For May 2: 今日のエル原文です。優しい方訳お願いします。今日は何かありそうです⊂⌒〜⊃*。Д。)-з The rules, regulations and laws may get on your nerves today, but you're advised to not argue with authority figures. If a situation is patently unfair, contact an attorney and find out if you have a leg to stand on. Today has a slightly volatile edge to it. At times, this volatility acts in your favor by making you utterly scrumptious to others. But there are also moments when you feel impatient, rebellious, and sick and tired of certain people and routines. It might be difficult to monitor your mouth today, but really, really try - for your own sake.
2日のシェリーです。お願いします The conflicts you’re facing are no fun. This isn’t so much because of the problems involved but because certain troublesome individuals are unwilling to try to find a solution. Worse, they’ll try to blame you for things going wrong. Be tough, discussing their manoeuvres frankly with others. That should put an end to such behaviour.
For May 3: 今日のエル原文です。訳ボラの方もしおりましたらよろしくお願いします。 Most of the time, you're pretty amiable and forgiving - most of the time. Today, however, may unleash your 'hell hath no fury' side, probably in reaction to another's predictable but unacceptable behavior. You will not tolerate one more stupid mistake from someone who allegedly knows better. You're tired of picking up the pieces and listening to the excuses. You're just tired in general of self-centered manipulators. The good news is that after a day of too much reality with certain lower life forms, you hear something wonderful this evening. This may affect your future or career. Fingers crossed!
いつも翻訳をお忙しい中、ありがとうございます。 シェリーの3日ですが、お願いします。また、ボラ様にお聞きしたいのですが 他のモノ(UKとかMarjorie OrrとかYasmin)を貼れば、気が向いた時には 訳して頂けますでしょうか? Sooner or later you’re going to have to confront certain so-called friends about the activities they’re engaging in behind your back. Ask them and they insist they’re loyal to you. But what you hear elsewhere suggests otherwise. If they refuse to treat you with greater respect, you really must question their presence in your life.
UK You are likely to arrive at a critical turning point. It may be that a legal situation is beyond your control. It might also be that a commercial arrangement comes not so much as to an abrupt end, but requires complete re-negotiation. You may feel that you're fighting on many fronts. You may therefore be grateful for the assistance of those who are familiar with such situations and who now seem to be going out of their way to help you.
Marjorie The old motto of being prepared is not a bad idea at all today. Get everything in ship shape order, before you launch into activity or into discussions. Sometimes it's a good idea to be self-critical, particularly before other people get a chance to have a look at your pet schemes. That way you can forestall criticism or complaints and appear very efficient. You may be accused of being scattered because you are not sticking to any one interest for long at the moment.
三つになってしまいましたが、もし、お手が空きましたらお願いします。 Yasmin Have you had to deal with someone lately who just didn't want to talk? Perhaps you were trying to Do The Right Thing but they had no time to chat, no inclination and there was nothing you could do about it, except feel a little bit rejected? If that sounds like you, never fear. The Sun and Mercury are here - seriously. They are meeting in your communications zone so you should find that even people who didn't want to discuss anything even just 24 hours ago are suddenly a lot more willing to open up.
シェリーの4日です。宜しくお願いします。 Saying yes first and asking questions later may not be a wise way to respond to most offers. But with things moving so swiftly it’s probably the best approach to the developments that accompany this weekend’s brilliant aspect between Jupiter and Saturn. There’s no time for discussion, much less any variety of protracted negotiations.
エルの週末です。宜しくお願いします。 Weekend Update: Friday is a 'no good deed goes unpunished' day. Translation: Don't assume that others need things or are ready to hear certain truths. Just give others plenty of time and space. The signals that another sends out may be misleading. Unless someone asks for a favor point-blank, don't make assumptions. It might be viewed as meddling or interfering instead of a good deed. Saturday is an entirely different kind of day. Your intuition is spot on, and you know what others want. It's your decision how you want to respond. The point is that there won't be confusing mixed signals - like on Friday. You read others as easily as a big print book. You have fun from morning till night, with only a couple rough edges. Eventually, you'll laugh off the rough edges and forget about them. Sunday morning calls for a little organization, but is well worth the effort. You and a few friends might plan a brunch or make arrangements to go somewhere. Later Sunday, you may cut social plans short in order to get ready for Monday, which could be a big day.
You are one of the luckier signs right now. The planet Mercury is headed for a hard angle to the planet of hard luck and tough times - for many of the rest of us, we have to deal with trying to stay positive, even as life throws us one too many challenges. For you, though, Mercury's angle to Uranus (in your sign) is far more likely to have an impact on your life. Keep doing what you do - do it well - stay positive - and look and see if you can help someone else turn a tough time into a good time.
Marjorieの4日です。宜しくお願いします。 You may come across as cool and detached if emotional intimacy is demanded today. But that is because your attention is focussed elsewhere on more practical matters. Just don't over react and hear slights where none exist. You have got to stand steady for other people and be a bit of an anchor. You are the one at the centre of the group at work who is really making things work for everyone, and that's important to focus in on.
UKの4日です。宜しくお願いします。 Now that you appear to know where you stand, you could start to talk your way out of a difficult situation. In the short term it might be necessary to increase your workload. The clearing of an area, or storage of documents that will not be needed for some time, could be on your agenda. It might also be necessary to arrange a meeting this weekend to thrash out a long-standing problem. An evening movie or concert might offer essential relaxation time. A good friend, possibly born under Aquarius, suggestion for activity tomorrow that's slightly 'off-the-wall' could be just what you need.
UKの週末です。ボラ様、色々貼ってみたのですがお暇で、 お手が空いたらお願いします。 This might not be the easiest of weekends. The closing chapters of a partnership are likely to require special care. It could be that someone's moving on, or changing jobs. Whilst on the one hand, they might want to party the night away on Friday and Saturday, you might both realize in the cold light of day on Sunday, that the way ahead for you both is going to be tricky. It's possible that neither of you has realized just how much you rely on one another. This friendship isn't dead, but may need to experience a pause before it moves off again. Your romantic life could experience associated extra activity over Friday and Saturday when emotionally you could be highly charged. It won't be surprising if you need to sleep off the effects of bruising encounters on Sunday. The company of those of your own sign is perhaps most desirable. It's these people who might understand best what you're going through.
本日分ELLEです。 よろしければお願いします。 For May 7: You might feel like a fish out of water at first today, but quickly learn to swim with the sharks. Just fake it until you make it, Fishy. Don't doubt your qualifications, desirability or worth for a split second. You need to know how impressive others find you, no matter what they say or do. You WILL make a brilliant impression on others today. This afternoon is perfect for blowing off some steam and totally decompressing any way you please. And never fear: Something wonderful is on the way, Little Fish.
Meter reading: 7 May 7-13: You receive mixed messages or delayed responses from a friend on Monday. It may feel like too little too late and eliminate one more faux (or lazy) friend from your roster. Tuesday brings warmth and harmony, mostly because you're in a great mood and feel really good about yourself. Others pick up on your vibrant mood and beam enthusiastic vibes back at you. Just before the weekend, you get a hint that something much better is heading your way. This is a good thing because your weekend plans, particularly on Sunday, may be somewhat disappointing. This week's touchstones: Onyx, Tanzanite.
Meter reading: 8 May 7-13: You may feel a little overwhelmed or confused on Monday, but feel absolutely fabulous on Tuesday. You hear, via the grapevine, that you're on the short list for an honor or opportunity. Midweek brings the usual humdrum routines that make you yearn for something better; and then just before the weekend, you get a call or message that you're on your way to a career opportunity that really interests you. This week's touchstones: Hiddenite, Sunstone.
本日分ELLEです。 よろしかったら翻訳お願いします。 For May 8: Venus enters your solar fifth house of fun, popularity and pure enjoyment today. (Translation: You can anticipate more invitations, indecent proposals and fabulous flirting during the next few weeks.) Your sense of humor will seem even more hilarious than it usually is. Your timing (at least when it comes to humor) will be amazing! So, man-magnet - what are you going to do with all this excess Kama Sutra power? And it is power, you know. Because you're so exciting right now, you attract loads of attention. Once you get that attention, it's up to you to direct it toward something important. If you're simply looking for a sensual, pleasurable relationship, that's easy. If you're trying to accomplish a humanitarian or career goal, you'll have to wean others' attention off of you and onto the subject you care about. You can do it. You know how to work big bad wolves better than anyone.
For May 9: What initially seems like a letdown will gradually rework itself into what looks like a career or life-enhancing opportunity. It's all about silver linings today. Nothing is precisely the way it appears - and no opportunity is done and over with, either. One particular option may melt away, but a better one that actually interests you more will follow. Later today, you feel very hopeful, with good reason. You've got friends in high places looking out for you, making sure you experience a very soft, cushy landing.
Weekend Update: Happy Mother's Day weekend! New beginnings start to intensify on Friday in several areas. Some of you get favorable reviews for your work performance. A number of you receive positive inquiries regarding a career matter. And nearly all of you receive invitations to social functions. Romance and success tend to go hand in hand for you during the next few weeks. Naturally, this makes you feel even more desirable and alive. Saturday is especially great during the day. You feel free to do whatever you please. Even if you work, you do so voluntarily and feel good about yourself. Your evening, however, has a strong undercurrent of competition. If you're out with friends, you might get the attention of two or more people. Kind of makes you feel like a naughty Queen of Hearts, doesn't it? As long as things don't get completely out of hand, a sturdy wave of sexual tension could be enjoyable and flattering. Mother's Day may find you feeling a bit rocky during the morning. You won't be in the mood to be questioned, jostled or pestered by anyone. A little bit of socializing could go an awfully long way.
LOVE Meter reading: 8 あなたは今週、ロマンスと誘惑のためにペースと舞台を整えます。 あなたにその気がなければ、難攻不落のバリゲードを築き上げるでしょう: けれど少しでも受け入れる気があったり、あるいはちょっと興味をそそられるなら、 みんなは一列に並んで(自分こそが)選ばれし者であってくれ、と望んでます。 完全無欠であるあなたの本能(内なる声)に従いなさい。 そのひとが一緒に時を過ごす価値があるか、あるいは全くの無駄になるか、 あなたはようく分かっているはず。最終的な決定権はあなたにあるのですから、 他人がどう思うか、何と言うかなど全く重要ではありません。 追伸:週末、知人か友人に彼(または彼女)の友達とイベントに来てくれるよう 頼まれたとしても驚かないで。あなたがそうしたいと思わない限り、 参加する義務などあなたには全くありません。 This week's touchstones: Azurite, Black and Gold Marble.
All the ideas you've had now need to be regrouped into one place and going in the one direction before you think about putting them into motion. Mars now leaves your sign and enters Aries giving you a heady upsurge in your finances and financial dealings. There's things you want to prove to others, and this is the week you'll get your wish. Mighty Jupiter is still fighting in your corner so rely on its powers of luck and expansion to help you along the road. The new moon in Taurus illuminates the importance of friends and family so don't be surprised that you're inundated with them this week. Not that you're complaining. Accept each and every invitation you're offered and be glad to be among those you care for. It’s time to drop your guard and let others into your inner sanctum.
Today is promising, particularly if you're seeking additional contacts, career advantages or greater income. You begin the day early (perhaps earlier than usual) and are in a great mood. Once you overcome one minor issue during the morning, you're golden. Others may actually comment on how you seem to glow. Late afternoon and evening are excellent for your reputation, image and future. Others perceive you as an exceptional human being - one that they'd like to have on their team. Things are gradually getting better - and you're receiving the respect and acknowledgment you've worked very hard to earn.
Finally, it's clear that, however much effort you put into sustaining arrangements, they simply can't continue as they were, so you can relax. This ends a cycle of struggle and gives you an opportunity to review your commitment to both the plans in question and, more importantly, to the individuals who are part of the equation.
本日分ELLEです。 一応、貼りますね。お時間のあるボラ様お願いします。 For May 15: Mars enters your solar 2nd house, creating greater awareness of financial issues. Certain bills come due and must be paid. At the same time, you'd like to make a special purchase for something that you view as life enhancing or necessary. Pay the bills first and then indulge in a fun, enjoyable purchase. Today also lights up a promising friendship or romance. There's something very sweet and lovely about this - and plenty of physical attraction, too.
本日分ELLEです。 お時間のあるボラ様よろしくお願いします。 For May 16: Today's New Moon suggests that you turn a new leaf and consciously craft a confident, consistent attitude. This won't be easy, because you'll battle some upsets that concern your health or job. Despite a few drawbacks, you'll get through it and may arrive at the stunning conclusion that, as much as you'd like to set the world on fire with a magnificent career, you also feel a deep longing for real romantic love - which might not be very far away.
16日のシェリーです。お願いします・ Usually you’re able to find a tactful way to do as you intend, while still allowing others to feel that they’re in control. But judging by this weekend’s tricky planetary activity, you’ll be forced into yielding to what others have decided is right. While this could mean giving up ground, you will probably regain it later.
新月のELLEです。お手すきのボラさんがいたらどうぞ宜しくお願いします。 Sometimes, you feel like the favorite toy in the toy box. Everyone grabs at you and wants to possess you. And sometimes, they fight over you and damage you in the process. Today suggests that you look honestly at your schedule, friends and upcoming plans. Don't go to an event that you don't want to attend. And don't go out with someone that you're not exactly crazy about. Starting today, put an end to accepting the unacceptable or making an excuse for the inexcusable. If you spend a couple evenings alone, so be it. You don't need to compromise in your private life. Keep raising the bar until you find a level you could be happy with.
御願い致します Work to overcome your hesitation and begin to assert yourself, getaa You typically remain on the sidelines, happy to offer advice and guidance to the people in the trenches. But that strategy does not seem to be working anymore. Your suggestions are not carried out correctly, or they're dismissed altogether. Out of frustration, you will likely find yourself standing up and making an impromptu speech. Your entourage are surprised, but they listen attentively.
Weekend Update: You decide to get more comfortable with yourself on Friday. You stop obsessing about others' circumstances and problems and think about what makes you happy, fulfilled and secure. Keep thinking this way throughout the weekend, Pisces, despite numerous interruptions or demands for your assistance and attention. It's time that you stepped back from the brink and gave yourself the same kind of 24/7 support you regularly offer to others. When you think about all the time you've donated to others, you can't help but recognize the unmet goals, needs and dreams you passed up. Time to recalibrate, Pisces. Just relax, pray, meditate and find an island of peace inside yourself. Explore how you really feel about your current circumstances. Don't make excuses for others or for yourself. Just be honest. This is your mission on Friday and Saturday. In between your soul searching, balance your energy with exercise that strengthens your core muscles. When the temptation arises to focus all your attention on someone else, slam on the brakes and come back to your center. Don't dilute this important chance to reconnect with your spirit this weekend. Friends and good times will be there for you next weekend. On Sunday, finding your focus may be more difficult. It'll be a real challenge to stay seriously connected to your spirit and true purpose. Once this challenge has been met, however, you'll feel enormous relief and receive a huge boost of divine guidance. You can actually rediscover who you are and where you're going this weekend.
ELLE週報です。お手すきボラ様、よかったらお願いします。 Love Meter reading: 7 May 21-27: You want to enhance your life, not junk it up with others' endless collection of problems. You're looking for your version of a happy ending: a soul connection with magical sex and unconditional love. Because your dreams include happiness, joy, fulfillment and long-lasting love, why do you waste time on mongrels that can't even get their facts straight and will never be house-trained? You're grown disenchanted enough to know that you want and deserve better, so use this week as a launch pad for a better, happier life. Don't sabotage yourself by supposing that you're running out of time. Finding the right person is worth investing a little additional time, don't you think? This week's touchstones: Hematite, Howlite.
Meter reading: 7 May 21-27: Don't openly reveal your career plans or scheduled interviews. Keep that a closely guarded secret. That way, you can avoid the inevitable, "How'd your interview go?" questions. Right now, you need to be self-contained, focused and purposeful. This isn't a social event and you certainly don't owe your colleagues a play-by-play of each encounter or opportunity. Unless a friend or colleague personally arranges a meeting between you and a potential employer, remain mum about your career prospects. That includes being discreet about any correspondence you send out on your present employer's computer. his week's touchstones: Onyx, Hiddenite
Today is all about what makes you happy and comfortable. Nothing else matters. Instead of dropping everything and rushing out to rescue a repeat heartbreaker, pull your energy inward and take real good care of yourself. As you know, ideal friends with enough energy to win your heart and loyalty are rarely first out of the gate. They are frequently dark horse winners coming from the back of the pack, building up trust and strength over time, and finally crossing the finish line ahead of the others. First out of the gate competitors tend to poop out pretty fast. Right now, you don't have to put up with any more 'all show, no go' pretenders in your life. Take care of yourself and the right one will find you.
Good news comes your way today, particularly in career-related matters. This may be news that's been a long time coming or could be positive feedback from a recent presentation or interview. Some of you cinch deals you've slaved over for ages, while others finally jump to the front of the line of likely candidates. Despite your fabulous sense of humor and earthy comebacks, try to be the essence of efficiency and responsible leadership this afternoon. Someone will probably be sizing you up - and apparently will like the view.
For May 24: You feel somewhat at a loss about how to handle a potentially crazy-making situation. Should you force the issue, ask more questions, or say what's really on your mind? Or would it be better to look at a situation that has taken on a life of its own with a cool, confident sense of detachment? You know the answer. You understand that you can protest all you want - until you lose your voice. You are unlikely to change the circumstances surrounding you, but you can change your attitude and create a protective barrier between you and every annoyance on the outside. You can also seriously consider (and many of you already are) packing up and going elsewhere. In most cases, this will be the most likely solution.
For May 24: You feel somewhat at a loss about how to handle a potentially crazy-making situation. Should you force the issue, ask more questions, or say what's really on your mind? Or would it be better to look at a situation that has taken on a life of its own with a cool, confident sense of detachment? You know the answer. You understand that you can protest all you want - until you lose your voice. You are unlikely to change the circumstances surrounding you, but you can change your attitude and create a protective barrier between you and every annoyance on the outside. You can also seriously consider (and many of you already are) packing up and going elsewhere. In most cases, this will be the most likely solution.
Weekend Update: Friday is very focused on your relationships with others. This concerns all your connections: romantic, business, family, and friends. For the most part, things should go very well for you, with just a few issues during late afternoon and possibly during the evening. These are temporary and don't have to ruin your day, so keep things in perspective. Do your best to not argue with another, especially if you already know that he or she is as stubborn and hardheaded as they come. Also, don't discuss a boss or supervisor, no matter how annoyed or concerned you are. Your words are likely to be repeated. Saturday should be fun, especially during the morning and most of the afternoon. Later in the day, you might feel a bit rushed or pressured to participate in something you're really not in the mood for. If you don't want to go, don't - especially if doing so will cost too much money. Sunday looks very promising for meeting new people and thinning out your herd of admirers to a select group. You make very good decisions throughout the day because you're thinking long-term. You're also thinking about the consequences of being involved with certain people or activities. Again, you're being extremely smart. Sunday's activities could turn out to be both fun and influential.
Be wary of helping others. While there may be a perfectly legitimate reason you should be giving them a hand, once you have, they'l expect you to continue, week in and week out. If you want to avoid the dramas that extricating yourself will cause, your best strategy is not to begin at all.
Love Meter reading: 8 May 28-June 3: It appears that your present best friend or favorite lover may have some competition. This week stirs the pot, heats things up and creates a great deal of interest in winning your heart and loyalty. You don't have to do much of anything except show up at events, parties, etc. Nature and hormones will take care of the rest. Some of you may have trouble choosing between two attractive contenders. But many of you may decisively put one out to pasture and welcome the best one into the barn. You're very good at managing a flock of lovesick swains that want to be the center of your life. You know how to work this and should have a great time doing it. This week's touchstones: Pink Sapphire, Garnet.
Career Meter reading: 8 May 28-June 3: This week's Full Moon heightens your visibility in a career matter. You receive particularly good response or reviews from women, and are viewed as a person who can work well with women and be both efficient and compassionate. Careers that require you to be a conduit between the business world and the public are particularly well suited now. Get those resumes flying through the mail and cyberspace! Send out as many before Thursday as possible. Decisions have to be made and candidates must be chosen. There's no reason why you shouldn't be the next lucky winner. This week's touchstones: Green Tourmaline, Citrine.
Pisces February 19? March 20 Daily stars for today 27 May 2007
Yet again you池e on the verge of agreeing to something that you don稚 want to do, and all because you池e anxious about causing upset. However, others aren稚 mind-readers, and if you don稚 let them know what you enjoy and what you don稚, they can稚 be blamed for making decisions that you regard as a nightmare.
Yet again you're on the verge of agreeing to something that you don't want to do, and all because you're anxious about causing upset. However, others aren't mind-readers, and if you don't let them know what you enjoy and what you don't, they can't be blamed for making decisions that you regard as a nightmare.
ELLE LOVE Meter :8 May 28-June 3: 今いるあなたの親友や気に入ってる恋人たちが、競争し出すかもしれません。 今週はポットをかき回し、物事を加熱しそして多くの関心事を、魅力のある・忠誠に溢れたあなたの心に作り出すでしょう。 イベントやパーティーなどで目立つことを除いて、あなたはほとんどやることがありません。 自然の生命力とホルモンが心の平穏によく効くでしょう。 二人の魅力的な競争者を選ぶのに苦労する自分がいるかもしれませんが、 基本的にあなたは断固として一人を外野に追いやり、ベストなもう一人を炎の中に歓迎するでしょう。 あなたはたくさんの恋煩いの求婚者たち(彼らはあなたの人生の中心になりたいと願っています)をあしらうのが上手です。 あなたはすばらしい時間の為にどうやってそれをやるのか、すべきか知っているのです。 ピンクサファイア・ガーネット
シェリーの週報をお願いできますでしょうか? Having talked about various potential changes in your work or lifestyle for so long that you were beginning to think nothing would ever happen, you’ll undoubtedly regard this week’s events, which speed the pace, as a relief. However, you’re unlikely to be as happy about the way things are done. This particularly applies to those who decide that they’re in charge, and who therefore ignore whatever has been decided previously. Difficult as it is to get a word in edgewise with these individuals, you must speak swiftly and as bluntly as possible or risk them turning your plans into their personal project.
For May 29: No matter how hard you try to please, you often have a nagging feeling that you could've or should've done better. Today asks that you be cognizant of this feeling. Don't bury it - look at it. Examine why you might feel inadequate, despite your best effort and considerable sacrifice. Your self-doubt may be exacerbated by another's less than enthused response, but is mainly tied to long-established thought patterns that suggest you're undeserving or inferior. Pisces, you're one of the most spiritually evolved, talented people in the zodiac. Help yourself today by thinking this mantra: "I attract and radiate love, energy, joy and abundance."
29日のシェリーです。宜しくお願いします。 You’re of two minds about serious discussions about issues of a fundamentally emotional nature. While it’s important to acknowledge these, analysing them from a rational viewpoint can often make things worse. The trick is to talk over practicalities, but to focus primarily on your feelings. Do that and those discussions could achieve a great deal.
For May 29: No matter how hard you try to please, you often have a nagging feeling that you could've or should've done better. Today asks that you be cognizant of this feeling. Don't bury it - look at it. Examine why you might feel inadequate, despite your best effort and considerable sacrifice. Your self-doubt may be exacerbated by another's less than enthused response, but is mainly tied to long-established thought patterns that suggest you're undeserving or inferior. Pisces, you're one of the most spiritually evolved, talented people in the zodiac. Help yourself today by thinking this mantra: "I attract and radiate love, energy, joy and abundance."
シェリーの30日ですが、宜しくお願いします In one particular situation, others are profiting far more from your efforts than you are. You didn’t plan it that way, but somehow things have ended up being unequal. Now is your chance to put things right. Challenging as raising this is, especially as it puts somebody else on the spot, you really have no choice.
For May 30: You're not in the mood for crowds, traffic, noise and pressure this morning, but may have to face it, just the same. Ideally, you can sleep late and not face the world until the sun is beaming directly overhead. Because that's not possible for most real world inhabitants, do your best to cope with early morning inconveniences. Don't overreact to really stupid annoyances. They have very short shelf lives and will be replaced by much happier, rewarding vibes later this afternoon.
For May 31: Ride the big waves today, Pisces. Changes in your career situation are rolling in like high tide, so grab your board and follow the wave. Material changes that impact how and where you do business may also affect where you live. These changes should be for the better. Interestingly, there are multiple changes coming in. Don't get too stuck on any one personal or professional situation, because the big Kahuna hasn't arrived yet - but will shortly. Keep an open mind and a very observant eye. Your future, whether you recognize it or not, is changing course starting today.
Friday morning generates more hope and enthusiasm that things are about to improve in your career and lifestyle zones. Your positive energy is palpable, attracting others as well as plenty of admiration. You will have one unexpected disruption during the early afternoon. This situation may compel you to leave work early and check on a friend or loved one who apparently needs some assistance. Not all of you will drop everything and rush to another's rescue, though. If you've been down this path a number of times before, you might decide that you'll pass up this particular mission. Later in the afternoon and evening, things straighten themselves out, anyway, and you're free to enjoy yourself. Saturday morning is a bit rushed and awkward. You might have car trouble or lose something of value. You might get facts, directions or other details confused, and assume that it's someone else's fault. You gradually get a grip on yourself and relax by late morning. You're still a bit miffed and likely to be sarcastic, especially if others continue to intrude on your space. You're just not in the mood to be pestered. On Sunday, live the morning and afternoon any way you please. Don't feel obligated to entertain or "do" for others. If you want to shuffle around the house, do so. If you're in the mood to get outside and run, walk, swim or bike, do so. Chances are, you'll be happier alone than with others. You really need some time to think.
シェリーですがお願いします。 For some reason, you’re concerned that if you make it clear to others what you expect of them, they’ll regard you as putting yourself first. You’re not. You’re only setting out who’s doing what and who’s responsible for what now and in the future. And you’re making it clear what you expect to gain from your efforts.
Rely on your intuition and you’ll sail through June’s often perplexing situations confidently. You’re ready for this life-changing period. Every few days yet another change - in circumstances, the situation of others or in your perspective - alters what’s possible and your goals. Certain individuals may insist you’re being irresponsible. Say nothing. After the 25th, when the practical Saturn and your ruler Neptune form a rare alliance, not only will events be better than your vision, those who were least supportive will become your greatest admirers.
For June 2007: Your main objectives now are to first get your house in order (literally and figuratively), bolster your financial security, and last but not least, to focus your attention on a developing personal relationship. During the first five days, you're optimistic. Good people, excellent opportunities and news suggesting positive change warmly envelop you. The 9th, however, brings a different kind of vibe. A close friend or family member may need help or be in some kind of trouble. You're likely to be one of the first people called. Additionally, you may be slightly accident-prone on that day, so be careful while rushing to help another. The 11th through the 14th brings a positive denouement in a situation that had been a concern. Good things may develop as a result of this experience. You may meet new people and be offered intriguing opportunities that involve change.
On the 15th, Mercury goes retro for three weeks, suggesting that you keep your heart and mind open in a personal matter. There's no need to make promises or issue ultimatums during this retro period. It's better to observe, contemplate and learn everything you can about the person or people you're involved with. The 19th ends much better than it begins. The 21st, however, is really great because it offers your status, respect and loads of love and positive feedback. Between June 23rd and November 24th, Uranus is retro in your sign. This suggests that, no matter how carefully you explain things or how efficient you believe you are, mistakes may be made. It's important that you clarify things each step of the way. Get others' feedback so that you're up to date on where they stand. Communication cannot be rushed because mistakes are built into this time period. Before embarking on a trip or appointment, make sure that you have the correct date, time and location. Your mind could play tricks on you during this phase. Others may also seem argumentative because their interpretation of what you say may be very different than what you intended. Instead of arguing or becoming defensive, try to calmly explain what you meant to say. A Full Moon on the 30th asks you to readjust your schedule and goals during the next 30 days - and get your car in for maintenance, too. This month's touchstone: Black Spinel.
Love Meter reading: 7 June 4-10: You're tempted to try to buy another's admiration or affection, but there is no need. You're a desirable enough package as is; money doesn't have to enter the picture. So don't try to impress others with cash or gifts. Just be yourself. That's more than enough than most can handle. Someone you meet through work or a job-related activity may express sincere interest in you. This might be worth taking seriously. Your weekend, however, may have a massive dud moment, particularly on Saturday. Don't attend an event you dread or go out with someone you're iffy about. This week's touchstones: Onyx, Rhodochrosite.
Career Meter reading: 7 June 4-10: You already know that you're worth more than you're being paid, so what are you going to do about it? If you're happy where you are, ask for a raise or some other form of compensation that boosts your morale. If you're no longer in love with your job (and most of you aren't) send a slew of resumes out to every potential employer you can think of. If possible, include a headshot of yourself. This week could be fortunate for interviews and positive reactions from potential employers. This week's touchstones: Citrine, Orange Sapphire.
>>376 ELLE Love Meter reading: 7 June 4-10:あなたは他人からの賞賛や愛情を買いたいという誘惑に駆られていますが、 しかしその必要はありません。 あなたはそのままでパッケージとしてラッピングされるのにふさわしいのです。 だから他人に自分をお金や贈り物で印象付けようとするのはやめてください。 そのままのあなたでいてください。それは全てを操ることよりも良いことなのです。 仕事や仕事関係の活動で出会う誰かが、静かな興味をあなたの中に示すかもしれません。 これは真剣に価値のあることです。しかしながら、週末(特に土曜日)は 大きな失敗をする機会があるかもしれません。 嫌なイベントに行くのや怪しげな人と外出するのは控えなさい。 オニキス、ロードクロサイト
Career Meter reading: 7 June 4-10: あなたは自分自身が、雇用されているよりも価値があると知っていますが、 それに対して何をするつもりでいますか? もしそこで幸せなら、あなたの士気を盛り上げる昇進や報酬を頼みなさい。 もし、もはや仕事が恋人でないという状態なら、考えうる限りの たくさんの履歴書を可能性のある雇用者に送ってください。 もし可能なら、自身の顔写真も送ってください。 今週は、面接や良い雇用者たちからの返事という点において幸運な週になり得ます。 オレンジサファイア、シリトーン
Every Pisces has a lengthy list of goals. Some are purely practical but most could be more accurately referred to as dreams you’d like to see fulfilled ? something you’ve probably regarded as unlikely, until this week. Now suddenly the events triggered by the first of powerful aspects formed by Mars make you wonder if things couldn’t actually turn out as you hoped. They can, and probably will. However, the necessary elements will take some time to assemble themselves. While you may need to wait until the 21st, when the last of Mars’ aspects completes the fairy tale, it will be worth it.
Shell4日です。どうか宜しくお願いします Sometimes making progress on one front requires giving up ground on another. Difficult as it is letting go of plans you’ve worked hard to create, with every passing day they’re more of a struggle. Others, however, aren’t just falling into place as if by magic, in the long run, they’ll prove to be far more worthwhile.
Present yourself in the best possible light today. Think about the way you want to be perceived, and remember what you aspire to. Package yourself like a product that's being launched. Be better than ever. Look your best and make up your mind to leave a positive, lasting impression on each person you meet. Push your personal and career goals up another notch and aspire to loftier heights. Think like a winning success story and believe that you have earned the good things that are headed your way. You don't have to choose between career success and personal happiness, Pisces. In your case, one blessing seems to lead to another.
Now that the dust is beginning to settle from last Friday’s Full Moon, which accented both your activities out in the world and your domestic life, the changes you regarded as so upsetting are beginning to seem more of a good idea. Begin making them and you’ll realise they’re not only wise, they’re long overdue.
本日分ELLEです。お手すきボラさま、 よろしくお願いします。 For June 5: Venus enters your work and health sector, boosting your morale, enhancing your ability to get along with others who may have been difficult (to say the least) in the past, and strengthening your resolve to get healthy and stay that way. You feel more optimistic this afternoon than you did yesterday. You also feel on firmer footing in a career or personal matter that until now has seemed like a big mysterious black hole. Later today, you feel relaxed and comfortable enough to level with a friend and tell him or her how a situation has affected you. It feels really good to get a few heavy burdens out into the open.
ELLE6日です。訳ボラさんよろしくお願いします。 For June 6: Early today, you continue to feel peeved with a job or household issue that seems to drag interminably on. You're ready to pack your bags and get out of town, as far away from idiots and insincere time wasters as possible. And then, remarkably, things take a healthy turn for the better, changing your mood and the entire day into something pleasant and rewarding. In fact, later this evening, you feel very pleased and are bursting with anticipation of something incredible. This development might be the elusive white rabbit you've been searching for.
For June 6: Early today, you continue to feel peeved with a job or household issue that seems to drag interminably on. You're ready to pack your bags and get out of town, as far away from idiots and insincere time wasters as possible. And then, remarkably, things take a healthy turn for the better, changing your mood and the entire day into something pleasant and rewarding. In fact, later this evening, you feel very pleased and are bursting with anticipation of something incredible. This development might be the elusive white rabbit you've been searching for.
お手すきボラ様がいましたら、どうかシェリーの6日をお願いします Waste no time pondering opportunities. Instead, take advantage of them the moment they appear. However, because this week’s developments are the first in a series of equally wonderful events this month, make no commitments just yet. Just ensure that others know you’re interested in taking things further, then await this cycle’s further exciting developments.
True, you find it difficult to be tough with close friends or loved. But if you don’t draw the line, especially when it comes to issues involving who’s responsible for what, what are now mere irritations could turn into serious problems. The sooner you tackle these, the fewer dramas you’ll have to face.
For June 7: You're a magnet today - not that this is unusual - and may also be viewed as 'the prize' in a competition. A number of you are rethinking your personal connections and deciding who gets to stay and who has got to go. You're considering trading in tedious circumstances for something far more intriguing. You're also willing to take a chance, even if it means letting go of what has been a safety net for some time. Before taking a massive leap from one peak to another, why not give yourself just a little more time to consider what and whom you want? This fall will reshuffle the deck and bring new opportunities and challenges for your consideration. Until then, think about what you want to do - and continue to research your options. Just don't burn a bridge yet.
For June 7: 今日のあなたは磁石です――これは異常なことではありません―― そして競争の「ご褒美」として見られるかもしれません。 多くの魚座さんたちは自分の個人的なつながりを再考し、 誰と仲良くし続けるか、誰と縁を切るか決断しています。 あなたはとても魅力的な何かのために、今の退屈な身の上を熟慮しています。 あなたはまた、たとえそれが安全対策を捨てることを意味していても 喜んで冒険してみようとしています。
ELLE週末 Weekend Update: You might be a bit moody Friday morning, so don't put yourself through the torture of dealing with people and situations that reliably drive you bonkers. No matter who calls and leaves messages, you don't have to respond if you're not in the mood. And because you're not in the mood, don't make things worse by being surly toward others. The ideal situation, of course, would be for you to make yourself scarce on Friday and call it a mental health day. Saturday is slightly better, although you might have a minor meltdown because of a financial matter. You get through it and regain your footing, but still need some time and space to think without others pestering you. Sunday is far better. You get a grip on last minute changes and turn them into opportunities. You feel more in command of an emotional or family matter, too. You can finally make plans and feel more organized. Overall, Sunday is the best day of your weekend.
Pressing as certain commitments are, even if you worked on them full time, you still wouldn’t be able to finish them right away. That being the case, you’re better off pacing yourself. Not only will you avoid getting exhausted, but you’ll balance these obligations with time spent with those who care most about you.
シェリーの9日をお願いできますでしょうか? Don’t be shy or waste time worrying about upsetting others. While it’s true that some of what you’d like to do is very much at odds with what certain individuals want, that doesn’t mean you need to abandon your plans. Tell them how important these are to you and they might even give way graciously.
Love June 11-17: Your appeal and energy could revive an ex's interest in you. Of course, new admirers also notice the twinkle in your eye and sly smile on your face. You're difficult to describe or stereotype for most people. Just when they think they've finally got you all figured out, you, powered by Uranus, flip the switch and move in a different direction. So you're like quicksilver: beautiful, sparkling and nearly impossible to contain. You have important family and home matters to resolve before the end of this week and may actually be too busy to bother with certain lovesick camp followers. Mercury goes retro in your romance house until July 9th, suggesting that you keep your options wide open. This week's touchstones: Sunstone, Black Opal.
Career June 11-17: You're full of determination to finish up a process or important objective early this week. You do not expect others to jump through hoops for you, so you do most of the heavy lifting yourself. In other words, you really earn what you get this week - and chances are, you'll get more recognition and appreciation from people you like and admire. Your dreams and intuition are powerful midweek, guiding you closer to important 'chance' encounters and potentially profitable alliances. Because Mercury goes retro from Friday through July 9th, you're advised to do your homework, research every detail and line in a contract or application, and then wait to submit it until after July 9th. This week's touchstones: Carnelian, Marble.
10日のシェリーです。宜しくお願いします。 Yet again one particular individual seems to have decided that their version of plans is better than yours, and is basing the arrangements they’re making on what they’ve come up with. This is no time for subtlety. Make it very clear that you’ll be proceeding as you intended, whether or not they wish to join you.
あと、シェリーの週報ですがお願いします。 Between early June’s Full Moon and the New Moon on Friday, both of which accent your way of living and working, life has been in transition. You don’t mind that, particularly as you’ve been discussing many of these changes for ages. The issue is that things are so open-ended that you’re finding it difficult to make plans. Keep your faith. By June’s final week, remarkable changes in existing plans will so favour you that you’ll swiftly forget all the fretting you’re now doing. Knowing this, stop struggling to make the best of a sow’s ear, when you know a silk pursue is coming your way.
For June 11: You're willing to invest in your future, image and security today. For some of you, that means upgrading your car, your career wardrobe or electronics. For others, that might include rehabilitating your home or getting something done to boost your appearance. You're clearly thinking ahead, not only in your professional life but also in your private life. You question certain things that you politely ignored in the past. Now, you're coming out of the ether and expect to get as good as you give - hurray! One caveat: Don't reveal anything private or proprietary to someone associated with your job later today. For the time being, mum's the word, no matter how chummy you are with this person.
Judging by the Sun’s recent clash with the unruly Uranus, which is positioned in Pisces, it’s you who took the brunt of others’ disagreements. Tempting as it is to assume the role of peacekeeper, you’d be better off leaving others to sort things out for themselves. If you must get involved, encourage them. But say no more.
For June 12: You are so giving and helpful today. Your first impulse is to reach out and make things all better for those who are having a bad day. Watch your step, Pisces. Today's soft, fragrant roses hide very sharp thorns. Instead of automatically volunteering to chauffeur others, pick up another's mail, or perform other errands or favors, pause long enough to give someone else the chance to play hero. It appears that others may manipulate or mislead you, especially this afternoon and evening. Don't be a pawn.
本日のシェリーをお願いします。 Once again, somebody has taken advantage of your good nature. They’ve abused your generosity by ignoring recent commitments. While there are undoubtedly numerous reasons you could come up with for not confronting the, the fact is, they’re out of line. Worse, say nothing now and you’re only inviting them to do it again.
For June 13: You should enjoy a very appealing day. Your inner radar continues to offer advance warning that can protect you from fake friends, con artists and fender benders, so listen to it. An air of secrecy may envelop a budding relationship or attraction. You have lots of questions that seem to intensify your fascination. Later today, you might purchase something that might help you seduce this mystery person. What is your intuition telling you about him or her?
本日のシェリーをお願いします。 Because Friday’s New Moon is all about undertaking improvements on the domestic front, you probably already know exactly what’s involved. However familiar you are with what needs to be done, unexpected events could transform what you anticipated would be tedious tasks. Once you begin, you’ll realise that they’re far more interesting than you thought possible.
For June 14: Tonight's New Moon might be a new beginning, particularly in your private life. There's a feeling of something waiting for you - untried and fascinating. Just play it as it lays. There's no reason to try to mastermind how this sensual, surprising situation might pan out. View this as an adventure - something that offers a break from your usual routine. This afternoon may include an unexpected or upsetting phone call or development. Within a short period of time, however, you feel better about things and are able to enjoy the evening without looking back.
14日のシェリーです。お手すきボラ様が居ましたら 宜しくお願いします。 There’s no way around the differences between you and close partners. You can neither ignore them nor pretend they don’t matter. What you can do, however, is acknowledge them, then retreat to reflect on potential solutions. Once you’ve committed to exploring ways you can work things out, you’ll be amazed how easily you find a solution.
Weekend Update: Happy Father's Day Weekend! On Friday, Mercury goes retro in your 5th house of flirting, fun and romance until July 9th. So what does this mean? For starters, it suggests that you sample the buffet of treats offered, while keeping your options open, just in case something even better comes along. Don't settle for the first Romeo or Juliet that sweeps into your life. The next three weeks are all about exploring the possibilities. This is one phase designed to please and amaze - as long as you're willing to be an explorer instead of going over the same old tedious ground. Besides all the familiar people that surround you and never seem to absolutely leave your circle, there will be new encounters that have real promise. Just remember that you must keep your options open. Early Friday morning may be a bit tense. There might be time issues or transportation problems, but you'll get through it and be fine by mid morning. Saturday morning is so perfect for sharing secrets and exploring another's, um, potential. Saturday afternoon and evening make you one of the most exciting people in any given setting. You sparkle and glow like a piece of very fine jewelry. Sunday afternoon focuses less on romance and more on pragmatic things like health, diet, exercise and fitting back into your favorite clothes. It appears that you're serious about getting into amazing shape.
15日のシェリーを、お手数ですがお願いします。 Having worked hard on organising plans, you’re not going to welcome the idea of making changes. What’s more, you know that others won’t be happy about having to take things back to the drawing board. But if events haven’t yet convinced you that a rethink is vital, by early next week they will.
お手すきボラ様、シェリーの16日をお願いします。 It’s a change of pace, but now your focus shifts to unresolved dilemmas. Distracting as focusing on these seemingly irrelevant issues seems, these will prove hugely informative. Waste no time wondering whether they’re worth delving into. You won’t know how much there is to learn until you actually begin asking a few questions.
ELLE週報です。お手すきボラ様、よろしくお願いします。 Love June 18-24: You continue to feel slightly teased, tormented and tugged in opposite directions by obligations and desires. There's very little chance that you'll find that sweet magical spot where everything is perfectly balanced. Instead, you'll dive deep into one extreme and then decide whether to stay or swim back to shore as fast as possible. Don't get love and money confused at any point this week. Be particularly careful to not loan money to someone you're just getting to know and enjoy. Uranus goes retro over the weekend and remains that way until November 24th. This suggests that you keep your options open. You want to make sure that you have a bountiful selection of candidates to choose from instead of settling for someone who's barely acceptable. On Sunday, Mars moves into your 3rd house, creating more impatience and intolerance for rude, crude or just plain stupid behavior. Don't settle. This week's touchstones: Carnelian, Black Opal.
Career June 18-24: Opportunities to prove yourself are very strong this week - especially early in the week. Your people skills also make you the subject of flattering conversation. Any career that requires diplomacy, a sparkling yet warm personality, and enough pizzazz to brighten the mood of the fussiest shareholder has your name on it. Don't underestimate your worth or desirability. Because Uranus is retro until late November, you may need to reconnect with people who've interviewed you in the past and arrange for another meeting. Although things have been up and down for you in your career sector, you are moving in the right direction. This week's touchstones: Granite, Emerald.
もう終わりですが、17日のシェリーをお願いします。 Worrying about keeping others happy achieves nothing. The potent clash between the practical Saturn and your ruler Neptune is all about making joint decisions. Allow your concerns about what others want to overshadow your own desires and, while you might ensure there’s harmony in the here and now, ultimately, you’ll regret it.
シェリーの17日からの週報もお手が空いたらお願いします。 Everybody has advice for you about how to make the best of the rather remarkable developments of the weeks just past. Some is good, but your instincts correctly tell you that the changes are still unfolding. So while you’ll benefit from exploring these suggestions, you’d best keep things loose. That way, you’ll be unencumbered when yet more that’s interesting comes your way this week. More importantly, when next week’s rare aspect between the planet of focus, Saturn, and your ruler Neptune forces you to make swift decisions, you’ll be well informed enough that you can respond swiftly and with confidence.
For June 18: Venus and the Moon bless you with support, help, great advice and emotional sustenance from friends and loved ones. You've been there for others so many times, so if you feel the need for a little extra confidence and nurturing today, you'll get it. Just ask. You're also in a highly creative frame of mind and are willing to try your hand at something that might have intimidated you in the past. Full of generosity and inspiration, you bubble over with great ideas and excitement, which spread fabulous energy to anyone lucky enough to be nearby. Today feels a lot like a new adventure because it is.
As an intuitive Pisces,you’re usually aware of potential problems long before others have any idea anything’s gone wrong. Still, with the retrograde Mercury causing confusion, sudden dilemmas could surprise even you. Be on the alert for these problems, however minor their nature, and you’ll catch them before they turn into something more serious.
For June 19: You can't judge the entire day by this morning's vibes. Just ride the conflict bandwagon and listen to others' complaining until you've had enough. The important thing is to not blow up or stomp out just because certain things get off to a rocky start. When you stop and think about what happened, you might see a correlation between unresolved hurt or anger that you've buried and the frustration that you experience early today. Others may be annoying, but are probably not nearly as disgusting as you perceive them to be. The point is that most of what's bugging you is coming from within you. By the afternoon and evening, the bad stuff can disappear - unless you stubbornly hang onto it. Let it go, little Fish. It's just not worth the grief. If you can release the tension (exercise is always a good strategy), you can enjoy a superb afternoon and evening.
For June 20: You make a bold decision to do what you really want to this afternoon, even though your actions might upset or offend a friend or loved one. You're done eating crow and making allowances for others' shortcomings. You believe that, by God, it's your turn to start living. And you're right. This will come with a price, as you know. You might cut ties with a person, a job, or even a location. This doesn't have to be 'forever,' in fact, it's best if you adopt a 'one day at a time' philosophy for the time being. Despite your efforts and hard work, you've seen less than stellar response in the person you've tried so hard to help. It's time for you to back off and give him or her the space to either grow up or ship out.
For ages you’ve been working quietly in the background, waiting for the right moment to make your move. Now that time has come, and with powerful planetary activity backing you up, things are bound to go brilliantly. True, with Mercury retrograde, minor hitches are possible. But these mustn’t be allowed to overshadow this otherwise wonderful period.
For June 21: Your first impulse this morning is to swoop down and respond to someone's alleged crisis. Given the fact that you already have plenty of things to do and a crisis or two of your own to contend with, you're advised to pause long enough to see how this matter plays out. What you'll discover is that a so-called helpless person has a lot more resources than you'd realized - and isn't really helpless at all. Don't knock yourself out for someone who cries 'wolf' on a regular basis. Instead, pursue what you deem is priority #1. This is one day when attending to your own needs and goals could really pay off.
今日21日のシェリーさんをお願いします。 Eventually you’re going to have to confront one particular individual who’s been remarkably self-serving in their actions and attitude. While your approach towards them has been amazingly tolerant, the time has come to draw the line. They won’t be surprised, as they’ve known that, sooner or later, they’d have to start behaving better.
Financial and control or authority issues may concern you Friday morning. You may believe that someone is abusing his or her authority or doing something illegal. You stew about this because you're unsure how to handle it. For the time being, leave it alone. Unless you've personally witnessed something untoward going on, stay out of it. If, however, you've personally witnessed it, you're already involved and may be forced to take action. Friday's not the day, though. Saturday is much easier and less stressful in most things. You may find, however, that between Saturday and late November, others find you both mysterious and perplexing. This will work to your advantage in social and sexual connections, but may raise a few eyebrows in professional pursuits. The key is to not allow others to speak for you or to trust that they'll represent you in the best light. Even if you don't have the spin down just right or make small grammatical errors, you need to speak with decision makers in person - not by proxy. You need to look your potential colleague or boss in the eye and really connect. No one else can do this with the same power and influence as you, Pisces. You might confuse some, but you'll enchant others. Focus on the enchantment factor. Sunday moves Mars into your solar 3rd house of communication. This makes you impatient - as if you weren't already. Prepare yourself for even more impatience. This could translate into minor car accidents, broken items around the house or office, and words that really shouldn't have been said. Before hitting 'send' on a poison pen email, stop and think if you really want to do this. Think about the repercussions - which won't be good. Just think before saying or writing something because once you let it go, it belongs to everyone who hears about it or reads it.
By now you must have realised that one particular individual will pay absolutely no attention to what you say if you aren't blunt, nearly to the point of being rude. Of course, this isn't your usual way of communicating. In fact, they've been relying on your reluctance to cause a fuss to give them the advantage.
今日の23日のシェリーさん。お願いしますダ Being tough with those who already have serious problems seems both unkind and not at all productive. But in keeping this information from them, you’re doing them no favours. They’re more resourceful than you think, and could well surprise everybody by finding a way to deal with both existing challenges and those that have just arisen.
Love June 25-July 1: You cast an enchanting spell this week, but could also be swept off your feet by another's romantic moves. Be very careful and move with caution. Just before the weekend, you may ignore what your intuition is sternly warning against, and basically see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. Objectivity is in very short supply most of the week. If you're caught up in another's love spell, you might be too far gone to see what is really happening. Just make sure that you're not being used or taken for granted. That's already happened too many times. This week's touchstones: Celestite, Charoite.
Career June 25-July 1: You sense that a change in the chain of command is likely, and you're probably right. Others may deny that this is about to happen, but you can actually feel it. It's best to not take sides in work-related drama or infighting. Remain neutral and just do your job. You get a burst of creativity and ambition over the weekend and may ask a trusted friend or colleague to listen to your ideas or offer suggestions. A lot of interesting, productive things that could spell 'new opportunity' are like to occur during the weekend, so take your business cards with you wherever you go - no matter how casual. This week's touchstones: Pink Sapphire, Black Opal.
難しいシェリーの24日からの週報をお願いします It’s not that you’ve been secretive about either your ideas or your plans. But others have been behaving as if you have, which has been as irritating as it’s been frustrating. Now your chance comes to make up for lost time. This arrives in the form of the events triggered by Monday’s run in between the determined Saturn and your ruler Neptune. While the actual situations you face ? and there are likely to be several ? won’t be a picnic, the result will more than justify the effort involved. From that point onward, nobody will be able to pretend that they’re unaware of your intentions.
過ぎたけれど昨日24日のシェリーです。 変わったことがあったので、どうかお願いします。 By now you’ve realised that, if you’re to accomplish what you want, you’re going to have to be far tougher with others than you have been. This is ideal timing, since the practical Saturn’s clash with your ruler Neptune should inspire you to be both clear in what you say and uncompromising in your demands.
本日分ELLEです。よろしくお願いします。 毎日ありがとうございます。 For June 25: At times today, you feel like an air plant that survives despite the odds and thin pickings to feed off of. Yet, you know that if you're persistent and continue holding fast, you'll weather difficulties and delays and come out ahead. Even though you've certainly had your share of disappointment, you manage to present a very appealing and positive image today. This is a reminder that you are a remarkable adaptive survivor and so much stronger than others give you credit for. Your day will come. Just hang in there.
There are two interpretations for the current clash between Saturn and your ruler Neptune. One is that, if you're to overcome the opposition you're facing, you'll have to be tougher than usual. The other is that you'll give some serious thought to why you're dealing with somebody who's so impossible, and forget it all.
本日分ELLEです。おてすきボラ様よろしくお願いします。 For June 26: This morning presents a dilemma for you to handle. There's no need to consult others or look for outside help because you already know how to handle this. Just trust yourself. If another's words don't match the impression you're getting about him or her, trust your intuition. Again and again, this morning, you encounter examples of misrepresentation or exaggeration. You'll sense immediately who's real and who's not. Everything you need today is within you. Later this afternoon, a friend, acquaintance or colleague may have a legal or contractual problem and ask you for advice. Because the person asking the questions isn't really listening, there's not much point getting involved. In fact, anything you say will probably be twisted and misused - so heads up.
シェリーの26日ですが宜しくお願いします As is so often the case, you were the first to spot tensions building between certain individuals. When you mentioned this, others simply didn’t understand. Now they, too, have recognised this. Ensure they realise that because you were the first to mention problems doesn’t mean you’re also taking full responsibility for dealing with them.
For June 27: Suddenly, you become more visible again. You start showing up on others' radar - even those who apparently forgot about you. Well, it turns out that no one has forgotten about you. The impact you create and the impression that you leave behind have a lot of power. Today could stir things up in your personal and professional arenas. It won't all be great (you might hear from someone you'd rather forget), but most of it will remind you how influential you are in others' lives.
もう終わりですが、27日のシェリーをお手が空いていましたら お願いします。 While Mercury’s retrograde cycle is best known for the errors it brings with it, sometimes those misunderstandings can be productive. This is particularly the case now, especially as it accents those you care about most. Should problems arise, therefore, view is as an opportunity to discuss and deal with the source of those conflicts.
Even the most down to earth of Pisceans still has a powerful instinct about emotions, which means you understand others feelings better than they do themselves. Keep this in mind now, since this weekend's Full Moon is likely to bring certain unacknowledged issues to the surface, and they won't know what to do with them.
Today could bring very good news, especially during the morning, thanks to a beneficial Moon-Jupiter conjunction. This aspect can resurrect hope and opportunity that you'd nearly forgotten about. It can also elevate your profile and visibility. People that you've wondered about but haven't heard from in a while may get in touch with you - and offer something you need. There's a mood of generosity and a genuine desire to help or pay you back for the good things you've done. An old flame or ex-friend, however, may also resurface. Just shoo that fly away and don't waste any more time with him or her. Later this evening, you feel that you have to make a decision, and you're not completely convinced that you're ready to make this momentous choice. If you need more time (and you probably do), take it.
For June 28: Today could bring very good news, especially during the morning, thanks to a beneficial Moon-Jupiter conjunction. This aspect can resurrect hope and opportunity that you'd nearly forgotten about. It can also elevate your profile and visibility. People that you've wondered about but haven't heard from in a while may get in touch with you - and offer something you need. There's a mood of generosity and a genuine desire to help or pay you back for the good things you've done. An old flame or ex-friend, however, may also resurface. Just shoo that fly away and don't waste any more time with him or her. Later this evening, you feel that you have to make a decision, and you're not completely convinced that you're ready to make this momentous choice. If you need more time (and you probably do), take it.
人大杉で書けなかった読めないから、既出だったらごめんなさい シェリーの28日です。宜しくお願いします Even the most down to earth of Pisceans still has a powerful instinct about emotions, which means you understand others’ feelings better than they do themselves. Keep this in mind now, since this weekend’s Full Moon is likely to bring certain unacknowledged issues to the surface, and they won’t know what to do with them.
shalle29日分です、ボラさまお願い Daily stars for today 29 June 2007
One of the most challenging things for a Pisces is to say an uncompromising no to somebody you care about. But that?s exactly what you need to do. The longer you put this off, the more complicated the resulting discussion will be. However, as others are aware the line needs to be drawn, they won?t be surprised.
Weekend Update: Friday morning and afternoon makes it so important to be selective. Choose your priorities very carefully - and this time, put your interests in first place. Although you'd like to heal the world and rescue all strays from misery, you first need to put your own life in order. Once you've accomplished that, you'll be in a far better position to help others. Friday evening is great for blending business with pleasure. A 'friend of a friend' may express interest in you that blurs the line between professional and personal attraction. This might be very intriguing and tempting. Saturday's Full Moon continues to emphasize your appeal, charm, and raise your visibility. Others fall all over themselves, trying to 'help you the most.' It's kind of funny, actually, but also beneficial. You're likely to encounter a very charming but unreliable person, perhaps someone you've spent time with before. Just remember what didn't seem quite right in the past, because nothing has changed. Sunday refocuses your attention almost exclusively on work, health and your living space. You become very efficient, practical and sensible in these areas. You may shop for home or garden products - or even look at model homes. Take a friend with superb judgment along with you. Chances are pretty good that if you look at new properties, you will find one you really like.
Meter reading: 7 July 2-8: You lie low as far as relationships go early this week. You don't want to take any chances on re-breaking your heart or hitting the skids with a deceptive but charming partner. So you take things slowly and cautiously until midweek when you might meet someone you can't pass up. This 'someone' could be very appealing and attractive and appear to really adore you. Earth to Pisces: Take it easy, no matter how fabulous he or she is. You've had your heart chipped apart often enough. At least give things another week before you allow yourself to fall head over heels. This week's touchstones: Turquoise, Amethyst.
Meter reading: 8 July 2-8: The best products you can offer this week are your personality, knowledge and integrity. People will ask for you because they feel comfortable with you. They also find you very attractive. Your gift for gently nudging people to the closing table is legendary: You can motivate and captivate the crankiest, crustiest clients and have them eating out of your hand before the end of your presentation. You should end the week feeling slightly depleted from very hard work but can anticipate financial rewards and deepening professional relationships in the near future. This week's touchstones: Emerald, Paraiba Tourmaline.
シェリーの2日です。お手が空いたらお願いします。 Recent touching moments with somebody you care about deeply have both reminded you how much this individual add to your life and restored your spirits. Keep this in mind now, when others question your loyalty and events challenge this relationship. While it’s worth reviewing where you stand, at its core it remains solid and strong.
あと、シェリーの1日からの週報もお願いします。 Every Pisces has tales to tell about friends, colleagues and even family members who you’ve rescued from the jaws of disaster. In retrospect these are amusing but at the time they were both draining and a distraction from your own obligations. Think about this now when there appears yet another situation in which you could leap in and save the day. You’ve things to do, some far more important. And, in truth, others will survive without your ministrations. If you’re seeking drama, look to friends and loves ones. There’s plenty there, if you’ll find the time to spend with them.
For July 3: Your intuition and precognitive dreams break into your conscious thoughts throughout the day. This can feel like deja vu and also prevent mishaps or accidents, because much of your surfacing dreams and intuition concern health or safety. It's important to not absorb another's burdens today, even though someone may make a plaintive request for your help. You really need to look out for yourself instead of spreading your energy all over the map. Because you see yourself as strong (and you are), you sometimes set aside your own needs in order to attend to another's. Not today. Take a day off from being Nancy Nurse on Duty, and be good to yourself. You're worth it, you know.
Admitting that something is not working isn't disloyal. And telling somebody that certain activities have upset you isn't being demanding. In both cases you're merely discussing facts that first must be acknowledged, and then dealt with. Continue to pretend there's no problem and you will be doing nobody, yourself or others, a favour.
ELLE 7/4です。訳して頂けるボラさまいらっしゃいましたら よろしくお願いします。 For July 4: Happy 4th of July,Mermaids and Manatees! You awaken feeling slightly moody or vulnerable - almost as if you're experiencing a dream hangover. It may be a challenge to get out of bed and get moving - but you manage. This afternoon and evening are far better, loads of fun, and really quite fascinating. You encounter people that have great stories to tell, and you'd love to hear more. You may meet someone that seems mysterious, as if he or she is hiding something. You seem to attract arcane energy today. Stay tuned.
For July 5: You're the energy source and engine in your social network and family. Without you, there wouldn't be special dinners, parties, celebrations or some of the other memorable events that have occurred. Early this morning, you're inspired to do something wonderful for a friend or loved one - and it'll be loads of fun for you too. This is not a sacrificial rescue mission - this is a mutually enjoyable idea that will make at least two people (including you) very happy. Later this afternoon, you're very restless and may have a difficult time finishing repetitive, routine tasks or even just sitting still. You will not adapt to anything that feels like captivity now. It's all about freedom, spontaneity and variety. Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?
シェリーの5日ですが、お手すきボラ様お願いします Sooner or later you’re going to have to take a tough line with one particular individual. You’ve been both patient and understanding for long enough. So much so, in fact, that they’ve been lulled into the feeling that there’s no need to take certain issues seriously. There is, and you must ensure that they know it.
Weekend Update: You might feel pressed for time or distracted early Friday morning, but it's temporary and nothing to worry about. Mid morning focuses more on finances, payments and cash flow. Later in the afternoon, you may ask a friend for advice, or ask for help in a romantic matter. Saturday morning is loads more fun. You feel confident and very proud of yourself - and you know you look good. Another's admiring looks tell you everything you need to know. But your best day by far this weekend is Sunday. Make plans with several groups of people. Stack one set of plans on top of another. You can handle the mob of people who want to spend time with you. Just parcel your time out - two hours here, two hours there, and so on. This is the price you pay for being popular.
Shelly 7日 Perhaps it’s because you’ve a stronger intuition than most, but when others are struggling with unexpected developments, you know exactly what you want to do. Trust those instinct, since with sudden changes rearranging everything, there’s a shortage of hard facts. Listen to that voice with and it will guide you to the right decision.
シェリー8日 Think carefully about why you’re supporting one particular individual. This once made sense. They were working hard to achieve their goals and you were backing them up. But now the balance has shifted and you seem to be doing most of the work. Obviously, as they’re benefiting, it’s up to you to make any changes.
ELLE週報 Love Meter reading: 7 July 9-15: This week is so good for exposing the truth in relationships. If anyone fibs or embroiders the facts, the truth will come out - probably in an obvious and embarrassing way. In other words, you'll catch a liar red-handed and red-faced - not that you relish being in this position. You'll gain a lot of strength, particularly midweek when you can call the shots and have things done on your terms instead of someone else's. You get the respect you've earned. This is an excellent week to clean out your address book and contact list. Just ditch the buffoons and pretenders and save the real people that you can count on. And by the way - Saturday and Sunday bring a new friend into your life, someone with all the qualifications that make life worth living. This week's touchstones: Blue Lace Agate, Pink Chalcedony.
ELLE For July 9: You don't have much use for nervous, indecisive people who don't know when to shut up and get out of your way. Drivers glued to their cell phones really get on your nerves this morning. Because you'll feel on edge and easily aggravated by others' mistakes or lack of consideration, don't take chances that could harm you or someone else. Just move with caution and let go of others' annoying behavior. You're finally able to relax a little bit later this afternoon and during the evening. Later this evening, Mercury goes stationary direct in your romantic and creative sector, suggesting that there's still an unresolved standing issue between you and one of your ex's. This isn't a bad thing, but does suggest that you keep an open mind and let things ride until Wednesday.
Shelly9日 The time has come to be frank. You’ve been sidestepping issues for too long, mostly because you felt that there was no solution that everybody would agree to. However, now a new approach has come from out of the blue. Back this to the hilt and you can finally put these persistent dilemmas to rest.
Meter reading: 8 July 9-15: Mercury's direct turn sets the record straight in a sales or contact dispute. You are likely to benefit once the dust settles, say by midweek. Your high energy, creativity, personality, attractiveness, and last but not least, talent make you the top choice in a competitive career decision. You have people fighting for you. These are people on the inside, close to the decision-maker. You have a lot going for you this week, and positive vibes extend into the next two weeks. Keep sending out those resumes, and going on job interviews and auditions. You are someone's idea of a perfect candidate. This week's touchstones: Tigers Eye, Emerald.
シェリーの週間をお願いします。 Your stars for the week beginning 08 July 2007
Nothing pains you more than clashes with close friends or loved ones. But by now you’ve begun to realise that if you hadn’t been upset, and then spent time talking things through, you would never have uncovered certain completely undetected misunderstandings. While these were due to the retrograde Mercury, which resumes forward motion on Tuesday, what you’ve learned will keep you musing for some time to come about how to prevent such problems happening again. Which is good, because over the coming weeks you’ll be making some important plans with others, and you want to be on the best of terms.
For July 10: You might be a bit tired or moody early this morning and not really feel like getting out of bed and marching out into the real world. No matter how chatty and sociable you normally are, you might feel less friendly, and decide to pull your energy in. That's probably a good idea. It appears that you need to conserve your strength this morning instead of letting others feed off of your good vibes. Later this afternoon, you begin to feel stronger, sassier and ready to leave your carbon footprints all over a certain baddie's face. That's right, Pisces: Inside each one of you is a superhero anxious to do something powerful and spectacular.
Recently you’ve apologised far too often for things that really weren’t your fault. But as a Pisces, you long ago learned that if you take the blame, then others are far more cooperative. However, now that the planet behind this confusion, Mercury, is no longer retrograde, who really did what is bound to come out.
>>915 >>899の訳は概ね正しいと思うのですが、 ただ最後の分、>>who really did what is bound to come outの 「Who really did」は、(魚座が被ったその罪を)実際に犯した人でのことで、だから意訳すると 「(混乱を起こした原因である水星の逆行が終わったので)実際に罪を犯した人間が誰かばれる運命にある、明らかになる。」 っていう感じではないでしょうか?多分だけど。
For July 11: Love is in the air, Pisces. You project a hypnotic spell on another who finds you utterly irresistible - and, let's face it: you are. You feel energized by another's attentiveness and a little giddy just thinking about the next time you might see him or her. A number of you are enchanted by someone who's older (perhaps quite a bit older) than you, and yet, he or she seems kind of eternal and ageless in your soulful eyes. There's a lot of love magic swirling around you now. Let's hope it never stops.
なんとなく上向きになってきたぜぇ〜という事で シェリーの本日をお願いします。 Exciting as sudden changes in plan are, mostly because they combine the best of the old with brilliant new ideas, you’re still hesitant about telling others. That’s because one particular individual can be so unpleasant. That’s true. But just think how much more unpleasant they’ll be if they realise you didn’t let them know about this opportunity.
You're a nest builder at heart, making things comfy, cozy, inviting and safe. And you knock yourself out making sure that friends and loved ones feel very much at home when they're with you. Because you also possess a hilarious, unpredictable sense of humor and a penchant to laugh at yourself, you put others in a great mood and very much at ease. That's one of the many reasons why others cling to you and don't want to let you go. You make a big difference on this busy, heavily populated planet - and you stand out. Today, you face a familiar dilemma that pits your private life against your professional duties. It's difficult to keep one separate from the other, but try to be fully present at work when you're at work and fully present with your friends or loved ones when you're with them. Tonight looks pleasing, to say the least. Warm feelings and loads of love and compassion surround you. Uh oh.
シェリーも貼っておきます。 Before the end of the month, you've no choice but to have a showdown with one particularly difficult individual. You can keep hoping that they'll suddenly decide to adopt a more cooperative attitude. But you'd still be well advised to gather whatever facts you need and be ready to use them as ammunition when you do battle.
一応貼ります。本日分ELLEです。 出来ましたら、翻訳お願いします。 (昨日の内容も気になるので、よかったら…) For July 12: You're a nest builder at heart, making things comfy, cozy, inviting and safe. And you knock yourself out making sure that friends and loved ones feel very much at home when they're with you. Because you also possess a hilarious, unpredictable sense of humor and a penchant to laugh at yourself, you put others in a great mood and very much at ease. That's one of the many reasons why others cling to you and don't want to let you go. You make a big difference on this busy, heavily populated planet - and you stand out. Today, you face a familiar dilemma that pits your private life against your professional duties. It's difficult to keep one separate from the other, but try to be fully present at work when you're at work and fully present with your friends or loved ones when you're with them. Tonight looks pleasing, to say the least. Warm feelings and loads of love and compassion surround you. Uh oh.
Weekend Update: Friday the 13th opens your eyes and mind to unexpected possibilities. A conversation with a sweet friend or new love expands into something both healing and satisfying. You might not have pictured this person as being your 'ideal' match, but are likely to change your mind. This connection feels both spiritual and physical. That's kind of tough to beat. Saturday's New Moon also heralds the benefits of new love in bloom. Venus moves into your partnership house, suggesting that your model for 'dream lover' is changing - and perhaps manifesting, too! Just don't fall into your old habit of rescuing or enabling. This time, allow your new flame to warm the room for you. All you need to do is sit back and take it all in with pleasure. Sunday is delightful, especially if you're with special friends - or just one ultra special friend. There is a lot to talk about, trips to plan and dreams to make come true. Lucky, deserving you.
13日の金曜日・・・ 調子が戻ってきたのかなと思うこの頃です。シェリーですが お願いします。 This is no time to worry about disappointing others. You’re concerned that if you’re not there for them, they’ll feel neglected. They know exactly what kind of pressure you’re under, and if they have managed to ignore it, you can tell them. Once they know all the facts, they should be helping you, not complaining.
誠に申し訳ございませんが、シェリーの14日をお手すきボラ様お願いします。 Only days ago certain exciting ideas were nothing more than that, something of promise. But now they’re on their way to becoming a part of your life. This, boosted by the Sun’s brilliant alliance with Uranus, which is in Pisces, on Wednesday, gave these plans the boost they needed when they most needed it.
Love July 16-22: Others wheedle and nag, expecting you to rescue and save them from themselves early this week. Don't allow them to drag you down. You've been down that "I need you" path with others so many times, and usually end up shortchanged or worn out. Expect more this week. Don't offer to take another's hits for 'em. It's time that you get as much as you give - but that can't happen if you continue to automatically go overboard at the beginning of a relationship. Make others earn your respect, trust and love. Show them that you value yourself. That will help them see you in a more brilliant light. You're not like everyone else and might have to stand your ground until others recognize how exceptional you are. The good news is that the weekend will be fun - loads of fun, in fact. The first four days of the week, however, are piled high with mixed messages and misunderstandings. This week's touchstones: Tourmalinated Quartz, Turquoise.
Career July 16-22: You may be asked to pick up the slack because a colleague is sick or unable to accomplish a task. Before automatically agreeing to this, find out what's in it for you. If it's just a few 'atta boys,' why bother? You've paid your dues countless times and have earned a certain amount of respect. If you're afraid of losing your job by not bending over and allowing others to kick you in the rear, what kind of a job are you clinging to, anyway? The first four days of this week give you plenty to think about - like "am I happy doing this job?" Once you've sorted out a few existential issues, you get a bona fide reprieve from Friday onward that elevates your self-respect and presents a desirable opportunity. Just goes to show that some things are worth the wait. This week's touchstones: Ruby, Unakite.
シェリーです。宜しくお願いします It isn’t too late to tell others that, as interested as you thought you were in certain arrangements, you’ve changed your mind. While this is bound to disappoint them now, they’ll take it a lot better than if you wait, and then confess you lack of enthusiasm when you’ve gone a lot further down the road.
Obviously, you want the best for those you care about, close friends, family and loved ones. And, as you’re superb at getting the right person involved at the right time, you could save the day in the variety of crises that others are currently facing. But even your best intentions won’t always be understood as that, as you’ll discover ? to your dismay ? next week. If you want to lend a hand, ask. And if others say no, withdraw graciously. That alone is an act of support, as it shows that you believe others can make it without you. Even if you don’t.
16日のしぇりーです。お願いします。 Having given your all to get certain plans organised, you’re not going to allow what seem minor problems to throw them off track. However, investigate a little deeper, and you’ll realise that the real issue is changes in the actual circumstances you’re dealing with. You’ll either need to rethink plans or face increasingly serious problems.
For July 16: You are ablaze with determination this morning. If anyone attempts to take liberties with your time, property or feelings, they won't get far. You're wearing invisible body armor, designed to protect you from insincere sycophants and big talkers. You're very smart and sensitive, and have finally had enough of sapsuckers that say whatever's convenient and then are MIA when you need them. You're one of the most evolutionary, spiritually aware people in the zodiac, Pisces. Don't allow others' lack of awareness to discourage you. The truth is that they need you a hell of a lot more than you need them - and you know it.
一応貼りますね。 本日分ELLEです。どなたかボラさま、よろしくお願いします。 For July 17: Someone bends over backward to win back your respect and affection. Don't give in too quickly, Pisces. This individual needs to earn your trust. That takes time and a build-up of solid loving, honorable behavior. If you see any of the old self-centeredness creeping back to the surface, close the door. You must accept the fact that you deserve better. If you allow someone to make it all about him or her, your needs and desires will get shoved to the back of the bus. That is NOT going to happen anymore, Pisces - is it? On another note, good developments continue in your career sector. Don't lose hope.