Dictionaries misleadingly suggest that most words have just a few different meanings. In reality, though, there are millions of different ways to interpret even the most simple sentence. Any thespian will confirm that it all boils down to nuance, tone and context. Plus, of course, expectation. Often, we fail to hear what someone is really saying because we are so caught up in what we think they are saying. Lately, there has been a big misunderstanding.
Maybe you are just overly-conscious of all that the past has put you through. You resent what seems to be a ridiculous situation. You fear a continuation of some ghastly drama or disappointing saga. Be wary of indulging too deeply in regret or self-pity. History cannot be rewritten, but the future is an open book. You must, though, make a conscious effort to write something hopeful on its pages or by default, the old tale will carry on being automatically told. Look ahead with hope.
Superman has X-ray vision. He can see right through people - even through walls. This comes in handy for battling arch-villains but it is a bit of a problem in his personal life. It makes it hard for people to keep secrets from him. Yet, we all need to preserve a little mystery and mystique. You have superpowers of your own. Rarely do you miss a trick. You may not be able to see right through people's bodies but you can easily penetrate their facades. You are seeing more than you need to see.
Is misery real and happiness false? It certainly seems that way when you hurt yourself. Try telling someone whose nerve ends are on fire, that 'pain is all in the mind'. Then again, try telling someone who is deeply in love that their experience is merely a whim. Just as our mental and physical experiences are equally valid, so our hopes and fears are equally powerful. Belief is a strong force. If you place your faith today, in something truly worth trusting, all else you need will soon come.
There are times when we love ourselves, times when we loathe ourselves, and times when we just don't know what we feel. It's easy enough to see that we ought to be more dubious when we're too full of pride; and more generous when we are too self-critical. What though, are we supposed to manifest 'more' of when we are feeling confused or uncomfortable? Patience, probably. Wait a while before reaching a judgement about what you deserve. There's something good that you're forgetting.
There is no way to travel 'straight as the crow flies' to where you want to be. There are serious geographical obstacles to be circumnavigated. You can resent these unwelcome diversions or you can just get on with the business of pursuing your only viable route. The road from A to B goes via points Q, X and Y and there's little you can do about it. Besides which, it is not the crow you need to follow now, it is the bluebird of happiness. And that famously takes a more meandering course.
Anywhere you go in Iceland, you will notice the temperature. But if you head for a remote area, you will become more exposed to the elements. Head instead, for the capital and you'll at least find warm shelter. It's no good saying you just don't want to be in a particular part of the world. If you're there, you have to make the best of it. That means thinking hard about what you do and where you go. The same applies to your current situation. Do what's necessary to make the best of it.
You are now regaining a sense of autonomy and independence. You have been worrying too much about a certain person's attitude. Now it is clear that nobody has power over you unless you want to give it to them. Maybe you had a good reason to relinquish your freedom of choice - but even if so, circumstances have moved on now. Re-establish your sense of priority. Do what you believe in, not what you think you ought to. If you assert your strength now for the right reasons you will gain respect.
It's as if you are standing in an enormous field, gazing at a single flower and gauging your whole future by the state of its petals. This plant may be important, but it is only one of many. If you continue to give it a disproportionate amount of attention, you will lose your ability to enjoy the numerous other blossoms. They don't mean as much? That's because you're not giving them a fair chance to bloom. A joyous experience is beckoning, just waiting for you to look up long enough to see it.
People who feel they have all the answers rarely bother to ask important questions. The qualities of pride, self-confidence and certainty may be attractive and useful up to a point, but beyond that point, they become factors that cause us to stiffen up and stop learning what we truly need to know. I say this because it is now clear that you can no longer take for granted something you once accepted. Temporarily, this is making you feel insecure. In the long run, it's making you wise.
Let there be hope. Let there be inspiration. Let there be some really positive progress now. The Sun and Neptune say that all this is possible. There's something you cannot forget - but that you can forgive. There's something you cannot resolve - but that you can accept. There's something you cannot escape - but that you do not have to suffer from. Focus on what's feasible. Embrace that which is worthwhile and likely to stand the test of time. And as for the rest, what does it matter?
Patience is not always a virtue. Sometimes, there's a lot to be said for losing your cool, putting your foot down and refusing to go along with something that seems pointlessly slow or complicated. I say this not because the planets suggest you may feel inclined to get a little heated but because you may grow all too willing to let a certain matter drift. Enjoy and nurture a positive spirit by all means, but don't let it be an excuse for laziness. In one area at least, you really should kick up a fuss.
Do we always do what we think is right? Kind of. Sometimes, we do what we suspect is wrong, but we tell ourselves that there is something right about it. Or we knowingly do the wrong thing, but we tell ourselves that we are right to do it. Or, worse still, we remind ourselves that in the past, we have been wrong about what is right. Perhaps then, we argue, we are not right about what is wrong! Clever arguments can obfuscate an issue this week. But your instincts will not change. Trust them.
Here comes your moment. Are you ready for it? If you are not, it is not your moment... yet. Just keep looking and listening for the right signal. When you hear your cue, there will be no mistaking it. Nor will there be any reluctance on your part to respond. Something within will find the energy, even if you are all-but exhausted. Something else will see the wisdom in your plan, even if you are all-but totally confused. Trust, please, that the sky is on your side, and that it is about to give you a very timely gift.
Let's see if we can get through your forecast without mentioning the 'M-word'. Hmm. Not a very encouraging start. Already, you are trying to work out what the 'M-word' is, jumping to the right conclusion, then remembering how concerned you feel about your finances. Let's try the other approach then and hit it head on. You haven't as much cash as you need and though you are doing all you can, the situation is bothering you. There, I've said it. Now forget it. You're going to be fine. At all other levels too.
If, as we are often told, 'the love of money is the root of all evil', then perhaps the opposite is true. Maybe, the hatred of money is the root of all good in this world. It doesn't sound quite right, does it? Love and hate are extreme, powerful, passionate opposites. And in some ways they are both as bad as each other. Indifference too, can give rise to negativity but in your current situation, it is the key to comfort. You are much more concerned than you need to be about a material matter.
The world is spinning. It doesn't stand still for a moment. Indeed, not only is it spinning, it is circling the Sun while it spins. Even the Sun is in orbit around some distant part of the galaxy. No wonder we all feel so dizzy. No wonder, too, that we all cling so tightly to anything that suggests it will supply stability and security. Actually, though, you have nothing to fear from a source of upheaval in your world. Indeed, the more change it brings this weekend, the better off you will become.
Your Weekend: Think of all the words that get written and spoken every day. All the books that get printed, all the newspapers and periodicals, all the radio shows, all the debates and discussions, and, of course, all the conversations. People, it seems, do very little other than talk to one another continually. How ironic that, despite all this constant communication, there are so many misunderstandings and so few truly meaningful exchanges. Here, comes something rare and delightful. Useful dialogue.
Sometimes, we all like to make a lot of fuss about nothing. It is a comforting, reassuring process to go through. We know that we can stop at any time. That's not a luxury afforded to us if the fuss is about something substantial! A lot of hot air is now being produced. Hot air, of course, is powerful. It can fill a balloon and lift it high above the ground. That may suit you if you want to get carried away. But if you don't, just make sure that you keep the corridors of your mind well ventilated with the winds of reason.
We like having opinions. They keep us comfortable - especially at uncertain or insecure times. If we feel our lives are unbalanced, and there is nothing we think we can do to put them on an even keel again, we can, at least, gain some reassurance by attributing blame. We don't really care how well-founded our ideas or prejudices are, as long as we can express them vociferously - and as long as someone will listen. Be wary now, of what you are being told and of what you, in turn, are tempted to tell others.
The world is not full of people who think they know it all. It is only half full of such individuals. The other half are really not sure if they know anything at all. They are always very interested to hear new ideas and suggestions. Thus, the experts get an audience, and the suggestible get someone to manipulate their minds. How beautifully balanced nature is. Watch now, though, for someone who is encouraging you to believe what you want to believe despite the fact that this cannot be true.
You can persuade almost anyone of almost anything, provided, that is, that you can first persuade yourself of it. Though, in one way, you can persuade yourself of anything too... you can't remain persuaded for very long. An idea must have true merit if you are not to change your mind about it, sooner or later. A deep belief is currently coming under question. You aren't sure what you think any more and others are most definitely dubious. That doesn't necessarily mean, though, that it is time to think again.
The Moon? It is made of green cheese. Everyone knows that. They didn't find any in 1967? That's because they didn't really land there. That whole Neil Armstrong thing was posed, acted out in a TV studio with a lot of sand on the floor. How can they be sure of this? Because they didn't find any cheese! Conspiracy theories, we love them. Urban myths? Bring them on. Unfounded rumours? The more the merrier. Enjoy the nonsense you hear and see this weekend, but don't take too much too seriously.
Get some new batteries for your calculator. A day of reckoning is coming up. You have some serious numbers to crunch. Crunch them in the right way and they won't crunch you. Mathematical puzzles can be extremely deceptive. You can't just look at them and hazard a guess as to their likely result. Until you have put all the figures together, you don't know what you are dealing with. Don't act on an assumption, just get the appropriate information and check it. It could yet alter everything.
Everything is relative. We can look at the things we dislike and feel disheartened. We can list the flaws and drawbacks. We can rip the fabric to shreds. Yet if we stop for a while and look around, what do we see? A series of alternatives that appears attractive on first inspection, yet which turns out, once properly investigated, to be deeply inferior. Maybe you can improve on what you've got now, but not by as much as you think. You can, though, vastly improve on the way you are tending to look at it.
You'll hear news to lift your spirits soon. How much will this be worth to you and what will it allow you to alter? That depends on how much faith you have in symbolism. On its own, the bit of information doesn't amount to much more than a spot of encouragement. It doesn't 'solve everything'. It does, though, represent a sign that things are moving in the right direction. Trust that indication and proceed with more confidence. This in turn, will enable you to identify a vital and rather wonderful opportunity.
Ahead: an uncertain future. Behind: a past you have clearly outgrown. You don't feel nervous? You should. You do feel nervous? You needn't! It's right to be edgy now. That is a way of showing respect for the enormity of your task. You're going to need more than confidence to get you where you need to be. You need the kind of concentration that only comes when adrenaline is flowing. That said, though, there is no way that you will ever want to turn back and go the way you came.
Some questions never get satisfactorily answered. There are two ways to describe a situation that makes less sense, the more you think about it. The first is an enigma. The second is an annoyance! What's the difference? The difference is whether or not you feel desperate to do something practical. If you are just standing back and looking from a distance, it is all an amazing mystery. Right now, though, you need (or feel as if you need) something. Care less, and you will achieve more.
You don't have to sort anything out this weekend. You don't have to reach a decision. You don't have to make a commitment. You don't have to do a deal. You don't have to come to an understanding. You don't have to... but you may want to. Try not to want to. Most definitely be aware that you don't have to. Act only out of inspiration, never out of obligation. You have more time at your disposal than you know. If others are putting you under pressure, it is because it suits their purposes, not yours.
How far do you have to go? How much effort must you make? Where does the line need to be drawn? You now fear that a cause is all-but hopeless. You won't be able to win your battle no matter how you try. Your pessimism is not just unfounded; it is dangerous. To indulge in a sense of inappropriate hopelessness, you are increasing the desire to make some extreme, extravagant gesture in a spirit of, 'Why not, when I have so little to lose?' Yet in truth, you have everything to play for.
Umbrage is free. Take as much as you like. But if there is an endless supply, it can have little value. You, though, seem unable to resist a bargain. Or perhaps the umbrage that you take, is the kind you have to work hard to get? Not ordinary umbrage in response to some ordinary slight, but outraged umbrage in response to an implication that a less sensitive sort might not see? Don't take any. Instead, give something; the benefit of the doubt. It could yet change everything for the better.
Sooner or later, we all have to let go. If we make it later, we end up with an awful lot to let go of all at once. Then, there is a risk that rather than drop it gracefully, it will all fall with a mighty clang. The art of letting go takes a lot of cultivation. It isn't easy. Even pain or sorrow, which you might think we would all want to be free from, can turn out to be something that we are secretly attached to. Still, though, we will be happier once we are free from it. There is something you need to put down now.
One day, none of this will be here any more. The buildings will crumble. The rivers will change direction. Eventually, even the mountains will collapse. They say that, if we wait around long enough, the Sun will turn into a supernova and destroy the Earth. Next time you find yourself stuck in traffic, remember that. At least it won't happen before you get to your exit! Nor, while we are on the topic of patience, will you have to wait quite this long before something wonderful makes its way into your world.
We grew up in a world that no longer exists. We played with toys that you can't buy any more. We watched TV shows that they don't even repeat anymore. The politicians whose words mattered so much back then, are now forgotten figures. Our kids operate technology that baffles us. Still, somehow, the fantasy lingers on and we image that we are immortal, eternal beings that stand outside time and space. Today brings a reminder of the reality. That, though, turns out to be surprisingly sweet.
We think we understand everything. We imagine that we know exactly what's going on. We develop carefully thought-through strategies. We create clear pictures in our mind's eye. Then suddenly, everything spins on a sixpence. All is turned upside down. The book of reality is rewritten in a new language. The flower of understanding is a wilted bloom. The seed of some fresh hope must be given a chance. Though things keep turning and changing, just allow yourself to be led by inspiration.
Resist the temptation to think about what life may never bring. By dwelling so intently on your fear, you're also spoiling a chance to enjoy what you've already got. One reason why fate may be reluctant to offer you what you want is that it sees little point. If it gives it to you, you will only yearn for something else instead. Give thanks, then, for all that's good and you'll become a much more likely candidate for future generosity on behalf of the cosmos. It has something wonderful in store for you now.
Even people who thrive under pressure enjoy the challenge only if they feel confident they know what they are doing. When we're trying to wrestle with a delicately balanced situation, we need a calm environment in which to concentrate. Your priority is to create such an atmosphere, or to retreat to a place where one can be found. You have a chance now to be truly creative and productive. That's precisely why you can't afford to hurry so much that you overlook a crucial point.
Physical strength can get you so far. Emotional strength is similarly useful, up to a point. Financial strength is handy, but even this can't protect you from all trouble. There's only one sort of strength that never fails us, regardless of what comes our way. Spiritual strength. Faith, if you prefer your definitions in words of one syllable. Something is testing your strength. If you refuse to be goaded by false fears and summon your trust today, you'll pass that test with flying colours.
Our friends can do us much more harm than our enemies. That's why we have to be so careful about who we give our hearts to. You are starting to feel vulnerable. It is as if you have been invaded. Something has got right under your skin. You can't shake off this influence, nor can you quite reconcile the way you feel, with the way you feel you ought to feel. Actually, though, it is all just a necessary and natural side-effect of being sensitive. Soon there will be much comfort and reassurance.
In many books and movies, emotions are poorly described. Either they are painted with too much poetry and thus made to sound more interesting than they truly are... or they are dismissed too quickly, with deep and profound feelings somehow being reduced to bland platitudes. This is one reason why we are all often unsure about how we should really be responding to intense experiences. Don't measure yourself against anyone or anything now. Just be true to what's in you.
Computers don't have emotions. Nor do aliens from other planets. As for souls, spirits and faery folk? Well, it is doubtful whether they feel very much, either. To get really caught up in an entirely illogical move, you have to be human. The same is true of mistakes. Not many species are capable of them. Yet, in their own way, they are wonderful things. Be proud, this weekend, of what seems to be out of control. That's not what's making your life problematic; it's part of what's making it magical.
Dogs can't bark and bite at the same time. To bark, you have to open your mouth. To bite, you have to close it. The barking dogs in your world are comparatively safe. It's the silent ones you need to watch. Or are they merely keeping quiet so as to improve their chances of pouncing unexpectedly? To be on the safe side, go towards the source of a piercing pompous noise. It may be irritating but at least you know you are going to be relatively safe with it, this weekend.
They say, 'What you don't know, can't harm you.' That's balderdash. Ignorance is not bliss, it is just trouble waiting to happen. Knowledge, however, is power. You may not like knowing all that you now know, but the fact that you know it is, nonetheless, extremely encouraging. It means that you are in a position to reach a well-informed judgement and form plans that are likely to lead to success and satisfaction. The more you find out now, the more you will know and the further you will go.
If knowledge is power, and power is responsibility, and responsibility is a pain in the neck, why don't we all just live in blissful ignorance? That is, I know, a tempting proposition but it is not an option now. Facts must be faced. And, if you attempt to look the other way, they will simply run rings around you until you have no option other than to acknowledge their existence. A problem? Why should it be? The facts are encouraging and far more inspiring than a false assumption.
Have you bitten off more than you can chew? Are you reaching further than the length of your arm? Of course. You are a Piscean. This is what you frequently do. It is nothing to be ashamed of. It is the reason why sometimes you achieve miracles. You allow the impossible into your world. The impossible rewards your hospitality - albeit in somewhat unexpected ways. Put up the vacancy sign today, and invite the impossible into the hotel of your heart. It may not pay the bills, but it will leave a big tip.
You don't do things the way other people do. This makes you controversial - and sometimes much misunderstood. It does not, though, necessarily make you wrong. Even when you make an apparent mistake, it may be that your error was producing a result that could be attained in no other way - and may one day prove to be of immense value. You do things differently, so you can't be judged by quite the same standards that others judge themselves by. Don't give yourself a hard time today.
Criticism. For some people, it's a sport. For others, a way of life. We find fault with each other, with ourselves, with situations and with arrangements. Indeed, the only thing we never think to find fault with, is the process of finding fault. Too many fingers are being pointed too harshly in your world now. You won't create sweetness and light the minute you withdraw some of your complaints, but you will gradually help to break a vicious cycle of mutual disapproval and petty point scoring.
With determination, with insight, with effort and with skill, you can now make a big step in the right direction. The question is, do you know what that direction is? Are you still trying to walk down a road that looks attractive but leads nowhere? Are you still attempting to persuade yourself that a miracle is imminent? You are right to feel that something wonderful is in the offing, but the strong likelihood is that this 'wonderful thing' is a recognition of the good in something you once thought was bad.
You are very good at giving advice. You are terrible at taking it. That's nothing to be ashamed of. It is, though, just a bit of a pity. If you were to stand back and look at your life now from a distance, what would you see? What, if you were someone else, would you tell yourself to do? Without a moment's hesitation you would insist that it is time to make a move. And you would be right. So why the restraint? This week brings you a chance to right a wrong that has been left uncorrected for too long.
If the only way to bring a little harmony to your world involves compromising an ideal standard or putting up with a temporary imposition, you are probably as well to make such a sacrifice. Your chief priority must be to establish a more secure, stable base. Accomplish this and then you can set about shaping a situation that suits you more. If, however, you have tried to hang up pictures before you have laid foundations, let alone built the right walls, you will find life frustrating.
It is one thing to live in fear of loss of liberty, another to be afraid of freedom. To some extent, you are like a creature that has been caged so long that it has forgotten how to fend for itself in the wild. The notion of a key to unlock your prison seems more like a threat than a promise. Your instincts are stronger than you realise. Provided you don't deny them a chance to surface, you will remember all you need to know about the joy of self-sufficiency within seconds of your release.
One word sums up your situation. The word is 'pressure'. You've got a high hope or a great expectation. You feel it is imperative to take decisive action as soon as you can. Others want you to supply something specific and you're being reminded, in no uncertain terms, of how important this is. Be careful. It's one thing to be highly motivated, another to make a false move in haste. There's absolutely no doubt that you can succeed but it's imperative to stay cool and calm.
Keen though you may be to bring a drama to a swift conclusion, you do not want it to have an unhappy ending. Force the issue and that's exactly what you could end up doing. Hold your horses. Bite your lip. Bide your time. Trust your deepest, wisest instincts. Wonderful things are happening in your life. Some of them are clearly, obviously wonderful. Others seem almost dreadful. Be careful, though, how you label or judge them. They may well have vital parts to play in a positive process. One more thing.
Your Weekend: A significant planetary change is about to take place. Soon, people whose co-operation you need will become a lot more willing to assist you. Situations which currently seem hopelessly awkward will also prove easier to deal with. You have a right to enjoy life right here, right now. You are really not obliged to wrestle forever with one tricky choice after another or with an endless succession of harsh facts. A change is coming and you should trust this. You should also trust your own judgement more.
This week, you can expect to 'get the hang' of something which, up until now, you have found baffling, perplexing and perhaps even a little disturbing. Courageously, you have persevered with a plan or suggestion, taking a great deal on trust. You're beginning now to run out of patience. Unfortunately, you are in a tight corner. You can't really return to an old way of doing things. Yet what if you have made a big brave decision in error? Relax if you can, worry if you must... but don't give up.
※別訳お願いします。 ------------------------------------ 今週、今まで不可解で、面倒で、少し心配だなぁと思っていた何かに「こつを得る(理解する)」ことができるでしょう。 勇敢にもあなたはたくさんの信頼を得ながら、計画や提案を貫いてきました。 しかしあなたは現在それにガマンができなくなってきています。 残念なことに、あなたはタイトコーナーにいます。もう古いやり方に戻ることができません。 それにもかかわらず、もし誤って勇気ある決定をしたとしたらどうなるでしょうか? できるならリラックスして、どうしても決定を下さなければけないとしたら、心配がつきないでしょう。 ..しかし、諦めないでください。 ------------------------------------ ※タイトコーナーとは、角度のきついコーナー、急カーブのような事だと思います。 ※Relax if you can, worry if you must... but don't give up. 難しいっす! いつもの才能あふれる翻訳に感謝です。
Steve Judd writes: Issues around home and family seem to be strong now. Residentially, this is not a particularly good time to make changes, because there are still more bits of information or news to come in the next few weeks that may cause you to change your mind a number of times. And you can't let family pressures from outside of the home influence you too much, because you'll feel like a puppet on someone else's strings if you do. How can you help anyone else if you're not in good working order yourself? Make sure that your roots and home life are strong.
The frenetic and electrical energy of recent days seems to be reaching its conclusion today, at least for the short-term. You can safely make decisions now that would have been unthinkable even a few days ago; there are no sudden or disruptive circumstances likely to occur that will pull the rug from underneath your feet. Indeed, rather than be on the defensive, it's better to get out there and make a few waves. You don't make an omelette without breaking eggs, and today you can take chances with an almost devil-may-care attitude. Taking small chances beats being bored.
There's a harmonic in the flow of energy around you that creates a smoother and pleasing vibe. It's a time when the tide is in your favour ? and where for a couple of days, starting today, you can safely be pro-active. It's said that, traditionally, Pisces people are dreamers, but this isn't always a bad thing. It's possible to dream in lots of nice things, and today and tomorrow are times where you can manifest much of what you wish for as long as you put both heart and soul into it. Fantasy stays between the ears, but the imagination can be created too.
They say, 'to err is human and to forgive is divine'. All human beings, though, have a spark of the divine within them somewhere. I do not know whether it is also true to say that the divine is capable of error. That's for the philosophers to sort out! All you and I need to know now, though, is that if we make an effort to be kind, caring, compassionate and tolerant, we can transcend a sorry situation and turn something sour into something most magnificently sweet. Amazing things are possible now.
Your Weekend: How much support do you require? Not as much as you think. You already have a lot of help. You are making wise choices. You have a lot of good friends and useful contacts. To accomplish the aim that now fires your heart, you merely need to keep pursuing it for the right reasons. If you become too determined to prove a point you may forget the original point! Be sweet and sincere. Just when it looks as if you have gone as far as you can go, you will see how take the next crucial step.
It is no longer quite so necessary to be on your guard. You can go, if not from 'condition red' to 'condition green', at least to the point inside yourself where only an amber light is flashing. Raise a sceptical eyebrow when you hear certain statements being made, but be willing to give a little benefit of the doubt. Though some people are still willing to say anything as long as it doesn't involve conceding the truth, others are most definitely prepared to be genuine, honest and sincere this week.
Every single day, the earth turns right round on its axis. Once a year, this spinning ball travels around the Sun. Even the Sun itself is slowly orbiting some object in far-distant space. No wonder you feel your life is going round in circles. What's happening in your life now, has happened before. In some respect, your current saga is very similar to a previous one. In other ways, it is very different. Certainly, your ability to change the final outcome is much greater than it has ever been before.
To some extent, you have no option other than to keep on playing a waiting game. You are not in control of a particular process. It is unfolding at its own pace. You either accept as much or you drive yourself crazy. That does not mean, though, that there are no other factors you can alter. Often, a sense of helplessness in one area of life fosters an attitude of unnecessary passivity in another. Assert yourself where appropriate. Be patient where you have to be. And don't worry.
Tick. Tock. Tick... Tock... Ti... ... ck. To... ... ck. T... We can't speed up the passage of time. Nor, when we really want to, can we slow it down. Ah, and when we don't want to... That's another story. You don't mind waiting for something now. You recognise that, to some extent at least, you have no option, other than to be patient. Really, though, a process is becoming painfully long and drawn out. This is not procrastination or prevarication, it's purgatory. But there may just be some good news very soon.
Smash a mirror? Seven years bad luck! Heaven forbid you should be the driver of a mirror delivery truck, suddenly obliged to brake sharply. Then what are you going to do? That's the whole of the rest of your life scuppered - and beyond. Perhaps that's what they mean by being born with bad karma - there's some kind of mirror-debt to be paid from a previous lifetime. It seems strange, though, that mirrors should count for more than any other bad deeds. Take care not to invent a reason to worry.
How powerless are you? Maybe, today, you can't see the point in trying to stand up to a ferocious giant. Even if you hit this behemoth with everything you have, you will do no more than inflict the pain of a flea-bite on one kneecap. Not only will this fail to remove the threat, it will render you visible, and vulnerable to retribution. But crucial cosmic influences are urging you to use your ingenuity. Wait for the right moment and then just tie the giant's shoelaces together when he's not looking!
You can sail the world in search of romance, adventure and profit... or you can stroll to the street corner and find it there, if you are in the right frame of mind. What matters now is not what you do or where you go, but how open your eyes are. If you wear psychological blinkers, you'll miss a real opportunity to better your lot, no matter how obvious it tries to make itself. Ignore the little inner voice that says, 'magic never happens in my life,' and you'll find plenty to celebrate later this week.
Every time we exercise, we gain the ability to run (or ride swim or jump) just that little bit further, faster, or longer. Once we get into the swing of a diet, we can eat a little less each day. And when we face stressful situations? Eventually we discover that we can take, easily in our stride, scenarios that might once have floored us. Fear is often far worse than reality. When we understand this, we become strong enough to handle anything. You're up against a lot now. But you're going to truly triumph!
Pressure? You're under it! Hurry? You're in it! Cloud? You're under it. Mars governs ambition, determination, force and fury. It is opposing Neptune, the co-ruler of your sign. The symbolism is clear. You've got no respite. Everyone wants you to be everywhere at once. You're trying to meet too many needs with not enough resources and are making life hard for yourself too by setting impossibly high standards. Kick back a bit. Be patient. Real natural improvements are due soon.
The English language is sometimes very strange. Consider, for example, the phrase, 'in a hurry.' Why do we say that? Why not 'on a hurry' or 'at' one? Perhaps it is not so strange. Perhaps it is appropriate poetry. A hurry envelopes us like a mist or a cloak. We fall into it, as we might slip into a hole in the ground. We have to pull ourselves out of a hurry, or strive to free ourselves from the clutches of one. You really don't need to be in such a great hurry today.
Soap operas are the ultimate example. They ramble on, from week to week and year to year. A truly successful series will go from decade to decade. There is never a grand finale. No final curtain call. No moment of comforting completion or rewarding resolution. Just one clear instruction is given to the viewer. Tune in again, this time tomorrow. And tomorrow. And tomorrow. Is that what you want your life to be now? In one key area of your world it is possible to draw a line.
Ask for what you need, not for what you think you ought to want. Follow what you feel, not what you think you should feel. Be who you are, not who you wish you were, or who others would like to imagine you as. It all sounds very sensible when you say it like this. Under the pressure of day-to-day life, though, we can easily succumb to the wrong sort of influences. But all you have to do now is find your own voice and speak with it. You have nothing to feel ashamed of or afraid of. You have everything to play for.
We are not placed on this earth in order to consume cornflakes. Those who market this particular cereal may like us to see it that way, but no matter how much we enjoy those crunchy bowlfuls, they contain no actual happiness. To see where the real source of pleasure lies, we have to take a step back and acknowledge our own ability to appreciate existence. You can find much joy this week provided you note the difference between a mirror and an original source of light.
When we get to heaven, we will know we have arrived in the right place because it will look like an advert off the telly. There will be bright beautiful lights. Colours will be rich and full. People will be smiling. They will have sparkling eyes and perfect teeth. All our favourite products will be available at affordable prices. We will no longer need to worry whether life has meaning. We will no longer have a life. Sometimes, it's better to take the rough with the smooth, than to have too much, too smooth.
Some say that heaven is a place on Earth. If that's so, why can't we just program it into our SatNav? It is not so much a place on Earth as a place in the heart. It is a feeling, an attitude. An appreciation, a gratitude. How quickly can you get there? How long can you stay? Well, you know the other place? The one with the name that starts with the same letter of the alphabet? That's a place inside us all too. You have to make a clear decision to climb out of there, and stay out.
Heaven. Hell. Two sides of one coin. Like night and day. Like winter and summer. Like right and wrong. Opposites that are not just fiercely attracted but are actually defined by one another's existence. Without the first, there could be no such thing as the second. And vice versa. We know this, yet we forget it. We celebrate the upside, we bemoan the downside. Yet who dreams of a world between the two extremes? You don't want a flat, featureless life. So you will have to take the rough with the smooth.
Silk and sandpaper. What a combination. All this week, we've been discussing the need to take the rough with the smooth. It's not a hardship, as long as you recognise the difference between the two and set your expectations accordingly. This weekend, there are some factors you are uncomfortable about and others that are indisputably good. Take a closer look at those problems. They all have their advantages or their hidden opportunities. Find them, and they will become smooth too.
Your Weekend: What's the difference between a piece of abstract modern art and a toddler's set of random splashes? The toddler can't do anything else. The artist (presumably) can, but has opted to be primitive. We don't have to buy either painting, but we should respect the fact that one is a result of conscious choice. The big questions for you this weekend boil down to this: do you know what you're doing? Is a certain other person exercising similar discrimination? You need to know what's deliberate and what's accidental... or coincidental. You'll soon find out.
Time to come out of your shell, because you're going to find yourself increasingly engaging with the outside world over the coming four to six weeks, it's just a question of whether you do it willingly or kicking and screaming. You can bring much more co-operation and community into your interactions with others and make your life a lot better. Or you can make a stand in an upright and overly-dignified way, trying to maintain standards and boundaries. The latter option will be less rewarding and harder work, but it's your choice.
For June 30: What you view as a major priority or potential problem this morning may barely get noticed by others. You try to impress upon them the importance of this issue, but they yawn in response. Could you be overreacting? Are you seeing something that others are either unaware of or don't care about? Whatever transpires in the morning melts faster than a polar ice cap, turning late afternoon and evening into something much better. You finally feel that others are listening, respecting your views and taking you seriously. Paradoxically, the more understood you feel, the less anxious you are about the aforementioned problem.
The down side today is that you may find yourself attracting opposition to your ideas, to the point where - in the worst case scenario - there could even be difficult confrontational developments. The up side is that if you can ride the huge surge of energy running through your life at the moment you can rise above petty squabbles and improve your efficiency by 100 per cent. You're in a great position to bring others on board and incorporate them into your plans - better on the inside looking out than the other way round.
Sometimes adults act in a childlike way - and children can seem so old. At the moment you're likely to get reliable common sense from the younger generations, as those the same age as you or older can seem so stuffy and restrictive. This is in part due to you becoming steadily lighter as the year progresses, and also due to the fact that as you get seemingly younger so the age difference between you and others becomes increasingly irrelevant. Deal only with those people who smile at you whilst they're telling the truth.
How are you enjoying the adventure? Is it exhausting you? If so, an adjustment must be made. Perhaps you are carrying a weight in an uncomfortable way. Perhaps you are taking something too personally. Maybe you are identifying too closely with a problem that you do not need to feel entirely responsible for. There is pressure now, but it doesn't have to turn to tension. You have to find a way to enjoy the challenge that you are being presented with. That's not as hard as you fear.
'From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans, white with foam, God bless America, My home sweet home.' Or Australia. Or England. Or India, for that matter. You can substitute any place name you like. The song still works. It still evokes the same spirit. But then, that's the funny thing about national pride. It inspires a lovely sense of loyalty, yet it can also create a chilling case of xenophobia. Don't cling too closely to what you know this weekend. Take a journey of discovery.
Your Weekend: Go where it is sunny this week. I don't mean you should head for a place which has fine weather, but that you should seek the company of people who are relaxed and in good spirits. Don't feel you're running away from a storm. Sooner or later, you will have to return to the situation that is upsetting you. Time spent away from this will, however, enable you to see things from a much lighter, brighter perspective. You'll come back armed with a valuable new insight.
Some plans come to fruition. Others don't. We can take a simplistic view and decide to celebrate when there's a clear connection between intention and accomplishment, and to feel miserable when there is not. But if we were truly wise and blessed with the ability to see life from a more cosmic perspective, we might not be so sure of this. Often our greatest gifts stem directly from moments of sudden chaos. Here comes something crazy. It will yet turn out to make perfect sense.
Even the sweetest souls find themselves making a harsh judgement now and then. We forget to be sensitive and generous. We focus on what seems wrong, we frown and then we open our big mouths. None of us, though, likes to be on the receiving end of such treatment. It hurts. It isn't fair. It isn't especially helpful either. What can you do about the criticism you are now receiving? Very little, other than resolve to take it less seriously. But you can moderate the criticism you feel inclined to give!
Shortly after a plane takes off, there comes a scary moment. The ground is failing away, but the sky is not near enough. There's no turning back, but there's no proof yet that you're airborne. We find you now in a similarly tense frame of mind. You hope you're doing the right thing, you know you have passed a point of no return, but you still await a sign of success. Soon you will get all the reassurance and inspiration you need and deserve. Meanwhile, keep trusting and moving.
Why strive for something you're not even sure you believe in, or struggle to attain some highly-debatable goal? If you're going to give all you've got to anything, give it to something that stands a chance of giving you something back. A notion doesn't stand up to close scrutiny. Not only are you pinning your hopes on a false assumption, you're dedicating hours of work to a project that, even if it could be brought to fruition, is unlikely to offer much reward. You deserve better. And you can yet get it. You are now no longer reading your forecast. You are now reading an announcement. But don't stop! It's about you, your full personal horoscope and the wonderful difference it can make to your future.
Cars have rear view mirrors so drivers can check what's coming up from behind. They are not supposed to be an aid to reversing. You need to turn your whole head in the direction of travel if you want to be sure of that manoeuvre. Nor will you get far in safety if you drive forward but keep your eyes on a part of the road you have long since passed. As with driving, so with living. No matter how fascinating the rear view mirror of your memory may be, it's now a dangerous distraction.
A small improvement will do this weekend. You don't want much. You will settle for a cart to transport the ball and chain around your ankle. That would still leave you inconvenienced, but it would at least let you get from A to B. Or maybe you are merely hoping that the chains binding you to the wall of your dungeon can be loosened enough to allow you to sit down. But you are entitled to wish for much more and, if you keep wishing, you will get not just a small improvement... but a big one.
You are tired of feeling perpetually obliged to compromise. It has been so long since you last felt free to follow your own agenda that you have all but forgotten what it is. You keep thinking about how much you owe, how dependent you are on others and/or how much they rely on you. The more you focus on that, the more you develop your sense of martyrdom more deeply. You need a treat. You also need to be just a little more selfish. It's time, this week, for a change of perspective and priority!
When they make horror films, the best directors take great care not to show us too many monsters. They will give us a glimpse, a sneak sideways view or a silhouette lurking outside a window. Then, they will leave the rest to our imagination. We can scare ourselves much more successfully than they ever can. Now, we have to ask, what is really so worrying about your current situation? Is it truly full of demons and dragons? Or are you just having a powerful reaction to a set of suggestions. Your latest week-ahead prediction will help you sort out your problems and feel far better.
They say, 'A little of what you fancy, does you good'. The implication here is that a lot of what you fancy, might not do you quite as much good. What about the opposite then? What about what you don't fancy? Presumably, here, at least, a little is preferable to a lot! How much of what you don't fancy have you now got to deal with? You suspect it's a lot - but actually, it's not that much. Make less of it and it will rapidly reveal itself to have a more reassuring size and shape. There ends your forecast. Here begins an important announcement.
Robert Mugabe thinks of himself as a fair and reasonable man. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sincerely believes his cause is fair and just. We all have a self-image that, at times at least, is vastly out of line with the view that others take of us. I'll leave it to you to decide whether any of this applies to yourself. I mention it, though, because - elsewhere in your world - someone is behaving badly and they cannot even see why what they are doing is wrong. Attempt education before you seek retribution!
Colonel Gaddafi was once much reviled in the West. He may or may not be a changed character, but the world has seemingly changed its opinion about him. Or perhaps It has just seen other even more terrible rulers and decided that, by comparison, the Libyan leader seems almost mellow! Is that how we should all reach our judgements? On the basis of 'could be worse?' Unlike many people in this world, you have the option not to live in a dictatorship. Exercise that right this weekend.
Once upon a time there was a goose. Every week, she laid a golden egg. Her owner was very happy. One day, though, an, inquisitive character came along. 'Only one egg a week?' asked the visitor. 'Why, some people on the Gold Coast can get their goose to lay once a day.' Not wishing to feel inferior, the owner changed the goose's diet, lifestyle and TV viewing habits. The result? You've guessed it. No more eggs at all. The sky, this weekend, urges you not to succumb to pressure.
Jupiter's antagonistic angle to Venus suggests you are starting the week with high hopes. Be optimistic but remain open minded. If you set your sights on one target, simply because it looks attractive and appears to be viable, you may miss the emergence of a better, easier and far more profitable goal to aim for. And, if you read this forecast as a veiled warning of possible disappointment, you'll miss something else: the point - which is: what you think you want may not be what you really want!
In the fairy stories there are always three wishes. Fairies, witches, leprechauns, whatever they may be, invariably give birth to their blessings as triplets. Heroes and heroines often make a muck-up of their opportunity. They waste the first wish on something silly, the second on fixing the problem they have created and the third on getting things back how they were. What should their first wish always be? 'Grant me the wisdom to wish for the right thing.' You've only got one wish today. Make it that one! It's all you need.
You are understandably nervous about hopes and dreams. They have a funny habit of letting you down. This is not necessarily because they don't come true. Sometimes they do. But, when they do, you don't like the way things turn out. With this in mind, you are suspicious of a current opportunity. Maybe the status quo is not so bad, after all. Mars and Jupiter, though, shine brightly in a positive alignment. What you are reaching for now, is not only attainable, it is well worth having.
You are on a journey. It will take you from here to September. Along the way, it will bring you much drama and much magic. It begins pretty much now with the decision that you are in the process of making. Inwardly, you already know what must be right. Trust what you feel and try not to be distracted by the various doubts and uncertainties which keep bubbling up in your mind. Most are cropping up to confuse you, not to enlighten you. Give them one quick chance to prove their validity and if they can't, dismiss them.
Running out of time? Or patience? These are self-replenishing commodities. Just as we never run out of reasons to feel agitated, irritated or annoyed, so we never run out of potential reasons to forgive, forget, be kind and be tolerant. Life's too dull if all we ever do is act like model citizens. It's too unhappy if we let resentments or anxieties dominate our thoughts and feelings. Though you don't yet know it, something wonderful has started to alter in your life. Soon, you'll see. Meanwhile, relax!
Unhatched chickens are best accounted for as eggs. Eggs are best placed in separate baskets. That said, with proper care, eggs can be transported without breakage. If fertilised, they can be incubated too, with a reasonable chance of producing birds. Old proverbs are not supposed to stop us making big plans. They are merely intended to help ensure that the plans actually come to fruition. A degree of negativity in your mind now is understandable and advisable. But only a degree.
We all claim to want plenty of choice but, in reality, we feel safer if our options are somewhat limited. This frees us from the need to think too hard, or weigh up baffling alternatives. You can carry on forever trying to look at too many ifs, buts and maybes. But if you don't stop to look at any, you may have to live with a decision made without sufficient information. The coming solar eclipse suggests there's now very good reason to cast your net a little wider and to apply more imagination to your current problem.
From a surprisingly early age, little children know what they want. Rarely, though, do they know what they need. We watch them, amused by their antics, and forget that even adults are similarly inclined. We use long clever explanations to justify our dubious choices and debatable preferences. It is never quite so easy to see through these pretences. There is something you now very much want. Today offers no guarantee whatsoever that you will get it. You may yet, though, find out why you don't need it.
If the best things in life are free, why do we go out and work for a living? Why do we scrimp and save? Do we do all this just so that we can afford second-best? Would we not be happier sleeping rough by the roadside, free from the cares and responsibilities of the daily grind? All I am trying to say here is that though the best things in life are, indeed, free, certain other expenses appear to be unavoidable. Events should soon help improve your ability to pay for those less than-perfect experiences.
Lately your life has taken so many dramatic twists and turns. It is as if you have become obliged to re-invent yourself. Now things are settling, but you are not sure you like the look of the resting place. It is as if you have been on a stressful fairground ride, praying for it to be over soon. The motion has stopped and that's a relief - but when you open your eyes, you realise you are dangling precariously in space. Actually, though, that's a false impression. True safety awaits you now.
You're not as stuck, as trapped, as imperiled or as compromised as you fear. There's a Solar Eclipse taking place now in the part of your chart that governs obligation, inextricable involvement, duty and dedication. Eclipses are disappearing acts. Celestial bodies (or parts of them at least) vanish and then return, renewed yet somehow inexplicably different. A key factor in your life is now changing shape and form, moving you on in the process to a much happier phase of your future.
No matter what happens now, you will continue to have a question that you cannot answer. A week, a month, even a decade from now, you will still be struggling to explain or resolve it satisfactorily. You may as well get used to this idea. Bad news? No. The fact of the matter is that, though there is no way to settle the matter, it really doesn't matter that the matter isn't settled. Coming events will soon prove you are safe to ignore an old bone of contention and just move on. The Solar Eclipse will change all of our lives.
Sorry to say that today is not good for clear and lucid thoughts. Your objectivity and rationality have gone for a beer or five, and it would be easy to get confused if you try to make sense of things. There appears to be no order. But what is strong is your sense of perception - your physical senses are stronger than usual, your sensitivity to colour, sound and touch is high, and your ability to empathise with the world is excellent. Logic and analysis can wait, but today let yourself go into that world of sensuality, because there lies hope.
Steve Judd writes: For many Pisceans, decisions and actions can no longer be avoided or delayed, it is time for permanent resolution - in some cases, finalising situations going back as far as 2004. You cannot be the conventional, normal, orthodox and boring person that others want you to be; the more rebellious or even anarchistic side of your nature is coming out strongly. So think outside the box, look for innovative or original solutions to old problems and take cool, calm and collected final actions and decisions now, because you can really free yourself up from your past by doing so.
As of today and until mid-month, your one-to-one personal relationships with partner, close friend or family are coming strongly under the microscope. Venus and Mars, both in your opposing sign of Virgo, are directly challenging you to take more responsibility for yourself. It is easy to find reasons why life doesn't work the way you want it to, but ultimately reasons are just an excuse for lack of results. Cruel, I know, but certain situations are reaching such an obvious point of change that specific decisions or actions are imminent. Better to be the puppeteer than the puppet.
Wishful thinking. The way some folk talk about this, you'd imagine that it was a bad thing. We are not supposed to be wishful; we are supposed to be realistic. Who is doing all this supposing? Someone who doesn't properly understand the way the world works, that's who. Humans are not very good at being realistic. We are all born with a predilection for fancy and fantasy. To expect a preference for pragmatism really is wishful thinking! Fill your thoughts with wishes now, some may yet come true.
Cars, like elephants, have two distinctly different ends. Go round the front and they seem appealing. Go round the back and you had better be wearing a clothes peg over your nose. If you are now hoping to persuade elephants to stop doing what it is that elephants do, you are not going to get far. Nor are you likely to find a combustion engine without an exhaust. But you do now have the option to position yourself where you can enjoy the advantages of a situation without having to look so closely at what's wrong with it.
We all grow impatient when it seems to us that things just are not moving fast enough. The upshot of this is that we end up missing out on miracles. They do occur but some are so big and so quick that we simply have "nowhere to put them." We cannot believe what we have seen. So we take for granted what we ought to be awestruck by. This weekend brings a minor miracle. Be appreciative of the development and let it inspire you to slow down and recognise the value of other factors that deserve gratitude.
Rewards and incentives don't have to be dramatic to be effective. Would you rather see one slight smile flit across the face of someone you feel fond of or watch an entire crowd adopting an expression of false amazement and feigned rapture? Would you rather be given the one thing you most need to complete a collection or just accept a whole stack of relatively random but expensive prizes? A small but significant development will soon be worth more than its weight in platinum.
Little things mean a lot. Big things? Well, their value has a tendency to fluctuate. There's a sort of psychological stock market on which grand dramatic gestures are traded. Sometimes, you can give a lot out and get a lot back. Sometimes, it is really not worth the energy. You don't need to do a lot now. You only need to do a little. Get your timing and positioning right and a form of natural leverage will take care of the rest. Don't mistake today's minor annoyance for a major threat or problem.
Why do you feel as if you have to prove yourself? Who isn't happy to trust you or to take you at your word? Are you sure of yourself? Then what's the problem? Unless you secretly nurture a doubt which you are glad to be emphasising and exploring, simply assert yourself calmly but firmly. Your critic or questioner will respond to this surprisingly soon. While the Sun is opposing Neptune, you may frequently feel the need to defend yourself. That, though, does not mean you have done anything wrong.
The value of emotional gestures can go down as well as up. One day you can say something small, yet sweet and unleash an ocean in response. But it's all a matter of timing. The same words, in the same ear at another moment, can ring hollow or be entirely ignored. Right now, understandably, you feel inclined to do what you have done in the past and gained a good result from. It may just be, though, that it's wiser to be innovative and spontaneous. Have faith in what you feel, not what you think.
The lunar eclipse calls your allegiances into question. It urges you to ask yourself whose rules you are playing by, whose orders are you following and whose priorities you are honouring? Can you still see where you end and a particular organisation or institution begins? It's time to remember that you are not some small cog in a giant machine. You are important. You are entitled to trust your own judgement. You don't have to worry about how you might get into trouble. Trust yourself this weekend.
To get a rainbow, you have to have sunshine at the same time as a shower. Sometimes, it is only when we face the worst, that we release the best. No 'quick, instant high' compares, for example, to the sense of elevation you get when, after a long period of feeling low, your mood finally starts to pick up. Think back over the deep difficulties you have encountered lately. For all that they have been so painful, they have led to one real ray of hope. As you now follow that back to the source, you will yet discover a priceless treasure. Take this week's aggravations with a pinch of salt. They're only as serious as you care to make them.
You see things that other people seemingly cannot see. You care about matters which your companions are apparently oblivious to. You set high standards which eat up vast amounts of time, energy and, sometimes, money. Few seem to understand why you do this, far less offer to support you. Still, you struggle on. Your life is often hard as a result. What do you gain from this? A lot actually! Soon you will become very glad that you have recently held your ground over an important matter.
Are you secretly psychic? Can you see into the souls of those around you? Can you read their minds and assess their hidden intention? I ask this as if it were a question. But you and I both know the answer. There are, of course, times when you can. And there are times when you can't. To what extent can you trust your judgement today? Be wary now, of a vision that seems to be complete and inarguable. It is actually only partial and there are several ways to interpret the information you have.
You seem to have forgotten a conversation that you held some while ago. You are acting as if no discussion ever took place or no agreement was ever reached. But a deal (of a kind, at least) was done. It needs to be honoured. That may involve talking, once more, to someone whose company you find difficult to enjoy. A short-term solution will create a long-term problem. Far better to do what's difficult now than to find yourself later pretending to achieve the impossible.
Once, you saw the world differently. No doubt there will come a time when you see it differently again. You can't legislate for this, though. You have to deal with how you feel, while you are feeling it. But you must also acknowledge how you used to feel. You can't just separate yourself from an old commitment or a previous promise just because you no longer feel inspired to uphold it. By being honourable and upright now, you free yourself to move on properly with pride and positivity.
Yesterday, things were different. By Monday, they will be different again. I don't mean to state the obvious - but then, change is not always so obvious. Things look much the same as they ever were. People age and alter very slowly. We can't always tell, from the outside, how far on things have moved on the inside. This weekend, you find yourself dealing with a situation that once you would have felt completely comfortable within. Either it has evolved or you have. Either way, that's a good thing.
What's your favourite colour? Why do you like it? What shade are you least attracted to? Why? Our memories make a big difference to us. We reject many perfectly good propositions just because they trigger an unfortunate association. It is one thing to trust an instinct, another to support an unfounded prejudice by claiming that it is an extension of your intuition. Pay attention to what you feel - but be aware too, that you do not yet know as much about a particular topic as you ought to. The key to future happiness is nearer than you think. It's just hidden in a box that you don't want to go near because it's painted in a pattern that you find off-putting!
'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.' So said the great teacher Lao Tzu. Close your eyes. Think of a clear blue sky high above you. See a ladder, emerging from the top of your own head. Watch it go upwards, ever upwards, into that wide blue yonder. Now, conjure up an image of yourself, somehow climbing that ladder. Keep climbing. OK. Now, look down. There's your situation. The one that seems so overwhelming. Seems small in the distance - doesn't it? Stay positive and it will stay small.
Life is a gift. Each moment, each breath, each thought that passes across our mind, each feeling that wells up in our hearts. Each experience. Each encounter. Each second. A gift. An incredible, amazing, gift. How often do we stop and remember this? We just get on with our lives. But we don't just get on with appreciating and enjoying. We get on with worrying, arguing, feeling afraid or dealing with responsibility. These are gifts, too. See them as such and you'll see their solution.
Life is not just a bowl of cherries. Cherries don't have complicated emotions or intricate inter-relationships. Cherries don't get involved in power struggles or have personality clashes. They don't have to wrestle with moral dilemmas or face emotional upheaval. Oh those lucky cherries. Yet we are lucky, too. For all that our lives are far from simple, they are full of potential, magic and joy. Don't be unnerved by whatever now seems uncertain or uncomfortable. It's going to be OK.
So many questions remain unanswered. So many issues are yet to be resolved. Will it ever be any different? Will everything in your world eventually become settled and sorted? Let us hope not, for then there would be no more adventure, uncertainty and excitement. You don't need to clear everything up now, you just need to clear up some of it. That's not as difficult as you might imagine. One brave conversation, attempted in a spirit of sincerity and friendliness, will yet produce a very positive result.
A New Moon in your opposite sign informs us that a much-needed change is now on its way in. It involves someone you are close to, your relationship with them, your understanding of who they are and their impression of you. Assumptions must be questioned. Old habits need to be broken. That need neither be dramatic nor destructive. Indeed, it may represent the transformation that you have been hoping and praying for. If someone is moving on, move on too and all will work out well.
おはようございます。 翻訳お願いします。 Saturday Special: Where there's a will, there's a way. It doesn't necessarily follow, though, that the way will be the most desirable or appropriate. Willpower has more to do with brawn than brain. What you need to summon is not so much determination as ingenuity. That will help you be smarter and sharper - so you can start asking the kind of questions that produce surprising answers. All that's needed now is a small stroke of genius. Why should that be a problem to a person of your intelligence and resourcefulness? I'm not trying to flatter you, just awaken you to an important truth. You know more than you know and can accomplish more than you think!
If there truly are 'more questions than answers' we must reach one of two conclusions. Either several of those questions lead to the same answers - or there are some questions that simply can't be answered. Your life is full of questions which look as if all they will ever do is generate more questions. You are feeling more than a bit baffled by various impossible factors. Boggled you may be, but beaten you're not. You may not be any wiser, but you will soon be a whole lot happier.
Some people thrive on chaos and confusion. They don't, of course, ever admit that this is what they are doing. That would be too ordinary, so they profess to prefer a simple, straightforward life. But then, every time they get close to leading one, they do something to complicate it. That's their prerogative. We are all entitled to a few inconsistencies and idiosyncrasies. But your patience is now being tested by a very silly state of affairs. Don't feel obliged to accept what you would rather reject.
おはようございまーす! 翻訳お願いいたします。 We are none of us perfect. Well, present company excepted, obviously. You and I are beyond reproach, infallible and impeccable in every respect. Er... aren't we? We are not so vain as to truly believe this of ourselves. We can have a little fun with the notion, but we know our limits. What a shame that certain other people seem genuinely convinced of their own godlike powers. You are dealing with someone now who is being serious about something that's ridiculous. Don't let it rile you.
Certain Tibetan monks are reputed to have mastered the art of teleportation. For centuries they have been manifesting and disappearing again, at will. Allegedly, this is how the Dalai Lama gets past the border control authorities when he wants to revisit his homeland. You have special mystical powers at your disposal now. They may not be so dramatic, but they are most definitely real. They include the ability to turn tense situations into happy ones just by changing a tone of voice and uttering a few special phrases. Try it!
The Tibetans take reincarnation so firmly in their stride that, when a senior monk dies, other monks set out a few weeks later to interview newly born children till they find one that reminds them of their departed colleague. They then perform various tests that will confirm whether they have made the right choice. Who can prove that this is anything other than a sound, sane way to proceed? You're now doing what you believe to be right. It makes sense to you What else matters this weekend?
おはようございます。 お時間ありましたら翻訳お願いします。 Saturday Special: You've got to think about the possible downside. To ignore it would be folly. Whilst it's one thing to be cognisant of a potential problem, it's another to invite it by focusing so hard on the difficulty that you can see little else. An overdose of anything is almost always a bad thing. Should we ban beer just because some people become alcoholics? Or kitchen knives just because some folk may cut themselves with them? A question of quantity now needs to be answered. Too little could prove just as problematic as too much. Be nervous enough to know when to stop but optimistic enough to recognise that you must still make a start and all will work out well.
いつもありがとうございます。 翻訳お願いします。 Experts are dreadful people to consult when there are several unknown factors in a given situation. Experts fear that, if they give bad advice, they will no longer be seen as experts. Therefore, they proffer the most unimaginative ideas. They suggest what they see as the safest option. Even if this causes you to miss out on some incredible opportunity, they feel that they have done their job well. An expert decision cannot be made now. There's not enough information. So don't ask an expert. Ask your own intuition.
The easy road is to your left. The hard road is to your right. Which do you want to travel down? Your natural inclination is to pick the more difficult path. You are suspicious of things that seem too simple. Experience has taught you that the best things in life require effort and energy. Another part of you, though, wonders if this tendency is not just a self-punishing streak in you. Maybe. But right now, you should really not be looking at what's easy or hard but at where the different paths actually lead. I've just recorded a spoken forecast that looks, in detail, at the dilemma you face and the opportunity that awaits you. To hear a free extract from this reading,
You will never know, for as long as you live, how to answer a particular question. There will always be an element of doubt or ambiguity in an assessment of a key situation. There have been moments in the past where you made a decision and the jury is still out on its wisdom. So, too, will there be moments in the future when you are obliged to wrestle with tricky issues. Accept as much, and relax. You can't be completely sure that you are now getting it right but nor can you, or anyone else, be sure you are getting it wrong.
10日 ケイナーです。 翻訳お願い致します。 How much can you trust the sequence of events that have brought you to the situation in which you now find yourself? Were you trapped or tricked? Were you led here by deceitful fairies with mischief in mind? Or were you guided by some kind, cosmic protector for the benefit of your current and future well-being? Let's be clear. Your luck is good, and it is about to get better. That does not mean you are about to win the lottery, it does, though, mean that opportunity is nearer to you than you know.
You already have a lot to be thankful for. Soon, you will have even more. You will, of course, continue to have many reasons to feel disgruntled or uncomfortable. Problems are not about to disappear. Problems, though, always seem worse when there is little hope on the horizon. Rain always looks nicer when the sun shines through it. Here comes a source of light and inspiration; a bright idea, a hopeful piece of news. It is even possible that you may soon encounter a warm gesture of sincere support.
Are you seeking sense and sanity? What chance do you think there really is of ever finding that? This is planet Earth, home of the crazed, the crazy, the glazed and the lazy. We do poetry very well here, even though few of us seem to value it. We try quite hard to do rigidity and regimentation, too. We fancy ourselves at being good at logic. We have explanations for just about everything. They work well, as long as you don't look at them too closely. Don't spend all weekend, attempting to attain the unattainable.
Your Weekend: What about turning it all upside down? Why keep anything the way it used to be? Who says life has to follow the same old pattern? Where is it written that you must accept so much of what you are now so sick of? Which particular rule will you be breaking if you start living a little closer to the cutting edge? Oh. Sorry. Scratch that last one. I forgot who I was talking to. You live your whole life on that edge. A dramatic change, for you, involves a daring excursion into the realm of normality, predictability and repetition. Anyway, right now, you're hankering for something or someone to make a big difference. Don't worry. Just such a change is fast on its way.
By keeping your options open, you give yourself a sense of freedom. Maybe, though, in doing this, you deny yourself a chance to get what you most require. You have reached a big decision. You have moved away from something (or someone) in your mind - if not yet in your life. You feel half-inclined just to wander and see where you end up. Anywhere will do, you feel. But really, you now should make a more specific choice about what to aim for, because, in your heart, you already know the answer. The end of your forecast? Not quite! I've got a newly recorded in depth spoken forecast for you that goes into much more detail. I think you'll find it very inspiring.
Zodiac forecasts are supposed to be full of advice. Do this. Don't do that. Watch for one thing. Avoid another. Look forward to X; be wary of Y. Rules. Guidelines by which to navigate a path from here to the future you most desire. Right now, though, it's arguably unnecessary for you to do anything. Be careless, lethargic, pessimistic and even self-defeating if you like. The cosmos intends to do all it can to better your lot and raise your spirits. Soon, you'll get help whether you request it or not!
The work ethic is ingrained in our culture. Some folk, it's true, seem oblivious to it. Or they think that to talk about doing something is as good as actually doing it (and just as worthy of high remuneration). You, though, aren't happy unless you feel you are earning your right to be happy. Good on you. But look out now. You're entitled a reward from a kindly cosmos. You have already earned it. You don't have to try too hard. You just have to be open-minded enough to recognise a gift when you see one.
How do you know when a line needs to be drawn? There are no rulebooks. Or rather, there are, but they differ... apart from the ones written by and for sheep with no imagination. You don't need a recipe now. You need a set of ideas about how best to improvise with a particular collection of ingredients. Or to put it another way, it's one thing to request a little guidance now, another to abdicate responsibility and choice. Never mind who thinks what and why? What do you think? What do you want? Now please, keep reading because, if you haven't yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you have been missing out. Change your future.
There are no excuses. Or rather, there are millions. But few count for much. We all know we could do better, no matter how well we are doing or how well we have done. We also know, or think we know, that it's too late to undo what has been done... or do what hasn't. How late is too late? Strangely, we accept excuses but we don't seem to accept that it's never too late to right a wrong. This weekend, you have a chance to make peace with at least some of the past. What excuse do you have not to try? Sorry to keep talking on from the end of your forecast but while I have your attention, I want you to know that you can click here, to get your full personal horoscope. Treat yourself. You'll be glad.
Your Weekend: If you want to, you can do nothing. You can just wait for something to happen. Sooner or later it will. Then, you will have no choice to make. You will just have to respond to whatever someone or something else has chosen for you. The great advantage of actions, is that they tend to increase options. Jump before you are pushed and you can exert some control over how you fall and where you land. Right now, there is a hay truck below you. Make your brave move and you will get surprisingly good results. The longer you leave it, though, the more you risk ending up in the position where someone else calls the shots. That person ought to be you! I've got lots more to tell you about your astrological outlook.
Your Week Ahead: With a delicate touch you can create just as much devastation as you can with a thunderbolt. A burst bubble is a burst bubble, regardless of whether you prick it with a pin or shatter it with a hammer. A bubble has to burst this week. Eventually, it will burst all by itself even if you take no action. If you prefer, you can wait for this. But that will deprive you of the chance to choose the moment of change. As you have a vested interest in protecting and preserving at least some of the contents of your particular bubble, you may prefer to take the option that gives you at least some control. Sorry to keep talking on from the end of your forecast but while I have your attention, I want you to know that you can click here, to get your full personal horoscope. Treat yourself. You'll be glad.
You'd better forget all your ideas about what can't be done. Try to ignore too, whatever you think you know about your problems and your difficulties. This may not be so easy. To a degree at least, disgruntlement energises you. It puts fire in your belly and in some peculiar way, it makes you feel more effective. You feel that perhaps you ought to be more restrained or tolerant with regard to an irritating matter. But in letting your feelings show, you are winning respect and eventual co-operation.
Tuesday, 23rd September 2008 Limited? Restricted? Confined? Constrained? There is, of course, a credit crunch going on. And the Large Hadron Collider has temporarily stopped working, which may be slowing the universe down a little too. And then, of course, there's all the usual turmoil which you tend to find yourself experiencing around this time of year. But you're not stuck and even if they are limited, you do have choices. And some of these are surprisingly attractive. Stop seeing reasons to stay stuck in a rut. Be bold. Move on. Your latest in-depth audio forecast contains the answer to your most pressing questions.
There's a conversation that needs to be held. Why then, are you avoiding an opportunity to confront the issue? Have you prejudged it? Do you think you already know what's going to be said? If that were the case, the deal would have been done by now. There's more fluidity and flexibility to a situation than you realise. Ask pertinent questions. Raise difficult topics. You have no reason to feel afraid, ashamed or guilty. You have every reason in the world, though, to feel confident and hopeful. Sorry to keep talking on from the end of your forecast but while I have your attention, I want you to know that you can click here, to get your full personal horoscope. Treat yourself.
You're not on your own. It's just that your allies and assistants are not quite where (or possibly even who) you expect them to be. To reach a point where you can connect, you may just have to travel solo for a while. Or worse, possibly, move on for a while in the company of someone you find it difficult to be with. Any negativity attached to your social or emotional life - and any sense of being left to struggle with a tough material situation, will soon go once you get a little further down an exciting road.
There will be constructive developments, this weekend, in all areas of life that involve companionship and camaraderie. Questions of where you belong or how you fit in have contributed, lately, to a mood of disquiet. The more you question what you are doing in a situation, the more you tend to feel estranged from it, thus inadvertently giving credence to an empty fear. What you need is re-assurance. That's what you're about to get, and not just socially. Materially too, the outlook is better than you feared.
Saturday focus: Find a mirror. Stand in front of it. Close your eyes. Open them again. See that person looking at you? Say hello. Smile. Make friends! Oh, by the way, you don't know them as well as you think you do. There's more to them than meets the eye! They've got hidden depths. Talents as yet undiscovered. Abilities just waiting to be developed. That person there could be someone very different, surprisingly soon. All you have to do is help them. Stop being down on yourself or doubtful of your own entitlement to a happier life. You've been kidding yourself about something or someone for far too long. This week brings you face to face with a most inspiring truth.
You don't have time to sit reading zodiac forecasts today. You need to get a move on. Run a little faster. Try a little harder. Worry a little more. Relax a little less. Or rather, don't. Don't succumb to the pressure. Don't let yourself be wound up into a frenzy. Don't panic, don't overreact, don't try to control a chaotic situation. And don't fall for that old trick of having no time left. Your 'deadline' is more flexible than you think. Take all the time you want, and more. The slower you go, the more you'll get right.
If 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing,' what is a large amount of information? Even more dangerous? Given all that there is to know, how little could we ever fully understand even if we were to apply ourselves to study for the whole of our lives? Surely all knowledge is only 'a little knowledge'? If that's all any of us have, we must all be in danger! Today brings you the opportunity to obtain a little more knowledge than you previously had. That's not a dangerous thing, it's a good thing.
Are you dealing with a decision that is hard to reach? Or is it fairer to say that you reached your decision some while ago and what's hard is admitting this to yourself - or informing someone else? Are you going over the same ground looking for justification and explanation? Your heart, surely, knows what it feels. You aren't really intending to ignore or deny that, are you? Why then, waste any more time? Give your commitment. Express your preference. Let life move on. You won't be sorry.
Welcome to the future. It's a bit like the past, only different. You haven't been here before, yet you know your way around. A part of you still wonders whether you are in the right place. Should you have taken some other turning along the way? Don't give way to such doubts or they will sap all the joy and excitement that you could otherwise be feeling. Whether or not the right things have happened before, they are happening now. That means you are entitled to relax and to do what's obviously needed.
When you fall, you land on your feet. When you don't look where you're going, you end up exactly where you need to be. When you stop thinking, you get good results. And when you try too hard to follow a plan, direct a mission or control a situation? It all starts to get terribly tense. The more focused you become, the more you find you need to focus on. Yet, still, things don't quite work out as they are supposed to. This weekend, spontaneity is the key. How do you achieve that? You relax and do what comes naturally!
Would you like to know the quick and easy way to get what you want? It's simple. Just stop wanting what you haven't got! You are being distracted by some dream of a tantalising possibility. You know it is unlikely that you will ever make it a reality. You also know that even if you do get what you are after, you may change your mind about it. Yet you still can't get a strange fascination out of your mind. Try harder. Go beyond anger, resentment, anxiety, need, guilt, fear and self-doubt. Big yourself up and think like a great wise soul - because, if you can only focus on an objective that's truly worth achieving, you can do something phenomenal this week.
What gives you the right to do what you are doing? You have granted yourself approval, surely. You must, therefore, have some belief in your own authority. Fan that spark of self-esteem until it becomes a flame. Don't worry about it going out of control. Waves of difficulty will damp it down before long. Those waves keep on breaking over the shore of your life. You are feeling swamped by them. That's precisely why you need to become more sure of your own judgement. Anything is possible if you believe in yourself.
You know all those bankers who are happily doing all those deals on the basis of insufficient security? Who told them it was OK? And then who told them it was not OK? And if, as is beginning to seem likely, the same people who created the problem, thinking that it was not a problem, were the one's who decided that it was a problem, couldn't they all just change their minds again? Then, there would be no need for a bail-out! Confidence is everything. Place yours firmly in yourself today.
If people only believe what they want to believe, how come they sometimes end up believing things that are extremely inconvenient? Or upsetting? It may just be that deep down many of us have an appetite for aggravation. Perversely, we are attracted to trouble. So at the first suggestion that there may be some on the horizon, they automatically assume that it must be true. I only mention all this because a dark fear is beginning to arise. It isn't based on anything substantial. Wave it away and it will vanish.
A little give, a little take. That's what makes the world go round. Some of us, it seems, give more than we ought to. Others take more than they should. Somehow, though, even those extreme cases tend to balance themselves out over time. Delicate negotiations are now taking place. Difficult issues are under discussion. You are not sure whether you are being given a hand up the ladder or taken for a ride. Be trusting and be optimistic, but at the same time double-check before you make any commitments. There ends your forecast. Here begins an important announcement.
Friday, 10th October 2008'You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.' So goes the traditional agreement. Very sensible it is too. This weekend, though, there seems to be more back-stabbing than back-scratching going on. Someone who ought to be helping, is hindering - and a relationship that should be sweet, is sour. Yet, in a strange way, conflict is helping to produce what co-operation on its own could never create. The partnership you are now entering into is not exactly conventional, but it may yet have its advantages. Oh, by the way, your full birth chart, calculated from your date of birth will tell you far more about what's in store and how to make it work for you.
"...We interrupt this zodiac forecast to bring you a fairy godmother alert. In a shock development, earlier today, an infamous ethereal being has broken free from the realm of the Otherworld and arrived on Planet Earth. Just before she disappeared from view, the godmother in question was seen waving her wand wildly and heard, in between loud cackles, uttering something about 'putting an end to Piscean edginess and letting the Pisceans have all that they have been dreaming of, regardless of the cost to the rest of the world.' In a joint statement, world leaders made an appeal to Pisceans everywhere to be moderate in their requests..."