Early today, Mars slithers into your partnership house and aims to stay a while. So what does this mean? For starters, your closest relationship will demand more time, energy, money and patience from you. You're a walking talking representation of what a 'slave to love' looks like, eager to do whatever it takes (and your body and mind will allow) to make someone as happy as possible. The amazing part is that you don't expect payback. You do it out of love and necessity (translation: no one else wants the job) and mostly without complaint - mostly. You're a diehard advocate for someone you love who also happens to need a lot of support now as well as during the next several weeks (at least).
Of course you should make hay while the sun shines, but do you really need to buy a combine harvester and a thousand acres of farmland? Might you be in danger of taking your current opportunity just a little too far? I only ask because I notice others are now watching you in wonder. They cannot quite believe the change that has come over you lately. They too suspect you may be going over the top. You, though, know precisely what you are doing and why. Trust your instinct. It makes perfect sense.
Meter reading: 8 August 6-12: Your ruling planet Jupiter goes direct in your sign, signaling that a long overdue project or process is likely to get underway this week or next. This may be a self-improvement project that frees you from an unhealthy lifestyle, relationship or job. You finally recognize the importance of thinking highly enough of yourself to reach out for something better. A friend or ally may use slightly abrasive tactics to motivate you, when steady, solid support would work just as well. The point is that you won't be alone in your quest for a better way forward. This week's touchstones: Black Spinel, Turquoise.
Meter reading: 9 August 6-12: You can move mountains this week and you'll have the muscle and genius of enthusiastic, loyal supporters to keep you moving forward. A partner may at times seem annoying, persistent or high strung, but there's a kind of method in his or her madness. So, detach and don't allow another's personality traits to get under your skin. The bottom line is that this same partner will produce prodigious results for you. An important agreement is sealed before the end of the week - and your anxious or partner may be at least partially responsible for making this happen. This week's touchstones: Green Tourmaline, Sunstone.
You work very well with a partner during the first half of the day. You help each other conjure up great ideas and develop solutions to puzzling dilemmas involving timing. By combining forces with a kindred spirit, you're more thorough and able to cover a lot of ground. Later this evening, there might be a mini dustup over who's right (and therefore, who's wrong) but it won't last long. Luckily, a positive bit of news moves you away from control battles and refocuses you on a mutually beneficial goal. Once again, you're a lot more effective when you have a solid team backing you up.
Normally, you are deliberate and decisive, quick and clear, sharp and sure. In many ways, you continue to manifest all these wonderful qualities. Yet, somehow, you just can't do what you want to do. You can't go where you want to go. You are being impeded and inhibited. There's actually a good reason for this. Soon, you will find out what it is and then everything will change. Your current difficulty is only a passing visitor. Don't make up a bed for it in the spare room and invite it to stay till next year!
Good news develops throughout the day. Things are likely to turn out better than anticipated, and probably move faster than you'd planned on. You might not understand absolutely every detail or get each quote right, but that's okay. You feel enormously supported today. In turn, you project others' warmth onto a friend or loved one. As always, what goes around, comes around. You're highly imaginative and psychic today. At times, you may appear to be in a daze when you're actually in a meditative state.
Being inquisitive by nature, you would never say that you know everything about anything. Yet there’s one particular situation in which you’re behaving exactly that way. You’re so sure of your facts that you’re not even asking essential questions. Open your mind now or you risk encountering serious problems in a short time.
If there’s any secret to getting through this spectacular week without unnecessary dramas, it’s to chose your companions carefully. While you’re likely to be thrilled about what’s taking place as a result of Monday’s aspect between the sensible Saturn and Pluto, which is in Sagittarius, and a few will feel the same way, many others will respond by being worried or give you unsolicited advice. And they’ll be miffed if you don’t take it. Besides, the golden opportunities this ushers in are still emerging, so you’ll want to invest your time in exploring what’s possible, rather than worrying about what might not be.
Now that you’ve had a chance to think about the opportunities that came with Monday’s rare and brilliant alliance between Saturn and Pluto, which has been in Sagittarius for a very long time, you’re realising just how much you’ve learned over the past years. In fact, this knowledge is proving pivotal as you make life-changing decisions.
It's amazing how some people feel happy to tear others to shreds. You, though, learned, long ago, not to be so harshly judgemental. Er... didn't you? Be careful this week. Sleights, real and imaginary, plus temptations, equally divided between the world of fact and fantasy, could cause you to become insensitive to the needs of others. But if you can only stay kind and considerate, even when under extreme provocation, you can yet end up holding a conversation that proves immensely profitable.
People say and do the most ridiculous things. Sometimes, we can hardly believe what we are seeing and hearing... We ask ourselves, 'Is it me?' But it isn't us; it is them! Always! True stupidity knows no bounds. Happily, so too does genuine magnanimity. You can try, for the rest of your life, to understand quite how a particular situation has arisen. You will probably never manage it. But still, you can forgive it. That will take but moments yet it will have far-reaching, long-lasting consequences.
There are certain issues you’ve avoided and facts you’ve sidestepped, mostly because you regard them as boring. That may be true, but if you continue to ignore them now, as new plans are being arranged, you’ll run into serious problems. Some are unaware of these, while others assume that they’re being handled. This week’s all about planning, so there’s no better time than now to tackle them. Because you’re not alone in most arrangements, it’s likely you’ll find volunteers willing to tackle these, which is fortunate, since even at your most dutiful, you’re unlikely to give them the attention they need.
Meter reading: 7 August 13-19: Early this week, you're enmeshed in a sea of expert opinions, paperwork and suggestions from well-meaning friends or advisors. All of these matters affect a loved one. Most of what you hear seems a bit overwhelming or not applicable to your situation or relationship. You wisely decide to think for yourself, while remaining open to others' suggestions. It's not in your DNA to just deliquesce into a pudding of quivering submission. You're a fighter and an independent maverick, and are not about to accept another's opinion without tangible proof. Midweek makes decision making slightly easier because the choices seem less numerous and seem to occur naturally. You do what must be done. Expedience becomes a deciding factor. During the weekend, you realize that the right decisions were made. As difficult as some matters seemed at the time, you realize that they were for the best. This week's touchstones: Yellow Fluorite, Green Garnet.
Meter reading: 8 August 13-19: Contracts, both new and existing, are likely to be discussed this week. You may ask for a few changes that either offer you more money or more freedom. You may also weigh the pros and cons of accepting additional work and responsibility. You're very busy during the first part of the week. Midweek is frustrating. Timing may be off and communication may be confused. You might disagree with another's assessment or handling of a controversial situation. The weekend, however, brings a rosier picture, full of promise and potential. You feel less burdened and more optimistic. This week's touchstones: Emerald, Red Spinel.
They say that, one way or another, we end up paying a price for everything. They may be right. But that's not the whole story. Our every action earns us a reward. Our every decision leads to a consequence. If we always do our best to do the right thing for the right reason, we will invariably get a result we can be pleased with. Any price we ever have to pay for this will always seem small by comparison to the sense of satisfaction that we have been blessed with. You absolutely can afford this week's indulgence.
You get lots of important information this morning that helps you make key decisions. You have access to experts and advisors that you trust and respect, so you don't feel alone in a crucial matter. You also have the support and affection of friends and loved ones, sheltering you in a blanket of kindness so that you're able to make a soft landing. Today requires you to say 'yes' or 'no' without hesitation. Once you've made a choice, you're fully engaged in it, so there's no looking back. Women are particularly strong and compassionate toward you today. A lot of love and wisdom gets passed from goddess to goddess.
Last week’s amazing aspect between Saturn and Pluto, which is in Sagittarius, opened the door to all sorts of exciting developments. These ranged from fun ideas to life-changing offers. Now that the time has come to ask a few serious questions about these, you’ll realise that they’re just as good as you thought, if not better.
Others may have an inflated or inaccurate impression of you and what you're really about. Maybe you send out mixed signals that keep others straining to see the truth, or maybe you're just too difficult to keep up with. Today may require a bit of concerted rumor control on your part. Do what you can to eliminate confusion, rather than encourage it. If something is untrue, say so. If someone is polishing a pedestal for you to stand on, tell him or her that you're not interested. At this point in your evolution, you don't need to be restricted by another's inflated expectations. You require total freedom, minus hero worship or illusions, in order to grow and expand your awareness.
Parents are always accusing teenagers of 'treating their home like a hotel'. In a strange way, though, we are all just visitors, temporarily enjoying the hospitality of Planet Earth. Some of us are keen to show gratitude to the host. Others feel as if we are entitled to all that's on offer. Regardless of which attitude we adopt, we know there is nothing we can do to make our residency permanent. We can, though, resolve to make the most of it all. Right now, you have an opportunity that it would be a sin to waste! I have recorded your latest in-depth week-ahead prediction. When you hear it, you will smile.
Tedious as dealing with dull minutiae may be, if you ignore these details, you’ll only run into problems later. Once you get involved in these, however, you’ll find them far more interesting than you’d have imagined possible. So much so, in fact, that you’ll actually enjoy the process of delving into and learning about them.
You aren't here forever. Some chances must either be seized fairly swiftly or forgotten about for all time. Your existence on this earth is not a mistake. It is a gift. Nor is it the only generous offering being made to you by a kindly cosmos. You may feel as if you are surrounded by things and people that upset and annoy you, but there are chances, in and amongst all those nuisances, to fill your life with sources of deep and lasting joy. Don't doubt yourself or deny yourself happiness. Seize a chance today.
The decisions you’re making now may seem far-reaching. But actually, they’re the first steps in a series of dramatic developments that also include eclipses in late August and mid-September. These will so alter the landscape of the situations you’re dealing with that the commitments you make now would have to be rearranged several times.
It seems that a friend or partner has an opinion about everything today and feels compelled to 'share' it with you, even when you'd prefer the soothing sound of silence. It's ironic: Sagittarians are allegedly chatty, and yet some of your most satisfying moments occur when your mouth is closed and you're deep in thought. Unafraid to be alone, you often wish for long stretches of serenity without a single bout of babbling. Today may put you through the paces, due to another's ongoing needs, requests or endless demands for validation. Make sure to squeeze in a little exercise and privacy away from needy types.
It’s not that you’ve been economical with the truth. Rather, you’d avoided topics that you knew would upset others or which you felt had no resolution anyway. But now you must not only discuss these frankly, as they’re central to the changes taking place, others will also be prepared to discuss them, and with unanticipated candour.
What's crazier than entering a lottery where the chances of winning are hopelessly small? Buying a ticket and then failing to check whether your numbers have come up or not. Have you any idea how many prizes go unclaimed each month? Far better to be a foolish optimist than a foolish pessimist. At least check to see whether your one moment of wild exuberance has produced a result. You may not think there's much chance of something working out well today, but at least give it a chance.
Technically and officially, the opposition of Mars and Jupiter is still a week away. Really, though, that's a moot point. To all intent and purposes these two important celestial bodies are aligned antagonistically, right now as we speak. Hence the immense and intense motivation that you feel. Hence too, the seemingly relentless pressure that you feel you are under. There is, though, another side-effect to this unusual cosmic condition. You are achieving and attaining far more each day.
Technically and officially, the opposition of Mars and Jupiter is still a week away. Really, though, that's a moot point. To all intent and purposes these two important celestial bodies are aligned antagonistically, right now as we speak. Hence the immense and intense motivation that you feel. Hence too, the seemingly relentless pressure that you feel you are under. There is, though, another side-effect to this unusual cosmic condition. You are achieving and attaining far more each day.
Friday helps you put your priorities in a semblance of order. Once you've figured out what's most important, you can work without feeling overwhelmed or distracted by phantom worries. Make the time to put three or four must-do tasks in order - and then live with your decision and work from there. The rest of your day is inspired, creative and rather psychic. Later Friday afternoon and evening, interesting news arrives, perhaps unexpected but welcomed.
Saturday morning is all about accomplishing set goals. Don't allow distractions and interruptions to drain your energy. Focus on what needs to be done and let everything else fall to the side. Early afternoon intensifies your intuition, making you a receiving tower for others' random thoughts and moods. Some of you who are profoundly receptive may actually pick up another's physical aches and pains.
On Sunday, you'll instinctively choose privacy over big scenes with loads of people. You understand that you're particularly sensitive and really don't want to spread your time and energy too thin. Good thinking, Sagittarius. You really need some space and privacy to think, work and create without constant energy-draining interruption.
Deep down inside, you know that everything is going to work out well. You just aren't so sure how, when or why this is going to happen. That means you have to have a lot of faith. Your intellect doesn't know what to trust - or who. It cannot feel what your heart feels, nor can it see what it sees. Thus, it feels inclined to criticise and doubt your intuition. Don't be hard on your head, it can't help asking awkward questions. But don't be soft either. You have better things to do than sit around entertaining irrelevant anxieties.
The rapid pace and upbeat nature of early August continue now, during the week’s first half. Consequently, the obstacles you face during its second half both take you by surprise and raise serious concerns. Actually, you’re contending with practical issues that couldn’t have been anticipated. Some are tricky, others straightforward, but in each it’s vital that you deal with each detail in depth as it arises. The other challenge is power struggles with others. Here, too, the clearer you are about what’s important to you and what isn’t, the more swiftly you’ll find a compromise you can both live with.
Your words and motives may be misunderstood and turned into something you never intended. Be patient and careful while speaking or writing today. Make certain that you've got the necessary facts and data to back up what you're saying. Before ending a conversation, do what you can to make sure that others understand what you're trying to communicate. You might have the timing of an event wrong - or even the location mixed up. Just do a little fact checking before broadcasting anything. On another note, you're likely to get great news and response from afar about something you'd previously done.
Most of the morning and afternoon involve some sort of damage control. You may be asked to explain something or remember something that is difficult to recall. You wonder what the big deal is. What seems like a very small matter to you may be a situation of great importance to someone else. This probably involves either your career or reputation, so it may be more important than you immediately recognize. Be direct and honest when asked pointed questions. It may be that someone else is trying to clear up his or her own name - and you're the missing link that can make this happen. Later this evening, this entire situation disappears faster than a popsicle on a hot summer day.
There's nothing ordinary about an opposition between Mars and Jupiter. You can't expect your life to proceed as 'normal' under such an influence. It doesn't necessarily follow, though, that some enormous drama is about to be enacted. A coming development is about to make a very big difference. But the development itself may prove surprisingly small. An exchange of information. The dawn of a new idea. A subtle but powerful realisation. Something is about to rock your world.
If everything seems intense, dramatic and extreme, draw a deep breath please. Get some perspective and ask yourself whether you really need to be so caught up in such a noisy or overwhelming process. Mars is opposing Jupiter. Something big most definitely needs to happen. The change that's required, though, can either be brought about through some kind of showdown - or through the simple gathering of inner-strength and determination. Step back from a tempting distraction.
You may not be able to get certain individuals to take things seriously until you confront them. Your timing is good, because it’s likely that a sudden twist in circumstances will force issues. As a consequence, you may not need to say a word, as others will have no choice but to deal with dilemmas head on.
You might feel out of sorts, due largely to a family or friend problem. This rears up like a cobra during the morning and may continue into early afternoon. Your best defense is to steer clear of it. Don't participate in another's anxiety or hostility. Don't absorb another's stress or anger, either. Detach emotionally from the situation so that you're able to get important things accomplished. Later today, things improve nicely. No more griping, criticism or negativity develops. You relax and the people near you also relax. Tonight, a change in tone makes a conversation feel like something to enjoy instead of something to avoid.
If everything seems intense, dramatic and extreme, draw a deep breath please. Get some perspective and ask yourself whether you really need to be so caught up in such a noisy or overwhelming process. Mars is opposing Jupiter. Something big most definitely needs to happen. The change that's required, though, can either be brought about through some kind of showdown - or through the simple gathering of inner-strength and determination. Step back from a tempting distraction. もしもすべての物事が刺激的に見えるようなら 深く息をしてください。 そして ちょっと考えてください。あなたはそんなうるさくて圧倒されるようなプロセスにかかわる必要があるのかを。 火星と木星がオポジットです 何かとても大きいことがおきる必要があります。 求められる変化は なにかの決着なのかもしれませんし、自分の内なる強さと決意なのかもしれません。 あなたをまどわす誘惑から一歩引いてください
Is it time to stop? Should you change your strategy or direction? I only ask because I know you are busy. You don't have time for doubts. So, tell you what, I will entertain them for you and save you the effort. I shall be generous and entertain them in style. I will give them tea, scones and cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off - and tell them all my best jokes. There. They have been entertained and now they are leaving happy. Should any more crop up today, just subject them to the same treatment.
The Sun moves into your career house today, strongly suggesting greater emphasis on your career endeavors and willingness to accept additional responsibility. You're up to it. Even when you feel bone-tired, you still have a little fiery energy in reserve. A contract, publishing or communication issue may be brought up. You may also hear from someone at a considerable distance. The news is good, so don't fret - and don't doubt your ability to get things done, either. Today, news = opportunity.
Even the most adventurous folk feel happier when change comes at a time of their own choosing... To prevent it from occurring at an awkward moment, we mount a psychological guard. We scan the horizon for imminent upheaval and apprehend intrusive elements in the hope that this will help us keep control. You don't much like the look of a change you can see on your horizon now. Don't waste precious energy on some effort to fend it off. Instead, see the good in it. Then the future will be good too.
For some reason, certain individuals are confused about your intentions. While the last thing you’re interested in doing is detailing your plans all over again, it’s really important that you update them. What would result in only minor confusion now could, if you said nothing, turn into something as chaotic as it is disruptive.
You really must put your foot down. It wasn’t until the enterprising Mars clashed with your ruler Jupiter recently, and you had to discuss your plans, that you realised that others were undermining you. Whether it was intentional or not doesn’t matter. All that’s important is that they bring those activities to a halt. つーか今日のシェリーこれだよ
Your Weekend: Some people say life is a dance. This may make some sense to you now, especially if you think of it as traditional, elegant dance. Once, rather than just shake about in time to the music, people used to do things, like take two steps forward then one step back. You have just taken your two steps forward. Now, because your necessary brief step back seems unexpected, you are worried. It's simply an essential part of a delightful process that will eventually have a fine and fruitful outcome.
Meter reading: 8 August 20-26: Your focus shifts this week. You've had time to prepare for this and are ready to spring into action. You anticipate that another's needs may accelerate during the days and weeks to come and are willing to do whatever is required to be of help. Instead of talking about ideas and engaging in debates, you take action that provides comfort and security for another. Actions definitely speak louder than words from this week forward. Every effort you make will be appreciated. This week's touchstones: Carnelian, Lavender Jade.
Meter reading: 8 August 20-26: You've got stacks of tasks that need to be dealt with this week. You'll have even more next week and the week after. Suddenly, others seem to simultaneously get the urge to call you and ask for your help or participation. You must weigh each request or offer carefully and be practical. Since your time is limited, be selective about the new assignments or duties you accept. Make sure that you're fairly compensated. Because of your schedule, you really don't have any time to waste. Later this week, something very flattering and surprising may erupt, tempting you with yet another potential opportunity. This week's touchstones: Ruby, Onyx.
Every sign will be influenced to some extent by the eclipses, in a few days’ time and on September 11th. But because these accent your way of living and activities out in the world, a shake up is likely. Worrying as this sounds now, once it’s taken place, you’ll realise it’s exactly what your life needs.
For September 2007: Brace yourself for additional duties, work, or public appearances. You may be the voice or face for a cause or organization. It's not as if you haven't already received hints that this was coming. You've been the go-to person when things need to be done on time for ages. So, you're back in the top gun saddle again. The 3rd presents some frustration, not only for you but also for many of those you interact with. Don't be surprised if a number of requests or demands all arrive at about the same time. Don't forget how to occasionally refuse a request, Sagittarius. A lot of important changes and improvements occur between the 5th and 13th. They won't all be easy, but they will point you in the right direction. The 11th brings a New Moon /Solar Eclipse that could be very decisive in a career, school or image matter. You may have the opportunity to make some deliberate changes that help you do things your way. The 13th brings good news from experts and others you admire and trust.
You might also be able to reopen a discussion with a friend or colleague that you haven't talked to in a while. Things are up and down between the 17th and 21st. Because others seem touchy and defensive, don't say or do things that are likely to rile them. At this point, the last thing you want or need is more drama. So keep things as smooth and even as possible. The 23rd is good because it moves the Sun into Libra, forming a nice, friendly aspect with your sign. This aspect makes you very creative and willing to try something new. A new approach in a work or educational pursuit may save time, be more interesting, and possibly lead to additional opportunities. Listen to your friends during this time because they'll offer useful tips and go out of their way to introduce you to people who can assist you. The 26th ushers in a Full Moon in fiery Aries, signaling that hope, renewal, creativity, sports and new life may be heading your way. Mars moves into Cancer on the 28th suggesting that money comes in fast but also goes out just as fast. This month's touchstone: Black Opal.
You probably began 2007 thinking that you’d like to improve on elements of your domestic or working life. But you won’t have bargained for changes as extensive as those that began with the year’s first pair of eclipses, in March, and continue with two more, this Tuesday and on September 11th. They’ll shake up both the actual circumstances you’re dealing with and your perspective on them. Although you may be somewhat wary, your real problem is impatience. Understandably, if you’re making serious changes, you want to know more. There’ll be hints. But not until mid-September will you know exactly what they are.
You're incredibly imaginative and creative during the first half of the day. Some may view you as gullible, but you're more open and receptive than gullible. Because most people are accustomed to playing bumper car with others' defense mechanisms, they feel slightly ill at ease when they encounter someone as willing to be vulnerable as you are. You lay out the facts as you understand them and open yourself to possible criticism. For the most part, however, you receive a great deal of understanding and support from other sensitive, receptive people. Later today, you're able to make a very smart decision by relying on what your heart tells you, instead of depending solely on logic or fact.
It’s no secret that you need to reorganise elements of your work or lifestyle. However, you’ve taken this process so far, then encountered insurmountable obstacles. Consequently, disruptive as the changes introduced by eclipses, this week and in mid-September, may be, they’ll also provide the shake up that’s needed to take things to the next stage.
Meter reading: 8 August 27-September 2: You're extremely protective of loved ones and close friends this week and are willing to fight for them or take a few hits so that they don't have to. Your timing is excellent because it appears that someone you care about needs hands-on 24/7 attention now. As always, you're required to be both acrobat and pro juggler to work out enough time for friends and loved ones along with your other required duties - but you'll manage. There have been times in your life when you mostly pleased yourself, perhaps to the point of overindulgence. But you were born to be an example and dedicated teacher or servant to others. Saturn's entry into Virgo reminds you what your celestial function actually is: serve, teach, and heal. There are a lot of ways to demonstrate love - and right now, these are the best. This week's touchstones: Carnelian, Onyx.
Meter reading: 8 August 27-September 2: Thanks to Saturn's entry into Virgo, the buck stops with you this week and continues to do the same during the next couple years. You look presidential, professional and well schooled by experience. Others may view you as a parental figure or expert and come to you for guidance. You take charge of a situation and are asked to make important decisions. The distribution of power and responsibility is heavily weighted toward you. So even if you share a job title with others, you'll work a little longer and harder than they will. You'll also reap the rewards, and experience great satisfaction from jobs well done and miracles accomplished. It's a good thing that you're unafraid of challenge and have extra stores of energy because a lot will be asked of you during the next couple years. This week's touchstones: Black Spinel, Turquoise.
How many stars are there in the sky? We don't know, but we are not willing to accept 'countless' for an answer. Instead, we start counting, although we know the task is hopeless. We are even willing to tackle life's more difficult questions such as, 'How long does eternity take?' We are a race of hopeless romantics, impassioned idealists, wide-eyed believers in theories and dreams. Even so-called cynics harbour secret childlike fascinations. Avoid unnecessary angst this week, by refusing to waste time with 'realism'!
Don't you have something else to do? Don't you have tasks to carry out? Obligations to honour? Promises to fulfil? Aren't there people waiting for you, relying on you, expecting things from you? Of course there are. And their numbers will only multiply over the next few days unless you make a very bold resolution. You are carrying more than your fair share and it is time to stop. There are one or two commitments you absolutely cannot drop. There are many more that you can.
Today's Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is like a grand crescendo - energy builds, peaks and then reforms in a surprising way. There's a lot of hustle-bustle and change in your home and career arenas right now. If you could figure out how to be in two places at the same time, you'd get everything completed on schedule. Since you're still juggling too many things, chances are pretty good that you'll find yourself cutting corners and begging for a little more time. Some of you who are feeling especially disciplined and anal-retentive might be able to pull a few rabbits out of hats in record time, but most of you will require a day or two longer to accomplish a goal.
It’s not that your mind is closed to new ideas. Yet even you could regard what appears this week as either unrealistic or too much trouble. Be patient. These developments, part of the changes ushered in by eclipses now and on September 11th, will soon be revealed as the golden opportunities that they are.
You know what they say about good intentions: 'The road to hell is paved with them.' A lot of the time, the things we do in the hope of getting relief end up giving us grief. Every so often we have to stop and ask, 'Why am I doing what I am doing? Is it really ever likely to bring me deep joy? Or has it somehow become a part of the very prison I wish I could escape from?' After yesterday's eclipse, it may be time, in the light of recent experiences and discoveries, to rethink a strategy.
Everything seems to revolve around a home or family matter today. That's the lynchpin that determines all decisions and activities. When in doubt, do what benefits a family member and let the rest of your obligations fall into place on their own power. You're dealing with a number of safety, health or security matters that directly affect your living situation or a family member. Although outsiders will continue to ask for your time and attention, your home and family must take top priority. On another note, you receive some excellent contractual or legal news later today.
Ordinarily you wouldn’t worry about differences that turn into more serious disputes. Actually, you rather enjoy a lively debate, particularly if it gets you thinking. More importantly, the facts that come to light in the process of battling issues out won’t just be interesting, what they reveal could dramatically alter your viewpoint on certain matters.
Here's a good idea for a plan. Have no plan! Here's a good answer to any question. Question the question. Here's a good way to find the right direction. Learn to love being exactly where you are. Sometimes, less is more. Sometimes, it's much better to do the right kind of nothing rather than the wrong kind of something. You have an idea about what's supposed to happen. If reality doesn't match the theory, that could be because the theory is at fault. Give the reality a chance to prove itself!
You eat, sleep and drink inspiration today. Just relax and allow creativity to seep in and out of you. Breathe in and don't interrupt what could be an endless flow of ideas and enlightenment. You don't have to sit at the feet of a Master to learn today. Little things can be catalytic converters that reroute your thoughts in a more creative vein. You'll most likely let go of an old hurt or resentment, too. You'll just allow it to drop off like a spent blossom, and afterward, all you'll feel is good.
Happy Labor Day Weekend! Friday is superb for play, sports, creativity, sales and spontaneous adventures. If you try to plan things precisely, you might be disappointed because schedules are subject to change without much notice. So keep your plans as wide open as possible and keep your sense of humor turned on throughout the day.
Saturday focuses on practical daily routines: exercise, diet, healthy habits (or not) and so on. Before grabbing that 10th piece of chocolate, pause long enough to give yourself a fighting chance at self-control. By the afternoon, you feel more in control of your life - and maybe even your chocolate intake. Maybe.
On Sunday, transiting Saturn enters Virgo for 2.5 years. This may explain the sudden urgent sweet tooth escapade. Y You may feel pressure to perform, feel solely responsible, or be the gatekeeper for another's life, happiness, security, etc. Even if you've been the sole support system for another in the past, you're more acutely aware of it from Sunday onward. You take your job and other responsibilities very seriously, and when you speak from experience, others listen and learn. You may earn yourself a position of respect and influence. This won't be a gift - this will be earned by your effort, persistence and commitment.
A patch of nothing, one billion miles wide. Scientists have just discovered it deep in distant space. It begs an interesting question. How do you measure nothing? And what kind of nothing is it? Nothing much? Nothing to write home about? Nothing special? Nothing at all? A billion miles? That's not nothing, that's something! By the way, you know that problem that you need to get to grips with this weekend? The best thing you can possibly do about it... is nothing.
Given the many obstacles and difficulties you face, it is a wonder where you get your strength from. You really ought to be congratulating yourself - yet it sometimes seems as if you are more inclined to be self-critical. You keep thinking about the things you have not managed to do or the promises you are finding it very difficult to keep. Don't give yourself a hard time. You don't deserve one. You don't need one. And, as long as you put the past behind you and step bravely forward, you won't have one.
For you, setting new goals is no problem. You’re always thinking about new ideas and exploring intriguing options. However, what you’re now undertaking could be considerably more far-reaching. Still, there’s no question that between changes in circumstance and your own shifting goals, you must approach your work or lifestyle from a completely different angle.
If you’ve any challenge during this pivotal month, it’s balancing your desire to achieve long cherished goals with accommodating changes the alter elements of your life, domestic set up or work. After a lengthy period of planning and discussion, Saturn’s new position encourages you to take action. Naturally, you’re impatient. Rush things, however, and decisions just need to be made again, and within days. Focus on exploring the options opened by this new cycle, and when the time comes to make a decision, you’ll be ready.
Not only do you not mind change, you find it stimulating. Still, you like to feel that you’re in control of your life. And with eclipses, both last week and next week, shaking things up in your work or domestic set up, things are unlikely to be stable. Add the influence of the sternly practical Saturn, which moves to accent these today, beginning a two year long cycle of questioning, review and ? ultimately ? improvement, and change is in order. Ironically, as this brings unproductive arrangements to a close, it clears the way for the realisation of dreams you once regarded as beyond your reach.
For you, happiness is as much about having an intriguing new challenge as it is about what you’re actually able to achieve. Keep this in mind now, as certain lasting arrangements change, some in a twinkling. Others may worry, but you’re right to think these are clearing the way for even better ideas, pursuits and objectives.
You feel a bit beleaguered today. There's too much to do and far too little time to do things right. Some compromises are required, and some things may have to wait another day or two. The world won't end and you won't be banished from the kingdom, so relax. Do what you can, and then release all stress and impossible expectations. By the time you get through late afternoon, you visibly begin to settle down and feel less overwhelmed. By the end of the evening, you know that you did your best - and that's more than enough.
Some factors within your current situation seem deeply unfair. So, what else is new? That's life on Planet Earth! When we redress one source of injustice, we find we face two more. It's like trying to slay the legendary monster Hydra. Chop off one head and two more grow. You have to go for its heart. How do you find the heart of anything in this world? By finding your own, first, and then letting it guide you. Listen this week, to instinct not intellect. And try to trust a special companion. あなたの現在の状況にはいくつか公平でない要素があるようです。 でも それがどうかしましたか。地球ではいつもそんな調子じゃないですか。 1つの不正を正したら さらに2つの不正が明らかになる。まるで頭がいっぱいあるヒドラを殺そうとしてるかのようです。 一つの頭を叩き潰すと2つの頭が生えてくるような。あなたはヒドラや世界の本質に迫らなければなりません。 貴方自身の本質をみつけ、つぎに世界の本質をみつけるのです。今週は知性ではなくて直感を信じてください。 そして特別な人を信じようとしてください
Meter reading: 7 September 3-9: Don't allow a silly disagreement over minor details to morph into a big black hole, particularly early this week. Step back and pause before automatically defending your position. Sometimes, a fight can be avoided by shutting up and detaching. Early this week is one of those golden moments. Redirect your energy into something substantial, like exercise, a favorite hobby, a career goal or a passionate relationship. Misunderstandings finally begin to ease up considerably by the weekend. Clarity returns and intentions are easier to recognize and understand. This week's touchstones: Amethyst, Chalcedony.
Meter reading: 8 September 3-9: Frustration is almost unavoidable early this week, unless you work alone with faultless technology and everything goes as planned. (Looking back, have you ever had a day or even an hour like that? Probably not.) The point is that you encounter obstacles, delays and irritations early in the week, but nothing you haven't coped with in the past. The good news is that communication improves, scheduling gets better and whatever gummed up the works fades from memory like a bad fantasy. Before the end of the week, you may actually have something to celebrate, like a new contract, superb assignment or an unexpected windfall. This week's touchstones: Smoky Quartz, Ruby.
Do you recognise the situation you face? Is it striking a chord, ringing a bell? Be careful. Any similarity between these circumstances and the ones before are superficial. It may well be more than the hand of chance that has brought you into this position. You may have been deliberately attempting to emulate an earlier experience. But, whether by accident or by design, you have ended up somewhere significantly different. This time round you can make a real success out of whatever proved so difficult before.
A number of demands may conflict or compete with each other early today. You'll feel hogtied and hope for the best, but may not be able to keep up with nonstop requests. Do the best you can and then release the rest. If you're able to adopt this approach right from the beginning of the day, you'll get through the remainder of the day relatively unscathed. You have a tendency to absorb another's tension or anxiety. Make a conscious choice to not do that today. If you're able to deflect another's tension, you'll have more energy for other things. Later this afternoon, you hear something wonderfully inspiring and hopeful. This turns your day totally around in a very positive direction.
At the moment, it probably seems that there’s little reason to argue with others. They don’t seem to listen and when they do, they keep raising yet more objections. Frustrating as this is, their points are valid, as you’ll soon realise. The more time you invest in debating your differences with them, the more you’ll learn.