Your optimistic streak finds good in even the most challenging of situations. Ordinarily, that’s a virtue. But currently others are taking certain personal dilemmas very seriously indeed, and regard your lack of apparent concern as an indication that you don’t care. Saying you do, then taking no action only heightens their anxiety. Similarly, others think your optimism about crucial business or financial issues is misplaced, and triggering a similar form of resentment. While acting counter to your beliefs or expressing emotions you don’t feel would be dishonest, doing some serious listening - and being truly sympathetic about others’ anxieties ? will achieve wonders.
Practical considerations may interrupt or postpone a trip, shopping spree or other fun-based endeavor, particularly on Friday. You are very focused, even when you’re engaging in creative activities. You have a well-defined window of time to accomplish certain activities and cannot afford to dawdle. You’ll be happiest by making the best of a duty, job or obligation. Once you’re able to relax, you’ll actually enjoy whatever you’re doing.
Saturday morning begins on a similar note, and then steadily improves throughout the day. You loosen up, drop your guard and have a pretty good time. Later in the afternoon, you might feel kind of threadbare emotionally or physically.
Sunday is the best day of all this weekend. You feel better all over and are able to accomplish as much as you want without feeling put upon or stressed. Your creativity surges, governing everything you do. You try different techniques instead of the same old ones and enjoy a process far more than usual.
We are not islands. We do not stand alone. We all breathe the same air. We all drink water from the same ocean. We live on the same tiny ball of rock that spins relentlessly as it hurtles through space. Our deeds affect one another... and so too, in only a slightly more subtle way, do our thoughts. Who is now really driving the decision that you find yourself in the process of making? You are about to learn more about the hidden influences that are acting upon you. That will help you gain strength.
It’s unclear whether it’s you who owes someone or they who owe you. But what is clear is that this must be resolved now, before things become any more complicated. Let go of hopes that a clever solution will appear from nowhere. This is going to require time, patience and quite a lot of adding and subtraction.
Explanations take the magic out of most things. The world of logic is dry and colourless, lacking in mystery and adventure. Only the very sensible (and thus the very unimaginative) derive any pleasure from dwelling in such a world. Don't be in too much of a hurry to understand what's really going on around you now. Just look for the possibility that there may be more to it than meets the eye. The hidden portion contains a positive promise for your future well-being. Yes it does.
The time has come to do your sums. Either somebody is trying to take advantage of you or you’re trying to convince yourself that something is worthwhile when, deep down, you have questions yourself. This is particularly the case if there’s pressure of any kind to commit before them have been adequately answered.
When it comes to life’s problems, large and small, your philosophy is to do the minimum. Then, if things get worse, you can always do more. But that hasn’t worked recently, which means you’re contending with both difficult problems and misunderstandings with others. Worse, certain individuals are turning mere dilemmas into dramas. All of this is forcing you to confront vital facts you’ve been ducking. Some involve obligations, others cash, a few individuals who you care about ? but who you haven’t treated accordingly. During the week’s second half a combination of amazing discussions and equally amazing circumstances enable you to clear most of this up.
What seems like an innocent remark or a promise made in haste could not only cause you problems, others could take you far more seriously than you imagined. While you can’t avoid speaking to anybody, you can be thoughtful about what you say, particularly when it comes to your role in certain ventures or relationships.
What seems like an innocent remark or a promise made in haste could not only cause you problems, others could take you far more seriously than you imagined.
What seems like an innocent remark or a promise made in haste could not only cause you problems, others could take you far more seriously than you imagined.
This really does seem to be a week of two halves. On Monday the enthusiasm of others could be infectious. This though is probably not the time to take risks. Indeed, just how much effort will be required to make a plan work could leave you feeling physically 'blue' and financially a little shell-shocked. It may be necessary to apply financial brakes on Wednesday - or at least to be aware that speculative tendencies have the potential to create mayhem in your world. Yet there may be promising news on the horizon. A partnership may be working out better than you'd hoped and a little stability could be around the corner. Perhaps more important than all this could be the opportunity to touch base with long-term friends on Friday and over the weekend. It may be that you're all together for a reason. The history between you seems very important - an excuse to celebrate too?!
Pluto arrived in one of your finance zones at the end of January. By now you may have received a first short rap on the financial knuckles (you're not only: Ben Barnanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve is born under your sign and just think of the money headaches he's having!). The legendary Sagittarian optimism is being tested! - and could be even further at the start of this month. True, this probably simply means that you need to reorganise. It would be wise to do so - especially mid-month when it might also be possible to achieve that aim. Later in the year you might not fare so well. Dealing with credit issues and shoring up savings would be wise - and preferably before 21st. For a few days after that you may find that colleagues and partners are pulling in different directions. A strategic meeting where you agree to do things differently may be necessary on Monday 28th.
4月14日の占い↓ Others could find you hard to pin down. They might also find you inscrutable. It's probable that this is a mask you've chosen. You may not want to declare your position exactly until you know all the facts. A companion may have been working away behind the scenes - and could surprise you with arrangements they've made on your behalf.
There's plenty of favorable cosmic energy for you this week, so don't bother trying to blame the planets if things aren't going the way you want them to in the romance department. In general, you're blessed with a great amount of confidence and strength right now, thus helping you move forward in a positive romantic direction. This is your week to draw back your bowstring and let your arrow go. Just be mindful of your target, because you'll be making an extremely strong impact on whatever you shoot for. In general, your focus is fuzzy on Tuesday, so it's best not to make any major romantic decisions during this time. On Wednesday your mental clarity is better and you'll get important clues about how to manifest your dreams in the marriage and partnership realm. Over the weekend practice your listening skills and you'll go far. When you wake up on Sunday morning, the Sun will be shining on your heart. You've hit the bull's-eye.
Charity, they say, begins at home. Clarity, though, begins anywhere. At any time. It merely requires a little willingness to stop, reflect and learn. You are entertaining an ambitious idea. There's nothing wrong with that, provided you recognise how ambitious it is. A part of you is of the opinion that it may not be especially difficult. To some extent, you have to fool yourself in this way. If you face the reality too fully, you may talk yourself out of something that needs to happen. Proceed... but pace yourself.
In a moment of misplaced enthusiasm you made an overly optimistic commitment. Now you realise that, however hard you try, plans can’t proceed as first organised. Yet you’re still trying to make things work. Not only is this a waste of your time, it could prevent you taking advantage of the extraordinary opportunities that appear later this week.
Others need information (which you have). You might be seen as a guru figure and have ideas and plans thrust at you for comment. Midst all this, you may have something key to say too. Finances may be involved. You might also be considering long-range planning - and could even drop a hint about where and how you'd like to live: which could amaze someone close.
Your imagination is impressive today, even considering how wild your thoughts tend to be. You might even make yourself laugh out loud when you concoct an amazing new idea. You have a gift for words today in a Dr. Seuss sort of way. You create new words that capture others’ imagination by generating word pictures. This makes you a wonderful storyteller for small children. You’re very entertaining most of the day. Even adults are amused. As it turns out, your wild and crazy idea actually has merit and might turn into something.
Meter reading: 8 You can accomplish so much by stepping aside and allowing others to bask in the limelight. You really don’t need a lot of ‘tending’ or attention this week, but someone you care about does. Focus on him or her. Make sure that this individual gets all the attention and praise that he or she desires. Privacy is very appealing to you right now. You can accomplish so much without others flocking around you, asking repetitive questions. Stay in the background and do whatever you can to bolster another’s confidence.
Daily Horoscope: For April 15: You focus mostly on getting things done. You take your responsibilities seriously anyway, but seem even more intent on finishing what you’ve started today. You also exhibit great compassion for others who work as hard as you do. Not surprisingly, your efforts produce pretty substantial rewards today. You begin to enjoy tangible benefits all because of the planning and hard work you’ve done. You may be honored ? or at the very least, complimented ? for your work. Whether you’re the world’s most dedicated volunteer or a perfectionist at your trade, your skills will not go unnoticed. あなたは何かを終わらせようとしています。 あなたは自分の責任を重大に感じていて、あなたが今日始めたことを終わらせるつもりのようです。 さらに、あなたはあなたと同じぐらい一生懸命働いている誰かに同情の思いを持っていることを明らかにします。 あなたは自分の仕事と計画の成果が見え始めたことを楽しみだすようです。 あなたはあなたの仕事にたいして、名誉や賞賛を勝ち取るでしょう。 あなたが世界で最も熱心なボランティアであっても、完全主義者の商売人であっても、あなたの才能が(天から)無視されることはないでしょう。
What begin as seemingly minor disagreements could prove to be hugely informative, but just how won’t necessarily be clear right away. This may mean it’s up to you to be alert to the clues that could lead to these remarkable insights. Still, what you learn as a result more than justifies whatever patience is required.
Don't be afraid of what's happening. Don't try to understand it, analyse it, get to the root of it or vanquish it with the sheer power of your intelligence. Accept, if only for a moment, the notion that a certain story is unfolding in a natural and necessary way. Go along with the idea. See where it leads you. Decide if you can manage to feel happy about it or not. If you really, truly want to reject the offer that's about to be made to you, you can. But it surely deserves an open-minded appraisal.
The last thing you’re in the mood to do is discuss certain exceedingly uncomfortable situations. It’s bad enough that you have to face these difficult issues on your own. Much as you’re dreading the idea of talking about them, support from one or two individuals wouldn’t just be helpful, their insights could make it all a lot easier.
They say, 'It's good to talk.' The truth of that, though, largely depends on who it is you happen to be talking to. Silence may not always be golden, but it is undoubtedly preferable to the wrong sort of noises. Don't feel obliged to tell everyone what you now think and feel. You want to avoid holding an unnecessarily compromising conversation. Yet, if you are sensible and selective in your decision about who to talk to and what to say, you may identify an extremely constructive confidant.
People that know you well are familiar with your incredibly strong will. Outsiders, however, have no idea what they’re up against when they attempt to compete with you or invade your territory ? or even tell you what to do. Someone’s well-meaning advice can sound like bossy interference, switching you from easygoing pussycat one moment to hot angry magma the next. You have this thing about freedom and privacy. You’ll allow others to trample the distant perimeter of your territory until they take liberties and go too far. Once that happens, they have two choices: Be banished or become mincemeat. Your long stint with Pluto certainly changed you, didn’t it?
4/16 The planets may be playing an amazing musical chord that you tune into. Perhaps you already sense you've come to the end of a chapter and that you need to move forward in a new direction. Those of your sign are often described as 'Peter Pan'. You don't seem to age like others. Whatever you decide to do - probably with a partner - is likely to reinforce your willingness to do something new - even if that means uprooting.
4/17 Though there may still be unknowns to address, you might now feel you're moving forward at better pace. A travel opportunity might be just too good to miss. You may also have been captivated by the history of a place and already making plans to return. Helping someone close with the practicalities of work they have to finish by the weekend might need to take priority.
For April 17: Changes in your work or health routines are likely, starting today. You may decide that less is more in certain work, exercise or lifestyle choices ? or you may intensify what you’re already doing. It’s likely that you’ll experiment with extremes before you’re able to find the perfect balance. A financial matter may confuse you. Certain monies owed you may be delayed due to confusion or flat-out goof ups. While looking carefully at the way a person or group conducts business, you make choices about what you definitely don’t want to do. It appears that you’ll have a decision to make today about taking on an additional responsibility. If it pays well enough, chances are you’ll say ‘yes.’ 今日から、健康か仕事のサイクルが変わりだします。 あなたのうちの何人かは、仕事や運動、ライフスタイルの選択に”もっと少なくても十分足りてる”と決意するかもしれませんし、もっとやらないと足りてないと思うかもしれません。 誰でも完璧なバランスを見つける前に一度はやりすぎてしまうことがあります。別件で?財政の問題があなたを混乱させるでしょう。 混乱か誰かの大失敗のせいで、あなたのお金の到着が遅れるでしょう。 あなたは誰かあるいはあるグループの仕事のやり方をみて、絶対にしたくないような行動をするしかないかもと思います。 あなたは今日もうちょっとあなたの責任(仕事)を増やすかどうか決断を迫られます。もしも、その仕事が十分な報酬をもたらすのなら”YES”といってもいいでしょう。
Daily Horoscope: Weekend Update: You manage to figure out a very workable solution in a financial or career dilemma ・and you do so without breaking a sweat or shedding a tear. By listening closely and being cooperative on Friday, you proactively help resolve a situation. Without your intervention, this matter could have spun out of control. On Saturday, you continue your quest for answers and increased productivity. You池e more energetic and disciplined and accomplish a number of goals in record time. You make a point to enjoy the duties you participate in. This makes the entire process seem less like work and more like something fun that you chose to do. A Full Moon on Sunday may set loose a few recurring dreams. Try to remember your dreams on Saturday, Sunday and Monday night. Program yourself to recall your dreams just before you nod off. It doesn稚 always work, but often does. The power of suggestion is a mighty thing. You also engage in talks that could prove to be lucrative and mutually beneficial for you, your friends and family. Just open the discussion and explore the possibilities.
Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think that you may be a fool... than to open it and leave them in no doubt! Don't say more than you should today. Don't feel obliged to prove a point or to explain the same idea until you are blue in the face. There is a reason why someone isn't listening. There is something that they really do not want to hear. Perhaps they do not need to hear it. Perhaps it is better all round if they continue to see the world from another point of view.
Each passing day takes us closer to a powerful opposition. Mars, planet of determination and force, now stands opposite Jupiter, which, of course, is the ruler of your sign. Whatever Jupiter may mean to the rest of the world, to you it symbolises your sense of identity. You are a 'Jupterian being', currently being challenged by a Martian situation. You are in the midst of a battle. You do not intend to be beaten - and you will not be. Whether victory will prove worth the effort or not is another matter.
Ordinarily you’d be the first to embrace exciting new ideas. But between recent obstacles and the energy you’ve invested in reorganising plans, you’re in no mood to welcome even seemingly worthwhile changes. Still, explore these. Once you know more you’ll realise that whatever the effort required, it’ll be more than justified by the results. 通常、最初に刺激的な新しい考えを支持するでしょう。 しかし、最近の障害と、計画を再編成する際に投資したエネルギーの間で、あなたは外観上価値がある変化さえ歓迎する気分ではありません。 それでも、これらを調査してください。一旦、あなたをもっと知っていれば、努力が何を要求しても結果によって正当化された以上にそれがそうだろうということを理解するでしょう。
For a while now you’ve been juggling a tricky combination of financial obligations and pressing business or practical commitments. At times it’s been easy but just as often you’ve struggled. Now, because of a sudden change in circumstances, you’re repaid for all those efforts, and far more spectacularly than you’d have imagined possible.
Career Meter reading: 8 April 14-20: You’ll earn every dime you make now. This is a sweat and blood week that demands plenty, but pays off handsomely. You’ll hesitate to say ‘no’ to new accounts or jobs, simply because finances are rather tight for many of you. You’re willing to put other aspects of your life on hold in order to secure more money ? and you will. A long-awaited opportunity is likely to finally materialize either over the weekend or early next week. This week’s touchstones: Pietersite, Onyx.
When we're peckish, we tend to be fussy. When we're starving, a crust is a feast. When our throat is dry, we'll seek out a favourite drink. When it's parched, though, nothing tastes as good as simple water. The current opposition from Mars to your ruler is offering something much better than what you think you want. It's offering you what you need. You think that sounds like a poor second? That's because you don't yet fully realise what you need and how much you need it. But you'll soon see.
Even the most solid of relationships have their ups and downs. You seem to be experiencing both at the same time. While there are thrilling developments in the air, one or two issues remain frustratingly unresolved. Forcing these would only make things worse. Be patient and you’ll both learn from them and resolve them for good.
You’re being encouraged by those whose knowledge you respect to tackle and resolve certain tricky business or financial issues swiftly. However, that could cost you big time. Knowing that, begin discussions about a possible solution, but take it at a slow enough pace that you’re able to shift the balance so it’s more favourable to you.
Ordinarily, you make decisions easily. But now you’re wary of committing. True, arrangements could improve your career, do wonders for your finances and even eliminate worrying obligations or health issues. But it’s the extent of the commitment involved that’s worrying. Every Sagittarius has a freedom-loving streak, and you’re getting about what’s involved. Yet, perhaps it’s time you took advantage of the influence of canny Saturn high in the midheaven angle of your chart, which is about focus and achievement. What you gain from embracing, rather than fleeing, these commitments could transform your thinking as much as it does your life.
Love Meter reading: 8 April 21-27: The more you put into a relationship, the more you’ll get out of it. As obvious as this sounds, you sometimes get so involved in other things that you need a little reminder. Midweek may test a key relationship. Arguments or misunderstandings could cause a temporary fracture in another’s trust level. By the weekend, it appears that all will be on the mend again. In fact, your weekend looks very playful and enjoyable. This week’s touchstones: Fire Opal, Citrine. ある関係にあなた(の時間?)を注ぎ込むほど、あなたはより多くのものを得ます。 これは当たり前のようにきこえますが、あなたは時々人間関係以外のものに注意が必要なほどのめりこみます。 週の中ごろ重要な関係が試されます。議論か誤解が他の人の信頼を一時的に壊します。 週末までに全ては元通りになるでしょう。実際週末は楽しいものになりそうです。
Career Meter reading: 8 April 21-27: Your reliability and reputation for excellence make you the first choice of decision-makers this week. Your body of work puts you in good standing and separates you from a teeming herd of contenders. You might have some infighting or squabbles among friends, family members or colleagues midweek, but are likely to resolve differences and be able to get the emphasis back onto production and goals on or before the weekend. This week’s touchstones: Charoite, Ammonite. 今週あなたの信頼性と優れているという評判があなたを意思決定者の最有力候補(第一人者?)にします。 あなたの仕事の中身があなたのすぐれた立場を明らかにし、議論好きの(馬鹿の?)群れからあなたを区別させます。 あなたは週の中ごろ、家族、友人、親戚などとの喧嘩か口論に巻き込まれるかもしれません。 しかし、意見の違いは解決されるでしょうし、いつもの通りの仕事に戻るか最終目的に向かい続けるかすることができるでしょう。
You were rather hoping that somehow certain obligations that are as demanding as they are unfair would run their course without you having to confront others about them. But they’re actually getting worse. If you don’t speak up and address this now, the individuals involved will assume that you’re happy with things as they are.
Why do you feel as if you are running out of time? Breathe more deeply. Proceed more slowly. The more you give way to a sense of pressure, the less you will be able to make incisive and accurate judgements. Thus, the more you will drag out a process that could otherwise be concluded quite quickly. You have strong feelings about a particular situation. These powerful passions are creating confusion. Put them to one side. First, gain clarity. Then, trust your understanding and act on it wisely.
Hard work produces pretty impressive results today. Whether you’re testing yourself physically by training for an iron man competition, or mentally by working on your thesis or resume, today gives you the guts and drive to persevere. For those of you going in for somewhat daunting medical tests, you’ll come through better than expected. Keep your attitude strong and positive and your body will follow. You reaffirm what has significance, value and honor in your life. You may reshuffle your priorities one more time, paying closer attention to the people that mean the most to you. Later this evening, don’t hesitate to discuss your dreams and hopes with a close confidante who always understands and never judges.
Your sense of ambition is laudable, but your sense of timing is questionable. By all means strive to change an aspect of your lifestyle. You are right to feel that you don't have to settle for second-best. But can't some of this, at least, wait until tomorrow? Must it all happen right here, right now? Mars, as it now opposes Jupiter, causes you to feel apprehensive and defensive - especially in areas that involve economic and emotional security. But really, there's far less to worry about than you think.
This isn’t the first time others have questioned the wisdom of your pursuit of ideas that you regard as both exciting and potentially profitable. Waste time seeking out facts to convince those less visionary individuals your instincts are right and the moment could pass. Get involved and events will testify just how right you were.
A standoff is finally resolved. It’s hard to pin down exactly what the tipping point actually was It may have been one person’s hard work and determination. It may have been an entire group’s determination to see a project or idea through. Or it might have been your own fixation on getting to the bottom of a problem. Instead of bumping into thick walls, you finally have clarity, resolution and a green light to go forward.
For April 23: In order to make real progress today, you must aggressively stick to a schedule and be territorial about your time, talent and priorities. If you don稚 protect your sanity or privacy, no one else will understand how crucial it is to you. A creative process could be enjoyable as long as you池e able to manage your time. If you lose track of time, you値l make things much harder for yourself. Financially, you may spend more money than you壇 planned to ・most likely for a good cause. You need to be a good manager today. In the process, you may offend some thin-skinned type, but only temporarily. 今日本当に物事を進めるには、計画にしがみつき、あなたの時間、才能、優先順位を守らなければなりません。 もしもあなたが自分の思想やプライバシーを守らなければ、それがあなたにどれだけ重要か他の人には理解できないでしょう。 創造的な過程はあなたが自分の時間をコントロールできる限りは楽しいものです。 時間のコースを外れてしまうと、物事は途端に厄介になります。 財政的に言えば、今日はあなたは予定よりもたくさんのお金を使ってしまうでしょうが、これは良い理由によるものです。 あなたには今日良いマネージャーが必要です。今日1日の間に批判に敏感なタイプのひとを怒らせてしまうかもしれませんが一時的なものです
Suppose, for one moment, that you really had nothing to worry about. Not a single problem that you couldn't satisfactorily solve. How interesting would your life be then? And how enjoyable? A little relaxation is comforting and pleasurable. A lot is simply dull. It's the same with tension. Right now, the cosmos is giving you a rare and wonderful chance to become wildly hyperactive. Enjoy it, and don't worry, it won't last forever, even if you want it to. Not enjoying it? Can't enjoy it? Then stop!
In order to make real progress today, you must aggressively stick to a schedule and be territorial about your time, talent and priorities. If you don’t protect your sanity or privacy, no one else will understand how crucial it is to you. A creative process could be enjoyable as long as you’re able to manage your time. If you lose track of time, you’ll make things much harder for yourself. Financially, you may spend more money than you’d planned to ? most likely for a good cause. You need to be a good manager today. In the process, you may offend some thin-skinned type, but only temporarily.
In accepting the rather exciting offers that have just come your way, you’re committing to something more than just a thrilling opportunity. You’re also committing to do things the way others want. While this may require more attention to detail than would be your inclination, it’s a small price to pay for what you get in return.
For April 24: This morning could include a spending spree. The extent of your spree depends on how much cash you致e got to spend. This morning also nails down an issue that has lingered (or malingered) long enough. You may have a choice to make or feel compelled to force an issue. Try not to work yourself into a snit over this. Later today, the whole thing will be settled in a pleasing, fair, amicable way, strongly suggesting that hotheaded behavior is a colossal waste of time and energy 今日の午前はお金のかかるひと悶着がありそうです。 騒動の大きさはあなたがどれだけのお金を使おうとしているのかによります。 今日の午前はさらに、あまりにも長く愚図ついていた あるいは引き伸ばされていた問題に釘付けになります。 あなたは この問題を片付けなければなりませんが、無理やり命令されるか、単に命令されるか選ぶことはできます。 この問題を片付けるに当たっていらいらしないでください。 今日の後半は、全ての物事が楽しく、公平で平和的に落ち着きそうです。 短気な行動は大いなる時間とエネルギーの無駄だったということになりそうです。
Crazy things keep happening. That's because this is a crazy world. Maybe the next world will be less crazy. Maybe it will be crazier still. Maybe we are all so crazy that we wouldn't recognise true sanity - even if it were to stare us in the face. There is no way that you can know whether what you are doing now is wise or ridiculous. It depends at what level you choose to view it from. If, though, you are open to the possibility that you may be making a mistake... you are probably doing the right thing!
Disheartening as difficulties with loved ones may be, this is your chance to clear up certain problems that won’t vanish of their own accord. You’ve been hoping that somehow you could make up for these. But the only thing that will put them to rest for good is a frank discussion accompanied by a heartfelt apology.
Daily Horoscope: Weekend Update: This weekend emphasizes security and finance, as well as character, values and goals. So it’s an important weekend for you. You learn a lot about yourself and others, and for the most part, it’s really great stuff . Friday brings encouragement and artistic inspiration to those of you who are creative. You might have a minor speed bump to negotiate early in the morning, but quickly move into a smoother, easier vibe by mid morning. Things continue to go your way during the afternoon and evening, too. Saturday is gratifying and productive. You work hard and play hard, producing excellent results. Sunday begins on a disciplined note. You might overdo a few things and have the aches, pains and bruises to prove it. Slow down and take things slightly easier. You really come into your element later Sunday. You’re among friends and family and feel really good about the circumstances surrounding you. Life feels pretty great by Sunday evening. 週末:今週末のテーマは、安全、財産、個性、価値、目標といった感じです。 今週はあなたにとって重要です。あなたは自分と他人の多くの面について多くのことを学びました。本当にたくさんのことを。 金曜日に励まされる出来事があり、創造的なあなたに芸術的なインスピレーションが働く人もいるでしょう。 朝早いうちは緩いスピードで衝突するようなことがあるかもしれませんが、午前の中ごろからは滑らかで簡単な調子になります。 午後と夜、物事はあなた好みの展開をするでしょう。土曜日はうれしく、生産的です。 たくさん働き、たくさん遊び、良い結果がでるでしょう。日曜は規律でがんじがらめかもしれません。 あなたはいくつかのことをやりすぎ、それを証明するために痛みや怪我を伴うかもしれません。もっとゆっくり、気楽にやりましょう。 日曜の遅くにあなたはあなたのやり方を思い出します。あなたは友達や家族に囲まれ、自分の周りの環境が幸せだと思います。 日曜の晩までには人生はよい感じになっているでしょう
The obvious. Overlook it at your peril. The horizon. Keep an eye on it, no matter how much matters closer to hand are demanding your attention. Simplicity. Don't ignore it, just because complications seem so much more fascinating. Watch, this weekend, for distractions that sap your strength and bring you little of value. You know what matters. You know what you ought to put first. Of course it's easy to get caught up in a sea of silliness. But if you steer a straight course, you won't regret it.
You’ve no fear of standing up to those you disagree with. However, you’re about to make the mistake of confronting them without fully explaining what’s upset you and why. It may be obvious to you. But if you’re to achieve anything, you’re going to have to give them a far more detailed version of your objections.
Less is more. You don't really need to add anything to your life at the moment; you need to take something away. A process of reduction, if not deduction, should help you simplify a matter that has become unnecessarily complicated. If you're having to think hard about the rights and wrongs of a particular matter, you are giving them more attention than you need to. You suspect that a certain person is making a situation seem hard to understand for reasons of their own. Don't be cross, but don't be bamboozled either.
Obviously you’re thrilled with situations that promise financial reward. But there’s a difference between showing interest and actually securing those arrangements. Others are far more demanding when it comes to details than you are. Consequently, if things are to go to the next stage, you must learn what’s expected and do it exactly.
Love Meter reading: 9 April 28-May 4: You’re feeling lusty and more desirous of pleasure this week. Chances are, you’ll get what you’re looking for ? and then some! Things should get unusually tasty on Thursday and Friday. If you’re lusting after a coworker, you get a head start by superheating your libido on Wednesday ? you minx! Anyway, after all the swamp gas you’ve had to walk through, you’re entitled to a major romantic tryst to end all trysts ? so bring it on! The weekend starts something rather fascinating (understatement!) because a number of you might trade up a shriveled, tired out partner for a juicy, sweet one. This week’s touchstones: Carnelian, Fluorite. あなたは今週元気で、もっと喜びをほしがるでしょう。ありそうなのは、あなたはあなたの求めていたものとちょっとしたおまけを手に入れるということです。 物事は木曜と金曜にいつもと違った面白さで動きそうです。 もしもあなたが同僚が欲しいと思っているなら、あなたは水曜日に性衝動が高まって良い口実を得るでしょう。この淫乱め。 どっちにしろ、通らなければならない泥沼の瘴気をぬけて、あなたは一世一代の逢引のチャンスを手に入れ、もう他の逢引はいらなくなるでしょう。 だから続けていください。今週末はすばらしい始まりをするようです(控えめにいっても)。 というのは、あなたはくたびれ果ててしおれた伴侶を下取りにだして新しくて甘いのを手に入れるからです。
Career Meter reading: 9 April 28-May 4: Your hard work produces excellent monetary results this week. By meeting or exceeding others’ standards and timetables, you prove your value again and again, and are rewarded for your effort. Anticipate good financial news, maybe even a windfall you hadn’t expected. A shift in your business alliances may occur. One group may drop off the vine and an even better one may take its place. Changes that occur this week can enhance your financial security. This week’s touchstones: Emerald, Blue Sapphire あなたの厳しい労働が今週すばらしい報酬になるようです。他の人間の基準を飛びぬけ、他の人の都合に間に合わせて、 あなたは自分の価値を何度も何度も証明してきましたし、努力の対価を受け取ってきました。 財政上の良いニュースを心配してください。あなたの予想してなかったタナボタもあるかもしれません。 あなたの仕事上の同盟が変わるでしょう。一つのグループが蔓をどけ、もっといい蔓(ツル)が変わりにやってくるでしょう。 今週起こる変化はあなたの財政上の安全性を増やしてくれます。
Be sure of yourself now. You have strength, experience and power. There is something you know how to do. There is a need to do it and there is an opportunity to do it as well. You are not subscribing to some grand notion by acknowledging the truth of the above. But you are kidding yourself if you think that you can just walk away from the challenge that lies before you. Someone has to sort out a certain mess. Who else is qualified? Trust your judgement and take your chance.
There’s a difference between exciting developments taking place, which they are, and things proceeding without a hitch ? which the current planetary set up suggests is highly unlikely. With so much going so well, you’ve assumed you’re in a worry-free cycle. However, not only is such optimism misplaced, you ignore seemingly minor dilemmas at your peril. Insignificant as what’s involved seems now, within days situations could blossom into more obstructive problems. Ironically, tackling these and other minor issues won’t just profitably resolve what’s on your mind, they’ll lead to far more promising discussions. Invest time in these and you’ll end the week on a high.
Talks about a career-related financial matter should accomplish results today. There may be one time-sensitive sticking point, but aside from that detail, everything else looks good. You now know that everything requires a certain amount of struggle. Nothing is just handed to you without a debate, some serious negotiating or some sort of test. So today’s small skirmish won’t be new or particularly impressive. How you handle it will determine your future with a particular group or individual.
Some books about 'How to become a millionaire' advise people to become big spenders. The idea behind this dangerous advice is that if you don't intensify your need for cash, you won't intensify your search for it. If the principle really does work, you must be well on your way to wealth now! What you need now is an additional source of income. Failing that, you need a way to make what you've got go further. The good news is that you are in with a chance of getting one of those two!
It’s unlike you to give up on something just because you’ve been facing difficulties. But the obstacles you’ve encountered recently undermined your confidence enough that, ever since, you’ve been wondering whether it’s worth continuing. It is. With a little more effort you’ll not only achieve your objectives, you’ll regain the assurance you’d lost.
Some uncertainty or confusion may erupt in a work matter. Finances are likely to be involved. Your understanding of the terms may be very different from what another has in mind. Clear things up before you get too embedded in a project or relationship. Make sure you understand what you’re getting into. It’s doubtful that all the answers will emerge today. In fact, today is better for generating ideas than deciding specific terms or formulating an action plan.
Theory and practice are two very different things. Sometimes, there's simply no substitute for experience. You may well decide now that there's no point in sitting around looking at the map a moment longer. The only way to get from A to B is to pick up your feet and start walking. Cast your caution to the winds. Put your money where your mouth is. Show the world that you mean business. The details of the route will sort themselves out if you just begin to move your feet.
You’ve a generous spirit, enough that you’ll think the best of others even when their behaviour indicates you should be wary. Now your willingness to overlook somebody’s misdeeds is paying off, and with interest. Having realised the problems they caused you, they’re doing all they can to show you that they’re truly sorry.
You worry about getting everything done, particularly this morning. You have crucial deadlines pending, but also have a couple personal matters to attend to. Then there are the things you’d really like to do. At this point, a day is still only 24 hours long, so you might have to move things around a bit. It’s doubtful that you’ll get everything accomplished today ? but very likely that you’ll get enough done to feel relatively ‘caught up’ or on schedule. Later this afternoon, you’re tempted to spend some cash on an affordable luxury, mostly to reward yourself for a job almost well done.
Artist. Blank canvas. Composer. Silence. Writer. Empty screen. We all have to start somewhere. Whether you are now engaged in a clearly creative process or just looking for an inventive way to improve your life, you have got a space in your world where there is pretty much nothing. You want to fill it with something. Does it need to be the right sort of something? Well, any kind of something is better than nothing. Be bold. Make a mark. Begin. As you gradually add more, it will all fit together perfectly.
Daily Horoscope: For May 1: Happy May Day! Career and financial issues look so good today. You can stop worrying because things are turning noticeably in your favor. You feel vibrant and more alive. You also feel that you池e finally getting a better grasp of things. Instead of feeling as if you池e barely keeping up, you actually feel yourself neck and neck with the undisputed winner. A little success and hope can carry you for miles and miles, Sagittarius. Today brightens your mood and reminds you how good you are at what you do メーデーおめでとう。仕事と財政問題は今日はとてもよく見えます。 物事がはっきりとあなたごのみの展開になりだして、心配事から開放されるでしょう。 あなたは元気で生きていると感じます。それから、あなたは物事がとうとうよく理解できたと感じるでしょう。 「もう、これ以上維持できない」ではなくて「ぎりぎりの接戦で勝った」と感じるでしょう。 ほんのちょっとした成功と希望があなたを何十マイルも走らせてしまうでしょう、射手座さん 今日はあなたの雰囲気が明るくなり、あなたとあなたのしてきたことがどんなに良かったか思い出させるでしょう。
Money matters have been very much on your mind, mostly because of recent worrying developments. It’s rare that such situations remedy themselves without considerable effort on your part, but that seems to be exactly what’s happening. Still, it isn’t all magic. You’ll have to respond swiftly and deal with all the necessary details.
Daily Horoscope: Weekend Update: More than anything else, you want freedom on Friday and Saturday. You’re bored to sobs with another’s negativity and whining and feel as if the walls are closing in on you. You’re also sick and tired of explaining the same stupid stuff over and over again. You need a break, Sagittarius! A change of scene ? and maybe a change in the company you keep ? would do you good. At times, you feel like twirling around and telling a particularly annoying negative personality to go dump on his or her therapist. Yes ? you’re way overdue for a geographical cure. Saturday night is better than most of the day, mostly because you feel less hassled and pestered by a negative nabob. It’d be different if the complaints were something you could change or fix, but you can’t do much about any of it ? and are so tired of being another’s psychic punching bag. Anyway, it’s time to seriously consider taking a trip to almost anywhere. If you’re on a budget (who isn’t?), you might think about visiting a friend who has the grace and dignity to leave you alone when you’re desperate for ‘alone’ time. This doesn’t have to be a dream trip ? just a much needed escape from tedium. Sunday is a GREAT day. You feel free as a bird and surrounded by upbeat energy instead of thick, gooey morass. Either you’re already on your way someplace or the whiner has left town. You feel as if a big dark cloud has lifted and it’s all bright sunshine and freedom. This is the way you like to live. You are, after all, a total freedom addict.
Sometimes, you just can't tell whether you are heading for disaster or whether you have a hit on your hands. The signs and signals are misleading. Only one thing is sure. If you do nothing, if you make no effort at all, you will get nowhere. Often too, the road to success starts out heading in the same direction as the road to failure. It will be some decision you reach along the way that makes the difference. In a delicate situation this weekend, all you can do is your best.
While you set high ambitions for yourself, you’re also flexible enough to recognise when you need to rethink your objectives. Not only would that be wise, judging by the current brilliant planetary set up, if you’re to take advantage of this cycle, you’d be well advised to consider aiming even higher than you are now.
Your Weekend: Wouldn't it be nice if only you could... Let's not complete that sentence. It's only going to tantalise you still further. Lots of things would be nice. Lots of things are desirable. Only a very few things, though, are essential. It's these that you need to give your time and energy to today. Some factors won't wait. Some arrangements must be made. Some details must be attended to. Some plans are crucial. The only way you'll ever be able to put a cherry on a certain cake is by baking it in the first place.
Life can’t be lived without habits. And ultimately you wouldn’t want to, because they streamline tasks that would otherwise be time-consuming, freeing you to focus on more changeable situations. But now you really must alter some of yours or face the possibility that, instead of making your life easier, they’re actually holding you back.
Happy moments with loved ones are precious, especially during a period that’s been persistently challenging. Others advised you to confront them about their influence of their actions. But you felt it would only make things worse. You were right, as you’re now learning from their exceedingly apologetic confessions and attempts to make up for lost time.
Easy-going as you can be, intimates know that in certain particularly tricky areas of your life, their suggestions or advice are unwelcome. Recently you’ve battled to impose order on these, and still struggle with them. Now events demand that you consider a top to bottom reorganisation. Resisting only wastes your time. Explore what’s arisen now. This both makes things easier and also frees you for the far more appealing cycle that begins late in the week, when ideas or offers that could broaden your horizons in wonderful ways appear from nowhere. While they’ll introduce yet more chaos, it’s of an extremely welcome variety.
Everything is coming to a head at once. Or so it seems. You feel overwhelmed, yet undermined; angry that nobody seems to appreciate how much you have on your plate and that, even when you try to stop to explain, they still keep piling more stuff on it. Though the factors now taking you so close to the end of your tether are real enough, they're not as important as you fear. As Jupiter alters direction in the sky this week, you will soon start to see the lighter side of a seemingly heavy issue.
Initially you simply assumed that the problems you’ve been facing were minor mishaps and of no concern. But you’re now beginning to recognise the pattern they’re forming, one that points to certain arrangements you’ve taken for granted as being badly in need of updating. That won’t be easy. But it’s easier than facing on-going problems.
Meter reading: 8 May 5-11: You find ways to assist the one you love. Instead of talking about your feelings, you demonstrate just how much you adore someone. Physical proof and measureable results replace flowery speech and promises of undying love. This week is perfect for living your passion instead of merely talking about it. This week’s touchstones: Mother of Pearl, Strawberry Obsidian.
Meter reading: 8 May 5-11: You’re ultra productive and meet or exceed another’s expectations. In a very short period of time, you knock out chores, deadlines and unfinished business, and appear to have a pretty good time doing it. Jupiter (your ruling planet) goes retro until early September, reminding you to not shortchange yourself. You’re worth more than you think you are ? and don’t you forget it! Beware of colleagues, partners or potential collaborators that are in a mad rush to get your signature. Take your time and make SURE that an agreement serves your needs. This week’s touchstones: Hiddenite, Black Opal.
Daily Horoscope:For May 6: You focus mainly on friends and loved ones today. Everything pretty much revolves around them. You make yourself available to those that need you, and are able to forget about your own problems. You might feel a bit of a chill from one friend mid morning. This initially disturbs you, but not for long. You move on ・and so does your pal痴 moodiness. By late afternoon, you and your friends are bubbling with energy and great expectations あなたは今日、友人や愛する人に集中します。 ほとんど全てのことが友人や愛する人を中心に回るようです。 あなたは、彼らに自分を貸し出せる状態にして、自分自身の問題を忘れることができます。 午前の中ごろ、友達の誰かからちょっと冷たい視線を感じるかもしれません。これはあなたの作業を妨げますが、長くは続きません。 あなたは次の作業にうつり、あなたの友人の不機嫌も次の段階へ進みます。。 午後遅くまでに、あなたとあなたの友達は エネルギーに満ち、すごい見込みについて活発に語り合っているでしょう。
You’re in luck this month. Partners, sidekicks and pals rally around you and support you in incalculable ways. Relationships improve, and so does your mood and vision of the future. You know that you can count on others. Simply knowing this makes it a whole lot easier to accept additional assignments and consider expanding what you’re already doing. Saturn’s direct turn on the 2nd bolsters your reputation as a can-do hard worker. A New Moon in your employment and health sector occurs on the 5th, signaling new ways to manage your time, get things done and turn work or fitness into something slightly more enjoyable. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, goes retro on the 9th until early September. This suggests that the jury is still out regarding how cost effective an investment or alliance actually is. Overall, things should really begin moving forward, despite a question mark about cost effectiveness. Luckily for you, others see you as part of a new strategy that can draw positive attention and marketing opportunities. Mars moves into Leo on the 9th, making new contract negotiations likely. Some travel may be necessary in order to secure a relationship.
A Full Moon on the 19th may pile a few more duties onto your workload. You also can see positive results from previous efforts made and are gratified by others’ enthused responses. You also can see changes in your work environment. Some good friends or colleagues may leave in order to pursue other opportunities. On the 20th, temporary confusion is quickly followed by plenty of assurance and commitment from friends, allies and collaborators. You feel very respected and secure, which only makes you work even harder to please others. A financial surprise, perhaps a windfall, may occur on or around the 21st. The 24th brings a new friend or partner your way ? someone you really enjoy and are motivated by. On the 26th, Mercury and Neptune go retro, suggesting that jumping to conclusions is for amateurs. Take your time before announcing a decision. Don’t allow others’ schedules to dictate how you time your decision. Mercury will only be retro for three weeks, but Neptune will remain retro until late November. This will activate your already astonishing imagination. This month’s touchstone: Citrine.
Today’s New Moon emphasizes your determination, follow-through and industriousness. Sound a bit overwhelming? You might actually surprise yourself with a blast of ambition. Your sense of timing is excellent as well. You time ‘chance meetings’ perfectly. You walk into a room at the ideal moment. You finish what you start. Later this evening, you might bow out of fun activities that others try to talk you into, but are so tempted to participate that you probably will. Really ? why fight it?
There are, say some people, very seriously, certain subjects that you just can't joke about. Whenever you create a taboo that's so intense, you give it an enormous amount of power. Humour punctures pomposity. It dispels anxiety. So we must ask what's just not funny in your life at the moment? If we can see something even remotely amusing or ironic in it, we can also begin to find the best way to go forward. More crucially, we can begin to see where forward actually is.
You learned long ago that when things go really wrong, it’s usually a sign that something new is coming. While you’re right to anticipate amazing opportunities around the time of the Sun’s brilliant aspect to your ruler Jupiter early next week, that doesn’t mean that you can simply ignore the problems that have just arisen.
Daily Horoscope: For May 7: You and a chatty pal talk like magpies today ・particularly this afternoon. Apparently,you致e got tons of stuff to catch up on and are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring each other up to date. A family member may have certain problems that upset or frustrate you, mostly because he or she refuses to acknowledge a problem. As difficult as it is, you need to take a breath and give this family member the freedom to make his or her choices. Later this evening, a comforting wave of acceptance washes over you and helps you relax. あなたとあなたの話友達はカササギのようにぎゃーぎゃー話すようです。特に午後に。 あなたたちには、明らかに知るべきことがたくさんありますし、お互いの今日までのことを知るのはスリルがあるでしょう。 家族の誰かがあなたを怒らせるか、苛つかせるようです。というのはその人物が問題を知るのを拒んでいるからです。 困難なことですが、息を大きくすって、その人物に選択の自由を与えてください。 晩遅くに、その人物が受け入れて?快適な波があなたにおしよせ、リラックスするのを助けてくれるでしょう。
If you can't discuss something, you can't hope to understand it. If you can't understand it, you can't work out whether it is functioning properly or not. Communication is essential now. For some reason though, you are reluctant to embark on a topic of conversation. Either you feel the topic is controversial or you think that there is no point in giving it any attention because you will be none the wiser, no matter how much energy you devote to it. If, though, you keep talking, you will gain a precious insight. You are now no longer reading your forecast. You are now reading an announcement. But don't stop!
Certain situations aren’t just unsettling, they’re asking you to review tense issues in otherwise mellow relationships. You’ve been ignoring these problems, either because you hadn’t realised they were that serious or you hoped they’d resolve themselves. They won’t. And just as important, the longer you wait, the more difficult they’ll become.
ケイナー 5/8 You are only one idea away from a stroke of genius. You are only one piece of information from a brilliant insight. Things may seem very strange. You may feel you are in a position that defies all explanation. You don't really know how you got yourself into it. Far less, how you will be able to get out of it. One more smart development though, could totally transform your understanding and create great inspiration in an area of life where there is currently considerable consternation. あなたが今持っているアイデアは天才の一撃から一歩だけはなれたアイデアです。 あなたは輝かしい洞察のひとかけらです。 物事がとても奇妙にみえるでしょう。すべての理屈(説明)をはねつける場所にいます。 どうやって、このような場所にきたのかわかりませんし、この場所からどうでればいいのかはもっとわかりません。 もう一つだけ何かすばらしい発展があれば、あなたの理解は完全に一変し、今のところひどく狼狽するしかないある人生の領域に 偉大なインスピレーションを生み出せるでしょう。
Daily Horoscope: For May 8: Finances and the distribution of power play starring roles today. You may have some concerns about what’s fair and what’s being handled correctly or not. Trying to get straight answers to direct questions about these matters might be very tiring or frustrating this morning ? so don’t bother. Later this afternoon, most issues turn out to be easily solved non-issues. You become very productive and efficient the later it gets. 財政と力の分配が今日の主役となります。 あなたは 公平とはなにか 何が正しく扱われてるのかいないのか といったことにちょっとした関心がありますが、 こういった問題に直接的な質問をすることは、今日の午前中ひどく疲れる事態を呼ぶか、いらつかせます。だから悩まないでください。 午後の後半、大半の問題は簡単に解決されて問題なくなるでしょう。 午後遅くなればなるほど生産的になり効率がまします。
The last thing you want is to be faced with a range of problems from the past. But with your ruler Mercury going retrograde, that’s bound to happen. While some of these may be of little importance, others have the potential to be a serious nuisance, as you’ll realise once you delve into them more deeply.
ケイナー5/9 You know more than you think. Not only have you read, heard, absorbed and understood more than you realise, but you have your inherited memory to draw on. There are some things all human beings know, instinctively, if they stop long enough to listen to their inner voice. Your intuition is good. Your feeling can be trusted and the smattering of knowledge you have picked up, is not as patchy as you imagine. As you will discover if you respond to this weekend's opportunity confidently enough. あなたはあなたが考えているよりも知っています。あなたが読み、聞き、吸収し、理解したものはあなたが体得したものより多いですが しかし、あなたは頼りにできる遺伝子の記憶?を受け継いでいるのです。 人間には直感的にしっていることがあります。あなたが体内からの声に耳を澄ませば、あなたの直感は研ぎ澄まされます。 あなたの感覚は信頼されるべきだし、あなたが拾い集めている情報はあなたが思っているほどつぎはぎだらけのものではありません。 今週の機会に自信を持って答えれば そのことがよくわかるでしょう。
Your Weekend: Recent events have taken you close to a source of comfort. Perhaps even, ironically, uncomfortably close. Sometimes, we like our dreams better when they remain dreams. There's something unnerving about seeing them actually start to come true. This is often the case when we don't feel ready for such a change. You've understood now how something could become possible. For this to be worthwhile, you now must go through a preparation process. But eventually, this will allow you to fulfil an aspiration that you ARE sure you want to pursue.
Analysing columns of numbers or reviewing how you’ve employed your time may seem a waste of effort. However, judging by the planetary activity accenting this part of your chart, once you do, what you learn won’t just surprise you, it will provide answers for problems that have been as persistent as they’ve been perplexing.
When you first offered to give others a hand, you imagined the arrangement would be temporary, and last only as long as their need did. You’re now realising that they’re not only happy with your assistance, they’re expecting it to continue. Since it’s highly unlikely they’ll call a halt to this, it’s up to you.
On Friday, your ruling planet Jupiter goes retro until early September. This changes your attitude and awareness in financial matters. Some of you may become thriftier, and take huge pride in getting the best deals. Some of you may head in the opposite direction and literally go for broke, purchasing high-end items and pushing the ‘excess’ button at every opportunity. All of you will question what has value and what is worth your time, participation and energy. You’ll release old dreams and fetishes that no longer serve a purpose, and quickly replace them with something more current and viable for right now. Your definition of comfort and wealth may also shift, influencing a number of you to opt for simplicity as opposed to gilded age splendor. Your favorite color, food and music may also take a sharp turn away from the usual. More travel is all but guaranteed, even if you have nothing planned at the moment. That could change in an instant, especially between now and July 1. Go ahead and say ‘yes’ to spontaneous adventures.
On Saturday, a wonderful friend makes a very tempting proposition that may involve travel. You should go instead of making lists of excuses why you can’t. Just go and savor the experience.
Mother’s Day is very talkative! You hear all kinds of information and updates. Everyone has a story to tell. Short trips are likely as well as many long-winded, heavily embroidered tales. Although you might feel slightly pressed for time, you’ll enjoy yourself.
Your financial picture probably won't improve dramatically this week. It may, indeed, get worse before it gets better. But despite the tension, drama and insecurity that you are currently so conscious of, an improvement will come along surprisingly soon. The current sense of difficulty, despair or deprivation, is an important part of that process. It is helping you to let go of something that you have been hanging on to for the wrong reason. Once you have moved on, everything will get easier and happier.
Daily Horoscope: For May 12: You’re so ready for a fresh start in a work, exercise or creative project. You’re up for a challenge and are unlikely to run from anything that stretches you to the outer limits. Today brings extra confidence and the spirit of adventure. Instead of looking at a new assignment and feeling intimidated, you say, “Bring it on!” Your role in a career or status matter is changing again. You’re being positioned to function on a bigger stage, which is fine by you! Naturally, just about every new activity will translate into money in the bank and increasing self-respect. 創造的なプロジェクト、作業、仕事で新しいスタートをする準備ができています。 あなたは挑戦への準備が整い、あなたを限界へ歪める何者にも立ち向かうつもりです。 今日はより多くの確信と、冒険心を得るでしょう。 新しい契約をみて、怯えるのではなく、あなたは「やってやろうぜ」といいます。仕事や社会的地位におけるあなたの役割はまた変わりつつあるようです。 あなたはより大きな舞台で機能するように位置づけられ、それはあなたによいことです。 そして、自然に従えば、全ての新しい行動はあなたの銀行口座の残高と増えていく自信へつながるということです。
ケイナー 5/14 There's a limit to what you can do alone, but there's a lot you can accomplish as part of a team. You're in fine position to form, join or rejoin a partnership. Certain people need you as much as you need them. Reasons why, once, it may not have been appropriate to work together are no longer relevant. Forget the past and look at your chance to move forward. This involves compromise, but as long as it doesn't involve a sacrifice, you should embrace your opportunity with enthusiasm. 1人でできることには限界がありますが、チームの一部としてなら非常に多くのことができます。 あなたは組合を作る、参加する、再参加するのによい場所にいます。 ある人々は あなたがある人々を望んでいるのと同じぐらい あなたを必要としています。 かつて一緒に働くのが適切でなかった理由はすでに今日からは時代遅れになっています。 過去のことを忘れ、前に進むチャンスを見てください。 これには和解が必要になりますが、あなたが何も犠牲にする必要がないようであれば、あなたは幸運を喜べるはずです。
Daily Horoscope: For May 13: An assignment turns out to be just the beginning of a new project. This could develop into a continuing and lucrative endeavor for you. You値l certainly meet some interesting people because of it. You値l also have the opportunity to stretch your mental horizons and learn more about a subject that you致e never felt entirely comfy with. There will be a few touch-and-go moments when you either don稚 understand what a boss or authority figure wants from you, or you simply feel like rebelling. Before the night is over, however, you値l decide to be as sweet, civilized and polite as possible 契約が新しいプロジェクトの只の始まりに過ぎないと分かります。この進展は永続的で実りある冒険になりそうです。 あなたはこのことでちょっと面白い人々に会うでしょう。さらに、精神の地平線を広げ、今まで関わったら快適でいられないと思っていたことについてもっと学ぶ機会がきます あなたが反抗的だったり、どんなボスや権力者があなたを必要としてるのか理解してないせいで、きわどい瞬間がありそうです。 しかし、夜が終わる前に、あなたは紳士的で丁寧な対応をできる限りしようと決めます。
When things go wrong, you will analyse the problem and then put it firmly behind you. Consequently, you are rarely overwhelmed by feelings of guilt. The real sticking point is that somebody is refusing to let their resentment go. Until you talk this through with them, they will continue to raise feelings involving exactly the same provocative issues from the past.
14th Wed. Misunderstood directions can throw you off schedule, creating confusion at work. If medical problems arise,make sure you accurately describe the symptoms and double-check prescriptions.
ケイナー 5/14 Sometimes we do things we don't mean to do from some force of habit or in response to pressure. It can also be because, deep down, we're bottling up a feeling that needs to be expressed. Because we won't allow our emotions an outlet, they slip out anyway. We find ourselves going to a certain place or making a certain suggestion for no particular reason, when, actually, there's an all too particular reason. You're now finding out about a hidden agenda. Ultimately that's a priceless discovery 私たちは時々、やろうと思っていなかったことを習慣の力や圧力に対する反応として引き起こしてしまいます。 これはつまり、私たちは表現すべき感情を閉じ込めているためです。 感情が漏れるのを防ごうとしても、それは結局外にもれます。 私たちは何の理由もなくある場所へいったり、ある提案をしたりしていると思ってますが、それには理由があるのです。 あなたは今、隠されていた感情?を見つけ出そうとしています。それは掛け値なしに大事な発見です。
Daily Horoscope: For May 14: A continuing career versus personal drama may absorb a good portion of your morning. It’s not necessarily a negative situation ? just a time-consuming one. There is a good solution to a complicated problem. Over the months and years, you’ve wisely learned to not pile on problems. Instead, you do your best to address only one or two at a time. This works well for you. Piling on would overwhelm and defeat you. By keeping things as basic and simple as possible this morning, you emerge relatively unscathed, and most likely, far better prepared for upcoming events. 仕事の経歴と個人的なドラマの衝突に午前の相当な部分を使わされてしまいそうです。 悪い状況というわけではなく、ただ時間を食うということです。複雑な問題にも良い解決方法はありえます。 過去の何年、何月にもわたって、あなたは問題を積み重ねていく愚を学びました。 代わりに、あなたは一度に一つか二つの問題解決に全力をつくします。これはあなたにぴったりのやり方です。 問題を積み重ねたらあなたは圧倒され、敗北するでしょう。午前中は物事を簡単シンプルに保ってください。 あなたは これから起こるイベントに対して、とてもよく準備できていて、比較的傷の少ない存在として浮かび上がるでしょう。
Certain cautious souls are encouraging you to be careful about the ideas or offers you are exploring. You, on the other hand, are confident that things are just as good as they seem. Still, there is nothing wrong with asking a few questions. It will relieve others・anxieties and help when you take plans to the next stage
15th Th. Your popularity goes up a notch, and prospects are good for friendship. Out-of-town visitors or the prospect of visiting distant friends gives you something to be enthusiastic about.
There is a reason why something isn't happening. But what is that reason? When people don't want to do something, they usually give one excuse to the people around them, whilst deep down inside they have a second, different explanation. Often, they don't even realise they are doing this. That second, secret story, though, is the one that is truly driving them. They may feel that it is too silly to share. But if there is ever to be true progress, that's the one that must be addressed.
16th Fri. Yesterday’s social emphasis continues, and now that the weekend is upon you, you’ll have more opportunities to take advantage of it. Just don’t give your budget short shrift.
Daily Horoscope: Weekend Update: You’re in the mood to listen, learn and understand on Friday morning and afternoon. Instead of dominating a conversation or providing the entertainment, you’re more inclined to sit back and take it all in. You enjoy giving another center stage and are eager to hear about his or her latest intrigue or adventures. The best part of your day will be the morning and afternoon. Chances are pretty good that you’ll take a laidback approach to Friday evening activities, too. And besides, it’s time to give others a shot in the klieg lights. Saturday cranks up your intuition and imagination. You’re kind of visionary, when you allow yourself to be. So much of the time, you’re distracted by work, family issues and daily routines that you tend to ignore your sixth sense. Saturday makes it nearly impossible to ignore, however. You sense something and then it occurs, almost exactly the way you imagined it. Later Saturday, avoid topics that nearly always lead to arguments or bitterness. If someone brings up one of these volatile topics (and it’s a cinch he or she will), just nod and listen without getting sucked into the maelstrom. It’ll stop before you know it. Sunday is great for doing home and family oriented things. Love intensifies and being with close friends and loved ones is a mood elevator. Don’t just sit around the house alone. Spend time with your favorite people.
Your Weekend: Intriguing ideas are beginning to enter your mind. For some reason, though, you feel inclined to approach these cautiously. You tend to file these in the mental drawer marked 'fascinating thoughts' rather than pop them into your inner action tray. But some of these ideas are so strong (and worth pursuing) that they will effectively grow legs and climb out of whatever bin you try to bury them in. Don't assume, just because something seems awkward that there isn't something very wonderful about it.
Now that you’ve accommodated yourself to the idea that certain plans you worked hard to organise simply can’t proceed as you’d envisioned, you feel strangely free. Not only that, this has given you a chance to explore new ideas that, had previous arrangements remained in place, you would have been completely unable to pursue.
17th Sat. Projects aimed at beautifying your home will give you a sense of accomplishment and maybe inspire you to invite people over for a celebration. Today there really is no place quite like home.
17th Sat. Projects aimed at beautifying your home will give you a sense of accomplishment and maybe inspire you to invite people over for a celebration. Today there really is no place quite like home.
Even the best of opportunities come at a price. In the case of those you’re now exploring, the cost involves facing up to emotional issues you’ve been doing all you can to avoid. Much as you dread discussing these, once you’re actually talking them over, you’ll wonder why you felt so anxious about even mentioning them.
18th Sun. A delightful trend spells romantic or financial success, or both. Don’t let an opportunity slip by to promote your dreams. It’s a great day to buy yourself something you’ve had your eye on.
Daily Horoscope: For May 19: Your best work is done behind the scenes today. You don’t need any distractions or interruptions. You need lots of privacy and all the essential tools to accomplish a time-sensitive goal. You may hear some work-related news that is more of a heads-up than a definite announcement. Certain facts are still up in the air, leading you to question the stability of a work or financial situation. Some of you may quietly begin searching for alternatives, just to be on the safe side. On another note, a health issue that affects you or someone close to you may require further attention. あなたの最高の仕事が今日は隠された場所でなされるようです。あなたには気晴らしも、中断も必要ありません。 あなたには、1人の時間が大量に必要で、また時間的に厳しいゴールを達成するための重要な道具が必要です。 あなたは仕事に関係したニュースをききますが、それは明確な告知というよりは只のお知らせです。 いくつかの真実は以前宙ぶらりんであり、あなたは仕事や財政問題の安定性を質問することになるでしょう。 あなたのうちの何人かは、静かに別の仕事を探し始めるかもしれません。あんぜんのために。 別のことですが、あなたかあなたの近くにいる人に影響を及ぼす健康の問題にも気を使わなければならないでしょう。
19th Mon. The Full Moon could bring information to light that’s vital to an important objective, one that boosts your income, professional standing, or prestige. But it’s best to keep it under your hat for now.
A lady made the news recently because she had perfect recall. She could instantly bring back in total detail any moment of her life over the past three decades. The papers described her as suffering from a rare condition. When I read this, I raised an eyebrow. Suffering? Is that really the appropriate word? Probably though, it is. Such an ability would be a very mixed blessing. Be grateful for what you can't remember now. It could profit you greatly to forget about even more today.
20th Tu. Though you’re usually outspoken, it’s best now to play the diplomat and choose your words carefully. You will get more by giving it, or at least by giving the appearance of doing so.
Some memories now need to be buried. There is no point in dredging up the same old stuff, day after day. One or two recollections, though, deserve to be treasured. Go over a particular piece of ground, and you may discover something that still lies covered beneath it that you can most profitably unearth. How can you tell what to discard and what to hang on to? That's easy. If the recollection involves pain, put it behind you. If it triggers a sense of pleasure, see what more can be learned from it.
You could hit upon a great moneymaking idea. Fresh possibilities are worth exploring. Those hoping to move or purchase a home could finally get the green light. You feel freer to act.
Preferring to think the best of others, you’ve turned a blind eye to the questionable manoeuvres of certain individuals. However, their actions have already cost you or those you’re close to, and so you simply can’t afford to ignore their on-going antics. Consequently, when Tuesday’s Full Moon brings further problems to light, you’ve realise you must address issues, confronting the individual in question openly. Their responses are unlikely to be convincing, which begins a lengthy process, of both discussion with them and your own search for the facts. Challenging as this is, once you’re finally sure what’s what, it will be a huge relief.
What do you need to forget? What do you need to remember? That's the trouble with lists! They may well help to keep us organised - but sometimes they just tie us to the past. We say to ourselves, 'this needs doing'. Then we set out to do it, just so that we can have the satisfaction of crossing it off our list. Meanwhile, something else happens. This new development makes us wish we had never put the old idea on our list. But by then it is too late. Amnesia may work in your favour now.
While others will do as they’re told, following rules or regulations to the letter, you’ve a knack for finding a way around such restrictions. Still, it’s worth doing some exploring. You may still decide to ignore them. But what you learn about the circumstances in question could cast your intentions in a completely unanticipated light.
We set ourselves goals and targets. We feel great when we reach them and bad when we don't achieve exactly what we expected to. All that would be appropriate, if only we truly knew what we wanted... or needed. But we have no idea. Or rather, we have an idea but it is not the right idea! Things are turning out rather oddly this weekend. You have your opinions about what this means. Let a little more time pass. You will soon be reassured with what you now view as suspicious.
You get plenty of support from close friends, loved ones and partners on Friday. Things are discussed, resolved and a new level of understanding is reached. In a way, you feel a personal renaissance occurring. A lifestyle or relationship that may have grown stale certainly freshens up this weekend -- and how! You and your closest pal or companion generously decide to do something that helps others.
You’re not suspicious by nature. Yet you can’t help but feel that one person in particular is concealing important facts. Obviously questioning them directly is unlikely to achieve much. Once Mercury goes retrograde early next week, however, surprise developments and minor errors could expose exactly the facts they’re currently doing all they can to keep under wraps.
Your Weekend: Slowly, the light of understanding is beginning to shine through the gloom of confusion. You are piecing together a new view of an old situation. Each day brings an extra piece of news or an additional glimmer of insight. There's not yet enough illumination to navigate properly by, but you can certainly see the general direction to follow, in order to get closer to a very interesting shape. Proceed with caution, but proceed. There'll be more information and more clarity this weekend.
Few signs are more supportive of others than Sagittarians. You both encourage those who are eager to achieve in their endeavours and inspire those who need to overcome their doubts. Now, however, one particular individual has been merrily challenging you on your turf, and you can’t help but wonder if you’ve created a monster.
25th Sun. You will have more fun if you can avoid transportation, which may prove frustrating. If socializing, though it’s tempting to let down your guard ? don’t!
Now, however, you’re learning how they feel, since there’s one particular arrangement you’ve no intention of altering, no matter how much anybody tries to persuade you to.
By nature you’re not stubborn. And when others struggle with changes that you’re confident are in their best interests, you’re relieved you’re capable of being so flexible. Now, however, you’re learning how they feel, since there’s one particular arrangement you’ve no intention of altering, no matter how much anybody tries to persuade you to.
5/26 ケイナー Some do things by half-measures. They find it surprisingly easy to be detached and disinterested. They can take part in an activity without putting their entire heart and soul into it. They can even engage in a seemingly meaningful conversation without becoming passionate and emotional. There's a four-letter word for people like this. Dull! Don't apologise, this week, for the depth and breadth of your response to a particular situation. It is an indication of how special you are. 物事を中途半端にやるひとがいます。彼らは驚くほど簡単に無関心で距離を置いた態度をとれます。 彼らは、心と魂を傾けることなく 物事を処理できます。彼らは感情や情緒もなしに、意味のある会話をすることができます。 そういった人々にぴったりな4文字の言葉があります。さえない奴。 あなたがある状況にどれだけ入れ込んでいようと、そのことで誤ったりしないでください。それはあなたが特別な人であるという証拠です
26th Mon. If past problems between you and a partner may resurface, think of it as a chance to finally settle those issues. It’s a time to mend or renew ties.
Not only do you rather enjoy the cut and thrust of the current unruly cycle, you’re having fun exploring the options and new ideas that changes trigger. Ask questions, get involved, but steer clear of any commitments, even the vaguest. With Mercury retrograde from Monday, both past mistakes and more recent errors would complicate things. Even more significant is the uncompromising Pluto’s return to Sagittarius in mid-June. This forces you to examine what you’ve done since it departed your sign in late January. Knowing that, take advantage of this time to eliminate what’s worked, what hasn’t - and the facts you’ve been avoiding facing.