Benefits are likely to arrive today, perhaps unexpectedly. This trend may continue during the next several days and weeks. Anticipate that more money and opportunities will flow in. And don't kid yourself: you've earned every one of 'em. You have almost no patience early today for someone that seems incapable of making up his or her mind. While this person dribbles and drools, you're expected to make most of the tough decisions. Because your life is moving faster than a speeding bullet, you find unmotivated dilettantes even more of a drag than usual.
Don't look at your credit card bill. Ignore the bank statement. Just relax. Firstly, in 2007, your financial situation is due to improve with each passing month. Secondly, you won't help it improve by worrying. You need to feel enthusiastic, not apologetic. You can get better deals on better terms as long as you have the courage to ask for these instead of feeling as if you are not entitled. The same goes for pretty much every situation that's now making you anxious or uncomfortable.
As a Sagittarius, the last thing you’d want to do is avoid pivotal conversations. While you haven’t ignored these, you’ve sidestepped certain details in the hope they can be dealt with later. They aren’t going to get any easier. In fact, the longer you put off dealing with them, the more complicated and tedious they’ll become.
Be proud of who you are, where you are, how you got there and where you intend to go next. Be equally proud of who you are not, where you are not, what you have not got, why it is that you haven't got it and what it is that you are not likely to do next. As you start this new year you have nothing, repeat, nothing, to apologise for. Still feeling a little deafened by all those New Year fireworks and parties? Then let me spell it out. N.O.T.H.I.N.G. to apologise for... and everything to look forward to.
Family members offer pleasant surprises today - unexpected little reminders that you're held in high esteem. A Full Moon brings positive financial developments that also raise your confidence level. If it's been a while since you heard from someone who owes you a favor or some money, today might be the day. Later this evening, Venus enters your solar third house, signaling good news during the next couple weeks that may benefit your work and health. You feel a little more comfortable in your own skin later this evening - more secure about the good things you've done.
You’ve hardly been shy about discussing both your activities in the here and now and your long term goals. Yet certain individuals still aren’t entirely clear about what you have in mind. Tedious as going over it all over again is, their support is vital, which means you’ll have to repeat things until they finally sink in.
'There ain't no cure for the summertime blues.' Nor, for that matter, for the wintertime depression. Life has its ups and downs just as surely as it has its seasons. We can't change that, but we can decide to accept and adapt to the climate that we find ourselves facing. When we do, the blues are not so blue. The downs are not so deep and they do not last so long. What really creates stress is the desire to avoid the inevitable. Embrace it instead - and in no time you'll be smiling.
You don’t think of yourself as being particularly influenced by the emotional ups and downs triggered by the lunar cycle. However, when you consider how intensely you reacted to the difficulties you’ve faced over the past few days, while the Moon was full, you have to admit that you’re more vulnerable than you thought.
'Summertime... and the living is easy.' Is the living that much harder in the middle of winter? What are these great seasonal extremes if not opposite sides of the same coin? Joy and depression are more closely linked than many people realise. Success and failure have a similarly symbiotic relationship. When you are down, the only place you can go is up. And when you are up... Well, let's worry about that when you are up! Something is now making you sad but it has the potential to make you very happy.
Your Weekend: In the books of ancient wisdom they call this, "The world of illusions.' Our ancestors understood, only too well, that nothing in this world is real. It may look real, it may feel real, yet ultimately, it is temporary. The lives of people are mere blips on the radar screen of time. Even the structures and cities they create are but passing footnotes in the annals of history. The mountains themselves will return to dust one day. Given all this, do you think that, perhaps, you are taking a certain matter too seriously?
シェリーたんの今週のうらない シェリーでありえないほどいい事書いてあるw。 Your weekly stars for the week starting 07 January 2007 This week could be a little scary. Not because things are bad. On the contrary, so many long cherished dreams are coming good all at once that even you, as an optimistic Sagittarius, are uneasy. You needn’t be. You’ve worked hard to achieve these goals. What’s more, you’ve had to deal with complex situations and often had to give way to those who you didn’t respect. Now the acknowledgement you’re getting makes up for that. What’s scary is, knowing what you can achieve, are you ready to set the bar higher, and go for goals that even you regard as a seriously challenging?
There’s no denying that with your ruler Jupiter in Sagittarius for most of the year, you’re on a high. Good things come your way from every direction. Your biggest problems, therefore, are resisting the tendency to overdue or rush things. Ideally, during the year’s first half, you’ll explore, putting off all but essential decisions until the second half. Besides, eclipses in March, late August and September substantially alter circumstances. Make it your business to both review your goals and learn more about what’s available, personally, creatively, professionally and romantically. Ignore advice to be cautious. This is your chance to achieve your dreams.
Love and Relationships: With your life opening up dramatically, changes in close relationships are inevitable. While strong links grow as a result, new ones appear as others diminish. Invest time with those closest, otherwise hurt feelings could cause lasting problems.
Finances and work: This year’s about exploration, not hard cash. Keep that in mind when well-meaning friends lecture you about new ventures. Balance positive instincts with practical questions, ideally before investing your time, efforts and ideas.
Health and Well Being: There’s no denying that with your ruler Jupiter in Sagittarius, it’s party time. Do too much of that and you’ll end the year poorer and plumper. Aim to balance having fun with looking after yourself.
Certain cautious souls are encouraging you to check out facts before committing to plans. While you should know what you’re getting into, there simply isn’t enough time for such an extensive investigation. It’s a matter of taking advantage of opportunities, acknowledging the accompanying risks, or waiting, knowing that you could miss out on opportunities entirely.
Are you pushing your luck? Are you trying to go too far too fast? Not necessarily. Perhaps you are tilting at a windmill, but if so, the windmill in question is tilting back at you. Your outlook is better than you think. You have more options than you realise. You are free to explore your imagination. Reach for a dream. Pursue a desire. You can't make everything happen the way that you want it to now - but you can fulfil at least some of your wishes. And that is considerably better than nothing.
What you have to say is probably true but may make someone in power very uncomfortable. Be careful what you say/write today because there may be repercussions. Your honesty is commendable, but may be viewed as threatening to someone less qualified or secure. You can continue to work toward a particular goal without wallpapering the media with your plans and strategies. Keep on doing what you're doing, but be mindful that at least one person is very jealously guarding his or her position right now. It's better to keep the focus on a larger goal instead of allowing it to spiral down into a personal turf war.
The time has come to make your move. For the past week or so you’ve been aware that the changes taking place could create an amazing opportunity for you. Now that they have, it’s important that you not allow anybody’s doubts, yours or others’, to slow you down or mean you aim lower than you’d like.
'Put on a happy face.' 'Smile though your heart is breaking.' 'Pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag and smile, smile, smile.' The songwriters are unanimous. The thing to do when you find yourself in times of trouble is to let it be. To some extent this puts them in direct conflict with the psychotherapists who are strongly of the opinion that emotions must be honestly expressed at all times. Whose advice should you take? It doesn't much matter. Soon your problem will be fixed!
「楽しそうな顔をしてください。」「あなたの心は悲嘆に暮れていますが、微笑んでください。」 「問題は古いナップザックに詰め込んで、笑って、笑って、笑ってください。」作詞家はこれで満場一致です。 あなたが悩み苦しんでいる時にすべき事は、為すがままでいる事です。(『Let it be』の歌詞) この事は、「感情はいつも正直に表現されなければならない」という強い意見を持つ精神科医とは ある程度の直接的な口論の原因になります。 あなたは誰の忠告を聞くべきなのでしょうか?それはあまり重要ではありません。 すぐに、あなたの問題は解決するでしょう!
You’re rarely secretive. But you dislike getting involved in extremely personal discussions simply because they can waste time you that could be better employed elsewhere. However, what you learn in the process of talking through tricky issues with others more than justifies the investment and sacrifices you must make.
There's a fine line between being resolute and being rigid this morning. This may show up as a personality issue or manifest physically. In other words, you may appear closed-minded or feel stiff and sore early today. Thankfully, this will pass by early afternoon, and harmony will be restored in your relationships and your feeling of wellness. Be conscious of your mind-body connection early today. When something upsets or angers you, notice how your body reacts. Chances, it will tighten up and brace for a fight or flight response. Make a point to live more consciously today. Work on facilitating emotional and physical balance.
'People who need people are,' so they say, 'the luckiest people in the world.' The composers of this famous ballad do not go on to explain what it is that those people need those other people for. All too often indeed, we find ourselves wondering what it is that certain individuals are doing in our lives. It seems necessary now to ask that question on your behalf. Your involvement with a particular person is proving less than fruitful. You don't know what to do. Relax. All will soon be made clear.
The last thing you want to get involved in are power struggles. But by this weekend’s clash between the volatile Mars and Pluto in Sagittarius, not only is this likely, you’ll probably find yourself in the midst of the resulting dramas. Knowing these can’t be avoided, instead do what’s best, which is tackle them head on.
Turn it upside down. Shake it about a bit. View it from another angle. Ingenuity is the key to success now. You have all the ingredients you need to bake a cake - or all the components that you require to assemble a machine. But some are wrongly labelled and some must be adjusted a bit before they will work. As long as you are smart, though, you will see a way to achieve success. If in doubt, draw a deep breath. Think positive thoughts, then let your mind go blank. Inspiration WILL come.
Few things are more frustrating than, having struggled to make a plan or achieve an accord, to find that somebody’s decided to change their mind. Infuriating as this is, they may actually be doing you a favour. This gives you a chance to review your own decisions and, in some cases, make much-needed improvements.
Some of the alleged help or advice concerning money or business matters this morning seems suspect. It doesn't feel right and doesn't seem to apply to your situation. Don't go along with something that you're uncomfortable with. Later this afternoon, you get more information that makes sense and is far less frustrating. This lifts your mood considerably and restores your faith in a group, company or individual. By this evening, you're feeling at the top of your game again.
You may as well start the weekend as you will need to go on, by being highly intelligent. Some situations just do not respond to logic. They are silly and stupid and they will remain so no matter how clever you try to be. Other problems, though, can easily be fixed with the application of a little brain power. Your current difficulty falls into the latter category. Don't be distracted by the factor that now seems to be so ridiculous or so aggravating. Just take it in your stride, smile, and access your inner computer.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 14 January 2007
Clear cut as your aims and objectives are, you’d be well advised to keep things loose during the coming week or so. After last week’s clash between the hot-headed Mars and underhand Pluto, in your sign, you’re particularly wary. But the resulting developments only forced you to clarify your thinking. Thus, when you’re faced with the chaos of the coming weeks, you’ll regard it as an opportunity to consider various ways you could put your objectives into action. Eager as you are to proceed, you’re better off biding your time until things are more settled, then organise them once, with the confidence that they’ll last.
You're loaded with ideas and suggestions today and probably won't hesitate to tell others exactly what's on your mind. This could offend some of those nearby, so be considerate and aware. If someone asks for your opinion, then fire away, but if not, hold your spicy little tongue and all those expletives that should be deleted. Later this afternoon and during the evening, you're as gentle and sweet as a lamb, much to everyone's relief.
Clear cut as your aims and objectives are, you’d be well advised to keep things loose during the coming week or so. After last week’s clash between the hot-headed Mars and underhand Pluto, in your sign, you’re particularly wary. But the resulting developments only forced you to clarify your thinking. Thus, when you’re faced with the chaos of the coming weeks, you’ll regard it as an opportunity to consider various ways you could put your objectives into action. Eager as you are to proceed, you’re better off biding your time until things are more settled, then organise them once, with the confidence that they’ll last.
You rarely have any difficulty standing up for yourself, your interests or what you believe in. However recent confrontations were unsettling, mostly because others didn’t take you or your views seriously until you got angry. Ironically, this not only clarified these views to them, it forced you to confront certain facts head on as well.
There is always something. There always has been something and there always will be something. Such is the nature of the planet on which we live. It is full of things that are sent to try us and situations which seem tailor-made to vex and perplex us. There is something now. Something awkward arising from the conjunction of Mars and Pluto. You can allow it to upset you if you want but you would be far better off deciding to treat this something - as a nothing. For ultimately, nothing is all it is.
Drip, drip, drip. It is only water, falling on to the surface of a drum. But the drum has been tied tightly to your head and every drip is deafening. Is there no way to escape the water torture? Well, there is - but it involves working out who tied that drum to your head in the first place. You must know your enemy before you can defeat it. Which brings us conveniently on to our next group of questions. Do you know yourself - and, if so how well? You have created a silly situation. Now you must sort it out.
You instinctively know what to do today. Just follow your own wisdom. You may experience a kind of epiphany this morning that points you in an incredible new direction. There's a passionate interest waiting for you right now. This might be a person, career, cause or creative pursuit that will become your constant companion, at least for a while. Be on the lookout today because the signs will continue to reappear until you acknowledge them. You make an important financial decision - a strong commitment - before the end of the day. It's the right thing to do.
Recent confrontations shook you, mostly because you simply hadn’t realised how strong the feelings of others were. Had you understood that, you’d have approached persistent issues in a less confrontational manner. Instead, you’d have taken things more slowly, and encouraged them to do a lot more talking, while you did a lot more listening.
They say that nothing ever happens without a reason. But then, with their next breath, they postulate the most unlikely reasons for the most unbelievable things. They don't know as much as they think they do. We ought not to believe them when they make their pompous pronouncements. Maybe there is a reason for what's happening in your life now. And may be there isn't. But it is happening and it is big and it is very exciting. Never mind the explanation - just seize the moment.
Everybody is encouraging you to make plans, but you’re hesitant about committing to anything too far-reaching. Your instincts are right. The clash, early next week, between your ruling planet, Jupiter, and the unruly Uranus suggests that even what seemed simple arrangements are likely to come undone. The more flexible you are, the more swiftly you’ll adapt.
You're in a talkative, playful, semi-escapist mood today. The only orders you're likely to follow are the ones you impose on yourself. If anyone tries to limit, harness or otherwise control you, you'll slither away like Mercury. Your notorious urge for freedom is much in evidence today. While sifting through various ideas and correspondence, you stumble upon a fascinating concept that really appeals to you. If it has spiritual and/or educational implications, it may be the thing you've been searching for.
"Wherever I lay my hat, that's my home." So goes the song. I am sure thesinger is sincere but I personally cannot relate. I do not want to live on ahook - or the back of a chair. I require a somewhat more comfortable andsupportive environment. And I suspect that you do too. All is not ideal onthe domestic front for you right now. Indeed, you might even considerpicking up your hat and moving it elsewhere. Perhaps it is as well that youroptions are limited, for soon you will feel much more secure.
You continue to feel like escaping the mundane, ditching the responsibilities and catching a one-way flight to almost anywhere. I know: dream on. Still, it's mildly enjoyable to fantasize about thumbing your nose at your boss, primary critic or parole officer, isn't it? In fact, it almost feels like a mental vacation for a blissful split second. Despite your rebellious "don't tell me what to do!" mood, you should receive beneficial financial news today - perhaps a long-awaited payment, settlement or some other blessing.
There's always more to talk about. When conversations dry up, it is never because all the appropriate information has been exchanged. It is simply because somebody is unwilling to reveal something, even if that something is only a weakness or an uncertainty. When we feel frail, we try to act strong. We imagine that this requires a refusal to budge. So we just repeat the same things and enact the same dramas. There could be a big positive change this weekend, if you are willing to reach for one.
They say, "don't get mad, get even." But they never explain why you can't just do both! To do justice to "your desire to do justice", you must express a little passion. Something has been allowed to grow stale. An unacceptable situation has been overlooked. A mood of apathy has eroded the essence of an important arrangement. Finally, you are starting to see why this is not OK. You have to move fast with conviction and courage. Don't get so mad that you lose all perspective.
Have you ever walked into a room full of people and joined in cheerfully with a conversation, only to realise after a few moments that they were not talking about what you were talking about? It is now beginning to look as if you recently misjudged something or someone. As events take you back over old ground, they cause you to re-examine your ideas and appraisals. Be big enough to acknowledge and apologise for any errors. And fear not, you are getting the future right - that's what counts.
Your attitude towards sudden developments on the family or domestic front may be philosophical, but that of others isn’t as easy-going. In fact, they seem to be taking changes very seriously. This means that you’ll probably have no choice but to listen to their concerns and then do what you can to calm them down.
A proposal could come apparently out of the blue and might be connected to the affairs of someone close. Though you may not be contractually involved in these developments, your expertise and guidance could be needed. A friend could ask to visit you at home to discuss this plan further.
You work on balance this morning. It's the same old story: balancing enthusiasm with pragmatism. You may feel somewhat tethered to the earth when you'd rather float higher and higher. Learning about limitations, rules and enforced standards seems to be built into your morning. This will probably be fairly easy and uneventful, mostly because you're in a cooperative frame of mind. Later today, however, you're rebellious and will not tolerate another's bossy overbearing personality.
Prepare to be amazed. Before your very eyes, the world has changed. Nature, that deft magician, has cast her spell. So subtly has she brought about her transformation that the process has gone all but unnoticed. You think your world is much as it was. Not so. It is now different, wonderfully so. You still can't wave a wand and get instant success, but wherever you now plant seeds of fresh hope, they are guaranteed to grow.
You suspect that a rule, law or ethical matter is being horsewhipped by someone deceptive and convincing. You're probably right. This individual may appear less than brilliant - maybe even incapable of bad acts - but your intuition tells you to watch your back and pay attention. If you suspect that something is up, do what you can to protect your own interests, reputation and future. Don't allow a less-than-candid person pull you into the undertow. You're strong and your radar is very effective right now. Proactively push your dream forward while protecting your reputation.
The word 'No' has always struck you as a short, sharp expression. 'Maybe' is a sweeter word. 'Perhaps' is a softer one. 'Not at the moment' seems like a much less final phrase. This attitude has its advantages and its disadvantages. It means your life is full of excitement. It also means that you keep getting into trouble. Lately, though, you have been saying 'Yes' to something that you should have been saying 'No' to. You are now being helped to lose what you really do not need to keep.
You're in a preposterously creative phase right now. Put it to good use, Sagittarius. Don't just spin dreams and "what if?" fantasies; do something real - pick up a pen, paintbrush or piece of music. This is an incredibly inspiring day, loaded with creative genius and potential. Don't let it go to waste. Just think how proud you'll be of yourself by manifesting something wonderful and turning thought into action and tangible results. An established theory or game plan may be revised into something better and loads more exciting. Just say YES.
Think of the risks you have taken in the past. Some worked spectacularly well and others have backfired badly. Or so you think. How can you be so sure? Perhaps the problems you encountered were perfect in their own way. Perhaps you really needed to go through those difficulties. Perhaps, without them, other wonderful things would never have been possible. Caution rarely gets us very far in life. Courage rarely proves regrettable. Don't be put off by past problems.
You can avoid tedious clashes with others by sidestepping issues for a few days, but no longer. By the weekend, when Mercury meets the detail-orientated Saturn, it will become clear to everybody what the problem is and what needs to be done. It’s up to you whether you discuss those matters now or later.
Creative thinking is modified by practical, time-sensitive considerations this morning. You temper pure inspiration with pragmatism and manage to transform a good idea into something useable. You learn an important lesson about acceptance today, as well. This will include only minor frustration or inconvenience, btw. By tonight, you'll feel comfortable, confident and very secure about your power and influence. Sometimes, the hardest part is simply making peace with yourself.
So you think you know where you are going? So you reckon you understand what you are supposed to be doing? This weekend's events may give you cause to reconsider for the nicest possible reasons. A new possibility is arising. A different kind of challenge is presenting itself. Things are not as they were, they are different and, in many respects, better. Change is your friend. Tradition is your enemy. Don't do what you always do. Do what you'd like to be able to do.
Facts are facts. While you can’t escape certain rather tricky issues, you can look on the bright side and encourage others to do the same as well. Once you begin thinking in more positive terms, the odds are good that you’ll begin to find better and more efficient ways to turn even serious challenges to your advantage.
You're energized and happy Friday morning. You do your best work away from crowds and benefit from a little private time to think, listen to music and balance some of the recent events that have occurred. A short trip might be ideal. Later Friday afternoon and evening, you receive mixed signals from others and can't quite tell where they stand or how they feel. Saturday morning begins on a humorous, slightly clumsy note - all well intentioned, of course. Midday emphasizes the people that matter the most to you, and the evening hours powerfully emphasize home and family. If you've been away from home, you might feel homesick. You feel exceptionally safe and secure when you're close to the people you love. Sunday morning may be slightly abrupt. You might have to rub your eyes and get busy sooner than expected. Errands, trips and tons of shared secrets get exchanged during the morning and afternoon. You hesitate to leave a situation that feels so extraordinarily good, but may have to pack up and go. Later Sunday evening, you once again feel safe, secure and loved.
Your Weekend: At the university of life there are no breaks, no semesters. Nor do we ever emerge with a final grade. There is always something new to learn and there is always another test to take. Entrance to this establishment of education is not determined by achievement or qualification. All students are equal and we are all of us students. Every so often, in the constant classroom that constitutes existence on Planet Earth, we learn something really exciting and useful. That will happen to you this weekend.
It’s hard to believe that it was only a few days ago that you were not only struggling with difficult circumstances, and also had serious problems with the attitude of others. Now not only have you put those obstacles behind you, those who were most unhappy with situations are once again enthusiastically involved.
This morning is full of opportunity to expand your reach and develop a fortunate alliance. Collaboration is king right now, much more so than continuing as a solo act. Listen to others' suggestions and mull things over. Midday may bring up one worrying issue that quickly proves to be a mere blip on the radar screen. A home or family matter should go in your favor and bring both peace of mind and a deep sense of satisfaction before the end of the day.
Why can't life be easy? The answer is, it can. Few of us, though, really want this. When life is easy, it also tends to be dull. Those of us who thrive on a little excitement, require a difficult situation to pit ourselves against. You look set to enter a week during which very little turns out to be easy. Everything is likely to become more complex, more complicated, more convoluted. You will be required to perform a very delicate juggling act. You are due to be successful. You should enjoy the challenge.
When you talked over certain ideas with others, you regarded your discussions as theoretical. But they didn’t, and that’s the problem. They’re took things very much to heart. Don’t assume this will get settled of its own accord. Actually, it will only get more complicated. The sooner you clear up this confusion, the better.
You have so much to be proud of - and to be grateful for. Perhaps you do not entirely see this. Perhaps you are too close to your own story and thus, too inclined to take it for granted. You may be looking wistfully at others and wondering why they seem to be more fortunate. What you may not know is that others are looking at you and wondering the same thing. Soon you will more easily recognise all that is so wonderful in your world and you should start to shine like a star.
You fully understand what another is trying to say - even before he or she completes a sentence. You feel what this individual is feeling and move heaven and earth to be of help. You're very compassionate today, despite your other demands, crazy schedule or private life. A financial matter is discussed midday. Terms may be negotiated or a decision may be made. Later today, you feel positively jubilant about an opportunity or offer.
Your personality and way with words get you in the door today. Once you get in, you should encounter a warm, receptive atmosphere. You may be asked to be specific and clarify why you're different from other applicants or competitors. You can do that. You may be asked to pinpoint what your key value is and what your goals and aspirations are. You can definitely handle that. You may feel that you're auditioning for something - and in a way, you are. You're proving that you have the chops to handle a situation better than anyone else. This is your year, Sagittarius, to hit a bullseye.
You are a sensitive soul. Usually you do your best to disguise this. You come across as confident, strong, self-assured. If something within you is wobbling, you fence off the area and produce a clever, counter-wobble so that nobody else can see. None of this, though, detracts from the intensity of your emotional experience - or the validity of it. Right now, you simply cannot hide what you feel - nor should you. Don't extinguish the flame that is starting to burn so brightly in your heart. Feed it.
We all love the soaps. To make sure that we don't miss our favourite drama, we will make great sacrifices. We will hurry home from work, turn down invitations - even learn to set the timer on a video. We are never quite so pleased to be starring in a soap opera of our own. Someone you are close to, though, is going through a difficult experience. You don't have to help but you want to. That involves getting caught up in a drama. But it is one that will yet have a very fine outcome.
Mercury - the planet associated with commerce, crosses your nest-egg area between 2nd and 26th - (from 14th in retrograde motion). This suggests unusual comings and goings in your financial affairs. These could be linked to property developments and family requirements. It's even possible that an 'emergency' - arising around 9th will be at the root of this. The crisis could be a blessing in disguise. Even so, by 17th, it may have necessitated a review of your position and a degree of financial juggling. The good news is that there are several occasions this month (5th, 7th, 17th, 24th and 27th) when income could flow faster than usual. Of course, it's entirely possible that events before 10th will result in you taking a long hard look at your 'stock' and deciding that it's over due for redistribution. At the very least, by end of the month you might decide that it's time to make a change and to invest more in 'what turns you on'.
You don’t think of yourself as having a closed mind. But February reveals areas of your life, personally, romantically or professionally, in which you’ve simply refused to consider certain options. Now you must. While, initially you’re either insulted or battle situations, by midmonth you’re intrigued. Once you actually begin exploring these, not only do you discover exciting new options, you develop the confidence to let others go. Thus, when early March’s eclipse brings pivotal changes in your domestic or working life, you’re ready for them.
How you interpret and apply information is more important than the substance of the information you receive today. You can't change the facts or the reality of a situation, but you can choose to perceive it any number of ways. If you're a news junkie and listen to talk radio, read online political blogs and watch TV news, you probably need to rearrange your thinking into something more positive and proactive. Without altering the truth, you can prioritize what you choose to zero in on (generally things you can do something about) and delete the elements you have no power over (which would be most of the negative stuff you read and see). You know how profoundly your thoughts affect your body and spirit - not to mention your relationships. It's time to consciously eliminate thoughts that bring you down. This is a smart way to begin a new month.
They say that seeing is believing - but, as I never tire of pointing out in these daily predictions, it is far more frequently true to say that believing is seeing! When we have enough faith in a fantasy, it will seem to us as if we are surrounded by irrefutable evidence of its basis in reality. Watch for that this weekend. Watch too, for the realisation that you no longer believe what you once felt sure about. That's nothing to be ashamed of. It's a healthy sign of wisdom and maturity.
The time has come to reflect on who and what is important to you, and what isn’t. At one point this was crystal clear. But situations have changed and so have you and your priorities, far more than you’re aware of. Only once you begin reviewing these will you realise just how true this is.
Monthly Horoscope: For February 2007: Plenty of positive developments are likely during the first week, starting with a robust Full Moon on the 2nd. A better than hoped for reply or development may come from afar. Some of you get a chance to travel, while others negotiate contracts. Others get the news you've been hoping for. Abrupt turnarounds that favor you and shine a golden spotlight on your record and achievements are likely. Take this all in stride instead of heaving yourself off the deep end. The good news is just the beginning. Your next step is to work very hard to deliver on the promises you've agreed to. The 9th and 10th are sobering because they remind you of the considerable responsibility you're taking on. At times, you worry that you're not up to the task. Oh, Sagittarius - you are capable of so much more than you're currently doing. In fact, other people's outer limits are your starting points. Accept the challenges and relish the opportunity to deliver stunning results. Mercury goes retro between February 13th and March 7th. This retro phase impacts your solar 4th and 3rd houses, suggesting that a new enterprise requires precision, research, persistence and a select team of experts or quality control types. A New Moon in late Aquarius on the 17th reinforces a pet concept of yours. Continue developing and refining this idea until it meets very high standards - yours. On the 18th, the transiting Sun scoots into Pisces, reinforcing the idea that you are very busy and intent on achieving an ambitious, notable goal. There will be times when you need to wear blinders and turn down social invitations. Your work or project takes precedence.
Look at it this way: You freely accepted a responsibility and now you are obligated to deliver it in pristine condition and on time. You CAN do this. You may encounter some resentment or whining from others that feel neglected or left out on the 19th. This "poor me" nonsense is drowned out by more enjoyable exciting things on the 21st. Timing becomes even more crucial after the 25th, when a series of milestones must be met and accounted for. You're up to this challenge. The only thing limiting you is an occasional dip into negativity. This month's touchstone: Emerald.
A major exam to qualify you for certain credentials, or a certain due date in a publishing, broadcasting, or academic arena, seems to have you working hard and up against a deadline near February 2. Happily, it looks like you'll have a beautiful result, and it won't take long to realize that you worried needlessly.
You seem to need a change of scenery - a good idea. Your first opportunity to go away will come over the full moon, February 2 - 4. Jupiter will be in lovely angle to the Sun, ensuring that your accommodations would bring a touch of luxury. If you travel for business near this time, you'll likely make the deal and come back holding the order or the contract - either result will keep your boss smiling.
If you were born on or within five days of December 3, you will benefit most from what happens over the full moon, February 2, plus or minus four days.
As an aside, if you want the right day to schedule an expensive salon visit for a pampering treatment, a whole new look, or new hair style (whether you are a man or woman), I would suggest scheduling your appointment for this same time of the month, February 3 - 5. That's when your ruling planet, Jupiter, will be quite supportive of you! It is sure to be one of your best weekends of the month!
Returning to our discussion about travel, your next opportunity to pack and go will come over the weekend of the new moon in Aquarius, February 17. You might travel over that weekend, or sometime within the two weeks that follow. That new moon will be in gorgeous angle to Pluto in Sagittarius, so you should find any trip you take, whether for business or pleasure, to be very successful. If you were born on or near December 21, you will benefit most from this lovely new moon.
The emphasis on travel will increase even more once Mars enters Aquarius from February 25 to April 6. That's when Mars will move through Aquarius and coax you to see people face to face. If you have no car, no problem - you'll be able to hop a train or plane to get to where you need to be. The trips you take will be short hops and it appears you will be doing quite a bit of these types of journeys. If you need a car, try to wait to get it at the end of March.
All month, be careful about challenging others' views when you get into discussions. Saturn and Neptune in dead-heat opposition (peaking at month's end), in houses ruling opinion and attitude, will make it clear you had better have your facts in hand. If you don't, you may soon feel like you're in over your head in the discussion and will be desperate to find an exit. Not only will it be vital that you have all the facts, but that you not "fill in the blanks" (there are always blanks) with assumptions you wish were true (but aren't absolutely sure are true).
Contracts and deals seem to be all around you, too, but you may encounter problems once Mercury begins to retrograde from February 13 to March 7. It won't help to rush your agreements now, as I feel you are already too close to the approaching Mercury retrograde period. I always like to sign after it is over, giving a space of a few days because the "bookend" dates - in this case February 13 and March 7, plus or minus three days, are always the very worst days to sign, for the situation will be in flux and communication will be filled with static and confusion.
There is another reason I don't like to run too close to a Mercury retrograde period, one that I have never discussed in this column before - a part of astrology called "secondary progression" that allows astrologers to look ahead to see how the venture will work out several years hence. Let's say you sign two days before Mercury retrogrades. In a progressed chart, astrologers say each day equals one year (because the Sun progresses one degree per day - you may want to simply trust me on some of this.)
That means two years into your venture your progressed chart will have Mercury retrograde - and deep trouble. Perhaps I have become too technical today (which is why I never mentioned this before), but the bottom line is that doing anything near Mercury retrograde is a bad idea. If you can't help but sign papers this month, then know you will need to be flexible as conditions change as you move forward. The only exception to the rule is that if you are going back to someone you used to know and will be doing something new together now - then it's fine to move forward. Mercury retrograde likes to see you go back to old friends and associates, so be my guest.
I realize that you have a full moon in your house of agreements on February 2, so you can sign then, but don't drag things along. Have your lawyer look things over, sign, and move forward!
The same house that rules travel and contracts also rules all sorts of communication, including promotion, advertising, and publicity. If you have your own business, are a manager in a company that could benefit from having a spotlight on your department's work, or you are an artist or writer and would love to tell the world about something you've done, then you will have the right planetary help this month to do so. Draw up blueprints this month, but because Mercury is retrograde, you might want to launch your campaign in mid-to-late March. You will still have Mars helping you in March, so you won't miss any glittering aspects.
If you are to launch a website, magazine, or newsletter, try to wait until March. The same advice would apply if you want to install important new software in your computer, need to design your company's letterhead, or do any other important design work.
Despite the month's huge emphasis on travel, you ALSO seem in the mood to spend more time at home. This month, consider entertaining. Give a cocktail party for 30, a dinner party for eight, or invite four or five friends over to watch an episode of Lost or other favorite show with you over a chic little buffet. You can do so just about any day, except one - February 10, a Saturday.
On February 10 Saturn will oppose the Sun, making everyone feel drained, tired, and possibly shaken by some sort of sharp criticism that arrived from an authority figure. This is an aspect strong enough to affect everybody, so why risk having a party on such a day? In your own life, try to make the best of it. I just wouldn't schedule a party for a day that Saturn is so prominent! Things get instantly better once we are a few days beyond February 10. Whew - that means Saturn won't have any hold over Valentine's Day, thank goodness!
If you can whip up a romantic dinner for two on Valentine's Day, you'd have the power of romantic Venus and Mars behind you, and a sensuous evening would be in store.
By February 21, Venus will enter fellow fire sign Aries and a few days later, on February 25, Mars will zoom into Aquarius. Both planets will be in more compatible positions for you then, upping your desirability even more. If your romantic life hasn't been lively enough to suit you in time for Valentine's Day, just wait to see how much better things get once you approach month's end. Best of all, things will pick up even more in March, too. Just wait and see!
Pack your suitcase, because it appears you'll be traveling quite a bit, dear Sagittarius. You love having the opportunity to get out of town for just about any reason, so this news should please you. Your first chance to do so will come over the February 2 - 4 weekend, thanks to a bright, positive full moon. You seem to have a goal to complete, and will need to concentrate to get everything accomplished, but you shouldn't be too concerned. It looks like you will, and in beautiful form, too.
Alternatively, if you need to take a major exam over that same weekend, this would be the time of the month to do it. While there will be a lot of detail to cover, you seem able to ace that test and have something to celebrate when it's over.
You will likely travel quite a bit more after the new moon appears on February 17, especially if you were born near December 20. To underscore this theme even more, Mars will enter this same part of your chart from February 25 until April 6 - a seven-week trend. There's no chance of you settling down back home any time soon!
Even so, Venus in Pisces will make your home experience a happy one, and if you entertain, the mood would be tender and poetic. Your guests would admire your creativity and ease at putting everyone in an enchanting, romantic mood. Soft lighting, candles, and delicious food - this month you will use all the elements with the skill of a wizard. Just DON'T entertain on the month's hardest day, February 10.
All month, be careful about challenging others' views if you don't have all the facts. With Saturn and Neptune in dead-heat opposition (peaking at month's end), and in houses ruling opinion and attitude, have your facts in hand. If you don't, you may feel like you're gotten in over your head and will be desperate to find an exit.
Romantically, Venus will enter fellow fire sign Aries and your house of true love on February 25. This is a wow of an influence, perfect for perking up your love life. A few days later, Mars will zoom into Aquarius. Together, Venus and Mars will make it easier for you to find new love. If Valentine's Day turns out to be a little flat (not necessarily true, but if it does work out that way) then stay optimistic, because for you, March and the months to come will show some exciting developments. With Jupiter in Sagittarius throughout 2007, you have the finest aspects of any sign for meeting a soul mate. Be out and about!
Your Weekend: Some people believe that, on the luck front, we are all created equal. But if that's so, why do some people win lotteries while others incur great losses? Perhaps, this is just because luck is actually a very difficult thing to quantify. When we look at others and judge their level of fortune, we are only seeing the superficial picture. It is just as hard for us to assess ourselves impartially. A piece of apparent good luck can lead to disappointment. A piece of apparent bad luck can lead to deep joy.
Now that you’ve begun the process of reviewing certain of your plans and priorities, you’re excited about what you’ll learn, be able to unload from the past and discover about the future. Eager as you are to make new plans, keep things loose until powerful aspects to you ruler Jupiter, late next week, help you clarify issues.
When you make a mistake, you’re the first to admit it. However, you can’t deal with what you’re unaware of, which is the problem you’re currently facing. The only thing you can do is remain on alert for the kind of inconsistencies that point to misunderstandings, and then do you best to put things right.
Some people love to argue. You know this. You are one of those people! What do you mean, 'no you are not'? You see! You are arguing already. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with a good argument. It can release tension and facilitate full, free expression. Your current disagreement, though, is not entirely comfortable. Too much is riding on the need for a victory. You've got a war to win, you can't go jeopardising that for the sake of proving a petty point.
You're feeling rebellious this morning and bristle at the thought of obediently marching to another's command. What you'd really like to do is just bolt and run away from anything that feels restrictive. But you won't. Your sense of ethics and duty will overrule your "wild bunch" urge. You do need a change of pace or even a minor change in the way you arrange your day. The slightest shift could feel refreshing and boost your morale.
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 6th February 2007 A relative (or someone close) may be about to try flying on new wings. Preoccupation with developments in their life might not leave much time for discussion about what's going on in yours. An offer to travel (for work) could come your way. T here's also the possibility of a surprising visit by a delegation who're fascinated by what you do.
Accountants are only interested in whether figures add up. An experience may be priceless, but if it cannot be given a value it cannot be written on the balance sheet. And if it can? It can only be written down for that amount. Sometimes, horrible things are profitable. Sometimes, too, wonderful things are uneconomical. You are now in the process of performing a difficult calculation. The numbers form a part of the picture, but they must not be allowed to decide the outcome on their own.
By tonight, you may have finally found the perfect solution to an ongoing dilemma. Things come together almost seamlessly, adding to your growing confidence that you're on the right track. You receive great suggestions or advice from someone you trust and admire, without even having to ask for help. Today's vibe is like opening a treasure chest loaded with bounty. You receive what you need with no strings attached.
Meter reading: 7 February 5-11: You're pretty busy with friends and family members this week, so any romancing will be on the fly - which you're pretty good at. Your talent for being an agent provocateur gets noticed, and may lead to strays following you home. Saturday, however, is busy, busy, busy, turning you from fun lover into strictly business. This week's touchstones: Sunstone, Tigers Eye.
Meter reading: 8 February 5-11: Your creativity level is pretty astounding this week, and it's been astounding for at least several weeks. Anyway, your brilliant but slightly bent approach to problem solving continues. A new idea may be pitched your way that sounds great at first - but might be too good to be true. Bide your time on this instead of leaping into the fire. The more you look at this situation, the more intriguing but complex it appears. This week's touchstones: Tektite, Black Tourmaline.
Surprise visits, calls and developments are likely today. While you're busy at work or school minding your own business, a long-lost pal could stop in and say hi. Very close friends or family members may also have a few amazing surprises up their sleeves - so today won't be boring, to say the least. First thing this morning, you're annoyed with another's nagging, whining or irritating personal habits, but manage to tweak your attitude just in time for a much better afternoon and evening.
Some people spend a fortune on objects and items that could easily be purchased for a fraction of the price. There is really no difference in quality. The premium is paid for an air of exclusivity, a sense of style or snobbery, call it what you will. If they can afford it, that's their prerogative. If they can't, they surely deserve to be rescued from their expensive state of ignorance. Look, too, in your life now, for an expense that could easily be cut without incurring any kind of hardship.
Few things are more upsetting than the feeling that those you love most aren’t as trustworthy as you thought. But it would appear that you’re misinterpreting certain of their words or actions. Ask them, point blank, what they’re up to. Their response won’t just eliminate your doubts, the resulting discussions will be hugely informative.
Having discussed plans with others at several points in the process of making them, you’d think that they’ve kept up to date on things. But judging by their attitude, they haven’t. Rather, they’re basing many of their ideas on pure fantasy. Catch this now, before they begin building those ideas into a castle on the sand.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 04 February 2007
Being inquisitive by nature, you’re usually the first to know what’s going on, at home, at work and in the world around you. It’s for this reason that the completely unanticipated events that have been taking place and continue to unfold this week come as such a surprise. While some are a shock to everybody, others involve situations about which you’ve a bit of a blind spot. Acknowledge those facts that either you don’t want to be true or have been ignoring in the hope they’d simply resolve themselves and you will, at long last, get a grip on these increasingly tricky issues.
You don’t think of yourself as having a closed mind. But February reveals areas of your life, personally, romantically or professionally, in which you’ve simply refused to consider certain options. Now you must. While, initially you’re either insulted or battle situations, by midmonth you’re intrigued. Once you actually begin exploring these, not only do you discover exciting new options, you develop the confidence to let others go. Thus, when early March’s eclipse brings pivotal changes in your domestic or working life, you’re ready for them.
Just how much you know - and can pass on, seems to be the big question at the end of this week. Whether you are giving or receiving education, you may feel to be under a test. Though you may have known this was coming since late October of last year, you might still be taken by surprise by the intensity of questions. It's also possible that you may be asked to travel - at short notice - and that this will put you under a different kid of pressure. Diary management could be an issue. All this is likely to have effect on close relationships. There could be good news on that front though. A partner or relative's career could be taking off - in a way that will benefit you both.
Mercury - the planet associated with commerce, crosses your nest-egg area between 2nd and 26th - (from 14th in retrograde motion). This suggests unusual comings and goings in your financial affairs. These could be linked to property developments and family requirements. It's even possible that an 'emergency' - arising around 9th will be at the root of this. The crisis could be a blessing in disguise. Even so, by 17th, it may have necessitated a review of your position and a degree of financial juggling. The good news is that there are several occasions this month (5th, 7th, 17th, 24th and 27th) when income could flow faster than usual. Of course, it's entirely possible that events before 10th will result in you taking a long hard look at your 'stock' and deciding that it's over due for redistribution. At the very least, by end of the month you might decide that it's time to make a change and to invest more in 'what turns you on'.
Perhaps because, on Friday, the Full Moon is in another of the Fire signs, you may be in the mood to make this weekend one to remember. Whilst in somewhere dark (a bar or cellar) and possibly surrounded by people who're enjoying a reunion, the aura around you could prove magnetic. Striking up a new bond is likely. That said, it's likely to be old relationships that benefit from the changed energy around you. Perhaps, by Saturday, you'll be more willing to talk about what you want. You might also resist a group of people who've pigeon-holed you into a particular way of thinking when, in fact, you've moved on. In this respect, two people (probably a Taurus and a Libra - certainly friends who put high value on the Arts), could light up your life. Neither might be your romantic ideal, but each could stoke those fires.
Don't restrict yourself today. Push past previous limits that you've set for yourself and see what you're capable of. It's time to leave certain boring patterns behind. This has been creeping into your consciousness for several months and is undeniable now. You may have been a resilient soldier, glued to duty and self-denial in the past, but not so much now. There is so much to explore - like fun travel, or example, and countless other things you never seem to have time for. Make the time, starting today. Expand your life beyond the borders of duty and work.
Designer items are not always well made. Cheap copies are not always of shoddy construction. We live in a world of 'brand loyalty' but those brands are not always as different as we imagine. It is mainly in our imagination that those makes and marques say something about our aspirations - and we imagine that they define our identity. If the world is ever to go truly 'green', it is going to have to grow out of that peculiar tendency. To what are you now attributing undue importance?