999 名前:ELLE10/4[sage] 投稿日:2007/10/04(木) 09:49:48 ID:4C4MbVM2 You mean well this morning but may accidentally put your hoof in your mouth and say the wrong thing at the worst possible moment. Before speaking, pause long enough to think about whether or not your comments are necessary or useful, and also check out your surroundings to make sure you won't offend anyone nearby. Late afternoon through evening is a more rewarding stretch of time. You're less inclined to be Miss Faux Pas 2007 and more likely to charm others with witty Oscar Wilde-style sarcasm.
Some people think you can't achieve success until you have first encountered failure. That's not strictly true. You can get it, but if you don't recognise any of the warning signs, you are unlikely to be able to hang on to it. Life's downs are not just unfortunate opposites to life's ups, they are the essential connections between them. If there were no downs, there would be no ups. Everything would just be flat. Despite current conflict and tension, you are about to ascend to an impressive height.
You briefly worry about a recurring fear (probably concerning health or personal freedom) very early Friday morning. But it passes, particularly if you're able to get some vigorous healthy exercise in before the work or school day begins. You feel really great about most things - truly optimistic during late afternoon and evening. Good news arrives, probably unexpectedly, reminding you that someone must be looking out for you.
Saturday morning is overloaded with creative inspiration and sixth sense foreshadowing of things to come. You get to do things your way Saturday night. You make the rules instead of feeling trapped into obeying someone else's.
On Sunday, you think about how you'd like to handle a career or personal matter. You consider a number of scenarios, both short term and long term. Some of your ideas are so pleasing and interesting that you're compelled to share them with your favorite confidante.
Your Weekend: They say, "It is better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all." But how do they know? Have they really tried not trying? And if they have tried not trying and failed, presumably, they have succeeded. Unless, of course, they have failed to try not trying. In which case, they have tried not to fail. And, in the process, they have failed not to try. You take my point, I trust. This weekend, you are in danger of being tied up in knots by someone who cannot resist the urge to create confusion.
Meter reading: 7 October 1-7: You're so busy that it might be necessary to rearrange your schedule in order to pencil in a little fun. Work and accomplishments are great - but every now and then you also need to have a great time. Being an achiever all the time leaves little energy for anything else. This week, however, offers a tempting distraction: Someone who's very unique - perhaps from another country - and seems as mysterious as uncharted territory catches your eye and imagination. Well, don't just sit there smiling - what are you going to do about it? This week's touchstones: Carnelian, Orange Calcite.
Meter reading: 8 October 1-7: You begin the week with a brilliant idea, but may not feel ready to share it with the world. So you do in-depth research and prepare for an inevitable presentation of your concept. Things move along much faster than you'd anticipated because by midweek, others want to discuss your idea with you. By the end of the workweek, a lovefest ensues, indicating that you have the support and enthusiasm of good people. If you'd planned on a relaxing, do-nothing weekend, think again. You're about to get even busier than you are now. This week's touchstones: Ammonite, Granite.
Meter reading: 7 October 8-14: Make sure to get out as often as possible this week instead burying your head in chores and paperwork. Change your routines and allow something new and exciting to enhance your life. Just get off the same old predictable treadmill. Your goals and aspirations are beginning to shift right along with your real feelings about a personal situation. You're not entirely convinced that this is what you want - or that it's good for you. There's no need to back yourself into a corner now - leave all your options open. Make sure, however, to look around and explore a few things or people you might have missed out on. This week's touchstones: Red Tiger's Eye, Citrine.
Meter reading: 8 October 8-14: Venus enters your career, status and reputation sector this week, heightening your visibility and attractiveness. If you're seeking employment, send in your application during the first half of the week. Don't count on a quick turnaround; things may take a few weeks. Your job is to actively remain in touch with a key contact person and continue to be a consummate professional. You're also a superb liaison and interpreter. You can look at an agreement and find the strengths and weaknesses that need to be discussed. You have a gift for mediation and may function as a conduit between two sparring colleagues. What you need to make very clear is that there are no instantaneous fixes. Most issues you're currently dealing with will not reach an important milestone until the end of this month or early next month. This week's touchstones: Turquoise, Malachite.
For October 8: Venus helps your cause starting today. Whatever you're shooting for personally, professionally or materially, moves just a little closer. Others are more likely to return your calls and say 'yes' with enthusiasm to your requests. Instead of feeling as if you've suddenly gone invisible, you feel back on the radar screen once again. You may have a few harrowing moments this morning, but they pass. Take care - you might be slightly more clumsy or accident-prone. This probably isn't a great day to give into daredevil urges. This is, however, an excellent day for roundtable discussions about career or personal decisions that are rapidly approaching. 金星が貴方の目的を今日から助け始めます。貴方の狙いが何であってもちょっと近づいてください。 他の人は貴方の呼びかけに答え 熱烈にYESといってくれるでしょう。 貴方が突然透明になり レーダーのスクリーン以外に反応がないなんていうことはないはずです。 午前にほんの少し荒れ模様の時間があるでしょうが、それはすぐにおわります。あなたはいつもよりも愚図で事件を引き寄せやすいです。 命知らずな賭けをするときではありません。しかし、今日は円卓でもうすぐ来るであろう貴方の経歴や個人的な決断について話し合いをするのに良い日です。
I like Universal Studios. Whenever I'm in Florida, California or the Australian Gold Coast, I feel strangely drawn to this theme park. It's the movie sets that get me every time. There they are, so convincing. Those building fronts and street scenes. Then, you peek behind and it's all a facade. A flimsy piece of painted wood propped up like a giant picture. Just like life, really. It all seems so solid. Everything appears to be cast in concrete. Yet if you want to, you can alter almost anything. Think like a director today.
You’re happy to accept the blame for mistakes for which you’re responsible. But somebody thinks they’ll shift the blame for their ill-starred manoeuvres your way. Bizarrely, they imagine you’re unlikely to confront them. Not only is that wrong, as tolerant as you can be of genuine mistakes, when others are being underhand, you can be brutal.
Today is mixed. On one hand, you feel delighted by a possible goal that may be reachable after all. But on the other hand, you feel frustrated by a labyrinth you can't seem to get out of - and are frankly tired of the struggle. If someone offers you the option of quitting or continuing today, you may shrug your shoulders and say, "I quit," mainly because you've reached your saturation point in the 'I Can't Take It Anymore' department. It's best to not make long-range decisions that may not serve you well. Keep your options, such as they are, open for the time being. Don't slam the door just yet. If possible (and this is a big 'if') try to keep the dialogue going while you sort things out.
Lights, camera, action! On the set of every major movie there's a scriptwriter in attendance. Some scenes just don't work in reality. No matter how well they were planned on paper. It may not be till they go for the take that the director realises that there must be a better way. You now feel as if you are locked in to a course of action. It's surely too late to change at this late hour, isn't it? If, though, you really want to rewrite a certain part of your story, it's perfectly possible to step back and then step forward once more.
For October 10: Venus and Saturn oppose the North Node, suggesting that you chart a slightly different path in order to reach an important goal. Just a tiny shift - a few degrees, actually - is all it takes to renew or revamp a project or relationship. Be as accessible and cooperative as possible, and listen to what others are saying. You can learn so much from another's wisdom today. Instead of jumping to conclusions based on a sentence or two, keep listening. Get the fullness of what another is communicating. The more you think about another's suggestions, the more attractive a 'new path' sounds.
Sometimes, when issues surface, facts are best discussed right away. At the moment, however, both you and others need time to digest what you’ve just learned and, having done that, ask a few questions. Only once you’ve done that should you even consider talking over who’s responsible for what, potential plans or long term solutions.
The path of least resistance. That's what we all tend to follow in the end. Even if we set out along some other road, it is only a matter of time before inertia sets in. Why keep doing what's difficult? We all prefer whatever is (or at least seems to be) easiest. There are times, though, when even the trains that run on the straightest of tracks have to change direction at the points. You can now make a big brave decision about where you want to go next. The cosmos is ready. Are you?Be ready for your chances and your challenges!
There are few things you dislike more than those who will merrily condemn others on the basis of gossip or hearsay. You need facts and then will ask some serious questions. But once you do that, as you have recently, then you’ll confront those with what you’ve learned and if they’ve no proper answer, that’s it.
For October 11: Today begins a period of thought, consideration and collaboration. You look at various options that present themselves, but must not rush to judgment. Take your time while considering which solution, group or offer sounds the most attractive to you - and keep a wide-open mind! Chances are, you may move in an entirely different direction than you're accustomed to. At first, this might feel somewhat unnerving, but not for long. Your new friends, colleagues and sources of inspiration will be so advantageous and transforming. It's okay to take a chance, but there's no need to force issues or speed things up until after early November. 10月11日 今日から、考えたり協力したりする期間が始まります。 あなたはもたらされたいろいろな選択肢を吟味しますが、しかし決断を急いではいけません。 心を広く、開かれた状態にして、どのグループ、解決法、申し出が最も魅力的であるのかを考えてください。 機会は、貴方が慣れ親しんだものとは全く違う方向へ行くことにあるでしょう。 最初はどこか気力がなくなるようなことがあるかもしれませんが、しかし長くは続きません。 貴方の新しい、友達、知り合い、インスピレーションの源は有利で、変幻自在です。 チャンスをつかむのはOKですが、しかし、11月の初めまでは 強制されたり、スピードアップしたりするような必要もありません
Daily Horoscope: Weekend Update: Friday reminds you that you're only as successful as your most recent victory or accomplishment. As tempted as you may be to sit back and watch the paint dry, that's one luxury you can't indulge in - not at this time, anyway. Just keep plugging along, moving with caution and backing up everything you say and do with a factual paper trail. Things look very promising on Friday, especially if you're a driven workaholic. You'll get loads accomplished! Saturday morning is excellent for spontaneous plans - just do something out of the ordinary. A change of pace will refresh your mind and recharge your creativity. Later Saturday, you may decide to make it an early night or stay close to home. You won't be in the mood to cope with crowds, traffic and other people's tantrums. Sunday brings a very secure, positive feeling, particularly in regard to your career, reputation or social standing. You'll feel more in control of your future and acknowledge that your position may be stronger than you'd originally imagined. Later Sunday, you employ your intuition and vast imagination and are able to do some of your best work yet.
Why don't we all live forever? Because none of us wants to. Probably, there's some kind of mechanism embedded in our DNA. It enables our eternal existence but only on condition that we never drop our desire for it. The moment we say, even briefly, even in jest, that we are sick of this world - or of ourselves - we surrender our divine right to immortality. And what a jolly good job we do. Can you imagine how excruciatingly dull that would be? What makes life fun is that it is not forever. Make the most of your weekend!
Your Weekend: Have you ever watched an old video recording of yourself? You know that strange feeling you get when you realise it must be you but you can hardly relate to what you are saying or wearing? You may experience something along those lines soon as you begin to see old experiences in a new light. There may be embarrassment or awkwardness as a penny drops and a little light bulb begins to flicker at the back of your mind. Don't get into all of this. What matters is not what has happened - it is what can now happen next.
One of your gifts is your ability to speak frankly about the shortcoming of others, while still making it clear that you respect them and their abilities. With Mercury going retrograde in the most strategic angle of your chart, you’d best be extremely cautious what you say, since the odds are high you’ll be misunderstood.
Because you loathe it when others make decisions on your behalf that are really none of their business, you’re hyper-conscious of situations of this nature. At the moment, however, things are moving so swiftly that you really have no choice but to commit to others, whether they’re happy about it or not.
The facts are one thing. While others are ready to make decisions of far-reaching importance based on what’s come to light recently, you’re not so sure. Your instincts are telling you there’s more to it than that. You’re right. Try to get others to put off any lasting decisions until those additional facts come to light.
Love Meter reading: 8 October 15-21: Most people don't realize how competitive you are, but they'll get a better idea of how far you're willing to go to win this week. You have no intention of walking away from someone you want. Your energy level is remarkably high and your attitude is outstanding. Because you're ultra focused on achieving one crucial goal (winning the heart of the one you're obsessed with) you're nearly impossible to overlook or ignore. This week's touchstones: Ruby, Sunstone. ほとんどの人は貴方がどれほど競争的な人間か知りません。しかし今週彼らは貴方が勝利のためにどれだけできるか考えを新たにするでしょう。 貴方は貴方のほしい人から離れるツモリは毛頭ありません。貴方のエネルギーは目に見えるほど高まっており、貴方の気持ちははっきりしています。 なぜなら、貴方は非常に重要なゴール(つまり貴方がこだわっている人物の心を得ること)に集中しているから、貴方を見落としたり無視するのは不可能です
Career Meter reading: 9 October 15-21: Talks produce excellent results this week. You finally get the ear of smart people who are actually interested in breaking with tradition and trying something avant-garde and potentially more productive. You may be asked to do more than you're currently doing, and to take a leadership or executive role. You can handle it, particularly if you're fairly compensated. Your opinion suddenly carries more weight. Your ideas are mutually beneficial to all involved, making your suggestions very attractive. Your perceived value goes up several notches, so don't underestimate your worth. Nobody else will. This week's touchstones: Red Spinel, Paraiba Tourmaline. 今週は会話がすばらしい結果を生みます。 貴方はついに(伝統を壊し、前衛的で生産的な何かをしようとしている)賢い人々に話を聞いてもらうことができます。 貴方は今やっていることよりも多くの責任をおい、 リーダーや管理者として振舞うように要求されます。 そして貴方には、それに見合う努力をすれば、この仕事をこなすことができます。貴方の意見は突然以前よりも重みを増し、 貴方の考えは関係者すべてに利益があり、貴方の提案を魅力的なものにします。あなたの価値は何段階か上昇します、ですから貴方を過小評価しないでください。 貴方以外のだれも過小評価しないでしょうから。
Timing as you know is everything and with this week's gentle yet productive alignments you should take a bull by the horns. In some cases this means it is the right time to deal with a problem that requires delicate handling but for other Archers the timing is perfect for floating an idea intended to make you money or work wonders for your love life. It's not the hard sell that is required either but the softly-softly approach. Venus is currently shining her light on career and life-goals; she is also bringing you to the attention of people who can make a positive difference to your existence, so side-line the small stuff and start thinking big.
Monday, 15th October 2007 They say you should always 'quit while you are ahead'. But how can you tell whether or not you are ahead? Sometimes, we feel quite sure we are winning, only to discover to our sudden mortification, that we have been losing quite badly. Sometimes, too, we feel deeply dismissive of our own accomplishments. Only in retrospect do we realise how well we were handling our difficulties. If you feel absolutely sure that you are ahead this week, feel free to quit. Otherwise, don't be in any hurry to give up. 一般に、「勝ってるうちに抜けろ」といいます。 しかし、一体貴方が勝っているのか負けているのかどう区別すればいいのでしょうか。 時に、私は勝っていると思いますが、 それはただ ものすごく負けていないということを確認しているだけだったりします。 時に 私は自分の業績を恥じたりしますが、それはただ、いかな困難を乗り越えてきたかを確認できるのは回想の中だけだったりします。 //よくわからないけど 勝ち負けの区別はやりづらいみたいな意味 もし、今週 自分は絶対的に勝っているようだと思ったら、ご自由に抜けてください。しかし、そうでないのなら急いで諦めたりしないでください。
Being an optimist, you’ve been hoping that certain increasingly difficult individuals would realise the damage their attitude is having on progress in joint ventures. But they’re actually getting worse. This leaves it to you to say something, and soon. Actually, they know there are problems, and will be relieved to discuss these issues frankly.
Your mind is like an amusement park today. A bunch of unrelated ideas pour in, loudly demanding your attention and feedback. Some of them are great, but a few are so impractical and improbable that they're a waste of your valuable time. Don't chase after things that you can't possibly fit into your schedule. It might seem difficult to sort out what works from what won't. You need to look at each task in a personal way. Ask yourself if this 'opportunity' will benefit you, your reputation or career. And then ask yourself why you're considering doing this. Is it for you or someone else? At this point in the game, you (and all mutable signs) need to avoid spreading yourself too thin.
Is it all working out perfectly? Of course not. When does it ever do that? And what should we be, other than suspicious, if ever this appears to be the case? Life is always tense. Problems never vanish entirely. Troubles, though, like tides, rise and fall. Yours is now out. It isn't due to come back in for a while to come. Don't keep looking over your shoulder. Stare straight ahead in the direction of your most cherished dream. You are in with a real chance of fulfilling it now.
You're kind of Peter Pan in your approach today. Instead of just slogging along like an obedient, hardworking Clydesdale, you break out of your harness and do a little exploring. Your energy is freer and more difficult to focus or contain, so let it flow. You need days like this to release some steam and recharge your emotional and spiritual batteries. Some of you may be blessed by an unexpected financial gift, too. Maybe a check that you'd nearly forgotten about will finally arrive - or an unexpected gift may come in the mail. There are a couple very sweet surprises awaiting you. Open your eyes.
There are days when we feel that all we want is to 'survive'. That's a high enough aspiration. That's plenty to aim for - and achieve. Everything gets on top. Energy becomes drained. Enthusiasm slips away. Then, suddenly, one small change takes place and everything begins to look very different. Has it been a while since you last encountered the 'truth' of this observation? Well, it won't be much longer before you feel able to say that you know exactly what I mean.
For October 17: People are working on your behalf behind the scenes. You may not be aware of what is being discussed or even when, but are in very good hands. Relax and go about your day, and allow your friends, family and colleagues to do what they do best. A career or status matter looks particularly good for you midday. You may get an inkling of what's going on later this afternoon. Ironically, someone in your midst may not interpret this as great news, even though it is. Think before sharing every detail with others. Some people may not understand what you're saying
You have very little patience for those who dwell on minor offences and unimportant slights, and won’t tolerate them in yourself. However, it would appear that there’s one particular issue that you’ve taken very much to heart. So much, in fact, that it’s influencing your attitude towards the individual you regard as behind it all.
Think before sharing every detail with others. Some people may not understand what you're saying or misinterpret your good news. You know it's good - and that's all that matters.
Thursday, 18th October 2007 SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 21) When we stand back from a situation, we soon start to see it very differently. It's funny when you find yourself looking from the outside. It is also, though, highly instructive. We make our most useful discoveries when we put a little distance between ourselves and our problems. In a similar way, we can liberate ourselves from unhealthy obsessions. There are many things that we think we like, but which, actually, we might never miss if they were to leave our lives. Today brings a very helpful reality check. 離れてみると良く分かるといいます。 外から自分を眺めるのは奇妙でおもしろいものです。そして 自分を眺めるのは勉強にもなります。 自分の問題と自分を離れて観察すると非常に有用な発見をすることがあります。 同じような方法で不健康な妄執から解放されることができます。この世には 私が好きに違いないと思うものが一杯ありますが、 実際になくなってみると なくなってさびしいと思うものは少ないものです。 今日は何かがなくなっていらなかったと気が付かされる的なことがあるでしょう?
When we stand back from a situation, we soon start to see it very differently. It's funny when you find yourself looking from the outside. It is also, though, highly instructive. We make our most useful discoveries when we put a little distance between ourselves and our problems. In a similar way, we can liberate ourselves from unhealthy obsessions. There are many things that we think we like, but which, actually, we might never miss if they were to leave our lives. Today brings a very helpful reality check.
For October 18: Good news arrives in a financial matter. You might not receive material proof of this, but should hear something very heartening. You also may hear from someone in your past - perhaps a former colleague or VIP you once worked for. This could be unexpected but gratifying. You entertain the thought of going back to a former situation , but would be wise to give yourself until early November before committing one way or the other. Along with positive elements from the past may also be a few dreary people or memories. These are unresolved issues that left a bad taste in your mouth long ago and may have caused a great deal of physical and mental stress. Those situations may seem so real, even though they're officially over, that you 'feel' them again. For many of you, this will manifest as muscle aches, frustration or anger, and exhaustion 今日は財政面でよいニュースがあるでしょう。形ある確かな証拠を受け取ったりはしませんが、何かとても励まされることを聞くはずです。 さらに、貴方は過去の誰かから何かを聞くはずです。おそらく、前の同僚か、社長、幹部(VIP)とかでしょう。 これは、予測していなかったことですが、うれしいことです。貴方は前の状況へもどるという考えを楽しむでしょう。 しかし、11月の初めまでどちらにするか決定しないほうが賢いでしょう。 過去からの肯定的な要素にともなって、おそらくいくつかの否定的な状況や人物のことも思い出すはずです。 それらは長い間解決されず不味い気分のままでした。そして体や心にストレスが生じていたはずです。 こういった状況は 、公式には終わったことになっても、後々まで残るし貴方はそれをまた味わうことになるでしょう。 多くの射手座にとって、これがズキズキとする痛みや、フラストレーション、怒りや疲れをもたらすのは明白です。
Sometimes misunderstandings are best ignored. However, not only is now not one of those times, with Mercury retrograde in the most strategic part of your chart, the things you pay no attention to now could turn into serious problems, and within only days. Once you’re actually discussing these, you’ll realise how pivotal they are.
Weekend Update: During the first half of Friday, you focus mainly on practical, financial issues. As the day progresses, you become more imaginative and experimental. You feed your heart and soul, even if it means disappointing someone else who may have had the day all mapped out and scheduled for you. Your interest in any one thing or person is ephemeral, so you may appear unfocused, like a poster child for ADD. Friday afternoon and evening require you to be receptive and to go where inspiration and curiosity take you, even if doing so doesn't sit well with others. It's likely that you may face a certain amount of criticism later Friday evening - but it'll bounce off of you without making a dent. Saturday continues your "I gotta be ME" phase. You can't be controlled or contained and each time someone tries to rope you in or restrict you in any way, you slide farther out of his or her grasp. (When will they ever learn?) It appears that someone close to you is capable of learning because your evening looks wonderful, warm and downright luscious. Sunday is superb for talks and all forms of communication. Your ability to express your thoughts in ways that grab others' attention and provoke reaction is remarkable. Later Sunday evening, you may make plans for a family get-together or celebratory dinner in the near future.
Some things just don't make sense no matter how we try to understand them. Indeed, the more we think about particular issues and difficulties, the more confused we get. It's tempting, when faced with a baffling matter, to just make a bold decision and hope that somehow, it will turn out right. That's an urge you ought to avoid now. Try to live with a ludicrous situation for a little longer. You'll waste a lot of energy trying to sort it out. Whereas, if you put up with it, within days it will pose far less of a problem.
You’re inquisitive by nature, and are enormously interested in what everybody is doing and in what they have to say. However, there are certain individuals who are too shy to tell you what’s on their mind. Ordinarily this would come out eventually. But with things moving so swiftly, you must ask them, and soon.
Your Weekend: Whatever has to happen, will happen. Whatever is required, will be attained. For a long while, you have had your heart set on a particular objective. Inwardly, you have been moving towards this all the time. Interestingly, you have not even been fully aware of your own determination. Your heart has been following one agenda while you have been following another. But, of course, your heart has been by far the most powerful force. It has managed to take you a long way and it has no intention of stopping.
Don’t make the mistake of assuming that others know what your intentions are in arrangements involving them. They simply aren’t as aware of the nature of the situations involved as you are. Worse, because they’re also not as inquisitive, the odds are slim that they’ll ask the questions necessary to fill out the picture.
Ordinarily you ignore minor problems. However, because the retrograde Mercury is accenting numerous troublesome obligations and the people involved with them, you’d be well advised to take everything that arises very seriously indeed. Behind some are errors you were unaware of, and others could lead to exchanges as worthwhile as they are surprising. Your biggest challenge is accepting the fact that, having acquired these insights, you can’t act on them. Yet, you’re just entering a cycle of powerful and far-reaching growth, and as exciting as what you’re discussing could be, the commitments you make now would only hold you back.
Tedious as double-checking every fact is, it’s that or risk serious confusion. The problem is that with the communication planet Mercury retrograde and bringing, as usual, an increase in minor errors, problems are inevitable. Make it your objective to catch these before they turn into serious errors and you’ll avoid troublesome mistakes and misunderstandings.
Too much explanation can make anything seem dry or dull. A little mystery is a wonderful thing. However, (you are going to like this) there comes a point where we have to strike a balance! Too much mystery will take you close to the edge of insanity, just as too much reason will turn you into a prize bore. You have been unable to make head or tail of a certain person's behaviour. A particular situation has been exasperating you. This week you make a great discovery. A penny drops and it becomes worth a million.
First thing this morning, you attempt to get a head start on a pending project or deadline and should have some success. But as you know, you have more than one pressing issue to attend to. Try to put things in the proper order of importance and attack them one step at a time. Mid morning calls for a break. You need a change of pace periodically to refresh your mind and restore your mental and physical energy. If you sit too long or are glued to one static situation, you lose some of your fire. So take a break at least hourly - even if it's for 5 minutes of deep breathing or floor exercise. Interesting news about a pending agreement or career development arrives later this afternoon, possibly as late as early evening. Some of you get surprising news from a close family member later this evening.
It feels almost as if you have been summoned to the headteacher's study. An awkward moment is imminent. You cannot get out of it. Nor can you control what it contains. You may be about to get a big telling off. Or a special commendation. You really are not sure. You don't know what you have done wrong, but nor can you see how you have done anything so exceptionally right. The hour approaches. The time of truth draws nigh. Do you really want me to tell you what to expect? Relax!
Now that Saturn is dominating the crucial midheaven angle of your chart, which accents your goals and objectives, you’re giving serious thought to what you want to achieve. While this may take the form of justifying your plans to others, what you learn in the process won’t just be informative, your conclusions could surprise you.
The transiting Sun slips into your solar twelfth house today, indicating that you'll be very busy, mostly behind the scenes, during the next month. If your work revolves around research and other cerebral activities, do what you can to minimize distractions and noise. You might be better off in a solitary environment. Because you're a fiery Sagittarian, you can benefit from periodic breaks that incorporate physical exercise. Each break can refresh your brain and help you focus better during your next round of study and research. Later this afternoon, family issues may take center stage or be a source of tension. You'll get through it - and it's temporary. Much later this evening, you begin to rethink a goal you've clung to for ages. Maybe it's not so special, after all.
You might feel somewhat pressed for time during the morning and early afternoon, particularly since a number of people want your personal feedback or attention. Your schedule may be a hodgepodge of dovetailing one meeting, call or assignment on top of the other. Yet, despite the last minute vibration surrounding your morning and early afternoon, things work out very well. By mid afternoon, it becomes clear that you did achieve what you set out to do. Your evening should be even more rewarding. You enjoy helping others out, particularly when you can see positive results.
Some people travel to the ends of the Earth in search of education and enlightenment. Travel may broaden the mind, but it does not necessarily deepen it. If your mind is full of prejudice and fixed belief, it will be just as closed in Cairo as it is in California. Whereas, you can be right in the middle of Dullville and, if you have a genuine willingness to find things out, you can be deluged with inspiring revelations. The only thing you now need to change is an entrenched attitude and an unnecessary fear. (Find out what the planets have in store for you.)
You so dislike others telling you what to do that you bend over backwards to avoid imposing unreasonable demands on anybody. Ironically, this has left one or two individuals uncertain about what you expect from them. So don’t assume they’re unwilling to make an effort. The problem might be that they’re short of facts.
This morning isn't typical. Changes, surprises and possibly unexpected developments may occur. Don't be alarmed: This is all good stuff, brimming with potential. Your creative impulse is ultra powerful. Combined with your outgoing personality, you're pretty sensational at sales, motivational talks and other presentations. You may encounter a temporary obstacle later this afternoon or during early evening that ends up being a blessing in disguise. Later this evening, things begin to change in a health or work-related matter. Once again, this will work to your advantage.
There's a lot to be said for a long 'wish list'. If you are hoping for - or even coveting - something, you clearly cannot feel too jaded or cynical. Somewhere within, you must reckon that there is at least a small chance of getting what you're after. People who have abandoned all faith have long lists of complaints, instead. These are extremely easy to create. You don't have to go far on this planet, before you find something that's irritatingly wrong. Be grateful now for what excites and inspires you.
It would appear that you’ve gotten into certain habits that, while once productive, are now actually causing you problems. Spotting them is the challenge. However, the seemingly impossible situations you’re facing are actually an opportunity to recognise where changes need to be made. Begin now and you’ll eliminate what would otherwise become an increasing nuisance.
Meter reading: 7 October 22-28: No matter how overworked and scattered you feel because of pressing personal matters, you present a very pleasing, 'all is well' visage to the world. You don't want others to think that you can't handle certain stresses, and aren't in the mood to discuss these issues with your pals. So you represent things as being better than they actually are. Your apparent sunny disposition attracts new friends and admirers, but what you really need right now is a loyal steady friend that you can trust with your innermost thoughts - someone with a proven track record for honesty and reliability. This week's touchstones: Green Turquoise, Lavender Jade.
Meter reading: 8 October 22-28: You look for ways to redefine your job description and, perhaps, to upgrade your status at work. Naturally, an upgrade in status may also translate to a fatter paycheck. Anticipate rather surprising reactions from colleagues and decision makers - mostly in your favor - especially late this week. You can discuss at length the details and possibilities, but things begin to finally break new ground and produce results on Thursday and Friday. Next week is even more amazing. This week's touchstones: Star Sapphire, Peridot.
Friday's Full Moon in Taurus is all about health, work and basic upkeep at home or work. It's a pragmatic, one step at a time phase. You won't have much luck by rushing in and forcing issues. Your best bet is to take things one steady step at a time, always remembering that Mercury remains retrograde until early November. Conversations and negotiations should proceed quite well, particularly during the afternoon. You consider other possibilities or offers during Friday evening.
Saturday morning and afternoon extend this trend. By Saturday evening, someone may approach you with yet another idea that sounds appealing. It appears that business and personal activities will merge this weekend. For those of you looking for love or a new partner, you're in luck.
Sunday morning may be a bit dicey. You probably feel that the weight of the world is on your shoulders and may be a touch cranky. Your attitude improves mightily later in the day.
How rewarding will your weekend be? A time of nearly but not quite? Or a time of nails hit firmly on their heads? Well, you're the archer. You know your aim. It's as true as ever. So if there are to be any misses, the fault must surely lie in the choice of target. And there's still time now to do something about that. Some objects are currently moving. Why waste time tracking these, when sooner or later they will stand still? Right now, there's another, easier yet equally desirable prize to aim for!
Your Week Ahead: The world is full of people who are paid for using only a small portion of their brain. Workers, for example, who are required to assemble components, not to design or market those objects; who are expected to focus on one key administrative area regardless of their potential to be helpful in another department. 'Do your job, and don't do more than your job or less than it.' That's an unimaginative ethos, fostered in a thousand faceless firms. You are capable of much more than you are currently supplying; at work, at home, in pretty much every area of life. If you have something to give, give it in the right spirit and it will be received in the same way.
Your Weekend: We regret that, due to circumstances beyond our control, we are unable to bring you a forecast today. Here, instead, is a little music. Tiddle tiddle pom, la la la, tiddle pom. Now I know what you're thinking. You are thinking, what is he trying to tell me? Where is the hidden message? Should I take every third tiddle and divide it by the number of poms? And what are those la las? Clues? Anagrams? But that's my point. You are reading too much into too little. Think less, succeed more this weekend.
Mercury, this week, completes the phase of retrograde motion that it began back in early October. Neptune, too, 'changes direction.' It has been retrograde since late May. No matter what sign you are, this has an exciting implication for you if you're dreaming a big dream, nurturing a great hope or trying to strike an important deal. Where, of late, there has been a lot of to-ing and fro-ing, humming and hah-ing, waiting and wondering, there's soon going to be a time for sleeve-rolling, doubt-dropping and shoulder-to-the-wheeling!
Your Week Ahead: The world is full of people who are paid for using only a small portion of their brain. Workers, for example, who are required to assemble components, not to design or market those objects; who are expected to focus on one key administrative area regardless of their potential to be helpful in another department. 'Do your job, and don't do more than your job or less than it.' That's an unimaginative ethos, fostered in a thousand faceless firms. You are capable of much more than you are currently supplying; at work, at home, in pretty much every area of life. If you have something to give, give it in the right spirit and it will be received in the same way. 世界には脳のほんの一部分しか使わないで生きている人で一杯です。 工場労働者は 例えば 部品を組み合わせるだけで デザインしたり営業したりはしません。 彼らに他の分野での才能があったとしても 彼らに求められているのは 組み立てることだけです。 あなたのしごとをしなさい。貴方の仕事以外はやらないか、やっても少しだけにしておきなさい。などと多くの人はいうでしょう しかし あなたには今やっている以上のことをやる才能があります。仕事で、家で、あるいはどんなジャンルでも。 貴方に提供できるものがあるなら、正しい心で提供しましょう。そうすれば正しい心でうけいれられます。
Nobody is pretending that one particular situation you’re facing is anything but unfair. However, while you’ve have every right to make an issue of it, that wouldn’t achieve much. You’re better off just dealing with things as they are. In time justice will prevail, and whatever you were forced to give up will be returned.
Ever since early October, you’ve been facing frustrating obstacles or have been blamed for dilemmas that really weren’t your responsibility. While you dealt with these, you’re still annoyed at the time you wasted which could be devoted to something more worthwhile. This challenging cycle ends with Monday’s run in between Venus and your ruler Jupiter. You analyse problem and begin to recognise what you’re learning from them, which is that certain arrangements you once regarded as reliable are no longer as rewarding. Disappointing as this is, it’s clearing the way for the life-changing events coming your way in a month’s time.
Love Meter reading: 8 October 29-November 4: All your preparation and hard work are starting to reap impressive rewards! You've made plenty of sacrifices - probably more than most people realize - in order to accomplish certain goals. This week blesses you with a number of well-deserved benefits and accolades. You also receive some fabulous compliments and rapt attention from someone you've had your eye on since the last ice age. So things are definitely looking up for you, Sagittarius! This week's touchstones: Sunstone, Watermelon Tourmaline. ラブ あなたのしてきた準備ときつい仕事がついにすばらしい報酬へと到達します。 貴方はある目標のために多くのものを犠牲にしてきました。普通の人にはわからないだろうものも含めてです。 今週はいくつもの受け取るに値する利益や敬意が貴方を祝福するでしょう。 あなたは途方も無い賛辞と 氷河期のころから一目置いていた誰かのうっとりとした視線を感じるでしょう。 物事は貴方に都合よく進み始めるようです。
Career Meter reading: 7 October 29-November 4: Information trickles in gradually early this week. By midweek, you know quite a bit more about where you stand in an ongoing financial or career matter. More information continues to arrive each day, especially on Thursday and Friday. By next week, you'll be in a better position to make a decision about accepting or rejecting another's proposal. Ask yourself if clients or colleagues recognize the value of what you do. If they don't, a particular collaboration may not be a good fit. This week's touchstones: Black Spinel, Onyx. キャリア 今週初めから情報がちょろちょろと入ってきます。 週の半ばまでに 現在進行形の財政や仕事の問題で自分がどこに立っているのかもっと理解できるでしょう。 より多くの情報が毎日はいってきます。特に木曜と金曜に。次の週までに 貴方は誰かの申し出を断るか承諾するか判断しやすいずっといいポジションに到達します。 クライアントや同僚が貴方のしたことの価値を認めているかどうか 自分にといかけてください。 もし認めていないと思うのでしたら、申し出の一部はあなたに向かないのかもしれません
Will your plan pay off? Are you pushing your luck? I feel half-inclined just to raise the question and then leave it hanging. After all, if I say 'no', I will plant a seed of doubt in your mind. I will create a negative expectation. This may turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. And if I say 'yes'? Well, then, have I not deprived you of something rather wonderful? A chance to revel in joyous uncertainty? You will find out, very shortly, how wise your big idea has been. It is due to be a good week.
Judge this week on its own, and you’ll be disappointed. Remember that they’re preparing you for the seismic changes that take place in just over a month’s time, and you’ll realise that all those things you’re editing out of your life must go if you’re to take advantage of the extraordinary developments soon coming your way.
Things get off to a pretty good start this morning. You feel empowered, and refreshed by the day's activities and prospects. Get some exercise this morning if at all possible. It's a great vehicle for you to meditate and unlock your creativity. Your intuition is very sharp right now, enabling you to lift the shroud and peer beneath layers and layers of bunting. You already sense what is coming - and you're prepared. There's something liberating about today's events. Late this evening, you feel even better - and great about what the future holds. 事態は今朝、きれいな好調なスタートに出されます。 あなたは1日の活動と見通しで権限を与えて、リフレッシュすると感じます。 できれば、今朝、何らかの運動を得てください。 それはあなたが創造性を思索して、 アンロックするすばらしい乗り物です。 あなたの直観はたった今非常に機敏です、 あなたが旗の層と層の下で経かたびらと同輩を上げるのを可能にして。 あなたは既に来ることを感じます、そして、用意ができています。 今日の出来事に関する何か解放しているものがあります。 今晩、あなたはさらに良く感じます--そして、遅く、未来が保持するものに関してすばらしい。
Nov 2, 2007 Venus quintile Mars Nov 19, 2007 Venus quintile Jupiter Nov 19, 2007 Mercury Trine Mars Dec 2, 2007 Venus Sxtil Jupiter Dec 3, 2007 Mercury biquintile Mars Dec 11, 2007 Venus Trine Mars Dec 20, 2007 Mercury Conj Jupiter Dec 26, 2007 Venus biquintile Mars
Potential Love Challenges 恋愛関係でチャレンジしてよさそうな日
Nov 19, 2007 Venus Sqr Mars Nov 28, 2007 Mercury Sesqu Mars Dec 7, 2007 Mercury Qucnx Mars Dec 21, 2007 Venus Sesqu Mars Dec 22, 2007 Mercury Oppos Mars Dec 26, 2007 Mars Oppos Jupiter Dec 30, 2007 Venus Qucnx Mars
They say that beggars can't be choosers. But what about lucky beggars? There is some question now about whether you have much choice in the outcome of a current drama. You feel rather as if you have no option other than to go down a certain road. That may be so, but, whether you know it or not, you are lucky. Circumstances are conspiring to push you in the only direction that can possibly make any sense. Your heart has chosen this road, regardless of what your head thinks. And that's good.
Others may be complaining about the unsettling influence of Mercury’s retrograde cycle, but you’re fascinated by what you’re learning. Some revelations are funny, while others force you to deal with issues you buried long ago. In every case, however, these are better acknowledged and dealt with then left unacknowledged, as has been the case.
"The application of electricity to a mummy, three or four thousand years old was an idea... and we all caught it at once! We arranged a battery in the doctor's study and conveyed thither the Egyptian." I must stop Edgar Allan Poe here, before he ends up writing more of your forecast than I. Still, though, this Hallowe'en, we must ask what madcap scheme you are engaged in? You have a wild notion. It cannot possibly work quite as you expect it to, but it may yet bring an amazing result.
Happy Halloween! This morning bodes well for your career, reputation and finances. You find ways to carve out a new niche and pad your nest a little more. You also command a great deal of respect, and may be perceived as potent, mystical or at the very least, unique. If you work in a healing profession, this morning is especially good for you. There may be a sudden improvement in one of your patients or clients - a real breakthrough. Midday may launch a verbal exchange that could get emotional or critical. Don't allow this to occur. Keep the mood above board, positive and productive. Nothing can be gained from petty turf wars. Later this afternoon, Neptune finally goes direct, launching your thoughts in a new direction and moving your dreams up a couple notches.
When you first raised certain issues, you had no idea they’d upset others. It’s not what you said, but what wasn’t discussed in the past. These unacknowledged issues would have remained exactly that until something else triggered them, so it’s just as well they’ve come up now, giving you a chance to put them to rest.
Sometimes, the right things happen for all the wrong reasons. Sometimes, too, though, the wrong things happen for all the right reasons. Whoops! Then what are we to do? If we have our reasons, we must surely respect our reasons. Unless, that is, our reasons are unreasonable. You are now thinking far too long and hard about a matter that does not need much consideration. The right thing will happen if you do the right thing. And there is only one right thing to do.
Organising plans is one thing. But at times like this, keeping them as they were organised is quite another matter. Actually, you’re better off undertaking changes as situations themselves change. This will make things considerably easier. Your only problem is that one particular individual regards such adjustments as a sign of weakness.
Mercury goes direct in your solar 11th house later today, indicating that semantics may play a big role in a debate, negotiation or dispute. You need clarity but are more likely to hear doubletalk and carefully worded canards designed to keep you at bay or off balance. Don't accept this. If you don't fully comprehend what is being said, ask to see it in writing. Then show it to someone who does understand such material. Because your reputation and standing are being tossed about like a softball, you need to stand up taller than the players around you. During the next few days, you'll develop a better idea of what is actually going on.
When some people say that they want an easy life, they actually mean it. When you profess such an aspiration, you are fibbing! Think, for a moment, about your lifestyle; the world you have created for yourself, the people you have chosen to populate it with, the challenges you have taken on, the responsibilities you have accepted, the dramas you have allowed yourself to become embroiled in. Really. An easy life? What you actually want is an 'easier' life. Now that, you may just get this weekend.
Ordinarily you’ve a knack for winning others over to your way of thinking. That’s proved useful in numerous situations, but at the moment could be a liability. The reason is that, actually, their ideas or concepts are far better than yours. Persuade them to abandon their plans and you’ll be doing you both a disservice.
You might feel slightly overwhelmed or confused Friday morning. You get over it pretty fast and shift into a higher gear by early afternoon. That's when you really begin to take off. You have plenty to think and talk about - and it's mostly invigorating and positive. Conversations started during the day may continue into the evening hours.
Saturday morning focuses almost solely on your career and reputation. Your image also figures into the equation. You think about various options and ways to get the most value for your contributions. You may ask an advisor for a few pointers. Later Saturday evening, you do your best to catch up on a few chores and unfinished conversations with friends.
Sunday morning is superb for exercise and financial talks. You won't feel like sitting still and doing nothing. You're in the mood to resolve a couple issues and are likely to be on the move. Some of you take brief trips - perhaps to the next town. Midday may be a bit jarring or unnerving, especially if you're in heavy traffic. It's probably not the best time to be on the road. Later in the day, you gradually feel better and refocus your attention on new goals, new alliances and new influential pals.
Your Weekend: Your fan club has many members. The secret meetings of your critics and opponents are also well attended. Unfortunately, some people seem to be members of both groups. They keep changing their tune. They lull you into a false sense of security and then do something deeply disappointing. And sometimes, they put you unnecessarily on edge before proving reliable after all. Don't be overly-sensitive this weekend. Your real friends are true friends and the others have far less power than you think.
Making plans while unsure what you’re committing to in terms of time or money seems madness. But things are moving so swiftly and circumstances are in such transition that guarantees simply aren’t possible. Instead you’ll need to operate on the honour system, each promising to tell the others when important facts come to light.
Love Meter reading: 7 November 5-11: Your wants and needs may not peacefully coexist with those of your colleagues or friends, especially early this week. You won't be in the mood to do the things they're excited about - and they won't understand why you're so obsessed with a certain movie, crush or pair of jeans. Things smooth out nicely and friendships improve midweek. By the weekend, however, you might feel a little reclusive or moody and not feel like fighting your way across a crowded dance floor. In fact, crowds may make you feel almost smothered or trapped. You might be happier being on your own this weekend - or with one incredible obsession du jour. This week's touchstones: Shiva Lingham, Kundalini Quartz. 今週初め、貴方の希望や必要は貴方の同僚や友達の間で波乱を呼びそうです。 貴方は彼らがやりたいと思うことをする気になれません。そして彼らはどうして貴方が ある映画や事件やジーパンが気に入らないのか分かりません 週の中ごろはスムーズにすすみます。 週の終わりには、しかし、世捨て人のような心境になり、込んだダンスフロアを横切る貴方の道に嫌気がさしそうです。 実際、混雑は貴方を窒息しさせるか罠にはめるような感じです。貴方は週末は一人でいるか、一人で何かを考えるほうが幸せでしょう。
Career Meter reading: 7 November 5-11: Early week is somewhat annoying and disappointing. You're stunned by others' procrastination and 'don't ask, don't tell' mentality. Midweek, however, gives you something juicer to feast on - a fresh start or new opportunity drenched in vitality may come courtesy of a colleague or pal. This is all hush-hush, of course, but certainly brightens your day and ensures that you do have more options than you'd originally suspected. Late this week, you finally start getting long-delayed answers to questions. Despite the time that has passed, the response seems disorganized and poorly executed. It's your call, Sagittarius. It's up to you to accept this offer or go for an option that's looking better by the minute. This week's touchstones: Blue Sapphire, Black Spinel. 週の初めはいらだたしく、失望させられます。あなたは他人ののろまさや言わざる聞かざる態度に衝撃を受けます。 週の中ごろは、しかし、なにか大いに楽しむべきものがもたらされるでしょう。新しいスタートや新しいチャンスが友達や同僚の特別措置から生まれます。 これは秘密の出来事です。もちろん。しかし貴方は一日を明るく感じ、貴方が考えていたよりもたくさんのオプションを持っていることを確認します。 今週遅く、あなたはあなたの質問に対してひどく延期されてきた答えを得るでしょう。 時間がこれだけたったのに、彼らの答えはまとまりがなく、ほとんど手付かずのようです。 射手座の貴方は決めなければなりません。この申し出を受けるか、どんどんましに見えてくる別のオプションをとるのか。
The first mistake you made was sidestepping the truth. You thought it was a kindness, and by avoiding upsetting others you’d make everybody’s life simpler. But now that the facts are coming out, things are only more complicated. Waste no time on explanations. Simply apologise for any hurt feelings and let experience be your teacher.
You loathe pettiness in others and try to avoid it in yourself. That’s the justification for ignoring persistent but seemingly unimportant issues in several areas of your life. Now, however, either others are blaming you for problems or you’re facing certain dilemmas yourself. This makes you realise the picture is bigger than you’d imagined, so much so that you’re liable to swing in the other direction, and become so absorbed in each day’s details that you ignore certain of the week’s less complicated developments. The trick is to balance the two, putting those complicated situations to rest while you make remarkable progress in others.