Week Ahead Part 2: Watch carefully and you will witness a drama unfold in an amazing fashion. You'll see it begin with a passing remark or a minor whim. You'll notice how a small idea turns into a big, controversial notion. Then, while everyone is still trying to work out how matters managed to escalate so swiftly, you'll perceive a point of no return being passed. Probably, though, you won't have the ability to observe so objectively. You will be far too caught up in the action. It will just seem as if you have boarded a roller-coaster. Expect a tense ride. But don't be afraid. What's happening, sorely needs to be happening. If your motives are good, you will get good results.
We need salt in order to survive. But too much is bad for us. Most things in life are like that. Few factors, situations, choices are intrinsically wrong. It's a question of quantity. Now, you've got a difficult balancing act to perform. You're not sure where limits lie. While finding out, you may have to go too far and then backtrack a little. But as long as you don't make sweeping generalisations or try to cut out something you merely need to cut down on, you'll be fine. Don't be afraid to reach for the very best. You may get it.
You have an idea of what's appropriate, a vision of what's suitable, a notion of what's desirable. This image, this picture, this big, colourful, attractive assumption is enticing but misleading; attractive but dangerous. It is incomplete. It is based on what you know, but not on what you may be about to find out very soon. It is much more important, right now, for you to attain additional information than it is for you to follow an existing plan. Soon, you will become more enlightened and inspired. 翻訳お願いします。
How many guardian angels does it take to keep a person happy? None. People are perfectly capable of being cheerful, without assistance from the spiritual plane or even from the physical one. Guardian angels or kindly, constructive planetary alignments, are rarely interested in our state of mind. Their objective is not to make us smile but to ensure that we are safe and that danger is kept at bay. You are being well taken care of - even if you don't know it. Help your heavenly helper to help you.
How long could I take to prepare your reading today? Well, I could call a meeting. I could consult with my fellow astrologers, commission a report from a group with a mandate to research the Piscean situation and report back with recommendations. I could then draw up a draft prediction and invite feedback prior to a further meeting where a new group could refine the wording. Or, er... I could just do what you're going to have to do today. Act. Stop prevaricating and start taking brave decisions.
Friday, 31st October 2008 'The zombies were having fun / The party had just begun / The guests included Wolf Man, Dracula and his son / ...They did the mash, they did the monster mash...' One group that performed this were called the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. When they hit the big time, they dropped the Doo-Dah. No matter what you are planning for Hallowe'en, there's something special in store. It's not an encounter with a vampire, werewolf, ghost or ghoul. Nor with a witch, a warlock, spook or spectre, but with a source of great joy. That was your latest forecast. This is a message about the next phase of your life. 本日分です。翻訳お願いします。
Your Week Ahead: 'I am always doing things I can't do, that's how I get to do them.' Pablo Picasso, the artist, said this. This telling observation has great relevance to you now. A surprise of some kind is in the offing. There's not much point in me trying to advise you of its nature. If we take away the element of the unexpected from this, the cosmos will have to produce for you, a further rabbit from yet another hat. You don't, in any event, need to know exactly what to look out for. You merely need to be aware that strong solid plans are best treated with suspicion. But that your ability to cope, regardless of what you face, should be totally trusted!
There is a seemingly easy way to sort out your current difficulty. All you need is one specific resource. The only trouble is, it is not a resource that you seem to have access to. So, you feel frustrated. You can see no further than your need - and your desire to meet it by hook or by crook. You really must, though, force yourself to see further than that. There's another, less obvious way to get round your problem. It calls for more effort and ingenuity - but it offers one great advantage. Ultimately, 'plan B' is a lot more feasible.
Tuesday, 4th November 2008 People whose lives are too easy tend to experience much difficulty. They can't fully appreciate their blessings because they have not done enough to earn them. Conversely, people who lead a demanding existence, find that any break from the hassle constitutes an easy moment! People who look as if they are leading easy lives often turn out either to be leading lives which are not so much easy as empty. Something you have been expecting to prove tough is due to turn out to be surprisingly simple. While recording your latest weekly prediction, an exciting new possibility came to light. 本日分です。翻訳お願いします。
Think of the many things that you would normally do with your foot. Like, for example, press the accelerator pedal of a car. Or set out to stride purposefully forward. Now ask your foot a question. Is there any point? Do you really think that you can seize control of even so much as a single situation in your life right now? Are you truly sitting in the driving seat? Or are you effectively a passenger in someone else's vehicle. Mars and Neptune promise you real power if you put your best foot forward now. 2009 is nearly here.
Sometimes, it is only when you end a journey that you realise where it was that you set off from. Perspective is a wonderful thing and nothing affords us this quite so well as distance. You are now starting to see the past in a different light. You can see the positive side of events that once you only felt able to reject and resent. Soon, you'll gain more encouraging insights into the true nature of a trying phase of your life. Allow this to inspire a fresh look at a current struggle.
'Born in the USA...' so goes the great Bruce Springsteen anthem. What really matters in life, though, is not where we started out, it is where we are intending to end up. There is now too much emphasis being placed on a beginning. Never mind what caused a set of circumstances to come about, focus now on your ability to alter and influence the current situation. A great deal of fuss is being made, but most of the talk is empty and most of the problems that you face, are flimsy. Look forward and you will get ahead.
Week Ahead Part 2: Have you ever tried running up an escalator that is rolling downwards? Or wading through deep, squelching mud in a pair of loose boots? Some forces are too great to resist. For a while we can hold out against them - but eventually, they get the better of us. Life for you lately has been a constant struggle. You must have felt, at times, rather like a participant in one of those crazy outdoor games where contestants have to run up a slippery slide, whilst being pulled on by a bungee cord tied to their backs. This week, your path to progress gets a whole lot easier. As it does, you feel far happier about a bunch of things you once felt were terribly wrong.
You've got a talent for positive presentation. Sometimes, though, you end up using it to fool yourself! Instead of putting on a front designed to be attractive to others, you talk yourself into propositions that, deep down, you know to be less than ideal. Could that be happening now in one rather awkward area of your life? Might you have, inadvertently, inspired yourself to hang on to something you really ought to be encouraging someone else to take off your hands? This week brings a rethink, followed by relief. I've done my best, in the short forecast above, to cover all that needs to be said. 翻訳お願いします。
We can't all dress like Madonna or give speeches like Obama. And if we try? What works for them might not work for us. But then there are things that you can do that they would be out of their depth with. Don't underestimate your talents and abilities. What's important now, is that you don't try to emulate anyone else - but that you do what you know how to do best, the best way you know how! Your best is more than good enough. It's all that's needed, no matter how tricky your situation seems to be.
Rabbits out of hats. Doves from within silk handkerchiefs. The great magical traditions. The classic cliches of the stage illusionists. In real life, nobody can perform such wonders, can they? You might now be in a position to astonish and amaze. Jupiter and Uranus insist there is a wand you can wave and gain impressive, almost immediate results. Don't' just assume that somehow a task is beyond you or an objective is too much to hope for. Don't worry if you don't know how a particular trick is done. Just try to do it anyhow.
The great Houdini loved escapology. He'd spend half his time dreaming up impossible situations to be trapped or tied up in and the other half working out ways to free himself from them. There's something of that spirit in your persona. Usually, though, performing artists fathom the way out before they find their way in to difficult situations. You may care to remember that for next time. This time, though, if you keep on looking for the hidden trapdoor, you'll find it and you'll manage to climb through it!
Every so often stage illusionists set out to debunk clairvoyants, telepaths and mentalists. Just as Houdini, in his day, took on the table-tapping seance-holders, modern magicians set out to prove that they can bend spoons with sleight of hand. Just because something can be faked, though, we cannot conclude that every manifestation of that phenomenon must be false. There's a sensible explanation for every amazing thing that's happening in your life this weekend... but that doesn't make any of it any less magical. 本日分です。翻訳お願いします。
It doesn't matter how good your vacuum cleaner is, there will always be a little bit of dust lurking in the corner somewhere. Even if you become obsessively fastidious and catch it all, you can rest assured that more will come into your world rapidly. That's the nature of dirt. You can keep it down but you can't keep it out completely. Much the same can be said of fear. Conquer as much as you can by all means, you will never, though, free yourself entirely from reasons to worry. Those reasons may sound convincing - but you don't have to listen to them! This week's problem needs to be taken less seriously. When you've done all you can, do not feel obliged to do more.
Serious thoughts keep passing through your mind. Some are giving rise to pessimism. If I tell you to make the most of what you've got, you'll probably conclude that this doesn't mean what you've got is brilliant... just that you're not likely to get anything else. Not so, though. There are some limits to be recognised. Some real difficulties too, must be faced. But you can get an awful lot of what you think you want. And that's the problem.
No matter how many mountains you climb, there will always be another mountain, higher than the last, standing before you, challenging you to make yet another ascent. Life would be pretty dull if it failed to provide us with an endless succession of fresh mountains to climb. There are times, though, when we can tire of the apparent relentlessness of it all. Right now, you need a change... and a rest. You can have both, for a while, just as soon as you get to the top of the mountain you are now climbing. Reveal the astrological secrets of 2009, today. 本日分です。翻訳お願いします。
Some things really just don't go together well. Lime green and purple, for example. Or chocolate and pasta. They clash and conflict. They may exist in relatively close proximity. Yet there is no way you can describe the relationship as entirely harmonious. At best, they can agree to differ. At worst, they can just continually undermine each other. Some people have this effect on each other, some philosophies too. Individually, they are equally valid. What's needed today is not a resolution - but an acceptance! 本日分です。翻訳お願いします。
The world is full of people who are trying to change the world. Perhaps that's what's wrong with it. Perhaps, if we really want to make it a better place, all we need to do is get rid of the folk who are trying to make it a better place! Or maybe we should just tackle the folk who think that everything is fine the way it is. Perhaps they are causing all the problems. Or maybe, none of us are to blame. Be careful where you look for fault today. It is not really something you want to find in yourself... or with anyone else!
Psychologists are starting to suspect that our politics are shaped by our personalities. Just as some people feel more insecure than others, some are more keen to vote for parties which emphasise law and order. And those who feel naturally safe are more likely to be liberal in their views. Whether that's true or not, you find yourself, this weekend, keen to support a plan that reflects something you feel deeply. You don't have to explain yourself. Justifications won't convince anyone. Honest acts of sincerity and kindness will.
98 :Week Ahead Part Two jona:2008/11/23(日) 06:41:09 ID:JDemiQ5Y
Think of the things you have done for certain people. The sacrifices you have made. The kindness you have shown. Actually, don't think about it. It's slightly painful to suspect that not all of it has been as appreciated as it ought to have been. You did what you did out of the goodness of your heart, not because you wanted reward or recognition. This week's generous deeds will be performed on a similar basis. Won't they? In giving, the giver gets the best gift. Hang on, this week, only to positive ideas and good opinions of others. It's only through being big that you're ever going to open an exciting door of opportunity.
Either you are now in the grip of a greater fantasy than ever you have entered into... or you are right on the ball, bang on the nail and fully on the case. Waste no more time wandering and wondering. You're no fool and the move that you are making is no mistake. Of course it will have repercussions. Big ones. But you know why it has to happen. And once the dust has settled and the new developments have been adjusted to, nobody will criticise. The cosmos is placing a ring of protection around you. Consider yourself safe. 本日分です。翻訳お願いします。
The New Moon is not so much offering you an invitation as creating a challenge. It is saying: 'make your move.' You must take your chance - and if you see no chance to take, you must invent that chance for yourself. Must? Well, you are not being forced. It is not as if some dreadful fate will befall you if you stand still. You are being encouraged by a carrot, not driven by a stick. The intensity of a deep desire is enough to motivate you. The memory of a past disappointment is all you need to keep your concentration on track.
It's only Wednesday. How many more miracles do you feel you need to work before the week is through? Considering all that you have done, are you not now entitled to put your feet up and take it easy? Perhaps so, but there are calls you ought to make, promises you would like to honour and processes that you feel you must get underway. In the process of pursuing these objectives, you will work more miracles - and that's exactly how it should be. The New Moon speaks of your chance to rise to a position of great power.
Why is life so stressful? Probably, because you're dealing with something that really ought not to be stressful at all. We can all cope with a situation that looks, right from the outset, as if it is going to pose a problem. We steel ourselves for this and prepare appropriate defence mechanisms. Discomfort is far more pronounced when we encounter difficulty in an area of life that's supposed to be sweet. Please, though, don't lose faith. Your current source of aggravation will yet become the source of a wondrous reward.
People should be made to wear badges. They should say, 'Nice'. Or 'Nasty'. Depending on what kind of people they are. Then we would all know who we were dealing with. There would not be any surprises. Perhaps, the real reason why don't enforce such a rule, is that most folk are changeable. They can be lovely or horrible, depending on how they feel, who they are with and what they are going through. You are dealing, this weekend, with someone whose reputation goes before them. Pay that no attention.
Your December Forecast: Once-upon-a-time, you had a feeling a vague half-dream of a notion about what you might one day achieve. Not so much a clear ambition - more an idea about a role you might play or a way in which you could do something deeply worthwhile. You have already fulfilled some of your amazing potential. There is, though, a lot more that you could do. In December, while most people are just focusing on the holidays, you'll soon be finding out much more about what it is you have come to learn and accomplish... and how you can really turn your whole life around for the better.
Lifestyle coaches make it all seem so easy. Just make up your mind about what it is you want, then go out there and get it. The world, even during the Credit Crunch, is like a sweetshop. Opportunity sits on every shelf. Sometimes, we just don't know what we really want. We set our hearts on silly goals. We chase rainbows. We fail to see what's so special about the blessings in life we have already been given. You can use your current astrological advantage to help you reach a target - or to define an entirely new direction for yourself.
How do you win the Lottery? By not caring whether you win the Lottery or not! How do you find the secret of happiness? By not looking for it! How do you get what you really need? By being less dogmatic about what you think you want and what you feel you 'must' have. A lot of very emphatic statements are now being made by people in your world... including you! Don't take any of them too seriously. Tread lightly and gently today, no matter how serious some of the topics of conversation seem to be. 本日分です。よろしくお願いします。
Allegedly, if you want to grow a banana tree, all you need is a greenhouse and an onion. Plant the bulb, water the soil and say, 'Onion, onion, one, two three; turn into a banana tree.' This technique is guaranteed to work, provided you have absolute faith in it. If, for one tiny moment, at any point, you doubt that the onion can or will become a banana, the enterprise will fail. Trust is a wonderful thing. Sometimes it can work miracles. But only if it is based on something truly viable. Look for magic not logic, now. 本日分です。翻訳お願いします。
If all you have to go on is faith, you'd better not lose it! People who are pursuing a logical path through life can afford themselves the luxury, if luxury it is, of some doubt and disillusionment. Their plan will work, not because they believe in it, but because it has been carefully thought through and cleverly implemented. Folk who don't have a leg to stand on, can only maintain their balance through the sheer intensity of concentration, determination, hope and prayer. Just to be on the safe side, this weekend, stick to your vision. 本日分です。翻訳お願いします。
ケイナーです。 翻訳おねがいします。 Week Ahead Part Two: How good will things get this Christmas? Pretty good. Pretty amazing. Of course, if you act like a turkey and stuff yourself with daft ideas, you'll limit the impact of your special cosmic climate. Instead of showering you with last-minute seasonal gifts, the heavens will simply do their best to protect you from the worst outcome of some stupid situation. If you rise to the bait, if you let an annoying person get to you, if you lose your cool or allow some unreasonable need to well up to the point where your better judgement is completely clouded, the conjunction of Venus and Neptune will only limit the damage. Even so, you've got a good time ahead.
Week Ahead Part Two: How good will things get this Christmas? Pretty good. Pretty amazing. Of course, if you act like a turkey and stuff yourself with daft ideas, you'll limit the impact of your special cosmic climate. Instead of showering you with last-minute seasonal gifts, the heavens will simply do their best to protect you from the worst outcome of some stupid situation. If you rise to the bait, if you let an annoying person get to you, if you lose your cool or allow some unreasonable need to well up to the point where your better judgement is completely clouded, the conjunction of Venus and Neptune will only limit the damage. Even so, you've got a good time ahead. 週報パート2です。翻訳お願いします。
As we approach the holidays we are supposed to be thinking fond thoughts. We are not supposed to wonder why we ever let certain people into our lives. We are supposed to be full of magnanimity and enthusiasm...Though the pressure of preparing for the festive season will remain as exasperating as ever, you WILL soon have an encounter that you truly enjoy. There will be depth of communication and warmth of emotional rapport as you discover that one special person, at least, is a true source of support.
Down on the farm there's a lot going on at this time of year. Millions of turkeys, all over the planet, must think Christmas has come early judging by the great feast that they find placed before them each day. Little do they know quite what it will all lead to. You are now suspicious of your own good fortune. Are you being fattened up prior to an unfortunate encounter? Are you being put at your ease so that you will not object when a great transgression occurs? Remain just a little wary, but be grateful nonetheless for what's good.
What makes this coming Christmas different to any other? Same old tinsel? Same old tree? Something is not the same. Some factor is distinctly unusual. You are not sure what to make of it. You have mixed feelings about the circumstances you face and the situation you find yourself in. You are not entirely sure about who or what to trust. You would like less agitation and more reassurance; less to worry about, more to celebrate. A drama has to run its course over the next few days, but once that has been played out, all will be well.
Sometimes, problems have to get worse before they can get better. Arguments have to get more intense before they can be resolved. Fears have to be faced before they can be conquered. Consequences must be encountered before they can be understood. You are going through a process now that involves the recognition of a reality. It isn't easy, but it is the only way to clear away a problem and move on from a difficult phase of your past. Within a few more days, you will take that great step forward.
Pride comes before a fall. Invariably. Inevitably. That's what falls are for. They exist for the benefit of the proud! Sometimes, pride is not easy to puncture. It holds tight to what it considers to be dignity. Sometimes it gives way at the first sign of a challenge. Some folk are proud of how humble they are! In your world now, a confrontation is beginning to occur. If you want to avoid getting caught in the crossfire, put your pride down before you trip over it - or before it causes you to get drawn into a battle.
Sunday, 14 December 2008 Week Ahead Part Two: Imagine a cotton sheet that has been dragged through mud. It may look ruined but it merely needs to go through a process. First, it needs to be soaked in a chemical solution. Then placed in hot water. It must be beaten, shaken, twisted, spun and then put through a mangle. Then what will you have? Something that's as good as new. Plus, the sense of satisfaction that you only get after putting right something that has gone quite dramatically wrong. Sounds good so far, doesn't it? But what if that 'sheet' is an aspect of your life? By Christmas, your life will be bright and shiny. But watch out first, for just a few more cycles round the seasonal washtub. Reveal the astrological secrets of 2009, today. 週報パート2です。翻訳お願いします。
People tend to perceive what they want to perceive. If you take a jar of strawberry jam and label it raspberry, most folk will be too busy reading their morning paper to notice quite what they have spread on their toast. You can use this odd little quirk to your advantage now. Erect the right signpost and you'll deftly divert someone's attention away from what you would prefer them not to see. Remember, though, it's one thing to be discreet and diplomatic, another to be deliberately dishonest and deceptive.
Some folk have an amazing eye for detail. Others don't even notice the colour of the chair they are sitting on. We all have a particular field of interest - an area of life that matters so much to us that we notice everything about it. What's screamingly obvious to you now, though, is all but imperceptible to someone else. If you really care about making a good impression, don't dwell on whatever it is that you expect to be seen. Be sensitive to the preferences and priorities of another individual and what they will consider 'right'.
It takes all sorts to make a world. That's what they say and, though 'they' are not right about everything, they have a point here. We are very different. We see things in different ways and we appreciate different qualities within one another. You are now imagining that someone else sees life in the same way that you do. Even if, perhaps, they ought to, even if you wish that you could help them to do this, they don't and they can't. Change your expectations and use your imagination to see life through their eyes.
It may or may not be good idea. You are going to go ahead anyhow. What other option is there? On that basis, shall we look at the worst that can happen? The 'worst' is that you will have to backtrack at some point and then try something else. No real harm will be done. The chance to retreat will arise, despite your current fear of entering into a situation you cannot back out of. Now, look at what may ensue if your plan does turn out to be good. Well, that IS an attractive thought, isn't it! Hold that thought. And trust yourself.
Some say money makes the world go around. Others believe it is love. For a great many folk, though, it is fear. From the moment they wake in the morning, they become aware of the threats they must ward off and the problems they must try to keep at bay. A difficulty is worrying you greatly. Do not let it become the reason why your world goes round - or why you go round in circles trying to solve it. Just remember, this weekend, that what goes around, comes around. Be generous and good things will come back to you.
Life may, or may not, be one long fairy story, but there is a sense in which you are very much a magician. You may possess no cauldron, yet you are a powerful caster of spells. You may not own a grimoire, but there are still certain phrases you can incant to great effect. Do all your efforts to conjure up success work out? Of course not. But only in mythology do witches and wizards enjoy a hundred per cent hit rate. You can do most things if you need to. And this Christmas, there's something you very much need to do. Draw on your experience, your faith and your special, natural talent. Wave the wand of your determination and speak the truth.
Confidence alone does not create success. You have to combine it with a little talent, a little opportunity, a little wit and a little effort. But, as long as you have some confidence, you do only need a little of everything else. Confidence somehow causes that little to go a long way. Do you have confidence now? You ought to. And do you have everything else you require? Most definitely. So, let that knowledge add to your confidence and as Christmas unfolds, despite your fear, you will have even more of it.
What did Jesus do at Christmas? Did he go round to Mary and Joseph's for a family meal? Did he sing carols? Did he open his presents with a fixed grin when he found something that he really didn't want to have been given? He never knew Christmas. If he came back today, he wouldn't know what on earth we were all doing. And heaven only knows what he'd make of Santa Claus. Now, a quick question. For whose benefit are you holding Christmas this year? Don't foster irrelevant expectations.
Why does Santa's budget vary according to each house he visits? Why do some kids find endless presents under the tree, while others are lucky if there is anything at all? Santa is a spirit. An ideal. A dream. We make him real with our faith, our effort and our willingness to serve his cause. In that respect, he is a bit like Jesus. What do you really believe in? What aspect of what you are doing this festive season represents a pretence? It is one thing to put on a big brave act out of kindness, and another to try to kid yourself.
'I'm warning you with peace and love, I have too much to do. So, no more fan mail.' So said former Beatle Ringo Starr, earlier this year. To the amazement of millions, he says he's signed his last autograph. Yet for years he was known as a conscientious communicator in this regard. The patience, even of a semi-saint, can eventually wear thin. Some things, even when they have been going on a very long time, eventually have to change. You've put up with a lot in 2008. It's now time to decide what you want no more of in 2009.
You have until Tuesday to make a wish - hopefully you're reading this in time. The New Moon which just took place was in you Wishing Zone - and that's said to herald the best time of the entire year for letting the Universe know what you want. Declare your desires out loud (and proud) and take a few minutes to imagine how you'll feel if and when they manifest. Unsure what to wish for? Restructuring one of your most important relationships has to be high on your agenda as Saturn reverses through your Love Zone. If things have slipped off track with someone you love, this is the week when efforts to fix it can and should work. Make the effort.
Remember the tale of the ugly ducking. A lot of things in life seem wrong when we first encounter them. We need to let a little time pass before we reach a final judgement. We have to be careful about taking appearances too seriously. Our expectations can prejudice us to the point where we can dismiss something good as something bad, simply because it doesn't fit our mental model. Look twice at whatever it is you now don't like looking at. There’s a rich silver lining entering your life in 2009, attached to a very minor cloud.
You want someone to put you in the picture. You feel you are owed an explanation. You want to hear the reason why things have been allowed to develop in the way they have. You could be waiting a long time. This is not because anyone is holding back. It's more because you are dealing with someone who just doesn't know what they are doing. You have suspected as much for a while but you have been willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Establish your own definition of the truth and trust it.
Opportunity does not always knock gently. Sometimes, it pounds on the door like a police officer with an arrest warrant. Sometimes, it arrives with all the ferocity of an invading horde clutching some gigantic battering ram. When opportunity wears this guise, it is easy to mistake it for an unwelcome intruder or to see it as an enemy that must be repelled. Regardless of how inelegantly your current opportunity arrived, it is offering you the chance to do something wonderful in 2009. Trust that please.
Welcome to 2010. There. You see? You slept through it. It wasn't that bad, after all. In fact, a lot of Pisceans did rather well out of the least eagerly anticipated year in decades. 2009 came, 2009 went and when all the credit had finished crunching and the dramas had finished unfolding, most folk were reasonably OK. Some were even happy. Now, the truth. The year is still ahead of us, not behind us. But as it's really not going to be so bad, why worry? For you, it has the potential to be truly splendid.
For you, this is a year of healing. It's about becoming whole where you've been in pieces, gaining strength where there has been vulnerability and removing regret and resentment. At various points in the past, all these things have stopped you from fulfilling your true potential. Each time you have reached within yourself for a talent, an objective insight or a simple ability to enjoy life, you have encountered a memory of a time when something went badly wrong. Even now, to think about this experience makes you feel negative, pessimistic or just plain afraid.
Here comes a chance to look at what has been difficult and ask why. You also get to see how various factors which once seemed powerful and prevalent are now weak and irrelevant. In 2009, you regain a precious sense of perspective and in the process of restoring this level of understanding you start seeing how to forgive but not forget. Whenever we feel we can't forgive, we hurt ourselves far more than we hurt the perpetrator of whatever harm has been done. But if we don't forget, we don't make the same mistake twice. We have to keep the memory but let go of the pain. That is healing's great challenge and the reason why some people find it hard. There's another reason why you might discover difficulty attached to your progress in 2009. Sometimes anger, resentment and irritation become forces that motivate us. That's not always bad, but it eats us up within. This year, you need to stop something from eating you up from within. You need to look at why it is that you keep making mistakes or going round in circles.
There is something superhuman about you. When you are at your best, nothing can stop you. But not when you are hurting. Not when something within you isn't straight within itself. This year, you get to move on. You get help from all kinds of people - and in the process, whatever you need materially, you find a way towards. But you have to be willing to put aside a pain that has long informed your choices - not always in a positive way. You have to face your own darkness and replace it with light. The courage to do that may take a while to find but it is something you will only benefit from finding.
2009 will go down in history as the year of unbelievable things. T hings you just wouldn't expect or imagine. Big things, little things. Things in the news and things close to home. 2008's many surprises are as nothing to the revelations that await us. Of the many amazing discoveries, one will be the realisation that you are having an extremely constructive and enjoyable year. By the way, it is really not too late yet to make an important resolution. Focus on something you want to take up, rather than give up.
There's an easy way to avoid stress. Just do nothing. Lower your standards. Drop your expectations. Drop out. Back off. Mind your own business. Keep your heart to yourself. Life won't be very interesting or meaningful if you take the above advice - but, at least, you'll be protected from too much intensity. And that's what you want, isn't it? It isn't? Then you had best be more philosophical about the situation you now find yourself in. It may be taking a lot out of you, but it is giving back something perfect. You are living and you are learning. And, surprisingly early in 2009, you will come to be glad of all that is proving so hard.
You can already see more clearly than you used to be able to. Before long, your insight will sharpen further, enabling you to solve many problems. The people who are truly blind are the ones who imagine that their judgement is infallible. How can they correct a decision if they insist that it needs no adjustment? Your willingness to concede a possible past mistake is a sign that you are now making an intelligent appraisal of your situation. Be willing to learn from what's happening if you want to profit from it.
None of us are perfect. Some of us, though, can pretend that we are. We fancy ourselves as infallible. If something has failed to work out as we expected it to, it can only be because we were rightly guided to this choice by some higher power. Others swing to the other extreme; everything that they have ever done has been, they fear, a mess or a mistake. How do you now choose to view your recent history? Whatever perspective you have of it now, will change again as you move further into the new year.
With each passing day the new year brings you more to think about. More information arrives. More understanding emerges. You have to think differently about the past now that you recognise what it has led to. You will think differently again as the events of the coming weeks and months unfold. Jump to no conclusions. Remain open-minded. Just be genuinely relaxed and confident about the factors and forces that have led you to where you are now. These are your friends, not your enemies. There's a Solar eclipse on due on 26th January.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009 With each passing day the new year brings you more to think about. More information arrives. More understanding emerges. You have to think differently about the past now that you recognise what it has led to. You will think differently again as the events of the coming weeks and months unfold. Jump to no conclusions. Remain open-minded. Just be genuinely relaxed and confident about the factors and forces that have led you to where you are now. These are your friends, not your enemies. There's a Solar eclipse on due on 26th January.
Are you in the right organisation? Are there people you can count on? And principles you can relate to? Do you feel as if you belong? You may just be a small cog in a big machine but does it feel as if that is your machine - as if it somehow turns to serve your purpose? If not, you had either better alter your attitude or affiliate yourself with a different institution because if you have got the right kind of back up now, there is nothing that 2009 can't eventually make possible for you. Reach for your vision.
They say, 'It's not what you know, it's who you know. ' That's only partly true. To some extent, it's what you know about who you know. Yet it may also be the case of what who you know knows about what you know. We must never forget, either, the question of who you know knows. And what do they know? Look out, this weekend, for friends of friends. People you don't necessarily know but could get to know. There are discoveries to be made and connections to be established. These could make a big difference.
Are you kidding yourself? Have you been watching too many movies or reading too many fantasy-filled books? Or might there be a real wisdom behind your current belief. You need to know that 2009 is due to be an amazing year. A deeply fulfilling, exciting and inspiring time. That's despite all that now may seem worrying or uncomfortable, including all factors in your personal life and issues in the wider world, too. Like the credit crunch for instance. Forget it. Well, certainly don't pay it too much attention. There's something you need to get on with. A priority you need to honour. You're not 'distracting yourself from reality'. You are creating a new reality! A good one. Stick with it.
Why did the chicken cross the road? We will never know. Nor will we ever tire of speculating. And did it come first? Or was it the egg? Here too, we are in the lofty realm of conjecture - and we can remain there as long as we choose without ever reaching a conclusion. There is much in your life at the moment, that cannot be explained or encapsulated in some convenient formula. Don't waste time making sense of what won't ever make sense. This week, just count the chickens that have actually started to hatch!
Pisces 翻訳御願いします。 Tuesday, 13 January 2009 What difference can you make? How can you change the world? What decision can you come to? What influence can you bring to bear? What power can you wield? Don't imagine that you are hopeless or helpless. In one key area of life, you are now exceptionally well placed to perform a minor miracle. You have got good connections and you have more support than you realise. Use it wisely, but don't feel that somehow, you must stand by and watch passively while something occurs that is beyond your control.
Hundreds of thousands will soon line the National Mall for the inauguration in Washington. Imagine yourself, for a moment, in that throng. What chance do you have of getting the new president's attention, far less communicating your concern about a particular matter that you would like him to attend to? That's how we all see ourselves. Small cogs in some great machine. What can we do? What difference can we make? Life, though, is about to imbue you with near presidential powers in your own part of the world.
What size fish do you want to be? And what kind of pond would you prefer to inhabit? Right now, you are not so much a minnow or even a whale, as a leviathan. Or at least that's the extent to which you dominate one particular stretch of water. Don't wave your tail too wildly in an attempt to flee some imaginary beast that, in your mind, seems even bigger. You could make waves that turn tidal. Recognise your own importance and act with the dignity that is appropriate for someone in a distinguished position.
When you say 'jump', what do other people do? When you issue instructions, who follows them? Don't you deserve to be taken more seriously? How much faith do you have in your own judgement? If you feel sure that you know what's needed, you will communicate confidence, quickly and clearly. And if secretly you suspect that you maybe wrong, this too will be conveyed. Success, this weekend, depends on you gaining the support and assistance of key people. Not the least amongst whom... is yourself
Pisces jona 翻訳おねがいします。 Sunday, 18 January 2009 Week Ahead Part Two: Nothing on this Earth is beyond criticism. Everything has a downside, a drawback or a defect. Sometimes, it is well disguised. Sometimes, it is only too obvious. Always, though, it is there. You were born blessed with an exceptional ability to identify flaws in even the most seemingly perfect jewels. That's why you have to be careful about what (or who) you subject to scrutiny. There are times when it is better to say too little than too much. There are times, too, when you may be better off hiding harsh truths, even from yourself. This week, try thinking less, seeing less and saying less. Instead, just try trusting more. Never mind what's wrong. Dwell only on what's right.
Sometimes, you can race round like a maniac for days and get next to nothing done. Sometimes, you can sit very still and appear to be going nowhere, only to realise, when you finally stop, that you have moved a mountain. You are now in a position to enjoy the latter, far preferable experience. Don't feel that you need to plough a great deal of energy and effort into any situation. All that's needed is some calm, careful, clever thought and concentration. Apply that and soon, success will be yours. Now, I'd really like you to hear my spoken forecast for your sign. It contains plenty that could inspire and help you.
"The true test... is whether chance of birth or circumstance decides life's big winners and losers, or whether we build a community where... everyone has a chance to work hard, get ahead, and reach their dreams. " Barack Obama was talking here about his vision for the USA. But you could read these words as a commentary on fate versus free will. Are we destined to accept whatever life gives us? Or can we strive to make the most of our potential? Today brings the USA a new president and it brings you a new start.
Sometimes, you can sit very still and appear to be going nowhere, only to realise, when you finally stop, that you have moved a mountain. また時には、身じろぎもせずに座って何もらちが明かないように 思えても、最終的に動き回るのを止めた時に、 自分が大きな成果を上げていたことに気付く場合もあります。
Wednesday, 21 January 2009 jana翻訳おねがいします。 The credit crunch hasn't gone away yet. There is still conflict in the Middle-East. The threat of global warming still hangs over the world. But at least now we have an American president who actually acknowledges that it is an issue. Things look as if they could be about to get a little better. Often, in life, one hopeful sign or signal is all it takes to turn a bleak prognosis into a positive prediction. In your life, too, one key factor is now significantly different. From that, all else you need can yet come.
Imagine a world in which there was no 'you.' Imagine being absent. Imagine everyone else getting on with their business, vaguely stopping to remember you from time to time... but generally too caught up in their own lives to think about yours. What's that? You don't have to imagine it? You feel so ignored or overlooked in one key area of life that you are beginning to doubt your own existence? Breathe back out again. And then step forward to make the difference. Because through your very presence, you now can do that!
Step out of the shadow. Claim your inheritance. We live in a different world now that Barack Obama has become President of the USA. And it will be different again once the forthcoming eclipse has worked its magic on the world. You are too talented, special and potentially powerful to shrink into the background and merge with the wallpaper. The world needs you to develop your leadership ability - at least, in one particularly sensitive area of life. There is a situation that only you fully understand and your help is much needed.
Week Ahead Part Two: Where is the dinner you ate the day before yesterday? What happened to the good night's sleep you enjoyed last month? Some processes in life have to be repeated. You can't just cross them off your list and say, 'Right that's it, I won't ever need to do that again.' There are a few activities that don't seem to get any more enjoyable with repetition. There are others that never fail to bring pleasure. You are now doing something you have done before. You may yet have to do it again. Still, though, you must give it all you've got. While so much is changing, due to the solar eclipse and the angle from Jupiter to Uranus, keep a sense of proportion and do what you have to!
You have a duty to enjoy life. It is essential that you find some way to do this. If you are unhappy about anything, you must work out why and then take active, constructive steps. Unless, just possibly, you enjoy not enjoying yourself. Some people love nothing so much as a moan. Without a cause for complaint, or even a source of agonising angst, they feel incomplete. Should you wish to nurture a grievance for such a purpose, feel free. Otherwise, please be aware that there is now a way to leave a problem behind you.
Pisceans are magicians. People born under your sign share an impressive ability to make the impossible possible. To achieve this, they don't need much by way of a plan. Indeed, strategies often prove counterproductive in your world. The best things happen spontaneously, seemingly by chance. All you have to do is keep your ears open so that when opportunity comes knocking at your door, you can hear it. And when it enters your world, disguised as a problem, you can recognise it. You'll prove that point very soon.
'If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands.' So goes the old song. But what if you are unhappy? Then clap them even louder. Find something, no matter how small, that you can genuinely and sincerely applaud. Summon appreciation and enthusiasm. From the depths of your being. Be as happy as you can be and you will soon discover that you are happier than you knew you were. Once you know that, though, you will be happy and you will know that you are happy - then you will be fully entitled to clap your hands.
ジョナ 本日です。 翻訳おねがいします Do you deserve a round of applause? Absolutely. Indeed, if certain people truly understood how much you have done for them, they would be stamping, shouting and whistling in appreciation. Not that you want thanks. You just want the freedom to get from one place to another. You would settle for not being treated like a fool. Remember, that folk who have arrogant attitudes almost invariably feel insecure and unworthy deep down within. You can't expect all that to change in an instant but you can make an allowance for it today.
My grandmother used to say that, if an authority figure ever seemed terrifying, you should just imagine them naked, getting out of the bath. Or you could do the modern equivalent and think of them when they were young. What childhood trauma did they suffer? What caused them to become so brittle? Or bad-tempered? As with people in positions of power, so with all who act angrily or unreasonably. Make more of an allowance. Extend your empathy. Step away from argument and towards understanding this weekend.
Your February Forecast: When the drum stops beating, when the band stops playing, when the cannons stop firing, the armies stop marching and the smoke stops billowing, what will have altered? Everything or nothing? You want to know the outcome to a drama in advance. That's why you are turning to your forecast with such trepidation. Actually, though, you already know what's on the horizon. Only one thing will be different from now on. Everything else will be just as it was, much to everyone's initial amazement. So, relax in February. Nothing that you dread will come to pass and all that happens will please you.
jona 宜しくお願いいたします! Pisces Monday, 2 February 2009 It is all getting very interesting. You are fascinated by a recent development. You want to know as much as you can about a certain person or a particular opportunity. To what extent, though, are you like a fish, following a baited hook? Is it really possible just to take a small nibble without getting caught? And might you be better advised to focus on something which is a little less immediately attractive yet a lot more likely to keep you safe and secure? Look more carefully at what your object of obsession is attached to!
If aliens land next week, we will all soon forget the credit crunch. If they are hostile, we can stimulate the economy by gearing up to chase them away. If they are friendly, we can trade with them. So it's a bit of a win/win situation. Bring them on. The funny thing is, the aliens have already landed. They just didn't come in space ships. What are you and I but beings from another world who have mysteriously landed in this one? Take a cosmic view of your situation and it will soon become far less problematic.
Remember climate change? Before the credit crunch it was worrying everyone. Currently, it is only bothering Australians. Latest news from NASA is that it isn't just the Earth. Mars is showing every sign of global warming, too. As are the moons of Jupiter. It may have more to do with the Sun than with anything that humans are up to. Shame we can't say the same about the banking crisis. Watch, today, for false culprits and overblown concerns. If you are doing your best, you can do no more.
Will there be a Day of Judgement? I love the way people ask this. What do they think every day that they have ever lived through has been? What, exactly, is it that human beings do besides judge each other? We judge the past according to the standards of the present. We judge the people around us by the moral codes we have been taught to uphold. Will there ever be a 'day of non-judgement'? Now, that really would be a great day for the Earth. Maybe you can help us all get to the golden tomorrow. Be less judgemental today.
People look at other people and they think, 'I'm better than you.' Or, 'I'm not as good as you.' Or, if they are more subtle, and most of us are, they think, 'You think you're not as good as me.' Or, 'You think you're better than me.' By instant definition, we must be better than people who think they are better than us. And we may well be better too, than people who think they are not as good as us! So, with such psychological defence mechanisms, we lead our lives. Don't let these trip you up this weekend.
Sunday, 8 February 2009 jona翻訳おねがいいたします。 Your Week Ahead Part Two: When Socrates, said, 'know thyself'' what he really meant was, 'Know that you can never fully know yourself. If you grasp that, you will at least know yourself a little better than you knew yourself before!' None of us, no matter how well we know ourselves, can know ourselves inside out and backwards. You are going through some big personal changes now. You are reviewing your whole idea of who you are. It may be an intense process - but it is a very constructive, potentially profitable one. This week you'll come to know a new side of yourself. And of someone else. And they'll come to know a whole new side of you. And by and large, that's all good to know!
So much is happening, all at once. No wonder you feel so stretched, so excited, so breathless and so restless. There's a drama of epic proportions unfolding. The question is, though, are you participating in a stressful saga or are you caught up in a tremendous tale of triumph? It has to be one or the other. It's pretty clear, under the current cosmic situation that there is not much by way of middle ground. Soon, your fears should begin to melt away as fine and inspiring new developments provide reassurance.
Why should you reject what you are now being offered? Is there something wrong with it? Or with you? Do you deserve more? Or do you not deserve as much? You seem to be doing much fault-finding. Is this because there are so many obvious faults to find? By all means look a gift horse in the mouth, if you think there is a chance of getting a better gift horse. But, maybe, rather than wonder how generous someone has been towards you, you should be generous with the benefit of the doubt. This year you can turn your relationship into a match made in heaven.
In the heat of battle it is not easy to know which side is winning. The eventual victors and the inevitable vanquished may both suffer heavy losses. Till the very last blow has been struck, it may be impossible to tell who is about to raise the flag. Plus, of course, fights don't always end when wars are won. Sometimes they just drag on in a new form. For all these reasons and more, it is better to avoid conflict and combat. Today, you can advance a cause or promote a process of healing. Which makes most sense?
ジョナサン本日分です、翻訳お願いします。 Not everyone in this world wants peace. Arms manufacturers, for example, find the notion most disconcerting. In a world where nobody wants to shoot anyone else, who will pay good money for guns? Many investment companies have shareholdings in such enterprises. Without war, we may all find that our pension funds are compromised. Somewhere in your world now, there is a strange connection. Someone has a vested interest in someone else's continued misfortune.
Are certain things 'meant to be' or are we just very good at retrospective justification? Do we have a natural knack of rewriting history so as to include the movements of an invisible guardian angel, whose activities were not particularly in evidence at the time? It now seems as if recent events have had much more point and purpose than you originally thought. If you don't already feel relieved, reassured and vindicated, you can expect Friday the thirteenth to be a day that helps you feel more blessed in your life. Is your love written in the stars? Turn your relationship into a match made in heaven.
Your Week Ahead: Comedians know all about conversations held at cross-purposes. These form the basis of many a hilarious routine. It's not so funny, though, when you think you are clearly getting your point across to someone - and they think they are being honest in return, yet both of you are somehow accidentally managing to omit some small but crucial piece of information. All you can do to avoid this syndrome is make a point of covering every issue in detail. At the risk of repeating yourself, repeat yourself this week! At the risk of being bored, listen again, very carefully, to something you think you already understand. Your new spoken Love and Romance forecast will help guide you through the relationship maze and tell you what's in store for your love-life in 2009.
Do unto others as you would have others do to you. That sounds jolly sensible. It is, though, not so easy to follow when others are doing what you don't want them to do. You are less than ecstatic about a situation. Your ability to be wise, tolerant and forgiving is being stretched to the limit. If your responses and reactions of late have been less than saintly, we can understand. You may not manage to stay high and clear at all points this week. But you can at least try. Be clear within yourself about what you want and clear to others, too. And where there's bad behaviour, turn the other cheek. It will be less stressful, and you'll be more successful.
Monday, 16 February 2009 ジョナサン翻訳お願いします A 'deliberate accident' is an oxymoron. Something is either truly spontaneous and unplanned or it is intended and arranged, however secretly or subtly. The fact that you are now keenly aware of the damage that a force can do is the reason why you are likely to be safe with it. Unless of course, you inwardly yearn to create a drama. Question your real motive. Then, either separate yourself from the possible problem... or proceed with confidence, trusting that your respect for the difficulty will protect you.
If you step much further down the road you are on, you may reach a point of no return. You may also find that a problem is solved, a worry resolved and a change for the better has come about. Then where will you be? What will you have to complain or be anxious about? To what extent is your life now full of reactions to a disadvantage? Have these responses become a part of your identity? You may have to rethink who you are if you are no longer a person with a particular source of trouble in your life.
翻訳お願いします jana Wednesday, 18 February 2009 If good things come to those who wait, what do those who will not wait get? Many would argue that the impatient people get good things - only fresher and hotter. You are not feeling particularly inclined to bide your time now. You have already waited. A promised delivery is long overdue. There is now a strong celestial suggestion that you will yet get your desired objective. Don't tell yourself that it is more than you deserve. Don't postpone something that really ought to be immediate. Embrace an invitation.
As the Sun moves into your sign, we hear no bells or trumpets. They did not interrupt l ast night's news broadcast to bring you the breaking story of this development in the zodiac. Starbucks won't give you a discount if you go in and tell them that you are a Piscean and Pisces' month has now begun. Nor will McDonald's. So it's not much use, really, is it? Then again, who needs cappuccino? And chips are too cheap anyway. There are, though, some very good things on their way to you now. You'll see some this very day.
Instead of a prediction, I should give you a coupon. It can read, 'This entitles the bearer to a significant discount at the emporium of their choice and to the full sympathy and understanding of all around them.' You can cut it out and keep it in your wallet, next to the supermarket discount card. Whenever you need it, just produce it. The funny thing is, you don't really need to. The Sun is in your sign. A cosmic coupon now hovers invisibly above your head. It may not get you the discount - but it will bring you the rest, if you trust it.
A surprise is in store for you now. A pleasant one, of course. Even if you think all your arrangements are already cast in concrete and all your plans are set in stone, some factors will alter. If it looks as if you're heading for a phase during which a great deal has to be carefully thought-through and a great deal more has to be urgently, instinctively reacted to. All that unfolds, though, will yet prove perfect. There's a story and a half to be told in your life over the next few days - and it's due to be a gripping, exciting, revealing, inspiring and most rewarding one. Be creative. Think inventive, free and brave thoughts. And prepare to turn inspiration into success!
Never mind what you are wearing. Who cares where you live? Why should we be interested in your social status? There's only one thing that matters. The amount of love in your heart. The amount of sympathy, compassion, understanding, generosity, warmth and kindness. If you've got that, you are rich. If you want to be richer, get more of it. And if there's a shortage of hope in your heart or light in your eyes, the rest is irrelevant, no matter how much you have. A commodity more precious than platinum is... inspiration.
翻訳おねがいします The ties that bind us to others are not always easy to explain or understand. Often, they have as much to do with time and circumstance as with some deep, emotional or intellectual affinity. We may have such a connection too, but it is one that has been developed over a period of years, through the weathering of storms and the tackling of challenges. You are now questioning your close involvement with someone who seemingly fails to respect your integrity. Don't give up just yet.
Governments often protect their citizens from the truth. They tell their people what they think they want to hear. Or worse, what they want them to hear. Parents often provide the same censorship service for their children. Couples sometimes misinform each other about difficult or sensitive issues. Never, though, can it be wise for us to mislead ourselves in this way - although strangely, it seems to be very possible. What good can it do you to kid yourself about anything now. Especially when the truth is by no means bad?
'The truth,' they say, 'will set you free.' Fine, if you really want freedom. Truly, though, few folk do. They want more comfortable cages. They want prisons with kinder guards and better meals. They want to know what they are and aren't allowed to do so they can avoid getting into trouble or crossing some invisible line. The truth is, there are fewer lines and fewer obstacles to progress than most of us imagine. Do you want to be free? Do you know what you want to be free of? The truth is, you can have that freedom now.
What will happen if you get what you want this weekend? How will you cope? Can't you set out, instead, to get something that you're not really so bothered about? That way, you can stay cool and calm and you avoid disappointment if, for any reason, your 'ideal' turns out to be less than perfect. Are you sure you want life to have an intense, rough, raw edge? Wouldn't you rather have safety and comfort? You can have more security or more excitement. Both together though, is not really very likely. But then, you know that!
jana翻訳おねがいします。 Your Week Ahead: Some people believe that the best ways are the old ways. We should all, they think, respect tradition. 'The more things change' they say, pointedly, 'the more they stay the same'. In some ways, they may be right. Yet we live on a planet that never stops moving and it brings us all plenty of change. If we do not allow for a little innovation in our plans, we are likely to treat progress as an unwanted intruder, a thief come to rob us of our security; when it is in fact, an angel come to bless us with freedom. Mars, entering your sign soon, is your promise of a real gift and of real progress. Don't reject this.
Why do the most capable, practical people receive so little co- operation or recognition? Why, come to that, are they so often criticised and complained about? It is, to some extent, a matter of simple jealousy. People don't always admire each other's talents. Sometimes, they just resent them. A good psychologist could probably come up with a thousand reasons to sympathise with someone who seems to be going out of their way to make life difficult for you. Make an allowance, by all means, but under no circumstances should you doubt yourself.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009 When we are tiny and we lie in our cot, people come and pull faces at us. They ooh and they aah. They gurgle strange noises and, when we respond in kind, they are over the moon. How hard is it to win friends and influence people when you are but a few months old? Why, it's easy. You can even melt the hearts of total strangers. As we grow older, though, we discover that more is required of us. To achieve the same response, we must give it all we've got. Still, though, this week, you will make quite an impression. 本日分です。翻訳よろしければお願いします。
We were talking, yesterday, about babes in arms and their universal popularity. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. Older siblings are rarely so excited about new arrivals, and cats can be unwelcoming, too. Although this does not devalue the prediction I gave, I'm beginning to question the argument that I used to support it. The sad fact is, we all have enemies. That need not make us fearful or bitter but it should make us wary. You will win more friends now if you remember that some folk need more persuading than others.
Turn on your charm. Keep it turned on. Never mind who says what or does what. Ignore whatever it is that worries or upsets you. Smile and keep smiling. Be kind and warm. Continue to exude generosity of spirit, even when you encounter intense opposition or pettiness. Where will any of this get you? Everywhere you need to be. What will happen if you give way to a less cheerful frame of mind? You will simply slow yourself down and impede your own potential to enjoy good fortune. Be big-hearted if you want to win. Find out what the planets have in store for you throughout 2009!
Friday, 6 March 2009 'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.' So the good book says. It doesn't tell us, though, what state it will be in for the meek to inherit after the assertive have stamped all over it. Isn't there such a thing as being too nice? Psychologists seem to think so. They have a phrase, 'passive/aggressive' to sum up people who kill by apparent kindness. You need, this weekend, to be nice enough to satisfy your own conscience. No matter who is being nasty, you have to answer for your actions to a higher power. ケイナー本日分です。翻訳お願いします。
Pisces Sunday, 8 March 2009 Smile, and the world smiles with you. Argue, and the world argues right back! About the only form of self-expression that doesn't provoke an immediate echo, is sadness. When people are suffering, it is amazing how easy others find it to ignore them. You are not now due for a bad experience. To the contrary, you can look forward to a very constructive influence. You will though, benefit far more from this if you can stand apart from the world for a while. You don't need to be supported. You don't need to be rushed or hurried, either. You just need a chance to work out what you really feel and why. 8日日報です。もしよろしければ翻訳お願いします。
You have a fertile imagination. Your ability to envisage is impressive. When dedicated to creative pursuits, this facility is most beneficial. Not so, though, when applied to issues needing a more pragmatic approach. The sky suggests you are now conjuring up something very fanciful. Either you are pinning your hopes on an unlikely source of inspiration... or you are attaching too much fear to a harmless situation. Be more realistic. Then, please, relax. Regardless of what you think you understand, you are about to be pleasantly surprised.
Many manufacturers sell cleaning products in concentrated form. Once they bulked their products up to make them seem better value. Now there are more sophisticated, green-leaning markets. They pack more of a punch in a smaller container and hope that their customers will remember to use the contents more sparingly. And if they don't? Well, as long as they can't do harm by employing too much of the substance, why should the makers worry? You are doing the right thing now. What someone else makes of it is their problem.
When you do the right thing, you don't always get the right results. Or rather, you do, but they don't seem right to you at first. Let us leave aside, for a moment, the possibility that you have not done the right thing. Maybe you have only done what you think is the right thing. That could be a reason why the consequences seem to be wrong. We said, though, that we would leave that aside. So let us work on the comfortable assumption that you have indeed, done what's right. What's happening now must be right too. Trust it.
Superman always did fine until someone confronted him with Kryptonite. A little bit of rock from his home planet soon stopped him in his tracks. We are all, in a way, like that caped crusader. We believe we can fly - and, though this doesn't always cause us to rise up into the air, it creates a lightness of spirit that serves a similar psychological purpose. What stops us? What brings us back down to earth with a bump? Doubt. When we are no longer so sure of our entitlement to happiness, it evaporates. So why give in to that today?
Thursday, 12 March 2009 Superman always did fine until someone confronted him with Kryptonite. A little bit of rock from his home planet soon stopped him in his tracks. We are all, in a way, like that caped crusader. We believe we can fly - and, though this doesn't always cause us to rise up into the air, it creates a lightness of spirit that serves a similar psychological purpose. What stops us? What brings us back down to earth with a bump? Doubt. When we are no longer so sure of our entitlement to happiness, it evaporates. So why give in to that today?
Some people go looking for luck. They explore option after option in the hope that they will find luck somehow hiding within it. Chasing luck, though, is a bit like trying to track down a butterfly. You can take yourself to a place where you might expect to find it. But once you get there, you really have to stand still and let it come to you. If you make a sudden move or try to seize an advantage, you may find opportunity vanishes before your very eyes. It's Friday the thirteenth. Your whole weekend can be lucky, as long as you don't try too hard.
Do you have to have a reason to be happy? Of course not. If you can develop the art of feeling happy for no reason, you can be happy a lot more of the time. This ability will help you become less responsive to life's numerous, apparent reasons to feel unhappy. Practise the technique. Ignore everything - apart from your desire to smile - and see how far you get. If you don't get far, don't worry. For, despite all that I have just said, the sky is about to present a real and significant reason to cheer up. Mars is moving into your sign, bringing you power and momentum. If you have been contemplating a brave move for some while, this is your time to make it.
If you feel a little drained or depleted, don't worry. There is a hidden advantage to the comparatively low ebb you appear to have reached. It allows you to undertake an essential period of re- evaluation. There IS a pressing need for a rethink with regard to a crucial matter. It is exceedingly difficult to contemplate all the relevant issues while you are busily making things happen and responding to challenges. At least, now, you have no option other than to dwell on what's wrong - and slowly find a way to put it right.
Sometimes, when you are cooking food, you can rescue a dish that has gone wrong. You may not be able to take an ingredient away but you can perhaps add something that will make an awkward flavour more palatable. Or if you are painting, you can turn an accidental brush stroke into something that looks right and intended. Life, every now and then, offers us a similar opportunity to correct a mistake. We may even be able to take something that has gone wrong and make it seem perfectly right. Remember that today.
If there is something missing from your world, perhaps you do not need to find it. Possibly the absence of something or someone is perfect in its own way. Nature, after all, abhors a vacuum. If there is a space in your life, the universe can help you fill it. If, though, you are hanging on tight to a stopgap arrangement, you may find it hard to change this - even when a preferable solution presents i tself. Don't be in too much of a hurry to take care of a need, today. It may be better to live with it for a while longer and see what options arise.
What are you waiting for? And what's waiting for you? Are you perhaps, waiting for what's waiting for you to stop waiting and take a step in your direction? What's to stop you taking that first step? Are you worried about rejection? Of misunderstanding? Of a mistake of some kind? Inwardly, you recognise what's right for you... and your intuition is rarely if ever wrong. Reasonably enough then, what's right for you must also be what you are right for. Take the action you are half-tempted to delay. And let life move on.
Life is short. Unless, that is, you are not enjoying it. Then it goes on like a bad movie that you have become morally obliged to sit through. No matter how you may squirm in your seat, there is no escape. Even if you close your eyes, you can't blot out the soundtrack. You can, though, turn the bad movie into a good film. You can find something to like about it, even if it is only the camera work or the lighting - or the way that the set has been dressed. Try to like whatever you feel uncomfortable about this weekend.
Week Ahead part 2: Work with the materials you have to hand. Do your best with the best that's available. Then, and only then, start getting inventive. The Moon is about to become New in the part of your chart that governs security and comfort. That's your opportunity to start again in an area of life where much has been unstable lately. It's also a chance to co-operate and communicate, to put old fears aside and to clear up old sources of tension. You can improve a key relationship and free yourself from an arrangement that is trapping you in an inappropriate way. As long as your plan involves steaming ahead with faith and not running away in fear, it will work a treat.
Nothing lasts forever. That's what they say, and they are perfectly correct. Nothing does, indeed, last forever. How can it not? After all, nothing is nothing. It does not exist. Therefore, it can hardly stop existing! Is nothing the only thing that can last forever? Well, wherever you have a something, no matter what that something is, you have a time when it was not there and a time when it will not be there again. What would you rather have in life? Something? Or nothing? Well then, be glad of what you've got this week!
A lot of people do an awful lot of talking. Very few, though, do much by way of serious thinking. As for listening, well, most of us do plenty of that, but generally we only hear what we want to hear. We listen out for words of suggestion that echo our ideas and expectations. Either we don't recognise the rest or we take offence at it and feel threatened by the very fact that someone can hold a view which is contrary to our own. There is a need in your life now, for peace and reconciliation. That requires an open heart and an open mind.
We all know how we are supposed to act if we want to live like great saints. We have heard their stories, we have seen their examples. But embedded deep in our culture, is a rejection of such a high standard. 'That's for super-humans.' We tell each other, 'It is only natural for us to be more subjective and intolerant.' Over the last few decades, our society has evolved impressively. Many shocking habits and behaviours are now considered archaic. Lead the way forward today. Be as good as you know how to be.
People complain about the 'health and safety' culture of modern societies. But it represents an evolution of conscience that is, by and large, positive. Once we allowed all kinds of risky activities to take place without so much as a second thought. Though the world has now swung to the opposite extreme, at least it has a greater awareness of where danger lies. In your personal world now, a shift is taking place. Something that was once taken for granted is now being considered very carefully. That's very healthy.
Why are adults so much more prone to worry than children? Teenagers, for example, do wild and reckless things. Their parents express great concern, even though they know they did much the same at that age. This is partly because a sense of caution increases automatically as we get older. It is partly because, looking back, we can see more about the situation we were in, than we ever could at the time. You feel apprehension. Someone else, though, seems quite comfortable. Can you compromise?
Sunday, 29 March 2009 Your Week Ahead Part Two: 食品製造業では、製品の品質が一貫して変わらないように するために努力します。 買った場所がオーストラリアのパースだろうとペルーだろうと 同じ味でなくてはいけないのです。 心理学者がこの様な一貫性を保たねばならないという 強迫観念に遭遇した場合、それは無力さを感じて何とかして 支配の幻影を生み出そうともがいている人が見せる行動だと 説明するでしょう。 私たちは変化に富んだ世界で生きています。 それは喜ぶべきことです。 無理強いをして押し付けるのは良くないことではありますが、 それでも人は生活にもたらされる微妙な変化に日々敏感になるべきです。 今は勝ちを焦ってはいけません。理解を求めて努力してください。 今は非常に長い間変わらずにいたものを変える時なのです。
Food manufacturers work hard to ensure that the quality of their product is consistent. Whether you buy your burger in Perth or Peru, it must taste the same. When psychologists encounter this obsession with uniformity they explain it as the action of a person who feels powerless, struggling to create an illusion of control. We live in a world full of variety. That's something to celebrate. We should not try to force people and things to bend to our will, but we must appreciate the nuances that make life different for us all, each day. Don't fight for victory now. Strive for understanding. It's time to change something that's been the same for too long.
Years ago, in your forecast, I said, 'Stand on one leg, place a bowl of cereal in your left hand and balance three books on your head while jumping up and down, singing the national anthem backwards and peeling a tangerine.' I was trying to show why you need not comply with silly rules. A Piscean comedian though followed every instruction to the letter and filmed it for TV. Even now, I get asked about this. There's a piece of your past that won't go away now. That's because it's still a key part of your future.
Human beings are hard-wired to forget difficult experiences. It's not just because when things are painful for us we can't bear to keep the memory. It's because some processes are worth going through more than once because of the results they bring. Our great 'mistakes' are not mistakes at all. Sometimes, it's only through getting it really wrong, that we can get it right. There's a lot of madness happening in your life now, but there's also a lot of magic. Trust it and be open to the idea that things are far better than you fear.
We all have a selective memory. We choose what we want to recall - or forget. But if we are ever troubled by painful recollections, it's because we have somehow chosen to keep open a door in our mind. People are perverse. They will sometimes prefer to give themselves a hard time. They will even paint a picture of some past experience that captures every detail of a difficulty and leaves out all the mitigating factors. If you feel odd about something that happened in your past, revisit it. There is a chance now to see it in a very different light.
We've been talking about memories for much of this week. We really ought to remember false memories. Embellished or imagined recollections that colour our thoughts and confuse our judgements. These are not always elaborate or intricate, they can be detailed; small but significant facts that we either overlook or invent. That's why it's now so important to revisit a formative aspect of your past with as much clarity and objectivity as you can muster. There is a new way to look at yesterday, and it's much more inspiring.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be. Looking back was much more fun in the good old days. In modern times, our recent memories are... well, more recent. They lack the charm of long ago and far away. Or could it be that the further in the past an event lies, the more easily able we are to lie to ourselves about it? We can create an ornate embellishment of every memory and feel confident that more painful recollections will stay permanently forgotten. Think again about how things once were. You can rewrite history in your favour this weekend.
ジョナサン 4月(魚座)翻訳お願いします Pisces Saturday, 4 April 2009 Your April forecast: A new topic is coming up for discussion. This is a very interesting one. Recently, you would have had little time to think about it. It would not have seemed at all relevant to your situation. Now, though, well, maybe it's the weather - or maybe it's the tone of voice in which something is being said - or maybe it's just your frame of mind but you are starting to think, hard. You are right to feel excited and inspired about what's possible. It could well prove to be just perfect. You are entitled to a better experience. You are being offered a gift now that you really ought to accept.
'The harder they come, the harder they fall.' This is one good reason for remaining soft. Another is that you will attain a degree of protective pliability by allowing yourself to be malleable. People who are stiff, rigid and unyielding run the risk of becoming brittle. Remember that, and remember too that, for you, the key to success involves leaving every possible door open. You can afford to be generous, gentle, giving and forgiving. Indeed, if you value your sense of humour and sanity... you cannot afford NOT to be.
The world is full of people who feel that they have something to prove. It is hard, when you find yourself in such an environment, not to let it influence you. If, though, you now set out to make a point or force an issue, you will create unnecessary tension. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. Nor do you need to judge your progress by your ability to make material gains. You are essentially a spiritual being. It's your ability to inspire and uplift others that matters, not your ability to outdo them!
You have every reason to be proud of who you are, where you come from, what you're doing... and where you're going. This applies, even if you're not always entirely sure that you can satisfactorily explain all the above. Occasional uncertainty is nothing to be ashamed of. You also have every reason to expect assistance and support from those around you. You certainly supply plenty of this to others. Why then, be nervous today about asking for what you need, or expressing what you feel? Stand up and boldly request what you're entitled to.
Where do you belong? And to whom? What are you a part of? Within which particular machine are you a small, yet crucial cog? Are you happy with your involvements and allegiances? Do you still secretly dream of leading a very different life? The Moon is urging you now to give these questions serious consideration. That's not so you can torture yourself with doubts and misgivings. It's simply so you can acknowledge a genuine need and start taking practical steps towards finally making your dream a reality.
You know when you pull out the cooker in your kitchen and you start to clean behind it? Suddenly, you discover that behind the appearance of perfect hygiene, there's a lurking pool of secret, hidden grime. You end up wishing you had never started. Yet you cannot just push the thing back and pretend you never saw the mess. This weekend, you either deal with a difficulty, regardless of how much time and energy it takes or if you prefer, you put it off a little while longer. There's no shame in waiting for the right moment.
Your Week Ahead Part Two: Let the day unfold at its own pace. Don't try to set the agenda and, wherever possible, abandon the preconceived idea you have about what ought to be happening. Even if it seems as if nothing much is taking place, assume that 'nothing' is precisely what's required. Soon you will be presented with a possibility that seems, at first, like a minor development. But the more you look at it, the more you'll see to appreciate within it. A source of stress or a cause for concern is actually just a way of pushing you towards a much-needed change. To help bring this about, just be as good-humoured, wise, forgiving and generous natured as you can manage!
Nobody should ever drink and drive. Nor indeed, should they try to eat and swim, diet and bake, hop and juggle... or fall in love and try to think rationally. Incompatible urges are now welling up within you simultaneously. It's fine to follow one first and then the other, a sensible period later. Don't, though, try both at once. Make a distinction, and be ready if necessary to make a compromise too. No matter what seems, this week, to be beyond resolution, there's a way to sort things out sensibly and pleasingly.
Nice topics are rarely very interesting. We like to hear a little criticism and complaint, a spot of spicy gossip or news of an inconsistency. If someone does one thing and says another, we're fascinated. If they are consistent, we're vaguely unimpressed. It's not just in our choice of reading material that we prefer such colour. It's in what (or who) we opt to talk about. But the big story in your life now is not a tale of betrayal, failure or even imminent disaster. It's a heroic tale of kindness creating its own reward. And it's yours!
You put up with a lot. You take on more than you need to, you help out more than you are obliged or even expected to. You give but you don't always get much back. And nor do you mind. Such is the extent of your natural generosity that you hardly stop to think about whether there should be a return or reward for carrying so many burdens on your back, even when really they represent weights that others should be shouldering. Don't ask, though, why life is suddenly starting to be kinder to you. It's only what you deserve!
What power do you have? What difference can you make? In this vast world, full of so many people, what can one individual do to create change? Who will listen when you talk? Who will notice when you act? It is easy to feel helpless and hopeless, forlorn and frustrated by all that's wrong. Yet you are uniquely positioned. Just as, when you smile at a stranger you can send a cheerful mood halfway around the world, when you shout into the wind you can send a message for miles. Don't underestimate your ability today.
If, 'one good deed deserves another', what does a dastardly deed deserve? We live in a world that is somewhat obsessed by crime and punishment. We appoint authorities to pass judgement on individuals and to issue sentences that must be served. If they are seen to be too lenient, we criticise them. Yet in our dealings with one another, we would always hope to give and receive some sympathy and understanding. This weekend, you have the option to be harsh or to be forgiving. Do as you would be done to.
Every week is a special week. Every day is special, too. Every hour, every minute, every second, is a gift from the cosmos. If we don't enjoy and appreciate it, we waste it. If we are too upset, too sad, too angry, too caught up in a drama, we may fail to notice just how magical our gift of life truly is. It remains magical, though, whether we notice or not. This week, somehow, it may prove hard for you to notice anything other than how strange, how odd or how off- putting a situation has become. You don't think you could ever learn to like what you're now seemingly obliged to lump. But there's a genuine chance that you could yet learn to love it.
Dictionaries are full of words. Really big dictionaries contain really big words. Many of which nobody ever uses. Indeed, even the most erudite and articulate amongst us would be hard pressed to use all of those terms and descriptions in the course of a lifelong literary career. So what are all those other words for? That's easy. They exist to prevent us from properly understanding one another. People get along a lot better when there's an element of ambiguity in their conversation. Avoid being too specific this week!
Whenever we go to the supermarket, we are bombarded with choice. There are numerous brands we can buy, all brightly packaged and similarly priced. Out in the wider world, we face an even more overwhelming array of alternatives. We have to find some way to narrow down our needs and preferences, if only to keep ourselves sane. Somewhere along the line, through a sense of self-preservation as much as through a process of wise contemplation, you have ruled out an idea. It really ought to be looked at again.
It is often a lot easier to say 'no', than to say 'yes'. We may not like expressing negativity to one another, but when faced with so many propositions and invitations, from a world full of people who are seemingly trying to sell to us, we soon learn to put up barriers. We say, 'I don't like this.' Or, 'I'm not interested in that.' But what if those barriers are keeping us away from something that might actually benefit us? Life now, is inviting you to review an option that you have rejected in the past. It could bring a big improvement to your future.
'One drop of rain on your window pane, doesn't mean to say there's a thunderstorm coming...' So goes the old song. It's true, too. You can't assume that you are due for a deluge on the basis of a small spatter. Still, though, it's worth keeping an eye on the sky. Experience has taught you to be wary of some signs and signals. No sooner do you see them, than you set up safety mechanisms. Why, the very mention of a particular idea is enough to make you apprehensive. Watch out now, for a reaction that is too powerful - and too early.
It's easy for me to warn you of a storm in a teacup. I'm not in the teacup. If I were, I might see that storm from a different point of view. But then, isn't that what you need an astrologer for? My job is to tell you whether it's raining anywhere else and to shed some light on the true nature of your situation. Rather than climbing into that teacup with you, I'd like to suggest that the sides are not so steep that you can't find a way out of them. As soon as you get over the edge and pass the puddle in the saucer, you will enter dry and even territory.
Dreams, unlike realities, are comforting. If they are good, you can enjoy them. If they are bad, you can forget them. It's a lot harder to be so dismissive of reality. If your reality is a good one, you have to deal with the possibility that it may alter. If it's a bad one... you have to face up to it and take action. Hence your preference, at the moment, for a fantasy. You're getting a lot of secret reassurance from an imaginary notion. But the thing is... it doesn't HAVE to be imaginary. It can be real. If you dare make it so! Your sensitivity is impeding your imagination. You keep flinching from threats that don't really exist. Dream a dream of hope. Then make it come true.
Welcome to a special time. A very special, very significant, very magical time. Please don't assume, from this, that everything will work out as you want. It may do. Or it may not. That doesn't matter. Truly it doesn't. What matters is that you are learning something now about how you really feel - and who you truly are. In the long run (and, actually, in the short run too) this enlightening discovery that you are about to make will be worth far more than any exciting but temporary worldly success.
To all intents and purposes, you are naked. Exposed. Vulnerable to the elements and open to the intense scrutiny of all passers-by. I'm talking figuratively here - but imagine, just for a moment, that this was the literal truth. There you are. Starkers. In the buff. In the street. Now, here's a question. Are you in a weak position or a strong one? If you could only overcome your fear, shame or embarrassment, you can say or do whatever you like. Who can refuse a naked person anything? Your sensitivity is an asset now.
In yesterday's rather colourful prediction, I described you as symbolically naked. I didn't get you dressed again in the final sentence. Sorry about that. I hope it didn't get too chilly for you. But then, the idea of being without clothes in a covered-up world, equates well to your current predicament where you find yourself exposed and sensitive, while all around you are hiding behind veils and barriers. You have nothing to be ashamed of now, or even to apologise for. The only fig leaf you need, is your own honesty and sincerity.
I want to return once more to this week's running theme. The notion of being naked in public. For many people this is the stuff of nightmares. Yet why should that be so? What is the global obsession with covering up? Does it perhaps reflect the way in which we all try to disguise our simplicity and vulnerability from one another? If it takes courage to let yourself be seen in the nude, it takes even more self-possession to wear your heart on your sleeve. Stay dressed, today, by all means - but feel no shame about exposing your true feelings.
We had better get you dressed before the weekend. Having spent the week discussing the sensation of feeling naked and exposed, it is time to sing the praises of a smart outfit and a smooth disguise. You have bared your soul sufficiently. Now, as Jupiter and Neptune edge ever closer towards their conjunction, it is time to explore how, when you create a pretence with enough enthusiasm, you can actually start to turn it into a reality. Dress in your best and be ready to make an excellent impression on many hearts and minds.
Don't wake up and smell the coffee. Roll over and go back to sleep. Dream a little more of your dream. Explore your fantasy in more depth. You are not wasting time or running away from reality. You are exploring something that has more merit than you yet realise. The conjunction of Neptune and Jupiter towards the end of May means the wish you can't quite ignore, or the hope you can't quite stop yourself from entertaining stands a chance of turning into something much more substantial. Before you can pursue it, you just have to understand it. That requires thought, at least as much as it needs action.
'If crumbs are all that you have to eat, does it matter whether or not they are salty or bland? When your eyes are so heavy that you can't stay awake, even the floor is a luxurious bed.' Kabir, a deeply inspiring writer, lived in India many years ago. He sought to remind his readers, that without meaning, wealth is worthless. Conversely, when there's true, high inspiration, nothing else is ever needed. This week, you face a simple choice. You can trust the faith in your heart, or succumb to the fear in your head!
The world, for the time being, appears to have narrowly avoided a very undesirable development. Experts no longer think that Swine Flu is as great a threat as it seemed to be last week. Will some other dark cloud soon gather on our collective horizon? Of course. Here on Planet Earth, there is always something to dread. There is also, though, always something to celebrate. It's time, in your life, to stop looking at what might have been or should never have been and to focus instead, on what 'could be' - and could be good, too.
What's the very best thing you could be doing? What's the happiest feeling you could have? What's the best news you could hear? What's the brightest idea you could conjure up in your mind? What's the reason why you can't go to such an extreme? What's intimidating you or holding you back? Why can't you have power over whatever now seems to have so much power over you? The planets speak of a change soon. It will help you address all of these questions and more from a much more positive point of view.
Whatever is broken, can be mended. Whatever is hurt, can be healed. Can it ever be good as new? Perhaps not. The repairs may not be even visible. There may be scars where there once were wounds. But things can be better than they have been - and functions, long lost, can be restored. When we manage to right a wrong, all by ourselves, we can feel so good about our accomplishments that we are quite happy to accept a less than perfect recovery. You now stand poised to achieve something that you can long be justifiably proud of.
'How can you mend a broken heart?' So goes the old song. You can't. You can only allow the heart a little time to heal itself. Hearts, though, are gloriously self-repairing. Like all other organs in a healthy human, they set about trying to put themselves right the moment they register damage of any kind. In matters of the heart and head alike, this weekend, you cannot work miracles but you can create a climate in which automatic processors are given a fair chance to weave a magical spell of their own. Have faith in the future.
週報パート2です。翻訳お願いします。 Your Week Ahead Part Two: You often underestimate the extent of your influence and importance. You suspect you are not going to be able to get what you want, and you even begin to wonder whether you are actually entitled to want it. Your confidence comes and goes in waves. Right now, though, several deep pools remain scattered around the shoreline, the main tide appears to be out. It can only be a short while, though, before it starts rolling back in again. Along with all the proof you need that you are doing the right thing, and it is beginning to work. Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron all suggest that you're going to get help to achieve whatever matters most of all to you.
Not all dreams come true. Thank heavens for that. If all fantasies were fulfilled, we would have nothing left to yearn for. We'd spend our whole time dealing with the consequences of our unfortunate, ill thought-through wishes, wondering why we set our hearts on so many silly things that are now causing us more problems than they ever solved. Some dreams, though, do come true - and when they do, we are truly glad. Your most burning desire may not be granted this week, but some very important needs will be met.
Gardeners don't just plant seeds and then sit back and watch while their crops come to glorious fruition. They have to make sure that weeds don't become established and that pests don't threaten their tender shoots. Some crops are particularly difficult to tend. Soil pollution can be unhealthy. Without enough water or sunshine no growth will occur. You feel rather as if you have undertaken a project that may never succeed. You are daunted and disappointed by the amount of effort that seems to be necessary. But if you keep trying, you won't fail.
You feel ever more like a small cog in a big machine. You can't choose the speed at which it turns or even influence the efficiency of the great engine. You rather suspect that if you were to stop playing your part, you would simply be replaced by some other component. Your whole relationship with this situation is about to change. You will soon start to feel as if you have much more power and choice. You deserve respect for the contribution that you have been making. And as this finally starts to come your way, you will also gain more confidence.
Have you ever thought about learning to levitate? It would suit you. You may have some difficulty. They are unlikely to offer a course at your local community centre. But I'm sure if you were to be persistent, you would eventually find out how it was done. Think of the time you would save and the number of people you would impress. Well, perhaps that's a bit far-fetched but you shouldn't look at your current aspiration in quite the same way. It's more realistic than you think.
In Harry Potter, the magicians are always apparating. If they want to get from one place to another, they just wave their wands, mutter a couple of words and, hey presto, there they are, somewhere else. Tibetan folklore is full of tales about lamas and rinpoches who can do much the same thing. Even serious scientists tell us that, one day, if we study the behaviour of subatomic particles carefully enough, we may find a way to make teleportation possible. You can't be in two places at once this weekend, but you can still work a lot of magic.
If you feel apprehensive this week, it may be linked to a feeling of hopelessness. Something is seemingly spiralling out of control. A secret of some kind looks sure to come to light, regardless of how hard you try to stop this emerging. You suspect you will soon feel exposed and vulnerable as a result of what's about to occur. There really is no need to worry. Even if you can't prevent a development, it will end up doing no real harm. It may even do some good. And actually, despite the drama, powerful emotion and the tension in your situation, faith and a willingness to be 'shown the right path' will see you nicely through it all.
While the economy remains challenged, shops are doing their best to tempt us. Piled high in every window are special offers. Strangely, though, no store is offering a bargain pack of wisdom. Indeed, you can't even get it at any price! We may think we're short of capital but it's understanding that's really in woefully short supply. And we are not even wise enough to realise it is missing! This week brings you a truly precious gift: a revelation that inspires a new, successful approach to a crucial matter.
Let's try an exercise in imagination today. After all, Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron are starting to form an intense conjunction. It is an appropriate time for such activity. So, pretend you are someone else; anyone else will do. A mad scientist has kidnapped you and transferred your brain into the body that you now occupy. Who is this person whose life you are now supposed to lead? What problems have they got? What advantages do they enjoy? You are seeing it all afresh, as if for the first time. Go through the day in that spirit.
Yesterday, I invited you to imagine that you were someone else. Or rather, that you had someone else's mind that had been mysteriously transferred into your body. I was trying to get you to see your whole life through a fresh pair of eyes. I recommend a similar exercise today. It is astrologically appropriate. Whatever limitations you think you face, you can find a way round them. It is just a question of acting with confidence and assuming, correctly, that this world you have suddenly inhabited is equipped with all that it needs.
Think of your heroes and heroines - the folk you admire or wish that you could emulate. Imagine that one of these has somehow come to life in your mind. Just for a moment, consider the possibility that you could hand over the reins of control to this character. What would they do? How might they handle things differently? Now, what's to stop you from playing your part in that way? The triple conjunction of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron, is your invitation to take a new approach and to be successful in following this through to a gratifying conclusion.
You might look rather good in a one-piece Lycra stretch-suit with a mask and cape. Don't worry that it may not flatter your figure. By the time you have leapt a few tall buildings and flown faster than a speeding locomotive, you will be in tip-top shape. And why can't you be a superhero? On what grounds are you disqualified from manifesting magical powers? In your own way, you are exceptional. You were born blessed, with talents and abilities that others can only dream of. This weekend put them to good use.
Week Ahead Part Two: If you solve all your problems, you won't have any questions left to answer. And then where will you be? Be grateful for your difficulty. That's not a heavy load intended to wear you down. It is a barbell. Lift it up then put it back down again. Repeat the exercise. Eventually you will grow strong. Think how pleased with yourself you will then be. Oh, and by the way, there's another reason why you should feel good about the factor that makes you feel so bad. A rare triple conjunction of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron is more auspicious for you than any other sign. Here comes freedom from an old obligation and a change that's as welcome as it is overdue!
Pisces, Monday, 25 May 2009 Even at The School of Hard Knocks, they run classes in soft touches. Even if life is truly tough, there will be times when it turns tender. We hate to be disappointed and we soon learn that the best way to prevent this from happening is to avoid expectation. Yet, if we refuse even to acknowledge the possible existence of a wonderful opportunity, it can float right into our lives - and then right back out again - without us even noticing. This has the potential to be a very good week. Give it a chance to work its magic.
Pisces, Monday, 25 May 2009 The School of Hard Knocks(厳しい人生道場)においても、 その授業は穏やかに進められます。 本当に人生が厳しいものだとしても、 時には優しい場面もあるものです。 人は失望するのが嫌なので、期待をしないという 失望をしないための最善の方法をやがて身につけます。 でも、もし人がすばらしいチャンスも存在する可能性すら 認めようとしなかったら、それは私たちの人生にふらっとやって来て‥ 気付かぬ内に、またふらっと出て行ってしまいます。 今週はとても良い一週間になる可能性があります。 魔法を働かせるチャンスを与えてください。
There are some parts of the world where a belief in reincarnation is woven into the fabric of the culture. Even in such places, though, they don't legislate for it. Banks don't offer 'two lifetime mortgages'. Judges, when sentencing serious offenders, don't say, 'you must stay in jail for the rest of your life and then, when you are reborn, go straight back into jail again. Karmic death may or may not be another matter but our worldly obligations don't go on forever, no matter what we fear. A long saga is ending now. A joyous new phase awaits.
So many people want to know if there is life after death. They might be better off asking if there is life during life? It often seems as if many of us lead an existence so dull or dreary that if we were to be granted immortality, we might consider it more of a punishment than a gift. For a long time, lately, you have been putting up with circumstances that are anything but life-enhancing or spirit-lifting. Here, this very day, comes an encounter that should reassure you about your future. You are about to do a spot of 'real' living!
If this is your life, why is it not under your control? How come so many choices are made for you? By circumstances, by the people around you, or by the voices of fear and doubt in the back of your own mind. What stops you from manifesting magic? You have the power, if you choose to use it, to change all that. You can envisage a positive outcome to any drama and then somehow ensure that this becomes the reality. Now, more than ever, while Jupiter and Neptune are so close in the zodiac of the sky, and so near to Chiron, this IS your life.
The Sun is ninety-three million miles away. That's a lot further than you can drive, even in a very fast car. Not that you would want to go there anyway. It is terribly hot. But from this distance, it is just about the right intensity - most of the time. Sometimes, when we think we need more of something, we end up getting a bit too much of it. Sometimes, too, when we decide that we have had enough of a situation or even a relationship, what we mean is that we really need to stand a bit further back from it. Watch where you draw your lines this weekend.
Your June forecast: What's important? Be careful how you answer this question. It is easy to reel off a list of items that others consider to be crucial. It is easy (and understandable, too) to decide that if certain things matter to those you are close to, they must matter to you as well. Even so, there is a big difference between your own key priority and that of a companion. Do what you can to show support for the vision held by someone else but hold tight to your own vision. If you're now sure and strong, clear and candid, kind and caring yet careful and clever, you can finally start to get what you have needed for ages. That will make a very big difference in June.
Most of us read our stars hoping to learn that something wonderful is about to happen. Agreed? There is definitely room for some wonderful developments in your chart right now. For one thing, your recently- troubled mind looks like becoming a lot less troubled. But there's also something coming up which you should be warned about. There's a tense link forming with Saturn, suggesting you're about to go into Round Two with your partner, boss or an authority figure in your life. Minimise potential future dramas before they happen by making things as harmonious as possible now.
You are due a break. You've been slaving away, showing others you're willing to make the sacrifices required to make your partnerships work. No one can fault you as a team player. Or can they? If you know you still have a way to go in this part of your life, try harder! The rewards will be immense... eventually. If you know you've already done as much as you can, then what happens today and over the next few days should feel like a reward - or at least bring some kind of relief - after all your hard work. Expect the best.
Children who have strong networks of friends are a lot less likely to be picked on than kids who are either new to school, or who are loners. This makes total sense. In a way it applies to you right now. There's no doubt that many Pisceans are feeling just a tiny bit picked on right now. At the very least, there's someone leaning very heavily on you, personally or professionally. The way to be sure that this person doesn't bend you until you break is to enlist the support of all your contacts, friends and networks. You have some powerful allies. Call on them.
Award yourself a medal. Promote yourself to a higher rank. Organise a treat, a reward, even a little ceremony to mark the moment when you have transcended a fear and risen above a limitation. Are you now perfect in every way? Of course not. There is always higher to climb and further to go. Still, though, over the past few days, you have been brave and brilliant. You have done more than anyone could have hoped for or expected. If you can't yet see how special your recent choices and actions have been, coming events will reassure you.
Once, the world was a simpler place. Cowboys had wide-brimmed hats and were generally considered the good guys. Indians wore feathered headdresses and were wild and brave. Mind you, back then we used to think that war between two countries was a perfectly sensible way to resolve political differences and that whatever land we lived in, had 'right' on its side. Thank heavens we now live in an age where some people, at least, are making a real effort to be less ignorant and prejudiced. Look beyond the obvious this weekend.
'Better to keep your mouth shut and risk letting other people suspect you are a fool than open it and leave them in no doubt.' That's what they say... but it is not true in your case, now. What you have to say is worth hearing. There are gaps in your knowledge and, because you are aware of this, you feel ill-qualified to speak. The point is, that you at least know what it is that you don't know. Someone else does not even know that there is an unknown factor. Try not to let this annoy you. You're better off building alliances than somehow separating yourself from folk who, for all their faults, have a lot to share.
Martyrdom is a vaguely addictive state of mind. It's a shield behind which you can hide. An excuse with which you can get yourself off awkward hooks. 'I can't do that. I've got to do this.' 'I'd love to, but I'm not allowed.' Do such statements truly translate as, 'I daren't'? Or, 'The only way I know how to think of myself, is as a person beholden to others'. Someone, somewhere in your world, is rejecting an opportunity they are entitled to take up. But, with enough encouragement, all bad habits can be broken this week.
Some people avoid arguments because they dread confrontation. They don't want to upset other people or to incur their wrath. Others keep away from controversial subjects because they know, all too well, the depth of their own passion. They fear that, if drawn, they will speak with such intensity as to steamroller their more sensitive companions. What lies behind your reticence now? If there is something you need to say, you should say it. Be tactful and respectful, yet at the same time be firm enough to get your point across.
It only takes a moment to embark on an adventure. In the blink of an eye, a thought can flash across your mind and it can change the course of your future forever. Of course, an idea on its own does not have that power. It only gains momentum if it resonates with an impulse in your heart. There are, though, stronger urges and desires, deep within you, than you realise. These are nothing to be ashamed of or afraid of. You have been waiting, longer than you know for a chance to express and explore these.
Negativity is a bit like white bread. It is cheap and plentiful. You don't have to go very far to find it. It fills you up and stops you feeling as if you need anything else. Yet it really doesn't do any of us any good. Just as truly healthy, nutritious diets require a bit of extra effort, so positive thought patterns demand a bit more from us. They are certainly not supported or supplied by everyone we meet. Don't blame someone else for being down on an idea or doubtful about an arrangement. Just don't join in with them.
White bread, white rice, white sugar. Once, these now widely available foods were considered great delicacies. It took some doing to get all the goodness out and many felt that this process gave a more delicate texture and flavour. It took some while before anyone worked out that the human body does not benefit from these overly refined ingredients. Just as we need a little natural roughage in our diets, we require a bit more moral fibre in our lives. Be wary of anything that seems suspiciously easy to swallow this weekend.
You feel as if you are caught in a trap. You can't go this way, you can't go that way. You can't go here, you can't go there. One option looks feasible from a distance, but turns out to be impossible when you consider it more closely. Another just seems too risky to contemplate. Yet something, surely, has to give. Things can't carry on like this. Fear not. There will be a big change soon. Part of what's wrong is a sense of regret about some choice you made in the past. Did you really make such a mistake? Even if you did, you can't let it undermine your faith in yourself. Chaos is about to give rise to deeply reassuring stability.
You should be comfortable enough now. There's plenty to look forward to. The triple conjunction and the forthcoming solstice all suggest the imminence of a special, tangible reward. You can, of course, spend time this week focusing on factors you are none too happy with. That's always an option. It's not as if life ever presents us with a perfect situation. But if, instead, you look for blessings to count, there'll be plenty. Something that could easily have had a regrettable outcome now looks set to work out well.
Sworn enemies look for any opportunity to undermine each other. They are forever finding fault and casting aspersions. Even when their opponents do something good, they find something bad to see in it and say about it. It is regrettable, but understandable, when two human beings take such a stance against each other. When we treat ourselves in this way, though, listening to an inner- voice that pours scorn on all we achieve, and doubts our every decision, it is just silly. Trust yourself more today.
Who is in charge of your fan club? Who organises the regular mail-out and keeps the subscribers happy? You think you don't have a fan club, far less a person to take charge of it? That's where you are wrong. Look around at the many people who think highly of you. If you want to know who has responsibility for maintaining their interest and affection, look in the mirror. Take your duties more seriously. Add them to your 'to do' list. While Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron retain the shape of their triple conjunction, you can deepen many friendships.
Our planet is full of people who think they know how the world works. We are surrounded by folk with strong opinions and fixed ideas. You don't really need a lecture on what you ought to be doing. You just need to be reminded of your entitlement to happiness. You are allowed to feel good even if you don't know the answer to pressing questions. Indeed, if you allow yourself to relax today, you are much more likely to arrive, naturally, at the most appropriate conclusions. Make your best guess - and trust it.
We all have closets, and they all have skeletons within them. We tend to assume, though, that ours are the only ones. And that even if others have parts of their history they would rather ignore, their secrets are not as compromising or embarrassing. You don't, this weekend, need to know what someone else would prefer to keep secret. Nor does anyone else need to know what you're trying to draw a veil over. But you do need to remember, that you are entitled to keep your head held up high, regardless of what you regret.
You know your beat like the back of your hand. When you go to the store, you recognise every shelf on every floor. When you talk to a particular person, you know just how the conversation will start... and end. Does this mean that the world has lost its ability to excite you? No. It just means that you need to explore some more. You think you can't. You think you've got to complete a task before you can feel free to head for fresh territory. Not so. Only by widening your horizons will you find the elusive key to your current problem. Wherever life seems difficult, invest fresh hope, energy and imagination. And all will be well.
A few years ago, you had everything going for you. But now, it's too late / you're too old / it has all gone wrong / too much has changed / Martians have abducted your guardian angel. Delete as appropriate. But if you're going to cross out the excuse involving Martians, you may as well lose the one about being too old. What are you? 130? It's not too late. It has not all gone wrong. Now the Solstice has opened a door of new hope in your life, cut out the spurious justification. And then create a chance for yourself now.
It is easy to be cheap. It's easy too, to be mean, petty, selfish or resentful. The world is full of people who display such qualities without a second thought. They expect it in others - and they even encourage it. There was, once, a famous person who advised people to 'turn the other cheek' but even those who follow his teachings find it hard to follow this example. It remains, though, a standard well worth aspiring to. Just do your level best, now, to be big, to be forgiving and to be humble. It will pay off handsomely.
Something seems to be out of your control. Inwardly, you are not too upset about this. The situation is difficult. If you can somehow see it as one which you have no power at all over, you can abdicate some responsibility. You can let whatever is most likely to happen, happen. Then you can say, "I sincerely wish things were different but I am powerless." Maybe it secretly suits you to feel that this is true. If so, just carry on believing that you have no choice and relax. But do so out of choice, not hopelessness.
Do you feel a bit betrayed? Does it seem as if someone has forgotten a promise or reneged on their side of a deal? There may be some justification for this mood - but you will not make yourself happier by allowing it to envelop you. People are not perfect. Most mean well but none can fully 'walk their talk' at all times. Be philosophical. Be realistic. Then, if you possibly can, be forgiving. You can't just accept something unacceptable, but nor can you make a dramatic gesture that causes more problems than it solves.
Not everyone in this world is your friend, but nor is this planet full of enemies, eagerly plotting your downfall. Most people are ambivalent towards other people - and most bitter rivals are folk who once were friends - but who fell out over something. True friendships are rare and precious. They should never be confused with lighter, less meaningful acquaintanceships. All you need this weekend, is the clarity to recognise who your genuine friends are, where your real enemies are, and what your 'temporary allies' expect of you.
There are times when you can achieve a great deal. You merely have to look at people and they start offering to do your bidding. Sometimes, they even read your mind and realise what you need without you even having to ask. Then there are the occasions when you may as well be speaking Swahili for all the impact you are having. Nothing works as it should. It all seems almost unbelievably silly. Jupiter's conjunction to Neptune, in July, turns up the contrast and magnifies every issue. You've got incredible power to be heard and to inspire others - if you are wise and can see beyond whatever is worrying you.
People so often behave badly towards one another. We rarely mean to be cruel, harsh or hurtful. We all just do things without thinking. And even when we make a conscious effort to be sensitive and considerate, we often discover that we have overlooked some crucial factor and caused offence or upset despite our best efforts to be sweet. Various people in your world are inadvertently making life much harder for one another than it needs to be. It is time to stop assuming anything and have a real honest exchange of views.
People are not always nice. They may mean to be, but they have short memories. They forget promises they made to themselves. They forget how it feels to receive harsh treatment. They forget that others are sensitive. They even forget that they themselves have feelings. They get into their grievances. If asked why, they reply, 'It is not me who is making life like this... it is so-and-so's fault.' There is potential for conflict now. There is also, though, every chance to create a happy, healing environment.
Don't stoop to someone else's level. Don't be drawn... or tempted to abandon your own high standards. You are now dealing with a source of antagonism. You need to rise above it and preserve your integrity in the process. It sounds easy when put like this but it is now as if an aspect of your situation has been deliberately designed to wind you up. Your buttons are being pushed. You can hardly believe how silly your circumstances are becoming. Stay calm. Say what needs to be said. And then leave it all alone.
Some people have naturally sweet dispositions. Others don't so much have a chip on their shoulder, as an entire sack of potatoes. What makes the difference? Is it their upbringing? Their astrological inheritance? Their education? The trouble with negativity, is that it creates more negativity. You have lately been exposed to a bad attitude. Now, without realising it, you are in danger of developing one of your own. Cling resolutely to your optimism and your sense of positive expectation. It is all you need today.
↑ 原文 Pisces, Friday, 3 July 2009 Smile and the world smiles with you. Complain, and before you can even get to the end of your sentence, someone else will start to tell you about the problems that they are dealing with. You can benefit, this weekend, from finding out more about why others are having difficulties. You can gain even more, though, from sharing an optimistic perspective. Express your highest, most noble aspiration and encourage others to explore their vision of the best way forward. You may yet find a way that really works.