Pluto in your sign once again enables you to look back and evaluate the changes you have made in your life since the turn of the year. You will be in a philosophical frame of mind, as you grapple with what is best for you and attempt to reconcile how this fits in with what others expect of you. The sun in your partnership house will bring you lots of issues in your relationships, and you could be required to do some tough talking in order to really hammer your point home and move forward and into fresh fields. You’ll be aided and abetted in this regard by power planet Mars, currently residing in your sister sign of Leo, so keep this in mind at all times. Career issues will also burn bright in your mind, just make sure you don’t compromise your integrity and stick to your guns when you know you are right. Don’t be afraid to tackle things head-on. Once the sun makes its move into Cancer, the deepest recesses of your subconscious mind will surface and you might be forced to face a few uncomfortable home truths. Be brave and avoid people pleasing at the expense of making a few waves.
Wednesday, 28th May 2008 So much to do and so little time to do it in. So much to care about yet so little power to make a difference. So much to conjure up, but so little power left in your magic wand. If any of this rings even partially true, it's all the more reason to think long and hard about what you are now going to give your time and energy to. Life has a way of stealing our schedule. We set out with a firm intention of going in one direction - but then something happens. Your agenda, though, is well worth fighting to preserve and protect. Despite the pressure, you can succeed if you prioritise.
For May 28: You finally get the support and standup loyalty you need from others. You don’t have to beg or tap dance to get their full cooperation, either. They bring everything they’ve got to the table and offer to share it with you. What a great feeling! Some questions may remain unanswered. This doesn’t surprise you because there are certain variables that are impossible to predict at this point. Nevertheless, you do get some welcome assurance and feel better about things by the end of the day. Keep in mind that this is an ongoing work in progress.
Thursday, 29th May 2008 Different things upset different people. Your idea of a nightmare experience might be someone else's dream come true. Someone finds it hard to understand why you are unhappy about a situation. That's their problem. Your problem is not to make them understand, it is to bring about an improvement, whether they understand or not. Indulge in a process of dialogue by all means, but don't be dissuaded from an important objective. If it matters to you, that's all that matters.
For May 29: You may hear news from very close friends or loved ones this afternoon and evening. Some of it is great, but certain parts might worry you, at least temporarily. Luckily, you have the full support of a key, irreplaceable partner or loved one that gets you through a period of adjustment. Some rescheduling may be necessary due to personal matters. A planned trip or occasion may be postponed indefinitely until things settle down. No matter how unsettled things might seem during the first part of the day, things relax and smooth out quite nicely before the end of the evening.
Patience is what’s needed. Now that you’ve finally recognised that your attachment to certain objectives was actually holding you back, you’ve a whole new world of options awaiting you. Alas, others are still stuck in the past. Gradually, and continually, point out changes to them and in a surprisingly short time they too will see things differently.
Friday, 30th May 2008 If you want to know what's really going on, imagine you work in the demolition industry. You have recently set out to destroy some ugly concrete monstrosity. You have cleared the area, put the dynamite in position and pressed the big red button. As the smoke clears from the explosion, you realise the thing is still standing. That's roughly where you are now with regard to a difficulty or obstacle. But you should still stand well back. The next slight gust of wind will blow the whole thing over!
Weekend Update: Friday literally powers up your creative impulse. You feel energized, motivated and competitive. You try to beat your own previous record. This is an inside job. You don't need any prodding from outsiders; you're acutely self-motivated and ready for action. Make sure to blend creative tasks with physical activity. You need to balance physical activity with your inventive, creative impulse. One feeds off of the other. You'll notice that some of your most inspired ideas occur while your running or biking. Saturday is rewarding. You still accomplish a great deal, and almost feel as if you're training for a marathon mentally if not physically. You manage to achieve more than you thought possible, particularly under rather tenuous conditions. Sunday is a bit of a stretch, especially during the afternoon. You feel somewhat weary and wonder if you'll be able to pull everything together in a timely fashion. Chances are, you will.
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30th Fri. It could be tempting to get an early start on the weekend, so promising are the prospects for pleasure. It’s a day for fun and frolic, and also love.
Because you’re inquisitive by nature, you’re usually the first to discover new ideas or intriguing pursuits. Now, however, not only are others introducing you to these, but you’re surprisingly reluctant to go along with their suggestions. The sooner you overcome this uncharacteristic stubbornness, the swifter you’ll discover what they have in store for you.
Your Weekend: What makes a human different to an animal or a robot? People, unlike creatures or machines, are never satisfied. We specialise in unreasonable lust and do a good line in pointless paranoia. Computers don't worry about how good they are. Dogs don't spend ages fretting that they've been chasing the wrong rabbit. You are now suffering an attack of 'the human condition'. Your only hope is to draw on the inbuilt remedy that we all have, though few ever use. It is called wisdom.
You don’t mind the odd argument. Not only does it get everybody involved thinking, it can help clear the air. This is of pivotal significance now, since there’s a great deal of confusion about who’s doing what and, more importantly, who’s responsible for what. Straighten this out now and you’ll avoid serious problems later.
31st Sat. Following yesterday’s beneficial developments, today’s prospects brighten considerably. It’s a day to pamper yourself, enjoy creature comforts.
1st Sun. Your mate or partner may be cooking up all sorts of plans for today, and that’s fine with you, just as long as they don’t require much effort on your part. Let today be all about rest and relaxation.
Daily stars for today 01 June 2008 Few things are more frustrating than dealing with the stubbornness of others, as you’ve learned to your exasperation over the past week or so. Don’t give up. Although the individual in question shows little sign of shifting, Tuesday’s New Moon not only promises to be a turning point, what takes place then could change everything.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 01 June 2008 Because you both rather enjoy the unexpected, while others are struggling with the current crop of unsettling developments, you’re savouring your options. Explore but by no means make any commitments you can’t later alter. That’s because with some of the year’s most important planetary activity, from your perspective, the return by Pluto to your sign and the Sagittarius Full Moon, both take place midmonth and indicating events that revolutionise both your thinking and the circumstances you’re dealing with, what’s ideal now could actually hold you back then. Instead focus on seemingly unachievable goals. With changes this dramatic, they could suddenly be within your reach.
2nd Mon. Keep your mind on what you’re doing this morning. Later you’ll have your hands full dealing with others who are insistent. It might be easier to give in, but is that really what’s best for you?
3rd Tu. The New Moon breathes new life into key relationships. Agreements are easily reached. Those departing on holiday are in for a wonderful adventure - which may include a romantic encounter.
Though Mercury is retrograde in your opposite sign and it might appear that certain people are being elusive, it could be that the wait for information is to your advantage: albeit that you might also have to cope with travel and documentation issues that run less than smoothly. Yet this could offer a window of opportunity to show just how quickly you can think on your feet, how flexible you can be - and the depth of your knowledge. On Wednesday especially, just how much you've grasped of a subject could be obvious to all. True, you may have reason to 'thank a teacher' or someone born under one of the Air signs (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius) whose guidance has been invaluable. It's as likely though that you've backed a hunch and are fully up to speed on the basis under which certain decisions evolved. This could put you in a commanding position on Friday. It's perhaps also worth noting that a partnership with someone from another country could quickly develop.
4th Wed. If you lack the motivation to tackle the day’s agenda, team up with others; their high energy is contagious, and it will motivate you to take action. A fast talker could sweep you off your feet.
5th Th. Consider various ways you can deploy joint assets for a larger payoff. There is an emphasis on security concerns today, but you’ll be better off doing something about them instead of just fretting.
You seem to be having a great deal of difficulty letting go of certain plans or goals that you’ve finally acknowledged simply aren’t going to work. The problem is, you’ve left a bit of your heart in them. Mourn them, as you would anything you care about, and you’ll then be able to say farewell properly.
For June 5: You continue to focus primarily on your best friend or partner and are extremely pleased with his or her progress. With a little encouragement from you and a lot of effort on his or her part, big changes can occur that improve your friend's life for years to come. A financial decision is also made that will help both of you. Continue to remind each other that most worthwhile things take time and effort, unless you're a debutante with a seemingly endless trust fund. Just keep chipping away at problems, built-in resistance and what once seemed like insurmountable odds today and during the days to come. For those of you with health issues or lingering injuries, you can get relief and feel improvement, so don't give up hope.
Factors quite beyond your control could disrupt your schedule. Though your focus is good - making this a good time to sit an exam, you might also be emotionally perturbed. Health matters could be more than usually important. In this slightly unbalanced state you could fall out with someone who appears to be stubborn but who's in fact having as much difficulty as you in coping with a situation.
ケイナー6/6 The wind never stops howling, the tide never stops swelling, the merry-go-round of intense emotions never stops turning. Or so it seems. Actually, there are always moments of calm, even in the thick of it all. We may not get as many breaks as we would like in life, but we do get them. Yet, if we wish to be fully protected, we have to take refuge within a vessel or a structure so strong as to keep even the most ferocious fluctuating force at bay. You are now creating such a shelter. That was your latest forecast. This is a message about the next phase of your life.
シェリー6/6 Ordinarily you don’t wait until others agree with plans to proceed. You just move forward slowly while you wait for them to decide they’re prepared to take things further. Now, however, not only must you bide your time until certain individuals are ready, because you’re relying on them, you’ll have to work according to their schedule.
The wind never stops howling, the tide never stops swelling, the merry-go-round of intense emotions never stops turning. Or so it seems. Actually, there are always moments of calm, even in the thick of it all. We may not get as many breaks as we would like in life, but we do get them. Yet, if we wish to be fully protected, we have to take refuge within a vessel or a structure so strong as to keep even the most ferocious fluctuating force at bay. You are now creating such a shelter.
You and a friend or partner get along so well this weekend. It's almost like a personal renaissance. Suddenly, there is a lot more joy and enthusiastic cooperation instead of the usual boring arguments. This certainly wastes less time and produces far better results. You feel less like a loner and more like a team member. It's difficult to determine which one of you made the biggest attitude adjustment. It seems to have occurred simultaneously - or pretty close to it. At any rate, you actually enjoy discussing things with a close friend or partner who may have been abrasive or annoying before. What a great change!
Saturday makes this positive trend even better. You have a great time with your favorite friend or loved one and don't feel the need to be defensive or guarded. In fact, you can finally enjoy another's company, maybe for the first time in a long time.
Sunday keeps this warm, balmy trend going strong. What normally would have turned into an argument becomes a harmless debate without even a touch of anger. You feel so good being able to really communicate with someone you care so much about without anticipating a lecture or huge dose of criticism.
6th Fri. It is best to lie low today, as projects and plans initiated now won’t be backed up by the energy needed to bring them to fruition. If you can’t defer action, at least double-check arrangements.
Ordinarily you don’t wait until others agree with plans to proceed. You just move forward slowly while you wait for them to decide they’re prepared to take things further. Now, however, not only must you bide your time until certain individuals are ready, because you’re relying on them, you’ll have to work according to their schedule.
Your Weekend: It is amazing how, sometimes, we can see something every day yet fail to notice what we are actually looking at. Familiarity may or may not breed contempt, but it certainly seems to create a kind of blindness. Then, one day, something happens. A new development causes us to question our previous perception. Once our eyes have been opened, we find we cannot close them again. You are being helped to recognise a reality. Even if you are not enjoying the process, you will benefit immensely from the discovery you make.
You’ve often watched others refuse to undertake plans until everything is planned perfectly, only to begin too late. For this reason, you’ll often plunge in without much preparation, expecting each day’s experiences to provide insights about the next. In the past that’s worked. Now, with situations so volatile, expect to have as many failures as successes.
Monthly Horoscope: For June 2008: A New Moon in your partnership house on the 3rd focuses all your attention on a close friend or loved one. This single-minded focus on a friend or loved one continues unabated for the following six days. On the 12th and 13th, however, tensions may arise between you and this friend or loved one. Once the air is cleared sometime after mid month, all is fine again. Pluto retrogrades back into your sign on the 14th, bringing out your Warrior Queen vibe in just about everything you do. You've worked too hard to get where you are and refuse to obediently roll over or walk away. You're beyond fierce and are extremely terri- torial and protective of what you perceive as yours. The 18th moves luxury and pleasure-loving Venus into your 8th house. This is excellent for selecting a one of a kind item, high quality collectibles and perfect romantic candidates or influential friends. It's also great for discussing cosmetic surgery or dentistry, or changing your look in some other way. You're ready to make changes, even if you do it in stages instead of all at once. The Full Moon in your sign occurs on the 18th as well, suggesting that you've officially got one big hurdle behind you - yippee! On the 19th, Mercury goes direct, but still continues to act up until the 28th. It might be better to wait until the end of the month to give your 'final answer' on just about anything. The Sun joins Venus in your sexy house of transformation on the 20th, setting off all kinds of delicious rumors and gossip. You continue to look great and raise eyebrows on the 21st, too. Between the 25th and 30th, things should be very productive. A family member or close friend, however, may be struggling with a problem that could continue intermittently until the end of the year. Monthly touchstone: Smoky Quartz.
I always shudder when I hear people talk about a time when 'dreams can come true.' Don't they realise the danger? Can't they see the obvious warning signs? What is a nightmare but a kind of dream? If a happy fantasy can turn into a reality, what's to stop a less delightful dream from coming to life? Don't nurture your fears. Don't dwell on your dark desires or your aggravating anxieties. The more energy you give these, the more real and relevant they will seem. Dream only good dreams.
For June 9: Good times should continue in a close relationship. You both are trying harder to be considerate, attentive and cooperative - and it's working! Instead of focusing on insignificant mistakes, you emphasize the progress another has made. Keep the tone positive and supportive throughout the day. Besides making your friend or partner feel better, you'll recharge your own batteries as well, and feel loads more enthusiastic. Good vibes are highly contagious today - so spread 'em around.
As much as you’d like things settled, you’d regret rushing into even very simple arrangements. Instead, invest time and energy in exploring your options and, even more importantly, considering your feelings. That way you’ll be prepared for the pivotal developments when next week’s emotionally intense Sagittarius Full Moon brings these matters to a head.
The script is being rewritten. The story is being retold. How things were, is no longer how things are. How things will be, it's clear, is different again. Make sure you are not reading the old notes. That could put you at a big disadvantage. It could even turn back the clock and cause you to return to a situation you have only recently escaped. Even if you think you recognise some of the clues and cues that you are now being given, you may yet find they mean something delightfully different.
George Formby used to say, 'It's turned out nice again.' There he'd be, with his toothy grin and his little ukulele in his hand. A living symbol of hope's triumph over adversity. Echoing the spirit of Charlie Chaplin, he was the innocent little man who got caught up in some great cunning web, yet defeated the spider and emerged unscathed. Even where your life has lately resembled a comedy of errors, you are about to find that somehow, you are going to end up getting the last laugh.
For June 11: Early today, a dispute involving money, values or promises made but not kept may arise. Most of these issues should be resolved by mid morning. Some, however, may linger and require objective outside assistance. There appears to be a communication problem along with unfinished business, agreements or other rather crucial tasks. You may be forced to seek new expert advice instead of relying on existing sources.
For June 12: Family matters may compete with partnership or business activities. Because there are only so many useful hours in a day, you can't be all things to all people all the time. Don't overextend yourself today, no matter how desperate or demanding another is. You already are committed to a number of obligations that cannot be rescheduled. You might have to inform a friend, partner or family member that you're not available but you can recommend someone who is. And do yourself a favor: Don't feel like a monster afterward. If you're strong enough to enforce a few boundaries, you'll have a near perfect day. If your boundaries leak like a sieve, you'll feel emotionally drained, angry and anxious. The choice is yours.
Weekend Update: Friday is dominated by another's wishes, needs and priorities, which is just fine as far as you're concerned. Sometimes, focusing on another takes the spotlight and heat off of you. You actually savor the moments when you can be tucked away in the background, far away from annoying interference. You crave privacy much of the day and are able to accomplish a great deal by limiting your time with others.
Saturday moves retro Pluto back into your sign, giving you another chance to sell or promote an idea, career option or even your own worth or desirability. What didn't seem terrifically intriguing to others the first, second or third try might suddenly, shockingly hit them like a ton of bricks between now and early September. Just brace yourself for a bonus round of interest in all things YOU.
Father's Day is like a patchwork quilt. Some pieces blend well and feel right together and other pieces stick out and seem a bit disturbing. It's okay. You didn't anticipate that everything would sail along without a hitch, did you? You'll end the day feeling that things actually went better than they usually do.
Difficulties with family, close friends or romantic partners aren’t just upsetting, they’re a distraction ? and just when you’re contending with some potentially challenging developments. Tempting as it is to put off dealing with these, what you learn in the process of tackling those issues could help clarify some of the more perplexing dilemmas you’re facing.
You are not as daft as you sometimes fear. Rather to the contrary, you are too smart for your own good; you see too much and you sense too much. If you have a problem, it is in the way you rationalise your intuition. You either tell yourself that you cannot believe what your instinct is telling you, or you trust it just a little too much; allowing it to override all your logic. Your current difficulty will soon be solved if you simply get your inner voice to have a frank conversation with your conscious mind.
It isn’t that you’ve been secretive about your feelings, as much as you haven’t really known how to describe what’s been going on within, so have said nothing. At the time this may have been easier. But with the upcoming Sagittarius Full Moon accenting your emotions, it’s time to discuss this sensitive side more fully.
It is understandable that you are tired of others complaining, especially since they seem unwilling to do anything about the situation in question. Even if you are discussed these issues before, do it again. Their mood has changed, enough that this time around the odds are good they will be in the right frame of mind to take action.
For June 16: A team member or partner really helps you today. You don't even need to ask for help - this very aware, observant person recognizes what needs to be done and automatically takes action. You're amazed by others' support and loyalty. There's nothing in it for them, except for a sense of doing what's right and the satisfaction that accompanies it. You notice a discernible kindness in others today - and it's a choice. They could've reacted in anger or impatience, but decided to give you a hand and an open heart. You're deeply affected by this shift and decide to keep the good vibes in play. Opportunities to give others second or third chances and a helping hand come your way and you respond generously. There's nothing in it for you either - except inner peace and a lot of personal satisfaction.
Love Meter reading: 8 June 16-22: You get more attention than you anticipated midweek, thanks to a Full Moon in your sign. You also have so much to be grateful for. A relationship is changing right before your eyes, quite possibly for the better. It's expanding and appears to include more hope than it did in the past. Don't expect that everything will be a quiet, civil game of croquet - it won't be. You lock horns over practical matters (including finances) but will find smart, considerate ways to resolve your differences and mend fences. You may be offered a position or opportunity, perhaps from a former competitor that is now a friend. Think about it and take your time. It might sound good now, but prove to be more trouble than it's worth. Weekly touchstones: Black Pearl, Black Opal.
Career Meter reading: 8 June 16-22: You are placed at center stage in a professional matter this week. Whether you're receiving praise or mild criticism, the spotlight is on you and the job you do. Why all this attention all of a sudden? For starters, it appears that someone finds your skills usable and valuable. You embody an opportunity to a person or group. Because Mercury will be in its 'storm period' until the 28th in your partnership sector, you're advised to not leap into a new financial or professional collaboration just yet. Give yourself lots of time - maybe even until early next year - before forming a definite answer. If they need someone prior to that time, then the heat is off of you. They've made the decision without you. The point is that whatever occurs will ultimately be for the best. Weekly touchstones: Tigers Eye, Bloodstone.
With the Sagittarius Full Moon stirring things up, the last thing you are inclined to do is delve into potentially unsettling issues. But actually, there is no better time than now. This is a turning point, one that allows you both to recognise what, and perhaps who, must go and give serious thought to what is next.
Chickens? They're coming home to roost! Pigeons? They're dealing with the sudden appearance of a cat! Vultures? They're up there in the trees, watching and waiting. One of Hitchcock's most disturbing movies was called, The Birds. The Full Moon in your sign suggests your own life is taking on overtones of a psychological thriller. Not so much a whodunnit as a who-didn't-do-it and why-didn't-they-do-it? Want to end a nightmare? Resist the temptation to recriminate. There's still time to do what's right.
The Full Moon in your sign is magnifying everything. Your most optimistic opinions seem more justified than ever. Yet oddly, your greatest fears and worries appear more powerful and relevant too. You are swinging between extremes and so too are the pieces of information that you keep getting. Certain people don't seem to know if they are coming or going and it's hard to get a sense of your own direction whilst theirs is so vague. Be clear in yourself and positive too and all will swiftly improve.
Unusual developments are likely. You could be involved in complex dealings - or asked to give a close partner advice about their career. Domestic change may be in the air too - possibly including plans for guests at the weekend. Within a group or organisation, you might be asked to agree to accept a more prominent role - at least temporarily. This could include preparing a document.
You are keen to say what is on your mind, something you are been doing a lot of lately. But it has had remarkably little effect on the individual who is the primary cause of the problems you are facing. That is because if you want to get your message across, you must be far more direct, if not just plain blunt.
We get a Full Moon in each sign once a year. Signs though, are big places.To speak of Sagittarius as just one sector of the sky is like describing Scotland as a single place. There's a big difference between Dumfries and Inverness. The latest Full Moon, unusually, falls in a very special part of Sagittarius. It aligns with the Galactic Centre. a part of the Milky Way that our entire solar system slowly orbits. This suggests that all humanity is reaching a turning point. The impossible is becoming possible. Regardless of our fears, our future has never looked brighter.
Ordinarily you could afford to sidestep certain potentially troublesome issues without the least bit of concern about causing problems. However, with Pluto, which heightens everybody is tendency to be suspicious, taking a major role in this weekend planetary drama, others could regard such omissions as reason to question all that you have to say.
As Pluto now settles in for a final visit to your sign, you are returning to a frame of mind that you had all but forgotten. Over a difficult decade, you have spent a lot of time questioning yourself and doubting beliefs. For a while, recently, you began to regain your old equilibrium. Now, once more, you are not so sure. Over the next few months, though, a magnificent sense of closure and completion will come to an area of your life that has long been uncomfortably open-ended. Current misgivings are the last ones you will have to overcome for some while.
For June 19: Mercury goes direct today, looking over its shoulder, fidgeting and constantly changing its mind until the 28th. This affects your business and personal connections. It may be difficult to move full speed ahead until crucial, unmentioned paperwork is looked at and signed. Don't underestimate the importance of this, even if people around you seem lackadaisical about it. Ultimately, you could face consequences down the road that dramatically undermine any happy moments you might anticipate. Make sure to do things by the book. View Mercury's storm period as a chance to dot the I's and cross the T's, inconvenient as it is. Others may minimize the importance of this now, but eventually take advantage of your trust and naivete down the road. Just hold your nose and tie up all loose ends. You'll be glad you did.
Weekend Update: Friday's Summer Solstice is pretty fabulous for you, especially if you enjoy feeling strong, powerful and in control. Oh - and don't forget 'sexy,' because you'll be viewed as hot stuff by a number of people - maybe an entire roomful. Start the day off right with some healthy vigorous exercise. It always clears your head and gives you great feeling of strength and personal satisfaction. After that, play each development by ear. You'll do fine, even when faced with unexpected events (which will probably turn out to be kind of funny).
Saturday is very good for accomplishing unfinished business and chipping away at goals. Little by little, you make important inroads. Your imagination soars during most of the day, giving you a potent creative edge. Your sense of humor might disturb a few people, but entertain most. Later Saturday, you gravitate to peaceful, fuss-free activities. You'd rather feel the wind in your hair than worry about keeping every hair in place.
On Sunday, you become a great storyteller, whether you're speaking with small children or your pals. You embroider the facts just enough to make them memorable.
You are only just realised that certain individuals of whom you are otherwise fond are champion complainers. This has been especially true recently, with unsettling events arising over each passing day. Hopefully you are finally stopped trying to get them to recognise the promise you see in these developments, and are allowing them to complain as much as they like.
What a Full Moon it has been. In your sign, conjunct the Galactic Centre, concurrent with the return of Pluto and Mercury's change of direction. There you go. Enough gobbledegook to last you a month. But then, that's my point. Even if you don't speak astrology, you can tell that it's a lot of stuff. That's what you are going through now. A lot of stuff. Some of it is demanding. Some of it is enjoyable. Some of it is, apparently, just something that you don't have much choice over. Ah, but you do.
Living with tensions involving others is never fun but it’s particularly annoying now, because your plans hang on their agreeing to them. Actually, you’ve been in such a hurry to get things going that some problems are the result of your own haste. And then there’s confusion involving practicalities or misunderstandings. Going over old ground seems unappealing, but will untangle problems swiftly. This prepares you for the amazing developments ? expected and unanticipated ? ushered in by Mars’ fantastic aspect to Pluto, newly returned to your sign, early next week. You’ll both know what’s what and be ready for the delightful surprises that come your way.
Folk around you seem to be experiencing a lot of tension. You too, have been going through a lot lately. Even though your own problems are easing up, you can fully sympathise with those who still feel edgy. More relevantly, you can see how their mood is likely to have a knock-on effect. You want to find a happy, sweet - or at least 'acceptable' - way out of a tricky situation. You may wonder whether that's like hoping to meet a fairy with a magic wand, but it's not such a tall order at all.
Sagittarians are some of the most successful people on the planet and to others it can seem as though you never have to struggle for your achievements. Of course, that's ridiculous: you just make it seem as if you're not tryingor that you don't care. However, making an effort and caring are the stuff of these stars and, should you have tried and failed recently, it's time to get back in the saddle. Sometimes other people need to know how much a goal matters to you and that you would do anything and everything to attain it. Forget the cavalier approach this week: aim at your targets with purpose. It's the only way.
Folk around you seem to be experiencing a lot of tension. You too, have been going through a lot lately. Even though your own problems are easing up, you can fully sympathise with those who still feel edgy. More relevantly, you can see how their mood is likely to have a knock-on effect. You want to find a happy, sweet - or at least 'acceptable' - way out of a tricky situation. You may wonder whether that's like hoping to meet a fairy with a magic wand, but it's not such a tall order at all.
You need to be flexible this morning. Keep your schedule as open and pliable as possible. Don't make the mistake of stacking one appointment on top of the other. Last minute delays or unexpected events may interrupt the most carefully wrought plans. Just play everything by ear. Later this afternoon, things fall into place in an orderly, predictable fashion. You'll accomplish what you need to - no doubt about it, just a couple hours later than you'd originally planned. You may initiate a new project or relationship today. This is something close to your heart, so it feels kind of personal.
Others may be in a hurry to get things done and you may also feel things are somewhat urgent. Still, your priority must be to review both the events and the ideas triggered by last Wednesday's Sagittarius Full Moon. What you learn from these could substantially alter your approach to both existing arrangements and new ventures.
Meter reading: 7 June 23-29: The stability or predictability of a home or family matter may seem to come off the rails between Thursday and late November. The culprit is Uranus' retrograde phase. First, it gets your attention by forcing you to look at something you've tried to minimize or ignore. Next, it offers alternative ways to approach a domestic or security matter. Routine solutions fall flat, but looking for a new way forward - the more untraditional the better - may breathe new life and hope into a family or housing drama. One of the secrets you'll learn is that you have no control over another's decisions or actions, no matter how close you are or how well you think you know this person. Someone very close and important to you may change rather dramatically and abruptly, and you'll have no choice except to accept what happens. Acceptance is far better than rejecting another's lifestyle or decision. Weekly touchstones: Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli.
Living with tensions involving others is never fun but it's particularly annoying now, because your plans hang on their agreeing to them. Actually, you're been in such a hurry to get things going that some problems are the result of your own haste. And then there's confusion involving practicalities or misunderstandings. Going over old ground seems unappealing, but will untangle problems swiftly. This prepares you for the amazing developments ・expected and unanticipated ・ushered in by Mars・ fantastic aspect to Pluto, newly returned to your sign, early next week. You'll both know what's what and be ready for the delightful surprises that come your way.
By now you're probably wondering if others will ever stop being so stubborn and narrow-minded and at least think about new options. They will. But it's worth bearing in mind the individuals in question don't share your instinctive interest in whatever comes along, so will be regarding your ideas with undiluted suspicion.
Some people question the need for oil on troubled waters. They say, 'If there's trouble brewing, just leave it to get stronger. The more you try to sort it out, the more deeply embroiled in that trouble you will become.' Do you feel like you can now do a lot to defuse a tense situation? Will you live to regret this? No, but you may well live to regret doing nothing when you had a real opportunity to make a difference. Give your best to today's challenging situation and you will yet turn it around.
Your financial situation improves nicely today. Something that you didn't expect occurs, benefiting you and giving you a moment to catch your breath and relax. You're focused this morning, even though you strike others as relaxed and easygoing. That's such a great disguise because you're actually feeling very competitive and determined to win - and you probably will. Later this afternoon, you may encounter some resistance to a few of your ideas, but it's short lived. You quickly detach from another's lack of cooperation and move forward with a brilliant plan or alliance.
It seems likely that you will now be on a quest for information. A younger person might suggest that you're not yet asking the correct questions. Their approach could amuse you, however. A financial matter might need to be addressed quickly. You could also be introduced to someone who has great experience in certain areas and is happy to focus on the minutiae.
'The Devil,' they say, 'makes work for idle hands.' It may be true, but there is a questionable implication here. The suggestion is that anyone who is busy must automatically be doing good work. Sometimes, the Devil can make just as much mischief with those who are fully employed. Today, you might find yourself tempted to do something that doesn't really need doing. Don't feel obliged just because of your own work ethic or because you are conscious of someone else's expectation.