It's not that you've been hiding important facts. It's that you regarded this information as being of little significance, so said nothing. Still, initially, the individual in question is likely to be suspicious or wonder if you're trying to take control. Apologise, then say no more, as these suspicions say more about them than about you.
Saturday focus: Why did the chicken cross the road? Nobody knows. But do they really have to have a reason? Aren't they entitled to go from one side to the other, regardless of what they intend to do when they get there? After all, that's what we do, isn't it? We bumble about, looking busy and when anyone asks us, we come out with a great explanation. But generally we know less than we care to confess about what we are doing and why. This week, stand back and face the fact that you're not as sure as you wish you were about which side of road you want to be on. Decide that and you'll soon see a way forward that leads to a much higher place in the pecking order!
Monthly Horoscope: For October 2008: You're like a small kid on Christmas Eve, bubbling over with insane excitement, hope and breathless anticipation. You're also privately hoping that you were good enough to warrant a big haul from Santa. The waiting and wondering so prevalent during the first two weeks of the month are almost excruciating - in a good way. You may benefit from experienced, soothing friends that are able to talk you away from exploding into a million tiny shards of happiness. The waiting game sucks, but during this highly charged Mercury retro phase, it is necessary. If you move too fast, you'll undermine an opportunity for stunning success. You are likely to enjoy success in any case, but may have to wait a little longer for something that pulsates 'OMG!' as opposed to whispering 'pretty good. ' To keep yourself from freaking out over what might happen, could happen or is likely to develop, stay busy. Normally, you have no problem staying busy. But during the first 14 days, your brain is a bit jumbled by mesmerizing breaking news and wild possibilities. Concentrating on the job at hand and meeting your obligations may be more difficult than usual. For that matter, sitting still might require self-discipline. Bouncing off walls has its place, but won't help you tighten up a project, relationship or process. Sagittarius: Settle down - and get your work done! Stop making excuses or procrastinating - and put up a firewall against a daily onslaught of unnecessary calls, emails and texting. You need to fixate on your goal and shut out everything (and probably everyone) else.
You'll be able to pop up for air like a Prairie Dog between the 15th and 18th, and will love what you see. On the 20th, you're free as a bird to sign documents, make long-range commitments and move ahead with the next big thing. One of the 'extras' that accompanies this next big thing is the remarkably endearing alliances and friendships you've formed. What a month of blessings and abundance! The 22nd urges you to get serious - even more serious than you've been before - and start plowing through an expanding workload. You need quiet, privacy and someone else to answer emails and phone calls. Your job is to do your job. Someone may attempt to talk you into taking on even more work right around the 26th. Don't automatically agree. Give yourself a few days to think about it before answering. A New Moon on the 28th unleashes your imagination and prodigious sixth sense. The final week of October is utterly outstanding, and calls for a wild and rowdy Halloween party. Monthly touchstone: Rubellite.
shelley9/28 Remember that Saturn in the crucial midheaven angle of your chart is both about delay and achievement. This means that you could need to invest time and effort in certain goals, then be willing to wait for the resulting benefits. This isn't your usual approach to getting things done. Still, the results will more than justify it.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 28 September 2008
Disarray which is the result of recent thrilling opportunities or welcome changes in your way of living and working is no problem. But the current chaos does concern you. Actually, what’s falling apart is coming to pieces because it doesn’t work and needs to be substantially altered - if not got rid of. By early next week, when the Sun and the retrograde Mercury both challenge your ruler Jupiter, those problems will be clearer, and from this will emerge solutions. For now, keep things simple. Focus on eliminating anything, or anybody, from the past which could hold you back.
The independent Archer is about to discover the joys of working as a team. Or at least you're going to learn a whole lot about the importance of friends and colleagues in your life. The sun's passage through the zone of collaboration puts the focus on personal and business ventures, in some cases signalling the start of a new enterprise. Old friends may require your help and advice and there could be reunions to attend and ancient history to review. This is also a premium period for networking and exchanging ideas with like-minded individuals. The alignments are largely harmonious, although with Mercury in retrograde until the 15th you may experience the delays and detours typical of this transit. But, as soon as you see the full moon you will know your days of running around in ever decreasing circles are at an end.
On the 18th lovely Venus arrives in your sign, adding to your attractions and giving you the edge in competitive situations. Your desire for beauty, harmony and love will be strong, and some Sagittarians will begin a love-affair to remember. And, should you want to move a romance forward or bring romance back into a relationship go on a charm offensive during the second half of October.
ケイナー29 'All the world's a stage,' wrote Shakespeare - but he forgot to mention that, although all are merely players, most are method-acting. They take their exits and entrances extremely seriously and are only ever conscious of the role they are currently cast in. This week brings your chance to defuse a drama. Your ability to seize this opportunity depends on your willingness to start playing a new part. Rise to that challenge and you'll yet emerge from this week as a truly shining star この世はすべて舞台であるとシェークスピアは書きましたが、他の人々は大抵型通りに演技してるだけで俳優ですらないと書くのを忘れてます。 他の人々は入り口と出口にばかり気を取られて、自分たちが今やっている役割を認識することは稀です 今週あなたにドラマのヒューズを飛ばすチャンスがきます。このチャンスをつかめるかどうかはあなたが新しい役割をどれだけ演じたいかにかかっています。 挑戦してください。そうすればあなたは今週から本当に輝くスターになれるでしょう
Daily stars for today 29 September 2008 There's no arguing that others intend to be helpful. But you long ago realised that often it's easier to do things yourself than try to explain what actually needs to be done. Leave them completely out of the loop, however, and when you want their help, as you will next week, you'll find you've serious problems.
For September 29: Today's New Moon is powerful enough to redirect your career and private life. At first, it feels like a typical Monday. Then things begin to pour in and pile up. It's mostly good news, btw. Late afternoon and early evening are busy with calls, correspondence, texting and face-to-face discussions. Because you're hatching a brand new idea, all the necessary details are not yet available. Take the next three weeks to turn a promising premise into a masterpiece. You can handle this with one hand tied behind your back.
Love Meter reading: 9 September 29-October 5: Your friends and family members are your most precious resource. They repeatedly surprise, amaze and entertain you this week. You're energized by their dedication, hard work and mighty effectiveness. In fact, you're in awe of them. This week celebrates the joy of friends and family. You're surrounded by a diverse, hilarious, very unique group of people. You also rely on these same great people to share certain secrets and exciting developments with. (Your secret is safe with them - sort of. Some things are just too good to not repeat.) Weekly touchstones: Lapis Lazuli, Morganite.
Career Meter reading: 9 September 29-October 5: This week's New Moon falls in your goal and aspiration sector and is very positively aspected. It appears that great news will arrive, probably throughout the week. This news is the beginning of an arrangement, project or agreement that will be hammered out and finalized before the end of October. Things are looking very promising. Just don't rush through the details. Question everything until you fully understand it. Weekly touchstones: Citrine, Green Turquoise.
ケイナー30 'There's no business like show business like no business I know...' so goes the great Irving Berlin song. It is always performed as a high-kicking celebration of gaiety but the words are full of irony and agony. 'You get word before the show has started that your favorite uncle died at dawn. Top of that, your pa and ma have parted, you're broken-hearted, but you go on...' There's now a part of a particular show that a part of you doesn't want to go on with. But you're going to go on. And it's going to be fine. アービング ベルリンの歌にあるように「ショービジネスは商売じゃないし、他のどんな商売とも違う」といいます 陽気で楽しい風に歌われますが、歌詞そのものは皮肉で、傲慢です。 「ショーが始まる前に、あんたのおじが今朝死んだとニュースを知り、父さんと母さんが離婚して、あんたの心は壊れたけれど、ショービジネスは続く」 ところであなたの人生でも あなたが望まないようなショーの一部が始まるようです。 しかしあなたは続けるし、結局良く終わるでしょう。
Daily stars for today 30 September 2008 Usually you're not hampered by the sentimentality that keeps others involved in relationships currently only becoming more burdensome by the day. But you've convinced yourself that magically one particular alliance will be transformed. Actually, you're being manipulated by somebody as canny as they are self-serving. The sooner you realise the truth of this, the better.
For September 30: Goals and dreams edge closer again today. You feel very optimistic this morning. Something is in the air - you can sense it. You may be more psychically receptive while walking or running - so get outside and go. Brisk movement sets your mind free and unleashes your creativity. Before the end of the day, a puzzling problem is resolved and a new process begins. You feel that you're on your way - and it appears that you are!
ケイナー10月1日 '... It's a loud voice, and though it's not exactly flat, She'll need a little more than that, To earn a living wage. On my knees, Mrs Worthington, Please Mrs Worthington, Don't put your daughter on the stage.' Long before TV talent shows, Noel Coward knew how to sum up the agony of having to judge an audition. Somewhere in your world now, there's a misunderstanding based on how good (or bad) a particular proposition is. You've got your doubts. They are valid. Be careful how you express them but don't deny them. 「それは大きな声だった。平静ではなかったが 彼女は生活費を稼ぐためにそれ以上の何かが必要だった。 お願いです。ワシントン婦人 お願いですから娘をステージに立たせるのはやめてください。」 ずっと昔のテレビ番組でノエルコワードがオーディションで審査する苦痛をまとめて表現しました。 あなたの世界のどこかでは、ある計画がどれぐらい良いのか悪いのかが誤解されてます。あなたは自分を疑っていますが その計画は確かなものです。計画を表現する方法には気をつけるべきですが、その計画を否定しないでください。
For October 1: You may encounter a few jarring responses or reactions this morning or during early afternoon. After that, however, positive energy takes over and things get better and better. Others are more willing to talk and consider other ways to reach agreements or make a situation work for everyone involved. For the most part, things look very good. No matter how complicated the morning is, things are far better before the end of the day.
It wasn't until you talked things over frankly that you realised how distant you've become from somebody who you care about deeply. Obviously you didn't intend to make them unhappy, but you have. And the sooner you do all you can to ensure they know how much they matter to you, the more swiftly the healing can begin.
'No use permitting, some prophet of doom, To wipe every smile away. Life is a cabaret, old chum, Come to the cabaret!' We hear the song and think of Liza Minelli. Nobody, though, really remembers the writers, John Kander and Fred Ebb. But, then, there are some things that it's not worth making a song and dance about and others where it's better to give an understated performance than go over the top. It's not applause you want now. It's satisfaction. And that, you can most definitely have. 「笑いが消え去るような、おそろしい予言をすることに意味はありません。人生はキャバレーみたいなものです。そこの老人、キャバレーにきませんか」 この歌をきくと、リザミネリを思い出します。しかし誰が歌詞を書いたのかは知らないでしょう。ジョンカンダーとフレッドエブです。 しかし、この世の中には歌や踊りのネタにする価値のないことがあります。控えめにふるまい、頂上にたたないほうが賢明です あなたに必要なのは拍手喝采ではなくて、満足感です。そしてあなたは満足できるはずです。
For October 2: Friends, colleagues and goals all seem to work in tandem and produce positive results today and this afternoon. This is a very good day - busy, as usual - but good. You feel that you're finally getting someplace. The truth, of course, is that you've been 'getting someplace' for years. Today offers a nice milestone, reminding you that teamwork and diligence pay off. You may find yourself on the phone with family members later this afternoon or evening - and it should be all good news.
Obviously you'd rather think the best of others. But one particular individual has given you increasing cause for concern, especially when it comes to money matters. Not only should you keep a close eye on them, let them know you're doing it. That alone may be enough to prevent any more behaviour of a questionable nature.
"People say I'm the life of the party, 'cause I tell a joke or two... " There are many wonderful Smokey Robinson songs but Tracks Of My Tears is a classic. We've been talking, all week, about putting on a happy face, playing a part on the great stage of life and the suitability that some folk have (or don't have) for the roles they have been cast in. There's a sadness that's best kept private in your world now, but there's also a joy that deserves to be expressed and the more it is shared this weekend, the deeper it will grow.
Daily stars for today 03 October 2008 By now you've undoubtedly realised that Mercury is retrograde, and as result even simple arrangements must be reorganised. Others are complaining about the chaos this is causing. Let them. Waste no time trying to convince them to view such situations as you do. Instead, use it as a chance both to note what doesn't work and make improvements.
Weekend Update: You're kind of emotional on Friday. You don't hesitate to tell others what you really think and feel. If they can't handle it, you shrug your shoulders and move on. You may also feel somewhat bloated, perhaps from eating salty foods or being under relentless stress. Move around and sweat off that water weight! The key to balance on Friday is movement. If you feel trapped or coerced into sitting still like a caged bird, you might be a bit, well, difficult. Saturday drives the point home that you're better off when you're physically active. A sedentary life doesn't just affect your physical wellbeing - it also affects your attitude and emotional balance. Work off tension by doing a variety of things throughout the day - and stay active. You may get some news late in the afternoon about a career matter or family issue that sounds a bit worrying, but quickly improves before the end of the evening. Sunday morning is just great. You're not in the mood for crowds, but may be tossed into a crowded situation. Somehow, you make the best of it. Luckily it won't continue the entire day. Toward the end of the day, you really need lots of space and time to gently release accumulated tension and stress.
Strunckel Daily stars for today 04 October 2008 When making recent decisions, you had no choice but to think and act quickly. Now that you've time to reflect on what you've organised, the odds are good you'll realise that certain seemingly minor changes would constitute a substantial improvement. Don't put this off. The longer you wait, the more complicated those changes will become.
Jonathan Shake yourself awake. There's work to be done, urgently. No time to lose. Jupiter's alignment to Venus is calling you, beckoning you, inviting you to cast off a sense of exhaustion or apathy... and entertain a new idea. In your love life, there's room for more joy and less stress. In your financial situation too, frustration can give way to hope. Your chance to change something that's long overdue for a reappraisal is right in front of you. A door is wide open. You don't have to find the key. You don't even have to turn the handle. You simply have to open your eyes and start walking, with confidence, towards the destination that, at long last, you are beginning to identify.
How do you keep monsters at bay? Just avoid treading on the cracks between paving stones. Pursue this policy your whole life long and no monster will ever devour you. Try it if you don't believe me. Now I know that you are thinking you have trodden on cracks before now and your life has remained monster-free. But that's just because you were lucky. One of these days... if you are not careful... you need to take a good long look now at what you believe and why. Something is much easier than you imagine. All you have to do this month is stop making it more difficult than it needs to be. Now please, keep reading because, if you haven't yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you have been missing out. Change your future.
Sagittarius November 22 ? December 21 Daily stars for today 05 October 2008
Ordinarily you'd assume that a minor disagreement is no more than that, and do your best to work around any contentious issues. Now, however, you're better off delving into problems and seeking out solutions. While you won't achieve them right away, what you learn will help resolve dilemmas you thought you'd just have to live with.
Will you ever grow up? That would be dull. A while ago, it began to look as if you were getting perilously close to acting in a very sensible, grown-up way until, well, you-know-what happened to scupper that. Yet another wave of chaos came rolling in. Where do those strange developments come from? You surely don't sub-consciously create them, do you? Let's leave that unanswered. Let's just say that you now seem to be obliged to clear up a long-standing source of conflict. Try not to make it worse! あなたは成長したことがありますか?成長はだるいでしょう。 ちょっと前に、あなたはまるで繊細な成長の道を歩き始めたような気がしたはずです。計画をだめにしたあなたも良く知っているアレが起きるまでは。 しかもまだ別のカオスが起こりつつあります。この奇妙な進展は一体どこから起こったのですか? あなたが無意識に作り出したというのは違いますよね。答えをださないままにしないでください。 あなたには、長い衝突の大本を絶つ必要があります。事態を悪化させないでください。
When you look back on current difficulties, you'll realise they had their origins in risky decisions made some weeks ago. But now, they appear to have come from out of the blue and require quick thinking. First, discuss the situation with everybody involved. This won't just ensure they're informed, it invites timely and useful support and ideas.
elle For October 6: Curb the urge to push something through today. This isn't the time to demand answers or expect loyalty and support. Won't happen - and it's not personal. Others say whatever sounds nice enough to make you go away, but like a souffle, their premise collapses moments later. Wait a day or two. The rest of the week is very hot with opportunity. Don't waste your best energy on today's confusing, misleading vibes. 何かをしなければ成らないという衝動を抑えてください 今は答えを求めたり、忠誠や支援が期待できるときではありません。あなた個人に対してではなく、世界全体でそうなのです。 他の人々はあなたに何かをさせるような魅力的なことをいうでしょうが、それは誇張です。1日か2日すれば、全てが嘘だとわかるでしょう。 週の残りは機会で一杯です。あなたのエネルギーは今日の衝突や惑わしに使わないのが最善です。
When is a problem not a problem? When it is a problem you should consider yourself lucky to have. Or when it is a situation that looks problematic, but turns out, on closer inspection, to be perfect. The only problem you've really got now, is that you think you've got a problem when really you don't have a problem at all! Rethink what's happening. Apply some of your legendary optimism to a scenario that makes you feel thwarted and defeated. Hidden within your greatest worry is, potentially, an enviable asset.
>>399>>402>>417 Your weekly stars for the week starting 05 October 2008 If others’ mistakes were genuine, as you think they are, you’ll be cross with them for a short while, then forget about it. Now, difficult aspects involve the Sun, retrograde Mercury and your ruler Jupiter accenting both future activities and those you’d pursue them with. Your focus is having the wherewithal necessary to achieve those goals, and those seemingly minor errors could reveal alarming facts about the actual situation, or individuals, involved. Challenging as facing these is, they’re better acknowledged and dealt with now, while arrangements are in the early stages, than later, when expenses are higher ? and feelings run deeper.
>>424 Daily stars for today 07 October 2008 Being forced to review arrangements, point by point, may not be your idea of fun. But with the retrograde Mercury revealing one problem after another, you realise that you've no choice. Besides, what you learn in the process will soon make it clear this is an essential starting point for eliminating certain increasingly troublesome dilemmas.
Daily Horoscope: For October 7: Behind the scenes talks and hair pulling contests favor you. At times, others may play hard to get or slightly rough. You can play as rough as anyone. Today has so much to offer in terms of your career, status and reputation. Don't back down or minimize your value. Let others know that you're one of a kind. Right now, some smart person is gearing up to snap you up. Make sure contenders realize that you're a valuable commodity. For the most part, they do know that, but a little reminder never hurts. A brand new alliance or fresh start is looking more like a certainty. It's so exciting. You and your closest friends or colleagues discuss this probability at length before the end of the day.
What you haven't got, you don't need. Unless, that is, you can get it without too much effort. But if that's so, you've as good as got it, so you might as well consider it an appropriate asset. If there's something you've got that you wish you didn't have, be careful. Even if it's easy to get rid of it, you may just find that you miss it once it is no longer there. Not everything in your life is happening for a reason, but more than you might think is closely connected to a positive plan or a pleasing purpose. あなたが手に入れなかったものは、必要なかったのです。それか、釣り合わないほどの努力でしか手に入らないものだったのでしょう。 しかしもしも手に入ったのであれば、それはあなたの努力とつり合う資産です。 もし、なかったらいいのにと思うようなものを手に入れたなら気をつけてください。 取り除くのは簡単でも、なくした後できっと後悔するでしょう。 人生の全てに理由があるわけではありませんが、あなたが考えているよりは、良い計画や嬉しい目的につながっています。
At first you didn't take misunderstandings with others particularly seriously. However, combine these with past issues, which you also assumed weren't that important, and the pressure to undertake potentially far-reaching changes, and you could make commitments you'd later regret. Begin discussing plans in detail now and continue until you're confident you've eliminated every shred of confusion.
For October 8: You're very quick and imaginative today. You're good at conceptualizing what another is trying to get across. This makes you an excellent sidekick for a friend or partner. You manage to complement each other. This afternoon is likely to generate conversation, questions and additional ideas or suggestions. Things are buzzing like a power line. You can actually feel the electricity around you and an idea or endeavor you're involved in. After a very busy day of calls, emails and the usual routines, you need some time this evening to make sense out of it all. Just process it, one layer at a time. By late evening, you'll probably feel very good about a particular detail or idea. The overall vibe today is positive.
Last minute changes may be disruptive, but they're exciting enough that you don't mind. Others do, however, and consequently your major obstacle will be convincing them to go along with new developments. While this requires both patience and that you muster seemingly unimportant facts, the effort involved will be more than justified by what you learn. 土壇場での変化は破壊的(分裂的or崩壊的)かもしれませんが、それらはあなたの気持ちとは裏腹に十分興奮させられます。 他に何をしようとも、あなたの重大な障害は、納得のいく新しい進展があるでしょう。 これらは、あなたが表面上重要ではない事実を集めたり、忍耐を要求します。これらの努力によってあなたはより多くを学ぶことはもっともなことです。
Cainer's You can't be everywhere at once. If you are a Sagittarian, you can try! You can cover a lot of ground. You can keep your fingers in many pies. Currently, you are starting to feel stretched. Too many commitments or drains on your resources, pulling you in too many directions at once, at the same time. You don't necessarily give anything up, but you have to be clear about what you cannot allow yourself to lose or endanger under any circumstances. Keep your priorities straight and your life will get smoother.
elle For October 9: Your conversational and writing skills are bawdy, hilarious and on point today. While some people stop paying attention, you remain very focused in between bouts of comic relief. You have a goal and are determined to identify it, hunt it down and bag it. You and your posse will get the job done, probably a lot sooner than expected. Your relationships are very tight and loyal. Because you have a lot of genuine stand-up friends, they feel like brothers and sisters that would do anything for you. It's totally a mutual thing. Anyway, today glues a relationship even closer together. Life is good and getting better.
You can't be everywhere at once. If you are a Sagittarian, you can try! You can cover a lot of ground. You can keep your fingers in many pies. Currently, you are starting to feel stretched. Too many commitments or drains on your resources, pulling you in too many directions at once, at the same time. You don't necessarily give anything up, but you have to be clear about what you cannot allow yourself to lose or endanger under any circumstances. Keep your priorities straight and your life will get smoother.
Friday, 10th October 2008 Jonathan Cainer How is life on the flying trapeze? What do you make of the bungee jump so far? You see that thing you are so rapidly approaching, is it a triumph or a disaster? A direct hit or a near miss? A lucky break or a break in your luck? Whatever it is, there is not much you can do now, other than remain alert and optimistic. But that's no problem. As long as you do keep your eyes open for danger - then, if or when you actually encounter any, you will be able to swerve safely out of its way in the nick of time. Sorry to keep talking on from the end of your forecast but while I have your attention, I want you to know that you can click here, to get your full personal horoscope. Treat yourself. You'll be glad.
Weekend Update: Your intuition is white hot on Friday. You know what another is going to say at least an hour before it's said. Your hunches are correct - trust them. They can help prepare you. Tune out purveyors of doom (news media) and focus on matters you have some control over. Unless you're intimately involved in the stock market, there's not a lot you can do to change what happens on Wall Street. You can, however, continue to live a relatively healthy, happy life. That's entirely up to you. Remember that your environment affects your quality of life. Tune out the negative barrage of dreary news and spiteful politics. Play with your kids, hang with your friends, and do something good for yourself. Be one less ratings spike for a negative media outlet. If anyone wants to get a pretty good prediction on what's coming next, you're a good source for info this weekend. Saturday morning is ideal for aerobic exercise or some sort of gritty physical activity. Just do it and stop talking yourself out of it. Sunday brings unexpected great news. You'll be thrilled. It'll probably involve a family member, new project or partnership.
Others are anxious about the future, and so are convinced that you need to organise plans now. You're neither thrilled about your options nor convinced things are all that pressing. Still, there's nothing wrong with making arrangements, as long as you can change them when better opportunities come your way, as is likely in mid-November 他の人は未来を心配し、あなたが今すぐ計画を準備する必要があると確信してます。 あなたの選択肢について、しつこい要求に納得もわくわくもしないでしょう。 しかし、間違った取り決めはありません、11月中旬にあなたの行く手に好機があり、あなたは変化することができっゾ!