Weekend Update: Friday the 13th opens your eyes and mind to unexpected possibilities. A conversation with a sweet friend or new love expands into something both healing and satisfying. You might not have pictured this person as being your 'ideal' match, but are likely to change your mind. This connection feels both spiritual and physical. That's kind of tough to beat. Saturday's New Moon also heralds the benefits of new love in bloom. Venus moves into your partnership house, suggesting that your model for 'dream lover' is changing - and perhaps manifesting, too! Just don't fall into your old habit of rescuing or enabling. This time, allow your new flame to warm the room for you. All you need to do is sit back and take it all in with pleasure. Sunday is delightful, especially if you're with special friends - or just one ultra special friend. There is a lot to talk about, trips to plan and dreams to make come true. Lucky, deserving you.
13日の金曜日・・・ 調子が戻ってきたのかなと思うこの頃です。シェリーですが お願いします。 This is no time to worry about disappointing others. You’re concerned that if you’re not there for them, they’ll feel neglected. They know exactly what kind of pressure you’re under, and if they have managed to ignore it, you can tell them. Once they know all the facts, they should be helping you, not complaining.
誠に申し訳ございませんが、シェリーの14日をお手すきボラ様お願いします。 Only days ago certain exciting ideas were nothing more than that, something of promise. But now they’re on their way to becoming a part of your life. This, boosted by the Sun’s brilliant alliance with Uranus, which is in Pisces, on Wednesday, gave these plans the boost they needed when they most needed it.
Love July 16-22: Others wheedle and nag, expecting you to rescue and save them from themselves early this week. Don't allow them to drag you down. You've been down that "I need you" path with others so many times, and usually end up shortchanged or worn out. Expect more this week. Don't offer to take another's hits for 'em. It's time that you get as much as you give - but that can't happen if you continue to automatically go overboard at the beginning of a relationship. Make others earn your respect, trust and love. Show them that you value yourself. That will help them see you in a more brilliant light. You're not like everyone else and might have to stand your ground until others recognize how exceptional you are. The good news is that the weekend will be fun - loads of fun, in fact. The first four days of the week, however, are piled high with mixed messages and misunderstandings. This week's touchstones: Tourmalinated Quartz, Turquoise.
Career July 16-22: You may be asked to pick up the slack because a colleague is sick or unable to accomplish a task. Before automatically agreeing to this, find out what's in it for you. If it's just a few 'atta boys,' why bother? You've paid your dues countless times and have earned a certain amount of respect. If you're afraid of losing your job by not bending over and allowing others to kick you in the rear, what kind of a job are you clinging to, anyway? The first four days of this week give you plenty to think about - like "am I happy doing this job?" Once you've sorted out a few existential issues, you get a bona fide reprieve from Friday onward that elevates your self-respect and presents a desirable opportunity. Just goes to show that some things are worth the wait. This week's touchstones: Ruby, Unakite.
シェリーです。宜しくお願いします It isn’t too late to tell others that, as interested as you thought you were in certain arrangements, you’ve changed your mind. While this is bound to disappoint them now, they’ll take it a lot better than if you wait, and then confess you lack of enthusiasm when you’ve gone a lot further down the road.
Obviously, you want the best for those you care about, close friends, family and loved ones. And, as you’re superb at getting the right person involved at the right time, you could save the day in the variety of crises that others are currently facing. But even your best intentions won’t always be understood as that, as you’ll discover ? to your dismay ? next week. If you want to lend a hand, ask. And if others say no, withdraw graciously. That alone is an act of support, as it shows that you believe others can make it without you. Even if you don’t.
16日のしぇりーです。お願いします。 Having given your all to get certain plans organised, you’re not going to allow what seem minor problems to throw them off track. However, investigate a little deeper, and you’ll realise that the real issue is changes in the actual circumstances you’re dealing with. You’ll either need to rethink plans or face increasingly serious problems.
For July 16: You are ablaze with determination this morning. If anyone attempts to take liberties with your time, property or feelings, they won't get far. You're wearing invisible body armor, designed to protect you from insincere sycophants and big talkers. You're very smart and sensitive, and have finally had enough of sapsuckers that say whatever's convenient and then are MIA when you need them. You're one of the most evolutionary, spiritually aware people in the zodiac, Pisces. Don't allow others' lack of awareness to discourage you. The truth is that they need you a hell of a lot more than you need them - and you know it.
一応貼りますね。 本日分ELLEです。どなたかボラさま、よろしくお願いします。 For July 17: Someone bends over backward to win back your respect and affection. Don't give in too quickly, Pisces. This individual needs to earn your trust. That takes time and a build-up of solid loving, honorable behavior. If you see any of the old self-centeredness creeping back to the surface, close the door. You must accept the fact that you deserve better. If you allow someone to make it all about him or her, your needs and desires will get shoved to the back of the bus. That is NOT going to happen anymore, Pisces - is it? On another note, good developments continue in your career sector. Don't lose hope.