9/3〜9/9 September promised to be an eventful month, something you may come to understand this week. On the plus side, opportunities may suddenly arise that will take you into fresh fields but should anything already be in a fragile state it won't take much to tip it over the edge. Thus, do your best to keep your feelings under control and avoid any of those shoot-from-the-hip statements. Of course, the cosmos may have its own ideas as to what unusual developments take place now, but if you are more than ready for the new, the different, and the vaguely controversial this would be the perfect moment to unleash your plans on the rest of the world.
You move things around and schedule appointments and meetings so that they're easier for you to manage. Normally, you go along with others' scheduling priorities, but today makes that almost impossible. Your plans and obligations take precedence over others'. You also do some careful thinking about a financial matter. You can remember, word for word, what was said, and are intrigued to find out if another is as good as his or her word. Regardless of what another does, you have the wherewithal to pull things together quite efficiently. You will live up to your promises, as usual.
This month may turn out to be something of a watershed as the Archer clan aim their arrows in a new direction and fire! Saturn enters your career zone on the 2nd making you ready to commit to a new goal and giving you the impetus to work hard to achieve your ambitions. Saturn will spend roughly two years in this sector of your horoscope so now would be the moment to do some forward planning and to see if the position you are in at this juncture bears any relation whatsoever to where you want to be in two years or ten years time.
Uranus and Pluto are big players throughout the month, so if you have a birthday on or near the 10th or 19th December, you will need to cut down your commitments and expectations because the cosmos has some surprises up its sleeve. Certainly, if you have been trying to fuflil other people's needs and doing your best to cope with a situation that is far too much for you to handle alone, the periods of the 3rd, 11th and 19th could push you over the edge, so to speak. Yet these very dates are also times of breakthroughs and brilliant results. And although I have earmarked the above birthdays as the principle recipients of these dynamic aspects, all Sagittarians can expect to meet with some unusual and unexpected developments on or near the aforementioned times.
Friendships and collaborations are in the mainframe for much of the month: there could be invitations to foreign parts and people in far away places could be offering you opportunities to expand your talents and interests. There could even be a hint of romance with someone from a different country or a flirtation with a fellow traveller on a journey. However, given the power of the solar eclipse (11th) what may start out as an insignificant romp may turn out to be much, much more important.
You don’t mind change. In fact, to you, it’s a tonic, and if bored or restless, you’ll often rearrange things just for fun. But now that others are making decisions, you’re not nearly as happy about the changes being made. Ironically, because others’ perspective is broader, their decisions could actually be better than yours.
Heaven, many people believe, is a place on Earth. Hell, as we all know from experience, most definitely exists on this planet. You don't have to go anywhere else for it. No descent into any sulphurous inferno could equal the agony felt by some people right here in this world from time to time. Which of the two realms do you want to live in? And do you get a choice? Absolutely. Judgement, of course, comes into it. But it is your own judgement, always, that will lead you to one place or the other. Use yours wisely today.
You work within certain limitations and boundaries, but still manage to get things accomplished, even under less than optimal conditions. Others press hard for your response, results or feedback. Although your schedule is already impossibly tight, you do your best to accommodate them. But you know how it is: Eventually, you have to pay the price for allowing top priorities to take second place to distractions. Just for today, set aside email and phone chats and focus on the top job. Once that's completed, you can spend time doing less crucial things.
The best way to approach these days before the unsettling, but ultimately worthwhile, solar eclipse next Tuesday is with an open mind. You may insist that you’re ready for anything. But others are encouraging you to get organised. However, eclipses are about completely unanticipated developments, and so the less you plan, the better prepared you’ll be.
Pluto goes direct in your sign on Friday, essentially opening up a door that had been closed for months. This brings opportunities, hope and a better way to achieve what you need. You feel a rush of freedom and feel like celebrating during the afternoon and evening.
Saturday continues this theme of fulfillment and freedom. The issues that had plagued you up until now don't seem nearly as daunting or upsetting. You finally feel as if you're on top of each tiny detail. You make a deliberate, conscious choice to eliminate certain annoying elements from your life and agenda. Who needs 'em, anyway? If something isn't helping you get to where you want to go, why bother with it? Your pragmatic side comes forth, suggesting that you draw the line when others tug at your sleeve.
On Sunday, things begin very favorably and virtually stress-free. There may be a minor dust-up during early afternoon, but nothing particularly memorable. Later Sunday evening, you begin planning for an upcoming event that you're really looking forward to.
For ages you’ve wanted to explore various intriguing ideas or ventures, but others have always warned you off. They meant well, but as a Sagittarius, you need fresh challenges and thrive on the unfamiliar. Now that yet more such opportunities have come your way, pursue them first and say nothing to others about them until later.
Why do wars start? Why do marriages end? What causes conflict? What prevents peace? These, like all big, complicated questions, have simple answers. Problems of this nature invariably have just one cause. Intolerance. It is poisonous stuff. Indeed, intolerance is the only thing on this Earth that we have any real right to be intolerant of! But, of course, if we are intolerant of intolerance, we only make it worse. No matter how justified resentment may feel this weekend, forgiveness is the only way forward.
You are starting to feel tired and drained. If this is how much energy you have at the start of the weekend, heaven knows how much you'll have at the end of it. Except that, actually, things won't turn out this way. Soon, you'll begin to experience a distinct improvement. The aggravating factors won't disappear, but your relationships with people will alter. You will feel less intimidated and less conscious of an injustice. Instead, you will be reminded of the ways in which you do have power and choice.
Recent heated disputes cleared the air for you, but left others feeling upset. While you didn’t intend to cause any distress, they misunderstood the intensity of your debate about the issues in question with an intensity of feelings towards them. Although no apology is necessary, it will calm things down more swiftly than more elaborate explanations.
Meter reading: 8 September 10-16: Something wonderful occurs this week that could conceivably change your life - for the MUCH better! You suddenly feel empowered, stronger and more competent than you've felt in ages. You decide that you've got what it takes to reach for the stars and get more out of life. A logical place to start is your closest relationships. Stop making excuses for another's less than stellar behavior and start expecting more. You're getting busier by the day with more responsibilities being placed on your shoulders and no longer have time for friends or lovers who are lazy, noncommittal or dependent on you for everything - like money and transportation. When in doubt, dump 'em! This week's touchstones: Black Spinel, Red Opal.
Meter reading: 8 September 10-16: Your career continues to get more intense, busy, demanding and if you allow it, exhausting. Someone has to draw the line. As long as you dutifully nod yes and obey others' commands and demands, you'll feel trapped on the world's fastest rollercoaster ride. If this is what you're looking for, it's all yours. Just continue doing what you're doing. But if you're tired of working twice as hard for half as much, appoint yourself Boss and start asking for what you need and deserve. If others are unwilling to negotiate, you can go elsewhere. You could even work for yourself or with like-minded entrepreneurial pals. Nothing is holding you back now except your own reticence to ask for more. In case you didn't know, you're probably being underpaid. This is your week to start respecting yourself more than you have in the past. This week's touchstones: Black Spinel, Green Garnet.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 09 September 2007 You’re excited about some of the changes streaming through your life. In fact many are the culmination of a lengthy period of questioning and exploration. But others aren’t remotely what you expected, and have somewhat thrown you. That’s no surprise, as eclipses on 28 August and this Tuesday are bound to shake things up, in both your domestic and working life. Try to achieve a balance between getting things settled and keeping arrangements flexible. Since this year’s exciting developments only increase in intensity and promise until early December, you wouldn’t want to do anything now that would restrict your options then. あなたは人生に流れ込んでくる変化に興奮しました。 だらだらと退屈な質問と調査にはあきあきしていたところでしょう。 しかし 他の人々は貴方の期待と違って 貴方を放り出したのです。 8/28とこの火曜日の蝕が貴方の家庭と仕事を揺さぶるのは決定されてました 物事を落ち着かせることと、予定を柔軟にたもつことのバランスをとろうと努力してください。 今年のエキサイテイングな発展は12月初めまで激しさと見込みを増やしていきます。 あなたは今自分を縛るような行動はしたくないでしょう。
Love Meter reading: 8 September 10-16: Something wonderful occurs this week that could conceivably change your life - for the MUCH better! You suddenly feel empowered, stronger and more competent than you've felt in ages. You decide that you've got what it takes to reach for the stars and get more out of life. A logical place to start is your closest relationships. Stop making excuses for another's less than stellar behavior and start expecting more. You're getting busier by the day with more responsibilities being placed on your shoulders and no longer have time for friends or lovers who are lazy, noncommittal or dependent on you for everything - like money and transportation. When in doubt, dump 'em! This week's touchstones: Black Spinel, Red Opal. 今週なにか幸運なことがおこり貴方の人生をよい方向に変えるでしょう あなたは突然力がみなぎるのを感じ、強く、有能であると(今までの何年間と違って)感じるでしょう。 あなたはスターになるための何かを得ようと決めるでしょう。貴方に一番近い場所から始めるのが理屈にあってます。 他の人が一流ではないことに言い訳するのをやめ、もっと期待してみましょう。 あなたは忙しくなり、肩に乗ったより多くの責任のために、怠け者であなたにお金や輸送を頼りきってる恋人や友人のための時間はなくなります。 疑問に思ったら それらを全部捨ててしまいましょう
Career Meter reading: 8 September 10-16: Your career continues to get more intense, busy, demanding and if you allow it, exhausting. Someone has to draw the line. As long as you dutifully nod yes and obey others' commands and demands, you'll feel trapped on the world's fastest rollercoaster ride. If this is what you're looking for, it's all yours. Just continue doing what you're doing. But if you're tired of working twice as hard for half as much, appoint yourself Boss and start asking for what you need and deserve. If others are unwilling to negotiate, you can go elsewhere. You could even work for yourself or with like-minded entrepreneurial pals. Nothing is holding you back now except your own reticence to ask for more. In case you didn't know, you're probably being underpaid. This is your week to start respecting yourself more than you have in the past. This week's touchstones: Black Spinel, Green Garnet. 貴方の仕事は より 激しく忙しく要求がおおく、そして疲れるものになっていきそうです。 誰かが線を引かなくてはなりません。貴方が義務的に他の人の要求と命令に従っている限り、 あなたは世界で一番早いローラーコースターにはまってしまったように感じるでしょう。もし そんな待遇がお望みなら 今のままで結構です。 しかし、今働きすぎているとおもうならばボスに予約をとって 貴方の望みと評価を求めましょう 他の人々が交渉を望まないのなら 別の場所へ去ることもできます。自分で起業することもできますし、企業家精神のある友人と働くこともできるでしょう。 今の貴方をとめるものは貴方の より大きな望みへのためらい以外にありません。そんな気持ちがないのでしたら、おそらく貴方は金銭的に報われているのでしょう。 今週はあなたを今までよりも尊敬しはじめる週になります。
You might jump the gun today and make a hasty decision that probably needs another day or two to think through. Are you absolutely sure that this is the right choice to make? It appears that you have some doubt or hesitation about cutting ties or agreeing to a deeper relationship. Why not wait a little longer while you explore all possibilities? Because you've been under a significant amount of stress, you may have felt cornered or trapped (a feeling that makes Saggies break out in hives), moving you to extreme measures. Not so fast, Sagittarius. Give yourself more time to think.
Today's forecast has been prepared by Steve Judd. Jonathan will be back with your week ahead forecasts on Saturday.
For many of you, the bubbles of the last eight months are finally bursting. If you've been going over the top, the real cost is being felt now. There is still a great deal of unpredictability around you at the moment, and long term clarity is still seven or eight weeks away. This is not a time for over-reaching yourself, no matter how good things may seem on the surface. It's not a bad or unlucky time, but it is a time of erratic and unforeseeable events. Stay detached from the centre of things at the moment - don't get too caught up in it all.
While you’ve known changes in elements of your working or domestic existence are overdo, you’ve put off tackling them. Now events do it for you, and the pace is so swift that you’re feeling overwhelmed. Don’t worry. By next week it will slow down, which gives you a chance to organise things your way.
Today's forecast has been prepared by Steve Judd. Jonathan will be back with your week ahead forecasts on Saturday. Issues around home, family and residential situations dominate your agenda. You need to be clear in yourself as to the difference between house and home. House is where you live, eat and sleep. Home is where you belong, where you can close the door and no-one can come in without permission. It is where you're safe. You can't afford to take chances now, so don't run the risk of losing contact with family members through doing something contentious. Far better to stay low and not rock the boat. Today's solar eclipse will clarify situations about your residential status, one way or another.
Today's New Moon/Solar Eclipse marks a turning point in your career, image and perceived value. You're the fulcrum that appears to support and hinge together a number of people, interests or activities. You may not be perfect, but thus far, you've managed to keep things afloat via grit and determination. The point is to not underestimate your time, value or experience. You may be worth more than you've settled for in the past. It may be time to reconsider some of the terms of your contracts or other agreements. By the look of things, it's probable that you'll be asked to absorb more responsibility, not less. Make sure you're fairly compensated. If you don't look out for yourself, who else will?
Making plans during times of transition is challenging enough. But you also have some serious questions about elements of your personal objectives that will soon need in-depth thought and attention. The sooner you tackle these, the more swiftly you’ll find a way to juggle existing arrangements and those you’re currently devising for the future.
Today's forecast has been prepared by Steve Judd. Jonathan will be back with your week ahead forecasts on Saturday. This week's background energy of opportunity and fortune is set to continue. There may well be news today concerning foreign countries or people. A lot of the hot air balloons of recent months are now popping, and it's becoming steadily more obvious what has substance and what doesn't. They say that fortune favours the brave, and this is a time where your dreams stand their best chance of becoming reality. True, it's more a time for planning than action, but plans made now will have an energy of optimism behind them which should ensure a positive outcome.
You make decisions based on security and practicality today, and may feel pressured or swamped by others' demands and needs. You think about the importance of protecting yourself and whatever security and stability you've built over the years, and move with great caution. Depending on whom you deal with, there's really nothing to fear. You've been well seasoned by experience and your fair share of hard knocks. You're not about to throw everything out the window for one tiny issue. Today is a quid pro quo day. If you do something for another, make sure that he or she understands that you are now owed a favor. Just make that very clear from the outset.
Today's forecast has been prepared by Steve Judd. Jonathan will be back with your week ahead forecasts on Saturday. You're in touch with yourself a lot more than normal today, there is a true mixture of intellect and emotion, thought and feeling. Consequently, the opportunity exists for long-range planning and decisions. The Moon's current aspect with Jupiter suggests that you can overcome most problems by facing them with a strong sense of both humour and honesty. Really, folks - do take advantage of this time, if you don't then you'll lose nothing - but you will miss very positive opportunities for substantial growth which don't come about that often. Use it or lose it! 貴方は普段よりずっと才覚が発揮しやすく、知性と感情の入り混じった状態です。 結局、幸運は長期的な計画と決定にあるのです。 月の木星に対するアスペクトが あなたは大抵の問題をユーモアと正直さをもって向き合うことで乗り越えられると示しています 本当に、この機会を有効にいかしてください。有効にいかさなくても 何も失わないでしょうが めったに来ない こんなによい機会を逃したことを後悔するでしょう。 機会を使うが、逃すかです
You speak a universal language today, particularly this morning. Even when you're speaking to a large group, many people believe that you're either reading their minds or speaking directly to them. It helps that you're very heart-centered. You easily make a strong emotional connection with others, even in professional or business situations. Later today, your creativity and boldness are off the chart! You have tons of inspiration and seemingly no end of appealing, marketable ideas..
Today's forecast has been prepared by Steve Judd. Jonathan will be back with your week ahead forecasts on Saturday. Most of you are still surfing the waves of harmonious energy that have been working with you all week, but a few of you, mainly those born after December 12, are beginning to notice a change in the tide, with an added edge becoming apparent. Fences are coming down, choices are imminent. For all of you, it is becoming steadily more obvious that decisions can no longer be postponed. You can deal with problems, even big ones. But you can't deal with lies, so encourage others to be crucially honest with you, even if you don't like what they say. Then you'll know who you can rely on. あなたがたの大半は調和された波の上をいまだにサーフィンしているようです。 しかし12月12日以降に生まれた人は 潮目が変わっていることにきがついているでしょう。 囲いは崩れ落ち、選択肢は広いです。 あなたがたの多くにとって これ以上決定を先延ばしできないのが明らかです。 あなたは今抱えている問題やもっと大きな問題を解決できます。 しかし、あなたは嘘と付き合っていくことはできません。周りの人にとても正直でいるように伝えましょう、もしも彼らの言葉が気に入らないのなら。 そうすれば 貴方は誰に頼ればいいのかわかります。
Friday is excellent for partnership talks, goal setting and establishing important career milestones. Contracts and alternatives to current circumstances may be on the table. Some of you may consider making a favorable change, while others focus on improving the status quo. The first steps toward a better future for yourself are taken.
Saturday reminds you that everything you say or write could be misinterpreted, so be meticulous in all communication. Try to see a situation from several different perspectives. This will give you a better advantage in future talks and negotiations. Later Saturday, you offer advice to a friend or relative who may not be ready to hear what you have to say. Before speaking, observe the person in question and be sensitive to his or her state of mind.
Sunday morning may be a bit sluggish or confused. You don't feel like leaping into action or aggressively pursuing goals. You're more in the mood to sit back and retreat. Later in the day, you become a more active participant.
Giving up on a plan or idea you believe in isn’t easy. But you really have no choice. Once you decide to let it go, suddenly a whole new world of options will open up to you, options you’ve been ignoring because you had neither the time nor the energy to give them the attention they deserve.
The impetus and stimulation of this last week is beginning to fade now, and as long as you haven't just sat around doing nothing you should be starting to see results. My only fear is for your waistline, because the tendency to relax too much and over indulge yourself has been strong. Now is the time to bring your efforts to a successful conclusion and clear your decks, because early next week has a much more proactive energy about it, and you don't want to start something new with old clutter still hanging around your neck. Get ready to move up a couple of gears.
Meter reading: 8 September 17-23: You aim higher this week. Instead of settling for second or third string friends or lovers, you decide to upgrade to first string. It finally hits you that you're worth more than you've settled for. Maybe you've been too busy to notice that you give more than most of the friends you associate with - or perhaps you've gotten used to expecting next to nothing from others. This week is a powerful wake-up call that reminds you how important, valuable and outstanding you are. Most of the time, Sagittarius, it's better to wait for the right one, no matter how long it takes, than settle for someone else's stale leftovers. This week's touchstones: Ammonite, Celestite.
Meter reading: 8 September 17-23: A lot will be expected of you most of the week, although it appears you'll receive some sort of payment, settlement or compensation during the first part of the week. This should keep you going for a while. Midweek brings very stiff competition. What starts out as a great idea could deteriorate into a turf war. The best way to avoid misunderstandings is to make it very clear right from the outset where each person stands and what sort of rights and authority each person has. Don't leave things up to chance or assume that others 'should' know. Clarity is crucial now. For starters, make sure that all participants share the same key goal. This week's touchstones: Turquoise, Emerald.
You feel a bit 'under the gun' today, mostly because of obligations or duties you've gotten yourself into, or because of a lingering thread of guilt that just won't let you off the hook. You're also acutely sensitive to another's criticism or apparent rebuff and may hold onto negativity long past its usefulness. Just accept that others may be picky and irritable, and make the wise choice to detach emotionally from whatever vitriol they spew. You can't stop them from being obnoxious, but you can reroute your reactions.
You feel a bit 'under the gun' today, mostly because of obligations or duties you've gotten yourself into, or because of a lingering thread of guilt that just won't let you off the hook. You're also acutely sensitive to another's criticism or apparent rebuff and may hold onto negativity long past its usefulness. Just accept that others may be picky and irritable, and make the wise choice to detach emotionally from whatever vitriol they spew. You can't stop them from being obnoxious, but you can reroute your reactions.
Daily Horoscope: For September 18: This morning and afternoon have a surprise in store - a good one! You feel as if you've won a contest and feel delightfully pleased. There could be some unexpected rumblings on the home front later this afternoon, but things should go very smoothly most of the day. You wind up your evening feeling fortunate. Some of you may receive a windfall or settlement that's been a long time coming - and miracle of miracles - makes a belated appearance today.
Goldfish, they tell us, have three-second memories. This is why they can live in a tiny tank. I, though, reserve the right to doubt this until I meet a goldfish psychiatrist. I am particularly suspicious because I have heard much the same said about Sagittarians. They too are supposed to have short attention spans. Goldfish, they tell us have three-second memories. This is... There, you see! You noticed that repetition didn't you? Can you also notice how a saga is repeating itself in your life?
Wednesday, 19th September 2007 SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 21) Life is a roller-coaster. Would we really have it any other way? We would all prefer not to be looping the loop. We like it even less when the intervals between each perilous plunge are short. Yet there are glorious, energising, exhilarating moments on this ride too and, when they come, they make it all worthwhile. You are beginning to wonder why you ever entered into a certain stressful situation. Soon, you will get your reminder. 人生はローラーコースターのようなものです。他の道はなかったのでしょうか。 我々は同じところをぐるぐる回るのを好みません。上りと下りの間隔が短い場合はもっと好みません。 しかし、ローラーコースターには、すばらしく、エネルギーにあふれ、爽快な瞬間もあります。 そして彼らが訪れたとき、ローラーコースターはすべて意味のあるものになります。 あなたはなぜこんなストレスのたまる状況に入り込んだのか疑問に思い始めていますが、 しかし何故だったのかすぐに朗報が思い出させてくれるでしょう。
Daily Horoscope: For September 19: Your moods and preferences may be slightly out of synch with those of another. When you're in the mood to slow down, your friend is ready to speed up. Timing seems slightly off today, setting the stage for disagreement. Keep your sense of humor and don't assume that there has to be a clear winner and loser in every debate. You dislike being told what to do - and guess what - so does your friend. So ease up on bossiness or momentary lapses into opinionitis throughout the day.
Your moods and preferences may be slightly out of synch with those of another. When you're in the mood to slow down, your friend is ready to speed up. Timing seems slightly off today, setting the stage for disagreement. Keep your sense of humor and don't assume that there has to be a clear winner and loser in every debate. You dislike being told what to do - and guess what - so does your friend. So ease up on bossiness or momentary lapses into opinionitis throughout the day.
Now that Saturn has been in the crucial midheaven angle of your chart for two weeks, you’re undoubtedly beginning to get a strong sense of its influence. This involves examining what you’re doing, and whether it’s worth your while, and even more importantly, what you’re not. The insights the latter brings could lead to life-changing decisions.
You've learned from experience that no matter how much you know or how experienced you are, it's always wise to let others have their say. You may feel a burning urge to interrupt another's monologue and correct some glaring inaccuracies, but you've learned that most people don't view this as 'constructive criticism.' They interpret more as a hot lead enema. Today calls for lots of self-control on your part. You probably won't get credit for one of your great ideas. You may be expected to sit still while another exaggerates and talks in circles. But by remaining patient and nonjudgmental, you won't lose a friend, either. And who knows? Your example might encourage that friend to think before opening his or her mouth.
In the quest for high ratings, TV companies are forever exploring new ideas. Already, they have discovered just how popular reality shows can be. Fly-on-the-wall documentaries recording the details of an ordinary family's life, can make prime-time gold. If only they knew about you! You could be worth a fortune. To earn it, you'd simply have to do what you normally do, except before a camera! You may not get such an offer this weekend, but you will get a clear reminder that your life is priceless.
Daily Horoscope: Weekend Update: Friday is patched together with practical concerns: budgets, health, deadlines, maintenance, and the works. You're apt to hear lots of opinionators weighing in on your situation: who you should be seeing, where you should be working or living, and - of course - how you should be behaving. In other words, it appears you'll be spending some time with nosey parker neighbors, acquaintances or relatives - lucky you! Fortunately, most of them either have plans or an early bedtime because you're finally free of their interference by late afternoon. Translation: Friday evening is much more enjoyable than much of the day. Saturday is excellent for thinking, planning, small groups of people and independent research. You won't be in the mood to be herded or ordered about by anyone. You'll savor every moment of uninterrupted time. This isn't the best weekend for overnight visitors or friends who like to crash on your couch. It's okay to be antisocial from time to time because it helps you stay centered and focused. On Sunday, the Sun moves into Libra and the Fall Equinox arrives. This is that pivotal moment when summer ends and fall begins, even if the temperature is still in the 80's or 90's. You can feel things beginning to shift. The air smells slightly different. Your imagination soars on Sunday. Your creativity is wild and untamed, so anything you do may seem atypical from your usual work. This is a precursor of wilder more innovative things to come.
Your Weekend: Some people say, 'There are more questions than answers'. It is actually the other way around. We are surrounded by answers - but, because we do not know the questions that relate to these, we fail to appreciate their importance. We focus only on those few questions to which the answers are elusive and thus we form a false picture of a world, which is full of unsolvable mysteries. An answer has been staring you in the face for ages. This weekend, you recognise the question that goes with it.
Meter reading: 9 September 24-30: Your circle of friends and admirers gets even bigger this week! This is largely due to your willingness to try new things, laugh off disappointments (there will be very few if any disappointments, by the way) and your penchant for optimism.
People feel very wanted when they're with you. You have a gift for helping others feel important, which automatically makes you a very attractive person in their eyes. Count on a couple AMAZING surprises on this week's simmering agenda. This week's touchstones: Emerald, Paraiba Tourmaline.
Meter reading: 9 September 24-30: Your circle of friends and admirers gets even bigger this week! This is largely due to your willingness to try new things, laugh off disappointments (there will be very few if any disappointments, by the way) and your penchant for optimism. People feel very wanted when they're with you. You have a gift for helping others feel important, which automatically makes you a very attractive person in their eyes. Count on a couple AMAZING surprises on this week's simmering agenda. This week's touchstones: Emerald, Paraiba Tourmaline.
Meter reading: 9 September 24-30: If your career involves creativity or invention, you are so IN this week! Bursting with Full Moon-driven inspiration, you literally explode with brilliant concepts and fresh interpretations that capture others' imagination and excitement. You manage to recalibrate an old idea into something that feels brand new and worth having. You'll enjoy showing up at work this week, largely because your luck is changing - for the better! This week's touchstones: Red Spinel, Tanzanite.
For September 24: You're pretty excited this morning and have every reason to anticipate good things. Your luckiest, most productive hours occur early in the day. Later this afternoon, you may be asked to perform another task or absorb extra responsibility. This could be very last minute and somewhat urgent. You won't be thrilled by the prospect but recognize the long terms benefits of saying yes. Just get something in return - even if it's lunch at your favorite bistro. It's time to stop giving away your time and talent.
For October 2007: Priorities begin to shift rather noticeably this month. Your day job may morph into something more ambitious and demanding. Those who had you pegged as a carefree Peter Pan are about to see your gut-busting, grin and bear it side. It's always been there just beneath your toothy grin and hilarious malapropisms. You might make a burnout job look easy and claim that it's no big deal, but everything you do this month is a big deal in the making. You disarm colleague and VIPs with your seemingly warm, friendly demeanor, but just behind that lapdog exterior is a very hungry wolf, ready to pounce. So let them underestimate your power - at their own peril. 10月:優先事項がはっきりと変わりだすのが分かるでしょう。 貴方の毎日の仕事がもっと野心的で負担のあるものに変わるでしょう。 あなたを放っておいても大丈夫なピーターパンのように釘付けにしていた人たちが貴方の怒りと歯軋りと(ベア・・・?)を見ることになるでしょう 貴方の歯が見えるにやりとした笑いと陽気なジョークが価値のないものとして扱われてきました。 あなたは燃えつきかねないような仕事を簡単なものに見せ、朝飯前さといってきましたが、今月はそんな仕事に苦労しそうです。 貴方は身近な人やVIPを温かく、親密な物腰で安心させますが、 しかし、かわいい小動物のような外見の後ろには今にも跳びかかりそうな狼が潜んでいるのです。 彼らに貴方の力を過小評価させましょう。あとで高くつくでしょうけどね!
The 11th begins an important 3-4 week process that has everything to do with your future, career, status and security. Be very thorough and don't accept verbal agreements or assurances. Get everything in writing for your own protection. Start the conversation and be prepared for plenty of give and take. Don't sign or agree to anything until after November 1st, when Mercury (ruler of your career and partnership sectors) goes direct. Instead of trusting that someone is being honest and has your best interests at heart, consult an objective expert, just to be sure. 11日から重要な3,4週間が始まります。貴方の社会的地位、安心、経歴、未来すべてに関係することが行われます。 徹底的な態度で、口約束の類は受け入れないように。あなたが自分で文字にして全てを確かめましょう。 会話をはじめ、大量のギブ&テイクの準備をしましょう。 11月1日までどんな書類にもサインしないように。11月1日に水星(貴方の経歴と恋人の星です)が順行になります。 誰かが正直で貴方の利益を心から願っているなどと思わず、全ての問題を専門家に相談し、確実なものにしてください。
The weekend of the 12th is joyous and playful. You deliberately step away from the daily grind and make time to relax and live in the moment. Keep things light, casual and easy. You return to the debate or negotiation table from the 16th onward. Don't forget your power and importance, even when others attempt to diminish your role. Remember that opponents and colleagues are working for themselves, not you. They're relentlessly pushing their agenda forward, so it's your duty to push yours ahead of theirs. 12日から始まる週末は楽しいものになります。臼のような日常から離れ、リラックスし、全てを忘れることができます。 物事を軽く、気楽で、くつろいだものにしておきましょう。16日から、交渉と議論のテーブルにもどることになります。 貴方の力と重要さを忘れないように、例え他人が貴方の役割をけなしたとしてもです。 敵対者と周りの人々は あなたのためではなく 彼自身の利益のために生きているのです。 彼らは容赦なく自分たちの用事を先にこなそうとするし、貴方は貴方の用事を先にこなそうと努力しなければなりません。
Things get even more complicated and intriguing from the 23rd onward. Your ears burn because others are studiously trying to find the balance between your needs and theirs. An idea may be floated past you on the 25th that initially sounds good, but upon further examination is unacceptable. On the 26th, the Full Moon emphasizes others' desire to wrap up unfinished business. Don't allow anyone to rush you through this process - and remember that what someone says is less important than what a document states. Halloween brings a twinkling of clarity by pushing Neptune direct in your decision-making sector. Even so, wait until after November 1st before signing anything binding. This month's touchstone: Onyx. 23日からは物事がさらに複雑で興味深いものになります。 貴方の耳は燃えつきそうです。というのも他人が貴方の仕事と彼らの仕事のバランスについて知ろうと何度も繰り返すからです。 25日は最初はすばらしく思えるアイデアが貴方に沸くでしょうが、実際に実験してみると(orそれ以上の実験は)受け入れられないものでしょう。 26日の満月は他人の心に火をつけ、まだ終わっていないビジネスを終わらせようとせかすでしょう。 他人にせかされてはいけません。誰が何を言ったとしても書類に書かれていることだけが確かなのです。 ハロウィーンは海王星を意思決定の領域にすすめ、きらめくような明快な決断をもたらしそうです。 しかし11月1日の水星順行まではどんな契約にもサインしてはいけません。今月の石はオニキスです。
What did you have for breakfast on this day last year? Juice? Cereal? Toast? Would you like it again? By this, I don't mean, would you like to eat something very similar. I mean would you like cereal from the same packet? Milk from the same carton? Bread from the same loaf? Repetition is a fine thing. Stagnation, though, is not. Something in your life has recently been crying out for renewal and rediscovery. Once this process has fully taken place, everything may well end up almost exactly as it was. But, first, it has been essential to take it apart and rebuild it. That unnerving process of deconstruction and reconstruction is nearly over. Relax. Trust.
There's just no pleasing some people. Whatever you do for them, it isn't enough. Or there's something wrong with it. If only everyone was as easy-going and innocently uncritical as you. Er... some might argue that you are getting a taste of your own medicine. A particular individual is really being no more unreasonable or stubborn than you, from time to time, can have a tendency to be. But, of course, you always have a reason for being unreasonable. This is different. Or is it?
If you want things to happen differently, don't keep doing the same thing over and over. Or, if you can't alter the amount of physical repetition, at least think along alternative lines. Change the way you react to a particular proposition. Overcome old, deep-rooted objections. Learn to like, or at least appreciate, what you can't relate to. Reach out for the new and embrace it when it arrives in your life. The coming Full Moon says that nothing has to stay as it was unless you really want it to.
Somebody seems to have taken advantage of you and, worse, you’re only just now realising it. While this is humbling you can’t help but admire them for their ability to out-manoeuvre you. Tell them that. The resulting discussion won’t just be illuminating, once you’re actually talking things over, you could create an amazing alliance between you.
As much as you'd like to light a fire under another's derriere, there's no point. You can't make someone take action, snap out of it and get real. It's not your decision to make. Nagging is of no value, especially this morning and early afternoon. All you can do is make a suggestion and then let it drop. Chances are, you won't be the first one to mention this concern, nor will you be the last. So it's really important to not shut down communication and trust. Sometimes, no matter how frustratingly urgent a problem seems to you, it's 'no big deal' to the perpetrator/victim. Until someone is ready to change, it's not going to happen.
Take your partner. Prepare to dance. No partner to take? Dance anyhow. Dance with the freedom of someone who knows that none of us is ever alone - for we all have the omniscient spirit of creation in our hearts. And that often, none are as lonely as those so lost in a difficult relationship that they can no longer recognise the divine in themselves... or anyone else. Here comes your Full Moon invitation to dance away an old inhibition and step towards a fresh phase of fulfilment.
As is always the case, you’ve far more to do than you have hours in the day. At the moment this is complicated by an increasingly demanding new activity, one that involves something you adore doing or somebody you care about. While balancing this will require serious calculation, the results will more than justify the effort.
Early morning concerns about personal or family matters may seem worrying, but should improve considerably by mid morning. The point is to take random fears or worries in stride, especially since they're based on negative projections instead of realities. Your creativity and joie de vivre return forcefully and vibrantly today and may result in a peak experience, creative coup or personal victory before the end of the day. You're pretty good at spotting trends, spotting trends and real finds - and today might toss a bit of gleaming treasure into your lap.
When did you grow up? When did you stop allowing yourself to be childlike? Not childish. That's different. Childlike innocence, though, is admirable in anyone of any age. The Full Moon says you're as young at heart as you care to be. It would also like to remind you that only tired and tiresome adults see life as a difficult journey through endlessly exasperating territory. What you need now is some fun and fresh thought. Plus, some joy. All else you need will come if you allow yourself that.
Creatively and competitively, you're pretty hard to keep up with these days. Your mind churns out ideas faster than the speed of sound and your physical energy is also accelerating. This makes you pretty fierce on all counts. Others may comment that you look different, when they're probably feeling a different kind of energy coming from you. You do best when you're in motion, making something, starting something or challenging yourself with a new discovery or mystery. Your spontaneous remarks are likely to hit home with a number of people who continue to think about what you said long after the words were spoken.
On Friday, Mars moves into Cancer for an extended stay. This suggests that finances are apt to be exciting and promising, but also somewhat risky. Don't take anything for granted or assume that a potential buyer is a real buyer. Until the ink has dried and the document has been filed, you're not home free. You may need to work a little harder for each financial opportunity, but the benefits will outweigh the effort. Most of Friday is focused, positive and very physically active. You feel strong and up to whatever task comes your way.
Saturday is very good for finishing up existing projects and starting a new exciting one, too. Because you've worked rather intensely during the past several weeks, you may opt for canceling plans that seem too stuffy or demanding for the evening. You're more in the mood for snuggling than fighting traffic and hobnobbing with strangers.
Sunday focuses mostly on friends and loved ones - particularly a partner. Everything revolves around one special person, so as long as he or she is happy, you're happy. If, however, you feel unappreciated, you might be a bit pouty during late afternoon. You get over it, however, and end the night in a cozy, charming state of mind.
How many years have you spent on this planet? Surely, by now, you have realised that the older you get, the less obliged you are to get old. "Old" is a trap. A frame of mind that sucks us, like quicksand, into a morass of misery. When we are newly arrived, we all look young. No matter what's in our minds, it doesn't show on the surface. After time, though, our faces reflect our thoughts. The sky this weekend, invites you to fill your heart with hope. Then you'll look every bit as young and beautiful as you feel.
How many years have you spent on this planet? Surely, by now, you have realised that the older you get, the less obliged you are to get old. "Old" is a trap. A frame of mind that sucks us, like quicksand, into a morass of misery. When we are newly arrived, we all look young. No matter what's in our minds, it doesn't show on the surface. After time, though, our faces reflect our thoughts. The sky this weekend, invites you to fill your heart with hope. Then you'll look every bit as young and beautiful as you feel.
Little things mean a lot. That's why they get to us so much. Somehow, it is easier to ignore the big things. These are so large and looming that they make us feel powerless. As none of us likes to dwell on the factors that seem hopeless, we focus on issues we may just be able to alter. There's nothing you can now do about a particular little thing. But if you can only stop thinking about it long enough, you will find this weekend that you are in a good position to do something constructive about a very big thing.
It’s not news that certain financial arrangements are inequitable. For ages you’ve tried to justify these arrangements, mostly because you’ve dreaded confronting those involved. Now events force these discussions. It will be far easier than you expect, since others know they’re in the wrong and will be relieved to have a chance to put things right.
Image: "At the bottom of a well, three bright coins" Message: New insight.
A close friend or lover may need the benefit of your advice and emotional support this week. Planetary alignments indicate that you are now in an extremely active phase of wisdom, intuition and insight. Social energy is also on the rise, however, and may cause others to seek out your opinions or ask for your assistance with emotional negotiations. Emotional consequences between friends and lovers may be high: avoid looking for quick answers. After Monday expect also to encounter rapid complications in social matters: changing plans and competing interests amongst friends may be at issue. All will be resolved in the coming few weeks, so not to worry. In the mean time, however, expect both friends and lovers to be anxious and mildly confrontation.
For October 1: Intuitively, you sense that something is going on behind the scenes in a career matter. You may not hear any news about this, but sense it all the same. Between mid morning and mid afternoon, you may suddenly become impatient and ask for answers, feedback or even a wispy smoke signal. Don't count on receiving anything definitive until early evening - at the earliest. Instead of allowing your mind to play tricks on you and your imagination to build, then tear down every castle in the sand, just sit back and wait. You've already got enough to do without nosing around for a fresh new problem to solve. 直感的に 日常の背後とでなにか経歴に関することが起こっていると感じるでしょう。 これについてのニュースは何も聞こえてきませんが、しかし感じるはずです。 午前と午後の間に 貴方は突然こらえられなくなって、答えや、反応や小さな煙のような信号を求めたくなるでしょう しかし早くても晩までは 受け取ったものを信用しないでください 貴方の創造で 砂の上に城をつくり、そしてそれを全部崩すようなマネをするぐらいなら ただ座って情報が来るまで待ちましょう あなたは 新しい解決すべき問題を探すまねしなくても すでに十分たくさんの問題を抱えているはずです
Why not lower your standards? Why not settle for less? Don't you think you are being far too ambitious? Aren't you also being unreasonably hard on yourself? Look around. How many other people expect as much from themselves, as you do? Most folk seem content to accept what you feel inclined to reject. To them, it's not even a sacrifice. Have I convinced you yet? Oh well, it was worth a try. If you really must reach for the Moon this week, do it with all your heart and soul. You may just get there.
Does the course of true love ever run smooth? Are the genuinely great and the good invariably destined to face constant challenge? Must the most talented people on our planet also be the most tortured? Must the most blessed be saddled with the heaviest burdens? I only ask because ... Well, I suspect you know exactly why I raise this topic. There's something in your situation now, which is extremely bitter sweet. But then, what else could it be? Would you really ever have things any other way?
We can spend so much time with someone... live the same life, share the same environment and feel so sure that we know them. Then, one day, we suddenly realise that somewhere in the relationship, a point of mutually convenient misunderstanding has been allowed to develop. We actually don't know this person as well as we thought we did. Nor do they fully know us. Times like this are challenging, but potentially more rewarding than an eternity of polite pretence. Prepare for a wonderful discovery. 私たちは非常に多くの時間を誰かと過ごすことができます。同じ家に住み、環境も同じで お互い分かり合っていると感じています。 そして、あるひ突然、お互いの誤解が生まれていたことに気が付くのです。 彼らは貴方の事を良く知りませんし、貴方は彼らのことをあなたが思っているほど知っていないのです。 こういう時間はきびしいものですが、礼儀正しく分かっている振りをしているよりもずっと実りあるものです 驚きに対して準備してください
Do what you can to avoid a dispute or pointless debate early this morning. There won't be any winners, just frustrated opinionators. Once the air clears and tempers cool down a bit, you thrust yourself into another direction this afternoon. You feel more competitive and determined to win the prize than usual. You're unlikely to back down, but may also come on a bit strong. Under the circumstances, coming on strong may be necessary to get things accomplished. By this evening, you feel that on some level, your circumstances may have changed slightly for the better. You also feel good about sticking up for what you believe. Boy, are you ever on a transformation speed cycle!
First thing this morning, you worry about a financial or career decision. Once you remember that this matter is totally out of your hands, you cease worrying and start focusing on something you can have a measurable impact on. The day gets steadily better during afternoon and evening. Chats with others produce really beneficial results and feedback. You might also decide to approach a project in a whole new way that generates excitement and loads of anticipation.
You mean well this morning but may accidentally put your hoof in your mouth and say the wrong thing at the worst possible moment. Before speaking, pause long enough to think about whether or not your comments are necessary or useful, and also check out your surroundings to make sure you won't offend anyone nearby. Late afternoon through evening is a more rewarding stretch of time. You're less inclined to be Miss Faux Pas 2007 and more likely to charm others with witty Oscar Wilde-style sarcasm.