There is no point in reading your forecast today. You already know all there is to know about your situation. How can you possibly find out any more? Why don't you just accept your fate and surrender to it gracefully? I'll give you one good reason why not, because you do not know the whole story. You are making far too many presumptions. You need to be more positive and more open-minded. You also, sorely, need to be less easily irritated by a certain silly situation.
'And they all lived happily ever after...' That, in a nutshell, is the difference between a fairy story and a soap opera. Fairytales have a sense of completion. Soaps go on and on forever. So, er... which category does your life fall into now? Or is it somehow a bit of both? A certain factor is far from perfect now. But that's only a problem if you want to make it into one. Put aside your expectation of a happy-ever-after and try not to compare your life to anyone else's this weekend.
You are already in the midst of a great adventure. Now you begin an adventure within an adventure. Is this a digression? Is it a distraction? Should you be doing what you are now setting out to do? Might you not be wiser to stick with the main agenda? Yet, in a funny way, this IS the main agenda. Resolve the issues attached to this new challenge and it will be much easier to know how to tackle the other tasks that now lie before you. And remember, adventures are supposed to be enjoyable.
We all know you. We all know how shy, retiring, amenable, unassuming and acquiescent you can be. We know all about the goose you would never say boo to and the line you would never dare cross. So we know all there is to know... don't we? Well, we are about to get a big surprise and so are you. A brave, decisive move now needs to be made. You are well aware of the risk involved but it isn't going to stop you. You are going to rise to the challenge and succeed spectacularly this week.
If you observe a shoal of fish from a distance it looks like one amorphous mass. Closer inspection reveals huge numbers of them moving in unison. You may feel in need of guidance right now, but all you really need is a different perspective. You are responding to invisible forces. These are leading you away from potential threats and towards sources of sustenance. Today, you just need to trust that you are in the flow - and that it is safely leading you to where you need to be.
Creative inspiration is at an all-time high now. But you may need to channel every scrap of this energy into ways to shore up your financial situation as your ruling planet settles into a short period of reversal. If you use this time well you could find your versatility pays off and a dual source of income presents itself. If not, impulsive actions may end chronic indecision but leave you having to recover the same ground later in the year. More speed, less haste applies today.
Like a potter at his wheel, you are now in the process of moulding your life into a new form. You've already tried a few shapes but they have all had flaws. This isn't a problem. Your raw material remains pliable as long as you keep things fluid. It doesn't matter if you go back and rework the original shape over and over again. Eventually you will create something that is perfect. You may not be able to see the final outcome you seek today, but don't stop moving ideas around.
It is said that fears are a darkroom where negatives develop. What picture are you holding in your mind for today? Are you superstitious about the date? Let's shed some light on it. The number 13 is one of regeneration. That's not to be feared. It means that things we believed to be useless or redundant can be revived. Jupiter is asking you to look in a new light at what you have discarded. With a positive outlook your vision can still be turned into a wonderful new reality.
With Mars in your sign for the first time in over two years you are at your most charismatic. You are also imbued with the gift of persuasion. If you want to bring someone around to your way of thinking, though, you may need to be very subtle and sensitive. When we are sensitive we are able to merge into the other person and perceive their senses - and this includes their thoughts. You are extremely open to your intuitive abilities now. Use them well.
Everyone I meet agrees that time seems to have contracted. So too has our world. People don't commute on buses any more, they commute between countries. Our language has also been condensed: acronyms and abbreviations are commonplace. Mars suggests you can afford to slow down a little 2day. A GR8 deal of change is heading towards you L8R this week. B4U lies strength and more security. But as an HSP - a Highly Sensitive Person - you probably already knew that!
Mars is the sign associated with adrenaline. You could have been awash in a sea of anxiety lately. If you have been stressed to the point of near exhaustion it will be related to the role you have in life and your finances. Today's New Moon connects that to your daily routine and health. It also brings in foreign locations, legal matters and anything that broadens your world. Use this opportunity to make a change to the way your value yourself and your time.
The world is full of people who love to irritate other people. They take pleasure in making contentious statements. We know this and guard against it, yet we still fall for the trick. One minute we feel fine - calm, clear and relaxed. The next, someone says something and we are off! Agitated, irritated and upset. Expect, today, to be surrounded as ever, by folk who seemingly take delight in being awkward but expect too, everything to be fine as long as you don't take the nonsense too seriously.
Let bygones be bygone. Life's too short for rancour and recrimination. You need to be building bridges, not burning them. Reach out the hand of reconciliation. Let loose the white dove of peace and tolerance. Be big-hearted and generous. And look a little more forgivingly at that person in the mirror, after all, there but for the grace of God goes you! These things happen from time to time, we have to learn from them and move on. Clich?s? Today, they're true... for you!
Whose planet is this? Were you issued with a certificate, on the day you were born, entitling you to ownership of the entire globe? Or even, perhaps a small sector of it? No. Me neither. Nor were any of us. Strangely, though, the world divides into the folk who think they own it (even though they don't and can't) and the ones who feel as if they have no claim on anything (even though they really do!). There's now a wrong to be set right and you have a real right to right that wrong!
Beware, this week, the elastic band syndrome. You stretch it back as far as you can, as tightly as you can. Then, just as it is about to snap, you release it. It springs forward with phenomenal ferocity. You have lately been dealing with difficulty and deprivation. Something within you has been getting very wound-up. Now, not only is a problem diminishing, but also a big opportunity is appearing on the horizon. You may be racing from the sublime to the ridiculous - but at least you're having an adventure!
Just a few weeks ago, you were twiddling your thumbs. Now you are using them to grip tightly to the handlebar of life's motorcycle. You are haring down straights and racing round bends. You are breaking records for speed and efficiency. You are making things happen and you are dealing with things that other people have made happen - and which now need to be put right! You have a lot on your plate but you can absorb and digest every last bit of it as long as you break it up into bite-size chunks.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you take life a little too seriously. When crazy things happen (as they inevitably must on this planet full of madness) you take it personally. You assume that it is all your fault or that you have somehow been singled out to be shown an exceptionally hard time. And then, you remember that nothing matters quite as much as you thought it did. You relax and allow the wonderful change to take place. You are about to implement a decision that you made some while ago.
You may still be going through the motions or running over the pros and cons in your mind. In your heart of hearts, though, you are decided. Why let this cause you anxiety? Do you not trust your judgement? Perhaps you are afraid that someone will disapprove if you reveal your true intentions. If so, be delicate and discreet but not apologetic. You are entitled to feel what you feel, and to want what you want. You are also entitled to relax as you now set out to come a good deal closer to success.
Dig out your paintbrush. Dust off your keyboard. Return to that creative project that you have long been meaning to get to grips with. Allow yourself some time. Be willing to take a risk. Try reaching for an idea, even if it seems as if it is going to float away like a butterfly on the breeze just as you try to catch it. In making the effort, you will accomplish something. At first, it may not seem like much by comparison to what you had been hoping for, but actually, it is better.
There is much that you are trying to understand. Your heart is full of passion but your mind is confused. Why do you feel what you feel? Why do you want what you want? More crucially and more mysteriously, why are you where you are? How have you wound up in your current position? You don't want to hear the questions again; you just want some answers that make sense. You will get some of these this weekend. Others, though, may still take a while to come. Try not to be too impatient
(2月20 3月20日日) They say, 'You become like the company you keep. ' They also say that if we do a job long enough we begin to look like exactly the sort of person who one might expect to see carrying out a particular task. Indeed, not only do we adopt the demeanour, we develop the ability. If left long enough with a responsibility to uphold, we will learn how to handle it - even if, at first, we feel way out of our depth. Are you the right person in the right place, right now? If you are not yet, you will become so. To listen to an in-depth explanation of all you have to look forward to, this week and every week.
Is this a small world? That rather depends if you are flying or walking. You can get right round the globe in a matter of hours - or you can take a month to go a few hundred miles. The quality of your experience, though, will have nothing to do with the speed in which you make your journey. It will entirely depend on how wide you open your eyes. Lately, you have only been able to make out the bare outline shape of something. The Full Moon now invites you to see it properly. Watch carefully.
Have you noticed how the nations and religions with the greatest traditions of antipathy are always those with the closest cultural connections? Jews and Moslems, Protestants and Catholics are just two examples of groups who share some almost identical basic beliefs. The moral? Even when we have much in common, tiny little superficial differences can fan the flames of conflict. How big a deal is today's difference of opinion in your world? As big as you choose to allow it to be.
My twins don't fight very often but when they do, it's a terrible sight to see. They have so much in common, so they can fall out over the smallest things. They know exactly how to hurt each other the most, so they don't waste energy making empty gestures. There is a battle going on in your world somewhere now. It may seem intense but it is ultimately between two people who agree about an awful lot. Look for gentle ways to damp a fire down, rather than waste time feeding a flame.
How big are the differences that now separate you from someone? How brittle are the bones of contention? You don't want to do irreparable damage now, but nor do you want to back away from a fight that you feel you need to hold. Put your emotions to one side. Look at what's causing a sense of irritation. It all matters less than you imagine. Act only when it seems to be essential. Otherwise, think of the bigger picture and fill your heart with love. Many problems will soon blow over
So here you are, driving a bus. You come to a stop and nine people get on. At the next, three get off and two more board. At the next stop, seven disembark but a further six climb on. The stop after that is the terminus. Now, what is the name of the bus driver's mother? You do, of course, know the answer. Reread the first sentence if in doubt. It is just that, now, your head is full of irrelevant computations. That's enough to make anyone forget themselves.
Your May Forecast: Some things are sent to try us - but then, you know that. Indeed, you are particularly good at spotting such things. Perhaps this is because a surprisingly large number of them tend to get sent your way. There are, indeed, times when it seems easier to list the things that have NOT been sent to try you. You will, doubtless, be tried this month. But as long as you do not rise unnecessarily to the wrong sort of bait you will be found not guilty. The difficulties you currently face are not all of your own creation. You are handling them as well or better than anyone could reasonably expect. Soon, you will benefit enormously from this.
Month ahead forecasts now appear here on the first Saturday of every new month. For the first week that they appear, you will also find them serving the role of 'Week Ahead Forecast'.
Once Mars leaves your sign, you can slow down, calm down, recover your poise, restore your equilibrium and return to a state of elegant indifference. For now, that's not an option. You've just got to keep running around, honouring promises, attaining objectives and attempting to beat the clock. That's particularly unwise. Even if you can manage to beat the clock for a while, sooner or later, the clock will beat you. It's just a matter of time! And time, does not matter as much as you now fear it does.
It is not that there 'aren't enough hours in the day'. It is more that you have to think carefully about how those hours are getting filled up. There is nothing like a sense of urgency for creating a climate of inefficiency. The more we hurry, the more we worry. The more we fret, the less we think. The less we think, the more we end up wasting time. The more we end up going round in circles, the more we realise that we need to hurry up! It's time to break that cycle before it breaks you.
Some things need saying. Some people need telling. Some points need making. Some lines need drawing. And others don't. It is tempting to get involved in a battle that you don't really need to fight. There's not so much at stake if you lose. You only have a limited amount of energy if you direct it towards your most important objective. You can really bring about a lasting difference in an area of life that is important to you. Assert yourself only where and when you really need to now.
Take aim carefully. Line up your target. Don't question your ability to succeed. Don't get excited, but don't lose all enthusiasm. If you can stay calm and focused, you can see exactly where opportunity is hiding within today's apparent problems. Then, you can seize it successfully. Nothing stands in your way other, perhaps, than your own sensitivity to a volatile topic of conversation. Right now, you need your judgement to be clear and objective. That means putting your feelings aside.
The cosmic climate won't stay the same for much longer. Within days, not weeks, you will feel a different kind of wind starting to blow. Soon, there will be a reward for all the energy you have invested. A tense situation will become much more relaxed. First, though... well, you know what's needed now. You are not over-reacting or being unreasonable. You are pursuing an important objective. You need to carry on until you get all the way from here to success. That won't take you as long as you may fear.
You are currently being goaded and antagonised. You feel exasperated by a particular person's behaviour. You simply cannot believe how silly a certain situation has become. No matter how hard you try to sort things out, they keep unsorting themselves. The chaos fairy keeps fluttering around you. To overcome this problem you may require a bit of 'mind over matter'. Look at the factor that irks you most. Then just tell yourself that you don't mind... because it doesn't matter!
Sometimes you are just too sensitive. You pick up too much. You notice more than you need to. You can so easily identify with other people's fears and feelings that you end up forgetting where you end and they begin. You take on more than you should. Right now you feel great compassion for someone. This is colouring your judgement to the point where you are willing to forgive a transgression. Forgive by all means but don't forget. You are entitled to a better life and you will get one
When did you last have a really good night's sleep? And how much good is that doing you now? Unless your answer is 'last night' (and for some reason I suspect not) you are unlikely to be enjoying a residual benefit. Sleep is something we have to have over and over again. Like food, it does not stay with us for long. We have other needs, too, that have to be constantly addressed. You seem to be trying to trade on a past success.
Some agreements are easy to reach. You just put out your hand and there they are. Others, require you to stretch out on tiptoe whilst standing on a chair that, in turn, is balanced on a table. No wonder when we try to reach an agreement, we sometimes fall flat on our face. No wonder we take one look at what we may have to compromise and we think, why bother? For your information, it is perfectly possible to do a deal today.
In libraries, people are asked to be quiet. At rock concerts, they are expected to make as much noise as possible. When we do the right thing according to the circumstances we find ourselves in, we are applauded. We are frowned on when we make a faux pas. You now fear that you are acting inappropriately. Others may suspect this too. But there is more to find out about the situation you are a part of. Once you discover this, you may well decide that you have had the perfect response.
We all like to feel that we fit in. Even the non-conformists amongst us harbour a secret desire to attain the recognition and respect their fellow eccentrics and individualists. Sometimes, though, we simply have to do what we feel to be right, regardless of how much approval or otherwise this incurs. Right now, you are on a mission. You will get success relatively rapidly, but it might be some while before anyone actually applauds you for this. Stick to your target this weekend.
Home, they say, is where the heart is. That's why a home without a heart is such a hard place to be. And why a heart without a home is so sad. A part of your heart does not now feel entirely at home with all that is currently happening. Outstanding issues involving your nearest and dearest now need to be resolved. Some of these have been left in an unsatisfactory state for a surprisingly long period. Suddenly, you just can't ignore them any more. That is as it should be. Your efforts to clear up a big mess are due to have a delightful outcome.
You don't judge a book by looking at the cover. Well, you don't if you are a Pisces anyway. Actually, though, the world is full of book jacket designers who know only too well how important their jobs are. Books are often bought on impulse. The right picture, or typeface can make all the difference. So, in one way, you do need to act a particular part and play a particular role. It may be a bit of a charade, but it serves a purpose. It would seem that, in order to make a deep impact, you must take a superficial step.
'What kind of time do you call this? Where have you been? You could at least have sent a message. Have you any idea how worried we have all been? Really and truly, it's just not good enough...' You half fear that you will encounter such a reception at any moment. Yet why? What have you done wrong? Who have you let down? The truth is that you are in just the right place at just the right time. There's nothing to apologise for and no need to feel that a mistake has been made.
You get used to feeling as if you always have to live hand to mouth. You begin to imagine that there is no other way for you to exist. Even, though, in the rainiest places on earth, there are times when the clouds part and the sun comes shining through. Even in the most tense and troubled lives there are periods of peace and positivity. Don't assume, just because life has been difficult lately, that it is going to carry on being difficult today. You are entering a phase of comparative prosperity.
Love isn't always easy. But then, nor is life. Challenges are sent to try us. Things that make us happiest often have the potential to make us feel saddest, too. When we put our heart into something or someone, we become vulnerable. But then, there's no joy in being cold and indifferent. A part of you now wishes that you were less dependent. If you could turn a feeling off, perhaps you would. But there is no switch and ultimately, that's a fine thing. Stick with what inspires you. All will be well.
What are you cooking up? What are you dreaming of? Isn't that a little dangerous? Shouldn't you be fostering a more conservative, careful idea instead? Don't you think there's a danger of going too far or getting out of control? Listen. I am not trying to talk you out of something you have your heart set on. I am simply trying to talk you out of being talked out of it! Certain people are questioning your logic and doubting your ability. The only thing that you have to question is, what's their problem?
Are you psychic? You knew I was going to ask you that didn't you? Well, perhaps you did and perhaps you didn't. But you definitely have highly pronounced powers of perception. You rarely miss a trick. You instinctively know when someone can be trusted - or when an idea can be pursued. This weekend, for some reason, you feel inclined to follow a hunch. Can you explain it? Can you justify it? Who cares? The most profound intuitive urges rarely make sense to the intellect.
Maybe leopards can't change their spots. In these days of cosmetic surgery, though, it seems rather unlikely. And if all they need to do is subdue their inner-leopard, well, there are therapy programmes and rehabilitation clinics for that very purpose. I made this point in your week ahead forecast. I may well keep on making it all week. As the old joke goes, 'How many counsellors does it take to change a light bulb?' 'Only one, but the light bulb really has to want to change.' Things CAN change now.
I keep trying to take shopping bags with me when I go to the supermarket. Somehow, no matter how hard I try, I always find myself without them when I reach the checkout. Years of habit. They give you bags, so why would you bring them? Now, like everyone else, I'm trying to save the planet. I may be an old dog, but sooner or later, I'm going to learn that new trick. Now, er... what is it that you keep promising yourself you are going to do differently? I predict the change will come swiftly.
Habits are easy to make and hard to break. So, if you've got a change you need to bring about, don't focus on breaking, put your energy into 'making'. Find something new that you really want to do. If it is inspiring and exciting enough, you will soon find that it makes a way into your daily life. As that happens, there will be less room for the thing you wish you weren't doing any more. Accentuate the positive and sooner than you think, the negative will begin to eliminate itself automatically.
You have an uncanny ability to somehow find yourself 'in the right place at the right time'. This requires no intellectual effort on your part; no plan, strategy nor a secret information gathering exercise. Indeed, when you try too hard to make it all turn out right, it usually goes wrong! When, though, you just trust and get on with doing what feels most appropriate, the pieces fall into place. If everything seems messy and uncomfortable now, just listen to your instinct and act on it.
Many things that once seemed difficult now look simple to you. You have mastered many arts and skills. You are still increasing your level of expertise by the day. You are making emotional and psychological progress too. Experiences that once seemed daunting are now easy to come to terms with. Trust that please this weekend. You may feel as if you are up against something that is going to take a lot of energy, but you will soon discover that you know exactly how to handle it.
Perhaps you should try a little harder. If this doesn't work, you should try a little harder still and then you could make an even greater effort. Why rest until you have exhausted every bone in your body, stretched every sinew and pushed every corpuscle. Mentally too, ought you not to be striving and struggling, working relentlessly day and night to solve a problem and end a difficulty? Or then again, you could just put your feet up and decide not to worry. I recommend the latter this weekend.
You appear to be caught in a trap. The ground is a long way above you and the hole seems very deep. Have you fallen into this? Perhaps, although that item you are holding in your hand does look suspiciously like a spade. This may, of course, be entirely irrelevant but do you think, just in case, that perhaps you should now stop digging? If, this week, you grant yourself freedom and give yourself hope, the world will swiftly follow your good example. Nothing has to be difficult this week.
Life, they say, is just a movie. Perhaps this is why we all project so much on to one another. But, even if it is just a passing show, it feels very real. And, to different people, at different times, it follows a very different theme. For some it is an action-packed adventure, for others, a romance. Right now, your film is about a bid for power. It may not be quite a rags-to-riches story, but it certainly tells of your rapid ascent to a position of great status. You are starting to take on an important role.
Within a week or two, your outlook will have altered significantly and your situation will have brightened tremendously. Right now, though, you are dealing with a difficult set of circumstances and you fear that you are not coping well. Actually, you are doing brilliantly - better than anyone else in such circumstances could ever do. Just continue making a valid effort to do your best. Despite your fears and concerns, in the long run you'll be glad of all the sacrifices you have lately had to make
There's an art to keeping a secret. You need to put it in a warm, cosy, place. If it is uncomfortable, it will inevitably try to escape. It doesn't like too much light but if you surround it in absolute darkness, it will fester and release a bad odour. It needs to be honestly acknowledged and intelligently thought about, every so often. If there is the slightest shred of guilt attached to a hidden truth, it will not stay hidden. Sooner or later, it will reveal itself. Something is being hushed-up now. Are you happy with that?
We all have closets. Those closets all have skeletons in them. Those skeletons, though, have long since lost most of their identifying features. They are not very interesting. The only power they possess is the ability to seem slightly shocking when you first open the cupboard door and they leap out at you from the dark. Shine any kind of a light on them for any length of time and they soon become a pile of boring old bones. If you want to conquer a fear from the past, stop hiding from it.
They say that you never know what you are capable of until you try. Quite so. But, then, by the same token, you never know what you are incapable of. If at first, you don't succeed, you should try, try and try again. But if that's still getting you nowhere, you may just have to accept that your talents lie elsewhere - or that you are taking the wrong approach. If something is not working, be glad. You now have a great excuse to stop doing that and to do instead, something far more appropriate.
You are, in some ways, very image conscious. By this, I do not mean to imply that you are vain. Some Pisceans don't give two hoots about their physical appearance but they still care very much about the overall psychological impression they are creating. Right now, you very much want to portray yourself as a person of great integrity and strength. But, of course, the desire not to be seen as weak is a weakness. Don't over complicate matters, just be honest about what you really feel and all will be fine.
If it weren't for all your integrity, you could do so much more, go so much further, be so much richer and walk so much taller. Your integrity, though, obliges you to be careful, considerate, humble and sensitive. How come other people aren't bothered by such concerns? Do you sometimes wonder whether you unconsciously compensate for their shortcomings by trying to be doubly righteous? Well, guess what? There's nothing wrong with you. Your high standards are about to bring you fine results
Some people seem to believe that corners are for cutting. If there's a short cut, why not take it? If there's an alternative, why not exploit it? The answer, as you understand full well, is that often in life, the journey counts at least as much as the destination. It's not a question of where we end up, it's a matter of how did we get there. What steps did we take? What lessons did we learn? What depth of appreciation have we gained? There's no need to be pedantic now, but there is a reason to be perspicacious.
When people die young we complain on their behalf. We feel that, somehow, life was unfair to them. We feel much happier about a departure of someone who has lived to a ripe old age. They, it seems to us, got value for money! Surely, though, it's quality not quantity of life that counts. Strangely, we make little effort to measure this. Watch today, for an inappropriate assumption. Someone is looking at a sensitive situation from a perspective that's really far too narrow
Quality or quantity? Which do you really want? The magic of a moment or the tedium of an eternity? A brief burst of heat or a slow deep freeze? There's a reason why we don't all live forever. It's because, much as we may feel we want to, we would be bored beyond belief by an endless existence. With that in mind, grab what magic you can, while you can this weekend. And if in doubt about whether something is wise, remember, there's nothing wise about human existence in the first place!
Your Weekend: Have you ever driven a car with the parking brake still on? It is just about possible to make progress but it is neither advisable nor safe to proceed in this way. One part of you is now raring to go. Another is dragging its heels. These mutually-exclusive urges must be reconciled, to prevent lasting damage to your inner psychological braking system. Should you stay or should you go? Well, actually, the decision is academic. You are rolling forward, fast. Stop trying to stop yourself
This is a very important week. It brings the completion of a Neptune/Saturn opposition that has been stirring up a lot of stress in your life over a period of many months. It brings a showdown, a moment of truth, a grand finale to some seemingly endless soap opera. Ultimately, you can only benefit from the important decisions that are reached this week. You may, though, find them exhausting or confusing to arrive at. It's a small price to pay for stability and relief that is about to fill your life.
There are several ways to cross the ocean. You can go by boat and ride above the waves or take a submarine and sink below them. It is not, though, feasible to swim or lie on a surfboard, paddling and hoping for the best. Do this by all means if you find yourself stranded but don't set out to cross the sea in such an eccentric and unlikely fashion. A recent event, which might, in some ways, be compared to a shipwreck, has left you struggling. Rescue is on its way. Head towards it, not off in a new direction.
There are several ways to cross the ocean. 0You can go by boat and ride above the waves or take a submarine and sink below them. It is not, though, feasible to swim or lie on a surfboard, paddling and hoping for the best. Do this by all means if you find yourself stranded but don't set out to cross the sea in such an eccentric and unlikely fashion. A recent event, which might, in some ways, be compared to a shipwreck, has left you struggling. Rescue is on its way. Head towards it, not off in a new direction. While recording your latest week ahead prediction, an exciting new possibility came to light.
ぼら様いつもありがとう。おてすきでしたらよろしくお願いします Wednesday, 20th June 2007
More by hook than by crook. More by accident than by design and more despite a policy than because of one, you are now roughly where you need to be. So what does that tell you? That it's fine to be spontaneous or that you would have got even further if only you had made and got better plans. I shall leave you to decide the answer. Meanwhile, regardless of the reason, you have reached a position that others would rightly envy. Now all you have to do is make the most of it. Give me your date, place and time of birth... and I'll tell you something truly amazing about yourself and your future. click here to read yours. Now.
These days, chairs, beds and even sofas can be folded up so small that they fit in your pocket and then just filled with air when needed. Oddly, though, most people don't take them down once they are up. They leave them around until they develop a leak and turn into a liability. We do much the same with our anxieties. We blow them up out of all proportion and then keep them inflated even when they have lost all relevance. One of your great concerns has been punctured lately. Don't reach for the repair kit!
Don't look now, but the earth is moving. It is turning around at an amazing speed. It is only gravity that keeps us attached to this spinning ball of rock. It is enough to make you dizzy. Now, do you want to know what's really funny about the planet we inhabit? It is full of people who really and truly think that they know what's going on. Yet all any of us could ever know is that things are moving and so are we. And as, for you right now, they are clearly moving in the right way, why worry?
It is all starting to happen. Things will move quickly this weekend. Sagas will reach conclusions. Symphonies will come to crescendos. Dramas will move closer to their denouement and negotiations will end with agreement. You won't have to hang around waiting for something to happen or someone to make up their mind. Instead, you'll have to wake up fast in order to seize the opportunities that are beginning to crop up so rapidly and so wonderfully. There are more of these than you ever imagined.
The psychologists Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung were pioneers of what was once called 'the talking cure'. Both believed that under the right circumstances you could help a person who had problems just through a process of dialogue. Were they right? Well, yes, up to a point. But the fact remains that there are still some things in life that you might as well not bother talking about. Discussion doesn't solve everything. Nor does disclosure. Watch what you say and to whom you say it this week.
Saturn's intense opposition to Neptune is officially over. The influence may remain, but it has peaked, culminated and climaxed. What's left is the picking up, the clearing away, the sorting out and the changing around. You're no longer so hemmed in, held back or hard done by. You're about to get back your freedom, your sense of excitement and your belief in bright new possibilities. You still have to be practical for a while, but you have now made your biggest sacrifices. And these are about to pay off.
When people think they have an easy answer, they immediately stop looking for anything else. Never mind how temporary, unsuitable or even counter-productive. An easy answer represents a quick fix and a cheap thrill. These days, there are few philosophers left. There are also very few happy people. Current dramas are obliging you to think deeply and to seek answers that are not so easy. In the process, though, they are helping you to find a greater, more lasting source of happiness.
'Think outside the box.' That's what top creative executives are forever being urged to do. Well, unless that is, they are Pisceans. You cannot even see the box. You have been thinking outside of it for so long that you don't even remember where it was or what it looked like. Apart from one thing. Over the past few months, you have begun to feel very hemmed in and restricted. Your desire to fulfil a particular objective has been too intense for comfort. Now, at last, comes an ability to experiment and explore again.
It is as if a bid has been made. Suddenly, light is streaming into a part of your life that has been dark and dismal. Where, before, you kept coming up against reasons why you couldn't have what you want, you are now receiving invitations that seem almost too good to be true. You'd better get used to these situations. It is not going to change again in a hurry. Don't grab the first chance that comes your way just because it seems like such a welcome change from what has been before.
What is your most precious possession? What should you treasure more than anything? Not money. Money comes and goes. That is its nature. When we try to hang on to it - or when we value it too highly, we make a big mistake. Likewise, time. We will never have enough of this, either. It will always prove elusive. But when we fight too hard to preserve and protect it, we will waste even more time! You have something of far greater worth. Perspective. When you have this, you have all else you need. Prioritise it.
Let us imagine, just for one moment, that the supreme ruler of the universe has popped out to get a bagel and skinny latte for breakfast and has asked you to mind the shop for an hour or two. Suddenly, you have power. You can do whatever you like, influence any situation. Now, what would you like to change? Be careful how you answer that. If you really could alter a situation, you might well find yourself regretting it. Try accepting things as they are this week. They're better than you might think!
Your June Forecast: Be glad of everything that makes you feel disgruntled. Be grateful for every cause for complaint. How, without this, are you ever going to enjoy the satisfaction of putting things right? Do not doubt for a moment that you can work such a miracle. Saturn and Neptune form a tense opposition during June. Your already extra-ordinary gifts and abilities are now being greatly enhanced by this cosmic configuration. You are becoming conscious of a problem (or a series of problems) for one reason only. So that, finally, you can do something clear and constructive about a situation that has been unacceptable for too long.
In yesterdays forecast I invited you to imagine the divine Creator had popped out for a traditional New York breakfast, leaving you in charge of the cosmos. This apparently offended several French readers who insist that if the Supreme Being ever does take time off for petit dejeuner, it is undoubtedly to consume croissants. So I apologise for this. But not for the suggestion that you have exceptional power at your disposal now and must be careful how you use it. Don't see yourself as weak
July 2007 Your July Forecast: What goes up must come down. Does it follow, then, that what goes down must come up? If something has been buried will it automatically, eventually resurface? We must very much hope not. We live in a world full of secrets. All of us have them. And most of us get to keep them, intact, forever. This month something that has gone down is trying to come back up again. You have much more control than you think over how high it rises. You have plenty of power at your disposal - and that?s convenient, because right now you have plenty that needs to be changed, sorted out and speeded up. Your story is a success story and the best part of it has yet to be told.
A debate is raging about the ultimate deity's breakfast preference. Several readers have taken offence at the notion of bagels and are outraged by the suggestion of croissants. Apparently, there's incontrovertible proof that the controller of the cosmos only ever eats Vegemite on toast. If anyone's in a position to find out, it's you. Though you may care to employ your current hotline to the divine for a more practical purpose. The universe is listening to you now. Be careful what you ask it for.
In Southern India, the traditional breakfast dish is 'idli sambar'. Rice balls dipped in an extremely spicy curried soup. In Scotland, people generally prefer porridge and kippers. The question is, which of these two dishes does God like to start his (or her) day with? Well, OK, then. That's not your question, that's mine. But your question is equally impossible to answer and equally prone to invite a biased or partisan response. Don't get caught up in a petty distinction now. Stick with the big stuff.
In Japan, the fashionable way to start your day is with a bowl of broth made from miso and tofu. In Mexico they prefer huevos rancheros (fried eggs with salsa). Taste and preference is largely a matter of what you are used to - especially first thing in the morning. That's no time to start getting adventurous. An acquired taste, though, can eventually be much more satisfying than one that you have never had to learn to like. You are being invited to explore new territory this weekend. Go gently, but do go!
Children will often demand an ice-cream when they are hungry. Their parents know that a proper meal would be far more appropriate. Yet when they explain this to the infant they are treated as oppressive enemies! We all, even as adults, retain this tendency to reject whatever might be good for us and to desire, passionately, whatever is likely to be bad for us. Look at your wish list. It contains an item, triple underlined in red, that you really, really do not want to have fulfilled.
Instead of a forecast today, let us have a lecture about morality. I shall begin by defining the difference between good and bad and will then go on to clarify the distinction between right and wrong. Please keep a pen and paper handy. Ok. Are you ready? Er... Hum... Actually, I cannot fulfil this promise. Nobody can. Only the very arrogant, the very dangerous, the very misguided and the very stupid, can ever consider themselves capable of making such a definitive pronouncement. Follow your heart this week.
'Know thyself.' Socrates gave us this advice many years ago. We are still trying to work out how to take it. What can we know? How can we ever hope to gain a sense of perspective? How can we pin down the truth when so much in our mood and our mind is subject to change? It is not possible for anyone to know themselves fully. This does not mean, though, that we cannot know ourselves partially. The small amount that you know about yourself may soon prove immensely valuable.
There used to be two sides to every story. Now, though, we have the internet and we can discover endless perspectives. We all see things differently, yet we all feel our own point of view is correct. To protect ourselves from the stress of encountering a conflicting opinion, we develop a special kind of insensitivity. We listen, but we do not take any of it in. Thus, our own prejudices survive intact. You, though, will soon become obliged to change your mind about something. And that will be good.
Hello, how are you? I'm fine, how are you? Oh, I'm fine too, thank you for asking. With inane exchanges like this we while away our lives. We don't really care. We don't really want to know. We just know what we are supposed to say. So we say it. But how are you really? And who cares? And how can you tell? Today brings the chance to make more meaningful contact with someone special. It also allows you an insight into a situation you have been looking at for some while yet been unable to see properly.
'The zombies were having fun, the party had just begun, the guests included Wolf Man, Dracula and his son. They did the mash. They did the monster mash...' Shall we not bother with a forecast today? Shall we just quote the rest of this rather brilliant song? And, after all, it is Friday the thirteenth. Actually, though, there are no monsters coming up over your hill at the moment. Certain situations may seem spooky or scary, but that's only because your imagination is so powerful. Everything is going to be more than fine.
Why do we always find what we are hunting for in the very last place we look? Why does toast always land upside down? Why do you have to go halfway round the world before you can appreciate what's on your doorstep? I could go on - but I won't. There are already too many imponderables. You feel a strong need to know something yet the more answers you get, the more questions you want to ask. Not everything will become crystal clear this weekend, but soon a particular point of debate will become academic.
No matter what the subject, someone will always profess to know everything about it. But not all of these experts know as much as they claim. Most, indeed, know only a tiny bit more than the rest of us. They take a little knowledge and stretch it a long way - which is a very dangerous thing. They tell us that we are safe to do things that clearly can't be wise. Worse, in a way, they tell us that we can't do what we can. Take nobody's advice but your own this week, and whatever you do, don't worry. You haven't got a 'problem'.
Why is a little knowledge such a dangerous thing? I'm not sure I know enough to answer that question! If I thought I did, I might give you some misleading information. Or to put it another way, the world is full of 'experts' who actually only know about two per cent more than the rest of us. They make that two per cent seem like 200 per cent - and they speak in an authoritative tone of voice, even when they are merely bluffing. Watch now, for an insistence that apparently brooks no argument yet which is based on a false assumption.
When people don't know the answer to a question, they rarely say as much. They try instead, to answer some other question that they do know something about. Or they bluff. Or guess. Often, it's hard to tell a genuine statement of accurate information from a complete and utter stab in the dark. Tone of voice doesn't always give it away. Nor does body language. You, though, have got one infallible way to distinguish. Your instinct. What is it telling you? Pay it some attention. It really DOES know!
They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Who are they calling a dog? And, many dogs learn lots of skills whilst they are still puppies. Over time, with lack of use, they forget about these. I notice that they don't say anything about encouraging old dogs to repeat, once more, the tricks they performed in their youth. Every so often, you do something breathtaking and brilliant. You surprise yourself. You leave others stunned, amazed and impressed. It looks rather as if you are about to manage that once more.
We all want to be in charge. We all want power. We all want control. Or, at least, this is what we all think we want. None of us really knows, because none of us has really experienced this. Even kings, queens and presidents get a sense of helplessness. They realise that they will never be able to influence certain factors. As you now look at a situation that seems to be running away with itself, you feel a little nervous. Don't be. You are doing as well as you can with the resources at your disposal.
Help is at hand. Help, though, does not necessarily constitute a full-blown rescue package, implemented by a team of care-assistants. It may well come in the form of a do-it-yourself kit, complete with instruction leaflet, poorly translated from the original Japanese. It may be necessary to read the manual. Or to go through a series of fairly rigorous tests. All of which is a bit of a nuisance but hardly the end of the world. All the help you need is available this weekend.
Remember staring competitions? You'd be at school or somewhere, looking into your friend's eyes. They'd gaze back. The first one of you to blink was the loser. Or sometimes, it would be the first person to crack a smile. Or to break a silence. You never can be quite sure who is going to win a battle of this nature. Even folk famed for their self-discipline can have a sudden, sporadic, collapse of their composure. You are now looking at a situation that seems to be hopeless. Just keep looking and stay calm.
Some people seem to take a perverse pleasure in being unkind or unfair. Perhaps they have been hurt in their childhood and have wounds that will not heal. Or perhaps they so keenly anticipate trouble in the future that they want to 'get their retaliation in first'. Who knows what psychological explanations lie behind their behaviour? And who cares? You now need to steer well clear of such characters and to pay no attention to the aspersions that they are casting. Have faith.
Think of a hit record that you truly hate. Or a TV show that you detest. A film star who, you feel can't act. Or a piece of art that you consider to be a piece of something unprintable. Now think of the millions who actually like this stuff. Can they really all be wrong? Why of course! We may be glad that we live in a democracy but we are not stupid enough to think that the vast majority of people have any taste. It is now more important than ever for you to make your own choices and live your own life.
What? You've still got that old mobile phone? Why on earth haven't you upgraded? Don't you know that the latest version has far more functions than you would ever be able to operate and loads more buttons that will confuse you every time you try to push them. And your computer is a what? Oh no! The new ones are five times as fast. They still crash and fail and they take just as long to load up, but lab tests insist they are much quicker. You are under pressure to change now, is there really a point?
It's not just clothes that come in and out of fashion. Foods do too. One moment we're all eating something, the next we have lost our taste for it. Ideas and beliefs often suffer from a similarly strange seasonal quality. These things, though, usually come back round in the end. Old technologies, though, once outmoded, are never needed again. So, anyway, here's the question. What's real in your life now? And what's just a passing phase? Be sure you know the answer, so you honour the right priorities this weekend.
Do you know how fortunate you are? Even when we make a conscious effort to count our blessings, we cannot help but count our curses too. Of course, we pay more attention to the problems and the challenges in our world. These, after all, require us to take some form of action. Whereas, generally speaking, there's very little you can do with a blessing... other than count it! You are about to catch something you have long been chasing. Why was it all so hard? So you would not take it for granted, too quickly.
You want to know where you stand, but how can you possibly work that out if you are not standing still? Yet if you don't keep moving, perhaps you will stop in the wrong place. Maybe it's best to carry on going until you know for sure where you are. If this doesn't quite make sense, that's deliberate. I am trying to reflect the somewhat convoluted logic that has lately led you to feel unnecessarily restless and insecure. But gradually, though, your confidence is coming back.
You want to know where you stand, but how can you possibly work that out if you are not standing still? Yet if you don't keep moving, perhaps you will stop in the wrong place. Maybe it's best to carry on going until you know for sure where you are. If this doesn't quite make sense, that's deliberate. I am trying to reflect the somewhat convoluted logic that has lately led you to feel unnecessarily restless and insecure. But gradually, though, your confidence is coming back.
Imagine climbing down a long ladder. You keep going down from rung to rung but you never reach the bottom. It is as if the ladder keeps extending while you keep descending. Your current attempt to get away from an uncomfortable situation feels a bit like this. Even if you are getting further away from a past you are unhappy about, you seem to be getting no nearer to a future you can feel glad of. Stop relating back. Stop hunting for a way forward. Stand still. Glance sideways. Look in another direction.
Where do you think you are going? What do you imagine will happen when you get there? Can you be sure that you have selected the best destination? Or perhaps you are just happy to float on the tide of happenstance and just see where the fates take you. That's a perfectly fine philosophy as long as somewhere within it, you aren't abdicating a responsibility or hiding from something you would rather not face. A clever, conscious course correction can be made today
It's one thing to drift with the tide because you are happy to leave your fate to the twin protectors of serendipity and synchronicity. It's another to be passive because you dare not make a decision. In your heart you know what you want. Why be loath to admit it? Why feel as if you dare not reach for a dream? Or that you do not deserve to have a wish fulfilled? Your boat has a rudder, an engine and a compass. You are not obliged to use any of these, but remember, you are entirely entitled to employ all three!
If you really don't care what happens next, just go along with whatever seems to be happening. If it matters to you, dig in your heels. Make an effort and you will make a difference. Events this weekend bring a reminder of the power that you secretly have at your disposal. Often you hide this, even from yourself. You are not obliged to use it now. But on no account must you kid yourself that you are in some way impotent against some unstoppable force. The course of the future can be altered.
There are many things we just don't understand. Too often, though, we feel unable to confess our confusion. Others, we suspect, will take advantage of our vulnerability so we strut around trying to look as confident as we can. We soon notice that we are surrounded by other people doing the same, which makes us all the more determined to act arrogantly. A vicious cycle of swagger and supposition thus keeps us all in far from blissful ignorance. Today offers a real revelation. Don't be too blind to see it.
Do you feel hemmed in? Are you aware of restrictions and limitations? Are you forever running out of time, money, energy or enthusiasm? That's understandable but you should not consider any of this to be indicative of future circumstance. Think of a way in which the elastic, on a catapult, gets stretched a long way back before it goes flying forward. Any moment now, you are going to start hurtling towards success. Your progress will be a direct result of the process you are bravely going through now.
Some people are terribly frail. Speak to them in the wrong tone of voice - or look at them too fiercely - and they will crumble. How are you supposed to deal with such folk? Tiptoe round them or steamroller past them? It all depends on how much you care. Although, sometimes, it begins to seem as if we can care too much - not just about people but about causes and situations. You are making yourself vulnerable by worrying too much about someone else's vulnerability! Don't be quite so sensitive
Paracetamol? It's in the second drawer down? Bicarbonate of soda? I think there's some in the bathroom. Try some fresh fruit juice. That helps with just about everything. It seems you are in a delicate state. If a problem is not physical, it may be psychological. Perhaps an oppressive person or factor is making you feel troubled and trapped. But if you ARE looking closely at all the factors that are unacceptable, that's great. It means you are getting ready to make an intelligent workable resolution.
'The harder they come, the harder they fall...'? This is one good reason for remaining soft. Another is that you will attain a degree of protective pliability by allowing yourself to be malleable. People who are stiff, rigid and unyielding run the risk of becoming brittle. Remember that and remember too that, for you, the key to success involves leaving every possible door open. You can afford to be generous, gentle, giving and forgiving. Indeed, if you value your sense of humour and sanity... you cannot afford NOT to be.
Some people seize every chance they get to complain. Others are more accepting. Somehow, they can find a way to forgive or justify almost any aberration. Both approaches are, of course, too extreme. It is often hard to decide if a situation should be put up with or fought against. That brings us neatly to your current dilemma. How much fight should you put up and what difference will it make? There's an easy answer: just try to be tolerant... and see how far you get! It may yet prove to be an impressive distance
I don't have to turn up here, day after day. I have got other things I could do instead, you know. The garden is a mess. The back door needs painting. It says something, doesn't it, when all these tedious tasks seem more appealing than the idea of trying, once more, to tell you what you keep ignoring. But I have a duty. So here goes. You don't have to have a hard time. It's just that a part of you seems to think you deserve one, so it keeps making dumb decisions. Stop these!
Your Weekend: I don't have to turn up here, day after day. I have got other things I could do instead, you know. The garden is a mess. The back door needs painting. It says something, doesn't it, when all these tedious tasks seem more appealing than the idea of trying, once more, to tell you what you keep ignoring. But I have a duty. So here goes. You don't have to have a hard time. It's just that a part of you seems to think you deserve one, so it keeps making dumb decisions. Stop these!
Several eminent scientists have announced that astrology is tosh. They have done their tests, performed their calculations and they cannot possibly be mistaken. Dear me, no. Which is a bit of a shame really, because today is due to be a wonderful day. I was about to tell you that you could look forward to an extremely fortuitous development. A hopeful, helpful event that could yet be good for your bank balance and your love life. But according to the experts, that can't be. Let us hope they are wrong!
'Hello, how are you?' 'I'm fine thanks, and you?' 'Oh, you know, mustn't grumble, when do you think the weather will change?' Etc. Why do people so rarely say anything real or meaningful? Because arguments ensue when we do! We may be great at chatter and gossip, even comedy and criticism. But genuine emotion? We are hopeless at it! Even if we can manage to express an upset, we will tend to shift the focus and blame a trivial factor.
We hate facing real issues. Today, you have to go beyond the trivial.
'All roads lead to Rome. That's what they say. Well, that's what the Italians say anyway! I am not quite sure you can say the same about the Pacific Coast Highway or the M1. How quickly do you now want to reach your destination? If you are enjoying the journey you may actively prefer a circuitous route. Otherwise, it may be wise to rethink your current strategy. There is now a much more efficient way to get from A to B. Largely, this involves you becoming a little more clear about where you are going.
'When in Rome,' they say, 'you should do as the Romans do.' Does the same apply when you are in Birmingham? Or Brisbane? And what is it that the Romans do anyway? They eat a lot of pasta, they drive a lot of motor-cycles, they watch a lot of football... They had an empire once, you know. As did the Greeks and the British. Never mind what the Romans do... or did. Today, do only as you personally feel you ought to do. Don't follow someone else's example; start your own.
Romulus and Remus founded Rome. Nero fiddled while it burned. What a story. A clear beginning. A tragic end and an empire in the middle. It's a pity that all the tales of our lives are not so straightforwardly structured. Sometimes, things reach the end before we even get to the beginning. Sometimes, there's a start and a finish but little in-between. This weekend, something seemingly disordered and uneven takes place. But it will yet balance itself out beautifully
When things happen spontaneously, we have to decide quickly how we want to respond. Should we assume that our guardian angel is conjuring up an instant opportunity? Or should we be looking out for the influence of a far less friendly force? Often, we feel inclined to be automatically suspicious of anything that arrives without warning. When there is no time to conduct a thorough investigation of the facts, we listen to our intuition. What is yours telling you now? Trust it.
When you are in a hole, what should you do? Stop digging! Give up. Let go. Like a fly caught in a spider's web, the more you struggle the more you are going to become stuck. Don't exhaust what precious little room for manoeuvre you may have. Conserve your strength until the spider is almost upon you. Just as it is about to make its move, make yours. And somehow, miraculously, you will make good your mistake. No matter how scary the situation, you have just enough power now to make everything OK.
When you have lost something, then you eventually find it, where does it turn out to be? In the very last place you look. Quests continue until there is no longer any need for them to carry on. Dramas unfold until all the participants are tired of enacting them. We can, though, hasten the end of a stressful situation by refusing to play our part in it any more. When we stop looking or fighting or fearing or arguing, others soon stop too.
A choice arises now. You can put more energy into a situation that seems to be sapping your strength - or you can give it less time and attention. Put like that, the option seems obvious. But rather like a gambler, keen to recoup previous losses, you are tempted to spin the roulette wheel again. Perhaps if you get just a little bit more involved, you can make all the difference. And perhaps not. Draw a line. Let go. Move on. There are better things to do and brighter futures to build.
Perhaps it is time to dig out your certificate. Don't ask, 'What certificate'? Why, surely you remember. You were clutching it at the moment you were born. You don't have it any more? Nobody ever told you where it went?
おはようございます。 今日のケイナーです・・翻訳お願いします。
Well, it said something about an entitlement to expect perfection in every way, at every turn, during every moment. Er... didn't it? Well, I guess if you don't have it in writing, you can't complain. But in a strange way, things ARE about to work out perfectly!
The funniest jokes tend to be the ones that touch on taboo topics. When we stray into sensitive territory, all our reactions become exaggerated. Things become either deeply sad or hilariously funny. We are either curious or blissful; full of fear or full of faith. A situation is now stirring up a profound emotion within you. That's good, insofar as it is helping you decide what you truly feel about a particular person or situation. Just remember please, that things are probably not quite as final as they may seem.
Your Weekend: Think please of a pan of porridge. Gradually, the bubbling oats are becoming gloriously glutinous. Are you wondering what on earth this has to do with your outlook? OK. Forget the porridge; let's discuss shiny crystals. Highly polished, reflective surfaces scattering light through miniature prisms to produce rainbows of inspiring intensity. There, now back to porridge. In your life now, there's too much sludge and not enough sparkle. Now here's a chance to redress that balance.
Various hiccups and headaches could soon take the edge off your ability to enjoy yourself. You may find yourself tackling troublesome factors or wrestling with awkward adversaries. Yet no matter how difficult things become, there will have to be several truly magnificent moments. The lunar eclipse in your zodiac sign is simply too powerful to ignore. It promises you a radical change for the better. Prepare to receive the gift of inspiration and discover that this has several surprisingly tangible side-effects. You haven't got a 'problem'. You have an incredible opportunity.
Every year it gets harder to be outrageous. More lines are crossed, more boundaries are pushed. And that's not the only reason. As individuals, we are all on a path of spiritual inner growth. We are learning to be more open, tolerant and accepting. Even so, no matter how society changes or how evolved our consciousness becomes, the universe finds a way to test us and stretch us somehow. Today's eclipse in your sign helps you break down a barrier to deeper happiness. You haven't got a 'problem'. You have an incredible opportunity.
The current cosmic climate is exceptional. The lunar eclipse in your sign has affected people in different ways, but all lives are being touched with graceful gifts. It is now, rather, as if you have been carrying a key around for a while. You have not wanted to put this down, yet you have had no idea what it might actually open. Slowly, you are being shown the point and purpose of a particular situation. Now you know why you have a certain ability and why you have acquired some very specific experience.
Imagine trying to wear the shoes that fitted you so well when you were six years old. When you were nine, you played with nine-year-olds. You would not find their company quite so compelling today. We move on. We grow out of the things that once were perfect for us. In one lifetime, we become several different people. The eclipse in your sign has now set a metamorphosis in motion. Your life may not be about to alter forever overnight, but you are definitely ending one phase and commencing a wonderful new one.
You may not be as young as you used to be, but you are not as old as you fear. You have valuable experience now. You know how to deal with situations that might once have left you feeling powerless. Even better, you are not so long in the tooth that you no longer care how things turn out. This weekend, you can turn an apparent source of tension and trouble into a genuine opportunity to make your world a better place. Find your enthusiasm and when you see a chance, seize it.
What are vampires? Gruesome creatures of the night who feast on our blood? Or merely ordinary looking people who manage in their own way to drain us of something even more valuable? The patience-suckers. The time-wasters. The needy, greedy souls who trick us into giving away our priceless attention and energy, until we feel like pale, hollow versions of our old selves. You don't need garlic, you just need to pick, very carefully, the company you keep this weekend.
Do I know you from somewhere? Surely, it can't be... well I never, it's you! I do apologise for being so rude. It's just that I hardly recognise you. You may look much the same from a physical point of view, but I am not talking about what's visible from that realm. It's the moods and attitudes that are so remarkably different. Almost uncannily so. And I must say, it all looks very good on you. I don't expect it can be long now before the rest of the world notices too. You had best prepare to start making a powerful impression!
Choices are being made on your behalf. Decisions are being arrived at. Chances are being taken. Somehow, you are being asked to accept the plans and policies of a close companion. If you argue, there will be conflict and, anyway, you are not so sure that there is much point in putting up a fight. There's something vaguely comforting about sitting in the passenger seat whilst someone else drives, but you do have a road map in your hand. Consult it. And be assertive about following it.
The sword of truth is double-edged, we have to be very careful how we wield it lest we inadvertently cut ourselves with it. Ideally, it should never be used as a weapon of attack, only as a method of defence. Even then, it must be gripped carefully and employed with sensitivity. The truth hurts. And the truth, once revealed, can rarely be hidden again. That said, the truth is what you now need to know. And it is what a certain person most definitely needs to hear. It is time to end a dangerous misconception.
'People who need people, are the luckiest people in the world...' Far be it for me to argue with the diva, but that assertion has always struck me as odd. I mean, I can quite see why people who need to be needed are lucky - for there is surely never a shortage of folk who want help. But, given the notorious unreliability of certain individuals in this world, can we really count ourselves lucky when we feel in need of assistance? You now need a little help. You are not at all sure that this makes you lucky. But actually, it does.
Prepare to be re-energised. Various awkward encounters have sapped your strength. Difficult dealings have left you exhausted and demoralised with unreasonable individuals. You have, as always, hidden this well. Others may not realise quite how close to the edge you have come, but you are keenly aware of the need to clear the brambles of negativity from the flower garden of your heart. The planets are about to bless you with a psychic scythe! You'll reap a rich harvest this weekend.
Too often, instead of encouraging each other, we complain and criticise. We feign indifference, but once our feelings have been hurt, they can take a long time to recover. That's why, when we manage to get ourselves back on an even keel, after a destabilising experience, we work hard to ensure that we will never be caught off-guard again. Sometimes, we work too hard and put up barriers that prevent us from sharing innocent emotion. Love and support is on offer this weekend. You deserve it. Accept it.
おはようございます 今日のケイナーです 翻訳おねがいします And all of a sudden the chickens are coming home to roost. Unexpressed urges that have been steadily festering in the background all year are suddenly coming up demanding to be dealt with. The unpredictability of the last year can either be viewed as disruptive, chaotic and unpleasant, or it can be seen as stimulating, exciting and innovative. Do you want to stay the same all of your life? You have to do something now, and it's better that you do it as opposed to it being done to you. The next 48 hours are a watershed for you - use it or lose it.
おはようございます 今日のケイナーです 翻訳おねがいします And so it comes to this, a day where you can hide in the background and hope the big boys overlook you and go on their way, or where you can emerge from your hiding hole and claim your place with the best of them. Your capacity to be an equal in all one to one situations is what's at stake now, and today's solar eclipse makes your choice of options very stark. If you are comfortable where you currently are, fine. But if there's an element of dissatisfaction, make changes, and make them now. By doing this you guarantee yourself a different next six months. Boring it certainly is not.
Tuesday, 11th September 2007 Today's forecast has been prepared by Steve Judd. いよいよ(48時間のうち残り24時間になりました) 大物があなたを見過ごしそのまま行ってくれることを 期待して裏に隠れているか、それとも隠れている穴から 出てきて自分の居る場所は誰にも劣らないと主張するか。 今危機に瀕しているのは、あらゆる一対一の状況で 対等な関係でいるあなたの能力であって、 今日の日食はあなたに非常に厳しい選択をさせます。 もしあなたが今居心地の良い場所に居るのなら、結構なことです。 しかしもし一つでも不満の種があるのなら、改善しなさい、それも今。 そうすることによって、これから6ケ月を違ったものに出来るでしょう。 退屈しないのは確かです。
おはようございます 今日のケイナーです 翻訳おねがいします Wednesday, 12th September 2007 PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20) Today's forecast has been prepared by Steve Judd. Jonathan will be back with your week ahead forecasts on Saturday. Has this year had an element of uncertainty and doubt or even gullibility and deception about it? If so, then today is the day when things suddenly become clearer. This doesn't mean taking action to rectify these problems, but it does mean you begin to see them more clearly. Don't let yourself become befuddled - it's probably a good day to stay away from alcohol and such like. Drinking lots of water is recommended - it detoxes you physically, mentally and emotionally as well as spiritually. It's time to clean your act up and face up to the need for compromise where necessary.
Wednesday, 12th September 2007 Today's forecast has been prepared by Steve Judd. 今年になって、不明確で疑わしい要素、あるいは騙されやすい 誤魔化しの要素がありましたか? もしそうならば、今日は事態が突然に明確になる日になります。 これはそういった問題を改める措置が講じられるという意味ではなく、 あなたがそれらを明瞭に理解し始めるということです。 混乱して泥酔しないように‥今日はお酒やそういった類のものは おそらく遠ざけておいた方が良いでしょう。 お水を沢山飲むのはお勧めです‐あなたの身体・精神・ 感情そしてもちろん魂にも溜まった毒素を洗い流してくれます。 今はあなたの改めるべき点を改め、 必要ならば妥協が要ることを認める時です。
Have a look at how you relate to people at the one-to-one level compared to where you were six months ago. If you notice a significant change, the advice is to hold your horses, because those changes are still ongoing and the future is not set. What is clear is that by October you will be able to make long-term plans based on your interaction with others, but for now there is still a degree of mist around. The fog and cloud of recent months is evaporating, but fine mist remains, so bide your time about final decisions concerning the effect of others on your life.
翻訳お願いできましたらよろしくです。 A combination of the Moon, Mars and Neptune make today rather remarkable for you, in that any artistic talents you may have lurking underneath the surface are likely to come to the fore. You may catch yourself singing, or giving a little dance whilst you walk. This is because you're responding to a different beat than usual, and can pick up vibrations and energies that are more conducive to musical expression. It's an excellent day to cheer yourself up by doing something different, by breaking your normal routine and expressing yourself in a way that you don't normally do. It's a day of harmony - express yourself!
Friday, 14th September 2007 Today's forecast has been prepared by Steve Judd. 月と火星と海王星の結合によって、 今日はあなたにとってかなり注目すべき日となり、 あなたが持つ隠された芸術的才能が頭角を現しそうです。 気付くと歌っていたり、歩いている間にちょっと踊っていたりするかも。 それは、あなたがいつもと違うビートに反応していて、 より音楽的表現を促す振動とエネルギーを捕らえているせいかもしれません。 何か変わったことをして、いつも通りの日課から逸脱し、 普通はやらない方法で自分を表現することで 気分転換をするにはうってつけの日です。 ハーモニーの日です−自己表現をしなさい!
Sun always comes after rain and cloud... From today, your communications with both yourself and others seems to be improving, and this theme is set to continue well into next week. After the doubts and possible illusions of this last week, to regain your mental acuteness is most welcome. Today brings a marked difference into your life, it's as though your emotions and feelings are suddenly working well again, with the added bonus of a sharper intuition coming online. It's a good time to put your feet up and reassess the week so far.
今日のケイナーです翻訳お願いできましたらよろしくです Your Weekend: Sun always comes after rain and cloud... From today, your communications with both yourself and others seems to be improving, and this theme is set to continue well into next week. After the doubts and possible illusions of this last week, to regain your mental acuteness is most welcome. Today brings a marked difference into your life, it's as though your emotions and feelings are suddenly working well again, with the added bonus of a sharper intuition coming online. It's a good time to put your feet up and reassess the week so far.
Saturday, 15th September 2007 Today's forecast has been prepared by Steve Judd. 週末:雨降りと曇天の後にはいつだって太陽が顔を出すものです‥。 今日を境に、自分自身と他者の双方との意思疎通はどうやら 良くなってきていて、その傾向は来週も続くことになっています。 ここ一週間悩まされた、思い違いの可能性もある疑念の後で、 あなたに精神的強さが戻ってくるのは何より喜ばしいことです。 今日はあなたの生活に著しい変化がもたらされます。 それはあたかも、突然あなたの感情の調子が良くなって、 おまけにより鋭い直感が付け加えられるかのようです。 横になって休んで今週のこれまでのところを見直すには良い時です。