Despite the fact that you are right about most things, most of the time, others do not always agree. Usually, of course, this is because they are just plain wrong. Perhaps this is the case now. But perhaps not. To be safe, maybe you should consider the other side of a certain story. There may be something you have overlooked. Jupiter's alignment to Venus implies that either someone is now being unreasonable and foolishly argumentative - or they have a point you sorely need to be aware of.
Let's talk about 'entitlement'. Despite all your bonhomie, your joie de vivre and your esprit de corps, you are not quite as sure as you'd like to be of your place in a particular sector of society. You suspect you may be out of step - or that you have less in common than you imagine with various other individuals. But, even if that's true, the same is true of them with regard to you. And that's their tragic loss! The cosmos insists there can be joy and delight in your life now. And that you deserve this.
Cynics and critics ask how one horoscope forecast like this can cover one twelfth of the population. And it's easy to understand why they say that. However, to an extent, these forecasts can work, because we look at the heavens as a macrocosm of what's going on in a reader's life. Hard to explain the space I have here. All that is really a lead up to a disclaimer; the following may not apply to every Sadge on the planet. But overall, things are looking very promising financially for the pro-active Sadges out there. May you be one of them!
The Sun moves into your contract and negotiation sector today, strongly indicating that contracts are likely to be discussed, presented, reviewed and signed within the next 30 days. This could happen as early as today or at any time during this phase. Discussions may largely revolve around money and control matters. You anticipate a great deal of cooperation and enthusiasm from others. People that live or work at a distance may also contact you, asking for your participation and assistance. Expect to be very busy, not just during the next 30 days but also during the next several months.
Meter reading: 8 July 21-27: You make plans to travel with friends or visit old friends you've missed. This week is stuffed with exciting developments and great news. Conversations are energizing and likely to produce stellar results. Just ask, Sagittarius. Your friends are willing to pitch in and help, but may not realize that you need assistance until you say something. Ask and your friends will do whatever they can. By the end of the week, a situation that wreaked havoc in your personal and financial life will finally get resolved. Maybe it's time to cut the cord with troublemakers that continuously let you down. Weekly touchstones: Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise.
Meter reading: 9 July 21-27: Contracts are signed, sealed and delivered this week. One more milestone is achieved - well, actually several are. There may be a need to travel in connection with a personal or professional matter. It'll be worth the expense and help cement a bond. You accomplish one more landmark achievement over the weekend. You're very busy and amazingly pleased with what you're able to do. You receive great feedback and advice, too. Weekly touchstones: Black Opal, Emerald.
Mars and Jupiter align harmoniously. That's auspicious. It suggests an enhanced feeling of 'fitting in'. A sense of things 'coming together'. An ability to move, if not mountains, at least a series of molehills, which, collectively, would amount to a fairly impressive stack. None of this will happen, of course, if you just sit around waiting for reasons why things can't happen. But if you pick up the phone, send e-mails, write letters and have more confidence... you'll make the connections that matter.
As Mercury prepares to leave your 8th House of Deep and Meaningful Conversations, you need to do some fast talking and fast thinking. You have just a little while left to broach those deep and heavy subjects which you know need to be either talked about or thought about or both. If the conversation you need to have is about sex and money, this goes double. Speak now or forever hold your piece - in other words, if you don't get the conversation going now, it really might be harder to do later.
For July 24: Good news arrives today, starting early this morning. Additional good news trickles in throughout the remainder of the day, some of it rather surprising. A financial matter may seem slightly premature or be unexpected, but is welcome, nonetheless. You decide to take action in a creative or social matter because you can see that an opportunity is gradually sliding off the table. It's up to you to catch it before it falls and breaks into a hundred pieces. You may have already accomplished this. Today should bring very positive feedback - better than you'd anticipated. The good news takes on an almost dreamy quality later this evening.
Most of us are not mind readers. All of us are psychics. How can both statements be true? Well, it's because we are so inherently sensitive that we develop defence mechanisms at an early age. We close down, clam up, blank out and gloss over the subtle signs and signals that are all around us, just waiting to be noticed. We decide that it is hard enough dealing with our own pain without having to empathise with all and sundry. If you choose, though, today, you can receive a valuable message.
You are one of the signs who looks well placed to collect some cash thanks to the Mars/Jupiter link that's rapidly forming in the skies. Now don't go getting all Sagittarian on me and having massive high expectations of what this might mean. What I can say is that Mars is in your Work Zone and Jupiter is in your Cash Zone and as they form a harmonious link, Sadges who've been working hard will start to get some rewards which go ker-ching! (thanks to Saturn who is in your Career Zone)
It may not have seemed so when the week began, but luck is on your side. This applies as much to previously worrying dilemmas as to those welcome surprises promised by this weekend's superb aspect between Mars and your ruler Jupiter. Regardless of what occurs, that which arises will be exactly what suits the setting and situation perfectly.
How sensitive do you want to be? How much do you want to worry about a matter that you cannot control? There are factors now that pretty much have to be the way they are. Progress is sorely needed and you have to play a crucial part in implementing it. Mars and Jupiter now align in a way that obliges you to step outside of your comfort zone, rise to a challenge and draw on your deepest inner strength. The reward for all this? A demonstrably successful venture or gesture. Soon. You are now no longer reading your forecast. You are now reading an announcement. But don't stop!
Don't allow others' need to be in control or their doubts about the unexpected to undermine your enthusiasm about new ideas. Your instincts are spot on in telling you that things really are as good as they seem. Don't argue with those individuals who're unable to recognise that now. Events will soon testify just how right you were.
831 名前:シェリー 7/16[sage] 投稿日:2008/07/16(水) 11:59:12 ID:WeYPS1fX Ordinarily you'd be right to think that good ideas merit a swift and positive response. However, it's worth keeping in mind that worthwhile as things seem now, what arises around the time of Mars' stunning aspect to your ruler Jupiter on the 26th is bound to be even better. So respond, but still keep your options open.
You have a secret admirer. Who? I can't tell you. It's a secret! Anyway, you don't need to know. All you need to be aware of now, is just that certain people wish you well. You may not have friends in high places, but you certainly have them in influential locations. Be careful, then, who you criticise, or how loudly you complain. You may yet discover, this weekend, that an apparent enemy or adversary is actually doing their very best to further your cause. Try to keep everyone sweet.
Weekend Update: Friday morning is great - you're energized and ready to take a glorious flying leap into something new and exciting. You're feeling lucky this time, with good reason. The timing is superb for you to make your mark and turn what once would've been challenges into stepping stones. You end the day feeling very pleased with your progress - rather amazed, actually. Saturday is excellent for discussing ideas, plans and hammering out details and specifics. You move from a big sweeping view of things to a tight close- up during your morning chats. You like having a step-by-step formula to build your rather elaborate ideas on. You're great at hatching ideas, but benefit from organizational tips. Something really clicks later in the afternoon and things just flow and meld beautifully together. Sunday is superb for teamwork and teamplay. You're in the mood to play with others, instead of batting balls into a net, all by your lonesome. Anticipate a very enjoyable day with people you absolutely adore.
28 :けいなー 8/28 :08/07/28 06:56 ID:JqH6Flrg Two steps forward, one step back. It's a frustrating way to make progress but it's a wonderful way to dance. Right now, you need to see yourself less as a driver, trying to steer your vehicle towards some vital destination and more as a passenger with a ticket to ride on a glorious magical mystery tour. You're on the way to somewhere good. To get the best of all that's on offer, you need do only three things: 1) remain aboard; 2) enjoy the view; 3) stop questioning the route that's being taken. All is as it should be. So relax.
A contractual or legal matter may puzzle you this morning and also feel like a boring inconvenience. Just deal with it. The ball is in your court to accept or reject another's offer or suggestion. Do what you want to do instead of reacting like someone's pet robot. If you've had enough, say so and never look back. If you're still willing to stay in the fight a little longer, stop complaining and do what is required of you. A partner or colleague may present a taxing (probably literally) problem this afternoon, but things should be ironed out later today - at least for a while.
29 名前:ケイナー 7/29[sage] 投稿日:08/07/29(火) 06:29 ID:7yiGXCKI What's the difference between a good idea, a bad idea and a great idea? Ideas, both good and bad, can become great if people invest enough faith and energy in them. But the moment that an idea achieves elevation to the status of 'great' it becomes a target of criticism. People who previously thought of it as a good idea, start seeing it as a bad one. And vice versa. That's because good and bad are relative terms. Your situation now is neither good nor bad. It is GREAT! Expect a powerful development soon.
The tendency of certain individuals to stick with the familiar, even when offered golden opportunities, has always puzzled you. Now it could also prevent you from taking advantage of the very intriguing cycle of growth that begins now and continues until early September. Knowing that, you might have to go it alone, even if only temporarily.
Some people love to give orders. That doesn't make them natural leaders, it just gives them pushy personalities! Some people have impeccable insight. They can see what needs to happen next, in almost any situation. But if they don't say anything, or if they merely mutter under their breath, who does this help? You hate to impose your will over others but now a cause is too crucial. For the sake of your conscience, you have to take the most important reins of power.
Your zest for life has always been one of your greatest assets. But it's also meant that you've embraced new ideas impulsively, sometimes later to regret it. Now that you're considering certain exciting ideas, others are reminding you of this tendency. Still, if you don't at least explore these options, they could easily pass you by.
Ready, aim, FIRE! There! Simple isn't it? Do you not now merely need to choose your target and then train your guns in that direction? Well, not really. You see, there are now aggravating little factors such as the need to be nice to certain individuals. Or to honour various guidelines. Oh, and then there are those laws that have to be abided by. That will all hold you back a while. But only a while. Go the friendly, kind, wise way around the track of life now. You will get where you are going just as fast.
Sooner or later you're going to have to pause and examine what you're doing from a practical perspective. You're dreading this, and not just because it would be dull, but you're worried about what will come to light. Actually, things aren't nearly as bad as you fear, although you won't know that until you begin those investigations
You feel slightly foggy and vague today - not that there's anything wrong with that (unless you're an air traffic controller). You're feeling sensitive to heat, light, sound and fragrance. Some fragrances are sublime and desirable, but others offend and turn you off. Get outdoors whenever possible and just walk, run or bike until you're tired and feel far less confused and stressed. Some of your confusion is directly related to the stress you've been under. As you know, exercise is one of the best cures for what ails you.
Your month gets off to a very busy, intense start. So much is going on from every direction, which is kind of the way you like it! This month's two Eclipses highlight your communication style and imagination. By stringing the right thoughts and words together, you can make big magic. Thank the Eclipses for this gift! You'll also work harder than ever but enjoy it more! You might have a dustup on the 6th, but mitigating circumstances make the bad times understandable and easily forgiven. The 9th is great for good news, as are the 10th through the 17th. It won't be a total breeze; you earn your privileges on a daily basis, but will have more opportunities to expand your world than you've had in at least a couple years. Several opportunities will converge very close to the same time. At first, you might feel daunted, pressured and even a little scared. You'll wonder, "What have I gotten myself into?" Fear is quickly replaced belation. The 19th through 22nd is a heart-pounding race to the finish line, and you're the favorite pony to win. Learn to say 'no' like you mean it on the 23rd or risk over-scheduling and exhausting yourself. There may be a few sharp, critical exchanges periodically on the 27th, but life seems pretty sunny and pleasurable on the 28th. A favorite goal seems to be easily within your grasp. Brace yourself for a little snarky competition or criticism coming from a colleague or competitor on the 29th. It passes into nothing more than hot air by the 30th. By then, you're actually pumped for the next big opportunity or adventure. Monthly touchstone: Citrine.
You can't just do what you want, when you want, wherever you want to. Well, you can, but you will soon encounter regrettable consequences. Now, you are probably thinking, 'Why tell me this? It's not as if I don't already know.' In one key area of life, though, you have been able to take liberties and run things your way and it is here, for the next little while, that you must adapt to change. The eclipse insists that it is time for a radical rethink, followed by an inspiring new way forward.
In the past you've regarded certain rather unpredictable individuals as good fun, even if they weren't always reliable. Now your feelings about them could change, and dramatically, since their capricious attitude may come between you and the realisation of goals that are becoming increasingly important to you by the day.
Weekend Update: News or correspondence finally arrives. This is probably something you've hoped for. It looks quite good. This could arrive anytime this weekend, thanks to positive aspects and Friday's New Moon/Solar Eclipse in your communication/travel/education sector. Contracts may be discussed, changed or adapted to new circumstances this weekend. You have a sense that something spectacular is in the works. Because you need hope just as much as air and water, this weekend boosts your morale. A friend or ally makes an extra effort on your behalf and surpasses any expectations you may have had. When you think about how lucky you are to have such amazing friends, you feel humbled and grateful. Saturday begins on a very positive, vibrant note. There seems to be no limit to what can be accomplished. You can have fun and get some unfinished business wrapped up. It's a very productive, positive day. Toward late afternoon, you focus more on a career matter or obligation. Allow inspiration to take over and transform a chore into a pleasure. Sunday morning finds you very focused. No matter what you're doing, your mind may be miles away, creating solutions or unique phrases or marketing ploys. Later in the afternoon, you feel very good about the way things are finally coming together. Yes - it was definitely worth waiting for.
Regard August’s disappointments as valuable insights rather than setbacks, and you’ll have the ideal approach for this ultimately informative month. What’s tricky is that you’re under pressure to make decisions about your work or lifestyle. Try to settle on one plan, however, and changes in circumstance turn things upside down. Instead explore both practical options and those that are exciting, if unrealistic. By early September, what seemed out of reach could not only be possible, it could be taking centre stage in your life.
August promises to be an eventful month, even if you have nothing penned in the diary, and while you may enjoy much of what happens you would be better planning for some unexpected outcomes. The areas of travel and communications are the focus for the more spectacular of August's planetary offerings so you can safely assume that journeys will be as eye-opening as developments in distant places. The eclipses of the 1st and 16th point to a departure of some description, whether this translates as a change from your normal routine or the end of a contract or commitment. However, you are the great explorer of the zodiac so any endings act as a springboard to the new and ultimately more gratifying. Uranus and Saturn continue to play good-guy/bad-guy with certain aspects of your life: put another way, you have been faced with situations that have pluses and minuses to them but even when you feel ready to make a decision, the situation changes yet again. You may feel you've been in a no-win position for far too long. I'm not sure whether or not you'll get the news you've been waiting for in August but you will be a whole lot further along the line by the end of the month than you were at the beginning. As always, do your best not to burn your bridges or make a drama out of a minor issue ? points to remember particularly around the 5th, 14th, 16th, 23rd and 28th.
Your Weekend: Is anybody watching? Does anybody care? You have made a promise and you hate to go back on your word. Yet you cannot let yourself feel endlessly obligated to a commitment made under very different circumstances to those you now face. Who would you upset if you altered your approach? And in how many ways would you benefit if you changed tack? Weigh up your options and make a point of considering only factors that are truly valid. The Solar Eclipse will change all of our lives.
Just when the financial side of your life is beginning to worry you, twists in circumstance as welcome as they are unexpected turn things around. True, these fortunate developments won't erase all your problems. But they'll do wonders for your mood, which when it comes to such matters is as important as the actual facts involved.
You may need to raise both concern and hopes about younger people. An educational plan might need to be discussed. It's probable that you'll be a little more active than usual. A visit to an historic building near water might prompt a conversation that sheds light on a colleague or close friend's anxieties.
The value of the connectedness between generations could be brought home to you as you await family news. Maintaining a regular routine might not be easy on any level. Meal-times may be liable to disruption or be more 'al fresco' than you'd like them to be. A big upside of the day may be coming into contact with a someone overseas.
Sooner or later you're going to have to confront one particularly difficult individual about the problems they're causing. Up until now you've been able to ignore most of the issues involved. However, they're either are unaware of, or don't care about, the impact of their antics, and won't be until you speak up.
For August 4: You feel time ticking by, faster and faster, early this morning and do your best to meet your obligations. It won't be easy, but you'll manage. The rest of the day will be peppered with stressful jags followed by surrender and acceptance. You'll discover that struggling against virtually everything and everybody is a battle that you don't enjoy. It takes less tension and drama to get your full attention these days, anyway. There was a time when you practically needed a siren and flashing lights to recognize that something was out of whack, but not now. Lessons no longer need to be accompanied by pain, struggle or humiliation. Later this evening, you put today's events all together and realize that a great deal was accomplished - and learned. 8月4日午前の早く、あなたは時間がどんどん早く経つようになっている気がして、あなたの義務を果たすため最善を尽くそうとします。 簡単なことではありませんが、あなたはできるでしょう。1日の残りは降参し、事態を受け入れた(諦めた)後の痛飲でしょっぱいものになりそうです。 あなたはこの世界の全てや全ての人と戦うのは楽しくないことを発見します。 あなたは最近ふだんよりも小さな緊張やドラマに気を取られやすくなっています。 あなたには何かがわけのわからない事態になっているということに気がつくためのサイレントと照明が必要ですが、それは今ではありません。 痛み、闘争、屈辱を伴うようなレッスンはもう必要ありません。今晩遅く、あなたは今日のイベントを全てひっくるめて理解し、たくさんのことが成し遂げられ、学んだと 気がつくでしょう
As is so often the case in times of transition, while you're feeling inquisitive about what tomorrow and the days that follow will bring, certain other individuals only seem to complain more with every hour that passes. Listen, but say nothing. Trying to encourage them would be a waste of your enthusiasm and your precious time.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 03 August 2008
The changes and challenges triggered by eclipses, last week and on the 16th, will upset many of those around you. Understand that and instead of being perplexed by their lack of enthusiasm, you’ll discuss their anxieties frankly. While in some cases their worries are unnecessary, in others you’ll learn a great deal from these discussions. What’s more, because Wednesday’s clash between Mars and Uranus indicates sudden, and initially extremely unsettling, developments involving your domestic or working life, you’ll want back up. Events are complex, enough that being able to rely on others’ experience and wisdom could prevent you making hasty, and regrettable, decisions.
Steve Judd writes: It's a day to step into the background and concentrate on your intimate feelings. This may manifest as developments or situations in the areas of home and family or your residence, or location - or in your personal or emotional reactions. So it's clear that if you try to project yourself into the outside world as being assertive and dynamic, you'll attract more challenge than normal. Be calm in yourself and don't let your buttons get pushed. Stability starts inside yourself, don't look for it elsewhere. Today, smile at everyone and keep your lips sealed.
Steve Judd writes: Every so often you can let your shields down to a degree, which encourages like-minded people around you to do the same. Now is a time of relative safety in most if not all of your environments, so you could perhaps take a few chances? Not risks, you understand, but chances, especially in the area of romance. This is courting, wooing, wining and dining, it's romance, not relationship. Relationship issues can be dealt with another time, but for now your social and amorous life is getting a welcome boost, so open yourself up to it - because you're worth it!
For August 5: You get wonderful news, probably from afar, today. You hear or read something that makes your heart sing and gives your wings plenty of loft. Suddenly, a dream is moving faster and more perfectly than you'd anticipated. The dice have been cast and you're coming up very, very lucky. Just remain focused on your key priority. Other elements may do their best to intrude, but shoo them off and stick with what will ultimately make your life.
You're the last person anybody could accuse of being narrow-minded. Yet in several recent situations you either showed no interest in potentially worthwhile new ideas, or refused to go along with others' suggestions to explore them. Recognise and alter this stubborn streak now and you won't miss out on equally important opportunities in the fhe future.
>>411 Steve Judd writes: Every so often you can let your shields down to a degree, which encourages like-minded people around you to do the same. Now is a time of relative safety in most if not all of your environments, so you could perhaps take a few chances? Not risks, you understand, but chances, especially in the area of romance. This is courting, wooing, wining and dining, it's romance, not relationship. Relationship issues can be dealt with another time, but for now your social and amorous life is getting a welcome boost, so open yourself up to it - because you're worth it!
The changes and challenges triggered by eclipses, last week and on the 16th, will upset many of those around you. Understand that and instead of being perplexed by their lack of enthusiasm, you’ll discuss their anxieties frankly. While in some cases their worries are unnecessary, in others you’ll learn a great deal from these discussions. What’s more, because Wednesday’s clash between Mars and Uranus indicates sudden, and initially extremely unsettling, developments involving your domestic or working life, you’ll want back up. Events are complex, enough that being able to rely on others’ experience and wisdom could prevent you making hasty, and regrettable, decisions.
Others may be leaning on you to help them arrive at decisions. This might not be an entirely comfortable position. It may help you feel more in control of the situation if you are able to seek advice from someone higher up in the education, publishing or even legal profession. Alternatively, of course, there's always the very Sagittarian solution to difficult situations ? get as far away as possible (even literally by jumping on a plane).
Home versus work could become a bit of a battlefield today. You are at ease treading where angels fear to tread and everyone else is frightened to get in the way. You're buzzing with excitement although without realizing it you could be rubbing someone else completely up the wrong way!! Try not to be too blinkered in your desire to move mountains. With all this hustle and bustle in your life when you do allow your mind to wander, it's to far away places. With this in mind a trip to the travel agent is a possibility today. Just make sure you're both on the same wavelength if firming up booking arrangements.
Steve Judd writes: Retrospect is a wonderful thing, isn't it? Degrees in hindsight are common, but a degree in foresight is a 50-year course. Knowing then what you know now, would you have taken the actions and decisions of recent days? Let go of regret because you can't change the past, only your perception of it - and regret acts like sandpaper, constantly clawing at you and slowing you down. Today is an excellent time for getting your house in order and putting things right, but challenging for continuing rapid forward expansion. Time to catch up with yourself after a mad few days 昔を懐かしむのは良いことだと思いませんか 後知恵で悔いるのは良くあることですが、先見の明は50年に1回ぐらいしか働きません。 そういうことを理解したうえで、あなたは最近の行動や決断を実行しますか? 後悔するのはやめてください。過去を変えることはできません。それはあなたの心の中でだけ変わるのです。そして後悔は 砂やすりのように、あなたの周りを這いずり、あなたを鈍くしていきます。 今日は あなたの家を機能させ、物事を聖上に戻し、前にすばやく広がって行くチャレンジに最適な日です。 狂ったようなここ数日の後、自分を取り戻す時です。
Patience doesn't come easy in times of turmoil. Still, while your instinct may be to move swiftly in response to the often disruptive events triggered by August's two eclipses, you're better off taking things slowly. Ideally, in fact, you'll do the minimum until you see what the second eclipse, next week, brings your way.
A career opportunity adds more meat to its bones today. You feel both relieved and gratified. An image change may also be in the works, thanks to Venus's entry into your career and reputation sector. People see you as an attractive possibility or candidate for a position, honor, assignment or anything that requires social skills and a friendly demeanor. At the same time, you'll have to sell or promote someone, something or a service. You might have questions about whether or not you're up to certain challenges or tasks. Let me make this easy for you: YOU ARE - and then some! Grab the brass ring being offered to you without hesitation!
Try not to let your enthusiasm get the better of you. An endeavour or an association could be all it seems, and more, but if it is as valuable as you believe it to be it will still be there next week. By which I mean, there is no need to put at risk other interests and upset other people by focusing solely on the main attraction. Wednesday's Mars-Uranus opposition is the stuff of accidental slips, primarily of the verbal kind, so you will have to be extra careful how you go mid-week. Sometimes an impulse move pays off, sometimes your gut-feelings are correct but in this crazy astro-scape you'd be better sticking to the rules and remaining very, very cautious. A no-risk policy.
Truthfulness matters hugely to you. You might prefer that someone cuts to the quick and doesn't dress up bad news. You can probably see that without straight-talking and dealing, a financial disaster is waiting in the wings. The spotlight could be thrown on one of your natural talents (willingness for adventure) with a request for you to join someone on a trip.
Have you seen the night sky lately? During the day, there's no so much to look at. When it gets dark, though, out pops Jupiter. Bright and beautiful. Glowing so gorgeously, that it almost looks like Venus. Jupiter is your ruling planet. It symbolises the optimism, good humour and zest for life that all Sagittarians have, some of the time, anyway. Obviously not when they are feeling gloomy, tense or jaded. Of late, though, you have been finding it ever-harder to dwell on the downside for long. Rightly so.
You'll be moved to get up early, even if it means getting less sleep than usual. You're on a mission - probably something you've thought about for days and perhaps dreamt about last night. So lazing around in bed isn't really an option for the most ambitious among you. You spring up and get started. Maybe you're trying to finish the final chapters of a favorite novel. Maybe you're inspired to write a song, poem, letter or something in your journal. Early morning is the perfect moment for creative expression. The rest of the day follows suit, upgrading your intuition and stimulating your imagination. You have a lot more going on in your heart and soul than your calm visage does not reveal. You're a powerhouse of creativity now. Just let it flow.
Obstacles may be frustrating. Still, explore their origins in depth without delay. The resulting insights could prove invaluable - and soon. Things are swiftly paced now, but once August's second eclipse takes place late next week, they'll be even faster. Decisions will have to be made on the run, and you'll be thankful for everything you've learned.
Daily Horoscope for Friday 8th August 2008 The urge to put pen to paper may be growing. You might be ready for the challenge of learning or applying for a new job, possibly prompted by a newspaper advertisement. Your gift to read between the lines and to hear what someone isn't saying could pave the way to acquiring knowledge others miss. It might also be that you think up a completely ground-breaking way of moving forward in your career 紙にペンで何か書こうという衝動が大きくなります 何かを学習する準備ができたのか、新しい職(おそらく新聞の広告で見つけた)に申し込もうというのか、 あなたの行間を読む力と、他の人が言わないことを聞く力が他の人のミスに気がつくのを助けます。 あるいは、あなたはあなたの経歴を前に進める革新的な方法を思いつくのかもしれません。
Our passions are not always appropriate. We pour our hearts into our preoccupations - our opinions, our beliefs, our passing fascinations. We get heated and excited about issues of intellect whilst remaining strangely ambivalent about genuine matters of the heart. We attribute the outcome of arguments with life or death significance. Drunk on the heavy liquor of a petty perspective, we alienate ourselves from the rest of the human race. Keep the flame of your faith this weekend but don't use this to ignite an unnecessary fire of feud.
Recent clashes involving family, your work or lifestyle were so sudden and intense that you didn't know how to react at the time. Now, however, you're beginning to realise they were about things you didn't say or do, which upset them. Remember this now, as changes that involve others require both discussion and joint decisions.
Weekend Update: Listen to your instincts and considerable channeling skills on Friday. You're like a receiving tower for all kinds of important messages. Don't doubt yourself or what you pick up. Fold it in and be grateful that you're so receptive. You also must be fussier about the company you keep on Friday. If you allow negative types to vampirize your energy, you'll feel physically and emotionally depleted. Just be aware of ambient vibes. If you're sitting in a room with lots of unhappy people, create a mental cocoon that insulates you from free-floating negativity. Saturday is best begun in some vibrant physical activity. Do something you love that also challenges you. You're confident and strong throughout most of the day and feel very motivated and pumped about a new project. Although time may seem to almost run out before you have a task completed, you manage to accomplish a great deal. Sunday moves Mercury into Virgo, further pushing you to work smarter, faster and more efficiently. You will need plenty of uninterrupted space to accomplish your goals. You might consider changing your workspace or hours in order to cultivate more uninterrupted time.
Your Weekend: Are you being wise and philosophical, making judgements that reflect the highest, wisest part of your persona... or are you amplifying tiny grievances until they become deafening cries of complaint that reverberate through a cavern of conflict? Well, there's a question. While you contemplate it, let's talk about your prospects for the weekend. You are taking something or someone far more seriously than you should. All will be fine as long as you retain a sense of perspective.
Intriguing as discussions may be, you'd regret turning them into solid plans. These are only the first of a series of ideas and opportunities that will unfold between until early September's spectacular planetary activity involving your ruler Jupiter. Between now and then, therefore, enjoy exploring your options, but keep any arrangements you make loose.
Love Meter reading: 8 August 4-10: You're more visible whether you want to be or not, so look your best. Others notice you, want to stop and speak with you, and opportunities that upgrade your status or popularity could come via a casual conversation. Take the time to slow down long enough to smile and say hello. Friends in the neighborhood, at work or school look you up and want to hear the latest news. Keep your schedule as loose and flexible as possible this week - you never know when an exciting, spontaneous opportunity might erupt. Weekly touchstones: Citrine, Rose Quartz.
Career Meter reading: 9 August 4-10: Career opportunities should flourish this week. You hear from influential people you respect and admire, and it appears that they feel the same way about you. An abrupt change or shift may occur midweek. This shift favors you and opens up a new channel of opportunity. As usual, you're very busy during the weekend, and manage to coax a few more ingenious concepts out of your busy brain. Weekly touchstones: Emerald, Tigers Eye.
Daily stars for today 10 August 2008 You've decisions to make, and what you do now could shape your life for ages to come. Knowing that, deal with situations with an eye to the new ideas and offers that are only just taking shape. Some are so new that you'll need time to learn about them before you can even consider making a commitment.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 10 August 2008 Often you’ve cleverly sidestepped commitments you found restrictive, burdensome or just plain boring. Hopefully, you’re finally recognising that while certain arrangements may rouse anxieties about tedium or being trapped, they could also be the making of you. Actually this cycle began a year ago, when the driven, conscientious Saturn moved to accent your work, lifestyle and goals. Since then you’ve recognised that achieving what you desire requires exactly the variety of persistence you resist. Overcome that now and you begin a process that, while somewhat demanding, could propel you to realms you’ve dreamt of, but regarded as beyond your reach.
Often you’ve cleverly sidestepped commitments you found restrictive, burdensome or just plain boring. Hopefully, you’re finally recognising that while certain arrangements may rouse anxieties about tedium or being trapped, they could also be the making of you. Actually this cycle began a year ago, when the driven, conscientious Saturn moved to accent your work, lifestyle and goals. Since then you’ve recognised that achieving what you desire requires exactly the variety of persistence you resist. Overcome that now and you begin a process that, while somewhat demanding, could propel you to realms you’ve dreamt of, but regarded as beyond your reach.
You've decisions to make, and what you do now could shape your life for ages to come. Knowing that, deal with situations with an eye to the new ideas and offers that are only just taking shape. Some are so new that you'll need time to learn about them before you can even consider making a commitment.
Your imagination could be in over-drive - possibly prompted by someone's who's demanding that you think far beyond your usual comfort zones. A family celebration (long-distance) could also be on your mind. Keeping even one foot on the ground might not be easy. For once though, it seems you're firmly in tune with the need of practicalities that have to be addressed.
On the one hand, there's this. On the other, that. You are tired of peering so intently at your hands. You may have more choices than you ever realised... but you know that inwardly, you have made up your mind. You know what you intend to do. You feel as if there is no alternative. That scares you a little but it should not do so. To take action of any kind now is to do the right thing. You can later redress any imbalance you create in the process of taking that action. As long as you do something... and not nothing.
You receive very heartening news, probably mid morning. This really sets your day up very nicely. Later this afternoon, a personal or family issue surfaces and sets you on edge. Thankfully, you also get that issue sorted and are able to release tension and begin to relax. Then later this evening, one more worrisome career or family issue bubbles to the surface. Since you can't do a thing about this matter until tomorrow, do your best to erase it from your mind (oh, yeah - that's easy). If it's still a problem tomorrow, then deal with it.
There's a difference between exploring various ideas, which you've been doing lots of, and actually discussing potential plans. Others are eager to finalise arrangements, which means that they're bound to take anything you say seriously. If you're only interested in considering these options, you'd best ensure you make that very clear to absolutely everybody concerned.
Do your best to keep your focus because it will be easy to lose your way and lose the plot. Travelling to distant places is one aspect of life that could prove frustrating; dialogues with people who are far away is another. Should you indeed be heading off on a trip for personal or professional reasons, leave nothing to chance or the last minute and make sure you have a back-up plan in case of delays and unexpected detours. This is one of those times when conflicting information raises many doubts in your mind so you need to fight your normal inclination to make a quick decision. Time will tell if someone or something is as it seems.
There used to be a story about a magical porridge pot. It would keep producing food for its owner without the need for him, or her, to put anything in. In the real world, though, there's no such thing as something for nothing. Or is there? Take a walk through nature sometimes. Edible plants and berries grow by the side of the road. If we want a lot in life, we must strive for it, of course, but if we only want a little, we simply need to have faith and keep our eyes open. A gift is being offered to you now.
Accepting that certain ventures that are dear to your heart simply aren't going to happen isn't easy. You can't help but fantasise about last minute developments turning things around. While there's a remote possibility that they might, your time is far better spent focusing on the new, and perhaps more worthwhile, options now appearing virtually every day.
An important 30-month cycle which began in October 2007 is highlighted today. The full effect might not be apparent for a while yet. Even now though you may sense you are moving in a different direction. True, this could involve a partner and their career plans. Family matters could press in on you too. It may be that those from other generations are now looking to you as a voice of authority. Part of you might wonder about a hidden agenda!
Leprechauns. All well and good if you happen to live in Ireland. What about the rest of the world? Where are our wish-granting little people? What if you happen to live somewhere where clover doesn't grow? No chance of finding the three-leaf variety, let alone the four-leaf kind. Luck, thankfully, is equally divided amongst all who live on this earth. Opportunity may be less fairly distributed but the universe compensates by giving more fortune to those with fewer chances. And you, today? You are about to be blessed.
Love Meter reading: 8 August 11-17: You and your best pal get rather eloquent this week, talking at length, corresponding frequently, and in general, sharing your views with each other and a number of close friends. An exchange of ideas that might start off with a "wouldn't it be great if only" riff transforms into an idea or solution. Just keep the conversation going. One idea nurtures the next one, on and on. This isn't the time to zip your lips and keep your dreams and imagination on a choke chain. Speak up. Toss ideas around. Don't be afraid to ask questions. You might not receive the answer you'd hoped for, but you'll do fine, and clarify your position and intentions in the process. Weekly touchstones: Hiddenite, Hematite.
Career Meter reading: 8 August 11-17: Remain in touch with people you have pending deals with or those who've expressed some interest in your endeavors in the past. Cover all the bases this week. If you're mightily efficient, you may even be able to complete a massive assignment in record time. Just plan on chaining yourself to the objective at hand and don't even think about anything else until your mission is accomplished. (We all know what happens when missions are only accomplished in one person's mind.) Be very thorough and don't rush to the point of making mistakes. Although you're trying to set a record or beat the clock, quality matters most of all this week. Don't schedule anything that is labor intensive or emotionally draining over the weekend. You'll have enough on your plate as it is. Weekly touchstones: Green Tourmaline, Lemon Citrine.
For August 12: You're very ambitious and determined to accomplish several prodigious tasks today - and probably will. Many of you enjoy challenging yourself on several levels from physical to creative or career efforts. You need to balance your active mind with healthy exercise. One tends to feed the other. Without this balance, you may be nervous or anxious and probably impatient. Financially, you get some much-needed relief today. It's very clear that your financial future is entirely in your hands, not someone else's. Count on your own abilities and ambition instead of waiting for someone else to save you. Later this afternoon, a conversation hugely benefits your career and reputation.
For August 13: You may be asked to for a few favors today, despite how busy you are. Because your friends have been so generous, you're compelled to grant any wish presented. You're in a generous mood and also receive some uplifting financial news. You see no reason to withhold whatever help you can offer. Convincing a partner that it's the right thing to do may be more difficult than you'd anticipated. Although your partner is looking out for you, you feel compelled to rescue a friend, even if it goes against your partner's wishes. But hold on a minute: Your partner has a very good point and has seen what happens when you knock yourself out for others over and over again. At least listen to him or her before making any sort of commitment.
Most Sagittarians present an easy going facade to the world. While it's true that, by and large, you're highly adaptable, you're stubbornly refusing to relinquish one particular plan. Plus, with each day yet more intriguing options are appearing, which ironically you're dismissing without a thought, although they would both easier and far more successful.
'God didn't make the little green apples, and it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime.' So goes the great Bobby Russell country song. It was a tribute to things that feel good - a suggestion that, if one thing in this mixed-up world can be right, then it somehow makes sense of a whole bunch of other things too. All that is positive links up to form an invisible network. Tune into one bit of it, and you get access to the whole lot. In a weird way, that's absolutely true - as soon you will see.
Few things are more tedious than dramas with close friends or loved ones. Hopefully, however, by now you'll not only have acknowledged that certain matters need to be discussed, you'll also have talked them over frankly. If you haven't, do so. Putting off these conversations will only mean that they'll become more time consuming and complicated.
You probably feel as if you're in a tight box right now. This is very uncomfortable for a freedom lover like you. Being restricted or restrained in any way feels pretty hopeless, in fact. What you may or may not recognize is that you have options. Most of these possibilities come through a very close friend, partner or loved one. Instead of focusing on certain problems in a pinched-off narrow way, start listening to your friend's suggestions. Watch his or her example. Move beyond routines that have become almost nauseatingly exhausting and boring. Do things differently today by climbing out of your self-imposed cage. You'll still be able to fulfill your obligations. If you're a little late, so what?
A relative's attitude to cash might cause you to frown momentarily. Nothing though is likely to reduce growing excitement that a visit you've always wanted to make is now a real flicker on your horizon. In talking about long-term plans, you might also find that someone who usually seems so staid, is more 'up for' an adventure than you'd have thought and, possibly, willing to help get it underway.
Even someone who thinks they know you really well could still misread your thoughts. Perhaps because you're away from home-base or because (unusually) you're still digesting information received recently, you may need to withdraw to consider options. Even so, identification with a new place or with people whom you've just met, could lead you to wonder about training systems and how best information can be gained, passed on or used. True, you could be over-faced by how much there is to do - and within such a short space of time. Support could come from a Virgo. Their approach may differ but they might understand what you're trying to achieve. Whilst reminiscing, you could remember a phrase that almost haunts you (a piece of music) and which might now be the inspiration you need.
You had an idea. It seemed good at the time. Now you have your doubts. You may even reach a point soon where you wish you never thought it up and you wonder what on earth possessed you to imagine it, far less try to follow it through. None of this, though, proves that you are wrong. We all have doubts and misgivings, even at times about the plans and arrangements that are the smartest we have ever made. A lunar eclipse is causing you to reconsider your commitment to a key policy. It may well be, though, that having thought it through again, you decide to stick with it.
A turning point has been reached in both the dilemmas you're dealing with and in your perspective. Forget about past problems. With both the planet of money and relationship, Venus, and the communicative Mercury brilliantly aspecting your ruler Jupiter over the next few days, what seemed like insurmountable obstacles could be dealt with in record time.
Your Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse weekend focuses on communication, transactions involving bargaining, money or travel, and connections with siblings and close friends. You're likely to catch up with a dear friend or loved one that you've missed terribly. You'll have fun, but also share a few secrets that are no one else's business. At times, you'll feel somewhat helpless to make things better for your friend or loved one - and at other times, you'll feel overjoyed just to have him or her closer. The things discussed this weekend will continue to evolve during the next several months. You feel as if you have a front row seat to a friend wrestling with an unavoidable reality. The thing that you can do for your friend is to encourage preparation and acceptance. This sounds easy but is actually very difficult, particularly when you're dealing with a very sensitive friend or loved one. Sunday may have some rather strenuous or temperamental moments, but overall is blessed with love, generosity of spirit and enhanced understanding.
The fact that others have got into a mess doesn't have to become your problem. It's probable that you have the expertise to help out though. It's possible also that certain difficulties have been looming for a while now and could have been addressed earlier. You might need to point out that it's the reaction to problems that really needs to be changed and a new strategy put in place. In this, your best ally could be a Leo.
Saturday Special: Jupiter's bright blessings can be seen in the sky each night now. They clearly insist that you can do almost anything you like, as long as it is different. If you try to do what you have always done, or what you always used to do, it won't work. Nor will you have much success if you act in accordance with the expectations of your most sensible acquaintances. Their advice is based on conventional wisdom. There's nothing conventional about the situation you face. This is a time for innovation, ingenuity and intuition. It's not a matter of being logical. It's a matter of finding the courage to break with a tradition that has somehow become an obstacle.
What's good now could get better with each day. There is a price to pay for these exciting developments though, and that's saying farewell to certain long cherished plans. Disappointing as this is, events are also making it abundantly clear that, worthwhile as they once were, things have changed so much that they're no longer appropriate.
Travelling could be smooth, enjoyable and interesting: you might at last grasp all what a work colleague has been trying to explain for ages. The problem won't have been lack of intelligence: simply that your own work-load has been great and their affairs so complex. Together you might arrive at a conclusion about expanding in some way. Fascinating as it may be to watch and listen to others debating complex issues, you might do better to devote attention to personal health and nutrition: it could be that you're pushing yourself to unrealistic limits.
OK nobody do anything too weird! Today is the day before the Lunar eclipse and as such, the whole world is a tiny bit more on edge. The eclipse is taking place at the time of the Full Moon which is the time to let go of "stuff". Facts come to light. Life gets more intense. Add an eclipse into the Full Moon equation and you have a turnaround time on your hands.
Today is the day of the eclipse! Eclipses are when the Universe changes gears. If you're on the wrong path, expect to be shunted unceremoniously back on to the path you were always destined from. This can be good if someone's dastardly actions have been keeping you from fulfilling your destiny. Not so good if you've been hoping and wishing to turn an obviously no-go situation into something tenable.
Allowing somebody who you disagree with to make decisions that would influence your life may seem a very strange thing to do. But actually it's the easiest and swiftest way to show everybody how wrong they are. Go along with their plans, albeit reluctantly. Then when the inevitable problems arise, it will be clear how right you were.
Things simply aren’t going as you’ve decided they must and you’re hugely frustrated. Still, you’re not about to abandon one or two situations that are dear to your heart to an unsympathetic destiny. However, with both Venus and Mercury superbly aspecting your ruler Jupiter early this week, and even better planetary activity involving Jupiter in early September, even seemingly unwelcome developments are bound to benefit you ? if not enable you to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Have faith. While, if things don’t turn out as well as promised, you can always retrench, the odds are very slim that you’ll have to.
So the second and final eclipse season of the year is now over. For some, there is the aftermath to deal with. If you feel like you've had the rug pulled out from under your feet in the recent past, that was the eclipse and the good news is that you can be sure, what's happening now is what's meant to be, even if it doesn't feel all that marvellous right now. If there's a lesson to be learned, now's a great time to learn it!
It's probable that Saturday's eclipse marked the end of a difficult period: now you need time to adjust. It's also probable that you're about to attract some energetic new friends into your world. So, for now, you might truly appreciate time to adjust, to read and to assimilate recent changes. You might also at long last understand why someone has been as prickly as they have been - and see that this phase is coming to an end.
You may have a clear vision this week of your purpose, Sagittarius, as you gain words of praise and approbation for the service you offer professionally, and this could result in greater income for your efforts. You should be able to deliver your message effectively and your imagination could be in overdrive readying you to chart new territory. You're trying to make things happen and having a good time doing so, gaining insights as the days unfold, on ways forward. There could be much lively exchange within the family inspiring you to deepen your faith in yourself and the cosmos, and you may feel inspired to explore higher philosophical subjects or more long distance travel. If lung capacity has been low, you may look to do more deep breathing to improve the oxygen circulating in your lungs.
Success is not a word that lends itself to narrow definition. Can you, for example, consider yourself successful if you pass a difficultexam? Not if, on the same day you also lose something precious. To be truly successful, you have to be genuinely happy. Happiness is not an experience that bestows itself exclusively on the 'successful'. Often, indeed, it seems more eager to reward those who eschew the material world. Aim now not for some trivial triumph but for meaning and magic.
Nobody would say that your mind is closed to new ideas, least of all you. It's for this reason that you're likely to be exceedingly shocked and surprised by the way in which events triggered by the recent eclipse have broadened your perspective about certain ideas and activities that you've simply refused to take seriously.
Today is all about your career, goals, commitments and reputation. You spend most of the day honing a presentation or project to near perfection. You won't let go of a task until it really meets your standards. You tend to be pretty easy on others but fairly brutal on yourself. Today is no exception: You're like your least favorite grammar school nun standing in the hallway with the ruler. You don't need a speck of criticism from others because you're better at generating self-criticism than anyone else. But the good news is that you'll succeed at something today - maybe in a big way.
Things simply aren’t going as you’ve decided they must and you’re hugely frustrated. Still, you’re not about to abandon one or two situations that are dear to your heart to an unsympathetic destiny. However, with both Venus and Mercury superbly aspecting your ruler Jupiter early this week, and even better planetary activity involving Jupiter in early September, even seemingly unwelcome developments are bound to benefit you ? if not enable you to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Have faith. While, if things don’t turn out as well as promised, you can always retrench, the odds are very slim that you’ll have to.
What can you do? Try to find out! What do you know? More than you think. Where can you get? Further than you might imagine. Whose help can you summon? Ask nicely and you'll be pleasantly surprised. There is a reason why you are doing what you are doing. By this, I don't mean the reason that you are already aware of. There's a deeper reason. The cosmos is operating with a hidden agenda. It has something additional up its sleeve. When you discover it, you'll be both amazed and amused.
You long ago realised that, well meant as it is, the advice of certain individuals would only hold you back. At the moment this applies to intriguing developments that are as sudden as they are promising. True, you're short of exactly the facts others insist are vital. They may well be. But you can gather them as you proceed.
You may wonder what's got into someone born under one of the Air signs (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius): apparently out of the blue they may be identifying things you ought to be doing together. Of course this could be inspirational and/or bring out your competitive spirit. It's as possible though that you'll feel you've been set a challenge - but no time frame. All this could leave you with the urge to contact someone who's been here before.
You feel the sinewy muscle of Mars in your goal sector. You elevate your goals a few steps higher and work harder and faster to achieve them. Something that once seemed more like a favorite dream sequence now appears to be coming true. Keep that dream alive and continue pursuing it with grit and determination. Home and family matters take precedence over just about everything else early this morning. By mid morning, you feel energized and ready to handle whatever occurs. Expect that today will demand much from you but give back lots of enhanced self-confidence. You'll be impressed by what you're able to accomplish.
This is the true age of miracles. Every other age has not fully deserved such a title. Now, look at us all. We can fly. We can drive. We can make phone calls and watch television. Aren't we the lucky ones? Somewhere in your world now, a gift is being taken for granted. You feel that you don't have time to be more appreciative. You have too many pressing concerns to be... well, to be concerned by. But the sooner you see what you have to give thanks for, the sooner you'll see how to solve a problem.
Love Meter reading: 9 August 18-24: You're very focused, thanks to Mars entry into Libra and the Sun's entry into Virgo. You set goals in a relationship and then work hard to achieve them. Some might describe this as 'working on a relationship,' and you are. You're not necessarily expecting great times, but you are anticipating earning the respect and loyalty of another via your actions and reliability. You don't expect others to automatically love or trust you - not this week. You anticipate earning whatever kindness and respect you receive. This transforms you into prime real estate in the love zone. People cannot believe how earnest and dedicated you are. Weekly touchstones: Fire Opal, Star Ruby.
Career Meter reading: 8 August 18-24: You project idealism, ethics and an undeniable determination to break through barriers and meet quotas, goals and objectives. There will be a few obstacles, most notably over the weekend. These may involve communication issues that with patience and perseverance can be overcome. Slow down and accept that certain mundane tasks may take slightly longer than anticipated - but will eventually be completed. When you look back on this period, you'll realize that each wait produced a topnotch result. Just take delays in stride and try to enjoy the process. Weekly touchstones: Sunstone, Turquoise.
Few things upset you more than witnessing friends or close colleagues clashing over issues that really don't merit so much attention. But these aren't as straightforward as they seem, which means that if you get involved, you could find yourself in the middle of a battle that others actually aren't that eager to resolve.
You discuss financial issues with people you respect and trust today. You look into creative solutions instead of shopworn old homilies that no longer seem in sync with today's challenges. You're ready to try something new that may involve a bit of risk, faith and courage, but could provide stellar results. Don't be in a hurry. Hear others' stories and do some research. You're finished with stale answers and are ready for something more adventurous. Just make sure that anything you attach yourself to is legit, stable and has a proven track record.
In 1783, somewhere in France, the first human beings climbed into the first hot air balloon. They went up. They came back down again. These days, we all take flying for granted. What's the big deal? It's just something that people do. Twenty years ago, if someone had showed you the mobile phone you now have in your pocket, you would have been amazed. It's not just technology that progresses in leaps and bounds. States of emotional awareness can rapidly transform too. As you'll see, today.
Now that the Sun has joined the most practical planet of them all, Saturn, in accenting everything from your daily activities to long-term goals, it's time to analyse what's worth your while and what isn't. While that may require some serious thought and investigation, what you learn will more than justify the patience involved.
Experts argue about who really invented the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell may not have been the only pioneer. It is hard to imagine, though, what this great man would make of the cellphone fever that currently spans the globe. 'If all these people, in all these places, are now able to talk to each other,' he might wonder, 'how come they never say anything very meaningful?' What's becoming possible in your life now? To what extent are you exploiting the full potential of an opportunity?
Saturday Special: There's a dress code in heaven. To get past Peter at the Pearly Gates, it is not enough to have done good deeds during your time on Earth. You must look smart and well presented. No trainers or denims. Men must wear jackets and ties. Women are expected to don smart suits or long gowns. Down in the other place, you can be as casual as you like. But up there, they have standards to keep up. Those things really matter. Er... don't they? You think that's a load of dodgy nonense? Well, then, what is that other ridiculous idea that's now being taken far too seriously in your world? Pay it less attention and you'll enjoy life far more.
Weekend Update: You get so much accomplished on Friday that you surprise yourself and almost feel like bragging. Although you have a 'happy go lucky' reputation, you get some of your most stellar satisfaction from doing good work, delivering on all promises and being on time. Each of these challenges demands a lot from you, which makes it more precious and worthwhile to do. You constantly test yourself, pushing yourself to the edge (or over the edge) of pain, just to see how far you can go and how much you can take. When others arrogantly announce that you'll NEVER be able to do something, that's a battle cry for you. You suddenly get very determined and shockingly stubborn in order to prove the bloviator wrong, wrong, wrong. Your favorite competition normally involves overcoming your own fear or resistance. You'll amaze yourself on Friday. Saturday is funny, surprising and packed with unexpected visits, calls and requests for favors. You'll sort the wheat from the chaff, probably with the assistance of a close friend or partner. You realize that time is one of your most precious assets and conserving it for the most important things is necessary now. On Sunday, you and a close friend or partner may disagree about how best to handle a career question. You might disagree about a money matter as well. It may be that the two of you need some privacy or time apart.
Life would be wonderful if you could make a plan, and then things remained as you've organised them. But, in some, it's likely you'll need to make changes virtually every day. Disruptive as that is, it also gives you a chance to explore various options that otherwise might be considered impractical or just too risky.
>>787 Now that the Sun has joined the most practical planet of them all, Saturn, in accenting everything from your daily activities to long-term goals, it's time to analyse what's worth your while and what isn't. While that may require some serious thought and investigation, what you learn will more than justify the patience involved.
Daily Horoscope for Thursday 21st August 2008 Though there may still be unknowns to address, you might now feel you're moving forward at better pace. A travel opportunity might be just too good to miss. In fact it could be just what you need to rejuvenate, invigorate and revitalize yourself. Helping someone close with the practicalities of work they have to finish by the weekend might need to take priority.
Daily Horoscope for Friday 22nd August 2008 You may be re-thinking a financial situation. You might also need to amend travel plans or to advise someone of a change to an itinerary. Information about a training scheme and contact with someone who's trying to put together a course or system could fire up your brain cells. At home though, there could be further disruption caused by a technical breakdown (of a television or computer?)
Daily Horoscope for Saturday 23rd August 2008 You may have left it just a little too late to complete certain tasks before the end of the weekend. Even so, you could spend the day rushing around trying to get as much done as possible. Your head and heart could pull against one another in the process. A partner might really need time with you. Domestic chaos is probable: your carelessness could be a factor here! It may be that you've mislaid something you now need.
Daily Horoscope for Sunday 24th August 2008 A deadline may be approaching - but you might not be ready. This could be because there's a down-payment to make (for which you're not prepared). Or, perhaps there are demands for you to make your mind up about a future project. Either way you could feel forced to make a decision before you're really ready. A neighbour could be involved somewhere along the way.
Only days ago you were discussing the potential to rearrange elements of your domestic or working life, and now you're actually doing it. This is an example of the swift pace at which thoughts or ideas are being turned into action. Remember this when focusing on certain seemingly distant goals. They might be closer than you thought.
Only days ago you were discussing the potential to rearrange elements of your domestic or working life, and now you're actually doing it. This is an example of the swift pace at which thoughts or ideas are being turned into action. Remember this when focusing on certain seemingly distant goals. They might be closer than you thought.
You were rather hoping that, between serious applications of charm and the careful presentation of important facts, you could convince certain individuals that your plans are better than those they've already organised. Not only is this unlikely to achieve much success, they've barely noticed. You've no choice but to tackle them head on.
The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are all accenting the structure of your life, triggering your already intense need to make changes. However promising things are, you’d regret forcing issues. That’s because what’s best hasn’t even begun to emerge and won’t until early September, when your ruler Jupiter forms the second in a series of three life-changing aspects to the planet of focus and achievement, Saturn. What you learn, who you meet and what you organise during this cycle, which climaxes with their third powerful alliance in late November, could transform both your perspective and your life - and for good.
The accent shifts now to what you'd like to achieve - preferably before your birthday and certainly before next summer. This could lead to a little tension between you and someone born under one of the Air signs (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius) - or a Virgo. Their need to analyse could be irritating: you may wish only to back a hunch. That said, it might be no bad thing to discuss costs (in every sense) midweek. In the process, you may well discover what's really been bothering this person for some months. This is likely to be therapeutic for you both. In the build-up to next Sunday's New Moon, you might feel out of sorts - recognising that a chapter has come to a close (which may be connected to family developments). Even so you might sense that this is also an opportunity and that by the middle of next week you will be repositioned.
Jupiter now reaches an awkward point in its journey through the zodiac. During August, various astrological challenges may cause you to question your involvement with a certain person or group of people. You don't need to make a clean break, but you must make a clear distinction between what you need and what is somehow expected of you in a particular situation. It's important you assert your identity, and to remind yourself you belong to a wider community. If you can do this with sufficient strength, you will find that you earn respect and co-operation, not disapproval.
There is nothing so satisfying as a success that you have worked long and hard to bring about. Instant victories are not to be knocked - but, just as it's far more enjoyable to slake a deep thirst than to casually sip on a drink, it's good, sometimes, to build up a real sense of need for something. Provided, of course, that you stand a reasonable chance of having that need met. Right now, all you can see is the problem. This, though, will only make the eventual solution more pleasing. You don't have too long to wait.
In a couple of weeks, Jupiter will change direction. It has been retrograde for quite some while now, which is why you have been going back over your steps: tidying up old messes, clearing up old sources of confusion and dealing with the repercussions of previous choices. You are nearly at the stage where you can go forward once more into pioneering territory. Just before you do, there's one last loose end to be tied up. You are half-tempted to leave it dangling. Don't.
Others are questioning the wisdom of taking recent intriguing ideas or offers further. While you can understand their concern, you'd rather respond to what's occurred thus far and deal with any problems as they arise. Not only is this the wisest approach, it could enable you to avoid the obstacles that appear later this week.
First take care of your home and family this morning, and then tend to whatever else you've got going on. You recognize that someone close to you needs help, comfort or confidence, so don't minimize his or her needs. Take action and do the right thing - even when he or she tries to talk you out of it. Listen to your intuition and respond to it. If you don't, you'll feel a lot of regret later on. A problem doesn't have to be turned into a big ordeal as long as you're willing to compromise and be reasonable. Today demands a lot of heart and understanding from you.
You recognize who's in charge, who's got veto power and a host of other things. Be pragmatic and do what is best for the long haul. Are you in a situation for a quick hit with the intention of immediately moving on? Or are you committing a chunk of your time and other resources to make something work? I'm betting on the second option for most of you. This option requires patience, cooperation and collaboration. You can handle that. Open your mind as wide as possible and really listen to the suggestions and wisdom being offered to you this afternoon and evening.
Exciting as the arrangements you're currently organising may be, tiresome details could cause unnecessary delays. Still, keep in mind that there's a difference between being precise, which is vital, and wasting time on elements that are unimportant. Others have clear ideas about which are essential. Ultimately, however, you should heed whatever your own intuition tells you.
Love Meter reading: 7 There appears to be a conflict between your work or school responsibilities and your romantic life, such as it is. You can't exactly divide yourself into slices and evenly distribute yourself to those around you. It appears that even under the best conditions, this week will try your patience. Others may be very vocal about needing your time, work, or participation. In order to keep everyone happy (impossible!), you need superhuman strength and a 30-hour day. Or, you could pull yourself up by the bootstraps and tell others to go to hell - in the nicest possible way.
Career Meter reading: 9 You're very self-motivated and driven to achieve key goals. It's unlikely that you'll miss your mark. Each victory, however, will be hard-won and undoubtedly take a toll. You face objections or obstacles from unexpected sources. People that normally support your efforts may clutter your schedule with nonsense, setting you back several hours or days. You will make it work, even if doing so makes you utterly exhausted. The weekend brings a New Moon and fresh perspective on a new venture. The next two to three weeks should be filled with hope, potential and excitement. After this week, that's exactly what you need to keep your enthusiasm roaring like a stadium filled with fans.
There's a promise that needs to be kept or a debt that ought to be discharged. Can you afford to do this? Well, you certainly can't afford to leave it unacknowledged. Someone will think much the better of you if you take the time to at least explain why it's now so difficult for you to do what they would like you to do. Perhaps you feel ashamed, embarrassed, guilty or afraid. Face up to whatever it is you feel intimidated by. It won't be the easiest thing you've ever done, but it will be one of the most rewarding.
What seemed like minor disagreements only a short while ago are settling into disputes of a more lasting nature. And just when you need to keep plans moving. Unwise as it seems, focus your attention on something else entirely. Without you there to argue with, others will swiftly lose interest in these disputes, and become unexpectedly cooperative.
Good news arrives, nudging one of your big hopes a little closer. Aren't you glad you didn't give up on this dream? Your friends prove to be off-the-charts amazing! They go to bat for you without prompting from anyone. You know how lucky you are to have such protective, caring friends. You also shift a key element in one of your favorite aspirations. This is a subtle shift, but enough to make a discernible difference in how others perceive your work. You add value to a concept, moving it from rookie status to something far more formidable.
昨日のエル For August 27: It looks like more money or the opportunity to acquire more money is already on the way. Some of you may receive it today. You're in a great mood, despite what appears to be a very busy day. Your creativity is stellar, making even drudgery feel easy and at least sort of fun. Later this evening, you're advised to not take the bait when someone tries to start an argument. Let another's 'Joe Scarborough on steroids' bloviating pass without comment. Politely ignore it. The less said the better, particularly when you're stuck with someone who is desperate for approval and NEEDS to win.
本日のシェリ Daily stars for today 28 August 2008 Ordinarily you adopt a policy of steering clear of what are essentially others' battles. But now the unresolved problems of those closest, on the work or domestic front, could cause you serious delays. If there's no solution within reach, distract them. This should divert their attention long enough for you to do what you must.
Sometimes we are too quick to express our deepest emotions and sometimes, it seems, we are too slow. Actually, we have to be careful. We can be too self-critical. Too quick to assume that we have made a mistake. There may be reasons why we have or have not said or done something. Good reasons. Ones which, in the fullness of time, will reveal themselves. We should trust ourselves more and be more accepting of our instincts. Follow what you feel now, not what you think you ought to feel.
It's unlike you to keep important information to yourself. However, you knew others would be so distracted by certain facts that they'd never pay attention to far more pressing situations. Now, that the arrangements in question are more settled, tell them. They've a right to know. Wait any longer and they'll be seriously upset.