning new friendships and/or a need for greater home and emotional security. Let loved ones vent their feelings: after next week new rules, limitations or goals in long term relationships will be easily discussed and decided.
This is a normal week. A little bit of forward planning early this week may turn this into a positive week. Once you have done this, you will feel much more confident about life, plus the fact that it will become obvious what your next move should be. The second half of the week is a good time too for putting the finishing touches to any projects that have remained uncompleted for a long time.
Your lucky numbers are1 and 2 and winning colors are turquoise and yellow.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 31 May 2009 Usually, you deal with even the most unexpected of developments with aplomb. However, the events triggered by last week’s stunning aspect between your ruler Jupiter and Neptune were so far-reaching, and so promising, that even you are shaken. Ordinarily you’d already be making plans. However, you’re unsure what to do. Actually, that’s as it should be, since this aspect recurs in July and late December, which means it may not be until the end of the year that you know enough to make decisions. Until then, regard what’s taking place as an opportunity to explore absolutely everything, since the better prepared you are for what’s coming, the better advantage you’ll take of these golden opportunities.
GENERAL: Relationships take center stage in June, both business and personal. The Sun is in Gemini until June 20th, your seventh house of partnerships. Just say “yes,” Sag. Your normally independent sign likes to go it alone, but you’ll get amazing results if you team up with a capable better half. After the 20th, the Sun moves into Cancer, your internal eighth house. Life’s pace slows down, allowing you to look deeper within. While you may be a bit moody during this cycle, it’s just your Sagittarius impatience―you get antsy when you’re not on the move. Be still and process the emotions that come up.
Two key events occur in June that affect your sign more than any other. On June 7th, the Sagittarius full moon brings the last six months of your life to a manifestation point. Home life and career will somehow have to be balanced carefully with whatever the moon delivers. By now, you’ve gotten pretty good at juggling, Sagittarius. Use your creativity to make it all work.
Your ruling planet Jupiter will also go retrograde (backward) from June 15th- October 12th. Jupiter is in your third house of communication, so during this cycle, get in touch with your past. Some to-do list items for Jupiter retrograde: Connect with old friends, work on a memoir, write about your experiences, take a refresher course, even visit the community where you grew up.
Productivity is the name of the game. Even when you’re not at the office, the persistent to-do list will be staring you in the face. Luckily, the drive and energy to get things accomplished are yours for the asking. Co-workers may have a tendency to drag their feet, so you might have to light a subtle fire under them. From a health standpoint, your body is in need of a continual source of fuel. In order to avoid blood sugar issues, consider the wisdom of nibbling throughout the course of the day. This will enhance your energy level and as a result, your ability to be productive. Partners become more verbal and expressive as the month progresses. They suddenly become a font of data, so take note of their logical observations. As the month comes to a close, take note of dreams associated with family issues. They are worthy of attention.
Love continues to be ’in the cosmic air’ the first week of June, with Venus, the goddess of love transiting your 5th house of romance, self?fulfillment and creativity. Single? You’ve played enough games with him or her haven’t you? Strike while the The smart choice in June is to curb your spending. Even if you have extra cash lying around, now is not the time for you to be spending it on things you cannot afford. Also be cautious with investments, a conservative approach is the best, even if you or your partner are game to be a little more adventurous with your hard earned cash, it’s a great idea for you to play it safe in June. The June 22 New Moon in Cancer, your solar 8th house aligns with Pluto in Capricorn, your solar 2nd house. With this emphasis on your financial sectors, save all you can.
The month of June will start out strong, for you will have a powerful, full moon in Sagittarius on June 7. It's clear something highly important to you is about to reach culmination. There are several likely areas that you may be thinking about at that full moon on June 7. Saturn won't support this full moon from your career. It looks like that your career may reach at culmination now. Saturn (insecurity) is moving there and you need to be little careful at these difficult times especially near June 7. Your boss may be quite demanding now. Additionally , Mars (action) is moving in your work place (sixth house).
Mars will be touring your house of work projects, so you may find that your workload is quite heavy at the office, and possibly at home, too. At work, this appears to be good news in this economy - your contribution will be needed and appreciated quite a bit. Business could be good, and you'll need to keep your focus! The fact that Venus is following Mars closely in your house of work is a sign of how much you'll enjoy the projects you work on now. There is something about the subject matter or your relationship with co-workers that you will find changing.
If you were born near 7th of any month, this is an important event for you.
On June 9-10, Mercury (communication) is making square with Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron conjunction. It indicates a global disaster related to air, water or oil, plus or minus six days around this date.
On June 15, Jupiter will go in retrograde until October 13. When Jupiter turns retrograde, the action of Jupiter is reversed so that the emphasis is upon inner awareness and inner growth. It is an excellent time to get in touch with personal integrity. Jupiter rules role playing in order evoke a positive external reaction. Jupiter retrograde is more spiritual and philosophical so it is a time to explore philosophies, possibly something simpler from a time in your past.
Now let's turn to the topic of money. You have an opportunity to talk about money, benefits, job perks, insurance, a loan, venture capital investment, scholarship, unemployment insurance, severance, and other similar types of funds that fall under the domain of "other people's money." These talks will become productive once you get beyond the new moon of June 22.
See this new moon as the beginning - a new path will appear after June 22. This new moon will allow you to open talks about getting a line of credit or concerning the fair division of property at the end of a marriage or business. Alternatively, you may discuss your perks or benefits at the start of a new job, when you are asked to agree to a compensation package. Days, weeks, or months of talks may be necessary to reach a final answer.
Technically, this new moon seems to be highly emotional. It has opposition from Pluto (intensity, rebirth in earned income). However, on positive side, this new moon has support from Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron (sibling and communication). These aspects make this new moon quite productive and emotional. It looks like you are seeing financial volatility; however, you have support from your sibling, neighbors.
Again on July 22, you have eclipse in your partner's income. It will again amplify the change in your eighth house. If you are not happy with your current situation of partner's income, eclipse may help you to transform. You may take some concrete actions in next couple of months. Remember, you will have two months after any new moon to act, so if you do so within that time frame, you will likely see your goal to a successful conclusion. It is good time to deal with property and legal matters.
If your birthday falls within four days of November 23, this new moon will be even stronger for you!
On July 1, Uranus will go in retrograde until December 1. Uranus' retrograde motion tends to stimulate deep psychological investigation and analysis. This is an excellent time for mental studies that explore human behavior and psychology. It favors activities that require bursts of inventive and intuitive energy.
Important dates:event : most impacted birthdates
June : Work and health month for you
June 5: Tough day for career
June 7 plus or minus five day : culmination point for your outlook and how others look at you
June 9-10: Tough day in sibling and education
June 15: Directional change in sibling and communication
June 21-22: Great day for work and health
June 22: Initiation point for your partner's income, gain and loses
June 26: Tough day for relationship and marriage
July 1 : Directional change in domestic environment
Weekly Horoscope beginning Sunday 31st May 2009 After what might best be described as a topsy-turvy couple of weeks when you've been unsure about arrangements and/or that they've had to be changed at short notice, comes another busy week: but where you are least clear about what needs to be done. True, on Monday you could feel over-faced. News on Tuesday is much more encouraging however. What you learn then should give you encouragement either to make a purchase on Wednesday, or at least to plan ahead with more confidence. What occurs on Thursday promises to give you much food for thought. It may be that you're asked to keep a secret or to give advice from very much behind the scenes. This is followed on Friday with the need for you to put your head above the parapet and to face a little discord. If you're in the process of wrapping up a partnership, this could be a key date. It certainly seems to be a turning point with regard to close relationships and even to family responsibilities.
The June 7 Full Moon on the other hand is all about YOU. It’s your Moon. Embrace it girls and boys. Placed in your sign it fuels your drive and ambition and motivates you to aim for bigger and better. You can achieve a lot that week as long as you emphasize cooperation and teamwork and fulfill all your job responsibilities as well.
Relationships are in focus as the Sun travels in Gemini, your solar 7th house through the 20th, where it’s joined by Mercury on the 13th. Personal ties are generally positive and upbeat, but you should keep your thoughts to yourself at work in early and late June. Rely on your self?control to see through a potential clash with a demanding boss or a coworker who might try to undermine your efforts. The less said the better. Need a favor? Ask for it within the first few days of June.
And then there’s Jupiter and Neptune ? both of which are out of phase in your 3rd house of communication and busy activities. Jupiter, the biggest planet in the zodiac goes out of phase June 15?mid?October in your communication zone so you could find it difficult to really say what’s on your mind and think clearly while Jupiter is out of phase. It’s not a good idea to make any sudden moves while Jupiter is out of phase. He is your ruler after all.
June Rewarding Days: 6, 14, 20 & 30 June Challenging Days: 5, 11, 16 & 22 People to trust: Aries & Gemini’s People to be wary of: Cancers & Virgos Love interests: Aquarians & Leos
The month starts out with a full moon in Sagittarius, June 7, the only full moon of the year in your sign. You'll be thinking about yourself for a change, and you may see a goal of great importance come to fruition. A partner seems to be very much part of the picture too, perhaps because you are getting engaged or married this month, or because you see a joint goal come true. 今月は6月7日の射手座での満月で始まります。 今年唯一のあなたのサインでの満月です。 あなたは、あなたの変化について考え、非常に重要なゴールが達成するのを見れるかもしれません。 パートナーがとても目立って見えます。なぜなら、共同のゴールが来るのが見えます。あなたは多分、今月婚約するか結婚するかもしれません。
The month starts out with a full moon in Sagittarius, June 7, the only full moon of the year in your sign. You'll be thinking about yourself for a change, and you may see a goal of great importance come to fruition. A partner seems to be very much part of the picture too, perhaps because you are getting engaged or married this month, or because you see a joint goal come true. 今月は6月7日の射手座での満月で始まります。 今年唯一のあなたのサインでの満月です。 あなたは、あなたの変化について考え、非常に重要なゴールが達成するのを見れるかもしれません。 パートナーがとても目立って見えます。なぜなら、共同のゴールが来るのが見えます。あなたは多分、今月婚約するか結婚するかもしれません。
Still, at the same time, this full moon will bring a very hard aspect to Saturn, which is now in your tenth house of career progress and reputation. Whenever in hard aspect, Saturn sets up a challenge. A demanding authority figure, such as a boss or client, could become a thorn in your side at this time. You may be excited about your wedding, for example, but all your boss will want to know is whether you wrote that report or got that signature from the client. しかし同時に、この満月は非常にハードなアスペクトの土星を運んできます。 あなたの10番目のハウス、キャリア、出世、評判にいます。 ハードなアスペクトは常に土星と組んで挑戦してきます。 あまりにも多くを要求する権力者(たとえば上司や、クライアント)は、この時あなたの悩みの種となります。 あなたは、たとえば自分の結婚式に興奮してるかもしれませんが、あなたの上司はあなたがレポートを書いたか、クライアントからサインをもらったかどうかを知りたいのです。
Still, at the same time, this full moon will bring a very hard aspect to Saturn, which is now in your tenth house of career progress and reputation. Whenever in hard aspect, Saturn sets up a challenge. A demanding authority figure, such as a boss or client, could become a thorn in your side at this time. You may be excited about your wedding, for example, but all your boss will want to know is whether you wrote that report or got that signature from the client. しかし同時に、この満月は非常にハードなアスペクトの土星を運んできます。 あなたの10番目のハウス、キャリア、出世、評判にいます。 ハードなアスペクトは常に土星と組んで挑戦してきます。 あまりにも多くを要求する権力者(たとえば上司や、クライアント)は、この時あなたの悩みの種となります。 あなたは、たとえば自分の結婚式に興奮してるかもしれませんが、あなたの上司はあなたがレポートを書いたか、クライアントからサインをもらったかどうかを知りたいのです。
Don't assume that the whole world will celebrate with you - your boss is under pressure and will be depending on you to keep your work letter perfect. Full moons often bring endings or partings, and at other times they bring on an epiphany when certain facts become brilliantly illuminated. 世界中があなたを祝うと当然のことと思いこまないでください。 あなたの上司は、プレッシャーをかけて、仕事を完ぺきに保つことを頼りにしています。 満月はしばしば、終局や別離を運んできます。 その他には、特定の事実についての、鮮やかなイルミネーションにふさわしい、突然のひらめきを運んできます。
Saturn rules your house of salary, so you may be worried about having enough resources, whether because you are having an expensive month or because your boss will ask you to take a pay cut. Three are many possible outcomes, so don't be too concerned. 土星はあなたの給料のハウスを支配します。 それで、上司に給料をカットするように頼まれるかもしれませんし、今月費用がかかり過ぎるかもしれませんから、十分な収入がもたらされるか心配するかもしれません。 たくさんの可能な成果がありますので、そんなに心配しなくて良いです。
I will admit, June 7 and the days surrounding it could turn out to be a draining point of the month, even if the news is exciting and positive. Even good news requires a certain adjustment! Keep your health strong at this time, lest you become run down. If you were born on December 8, plus or minus five days, you will feel the full moon June 7 more than other members of your sign. ポジティブでエキサイティングなニュースは、6月7日あたりの日を起点にして流れ出してくることを、私は認めるでしょう。 いいニュースでさえ、ある程度の調整を必要とします。 この時、疲れ切ってしまわないように、健康を保ってください。 もし、あなたが12月8日前後5日の生まれなら、この6月7日の満月の影響を他の射手座野郎より感じます。
All full moons have an area of influence of four days, so keep your antenna up from June 4 to 12. Actually, speaking of health, with Mars in Taurus all month, you can make a lot of progress at the gym. If you've been going faithfully and have reached a plateau, you can expect to finally see a surge of increased fitness, at long last! Help things along by mixing things up a little. すべての満月は4日間の影響領域を持ち、それで6月4日から12日まであなたをアンテナを上げることをキープします。 なんと、健康について話します。 火星が応じ座にはいつすべての月で、あなたはジムで多くの進歩を遂げることができます。 もし、あなたが忠実に行って、平均域(変動がない状態)に到達するなら、とうとう、フィットネスを増加させる高まりを予見できます。 物事を少しかきまぜることによって、進むことを手伝ってください。
If you have not been working out, consider starting again, for it won't be nearly as hard as it usually would to get back in shape. You'll feel like a million dollars too, if you do. Get started immediately, for Mars will help you by providing a boost of exceptional energy only until July 12. Looking really attractive will be a big motivator, judging by the position of Venus, so give yourself a head start by picking up some new sneakers and athletic wear. もしあなたがトレーニングをしてないなら、もう一度始めることを考えてください。 元の体形に戻るのは、いつもより難しくないからです。 それをするなら、百万ドルを手に入れるようなものです。 すぐさま始めてください、なぜなら火星が6月12日まで特別なエネルギーで後押ししてくれるからです。 金星のポジションから判断して、本当に魅力的に見えることは、大きな刺激を与えます。 それで、あなたは新しいスニーカーとスポーツウェアを買うことで、あなた自身にスタートする芽を与えます。
Work at the office will be busy, as you have Mars moving through your workaday sector. It looks like a sure thing that the phones will be ringing and email will pour in. That's good! In this economy, having a healthy business is an enviable position to be in. Co-workers and people who report to you will be in a cheerful, giving mood, so you can rely on them to help you if you need an extra pair of hands. 火星はあなたの仕事のセクターに移動し、仕事の場では忙しいくなりそうです。 電話は鳴り、e-メール大量に送り出されるように思われます。 それはいいことです! この経済状況で、うらやましいポジションでの健全なビジネスを持てること。 一緒に仕事をする人と人々は、快適なムードを運んでくれ、もし、手伝いを必要とするなら、彼らの手伝いを信頼しえるでしょう。
This is not always the case, so be grateful for small cosmic favors! You seem to be very serious about raising money for an important venture or goal that is dear to you. If you have been trying to do so for some time, only to be frustrated with the results of your efforts, you will have new reason for hope. This month on June 22 you will get your first new moon in your house of other people's money. これはいつもあることではないので、ちょっとした宇宙の行為に感謝してください! あなたにとって大切なベンチャーかゴールに向かって、お金を増やすことはあなたにとって大事であるように見えます。 あなたがしばらくそのように努力していたなら、努力の結果に失望するだけではなく、希望を持つだけの新しい理由ができます。 6月22日に、あなたの他人のお金のハウスであなたの最初の新月があります。
This one will occur at 1 degree of Cancer, considered a highly energetic, forceful degree when found in a cardinal sign. Cancer is cardinal (along with Aries, Libra, and Capricorn) so you are about to see quite a blast of energy. This new moon will light you to action, for sure. There will be obstacles this month, however, in that Pluto will be standing in your way. これは蟹座で一度だけ起こります。 これは、非常に精力的で力強く主要なサインです。 エネルギーのの爆発を見る中で、(牡羊座、天秤座、山羊座に加えて)蟹座は主要になります。 この新月は、きっとあなたの行動に光を当てます。 しかし、今月は、あなたの行く道に冥王星があり障害があります。
Whomever you see after June 22 will ask for mountains of paperwork, tough terms, or a lot of collateral that may be hard (but not impossible) to provide. Trying to get this person to back down on their demands could be difficult, but see this period as good practice for presenting your case. あなたが6月22日以降に会う人は誰でも、山のような書類、難しい条件、多くの見返り求めて、大変(でも不可能ではないです)な提供をしなくてはいけません。 彼らの要求から逃げることは難しいです。 しかし、あなたにとって良い結果をもたらすように見られます。
The type of money you may be thinking about could be a bank loan or infusion of cash from a venture capitalist. It may be a mortgage, scholarship or financial aid, or it may be that you are negotiating severance at the end of a job or a signing bonus at the start of a new one - or both! You may begin talks to divide property in an impending divorce, or try to decide how to divide profits of a business as it closes. あなたが考えてる種類のお金は、銀行からの借り入れかベンチャーキャピタルからの出資かもしれません。 それは、住宅ローン、教育ローン、個人借入もしくは、退職金の交渉、ボーナスの交渉、その両方かもしれません。 あなたは離婚により資産を分けることに差し迫っているか、ビジネスの終りにその利益を分けることを決めるのかもしれません。
You may be battling an insurance company for a payout you feel you deserve. An inheritance may have been held up because of an unclear will, and now you may go to the courts for an answer. You will get another chance at raising money next month, for we are about to have two new moons in Cancer, one right after another, in the very same sign of Cancer. Next month the new moon will fall at 29 degrees, so Pluto will be too far away to give you problems. This tells me that the old axiom is true - if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. 保険会社と受取額について争うかも知れしれません。 遺産争いの為、裁判所に行くかもしれません。 来月お金を集めることにチャンスがあります。 なぜなら、蟹座で二つの新月があり、正しい一つ目の後に、蟹座で同じようなサインがあります。 来月の新月は29度でおこるので、問題を起こす冥王星は遠く離れます。 古い原理が真実を教えてくれます。 一回失敗しても、何度も挑戦せよ。
What makes next month quite special is that next month's new moon will be a friendly solar eclipse. Eclipses are as powerful as three new moons rolled into one, and they usually bring opportunity and move up timetables dramatically. You may actually get the money you've been trying to get, and off you go. 来月を特別にするのは、来月の新月が親しみやすい日食であることです。 日食は、三つの新月をひとまとめにするぐらいパワフルです。 そして、日食はいつでも、ドラマチックな予定をもたらします。 あなたは本当に、あなたが得ようとするお金を手に入れるかもしれません。
There are a few days that bear a mention, so let's do that now. Look for ways to make extra money on June 4. You could easily find a way to add gold coins to your pocket, thanks to a lovely interplay between Mars and Pluto. This would also be a good day for a presentation or job interview. Jupiter, the great benefactor planet that brings gifts and luck, will turn retrograde on June 14 until October 13. It is common for a major planet to retrograde for several months at a time. 触れておく必要がある日が、2.3日あるのでそうしましょう。 6月4日に、余分なお金を儲ける方法を探してください。 火星の冥王星の相互作用のおかげで、あなたはポケットに金貨を加える方法を簡単に見つけることができます。 プレゼンや面接でもいい日です。 木星(贈り物と運をもたらす恩人)は、6月14日から10月13日まで後退します。 主要な惑星が数カ月後退することは一般的です。
During the time surrounding June 14 you may see a setback in regard to a contract or a project in the communication field, but if so, you will be able to try again in mid-October to reach the goal you want if you have the patience to do a little tweaking. One very special day, when the Sun and Jupiter send cheery greetings, will be June 17. It's just made for adventure, fun, and lots of luck. It won't be good for home, real estate, and family-related decisions (Uranus will be cranky, so put those decisions off) but generally June 17 should please you in many ways. 6月14日周辺で、契約またはプロジェクトのコミュニケーションの場で妨げがあるかもしれません。 しかし、鼻をつまんで少し我慢するなら、望む結果に向かって10月にふたたび試みることができます。 6月17日、太陽と木星が陽気な挨拶を送り、特別な日となります。 それは、冒険、楽しみ、たくさんの運を作ります。 それは、不動産関連や家族の決定(天王星はむら気があり決定を延期します)にはよくないです。 しかし、6月17日は様々な面で大体は喜ばされます。
For happy real estate, leasing, home, property, and family news, keep your antenna up June 9. Help things along by investigating your options. Romantically, you are more likely to find love staying late at work or at a sports facility or gym - as participant or spectator. That's good because you seem to be doing plenty of both, work and working out, this month! 6月9日は、不動産関連、家族のニュースに関して、アンテナを高くしてください。 オプションを調査することによって、ものごとが進むことを手伝ってください。 愛情関連は、残業でもしくは、市ぽーつ施設やジムの参加者や見物人で見つかります。 今月は、仕事やワークアウトの両方をいろいろしているように見えます。 それはいいことです!
As said earlier, Sagittarius who are attached but not yet wed may make that monumental decision in early June. If you have recently started to date someone you care about, things should go well between you. The only problem, as said earlier, is that your partner may feel like he or she is playing second fiddle to your career. If you care about the person you are with, find a way to show how much you care. 以前言いましたが、まだ結婚してない射手座野郎は6月の初めに決定するかもしれません。 最近デートを始めた相手がいるなら、あなたたちの間はうまくいくでしょう。 以前言った一つの問題は、パートナーの彼または彼女が、あなたの経歴の脇役を務めているような感じを持ってしまうことです。 あなたにとって大事な人がいるなら、あなたがどんなに気にかけているか示す方法を探してください。
My favorite day for love for you will be June 2, when Venus in your house of true love will be in a lovely angle to Jupiter in your house of travel and communication. You need not go far - even a trip around the neighborhood may bring an interesting, and fateful, meeting! 6月2日は、あなたの愛にとってお気に入りの日です。 この時、金星があなたの真実のハウスで素敵な角度をとり、木星は旅行とコミュニケーションのハウスにいます。 遠くに行く必要はありません。近所でさえ面白い、運命的な出会いがあります。
At the start of the month, the full moon in Sagittarius highlights your interests, but also those of a very close partner. If you are dating someone new, this full moon would not likely affect you, however. The house to be highlighted is a contractual house, ruling marriage and serious commitments of all kinds, including business ones. Only those Sagittarius who have an established, committed relationship will feel these energies. If you are ready to get engaged or married, this full moon can make that happen, and that would be a lovely way to use this full moon in your sign.
Yet this full moon in Sagittarius has some tensions associated with it, so even though you may have joyous news, it may also turn out to be a time when you need to juggle many differing parts of your life at once. Specifically you may need to find a way to deal with a very difficult authority figure at work. This may be a client partner who may seem nearly impossible to please, no matter what you do. At the same time, a financial issue may also come up that you need to address. If your birthday falls on or within five days of December 8, you will feel this full moon more directly than most.
Dates to note: If your relationship is a happy one, then you may get engaged or married within days of June 7. This will be a month of extremes. If you are not happy, relationship problems could blow up at this time, making you feel like you are walking a high wire. Best romantic dates: June 2, 6-7 (wild card), 20-21, 25-26, and 29-30. Travel successfully for business: June 2, 17. Your happiest, luckiest day of the month: June 17. Extra work may bring a tidy sum of money: June 4. Find a roommate or do something to improve your living situation - results will be surprising positive: June 9. Apply for funds from a bank. Insurance company or investor, or seek financial aid for college in the 10 days after June 22.
Financial talks about funding a big idea will start to move at a much faster pace after the new moon, June 22. This means if you have been hoping to get investment capital for a business or a mortgage for a new house, want a grant or scholarship, need to negotiate severance, or see about any other large sum of money from any source, from an insurance company to your ex, the end of the month would be the time to open talks. You will be determined - Pluto's position attests to that - and that's fortunate because you are likely to be met with stringent rules and a mountain of paperwork. Lesser mortals would give up, but not you. Take it all with a shrug and a smile. You can do this and you need to if you are to get the money. Just stay the course no matter what happens. If you find that the terms of the deal are troublesome, speak up and negotiate. Pluto's position only shows you'll meet a formidable, possibly intimidating authority figure.
The June 7 Full Moon on the other hand is all about YOU. It’s your Moon. Embrace it girls and boys. Placed in your sign it fuels your drive and ambition and motivates you to aim for bigger and better. You can achieve a lot that week as long as you emphasize cooperation and teamwork and fulfill all your job responsibilities as well.
Relationships are in focus as the Sun travels in Gemini, your solar 7th house through the 20th, where it’s joined by Mercury on the 13th. Personal ties are generally positive and upbeat, but you should keep your thoughts to yourself at work in early and late June. Rely on your self?control to see through a potential clash with a demanding boss or a coworker who might try to undermine your efforts. The less said the better. Need a favor? Ask for it within the first few days of June.
And then there’s Jupiter and Neptune ? both of which are out of phase in your 3rd house of communication and busy activities. Jupiter, the biggest planet in the zodiac goes out of phase June 15?mid?October in your communication zone so you could find it difficult to really say what’s on your mind and think clearly while Jupiter is out of phase. It’s not a good idea to make any sudden moves while Jupiter is out of phase. He is your ruler after all.
June Rewarding Days: 6, 14, 20 & 30 June Challenging Days: 5, 11, 16 & 22 People to trust: Aries & Gemini’s People to be wary of: Cancers & Virgos Love interests: Aquarians & Leos
How is your imagination? Can you think of many things to look forward to? When you envisage the future, do you feel inspired and excited? You should do. Although your imagination could be working perfectly well if it were only showing you images of a grim and grisly future. Indeed, arguably, it would be working better then because it would be conjuring up ideas that were simply never going to turn into realities. That's very imaginative. But if you can now be creative and reach for a golden glorious dream, you can make it come true.
So many of you fire signs are in such a rush for whatever it is that you have your sights set on, that you lose out on that precious time of preparation. Mercury has just turned direct in the plodder sign Taurus in your house of work and effort. This house is famous for ‘success is in the details’. Make it happen Mars is also there in Taurus and making a marvelously productive angle to Pluto in your house of those things valued. If you can become unusually patient with yourself and your current process, you will be far more prepared when the big news arrives. Don’t you want to be at your very best? Thought so. Now dig in, stay centered and then get ready.