Not only can others not understand why you're interested in pursuing certain ideas or studies, they're actively undermining you. Be patient. Within days unexpected, and very welcome, opportunities will enable you to delve into these to a far greater extent than you'd have imagined possible. Grim as things seem now, this turning point is worth waiting for.
Financial matters improve rather handsomely this morning. You also receive news that bolsters your morale and helps you stay enthusiastic about a time-consuming project. As long as you get a few crumbs of love and appreciation from time to time, you're good to go. A home-based or security matter may require more thought or planning. You may also make plans for a big family and friends event. Be as spontaneous, relaxed and casual as possible about this. Don't turn it into another job or chore. Later tonight, you might stew over something that was said in haste and felt hurtful or insulting. Consider the source, Sagittarius. This person reliably says or does things that offend. It probably wasn't meant to be personal.
'The Devil,' they say, 'makes work for idle hands.' It may be true, but there is a questionable implication here. The suggestion is that anyone who is busy must automatically be doing good work. Sometimes, the Devil can make just as much mischief with those who are fully employed. Today, you might find yourself tempted to do something that doesn't really need doing. Don't feel obliged just because of your own work ethic or because you are conscious of someone else's expectation.
The ruler of your sign is Jupiter. You can see it each night, soon after sunset, winkling brightly above the horizon. Whenever Jupiter shines in this way, good things start happening here on the Earth. Even when it's clear that bad things are happening too, we start to see how they might one day lead to something good - or be replaced by it. Jupiter is the planet of hope, not just for the wider world, but for the world within, too. Jupiter shining in the sky now, for you, means a very magical time ahead.
A tough call could put you at odds with someone who thinks they know better. You might also be asked to be a referee or to stand up for someone who can't express themselves well enough. A letter from a place of education may require a decision that might not please someone very close.
Creativity courses through your veins. You have something to express and cannot feel totally whole unless you put it out there. That may be why many of you end up in the performing arts as or more solitary pursuits such as writing. Your creativity is pure energy and your catalyst is curiosity. You have a deep yearning to understand why things happen and seek varied, unique paths to uncover life's mysteries. Oftentimes, artistic expression can say things that words can't quite articulate - so you dance, compose music, sing or paint. Those of you who are scribes (many of you are) may feel particularly compelled to explore a theory, feeling, historical event or tragedy. Between now and late November, you may feel almost as if you're giving birth to something that demands your full concentration but also produces enormous rewards.
Some people say that Sagittarians are optimists. They can be, of course. But your ability to see the bright side of a situation doesn't prevent you from recognising the downside. It is more true to say that you are a creature of extremes. When you feel positive, you feel incredibly positive. You put your heart and soul into your positivity. And when you feel negative? Well, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and Jupiter is the planet of extremes. You can choose which extreme you go to now!
You might have some trepidation about a financial matter that seems to be drifting along, horse and buggy style. Your confidence in a group or individual may be very low due to their inability to get things done. So Friday morning is filled with misgivings. You wonder if it's worth making an effort for a person or group that seems so disorganized. Later Friday, you feel better about the situation. Perhaps you hear something good that distracts your attention away from a negative matter. Or maybe the situation resolves itself. At any rate, you're in a better mood during the afternoon than you were in the morning.
Saturday is very industrious. Turn off your phone and block out any unnecessary interruptions. You've got a long list of things that need to be done, and a very short period of time to accomplish them in. You can do this, but need respect and cooperation from others. No matter how busy you are, make some time to exercise. It balances your energy and clears your mind.
Sunday is really quite excellent. You feel good when you get up and are actually pretty proud of what you've managed to achieve. You pack a lot of things into Sunday and can end the day feeling proud of yourself.
Why is your heart beating in such a pronounced fashion? What's putting you on edge; adding a little more electricity to your life than you can comfortably cope with? Is this a source of pleasure or pain? Or might it be, as it is in the case of so many of the perverse fascinations that we human beings entertain, that what you secretly like most about a certain situation is your inability to decide whether it's good or bad! For as long as you are enjoying the indecision, you will never find out.
All sorts of people have all sorts of different ideas. How can you be sure that yours are any better than theirs? Ultimately, you can not. But nor can you be sure that they are any worse. Your ideas are, at least, your own. They come from somewhere you understand. They are based on something you feel, something you have experienced, something you can see some sense in. They may not be flawless but they're the best things to trust right now. Allow yourself, this week, to act on those strong instincts. Something magical is starting to happen. All you have to do, is give it a chance.
Steve Judd writes: Today is one of those days where you see the world through the eyes of others, in that your one-to-one interactions with people can be more productive and educational than at other times. Some decisions can be put off no longer: there appears a need to define your boundaries in some area of life that is fundamental to your individuality. Be clear in your workings with others because, by doing so, you can get clear indications of who is and is not reliable in regard to future developments. Do not sit on the fence.
This morning is somewhat problematic. You may need some time alone to sort things out and put everything in order. Even organizing your thoughts seems like an uphill climb early today. Make things more tolerable by knowing that this is temporary. It could continue through mid afternoon - at the latest. After that, you feel like your confident, take-no-prisoners self again. And remember this: Others may appear to go out of their way to undermine your confidence and sense of security, but they're actually exposing their own fear and self-loathing. You're just the canvas they're projecting on. Later today, nearly everything (even your financial circumstances) improves, leaving you wondering why you allowed something so small to upset you this morning.
Meter reading: 8 June 30-July 6: You're ready to transform and revitalize a slightly tired out or taken-for-granted relationship. This week urges you to try harder and put more energy and pizzazz into all important connections with others - friends, family, lovers, you name it. Sure, you're busy - and so are they. Make a little time to listen to another's story or joke or problem, without interrupting or finishing sentences for him or her. Although Saturday might be a nail-biting experience, Sunday looks as sweet and luscious as the best homemade peach ice cream you've ever had. Weekly touchstones: Pezzottaite, Pink Sapphire.
Meter reading: 9 June 30-July 6: This week's New Moon attracts more money, moneymaking projects or lucky breaks in the developing stages. Don't even blink when these unexpected gifts and opportunities are presented. Embrace them. You must show gratitude as well. Understand how fortunate you are to be considered for something as wonderful as this. While expressing your gratitude, don't underestimate your worth. Ask for more and ask for better terms. In the past, you've tolerated mistakes and payment errors more times than you can remember. That's got to stop. Any new ventures you sign up for must include a clear payment schedule - minus the usual voodoo bookkeeping stuff. Weekly touchstones: Black Opal, Black Spinel.
Sex, money and career advancement are all possibilities for you now - hallelujah! So what's it going to be? Can you chose one? Can you have all three? Yes and no. Yes if you're prepared to do what it takes to co-create with the skies. That means working hard now for career advancements later (not that much later). And being open-minded to the idea of refreshing new starts and change, where sex and money are concerned. Not that hard to do, and certainly worth giving your best shot, non? Mais oui!
After a period that's been rewarding in terms of what you've learned, but frustrating when it comes to making decisions, the tide's finally turning. Now, not only will you need to indicate what you want to do and achieve, those decisions must be acted on right away, even if this means details must be dealt with later.
Steve Judd writes: It would be very easy to let your buttons get pushed today - you seem to be the whipping boy for the rest of the zodiac. By all means act as the oil in the machine, or the glue that binds others to the ground. But don't set yourself up as an authority now without being absolutely sure of your facts - and especially don't get into any verbal disagreement, because if you win you'll engender antagonism and if you lose you could lose a lot. Far better to postpone big debates a week or two, when the energy levels are much calmer.
Inconsequential chatter could really get on your nerves. There may be issues you want to discuss - but don't know how to tackle. Plans for a trip or change of scene for tomorrow could interest you though - especially if this involves spending time with someone born under one of the Air signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius.
Roll up your sleeves and prepare to work harder than ever. Not only that, brace yourself for long hours and mental exhaustion immediately followed by thrills and unmitigated relief. Every effort you make between now and mid August will produce unusually excellent results, so work like a pack mule! You can add on a couple extra hours a day - and it's only for several weeks. No whining, please. This is an opportunity, so wrap your heart and mind around it and give it everything you've got. Otherwise, you'll kick yourself for walking away from a celestial gift. Others might view you as reclusive, abrasive or curt during this time. It's doubtful that you'll care what they think. You're on a mission that you intend to accomplish.
Steve Judd writes: If you can balance your needs and desires today there's a good chance you'll get some of them met, especially in career and money-matters. In terms of loan, mortgage, or external finances coming your way, this is an excellent day. You can attract sponsorship or at least interest in your affairs from outside of your immediate professional domain. As long as any opportunity taken is primarily directed towards public image and career, all will be well. Just be aware that it's a day for dealing with the outside as opposed to the inside world.
Hurry up. No, no. Quicker than that. Faster. Work harder. Try more. What's that? You don't like my tone? I'm only emulating the voice in the back of your mind. The one that keeps nudging and nagging. You are not obliged to listen. Not to me, and not to that. Despite the tension that you are so aware of at the moment, something wonderful is starting to happen. You are getting what you need. Mars and Jupiter insist that with each passing day you come a great step closer to a most delightful destination.
More money and financial opportunities tumble your way today. Perhaps an unexpected check arrives - or maybe a gift. You might also receive a call that leads to something wonderful. You're willing to stretch yourself and test your limits, instead of just going through the same old motions performing blah routines. In fact, you're eager to break out of the corral and gallop into new territory. Nothing can hold you back now. FYI: Don't be surprised if you hear something pretty amazing later this afternoon - probably concerning a close friend or relative.
'Oh say, can you see by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?' Different people have different opinions about the American National Anthem and what may or may not constitute a great rendition. In my neck of the woods, though, the Jimi Hendrix version remains much admired to this day. He was a Sagittarian. He pushed the boundaries and made history in the process. This weekend, in your own way, Mars and Jupiter will help you achieve much the same.
If the past few days have been way too heavy, breathe a sigh of relief and prepare to lighten up emotionally as the Moon moves out of your deep, dark 8th House and into your 9th House. The 9th House is the past of your chart where you can step back and see the bigger picture. Thoughts, ideas, and developing situations which seemed to intense for words now get to breathe as a release valve is triggered. Emotionally, you soon be able to see where you're going in a much broader sense and with a lot more clarity.
Your Weekend: The world we live in is overwhelming. It offers us far more to experience than we can ever find the time for. In order to protect ourselves from this confusing ocean of choice, we invent reasons why we can't entertain an interest in certain people or things. We need to narrow down our options, yet in doing so we place artificial restrictions on ourselves, which can lead to frustration. The cosmos is urging and inviting you to reconsider what's possible. Stay open-minded and you'll yet make an inspiring discovery. I've just recorded a spoken forecast that looks, in detail, at the dilemma you face and the opportunity that awaits you.
Love Meter reading: 8 July 7-13: You'd love to have the best of both worlds: plenty of freedom to do as you please balanced with unconditional love. Sound like the impossible dream? Are you capable of offering another the same thing: endless love with no ropes or harnesses attached? If you are, then this isn't an impossible dream at all. You just need to find someone who shares your interests and values. Problems start when you expect others to play fair even when you don't. If you're willing to duplicate what you expect from someone else, you're already halfway there. Weekly touchstones: Malachite, Aventurine.
Career Meter reading: 9 July 7-13: This week brings more money and opportunities. Discussions lead to great recommendations and really impressive contacts and introductions. Because of you and a colleague, partner or client, a great concept is about to be revived and recalibrated into something remarkable. The basic idea is sound - it's the packaging that requires real genius. It appears that you and a thoughtful colleague will find a way to stitch this together. Expect to put in longer hours this week and next. Weekly touchstones: Carnelian, Citrine.
In partnership you could have something to celebrate. Relatives may be involved. In fact, it could be that a family enterprise will take shape. Your place on a team could be assured. It might even be suggested that you play a high-profile role at an event at the end of the week. Those born under Cancer could play extremely significant roles - perhaps in the recording of a special moment.
You may be pleased with yourself on Wednesday if you have completed on the purchase of an objet d'art, or a much coveted item for a personal collection. This may have been made possible because you have applied yourself professionally through the past nine months in a diligent manner either at your main place of work or at a second job. Prepare for some frustration on Thursday however as you seemingly vacillate about your goals, as you wonder if all your hard graft has really been worth the aggravation. Friends may sow seeds of doubt as well and partners may be grouchy and undemonstrative leading to quick and sharp retorts from you. All in all a high tension week full of ups and downs.
Sometimes, before you can fully appreciate the true value of what's on your doorstep, you have to travel round the world. Does this mean that, if you do traverse the globe and then return home to celebrate what you used to take for granted, you have wasted your time? Of course not! Some options exist so that they can be explored and embraced. Others exist so that they can be ruled out. Having now investigated several seemingly attractive alternatives, you're now back where you began. That's fine.
Ok here's a tip to write down somewhere LARGE as you head into the new week. Don't NOT overspend! Don't NOT overspend! Don't NOT overspend! Seriously. There could be some marvellously fantastic financial news coming your way this week, as the Sun in your money zone, prepares oppose your ruler Jupiter. However, there could also be an urge within you that wants to go out and spend a lot more than you have, either in your bank account or coming your way. You have been warned! May the God/ess of $$$ smile on you!
You really know all the right power buttons to push this morning and afternoon to get what you want. There's really no hesitation or faux modesty - you just step right up and ask for what you want. The best part is that you're likely to get it during the morning. Things get slightly more complicated later today. Late this evening, you might not get precisely what you asked for but may receive something even better. You realize this the more you think about it.
Your soul may belong to the infinite, but your bank account has no such limitless quality and nor does your patience. Your psychological and material resources are being drained by a series of scenarios, which will, if you don't set out to stop them, take all you've got and then try for more. It's one thing to invest time, money or love where it stands a chance of being rewarded. It's quite another to shovel money into a one-armed bandit that has only two cherries. New priorities need to be established.
You prioritize a long list of duties this morning and afternoon. Instead of automatically reacting to commands, you pause and do what seems reasonable to you. In other words, you give your priorities as much attention as they deserve. You weigh things out, bit by bit. If your schedule has been out of kilter, you may pull back and stop being the proverbial 'nice guy.' Instead of allowing others to make demands but not follow through with their obligations, you decide to tap the brakes, until they snap out of the ether. And because of your action, things seem more balanced by mid afternoon.
Hopefully you've noticed over the past few weeks that it's been a lot easier to talk to other people - perhaps one Very Important Person more so than anyone else. This has been thanks to the passage of the communications planet Mercury through your House of Other People. He's about to leave now, but before he does, he's giving you a few last opportunities to say what you need to, to that Significant Other Person (past, present or potential) in your life. So what are you waiting for? Communication is the key to pretty much everything in relationships, non?
Your nerves could be stretched whilst waiting for an outcome. (Patience not being your strong point). The good-humour and understanding of someone who's clearly skilled in their field might help. You might also benefit from displacement activity. A little domestic change or an impromptu journey is possible: as is contact with someone who's a bit of a geek.
Fascinating things are already starting to happen. If you carry on making progress at this rate, you'll hardly recognise yourself or your situation soon. Or rather, you'll recognise yourself for the first time in ages... and you'll see, in your world, something that seems every bit as welcome as it is oddly familiar. You're going forward at a rate of knots yet you're also going back - to an ideal you held dear before you gave up on it, or to a source of power that you have long yearned to reclaim.
Push is going to come to shove at work over the next week or so. If I may quote old friend, US astrologer Eric Francis who has this to say about the Mars/Saturn conjunction affecting your working life: "This week has the feeling of something coming to a head, or rather, finally coming to a head. This Mars/Saturn aspect … is about as double-edged as they get. Looked at one way, we have the chance to move a lot of stuck mental energy. Looked at another way, it's a contentious, dramatic and explosive aspect, which can have unpredictable results." Use this info as you will! But do use it.
You're in a spending state of mind but may need to watch your pennies. Don't impulsively binge shop today, despite the sales, offers and temptations galore. Instead, focus on something that ultimately earns and protects money and builds up your self-esteem. Use your time and energy to complete tasks and live up to commitments. At the end of the day, you'll feel a lot better about yourself if you've been able to meet others' needs and expectations instead of shopping yourself into a credit card dungeon.
For ages you've been trying to get partners, at work or at home, to speak frankly about their feelings regarding certain joint ventures. While their reservations are obvious, their reasons are less so, thus their silence. Now events force them to identify these concerns, many of which will surprise them as much as they do you.
You might have the facts straight and be correct in your argument this morning, but you can't win this round. It comes down to this: Are you willing to continue to play by another's less than kosher rules that are made up at his or her convenience? That's the reality of this situation. As long as you continue to remain involved with this person or group, you'll be treated like a neglected underfed dog. You'll still be expected to do your part at their command. Your involvement with this person or group is out of balance. It's your call to either remain involved - or not.
You’re being prevented from doing what you know will work out splendidly. However, Thursday’s clash between Mercury and the planet of power struggles, Pluto, which is in your sign, indicate this is exactly what you’re tangling with. Add the volatile Mars’ run in with strict Saturn on the same day, and somebody will be demanding facts or that you follow pointless regulations. Do it. First, it’s easier than arguing. Second and perhaps more important, what you learn in the process will either teach you some respect for those rules or prove exceedingly handy next week, when the battle shifts to grindingly practical financial issues.
Which team is the best? The one you support, of course. Loyalty and subjectivity are like heat and cold. Get too much of one, and the other disappears. That's right and natural, it is nothing to worry about or apologise for. Just, though, as we can tire of any temperature extreme, we need to expose ourselves to alternate viewpoints, even when we are happy with the ones we hold most of the time. You are now gaining a valuable insight. It doesn't change everything, but it does change something. For the better.
You often find yourself dealing with financial pressures. Are the current ones more intense than usual? Probably not, but they seem so because you are feeling sensitive. You are surrounded by mountains you suspect may be nothing more than molehills, yet you do not seem able to reduce their size by staring at them. The more attention you give to your problems, the more daunting they become. Despite all this, you are in no great danger. Indeed, you are far more likely to make a gain than a loss.
This week, Venus moves into your ninth house of study, travel and adventure, where she'll stay for around four weeks. If you're about to head off into the wild blue yonder on an adventure, you really do have the stars on your side. Expect excitement, fun and plenty of excellent memories to come home with. If you're going with a lover, it could be an extremely romantic getaway which teaches you both about each other. If you're off somewhere as a single and you're open to meeting someone, that could be exactly what happens. If you're not going anywhere during this cycle, all is far from lost. Singles could find themselves drawn to someone from out of town now, while couples have a chance to step back from their relationship for a moment, to see the Big Picture of where you're going and what you're doing. Be grateful for what you have. The part of your chart being stimulated by Venus is also the part of your chart which broadens your mind. Love, romance, adventure, study and self-improvement will all do that for you, now and over the next four weeks. Foreigners and people recently returned from out of town or overseas should also hold extra interest.
Don't mistake the obstacles triggered by Mars' recent clash with Saturn for an indication you'll have to battle to achieve your goals. On the contrary, these highlight problems of which you've been unaware. Tackling these now not only removes them as potential obstacles, but what you learn should alert you to unanticipated dilemmas as well.
Now that Mercury has joined the Sun in accenting financial matters, the time has come to examine your position and discuss your options. Tedious as this seems, the news is unlikely to be bad. Actually, what you learn could be extremely illuminating, enabling you to capitalise on situations of which you'd have been totally unaware of otherwise.
Your Weekend: Something needs to be put right. You know this - but you fear that you don't have much time. You do, though, have a chance that's well worth taking. On the foundation of a recent discovery, you can now build a strong future. It's going to take a lot of effort and determination, but that's not a reason to hold back, it is a reason to get a move on. Before any diversions and distractions come flooding in, you should stake your claim to a particular piece of territory... and set an important process in motion.
Weekend Update: Your intuition about a career or image matter is spot-on, especially on Friday and Saturday. You zero in on one particularly telling event on Friday morning and can predict what comes next. You do just fine - no surprises - just good news. Of course, it certainly helps that you actually sensed what would occur before it did. A number of you may finally see the connection between a health concern and some of the secrets you've kept over the years. You may also recognize the influence of guilt, heartbreak and disappointment on your overall health and wellbeing. Now is the time to tell old negative patterns to just go to hell - and mean it. Saturday is excellent. You get great feedback and wise advice from friends and people you trust. It's a glorious day. Later Saturday evening, you briefly worry about something that doesn't actually exist, but you know how it is when your mind wanders. Anyway, you're in an emotional state of mind most of Sunday and may eat to comfort yourself. You may laugh or cry easily, mostly to let off some pent-up angst you've carried around. You feel far better about things during the afternoon. Late at night, however, you resort to worrying again. Since you're feeling somewhat vulnerable late at night, don't be alone.
Meter reading: 9 July 14-20: You value the quality of a relationship and don't need a ton of friends to feel loved or validated. Ironically, most of you have a ton of friends, some that you haven't seen in years - but that doesn't tarnish the affection you have for them. You don't need to hover over others - and really object when they hover over you - to demonstrate love and devotion. This week emphasizes values and solidarity in the key relationships you cherish the most. It's okay to weed out your contact list - in fact it's smart. Weekly touchstones: Yellow Fluorite, Quartz Crystal.
Meter reading: 8 July 14-20: You start thinking about renegotiating a contract. Are you being paid enough for the work you do? Many of you are, but if you're not, start working out details now. If clients have been slow to pay, apply pressure and give them a Friday deadline. If a client is frequently slow to pay, you may seriously consider dropping them from your list of customers. Use this week to get your financial circumstances in order. You must be the one to initiate this and keep others focused until certain problems are worked out. They won't initiate this on their own. Weekly touchstones: Pyrite, Hiddenite.
Love Meter 9 You value the quality of a relationship and don't need a ton of friends to feel loved or validated. Ironically, most of you have a ton of friends, some that you haven't seen in years - but that doesn't tarnish the affection you have for them. You don't need to hover over others - and really object when they hover over you - to demonstrate love and devotion. This week emphasizes values and solidarity in the key relationships you cherish the most. It's okay to weed out your contact list - in fact it's smart. Weekly touchstones: Yellow Fluorite, Quartz Crystal.
Career Meter 8 You start thinking about renegotiating a contract. Are you being paid enough for the work you do? Many of you are, but if you're not, start working out details now. If clients have been slow to pay, apply pressure and give them a Friday deadline. If a client is frequently slow to pay, you may seriously consider dropping them from your list of customers. Use this week to get your financial circumstances in order. You must be the one to initiate this and keep others focused until certain problems are worked out. They won't initiate this on their own. Weekly touchstones: Pyrite, Hiddenite.
The key to success now, involves travelling light. Just as a heavy suitcase soon becomes a problem on a walking holiday - a head full of preconceptions is a disadvantage in a climate where the cosmic invitation is to think on your feet. You need to drop as many of your big, fixed ideas as you can. You need to be free to adapt on the spur of the moment to new developments. Be willing and brave enough to keep an open mind and soon you'll realise just how well equipped for success you naturally are.
Let your conscience and your intuition be you guide in all emotional matters today. Pluto at 29 degrees of Sagittarius, the point on the chart connected to Angels who guard underground waters. Yes, it's a little along the lines of "still waters run deep". It's also a message to all Sagittarians everywhere that just when you think you're going to die of thirst for someone or something, the Angels are there to help you get what you need. Today (and actually this whole week) is all about following you feelings - let them guide you.
Things improve for you financially today. This trend continues tomorrow, as well. Some of you have cut things pretty close, barely squeaking by. Today and tomorrow bring an uptick in income and positive developments - just in the nick of time. You also learn that something you presently own is worth more than you'd suspected. That doesn't mean that you'll consider selling it, but does give you a great sense of pride. A new way of organizing an event or project is discussed, probably later today. This makes so much sense to you.
The full scope of your options remains unclear until late next week, when Mars brilliantly aspects your ruler Jupiter. Knowing this, instead of struggling to turn already intriguing opportunities into something lasting, you’ll explore exactly what these would involve in terms of demands on your time and finances, as well as changes in your lifestyle. Those that would be overwhelming may be negotiable. More important, consider whether these are taking you closer to your true objectives. As these are likely to have evolved since you last gave them serious thought, you’ll be thankful that the current measured pace gives you time for serious reflection.
Sometimes, we say we want success, but then, faced with some crucial decisions, we will make a surprising choice and effectively set ourselves back. We can be similarly self-defeating when it comes to happiness. We assert one thing; we do another. Why? Well, we may fear that if we get what we want only to lose it again, it will be unbearable. Thus, we would rather not have it in the first place. You have a real opportunity now. Either take it fully, or leave it completely.
You do a lot of housekeeping in the actual sense as well as metaphorically. Get an early start this morning so that you can chip away at nonessentials at every turn. It's imperative that you make room for something more engaging and important than things that eat up time but produce almost nothing. You decide to get control of your schedule instead of allowing it to gallop all over the countryside. Mid morning opens the door to inspiration and imagination. By the afternoon, you're ready to turn on your engine and take off. Late this evening, you're convinced that you're correct about something - but are you? Instead of assuming that you remember the specifics of something that was said or done, be open to the possibility that you might be wrong.
If you know your finances need shoring up somehow, now's the time to spring into action, as the Full Moon prepares to form across not one but two of your Money Zones. If you've been trying to work out whether or not to pay a bill you can afford to pay but would rather stall on, pay it now, if you can. You have a chance to turn the corner financially this week and getting old debts out of the way is one of the first steps you need to take to do it with your best foot forward.
Embarking on intriguing new developments is one thing, but allowing them to overwhelm the rest of your life is something else entirely. Consider carefully what you're taking on now, before you make any promises. While there's no arguing the rewards these activities would bring, they'd be at a price. Think whether it's one you're willing to pay.
Are you doing what you are doing because: a) you want to; b) you have to; or c) you can't think of anything else? It is now important to look at your motives and examine your priorities. Life now offers you the opportunity to do something truly rewarding. That's reward - not necessarily in the financial or material sense - but in the sense of 'spiritual satisfaction'. A sense of gratification, accomplishment, a feeling of having indisputably made the right choice and supported the correct cause.
あなたはどうしてそんなことをしているのでしょうか? a) それをやりたいから b) それをやらなくてはならないから c) 他にすることを思いつかないから
Work-related activities produce impressive results and financial opportunities. Things are definitely looking up for you. A busy afternoon extends into early evening. There are a lot of things to do, preparations to make, and some procrastinated fact checking or research to catch up on. You'll get it done - you always do, despite the odds. Later this evening, you need some time to let your mind wander wherever it wants to go. Relax and unwind after a busy day. You'll face many busy days - very long ones - in the weeks and months to come. Brace yourself to be in demand and hard at work. It's all worth it, Sagittarius. You're getting another shot at making a special dream come true.
Intimacy, power struggles and questions about who has the upper hand, cash, control and joint finances have been a focus for many of your for the past few weeks. This Full Moon suggests that you shift your focus a little. Instead of worrying about who owes and owns what, worry about what you have, and what you have to offer someone else. It's as thought the Universe is asking you to think less about what someone else can do to make you happy, and to worry more about what you can do to make others comfortable. Rediscover the pleasure of giving.
Ordinarily you'd be right to think that good ideas merit a swift and positive response. However, it's worth keeping in mind that worthwhile as things seem now, what arises around the time of Mars' stunning aspect to your ruler Jupiter on the 26th is bound to be even better. So respond, but still keep your options open.
Venus, planet of love and indulgence, is in your chart area which rules the higher mind, so you will take pleasure from reading good books. In astrology, money and sex occupy the same area of the chart as both are confidential matters requiring a tangible exchange, and they usually end up in some kind of a power struggle. Try to be flexible if you are trying to reach better understandings with close partners in either area.
Who are you afraid of? Why are you afraid of them? And while we're on the topic of anxieties, what are the factors and circumstances that most unnerve you? What would you feel most insecure without? Be careful how you answer. Often, even the bravest folk protect themselves by adopting two 'shields'. The one they are willing to sacrifice protects the treasure without which they truly would feel hopelessly exposed. The most precious thing in your world is safe. Why worry about the rest?
I could as easily ask you to read the Gemini forecast today as write one for you. The message for both signs, as we head for a Full Moon and a Mercury/Jupiter opposition which is straddling both your Money Zones. Do think positively re cash. Don't spend what you have all at once. It's sort of that simple. If you find it hard to jump into the flow of abundance, check out this article from Wayne Dyer How to Attract Abundance Into Your Life. It's not easy to rewire your brain if you were always taught that money is scarce, but it is possible!
While you're not usually stubborn, you're being remarkably inflexible when it comes to letting go of certain arrangements. They're already on their way out. Still, in relinquishing these, you'd be allowing these individuals who you don't quite trust to make decisions about your future. Discuss this with them. You'll be amazed how exciting their ideas are.
Once upon a time, there was a storyteller. The storyteller had a favourite story. This is how it went: 'Once upon a time, there was a storyteller. The storyteller had a favourite story. This is how it went: "Once upon a time..." Beware, this weekend, the tendency to go round in the same old circles, acting out the same old dramas, getting nowhere. The story of your life may seem similar to a tale that has been told before. But it can have a very different outcome this time, if you want it to.
You are, in a strange way, a victim of your own success. Your current problems have far more to do with exceptional abilities than they do with any lack of talent. Your special gifts have created the kind of complications that might never surface in the life of a lesser mortal. I am not trying to suggest that you are superhuman, yet... well, it is certainly clear that a particular person holds you in high regard. Maybe you could remove a lot of pressure by demonstrating the true extent of your fallibility.
Circumstances surrounding a financial matter are likely to get further attention Friday morning. You may not participate directly in this drama, but it will occur, even if you're not present. Chances are, you'll hear some news you can use during the afternoon. This will undoubtedly pertain to finance but may also affect possible travel plans. Communication is also emphasized. A misunderstanding may be discussed, and possibly resolved, probably to someone's satisfaction, but not necessarily yours. On Saturday, you think again about a situation that no longer seems attractive or even necessary and may cut ties. Luckily, this could be a mutually agreeable matter. For your clarification, you won't look back or miss this situation at all, if you do decide to walk away. Sunday is so enjoyable! You finally are able to luxuriate in comfort, sensuality and people you enjoy being with. Everything feels pretty close to perfect. The entire day feels more like a vacation, even if you never leave home.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 20 July 2008
As annoying as clashes over practical obligations or career that took place earlier this month seemed at the time, they were also highly informative. They’ve also made you focus on ways to take advantage of certain exciting developments in which you’ve been involved - but which you haven’t actually analysed. Now you do, and just in time, since events triggered by Saturday’s rare and potent aspect between Mars and your ruler Jupiter require fast action. This involves those benefits ? financial and otherwise ? and the more aware you are of the workings of the situations in question, the more profitable the arrangements you’ll make.
Despite the fact that you are right about most things, most of the time, others do not always agree. Usually, of course, this is because they are just plain wrong. Perhaps this is the case now. But perhaps not. To be safe, maybe you should consider the other side of a certain story. There may be something you have overlooked. Jupiter's alignment to Venus implies that either someone is now being unreasonable and foolishly argumentative - or they have a point you sorely need to be aware of.
This morning may force your hand and erase some of the freedom of choice you'd thought you had. A decision may be made by circumstances and no longer be in your hands.
Let's talk about 'entitlement'. Despite all your bonhomie, your joie de vivre and your esprit de corps, you are not quite as sure as you'd like to be of your place in a particular sector of society. You suspect you may be out of step - or that you have less in common than you imagine with various other individuals. But, even if that's true, the same is true of them with regard to you. And that's their tragic loss! The cosmos insists there can be joy and delight in your life now. And that you deserve this.
Cynics and critics ask how one horoscope forecast like this can cover one twelfth of the population. And it's easy to understand why they say that. However, to an extent, these forecasts can work, because we look at the heavens as a macrocosm of what's going on in a reader's life. Hard to explain the space I have here. All that is really a lead up to a disclaimer; the following may not apply to every Sadge on the planet. But overall, things are looking very promising financially for the pro-active Sadges out there. May you be one of them!
The Sun moves into your contract and negotiation sector today, strongly indicating that contracts are likely to be discussed, presented, reviewed and signed within the next 30 days. This could happen as early as today or at any time during this phase. Discussions may largely revolve around money and control matters. You anticipate a great deal of cooperation and enthusiasm from others. People that live or work at a distance may also contact you, asking for your participation and assistance. Expect to be very busy, not just during the next 30 days but also during the next several months.