Daily Horoscope: For January 15: You stop wracking your brains for answers and just relax - and voila! an answer arrives this morning. Instead of fretting and fuming about how you're going to pay this or do that, you now have options that are attractive and make sense to you. Most of your day will be like this. You'll view it as a problem-solving opportunity without a lot of Sturm und Drang. You also receive a compliment or positive reaction for something you've recently done. You end this day feeling very good about yourself and your ability to compete in a sometimes-cutthroat environment.
When you first encouraged friends or colleagues to air their concerns, you were hoping for a lively discussion. What you are got, however, is a litany of complaints, and they haven't stopped since. Address any that you can remedy. As to the rest, back off and say nothing. Eventually they will realise they are only making themselves miserable.
For January 16: You can get so much accomplished behind the scenes, far away from crowds. You function better in a serene environment that allows your thoughts to roam and gives you enough time to notice appealing details you're normally too distracted to see. You're very receptive today and can feel what others are thinking or feeling - even physical symptoms. This strongly suggests that you monitor how you feel, and exit environments that create stress, discomfort, etc. You're a psychic sponge today - even more so than usual - and must be more aware of any environment you interact with. You also need calm, quiet time to process your thoughts. Today is excellent for recording or writing down ideas, thoughts and plans. Just get things out of your heart and mind, and put them someplace where you can clearly see and experience them.
もし目に留まったらエル翻訳をお願いします。 For January 17: Listen to your inner wisdom today. It's particularly strong during the morning hours and will guide you through a confusing, uncertain situation. If you allow tension, anger or panic to set in, your intuition will shut down. Remain centered and calm instead of reacting to every slight, mistake or perceived criticism that others dish out. Keep in mind that most of the troubling comments that others make reflect the mindset of the speaker and have nothing to do with you. You cannot stop others from projecting their fear and frustration (in the form of blame) on you, but you don't have to absorb it. Deflect the little impotent slings and arrows that are sent your way midmorning. By evening, you'll feel like a new person.
Weekend Update: You might feel a bit alone on Friday - as if you're standing in the middle of a busy sidewalk, teeming with strangers who don't even notice you. Most of this is due to your feeling overwhelmed or lonely. You'd like someone to offer a helping hand, without your having to ask. You'd like to think that someone gives a damn. Fortunately, Saturday is light years better than Friday. You don't feel so alone and unsupported. You have friends, help and hope. You actually have fun on Saturday. People show up as if they've read your mind and understand your needs - andmaybe they do. Later Saturday, you feel like trying something new but don't want to be alone. There's little chance that you'll be alone. All you have to do is ask. On Sunday, the transiting Sun moves into Aquarius, launching 30 days of even more stellar dreams and intuition than you normally have. Since you're extremely sensitive and psychic, this is big stuff. If you've felt somewhat misunderstood or less than appreciated, Sunday should ease your feeling of loneliness. A simple conversation could lead to a very warm and sunny afternoon and evening - no matter what it's like outside.
Meter reading: 7 January 14-20: You're wishing and hoping for a miraculous love that anticipates your every need and has the commonsense to get lost when you need space. It's good that you're setting the bar higher than usual because this week brings others your way, but they may not be who they claim to be. For example, they may not be available - even though they say they are. Take every comment with a grain of salt and don't get caught up in dreamy, steamy moments. If you'll permit your intuition to step in and educate you about the truth of a situation, you be able to avoid unfortunate, deceptive encounters. This week's touchstones: Smoky Quartz, Onyx.
Daily stars for today 20 January 2008 For weeks you’ve been debating the rights and wrongs of various plans. Ideally, by the time that the communication planet Mercury meets your ruler Neptune in the middle of the week, you’ll have thought things out enough that you’ll know exactly what you intend to do, and will be ready to tell others all about it.
Love Meter reading: 7 January 21-27: You feel that you're getting confusing, mixed messages from another that run from steaming hot to ice cold. This doesn't help your self-esteem, nor does it give you much faith in a so-called relationship. You're likely to experience a number of extremes this week - sometimes feeling that a relationship could last forever, and other times figuring that it won't make it another five minutes. Because things are so unpredictable, don't bet the farm on this connection. As it is now, things are uncertain and unnerving enough without a high-maintenance relationship. This week's touchstones: Amethyst, Lavender Jade.
Career Meter reading: 8 January 21-27: Call upon your friends to help you get an interview for a better job or opportunity. Don't assume that you have to be tough and go it alone. How many times have you bent over backward to help out a friend? It's payback time, Pisces, so set aside your pride and ask for help. Everyone already knows that any kindness they extend to you will be reciprocated, so get past your insecurity or fear and ask for help. It's important to ask for help from the right people. You won't get the kind of assistance you need from friends who are struggling with the same obstacles you are. Aim high and have a very clear picture of your goal. Friday begins a powerful period when it comes to goal setting. What you visualize and project is what you'll get back. This week's touchstones: Tigers Eye, Turquoise.
ELLE For January 21 Today emphasizes the importance of choosing the right friends, partners and advisors. If you settle for less, you'll get exactly that. Aim higher. Face the reality that, right or wrong, you are often judged by the company you keep. If you're seeking a better life, maybe a better job or even a more satisfying relationship, you must look up instead of down. You're worth it, even if you don't always believe that. Start making choices that suggest you believe in yourself. 今日は正しい友達、パートナーそしてアドバイザーの選択の重要性が強調されます。 もしもあなたがより劣るもので妥協しているのなら、まさにそういうものしか得られないでしょう。 よりいいものを狙ってください。 良かれ悪しかれ、今まで付き合ってきた仲間からたびたび判断されているという現実に直面します。 もしもあなたがよりよい人生、たぶん、よりよい仕事やもっと確かな関係を探しているのなら 下を見るのではなく上を見なければいけません。 あなたにはその価値があります、たとえあなたがそのことを信じていなくても。 あなた自身を信じるという提案を選択することをはじめてください。
Shelly Daily stars for today 21 January 2008 Your intuitive side may already be telling you that certain obstacles you’ve been contending with for a very long time are about to vanish. These changes, indicated by the uncompromising Pluto’s departure from the crucial midheaven angle of your chart later this week, end a long, worthwhile but demanding chapter of your life.
ELLE For January 22: Your power is your sense of knowing. You're unbeatable when it comes to anticipating what's about to happen or how another really feels. Don't second-guess yourself at any point today. Clear your mind of mental debris (there's always a load of that swirling about) and make room for something healing and profound. Never forget that each time you openly accept divine guidance and healing, you also are healed - and then you can pass it on to others. Today is a supreme day for healing yourself and others in subtle ways. Any contact - even a text message - can be a perfect way to conduct healing vibes. As you reach out and assist others, you feel so much better about yourself. This is positive instant karma in action. あなた才能とは理解力のよさです。 何が起ころうとしているのか、または他人がどのように感じているかを予知すると言う点において あなたの右に出る人はいません。 今日はどんな点においても自分自身を結果論で評価したりしないでください。 あなたの心の精神的なガラクタを片付け(いつも渦巻いているものがたくさんありますよね)、 癒したり心に深く感じるような何かのために場所を作ってください。 あなたが公然と天の導きや癒しを受ける度に、あなたもまた癒されているということを決して忘れないように。 -そしてその時あなたはそれを他人に与えることができるのです。 今日は繊細で神秘的な方法で自分自身や他人を癒すのに最高の日です。 どんなふれあいでも-文字でのメッセージでさえ-癒しのオーラを伝える完璧な方法となりえるのです。 他の人に援助の手を差し伸べ助けることで、あなたは自分自身に対してももっといい気分になります。 このことは今まさに作動中の定められた運命なのです。
Shelly Daily stars for today 22 January 2008 It may take weeks or even months for you to fully understand the potential and extent of the opportunities triggered by Jupiter’s recent brilliant aspect to Saturn. But what will already be abundantly clear to you is that events are opening the door to achievements that, only recently, you’ve regarded as being beyond your reach. 土星に対する最近のすばらしい木星のアスペクトによって引き起こされるチャンスの大きさと可能性を完全に理解するまでには 数週間、もしくは何ヶ月もかかるかもしれません。 しかし、つい最近になって、成就させるには自分の範疇を超えていると見なしてしまったことに対して その出来事が機会を与えてくれているということは、あなたはすでに十分分かっていることでしょう。
ELLE For January 23: You're so much stronger than you realize. Sometimes you think that you'll fall apart if one more thing doesn't work out or go as planned. Yet you survive. You are so strong and have the potential to outlive most of your peers. Instead of feeling weak, inferior or not quite fabulous enough, acknowledge how supreme you actually are. Stop projecting anything that resembles "I can't" and start thinking, "I can and I will." No one else is smart, persistent or powerful enough to run your life - except you, of course. Stop assuming the lesser position. You belong on top, Pisces. It's just a matter of time until you actually feel the truth of this.
今日は。本日のヤスミンです。どなたか翻訳可能な方お願いします。 Today Venus moves into your eleventh house of wishes and friends, where she'll stay for around four weeks. This Venus cycle sprinkles some magic love dust over you and you friends. OK that might sound a bit ridiculous but watch over the next few weeks. It should start to become pretty obvious which of your friends are worth keeping for life, as your relationships grow warmer and lovelier. Anyone who makes you feel less than great about yourself could be cut off your Christmas card list now. Even if life has been tough of late, being with people you love will be extra rewarding over the next four weeks. Expect to find it easier than usual to meet new people, if you know the time has come to expand your circle. If there's something you're keen to accomplish now and you need a friend's help, just ask. If you're sexy but single and looking for love, this is the ideal time to either go to as many parties as you're invited to, or to throw a party or dinner part of your own and see what happens. Anywhere that you have to spend time with lots of people rather than one on one is best for you over the new few weeks, whether you're
For January 28: Possible improvements in your financial situation seem likely this morning, but hang on - things may be a work in progress, not a done deal. In fact, Mercury's retro phase all but guarantees that an understanding is still unfinished business and will require at least three more weeks of work and fortitude. If you're willing to put in the time and be persistent and consistent, you could wear down an opponent or naysayer and get the loan, offer or opportunity you're hoping for. If you already feel too busy, strapped or exhausted from ongoing demands, a developing financial opportunity may be postponed for another time.
ELLE週報です。こちらもよろしければ・・・ Love January 28-February 3: Personal matters demand action this week, and the lion's share of decision-making may fall onto your shoulders. A dear friend or family member may require assistance or some other type of help or guidance. Others will look to you for leadership. You are up to this responsibility, Pisces. In fact, you are uniquely qualified to make a wise decision. Your intuition cranks into supersonic speed, guiding your heart and soul in the proper direction. You'll know what to do. Just follow your own inner guidance. You're coming from a very idealistic, loving position now, enabling you to let go of ancient hurtful things and focus more energy on the good times.
Career January 28-February 3: You face a number of dilemmas in your career sector this week - and most of these focus on deciphering truth from false information. Getting to the bottom of situations may be daunting. At times, you'll wish you could just turn back time and pretend that you didn't know that a certain person is either misleading him or herself or telling lies to you. You'd like to give another the benefit of the doubt but may no longer be able to do it. Unfortunately, the genie is out of the bottle - and there's no stuffing it back in. So your challenge is to either disengage from a scenario that leaves a queasy feeling in your stomach or continue to hang on a while longer. Since Mercury is retrograde for three weeks, it's probably in your best interest to discreetly look for a better position while remaining in your current one. In a month or two, it should be fine to move in a new direction.
For January 29: Recent developments and opportunities have been instructive, humbling and unexpected. You've learned so much and now recognize that you are not trapped in a promise or agreement that you made some time ago. You can make changes. You can let others know that circumstances have opened your eyes and awakened a new sense of identity and purpose within you. You're not the same person you were even six months ago. What you thought or were convinced you wanted isn't so desirable or appropriate anymore. Don't punish yourself by remaining entrenched in a situation you're not happy with. For many of you, it's time to reinvent your life, starting now.
Helpful as recent insights about both the circumstances you are dealing with and your own ideals and objectives were, you are still unsure about other matters. So while others are discussing plans and boldly making decisions, you remain mute and inactive. Actually, you will have the last laugh, since with changes continuing, most of others・plans are premature. Still, you will want to know more about your own direction. And you will, but probably not until February second week, when aspects involving your ruler Neptune bring enlightening insights about both what you happily do without and what, and who, stirs your heart when it comes to planning the future.
ELLE30日分です。翻訳をお願いいたします。 For January 30: Mars goes direct today, snapping you out of a sense of powerlessness or a willingness to tolerate something you don't have to. You seem to wake up this afternoon, kind of like Sleeping Beauty, and suddenly notice what needs to be changed. You may have surrendered to another's overreaching ego or negativity up until now, but will no longer be able to tolerate it. Even if it means picking up and starting over, you're willing to do what needs to be done. You're feeling feisty and impressively determined. I pity the fool who messes with you.
Overwhelming as unsettling events may sometimes seem, they are actually only part of a larger picture of change that remains unclear until March. Knowing that, instead of accepting what is come your way, for the time being, you will make the best of it, while remaining alert for better options. This actually proves illuminating, particularly with Mercury retrograde from late January until 19 February adding confusion. But for every mistake you remedy and challenge you face, you learn something that will prove valuable in the months ahead.
Yet again somebody is asking you for help that you know they don't really need. The problem is that they are lazy. But the real problem is that you池e thinking of giving them a hand, mostly because you can't think of an excuse not to. You don't need one. You need only say a non-negotiable
Weekly Pisces Horoscope - Week of 28th January, 2008
Recently, it's been your scary unknown, unexplored and unexamined thoughts that have been throwing you off track. You might think you've been open and honest with everyone, but the truth is that you've left out a lot of the most important info, as you've opened your heart to folk and told them your tales of woe, your plans, and about your joys. Indeed. And now? Now it's time to at least be honest with yourself. What are you so scared of? Hint: you might need to slow down just a tad, in order to understand holding you what's up.
Meter reading: 8 February 4-10: There's so much going on in your life right now, but the most interesting elements are all behind the scenes. The choices you're making, the relationships you're initiating (or ending) and the new paths you're embarking on are mostly hidden from view. Even though the world may or may not acknowledge the dramatic shifts of emphasis in your life, you certainly feel each rush forward, as well as each sudden halt. This week urges you to take a little extra time before agreeing to start or end a connection - even two weeks could make a huge difference. This week's touchstones: Black Agate, Moonstone.
Meter reading: 8 February 4-10: It appears that no matter how friendly and busy and active you seem, your heart and mind are wrapped up in something just out of sight. This could be a career or specialty that you're training for. This might be a partnership or collaboration you're competing for. There's a sense of great expectation all around you now - as if you've been rehearsing all your life for something that is just around the corner. Before the end of this month, something amazing will be revealed. Until then, do your best to remain focused, calm and balanced. This week's touchstones: Black Spinel, Blue Sapphire.
ELLE For February 6: Love could come at you faster than a meteor at any point today - and you're not actually looking for it, either. But that's the point: Love or some facsimile of it often hits when you're fully engaged in something you're passionate about. Your passion and dedication are a couple of the things that enchant others and pull them closer. Take today's whirlwind emotions with a grain of salt. Enjoy the flattery and flirtation, but continue to stick with that one passion (the thing that could make or break your future success) first and foremost.
>>185 文頭 Love could come at you faster than a meteor at any point today - and you're not actually looking for it, either. 今日は、愛があなたの元に流星よりも早くやってくることは決してないし、 あなたもそれを確かに探していません。
The New Moon eclipse today brings you opportunities spiritually. Look at what is going on in your life and think about why God/dess/the Universe/Spirit might be putting this on your plate. The Full Moon eclipse on February 21 promises that if you let go of the past, of fears and of a need for perfectionism, your love life can become amazing. Hint; don't judge your partner/prospective partners too harshly!
Daily Horoscope: For February 7: Early this morning, you feel as if you're half awake and suspended in a dream that doesn't want to end. Getting up and feeling alert may be a stretch. Mid morning brings a 'go get 'em' vibe that pushes you hard, bringing out your competitive side. People sometimes underestimate what a fighter you are - to their own peril. You're extremely protective of close friends and loved ones, and will not stand by while people you care about get harmed or insulted in any way. Your motives are pure and protective much of the day. Instead of merely looking out for yourself, you also go to the mat for others. No wonder so many count on you
Love Meter reading: 7 February 11-17: It seems that you're looking for safety, comfort and trust more than anything else this week. You want to know that someone is unconditionally there for you. A roomful of pretty, preening people to choose from isn't enough to sate your emotional needs. You want someone who is willing to make sacrifices for you. You need to feel valued. For a long time, you've felt like an air plant blowing in the wind, far from any sheltering tree. At one time, you believed that you had to have the perfect home, love or personal situation. Now that you've seen more of the world, you just want someone real. This week's touchstones: Green Tourmaline, Jade.
Career Meter reading: 7 February 11-17: Continue preparatory work for a project or new career. At times, you might feel like a late arrival at the cruise ship, long after it's already sailed away. You literally feel like you've 'missed the boat.' Your patience and ability to bear up under stress are being tested, but your ship - the one with all the goodies and opportunities - hasn't come in yet. It will come in, when you're ready. Keep practicing and preparing for that moment, Pisces. This week's touchstones: White Opal, Garnet.
Love Meter reading: 7 February 11-17: 今週あなたは安全性や快適性、そして信用をなによりも求めているようです。 誰かが無条件に側についていてくれればと願っているようです。 部屋いっぱいにかわいくておしゃれな人々を集めても、 あなたの感情を満たしてはくれないようです。 自分のために身を捧げてくれる人がほしいのです。 尊重されたいのです。長い間、あなたは自分自身のことを 寄り添える樹木を探して風に吹かれる”コケ”のようだと感じています。 一時は自分には完全に落ち着く場所や愛情があるはずだと信じていましたが、 現在はもっと世界を見渡して、ちゃんと存在している誰かを欲しています。 This week's touchstones: Green Tourmaline, Jade.
Career Meter reading: 7 February 11-17: 新しいキャリアやプロジェクトのための準備を続けてください。 時折、あなたはだいぶ前に出発したはずの船が 全然迎えに来ない様な感覚に襲われるかもしれません。 船はもう出てしまったのかと危惧していますね。 ストレスに耐えるあなたの能力と忍耐力が試されています。 でもオイシイモノやチャンスを乗せたあなたの船はまだ来ていません。 あなたの準備が整ったときに始めてやってきます。 そのときに備えてください。 This week's touchstones: White Opal, Garnet.
For February 11: You get wind of a financial opportunity or potential breakthrough today. Follow this one like a bloodhound on a fresh scent trail. Your intuition pushes you in the right direction and even improves your timing when discussing important issues. A friend might seem to let you down later this afternoon. Being a compassionate, forgiving sort, you're likely to set aside any rancor and focus on ways to enhance your security and stability. Right now, you're all about protecting what you currently have and creating a much better future, personally and economically.
Tuesday, 12 February 2008 You may be quietly upset about something today, Pisces, but you will put on a brave face and do your duties. Moreover, your charm will win the support of others. They are there for you, so why not share your troubles with a confidant? You will find that a secret, once shared, is less burdensome. A weight will be lifted from your heart. Don't be too hard on yourself.
エルです。 翻訳お願いできますでしょうか? For February 12: To your credit, you've reset your goals so many times in an effort to adjust to ever changing circumstances. You haven't sat still, expecting others to change. Well, you may have a few times - but then you got over it and started taking the initiative. Have you noticed how genuinely happy you are for others' successes and good news? You're not jealous or resentful at all. You're happy for another's good fortune. Do you recognize how evolved and spiritually attuned you are? Each time you embrace another's happiness with the same enthusiasm you do your own, it's an example of double happiness. This view of the world attracts more good fortune and abundance. Keep up the good work, Pisces!
Wednesday, 13 February 2008 Try not to lose your temper when things don't go exactly as planned today, Pisces. Flexibility is essential, even if difficult. There could be conflict with a partner or sibling today - they find it hard to understand your need for control. Your financial situation may be getting you down, but you have the power to change it - make a budget and stick to it!
The time has come to admit that certain individuals simply aren't going to keep their promises, to you or anybody else. Disillusioning as this is, acknowledging this fact will prevent you wasting time in futile hope. As important, once they realise you are no longer playing their game, they might actually begin to fend for themselves.
Good news for you! It seems you're finally getting the message that you need to do all that you SHOULD not all that you COULD. At the risk of semi-swearing in a family column - hoo-bl**dy-ray! With Saturn in your opposite sign, you can be 100% sure that other people are going to take as much as you can give - and even then they're likely to ask for a bit more. And by all means, do give it to them. However, remember this word: boundaries. You need them more than ever now. As you well know!
■別訳大歓迎。自信ありません。 ELLE For February 13: You're more sensitive to others' remarks, innuendoes and apparent rudeness today. Little things get under your skin and fester. This theme could continue throughout the day and evening if you allow it - but now that you're aware of it, why put yourself through it? Instead of obsessing about another's nasty or callous behavior, focus on the unexpected good deed that a friend or pal performs for you, probably this morning. Build your day around another's kindness and thoughtfulness instead of someone's primitive behavior. It's your choice, Pisces. Today proves the theory that attitude is destiny.
Your imagination and enthusiasm could lead you to start several new projects all at once today, Pisces. But it is unlikely you will stick at them for very long. Your intentions are real, but this energy burst will not last long and you will find that you just don't have the time or the inclination to keep them up. However, you will meet some new friends who will not be so short-lived.
your destinyのLove Horoscope 14日バレンタインの訳です。 ボラ様よろしくお願いします。
You're off with the fairies today, Pisces, as the Moon/Neptune link stimulates your imagination. What you see isn't necessarily what you get in love today, because you're not 100 percent sure of what it is you see. Fantasy and reality are blurred in your heart now, so try to avoid making major relationship decisions. Enjoy wherever you find yourself and let your romantic future take care of itself.
エル14日です。宜しくお願いします★ For February 14: Happy Valentine's Day! There is so much you can do behind the scenes today to make things really quite impressive. A few phone calls, a few expert decisions and a little handiwork on your part can transform an ordinary event or object into something exceptional. It's your vivid imagination and powerful ability to please others that makes this possible. You intuitively know what others hope for and dream about. You capture that dreamy essence better than anyone and offer it to a friend or loved one. No matter what you do for another today, it will feel very personal and very special.
Multiple commitments to all the people you love means today is busy keeping those around you happy, Pisces. Without clear boundaries around your time, you may end up running from one thing to the next as you try to keep the love alive and your family happy. Prioritise your feelings and your time today, and make sure the people that matter most get the best of you.
On Friday, you decide that the best place to start in terms of improving your lifestyle and image is your own home base. You make a few changes that give you a sense of pride and comfort without much expense. You're very versatile and have discovered smart shortcuts that look chic and expensive but cost next to nothing. In the past, you might have felt defeated because you couldn't afford the best. As it turns out, you can have something that has the most desirable characteristics of 'the best' without a heart attack price tag. Later Friday evening, you're in an affectionate, generous mood and are likely to go out of your way to baby or pamper another. Saturday might open the door to romance. The only caveat to remember is to make sure that he or she is available and relatively low maintenance. You've gotten stuck with plenty of 'married singles' and semi-deranged or truth-challenged types. No more: Now it's your turn to have fun without paying for it with your soul. Sunday is really quite promising. You feel free to express your thoughts and feelings without worrying about another's reaction. You need to get the 'are you really available?' question out on the table, though. Don't assume anything. Ask the right questions and notice how he or she responds to your questions. Defensiveness is a bad sign, as you know. If your potential love interest makes it through the first few hurdles, there might be something here - something worth pursuing.
Jeff Prince 17日 お願いできたらよろしくです☆ Put your social butterfly wings on and have some fun, with Venus spending her last day in a very socially interactive part of your chart. Due to move into a much quieter part of your chart tomorrow, make this a day for connecting and enjoying the fun times that are either planned or happen unexpectedly. With a potent sense of synchronicity in the air and Venus playing matchmaker, avoid sticking too rigidly to script or to a timeframe.
Love Meter reading: 8 February 18-24: You almost feel as if your head clears this week. You wave away clouds of doubt and denial and see a situation as it really is. Instead of ignoring the obvious or hearing what you think you want to hear, you become a dedicated truth seeker. You can smell deceit a continent away and want no part of it. You may look vulnerable and romantic, but you're one of the strongest, most versatile survivors in the zodiac. When you tell others to only speak the truth this week, it looks like they'll finally hear you and honor your request. Right now, you're the mistress of all you survey. If you think someone is up to your standards, keep 'em. If not, stuff 'em in the recycling bin. This week's touchstones: Abalone, Citrine. 今週、なんとなく頭の中がすっきりするような感じがします、 疑いの雲と否定する気持ちを振り払い、状況をちゃんと現実的に見るようになります。 明らかになっていることを無視し、聞きたいと思ったことだけを聞くのではなく、 真実を探すことに専念する人になります。 大陸ほど離れたところにあり、関わりたくもない嘘をかぎ分けることができます。 あなたは傷つきやすくてロマンティックな人に見えるかもしれませんが、 12星座のなかでもっとも強くもっとも器用に切り抜けられる星座のひとつなんです。 今週、他人に真実だけを話しなさいといえば 彼らがついにあなたの話に耳を傾け、あなたのお願いを受けそうです。 すぐに、あなたが見渡すものすべての支配者になります。 もしも誰かがあなたのタイプに合うと思うのならなら、その人はキープしてください。 そうじゃないのなら、リサイクルボックスに入れちゃいましょう。 今週の石:アワビ(の貝殻?)黄水晶
Career Meter reading: 9 February 18-24: You're so smart and impossible to fool this week. That won't stop a few arrogant donkey brains from trying, however. No worries: You'll roll right over the idiots that underestimate your finesse, experience and gifted awareness. Stand up for yourself instead of propping up someone else. This week, it's your turn to be first, to take the lead, and to get first dibs on a new account. Don't let anyone talk you out of it. Push harder than ever. Make a few demands and provide proof that you've got what it takes to handle a big responsibility. Elbow your way to the front of the line and promote the hell out of yourself. You've earned the privilege, so don't allow a great opportunity (that could last for months!) get away from you. This week's touchstones: Black Spinel, Black Opal. 今週はとても賢く、バカなマネをしたりすることはできません。 でも、それは何人かの傲慢なバカものが挑戦しようとすることをとめることはできないでしょう。 心配しないでください。 あなたの手腕、経験そして生まれつきのそつのなさを甘くみたばか者をすぐに撃沈させるでしょう。 今週はあなたが一番になり、人の先に立ち、新しい顧客を最初にもらう番です。 ぼーっとして誰かに説得されることのないように。 いつもよりもっと一生懸命取り組んでください。 いくつかの要求をし、あなたが大きな責任の必要なものを扱えるだけの物を持っているという証拠を見せてください。 限界の前へ押し進み、自分を鼓舞してください、 あなたは名誉を手に入れます。 ですから、大きなチャンス(それは何ヶ月も続くかも知れません)を逃さないようにしてください。 今週の石:黒尖晶石、黒オパール
ELLE For February 18: Mercury goes direct today in your solar 12th house, governing dreams, intuition, compassion for those that suffer, and large institutions (hospitals, prisons, etc.) What this suggests is that some of the intuitive hints you've received during the past three weeks may begin to materialize between now and the 26th. A lot could happen before the end of this month, Pisces. You'll have several deja vu moments when you know you've already experienced a certain conversation or set of circumstances - perhaps in a dream. The point is that you should gradually start to see your inner truth manifested in material form, starting today. Once again, you're reminded to trust your incredible gift for seeing the future and judging character.
jeff prince 19 水星が順行に戻り、太陽があなたのサインに移動しました。 ようやく誰かがスイッチを見つけて、電気をつけてくれたようです。 その光の効果は歴然で、ついにあなたはずっと見よう、感じようとしていたものが ついに見られるようになります。 もしあなたの人生を始める日というものがあるならば、 今日がその日になるでしょう。 足が向かっていた方向に進んでください!
For February 19: Happy Birthday, Pisces!! Today marks the Sun's entrance into your sign (based on eastern standard time). No matter when your birthday hits, start celebrating now - it's your month, after all! One thing you've learned (and probably via raw experience) is how strong a survivor you are. You may look like Little Mary Sunshine, but are likely to outlive and outlove most of your peers. Sure, you've had your heart crushed by a few undeserving fools, but you got through it, learned from it, and still have plenty of love to give to someone else. Many people would be far too gun-shy after the experiences you've had. You've managed to put the broken pieces of your heart back together under the most hurtful, dreary circumstances. There's a reason why some of the people you've dated haven't worked out - and it's a pretty simple one: They weren't good enough for you. It's time to upgrade your standards in both love and friendship. When you give as much as you do, you deserve to get a little something back.
毎日有難うございます。翻訳お願いできたらよろしくお願いします。 Pisces Lovescope for Wednesday, 20 February 2008 With the Sun on side, you're revelling in new-found confidence, Pisces. Loved ones are impressed by your direct attitude. Knowing what you want and asking nicely are the keys to love success today. A creative approach to matters of the heart helps you emerge from the spiritual realm and have fun with love. Your love life holds steady, though you're happy regardless.
Pisces Horoscope for Wednesday, 20 February 2008 Money comes and money goes, Pisces - if you work hard you deserve a treat. Enjoy it! Find time for romance today, and ignore any and all distractions. Take your special one somewhere secluded and wallow in the warmth of your intimacy. You have a lot going for you right now - possibly more than you imagine. So use your powers to do something good. It will make you feel good!
エルです。翻訳お願いできましたらお願いします★ For February 20: Today's Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse really touches you. You realize that you're as strong as the friendships and alliances you invite into your life. When you make unwise choices, you tend to suffer greater consequences than the person you're involved with. It's time to accept that your relationships are based on your choices. How many times have you had major concerns about someone you're falling for - only to find out that you were right? Instead of doubting or fighting against your intuition, accept it as the best BS detector you'll ever possess. Instead of allowing a person you don't trust to use or abuse you, stop a personal trainwreck before it occurs. You can do this. You've always had the ability to do this. So stop doubting your gift and start living it.
ヤスミン21日です。翻訳をお願い致します。 Don't be hurt by others unless you're 100% sure that you really, really should be. It's all too easy to imagine that someone doesn't love you enough or that you're not good enough to be loved etc etc but this gets us nowhere! And now, with the eclipse and the Sun about to oppose Saturn in your Love Zone and the fact that this is still an amazing year for you, cancel those ideas about never being loved as you would like to be. It can yet happen! And if you've got the love you want - thank God/dess/the Universe!
エルです。訳してくださる方がいらっしゃいましたらお願いします。 For February 21: Today is the birthday of some very important Pisces. Don't allow a flash of insecurity very early this morning to stain what will turn out to be an excellent day. When others ask you for special favors (and they will) early today, pass. Right now, you need to think about YOU, your goals, your duties, and last but not least, your notorious passions. Ask yourself if people that ask you to carry their secrets and problems on your shoulders are worth the effort. What have they done for you? Have you ever asked them for help in your hour of need? Start thinking quid pro quo and stop being the fountain of mercy for rag-tag strays. You deserve better. Later this evening, you feel strangely confident, happy and liberated. Do what you can to keep that feeling going.
翻訳お願いいたします。 So how was it for you? The eclipse in your Love Zone, I mean. One Piscean pal called me to tell me she'd realised she is now SOOOO over her ex, it's not funny. Bingo! That's a perfect example of how this eclipse can work. It's about breaking with the past where someone else is concerned, in a way which leaves you with a wide open future. It can also mark just a very emotional time, in which case hang in there. Remember others need you so no collapsing, if possible!
ELLE週末もよろしければおねがいします。 Weekend Update: Friday may be a bit draining. You're in demand and the first one that others call when they need a friend, free meal or the world's best babysitter. Saying no isn't easy for you, but might be a bit easier on Friday because you have no free time. You're so busy doing things you have to do that some of the things you'd like to do may get postponed. Luckily, Saturday is your kind of day! You catch up on the things you enjoy. Even routine tasks feel more enjoyable. You sense that something amazing is about to transpire - you can actually feel it in your bones. You're also a magnet for lusty admiration throughout the day. Others pin their hopes and dreams on you - but there's no pressure, just joy. Sunday may get off to a slightly sluggish start, but quickly turns into what can only be described as a crackpot comedy. You might spray your hair with bug spray instead of hairspray or wear your shirt inside out. Everyone gets a big laugh out of your antics and all lingering tension melts away. By evening, you're finally in your element. You feel very lucky, very good about your friends and family, and very loved.
Lately, it's been all about YOU. And guess what? That isn't like to change overnight. But the Full Moon eclipse in your 7th house of Other People and of Romance means it's time for you to think less about yourself and what you want, and more about others and what they need. The Full Moon eclipse in your Love Zone (which this is) also marks the natural conclusion for relationships which have clearly reached their End-By date. Compromise is crucial now, if you're in a good relationship which is going through temporary troubles and delays. For some, closure on an ex is possible at last.
For February 25: This morning is good for your morale. Others seem to value your work and contributions, and also continue to find you very attractive. You might not find them particularly desirable, but they certainly see you as hotness personified. Early afternoon accelerates your popularity and appeal. You can't escape it. It's almost as if the word is out and everyone assumes you're available and wants to sample bits and pieces of you. Sometimes it's a chore to be lovely and amazing.
ここの訳はちょっとよく分からなくてゴマカシ訳なんだよね実は。 そこの原文は "Marriage and monogamy take some getting used to for a romantic, fey dreamer like you. "ってなってるんだけど "take some getting used to〜"って何のことか分かったような分からないような…?? てなわけでそれぞれで推理してもらうしかしょうがないね。
もう一つの解釈するとしたら getting used to=慣れるようになる ってことだとすると 「結婚と一夫一婦主義は、貴方のようなロマンチックで変わった夢想家にとっては 馴染むのにある程度(時間が)かかるものです。 」ってことかな?
You have very strong feelings about what is right or wrong this morning. You react viscerally to remarks or behavior that you find offensive, cruel or inappropriate. You're very aware of how one person's behavior might affect another. You also bristle when it appears that someone is breaking the rules or interfering with another's safety, including your own. Later this afternoon, you relax, feel better about the circumstances you're in and are no longer as bothered by others' choices. You adopt a detached 'live and let live' approach and literally shut out pests.
jeff prince 27日 ありもしない問題に気をもむのはやめましょう。 それはちょっと敏感になりすぎているあなたが勝手に感じているものです。 ちょっとリラックスして、自然の成り行きに任せてみましょう。 そうすればツキがあなたに向いていると実感できますよ。 あんまり忙しくして、視野が狭いままでいるとそのツキが逃げてしまいますよ。 今だけは恐怖心があっても、運命のなすがままに任せましょう。
ELLE For February 27: You might try to override your intuition this morning, especially if it interferes with something you want to do - or someone you want to see. Don't deny your amazing built-in radar, Pisces. Most people would donate a kidney to have intuition like yours - take full advantage of your very real gift. Focus on how far you've already come, and continue to pursue your dream. Give this goal everything you've got. View your future success as something guaranteed by your willingness to manifest a dream.
おはようございます、エルです。翻訳お願い致します。 For February 28: You might not get the backing or approval you'd hoped for from a friend, colleague or partner. Could it be that he or she is slightly envious of you? Could it be that he or she feels threatened by your desire to move forward with your life? It appears that someone close to you is willing to do almost anything to keep you close - even if that means undermining your desire to grow and do more. Use today to think things over. Decide who and what are worth your time. Do you really want 'friends' who fear that you'll suddenly get happy or successful and abandon them? Right along, one of your weakest links has been your choice in friends or partners. Make sure that the people that have the most access to you are secure and mature enough to not attempt to hold you back. You need friends, not dependent or manipulative people, around you.
Weekend Update: You get very busy and feel ultra eager to change your life, job and circumstances Friday morning. A number of you have had it with small minds and persistent negativity or interference at work or school. It's time for new hope and a new way of living. Instead of threatening to leave, you just might do it - especially if you've got something great already lined up. Midday could present the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. If you have a fallback situation to go to, GO - and stop accepting blame and abuse for others' mistakes. If you don't have a Plan B as an option, start looking NOW. Saturday morning keeps you on the go and pushes you to find a solution to an increasingly troubling situation. Many of you are way past the saturation point. There are some of you that have already made a huge change and now feel hopeful and pleased. Most of you, however, are still hanging on, hoping for a miracle. Continue to prepare. You're more likely to get your miracle if you're emotionally, physically and mentally prepared to accept it. This won't be a gift, Pisces. You'll earn it - and how. You can speed things up by doing everything possible to insert yourself into the right circles and circumstances. Later Saturday, you are more convinced than ever that something has got to give. Many of you firmly believe that you're worth more than you're currently being paid. You're probably right, but may need an expert outsider to go to the bargaining table for you. Sunday is nice - very little stress, plenty of happiness and satisfaction and several moments of feeling very hopeful about your situation.
For March 3: Listen to your protective inner voice. Think of it as your body and soul guard. If you follow your own instincts, you'll move up instead of down. Emotion or mental discouragement may conflict with your intuition. Go with your intuition. Others may offer all kinds of well meaning but inappropriate tips - and somehow always end up talking about themselves. Go with your intuition. In fact, the less outside input you absorb today, the better. You already know what needs to be done.
For March 4: Mars turns you into a siren that casts a hypnotic spell, starting today. Most of you don't have a clue what I'm talking about because you're not consciously, deliberately attempting to seduce others. You don't even have to try because pheromones and planetary power are doing it for you. All you have to do is show up and let the games begin. There will be displays of jealousy and possessiveness - as if this sort of thing turns you on. At times, you'll feel like a recherch・trophy that people fight over - and this vibe continues for two months. This is one powerful aspect. You can run but you can't successfully hide from it. You might as well try to enjoy it because it won't last forever.
ELLE週報 Love Meter reading: 8 3月3日〜9日 もしもあなたの準備ができていて、そして余裕もあるのなら、 今週、愛が猛ダッシュでやってきて、短くても、春の間は続きます。 火星があなたの人から好かれる部分をさらに磨き上げ、 恋に悩む人にとっては高嶺の花となります。 今のあなたはいうなれば、異性が夢見るエベレストのようなもの。 あなた方の多くは簡単な”惚れてそうなお友達リスト”をすでに持っています。 もしあなたが自分の熱狂的ファンが誰なのかわからなくても、 今週にはいっぱい出てくるはず。 これからの何ヶ月かの間、”大暴露”も続きますよ。 これはじっとしていられないくらい楽しいことになるかもしれません。 今週の石:ピンクサファイア・Pezottaite
If you're up for it and allow it, love could come sprinting in this week and stay through the spring, if not longer. Mars is raising your desirability factor and making you a delightful challenge for some lovesick person. You're like the Everest of sexual fantasies for someone right now. Many of you already have a short list of likely smitten friends. If you can't figure out who's nuts about you, this week should reveal plenty. The 'big reveal' continues for months, too. This could be more fun than you can stand! This week's touchstones: Pink Sapphire,Pezottaite .
ELLE週報 Career Meter reading: 8 3月3日〜9日 もしも仕事が面白くなかったり、魅力的じゃなかったり、、創造的なものじゃないのなら、 おそらくもうすでに興味を失っています。 他の所へ目を向けることも考えてみました?-まったく違う分野とか 全ての魚座さんは芸術や娯楽、芸能界、ダンスや音楽なんかが向いています。 問題は、こういう業界は数少ない幸運の持ち主だけがやる気と輝きを保てるだけの収入を得ることができる、ということ。 今どんな仕事をしていても、休みの日はあなたのクリエイティブな力を鍛えるように。 今週の始めに(隠されていたり押さえられていたりする)あなたの能力が、広く知れ渡ることになるでしょう。 今週の石:黄水晶、タンザナイト
If your job isn't interesting, tempting and creative, you're probably already losing interest. Have you considered looking elsewhere - like in a totally different field? All Pisces were made for art, entertainment, show business, dance and music. Trouble is, only the luckiest few make enough money in these fields to keep the heat and lights on. No matter what sort of career situation you're currently in, try to exercise your creative muscles during your time off. It appears that your talent (hidden or repressed) will surface, beginning this week. This week's touchstones: Citrine, Tanzanite.
For March 5: Between today and the end of the weekend, anything is possible! Anticipate odd, unexpected behavior and reactions from others early this morning. Just take it with a grain of salt, and try to understand that most people's perception or sense of timing is slightly off. Later today, you warm to another's obvious fascination with you. You're not quite ready to leap off the high board - not yet, anyway. But you are paying attention to another's persistence and apparent sincerity. Time will tell.
For March 6: This morning is so motivating, socially, professionally and creatively. Whether you're a physical fitness buff or not, you feel better getting some exercise and being more active. Midday may pit you against another friend, partner or colleague. Don't make things worse by getting angry or defensive. It's best to wave off a situation. Tell someone who's spoiling for a fight that you'll get back to him or her when your schedule eases up. Before the end of the afternoon, a tense situation should be greatly improved. If, however, you allow another person to aggravate you, a small issue may morph into something big. Why waste your time and energy on something so negative - and temporary? Barring this mini-misunderstanding, the rest of the afternoon and evening look great, especially for those of you looking for a new muse, motivation or lifestyle.
For March 10: No one can get past your mental X-ray today. You see through everyone's disguise, faux smile or down turned eyes. Because you can see and feel what others are thinking and feeling, you can also choose to send them some of your endless source of healing. They don't even have to know that you're sending them light and love. Look at the person complaining about aches and pains during the first part of the day. Send him or her abundance, health and love throughout the day and see what happens.And by the way, each time you channel this kind of golden light to others, you also receive plenty of it for yourself.
ELLE週報 LOVE Meter reading: 9 3月10日〜16日 金星と水星があなたの星に移動してきます。 あなたが望む状況になる可能性がアップしますよ-再びね! 今週はたとえあなたが望もうとも、一人になることはないかもしれません。 あなたがはるかに面白くて、なぞめいていて、魅力的なので、 無視することなどできないと周りの人が気付くのです。 また、前に喧嘩してしまった友達や愛する人と仲直りをするのにはすばらしい週でもあります。 あなたが思っているよりもラクに仲直りできるでしょう。 他の人たちはもう一度あなたと仲良くしたいと本当に思っていて、あなたがいなくてとっても寂しいのです。 -だから、仲直りを始めるのをためらったりしないで。 もしも誰かがあなたから一歩踏み出してくれることを望んでも、驚いたりしないで下さい。 あなた方の多くは、ここ数日の間にも仲直りを持ちかけられています-それは今週も続きそうです。 あなたはごみを捨てる権利を持っているはずです、魚座さん。 あなたが本当に欲しいものでなければ、満足したりしないように。 今週の石:アクアカルセドニー、パライバトルマリン
March 10-16: Venus and Mercury move into your sign, upgrading your desirability factor - again! You couldn't be alone even if you wanted to this week. Others find you far too intriguing, mysterious and appealing to pass up. This is also a great week to make up with friends or loved ones that you've had a falling out with. It'll be easier than you think. Others really want you back in their lives and miss you terribly - so don't hesitate to get the peace process started. Don't be surprised if another person wants a commitment from you. Many of you have collected offers of commitment during the past several days - and it continues this week. You can have the pick of the litter, Pisces, so don't settle for anything less than what you really want. This week's touchstones: Aqua Chalcedony, Paraiba Tourmaline.
ELLE週報 CAREER Meter reading: 9 3月10日〜16日 あなたの好きな色はなんですか? 何があなたにこの上ない自信を与えてくれますか? それを着れば、より高くすらりとそして上品に感じられる服を選んでください。 今週をあなたの”面接”週間とし、あなたをよりパワーアップさせてくれるものを身につけてください。 他の人はまったく謙遜なんてしていないと思ってください。 事実、彼らは自分のためにあなたが時間を作ってくれたことを意外にも喜び、感謝しているのです。 あなたは求められていて、あなたが持つ才能が絶対に必要なのです。 それぞれの仕事の状況に絶大なる自信を持って望んでください。 今週の石:ルビー、ブラックスピネル
March 10-16: What's your favorite color? What gives you a feeling of supreme confidence? Choose your clothes according to how much taller, svelte and elegant you feel when you wear them. Make this your 'interview' week and wear something that empowers you. Anticipate that others won't be the least bit condescending. In fact, they'll be unexpectedly gracious and grateful that you made time for them. You are wanted and your talents are essential. Go into each career situation with supreme confidence. This week's touchstones: Ruby, Black Spinel.
For March 13: How much do you respect and admire yourself? Here's an easy way to find out - and pretty quickly, too: Look at your friends. The people you're hanging with reflect your self-image, aspirations and attitude. Do you like what you see - or could you benefit from a redo or two? It's a rare and precious thing to keep a close friend for many years. When that happens, it usually indicates that the two of you are on a similar path that keeps you in synch with each other. It also indicates deep love and respect. Most of the time, our choices in companions and casual friends are snapshots of whatever we're living through at the time. If your friends don't reflect the 'you' that you want to be, start aiming higher right now. Clean out your karma closet and start living a more rewarding, satisfying life.
Weekend Update: Friday is good. You feel respected, loved and very much in demand. Well - it's about time! You're kind of a mystery to at least one love-struck friend. He or she even finds your moods fascinating and entertaining. It's hard to not adore someone who actually appreciates your moods! You might decide sometime during the evening that you're ready to take the next step with a person who is utterly smitten with you. Things look very good, Pisces. I wouldn't blame you for falling in love or lust under the circumstances. Saturday is a day of reckoning. You halfway expect to question things said or done on Friday - but you don't. Things feel very nice and exactly right, right now. Saturday evening is blissfully uninhibited, btw. Sunday continues a fun, pleasing vibe. Some of you are officially in love, others are in lust, and still others are in an excited state of intense like. It's good, whatever you call it. Ironically, a few of you have gone back to a former love and recaptured something. If it's working, there's nothing to complain or worry about.
Weekend Update: Friday is good. You feel respected, loved and very much in demand. Well - it's about time! You're kind of a mystery to at least one love-struck friend. He or she even finds your moods fascinating and entertaining. It's hard to not adore someone who actually appreciates your moods! You might decide sometime during the evening that you're ready to take the next step with a person who is utterly smitten with you. Things look very good, Pisces. I wouldn't blame you for falling in love or lust under the circumstances. Saturday is a day of reckoning. You halfway expect to question things said or done on Friday - but you don't. Things feel very nice and exactly right, right now. Saturday evening is blissfully uninhibited, btw. Sunday continues a fun, pleasing vibe. Some of you are officially in love, others are in lust, and still others are in an excited state of intense like. It's good, whatever you call it. Ironically, a few of you have gone back to a former love and recaptured something. If it's working, there's nothing to complain or worry about.
For March 17: HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! You're sending out beguiling but mixed signals today, and others are scooping them up and misinterpreting them. On one hand, you're feeling hungry for touch, love and romance; b ut on the other hand, you look at some of the people reaching out to touch you and think, "No way!" You've been around the love track often enough to know that you don't always attract a Triple Crown winner. Instead of losing patience of slamming doors, catch your breath, calm your mind, and visualize attracting a more desirable, appropriate match. This is an assignment you can handle, Pisces.
For March 18: You continue to excite the people around you - without even trying. It's not like you're deliberately making an effort to suck the oxygen out of the room. You're not overtly flirting or seducing; you're just living your life, putting in your time doing daily tasks, work or school. Others, however, can't get over how scintillating you are - and might be a bit aggressive in their attempts to get closer. This is your life and your choice. If you don't want certain people coming closer, slam the door. There will still be a long line of hopefuls waiting for that special chance.
Daily stars for today 18 March 2008 For days now you’ve noticed that differences between your view of certain arrangements and that of others isn’t just widening, it’s causing serious tension between you. You’re probably better off addressing this now, since once they’re upset, you’ll both have to calm them down and deal with the practical issues involved as well.
今日生まれの有名人は: Jennifer Collins, Krista Jablonski, Bruce Willis, Glenn Close, John Sirica, Patrick McGoohan, Philip Roth, Ruth Pointer, Ursula Andress, Wyatt Earp, William Jennings Bryan, Earl Warren, Ornette Coleman, Lynda Byrd Johnson-Robb, Renee Taylor, Paul Atkinson, Nancy Malone, Phyllis Newman, Billy Sheehan, Ross Valery, Harvey Weinstein, Sergei Diaghilev, Dr. Frederic Joliot-Curie, David Livingstone, Moms Mabley, Ricky Wilson and Irving Wallace.
ELLE 19日 今朝は最初、友達やパートナー、同僚から邪魔されている感じがするかもしれません。 あなたはそれをうまく、そして素早く切り抜け、 お昼近くにはどんなに自分が有能で自立した人間かということを思い出します。 午後から夕方にかけて、周りの人にとってガマンできない存在、 ネコにとってのマタタビみたいな存在になり、本当に楽しく過ごせます。 今日は他人におぼれるような気分ではありませんが、 かつては無関心のように見えたけど、今はとても切望している(言い換え:不安を感じている)人を もてあそぶ気になっているのは確かです。
For March 19: At first, you might feel held back by a friend, partner or colleague this morning. You get through that fairly quickly and remember how competent and independent a person you are by late morning. Throughout the afternoon and evening, you actually enjoy yourself by being the catnip that others cannot resist. You're not in the mood to surrender to another today, but are definitely up for playing cat and mouse with someone who once seemed indifferent but is now very eager (translation: anxious) to play.
Daily stars for today 19 March 2008 Confidence is an admirable trait. But when it leads to arrogance and an unwillingness even to listen to what others say, problems are inevitable. This is exactly what you’re facing. Obviously, subtlety’s impossible. Instead, muster both your facts and your theatrical side, and then give it to them head on. Nothing else will work.
Your sensitivity is strengthened, making it a good weak for creative endeavours but not physical ones. Friends are set to be at the heart of your Valentine’s Day whether a pal is pouring their love dilemmas out, or a friendship flowers into love.
Thursday, March 20 Happy Birthday! You were born on the cusp of Pisces and Aries. Because you incorporate qualities of both signs, you attract a wide array of friends, and are drawn to multiple interests and a variety of experiences. You’re notoriously psychic and sensitive and may have healing ability. Art, music and dance also appeal. You absorb the vibes of people and circumstances surrounding you. Your physical wellbeing is noticeably affected by the slightest change in your environment. You may be sensitized to seasonal allergies, airborne irritants or molds. You may have mediumistic capabilities, even if you don’t particularly want this. Being born cuspal creates fascinating conflict and complexity in your personality. Everyone who knows you has a slightly different impression of the ‘real you.' You may battle depression, anger or frustration. On guard about being rejected or dismissed, you may take preemptive strikes before others get a chance to attack. If you don’t pursue creative expression and healthy exercise, anxiety and impatience may dominate and negatively impact your thinking. Although you detest being told what to do, you may need the inspiration and motivation that a coach, personal trainer or mentor provides. Born today are Holly Hunter, Fred Rogers, Spike Lee, Theresa Russell, Kathy Ireland, Jane March, Marian McPartland, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Carl Palmer, Guy Perry, Jimmy Vaughan, John Ehrlichman, Ozzie Nelson, Sir Michael Redgrave, B. F. Skinner, William Hurt, Pat Riley, Henrik Ibsen, Carl Reiner, Marcia Ball, Chester Bennington, Alexander Chaplin, Bobby Orr, Michael Rapaport, Jerry Reed, Jimmy Seales, David Thewlis, Serge Rachmaninov and Hal Linden.
Image: "At midnight, the full moon over an abandoned castle" Message: Emotional foundations. Job performance is important today. Late this afternoon expect work officials and older colleagues to assign difficult duties or ask for added input. A solid effort will quickly be rewarded. Stay sharp and find creative ways to emphasize your skills. All is well.
Image: "Deep underground, a bubbling spring of fresh water" Message: Finding the passion. Romance, attraction and love are extremely high this week. Before mid-week expect close friends and lovers to inspire new passion in relationships. This is a time of romantic increase and powerful emotional change in life. Over the next 8 to 10 days watch for new levels of intimacy in relationships to bring about steady change in your social or romantic life. Progress made this week will foreshadow key events over the coming 18 months. Already attached Pisceans will rediscover their original vision or romantic intentions. Friday through Sunday also highlights quick business or financial decisions affecting long term investments, regular payments or business schedules. Opt for contracts or agreements that stress the rapid expansion of ideas and resources.
Image: "In a smoky jazz club, a gathering of talented musicians" Message: Creative harmony. Early this year many Pisceans be asked to increase their social commitments and offer new romantic promises. At present close friends and romantic partners may be highly motivated to build added security into their lives or plan unique lifestyle changes. All is positive, so not to worry.Do, however, avoid becoming overly involved in the family dynamics of friends or lovers: between February 16th and March 4th planetary aspects indicate that older relatives or authority figures may offer unreliable reactions or challenge new relationships. Some Pisceans, especially those born after February 21st, may experience this transit as an unusual and unexpected wave of romantic attention from a co-worker. If so, remain quietly detached:passions may be unpredictable and social triangles may prove bothersome. After May 27th a powerful wave of sensuality and newfound passion arrives. Long-term relationships will dramatically deepen between May 27th and July 7th: use this time to plan unique events or discuss serious lifestyle or home improvements. Single Pisceans will likely encounter a wave of new romantic invitations at this time and, by mid-July, will be expected to announce obvious public choices. Later this summer romantic awareness and sensuality are extremely high: expect a close friend or lover to inspire a new era of fitness, vitality and rekindled trust. After September 8th friends and colleagues may briefly compete for your attention: stay balanced and make sure loved ones understand your need to maintain strong friendships. An active and passionate year: expect the social and family conflicts of the past to dramatically fade.
人大杉なので初めてブラウザを入れてみました。 使い勝手がよく解らないので申し訳ございません お手すきボラ様、エルの3月20日生まれの翻訳をして下さったら嬉しいです Thursday, March 20 Happy Birthday! You were born on the cusp of Pisces and Aries. Because you incorporate qualities of both signs, you attract a wide array of friends, and are drawn to multiple interests and a variety of experiences. You’re notoriously psychic and sensitive and may have healing ability. Art, music and dance also appeal. You absorb the vibes of people and circumstances surrounding you. Your physical wellbeing is noticeably affected by the slightest change in your environment. You may be sensitized to seasonal allergies, airborne irritants or molds. You may have mediumistic capabilities, even if you don’t particularly want this. Being born cuspal creates fascinating conflict and complexity in your personality. Everyone who knows you has a slightly different impression of the ‘real you.' You may battle depression, anger or frustration. On guard about being rejected or dismissed, you may take preemptive strikes before others get a chance to attack. If you don’t pursue creative expression and healthy exercise, anxiety and impatience may dominate and negatively impact your thinking. Although you detest being told what to do, you may need the inspiration and motivation that a coach, personal trainer or mentor provides. Born today are Holly Hunter, Fred Rogers, Spike Lee, Theresa Russell, Kathy Ireland, Jane March, Marian McPartland, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Carl Palmer, Guy Perry, Jimmy Vaughan, John Ehrlichman, Ozzie Nelson, Sir Michael Redgrave, B. F. Skinner, William Hurt, Pat Riley, Henrik Ibsen, Carl Reiner, Marcia Ball, Chester Bennington, Alexander Chaplin, Bobby Orr, Michael Rapaport, Jerry Reed, Jimmy Seales, David Thewlis, Serge Rachmaninov and Hal Linden.
Meter reading: 9 March 17-23: You're looking for the real worth and depth in another. Your radar penetrates all the pretty, coy exterior signals and gets down to the heart of the matter. If you sense that someone is mostly talk, you'll back off. You've been down that dusty road too many times to head that way again. If, however, you hit gold and recognize that he or she is sincere, devoted and looking out for what is best for you, you might fall in love, hook, line and sinker.
elle For March 24: あなたの立ち居ふるまい・・・ただ笑っただけでも、 今日あなたは人々を夢中にさせちゃいますよ。 すでに、あなたのことがちょいと気になってた人とかに トドメの大打撃を与えちゃいます。 ・・・あなたが外界と接触をたってる引きこもりさんじゃなければ・・・ね。 一般社会にいるなら、あなたの微笑みとか存在感がどれほどのものか気づくはず。 今日は出来る限りの事をして。みんなを引っかきまわしてやりましょうよ。 火遊びしたっていいんだから、ちょっと遊んじゃいましょう。 今までタイミングを逃してたり うまくいかなかった事をやりなおしするチャンスですよ。 この機会を逃さないで!!
For March 25: An advisor or colleague really comes to your rescue today, explaining things in a way that you can easily understand. This same person also protects you from others who misunderstood your words or behavior. It's as if you have an angel in your corner looking out for you at every turn. No matter how alone or vulnerable you've felt from time to time, today brings wonderful relief and a kind of emotional safety net. The endless kindness and patience you directed at others is being directed at you, right when you need it the most. Isn't it great to know you have a very loyal, unconditionally caring friend to count on?
For March 26: The Moon enters your career, image and reputation sector today, giving you a very pleasing, responsive vibe. Others may assume that you're willing and ready to assist, nurture and take care of them. You seem so approachable and kind ・and you are. The problem, particularly midday, is that you're got a hundred other things to think about and attend to. When people come up with a briefcase full of blues and a sad story, all you can do is feel slightly put-upon and somewhat guilty for not having the time to rescue them. Brace yourself for others glomming onto you today. Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for this. If you're prepared, you won't feel as trapped or guilty. Just remember that if you say no to someone, there're always someone else willing to take over. Do yourself a favor and attend to your preexisting duties today instead of taking on a new set of problems that don't even belong to you.
Weekend Update: Friends are so good to you on Friday - and they all want to tell you their secrets. At times, you’ll privately think, “That’s too much information - and I wish you hadn’t told me those details.” Nevertheless, you’ll be on the receiving end of loads of personal details from friends throughout the day. You might have to finally tell others that you’ve got things to do and can’t talk anymore. You’ll feel slightly odd about saying that, but if you don’t protect your privacy, who else will? Your friends may not realize how busy you are or how many others use you as a sounding board. Draw the line and keep your sanity and serenity intact. Saturday demands lots of privacy. You will probably feel best by yourself or with a very small group of people. Large crowds, big stadiums and noisy venues will feel like too much. You’re very sensitive and require a little more space and breathing room on Saturday ? mostly to recoup your balance. Sunday morning is ideal for a healthy morning workout. The rest of the day lends itself to casual social activities that also involve food. Perhaps you and a few good friends could organize a brunch or cookout - or even a scrumptious dessert table. You end the weekend feeling very grateful for your closest friends and family members.
Love Meter reading: 7 March 31-April 6: You understand yourself so much better than you did even a couple years ago - but there’s still plenty of you to discover. Pluto’s retro phase starts this week and continues until early fall, making you question things that had been sacred cows until now. Maybe a traditional relationship really isn’t for you. Maybe a house in the 'burbs isn’t what you’re looking for. Maybe kids aren’t really an option either. Just give yourself plenty of flexibility to examine numerous choices. Some of you might decide that living alone is the most attractive option, at least for now. This week’s touchstones: Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise.
Career Meter reading: 7 March 31-April 6: You’re re-examining every facet of your life and will continue to during the months to come. What once seemed like a reasonable goal may no longer be possible, due to circumstances beyond your control. Some of you have evolved past goals set long ago and no long find them relevant. Use this Pluto retrograde phase as a passage of discovery. Find out what you really want to do professionally. Think about all the details: Would you rather work in an office or work at home? Do you feel more comfortable being an hourly employee or a self-employed entrepreneur? Instead of dutifully going through the motions, pause and ask yourself what you REALLY want to do. This week’s touchstones: Chalcedony, White Agate.
おはようございます。どなたかELLE週報をお願いいたします。 Love Meter reading: 7 April 7-13: You’d really appreciate having a hero in your life right about now. Instead of someone who’s slick enough to look good and say all the right-sounding things, you’d love someone real who just naturally exceeds your wildest dreams. No hype - just the real thing. Admittedly, your dreams often dwarf real life experience. It’s pretty difficult for anyone to measure up to your romantic fantasies - but it’s not impossible. Don’t settle − not this week. Keep an open mind and don’t burn a bridge; but don’t agree to any sort of commitment yet, either. This week’s touchstones: Orange Aventurine, Aqua Chalcedony.
Career Meter reading: 8 April 7-13: Instead of being modest or beating around the bush, speak up and ask for what you think you’re worth. Undervaluing yourself will guarantee that you get less than you want or need. Even if you still don’t believe that you’re worth more, you need to act like you do. You also need to get better organized and compile the reasons why you are valuable. Don’t assume that just because you’ve told a manager or boss about your past achievements that he or she remembers. Write it down and be specific. Mention when you accomplished something, for whom and any awards or positive feedback you received for your effort. Start acting like your own agent or PR person until you can afford to hire one. This week’s touchstones: Imperial Citrine, Blue Aventurine.
お忙しい中すみません。シェリーの週報をお願いできますでしょうか? The time has come to tackle what you’ve assumed are misunderstandings about financial matters. But once you learn more, you’re likely to realise that others were rather hoping you’d never ask them to account for their share of certain costs. And now that you are, they’re unlikely to be particularly eager to pay up.
For April 9: A good cause that you care deeply about can benefit from your active participation. Because you’re passionate about a situation, be it humanitarian, political or ethical, you have so much to bring to the table. When you speak about how urgent and important a cause is, others listen and do whatever they can to make a difference. You’re the golden goose when it comes to creating awareness and raising money for a time-sensitive cause today.
ELLE Career Meter reading: 9 April 14-20: 今週どのような状況にあってもなくても あなたのやり方で話をすることができます。 あなたの銀の舌は、競争に勝てる大きな有利さをあなたに与え、 VIPへのアクセスを容易にするでしょう。 それに、あなたは良く見えます、これは少しも悪いことではありませんね。 白、青、銀の色の服を着てください。 これらの色はあなたを輝かせ、群衆の中であなたを目立たせるでしょう。 大きな自信を持って打ち合わせに臨んでください。 忘れないで:その部屋にいる誰よりも、あなたは自分自身の 目的や興味をわかっています。他の人を驚かせる週になりそうで、 彼らにあなたの信じられないような価値を見せつける週になりますよ! This week痴 touchstones: Black Opal, Star Ruby.
For April 14: An offer or ‘opportunity’ that seems too good to be true may be presented today. The thing is, it is too good to be true. Avoid fast-talking con artists, whether they’re trying to lure you into bed or weasel their way into your bank account. Today is best for observation, minding your own business and keeping things as balanced and secure as possible. You’re likely to hear all kinds of opinions about what matters, what’s right, and a ‘once in a lifetime’ deal. Yeah, right. Luckily, you’re too smart to fall for that one again.
Meter reading: 8 April 14-20: You spin a few romantic dreams on Monday and think that maybe an iffy relationship could work, but quickly return to your senses before the end of the week, and are utterly foolproof. No matter how sexy and silky the line, you won’t fall for it. You’ve heard it all before and understand the damage that lies and exaggerations can cause, so you’re wise to be cautious and ultra particular. You don’t ‘need’ someone right now, anyway. You might want someone, but can get along just fine without another stone in your shoe. Before inviting another big-talking person into your life, do a little background work. Make sure that this person is worth your time, love and energy. You’ve kissed enough frogs.
Few signs have a better understanding that what seems a sacrifice ? of time, money or even in terms of your priorities ? is actually an investment in the future. Yet some recent sacrifices are neither being appreciated by others nor paying off. Worse, certain cynical individuals are pointing this out and asking what you intend to do about it. Say nothing. Before the week’s close events are likely to testify eloquently on your behalf. While some have little to do with the issues in question, others show just how clever your efforts were, enough by early next week your detractors will be asking your advice.
ELLE For April 17: 今日あなたは集中できないと感じるかもしれません。 あなたの心はいろいろな方向に向いて、始めたことをやり遂げるのを 困難にするのかも。これだというアイディアが見つかりません〜 いくつもあるのです。あなたの最大の挑戦は、どれを最初に試すべきか ということになりそうです。興奮、電話、友人のチェックなども あなたの気を散らし、なにかを成し遂げようとするのを 邪魔してきます。落ち着いて。 長く息を吸い込んで、より長く吐き出してみてください。 素早い考えをゆっくりにペースを落として、一度に一つのことに 集中して。簡単に思えるかもしれませんが、今日は難しいことになりそうですよ。
Meter reading: 8 April 21-27: Communication improves in a somewhat volatile relationship early this week. You find yourself actually agreeing with another instead of feeling defiant or annoyed. Midweek may temporarily make things awkward in a connection. Just get through it without saying or doing anything that will slam the door on someone you actually value. As long as you don’t chase him or her off, your weekend should be exceptionally warm and friendly.
Meter reading: 8 April 21-27: 今週はじめ、コミュニケーションはちょっと不安定な関係を改善します いらいらしたり、反抗的になるよりは はいはい言ってるほうが楽だって 気づくはず。 週半ば、一時的に誰かさんとの関係が厄介なことになるかも。でも 何も言ったりやったりしないでやりすごして。 じゃないと大切な人との間に深い溝ができちゃうからね。 週末はその彼か彼女から距離をおいてるぶんには非常に心地よいものになるでしょう。 This week’s touchstones: Turquoise, Bronzite.
ELLE Career Meter reading: 8 April 21-27: 今週早い時期、すべての関係者に相互に利益のある合意が話し合われ、 おそらく契約されることになるでしょう。 いくつかの論争や板挟みになったりすることが週半ばに起こるかもしれません、 あなたの時間と注意の多くをその解決のために費やすことになるかも。 金曜日より前に、ですが、お金の問題やビジネス上の同盟が 再び強力に見え、前進し始めます。 This week’s touchstones: Onyx, Black Opal.
Would it surprise you to know that certain people regularly take advantage of you and assume that you’re not especially smart - and it’s all because you allow them to take advantage of you?
Weekend Update: You use your time very economically and wisely this weekend. You also know a lot more than you’re revealing. Although you may feel a lot of pressure to make a choice early Friday, you’re able to detach and buy some more time. Don’t allow anyone to push you into something you’re not ready for. You consciously think about what has value for you, instead of viewing things from a ‘what would make so-and-so happy?’ point of view. You start sticking up for yourself and defining your territory. Someone who once served a useful purpose may no longer feel as necessary or appropriate. You continue to grow and change, but the other person seems trapped in the past and apparently is unaware of the progress you’ve made. Most of all, you’ve changed spiritually. You’re not the same person you were even a few months ago. You’ve transcended certain attachments and limitations that you were once tightly bound to. So you’re gradually becoming free, day-by-day. You talk about this with a kindred spirit on Saturday. You find someone who understands your situation and has experienced something similar. Sunday gets better as the hours tick by. Despite a slightly off-center start, the end of the day looks surprising and entertaining.
Weekend Update: You look at your life and the effort you’ve made to boost yourself out of a rut and into the light. On Friday and Saturday, you might assume that not enough progress has been made. Instead of blaming yourself (as usual) skip the blame game altogether. It’s such a trap and a guaranteed one-way ticket to misery. Instead, start exploring entirely new ways to achieve a goal. For those of you looking for better financial times, ask yourself if you’re working at the right place. When was the last time you got a raise? How does your paycheck compare to those of your friends who do similar work? If your friends are doing better than you are, ask them how they’ve done it. Then find out if there are any new job openings. You are ready for something better and could use the peace of mind that a little more money can offer. Late Friday night, Saturn goes direct, indicating that unpredictable relationships may become less mysterious and much easier to understand. Of course, you might come to ‘understand’ that someone is not your type, nor good enough for you. Saturn has a habit of clearing the decks of redundant, nonessential elements, such as bad partners. Saturday feels kind of pressured. You have a lot to do and might feel overwhelmed, particularly during the morning. This anxiety could surface off and on throughout the day. Late night, however, is excellent! Sunday is worth doing penance for! You let down your guard and relax. You feel secure, sexy and happy. Your warm inviting vibe makes others feel welcome and happy, too.
おはようございます。 ELLEの日報をお願いします。 For May 5: Today’s New Moon emphasizes your ability to see through others’ disguises with amazing clarity. Many people assume that they’ve convinced you of some ruse. They underestimate your intelligence and experience. Naturally, their arrogance and ignorance give you a supreme advantage throughout the day. You run circles around dimwits that can’t keep up with you in the wisdom department. While they honk on and on, louder and louder, you pick up all the chips they drop and cash them in. By the end of today, you’ll walk away with money in your pocket and they’ll walk off in a big snit.
Eager as you are to ensure others are happy about arrangements, enough that they won't make objections later, you also need to ensure that you've happy as well. If this means they won't get everything they want, so be it. Keep in mind that joint ventures of any kind are a compromise, and that includes these.
おはようございます。 お願いします。 本日のシェリーです。 When you first organised certain plans or arrangements, they not only excited you, but promised to give others a boost too. However, they just haven't worked out. Now you really must recognise that. Struggling to keep them afloat won't just be futile, it will distract you from the far better options that emerge over the coming days.
For May 8: What makes you truly happy? Are you waist deep in joy or are you struggling? Today brings up the ‘happiness’ question over and over, but most intensely during the morning. A good friend or advisor is a great source of strength and wisdom for you. You benefit from another’s clear vision, unaffected by personal agenda or prejudice. By mid morning, you begin to come out of the protective cocoon you’ve wrapped around yourself. You feel strong enough to handle whatever the world dishes out. Just don’t go looking for trouble today; it can find you easily enough.
Weekend Update: Jupiter goes retro on Friday, indicating that you have other options not yet fully explored, especially when it comes to lifestyle and career improvements or opportunities. You may think you’ve done everything you can and have now hit a kind of wall of resistance, but it’s simply not true. Go back and make a few calls. If an existing contact isn’t especially helpful or enthused, ask him or her for a referral. Take charge instead of waiting for someone to ride in on a white horse. It appears that a number of you have literally given up on certain dreams. Please don’t. It’s fine to revise a dream, but far too soon to give up on one ? especially during a time of unexpected miracles between now and the end of the year. Mars enters your solar house of work and health, suggesting that you’re willing or compelled to spend more money on things that improve your on-the-job opportunities, physical appearance and wellbeing. Many of you are also in the market for a better, more fuel-efficient car. Saturday makes these goals easier to reach. Friends bring information to you that gives you an advantage in your quest for a better life. Mother’s Day is best celebrated early in the day as opposed to late afternoon or evening. Take your mom or wise woman friend to brunch, lunch or breakfast. Afterward, turn your attention to upgrading your own life.
When you first began to talk about new ideas, they seemed so promising. But with every passing day there are complications, both of a practical nature and involving differing views. Not only is this normal, it’s part of the process of turning those ideas into an arrangement that everybody is happy about and can live with.
Jupiter (think Bacchus) stations this weekend and party-time could follow. There's excess in the air - especially over Friday and Saturday. Indeed, Saturday's tricky aspects might manifest as tetchiness following a period of 'over doing it'! That said, these same conditions might offer an excellent opportunity to breakthrough someone's shell. If music ids the food of love, that gambit could work well. It's as likely though that it will be well-chosen, literal food that causes someone to look at you differently. Perhaps even unconsciously you could offer the dish or taste that someone really needs.
By Sunday then, you - and your actions - may be much appreciated. Indeed, given that it's actions and not words that count in the long-run, it could be your behaviour that gives others much to talk about on Monday.