The ideas currently being discussed aren’t just exciting, they’ve been inspiring. So much so, that you’re reviewing existing plans and eagerly listening to what others have come up with. The odds are good, in fact, that the concepts that you’re exposed to over the coming few days could completely transform your life.
On Monday, Jupiter and Neptune form an aspect often regarded as one of the most romantic. Yes, it is a bit ‘movie-like’ and perhaps a bit over the top. The people who tune into this want to experience an emotional peak. The few days drawing into this could be extra special. This time, with Jupiter in your opposite sign, you could be spoilt for choice. It’s also possible that more than one person will be interested in you. It’s that which could create tension in the preceding days ? especially if you’re already involved.
In fact, if one of you is prone to jealousy, then the green-eyed monster could hold centre stage for some time on Saturday. Yet another possibility is that you’ll be in slightly argumentative frame of mind. You might consider whether you’re trying to test the strength of someone’s feelings for you. Is this really necessary?
DECEMBER The key phrase is ‘smouldering passion’ ? at least until 16th. A fuse is lit around Sunday 5th and even though you may try to put this out (especially on 10th), it seems determined to go the course. Even when you think you’ve ignored the potential (around 10th), the energy behind this could come up behind you and send you into orbit on 13th. Throughout this time Mercury is moving retrograde. Aside from the fact that credit cards and borrowings generally could be giving you a headache, you could also experience the angst of trying to withhold information from someone.
If it’s that passion you’re trying to rein in, you may not be successful. With both Venus and Mars headed toward another of the Fire signs, applying restraint could take all your will-power. The period between 17th and 20th is treacherous. Keeping a secret then could be very difficult. It all looks to be so much easier and simpler between 26th and 30th when you’re likely to feel freer than in ages - and obviously, able to enjoy the party spirit as a result.
Brilliant as the ideas now being discussed may be, there’s no guarantee that everybody will recognise their value. In fact some may even oppose your views outright. While you, as Aries, are unlikely to regard this as anything more than a setback, keep in mind that others consider their response as a non-negotiable no.
Today’s friendly, helpful vibes heal misunderstandings and prevent further deterioration in an ongoing relationship. You try harder than ever to allay another’s concerns and should succeed mightily. All indications are that you jump on the bandwagon early today and take necessary measures to quell simmering problems. You may actually work a couple miracles and restore goodwill. A business or financial matter needs the white glove treatment and your personal response. Evening aspects suggest that a relationship may move faster than you’d anticipated. Much faster.
The holidays guarantee that you’re one busy Ram, zooming from work or school to family or travel destinations. Last minute deadlines are taken care of at the eleventh hour, causing a stir and a fair amount of aggravation. By the 19th, Mercury moves direct, helping to normalize disintegrating trips, plans, and legal affairs. Some may blame you for delays or mistakes during the first part of the month, but excellent results from the 21st onward upgrade your status to heroic proportions. Dreadful as some encounters may be, you’re advised to address problems as they occur, and then personally oversee their resolution. Since the blame or glory will be directed at you anyway, you may as well play the leading role. A late month Full Moon presents a marvelous "I told you so" moment when your choices and tactics are hailed as brilliant. In other words, your stock goes up by the end of the month.
Facts may be facts. But everybody seems to have their own idea how certain matters should be interpreted. While it’s obvious that you must stand up to those you disagree with, don’t expect them to change their views without serious debate. Winning them over is going to be far more difficult than you’d expected.
Mercury goes retro in your legal, travel, educational and communication sector. During the next three weeks, you’ll pick up where a colleague left off, and probably take over. Friends and colleagues seem unable or unwilling to accept responsibility or complete pending tasks. Because of your fearless reputation, you may be asked to pick up the slack that others leave behind. Even normal procedures that are routinely performed may be fraught with confusion or unexpected problems. Grab your broom and dust pan ? you’ll mighty busy during the next three weeks cleaning up others’ messes ? and maybe protecting someone from himself.
Mercury goes retro in your legal, travel, educational and communication sector. During the next three weeks, you?ll pick up where a colleague left off, and probably take over. Friends and colleagues seem unable or unwilling to accept responsibility or complete pending tasks. Because of your fearless reputation, you may be asked to pick up the slack that others leave behind. Even normal procedures that are routinely performed may be fraught with confusion or unexpected problems. Grab your broom and dust pan ? you?ll mighty busy during the next three weeks cleaning up others? messes ? and maybe protecting someone from himself.
You can afford to be easy-going when your views differ from others’. But in legal matters or formal commitments, it would be in your best interests to ask a few questions. After you’ve learned more about the people or the situations involved, you’ll realise that no promises should be made until the facts are clearer.
It may not seem as if you’re achieving much during December. In fact between the difficult mood of others and the confusion triggered with Mercury retrograde until the 20th, tedious details become pressing. However, tackling these eliminates various obstacles. Plus, what you learn and who you meet makes it worth it. Yet you’re restless. Explore new ideas, places and studies. Tempting as it is to make plans or force issues, be patient. What comes your way as the new year begins more than justifies the wait.
Your workload is likely to intensify. Simple tasks may not be so simple after all. Previous agreements may now require amendments. A not-so-subtle transfer of power or authority is occurring ? and you may play a decisive role. This probably doesn’t come as a surprise, but will saddle you with additional responsibilities. Money may be moved from one account to another. You have mixed feelings about each change, but understand the practical necessity. At times, you think about easier, simpler days, and wish that your life was less daunting. Being a Ram, you quickly snap out of such reveries and realize that you’re the best person to be in charge.
The key phrase is ‘smouldering passion’ ? at least until 16th. A fuse is lit around Sunday 5th and even though you may try to put this out (especially on 10th), it seems determined to go the course. Even when you think you’ve ignored the potential (around 10th), the energy behind this could come up behind you and send you into orbit on 13th. Throughout this time Mercury is moving retrograde. Aside from the fact that credit cards and borrowings generally could be giving you a headache, you could also experience the angst of trying to withhold information from someone. If it’s that passion you’re trying to rein in, you may not be successful. With both Venus and Mars headed toward another of the Fire signs, applying restraint could take all your will-power. The period between 17th and 20th is treacherous. Keeping a secret then could be very difficult. It all looks to be so much easier and simpler between 26th and 30th when you’re likely to feel freer than in ages ? and obviously, able to enjoy the party spirit as a result.
You’re very busy through midday. Wonderful developments seem ready to come into full bloom, but repetitive issues with apparently needy individuals may absorb most of your energy and time. One of your friends (usually a very quick study) seems as thick as a brick today ? and slower than blackstrap molasses. One explanation, no matter how thorough, will probably not be adequate. By mid afternoon, you’ve had enough tedium and are eager to leave the day’s travails behind. Make a point to do something that is rich in escapist opportunities.
You’d like to pretend that you’re not concerned about matters of a financial nature. But not only are you conscious of certain potentially expensive situations, it’s increasingly clear that you’re going to have to do something about them soon. While there’s no bargaining in such matters, if you plan ahead you can avoid the biggest surprises.
時間がある方がいましたら、>>66さんがしてくれたヤスミン翻訳3以降の 続きをお願いします。 FOR ARIES EYES ONLY
牡羊座 ヤスミン つづき(その3)
The New Moon takes place in the part of your chart dealing with wide open spaces, higher eduction, travel, adventure and seeing the bigger picture. Make sure you weave one of these concepts into your New Year's resolutions somehow.
As for the the meeting of Venus and Mars in Scorpio early in December (around the 5th), this will mean different things to different people. Because you are ruled by Mars, though, you are one of the signs it will affect the most. Venus and Mars are the lovers of the zodiac and when they get together, there is always a certain frisson in the air. What's also interesting is that these two haven't actually got together and conjoined (met up in the same place in the skies) since May 2002. That was also back when Venus was about to to do another of her rare retrogrades.
What does this all mean to you? Well,it's certainly a suggestion from the heavens that Aries folk who feel as though their lovelife has been a bit haywire or somehow lacking for the past few years could be due for some good love news.
Have you been going too fast for your admirers to catch you? Have you been too busy with your own 'stuff' to allow your partner into your world? Have you been coming on too strong and/or forgetting about the subtleties of romance? Tsk tsk! Have you stalled, given mixed messages and/or not been assertive enough? This list of questions isn't meant to make you feel bad! It's aimed at helping you see where you might be able to make changes, with a little help from the heavens. And they're are all good questions to ask yourself now, if you're one of the Rams hoping that the Venus/Mars rendez vous will bring you good new love developments.
The Venus/Mars connection could also come through into your life as somehow connected to cash, as it also takes place in your money box. End of year bonuses are extra likely for you, so fingers crossed. Mercury going backwards in your travel zone means that if you have to delay a trip away now, it could be for the best, and you might enjoy the eventual get-away a lot more later. If you are travelling during the holiday period, keep your itinerary flexible and even then, allow plenty of room and good humour for last minute changes of plan.
12月はじめ(5日頃)に蠍座で起こる金星と火星の合(meeting)に関して、 これは人によって異なる意味を持つでしょう。 あなた方のルーラーは火星なので、合が最も影響を及ぼすサインの一つです。 火星と金星は黄道の恋人で、彼らが合流(get together)した時には、空である種のスリルが生じるのが常です。 興味深いのは、この2つの惑星が実際には2002年5月から合流し結合して(空の同じ場所で出会う)いないことです。 金星が珍しく逆行したのも、ずっと前のことです。 (この1文、事情に詳しくないこともあって誤訳の可能性大です。 That was also back when Venus was about to to do another of her rare retrogrades.)
You’re so determined to make up for lost time on Friday morning that you stop procrastinating and make short work of unfinished tasks. Your attitude is superb, too. Instead of getting hung up on teensy details, you focus on moving forward. Saturday is a swirl of activity. You continue to catch up on missed calls and unsent correspondence, but also perform substantial physical work. Even if you’re not deliberately working out, you’re sure to get plenty of exercise. Mid afternoon may include one minor clash, but evening could heat up into love deluxe. Sunday brings out your stickler side ? that Spartan part of you that doesn’t believe in crybabies or excuses. You’re less demanding of others than you are of yourself, as usual. (No wonder they call you a hero.) Midday could bring a brief moment of disgust or impatience, but gratitude and forgiveness should round out your evening quite nicely.
You could probably work this out yourself when you learn that Venus conjuncts Mars in your intense partnership zone on Sunday! The lead into this is good too. Friends want to introduce you to new contacts and you appear to be at your sociable best. All that said, a conjunction is simply a moment in a whole cycle. It’s often thought of as a beginning but, if you’re already in a relationship, then it’s probably marking a step on the way to greater closeness. The ‘music of the spheres’ plays loud chords in close harmony over the next few days. Those of your sign aren’t usually noted for patience ? or for standing still. But this weekend it seems you’ll be prepared to do whatever it takes to fall into step with someone else i.e. you’ll pause with the chords. Finding common ground responding to the intensity of the moment (especially on Saturday), could result in encounters having great impact.
There’s discussion of new plans being made. Not only is this wise, you can’t wait to make some changes. Eager as you are to proceed, you’d regret hurrying things. In fact, you’ll need serious patience. Only after the New Moon on the 12th will you have any ideas what your options are.
You consider the arrangements you’ve devised sheer genius. Consequently you’re bound to regard others’ questions about their propriety, wisdom or legality a nuisance. But some element, either the situations or the individuals involved aren’t exactly what they seem. Once the facts come out, you’ll be relieved that things didn’t go further. This means taking plans back to the drawing board. Irritated as you are about this exercise, once you’ve heard about next week’s developments you’ll once again be relieved that nothing was finalised. You may even decide to adopt a slower pace, and see what intriguing opportunity comes your way next
You’ve a lot to think about presently. It may be that you’ve had enough of a particular line of work and that you’re hungry for a new adventure. With Mercury still retrograde you may also feel that some people are dangling carrots. You sense the time is coming when you need to talk tough. You might do well to wait until next month. For now it seems you’re willing to focus on building up your network. It’s also a time for lateral thinking. You could hone in on an excellent idea on Tuesday ? precipitated by a call from someone who’s an expert but actually unqualified. Their encouragement might be all you need to find take a step into a brave new world midweek. At the very least this could result in a positive meeting on Thursday. That, in turn, might lead you to consider enrolling on a training course on Friday.
今あなたが学んでいる教訓は、 何かに愛を注げば注ぐほど、そのことはうまくいく ということです。 例えば、あなたの仕事にかんして。もしも愛情をもって仕事をすれば、 日々が過ぎ去るのも早く感じることでしょう。 もしも愛情をもって実際の仕事をできない場合は、 同僚に対して温かい気持ちを感じることができれば、同じことです。 今週、あなたの愛とお金のチャンスはとてもよく、 何であれ取り組むことに対して、愛と配慮を注ぐほど、よいでしょう。 これは、エネルギーを賢くつぎ込むということです。 与えなくてはならない全てのものを、一グラムだってムダにしてはいけません。 そこまで深遠ではない雰囲気で(すが)、 ネットワーク、旅行、勉強をやってみることは、とても輝いています。 (On a less esoteric note, new work, travel and study ventures are well starred.この1文意味不明でした。)
Much as you loathe pointless discussions, certain issues can’t be ignored. Either they upset others, which in turn influences you, or trigger guilty feelings. If there’s any problem, it’s that with Mercury retrograde until next Monday, getting in touch with the right people or finding the correct facts could be a serious challenge. Still, the more you attempt now, the more is likely to fall into place next week. Pivotal as the issues in question are, in dealing with them you’ll also be forced to acknowledge other, more subtle, concerns. Ultimately it’s these that will prove to be of the most lasting significance.
Meter reading: 7 December 13-19: You’re a freedom-loving fire sign, always on the lookout for control freaks or manipulators bent on messing with your autonomy. Starting on Thursday, Venus and Uranus begin a cat-and-mouse game that could lead to suspicion, jealousy, sudden shouting matches or flat-out break-ups. Now that you’ve been warned, there is no reason to be a planetary pawn ? unless, of course, you’re determined to end a relationship.
Meter reading: 8 December 13-19: Mercury retro in your legal/contractual house means that you’re still not out of the woods in certain agreements. Venus, however, brings improving trends, good news, and an overall sense that things are on the right track from Thursday onward. Since a collaboration is still in the planning stages, you can’t completely drop your guard ? but by Sunday or Monday, more stability (even guarantees!) should start to materialize.
Mercury doesn’t station until next Monday. More spanners may be aimed at the works before then ? but these could be of the helpful variety. Contacts made this Monday require only the slightest touch later in the week to develop into sound partnerships. A well-researched and formidable document that arrives in the first half of the week has impact too. This might prompt you to make contact with someone who’s superbly qualified through experience (but may not hold a high position). This person ? who could be from another country ? has much to offer and the energy and enthusiasm to help achieve a task. What amuses you is that so-called experts failed to spot this resource. Though the outcome is even better than you could have hoped, there could be awkward moments on Friday when you have to explain your actions. Someone may feel you’ve stepped on their toes too much.
As the year draws to its grand finale, all you need to worry about really is if you're sticking to your game plan and using your energy wisely. This plan doesn't have to be the one you started the year with. Lord knows a lot has changed in the last 11 and a half months and Aries are far to smart and quick not to move with the times. But think back to the last time you decide to resort and restructure your goals. What promises did you make for yourself and others? And are you now coming up with the goods? If not, this week will get you back on track so you can head towards 2005 feeling like you've really achieved something.
ELLE週末訳どなたか、よろしくお願いします。 Friday morning may not be easy, but will produce a breakthrough or two. Grit your teeth and stay the course. Later Friday, your neck, jaw and shoulders relax, and you begin to feel less harassed. Saturday morning and afternoon demand tolerance for others’ quirks or self-absorption. Saturday evening, however, presents an opportunity to escape tedium and finally enjoy yourself. On Sunday, don’t hand a peevish whiner any more ammunition. Avoid anything else that creates problems. You may feel happier spending more time on your own or in a different environment. Sunday afternoon looks enjoyable. Conversations open your eyes and activate dreams. Later, a friend or partner may make demands. Although you’ll feel compromised and manipulated, it’s entirely your decision to cooperate or not.
As viewed from Earth presently, Mercury is like a ballet dancer at the central moment of a pirouette. So there’s a certain ‘blurriness’ mixed with fascination over the next few days. In relationship terms this could make for some mischief-making. If you really are feeling too trapped by a certain person ? or if family obligations are more onerous than you can cope with, then you could so easily fall under a spell on Friday. Pleasant as that might be, it’s probably illusory ? a fleeting glimpse of what could be but little more. Attraction’s unlikely to work in one direction only though. Changes in your appearance set you apart from the crowd. Something very dark but sparkly brings out the charismatic in you. As has happened more than a few times, those born under the mutable signs could find this very, very attractive (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces).
最後にはあなたはちゃんと前に進むことができる地点に到達し、 (You are finally in a position to make some serious headway) 疑いなく、そのサインを見ることでしょう。 ただ、愛する人を疎外しないように。 ホームこそが、あなたがそんなにも懸命に働いている理由なんですよね、違いますか?
ヤスミンタン1月です。お手すきのボラ様、翻訳をお願いいたします。 Be careful this month that you don't go too hard. That's not to say that you shouldn't make an effort regarding making your dreams come true. But do take care that you don't use a sledgehammer approach when a light tap will do. If you start to cull unnecessary situations and people from your life, don't discard too much! You have great power at your disposal now, but make sure you use it, rather than allowing it to overtake you.
At the end of the month, your ruling planet Mars meets Pluto, the powerful. This is quite an impressive way to start a year, and somehow feels like an 'especially made-for-Aries' meeting. This is also a hot little rendez vous and the fact it takes place in fellow Fire sign Sagittarius is good news for you - you could end January feeling as though someone's put a rocket under you (in a good way). The meeting of Mars and Pluto will definitely work for you if you harness its energies - that means dealing with what comes up with as much passion as you can muster. Some signs are too faint-hearted to deal well with such intense influences, but the vibes this whole month leads up to are right on your wavelength. This could be the time you propel yourself forward in the future you desire.
If you're one of those Aries who's a little quick-tempered, though, do tread very carefully as the month concludes - that's when the Mars/Pluto power will start to build and it does have a flashpoint vibe.
You can also use Mars/Pluto as a focus re on getting ahead - think of it like holding a magnifying glass over dry leaves on a hot dry day You could also use it to get yourself right on track with your aims and ambitions for the coming year. Most importantly, the power of Mars/Pluto could be all you need to get rid of the dead wood and dross from 2004 so you can start 2005 with a clean slate. Tune in and you can expect to feel extremely motivated re starting the year as you mean to continue. You could also find that you flush what's useless out of your life, losing controlling bullies, manipulative types and those who you find overly aggro. That would be an excellent use of the energies. However, you could also find that you in fact become one of those not very pleasant aggro types yourself! (Never!)
Obviously, it's far preferable to use the power of the Mars/Pluto punch to launch yourself and your ambitions for the year onto the rest of the world in a positive, consciousness-building, spirit-enriching kind of way. Go for it! You have a chance to see the world beyond your backyard now, to step back and check out the bigger picture. It's possible now to see how even the toughest moments in 2004 had their benefits or at least, lessons. Do you need to be reminded of all the high obstacles you've managed to leap over or get around? Aries babies rose to many challenges in 2004, and can now start to reap some of the benefits.
Obsessions come a whole lot easier to us all when Mars and Pluto are doing their thing, which they are this month. If you're the jealous type, January will challenge you to cast aside those insecurities. If you're very lucky, you will get a chance to see why jealousy is such a destructive emotion. When you're jealous, you can't help but think bad thoughts about your lover, and about yourself. If you believe the theory that we all create our reality with our thoughts, then it's pretty clear that jealously is a Very Bad Thing. If you've been guilty of it, this is the month to think about why it's destructive and to look at how you and your partner can get it out of your life.
Singles reading this and feeling left out have no reason to do so - if you're single, there's rarely been a better opportunity to look at how power games you've played in relationships have harmed you. Jupiter in your love zone until October this year means you can improve your love life, if you try, and as long as you're willing to leave arrogance behind.
POWER DATES: January 15, 22, 28 and 29. These are the days when Mars is most active. Be especially wary of the Green Eyed Monster of jealousy around the 28th.
Powerful as your urge to get away from it may be, there’s no escaping various responsibilities. Those which involve property, family or career decisions are no surprise. You’ve just been ill-equipped to do much about them. These can wait until next week, when a combination of decisive events and useful insights settle things swiftly. After that you’ll be able to make your getaway. In the meanwhile you’d benefit enormously from delving into certain issues you’ve been assiduously avoiding. This is the last thing you want to do, but put these to rest and you’ll be truly free.
You’ve been so restless that your resolutions for the new year probably included getting away from it all. Discuss plans that involve escape via travel, study or inspiring pursuits. However, by midmonth responsibilities have cornered you. The trick is to combine both; do what you must, yet provide yourself with rewarding outlets. You’ll need time for reflection, particularly when difficult situations require cutting back. Whether it’s financial commitments, long cherished hopes or business ventures, these only free you for early February’s unexpected offers.
For January 2005: What a breakout month for your career and personal life! You set the bar very high and more than surpass your own expectations during the first two weeks. Your staunch support of an important cause or relationship helps your credibility soar. On the 3rd and 4th, you’re very sure that you’re on the right track, but may be too close to a situation to catch every nuance. As much as you’d like to hit the ground running, make sure you fully understand the implications of continuing in a certain direction. By the 9th, you accumulating more stature and respect. Your word is platinum. The 10th pushes you to move forward in earnest. You’ve read the documents and researched the pros and cons, and all indicators urge you to press forward. You may lock horns with someone that clearly needs to be boss on the 13th, but any acrimony is short-lived. You’re so ready to serve on the 16th and the first name that others think of when they talk about leadership. Be careful what you agree to on the 22nd and 24th. Others may hold you to each and every comment. The 25th also calls for restraint ? and some private down time to recuperate and relax. You might get the wrong idea about a friend or loved one on the 27th. Don’t push others away. FYI: Travel is miserable on the 28th, so avoid it if at all possible.
You could allow yourself to think that you’re returning to banging your head on a familiar brick wall at work as 2005 begins. Alternatively, you could tune in to two delightful aspects both of which suggest you could turn a difficult situation around with style and put yourself on the road to promotion at the same time. These next few days are near perfect for introducing new training, planning trips and bringing in experts. The very fact that you know what’s needed marks you out from the crowd. As early as Tuesday it might be suggested that you work more closely with someone. This too could be the start of something big. Later in the week contractual obligations require close attention. You may baulk at some of the restrictions proposed. The financial rewards if you can bear these could more than make up for a loss of liberty.
You avoid moments of potential frustration as assiduously as people with vertigo avoid cliff-tops. That's understandable. None of us wants to stand around staring at whatever it is we feel we can't deal with. Yet if we only ever do what we know how to do, we narrow down our options. Our fear of being stuck can then, ironically, lead to us becoming entrenched.
Sedna, the newly-discovered planet at the edge of our solar system is occupying the part of your chart that governs 'values'. For over a year now, she has effectively been whispering endlessly in your ear, urging you to confront the consequences of your own conservatism. You may have courage in abundance and immense determination too but that doesn't mean you have the power to make things stay the same way forever. This year, your need to adapt to a changing world intensifies dramatically and this is not the kind of challenge that you can overcome with a show of bravado and defiance.
Indeed, rather to the contrary, your big battle in 2005 involves overcoming the kind of subtle, insidious fear that tends to hide itself from us so we only ever see its shadow, never the thing itself. It tends either to manifest as overly-assertive 'false confidence' or to take the form of what modern experts describe as 'unconsciously formed addictive behaviour patterns'. Back in the old days, folk had a simpler way to describe such traits. They called them 'bad habits'. Call them what you will, your journey through 2005 will cause you, at times, to feel as if you are going round in circles. Suddenly, you will realise you are in a familiar pickle. That you are falling out with so-and-so again. Or playing out the same old drama once more. Only this time, Sedna's influence will help you to see WHY.
You are about to receive a series of priceless insights that will help you widen your horizons immensely by taking a leap of faith. That will bring you great rewards, as I shall explain tomorrow when we look at what's due to happen in your love life.
Take your time wading through others’ explanations and alibis on Friday. What seems obvious or apparent is only part of the story. Dig deeper and give yourself enough time and room to think. Springing into action may be unwise. On Saturday, beliefs and principles trump everything else. This may lead to well intentioned but inadequate choices during the evening. Sunday urges you to claim your position and protect your turf. You’ve got the requirements to get the top job. A time of personal ascension begins. . . .
If last weekend was quiet then this one seems to be anything but. Even if initially it’s all happening only within your imagination, there’s a wildness around. Those of your sign are said to react (or have a desire to react) quickly to events. This weekend it seems others will be pushing you to do just that. Indeed, there are signs that you could exceed a personal best on Saturday ? fabulous if you’re into sports or any sort of competition. In relationship terms you might also decide you know what you want and you’re going to make a play for it and never mind the consequences. Someone born under Pisces could find this behaviour impressive - and you might raise the stakes even higher once you see you have an audience. Care is needed though. You could drop yourself into seriously hot water if you’re only reacting to events and don’t have a sound strategy.
This year, in your love life, you urgently need boredom, stability, security and predictability. If you're really lucky, you'll get it. First, though, you may need to make a real effort to wean yourself away from the addictive pleasure of tension and uncertainty.
An ongoing arrangement has lately put you through an awful lot of ups, downs and sharp sudden changes. Understandably, a part of you wants to get as far away from it as possible. Yet in reacting so dramatically, you are in danger of adding yet more stress to the situation.
The most important commitment that you need to give and honour, this year, is a promise to yourself. If you can only resolve now, to be less responsive to challenges, less excited by arguments and less attracted to people who look likely to make life difficult for you, the comfort you seek will be easily attained. Unless, of course, you decide that secretly, you really like a life on the edge and that you are thus most compatible with someone who is similarly edgy. In which case... well, there's no absoutlely no reason why that can't be attained.
Your most intense romantic possiblities are due to arise just before and after your birthday, when Venus is in your sign. In September, Mars will form a conjunction to Sedna, the newly discovered goddess of the oceans and therefore, of the emotional oceans that lie inside all of us. That will be the moment when you finally get to look at old patterns of behaviour that have shaped your life so far and to ask whether you want to keep them as they are or change them. You have the chance to shape your future relationships in a much more satisfactory way - and to take your exisiting close bonds and deepen them most delightfully. Largely, though, this will emerge, not through anyone powerful entering your world and changing your experience... but through a 'new you' finally finding the power and confidence to live... and to love in a whole new way.
Throughout most of the year, Jupiter will be passing through your opposite sign. The strong implication here is that somebody you know is currently being very fortunate in the field of finances. That's both a blessing and a curse. It doesn't bode especially well for an independent attempt to attain economic stability... but it implies that if you now work closely with the right individual, you can do extremely well.
Are you too proud to be a part of a team? Does it irk you to feel that success must be shared? Do you secretly harbour unhappy feelings about a particular person? Might these be part of the reason why progress is being impeded? When the experts finally tracked down Sedna, the tenth planet, they found her hiding in the part of your chart that governs finance. Sedna is undoubtedly the planet of thinking differently, of seeking wisdom, and of attaining maturity. If, in the past, your response to financial difficulty or tension has been to act passionately and irrationally, you will soon get your chance to return to the topic with a clear head. That means, amongst other things, looking afresh at what you feel you can't do, can't have and will never get. Why won't you? There's nothing wise or mature about a negative expectation. A pessimistic personality is, in fact, a clear sign of a mind that has undergone damage during the course of its development.
2005 will be the year you get to take a good honest look at what has been blocking you, physically and psychologically. Maybe, you don't actually want to get past certain obstacles. Maybe you like the strictures they impose on you and the limitations they oblige you to work within. If so, though, your economic restrictions ought to be seen as the result of a clear, conscious choice. Because, if you feel as if you are - in any way - being stopped by circumstance from attaining the solvency you require, you're wrong. This is, as you'll soon discover, a year during which there is the most amazing opportunity to attain great solvency and and stability.
If you really want to end up getting what you want from 2005, you first need to become much clearer about what you really don't want. Old habits die hard and you have fallen into the habit of doubting the extent of your own potential. A simple decision to keep feeding yourself more nourishing, encouraging thoughts will help, but it won't, on its own, make all the difference you need it to. There will have to be an effort made, too. A campaign will have to be embarked on. And the trouble with all this, in one word, is 'reality'.
Reality rarely follows theory fairly. Reality brings setbacks even to those with the bravest hearts and the most determined minds. Though tales told after an event will paint pictures of heroes and heroines, defiantly resisting adverse circumstance, they never do true justice to a person's frame of mind at the moment of deepest difficulty. When it's suddenly all starting to look bad, it doesn't matter whether you're George, choklng on the smoke of a fire-breathing dragon or Boudicca driving into battle with a wobbly wheel on the side of the chariot. Suddenly, you feel stupid. You can't believe that you ever set out on such a silly quest. Defeat seems inevitable. All you can hear, in what ought to be the quiet seat of sanctuary at the back of your mind, is a deafening chorus of 'told you so' from all the naysayers that you have ever met. So what, precisely, makes the difference between the people who end up the stars of a legendary heroic drama and the ones who wind up feeling like forgotten fading failures? It's not in 'what they were capable of'. It is not 'what opportunity they had available to them.' It is not even in 'whether they stumbled and fell'. It's all about whether, when they did, they managed to 'pick themselves up, dust themselves down and start all over again.'
If you can promise me that you'll do that this year, I'll promise you a success. One that lasts a lifetime. One that gets you right where you need to be. And one that fills you with pride from the tip of your toes to the top of your head. 大量ですが、どうかよろしく願いいたします。
今年、あなたが与え・尊重する必要のある最重要なコミットメントは、 自分自身に対する約束です。 もしも、挑戦に対してあまり反応しないこと、議論に興奮しないこと、 あなたの人生を困難にしそうな人々に引き付けられないことを 今決心するだけで、あなたが求めている快適さは簡単に得られるでしょう。 もちろん、こっそりと、本当は細い糸の上を渡るような瀬戸際の生活(life on the edge)が好きなんだ、 だから同じような人との方が最もうまくやっていけるんだと心に決めてしまわない限りではありますが。 その場合は、、うーん。それを達成できないという理由は全くありません。 (訳注:there's no absoutlely no reason why that can't be attained. 綴りと文法がおかしいように思い、there's no, absolutely no reason...と考えました。 お羊さん的なエッジーな生き方を貫いた場合も、that=comfort?が得られないわけではない と解釈しました。別訳大歓迎です!)
Intriguing as recent discussions have been, you’ve had quite enough talk. Usually you’d simply take the plunge, trying something just to see what happens, but situations are so unclear you’re hesitant about taking such chances. That’s wise. Between the insights triggered by Monday’s New Moon and illuminating exchanges, gradually you learn what’s what. Exchanges also reveal rather tough restrictions, which while frustrating as at least informative. Tempting as it is to do something dramatic, if you take things slowly and talk plans over at every stage, you avoid having to undo ill-advised manoeuvres later.
Monday's New Moon, Mercury and Venus are all at the top of your solar chart suggesting that you’ll be in the mood to determine a new objective. Yet old problems are still in the air. Though Monday promises lively conversation and exciting plans, these may have to be laid aside whilst an old ? and to you quite boring ? problem rears its ugly head once more. You can see the problem all too easily. Cutting costs has been a disaster. A cash-strapped department simply can’t function properly. And neither can you. What you can see and others have yet to spot, is that contacts you made last year were with people who really are cutting edge in both technology and creative thinking. To you, working more closely with these people really is the only way forward. You might even manage to persuade someone of that on Friday. That would also be a good day to polish you c.v. Before your birthday you may need this.
If reality hasn't quite set in after the joys of Christmas past, here comes happy camper, Saturn to remind you that debts must be repaid - and not necessarily of the financial variety. It may be that you have drained your physical and mental resources, so you are less than your usual positive self; on the other hand, a minor problem, perhaps of a domestic nature, will cause you to feel somewhat disappointed or frustrated. Try to get things into perspective, Aries: this is largely a practical matter and by dealing with the situation in a pragmatic way you will soon be back on the road to success. As I often say: this is part of life, not all of life.
Just occasionally a weekend promises increased activity on the romantic front. And that’s what the next few days suggest. There’s harmony in the air generally ? which obviously helps. For you though, understanding at work (even if an issue still isn’t fully resolved), puts you in a better mood. Indeed, unrestrained enthusiasm for having a good time should ensure that your Saturday sparkles. A general ‘friendliness’ means that even if you’re doing things in a low-key way, you can advance a significant relationship. There’s a chance of intrigue too ? and just enough to speed up your romantic pulse. That should ensure that even if it’s only with telepathic understanding, you feel that a partnership is now going somewhere. Since all this is happening just after a New Moon, there’s every chance that this is a new relationship. If you are already involved, perhaps now is the time to suggest it’s time you planned a new dream together.
牡羊座(1月15日(土)-21日(金)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) This is your lucky week. I hate making such statements. I know how frustrating it can feel to hear them when there's no sign of fortune in your life. I am also aware of an ethical responsibility. Some people can misunderstand. They can assume that they are quite safe to blow their savings on horse races and lotteries. They can completely forget that to win such things you don't need luck - you need a miracle. A miracle, this week, you won't get. But Jupiter insists that if an opportunity really exists and you really give it your best shot, you stand a good chance.
Meter reading: 9 January 17-23: Friday approaches perfection in the sensual/sexy/luxe/love department. You can’t refuse temptation, nor will temptation turn its back on you. You set aside practicality and behave as if you’ve got one day left to touch, taste and explore your favorite desires. Anyone with a reasonable IQ will make sure to look you up on Friday. You, lusty Ram, are the epicenter of fun.
Meter reading: 8 January 17-23: A very positive trend begins to take hold ? one that promises more money and a direct route to long-term goals. Instead of allowing routine duties to eat up most of your day, you become increasingly involved in strategy sessions, exciting goal discussions and expansive, visionary thinking. On Thursday morning, let others do the speaking and posturing while you listen and observe. Later on Thursday and throughout Friday, you’re free to speak openly.
It may be wise to make the most of general enthusiasm and spontaneity on Friday. If someone close tends to resist doing something new, this could be your moment to put forward the suggestion. In short, on Friday, you can break a mould. The downside of this is that when things aren’t perfect (and when are they?!), you could find yourself caught in an argument about why you shouldn't be involved in this exercise at all. That said, this could prove an excellent weekend for competitive pursuits. Yes, someone might goad you into exceeding a personal best. But you’ll probably manage to do just that. Indeed, both physically and mentally the next few days could be stretching. If you’re doing the peacock thing of showing your magnificence though, you should get all the attention you want and more. Indeed, the response of people born under Gemini or Virgo could be notable.
Most people find your impulsiveness charming on Friday. Your passion about a project or relationship cancels out faux pas or hasty words. Saturday is more rigorous. You’ll be asked direct questions and be expected to offer solid reasons why something did or didn’t occur. Speak clearly and plainly, and of course, honestly. Sunday emphasizes détente and loads of patience. You cannot hurry a process along or change another’s mind on the spot ? no matter how urgent a situation is. Brace yourself for another’s stubborn, slow pace.
You’re relentless on Friday ? so persistent and convincing that others are almost afraid to say no to you. That’s the upside. The downside is that you’re somewhat accident-prone. Be very cautious. Saturday morning runs the gamut from stressful obligations to fabulously indulgent escape. The afternoon is much easier to cope with and should be satisfying and productive. An understanding can finally be reached with someone who’s been difficult to connect with. Sunday is positive. You focus on exquisite plans for the near future and have loads to look forward to. It’s apparent that you and a dear friend or loved one are in agreement about the timing of an event.
Three contrasting themes operate his weekend. One is sobering and suggests cash restraint. On a different level this might make you aware of the need to effect some space-clearing and basic tidying up at home. Another theme picks up on a developing need to pick up the phone and to extend your field of contacts. This theme might even prompt you to take part in a team event this weekend. The third theme is much more passionate. A spark of desire could be ignited on Friday and could be encouraged to grow over the weekend ? and well beyond. Your flames are often fanned by those who have a keen turn of phrase or even a wicked way with words. This weekend it could be those born under Virgo or Sagittarius who coax that flame to life. For your part, perhaps all you need do is stand out from the crowd : perhaps by wearing something red (or bright at least).
Your career looks set to take off after the New Moon. Around this same time, Mars will have reached the top of your solar chart bringing with it renewed determination to achieve goals. Monday 7th could bring with it encouraging news. A partner or close friend clearly thinks you have great potential. Allow them to boost your confidence. This could make all the difference. Your profile is changing and by Saturday 12th you could make an astonishing breakthrough. This would seem to bring together publishing (or education), contact with people overseas and financial reward. Mid-month your romantic life could receive a boost. Your judgement may be a little off-key on 14th with others perhaps describing you as love-struck on 15th. New technology plays an important role around 20th and is followed by the need to focus on new designs around 22nd. The last four days of the month are likely to find you exceptionally busy. Carelessness could create difficulties on 28th however.
The one good thing about February is that it's not January. Actually, there are many wonderful features to February's stars, which I will expand upon shortly, and they are certainly a great, great improvement on January's alignments.
The main thrust of the planets is aimed at friendships and collaborations. While some Arians will be devoting more time to their friends and enjoying a spirited social life, others will be joining up with like -minded individuals with the purpose of mounting an endeavour of the professional, altruistic or social kind. Now, it hasn't escaped my notice that Valentine's Day occurs this month, and while there may be many celestial Rams getting married or engaged, this year the astrological emphasis is on the spirit of friendship as opposed to the joy of passion. In other words, the focus of your relationship should be on working as a team, and treating your significant other like you would your best friend. Venus, the planet of love, will be transiting your sign from late March until mid-April, so this is more truly the time to expect romance to blossom.
Ruler, Mars will be charging through the zone of career and life-direction so February is also a time to pursue your professional ambitions and to put energy behind material aspects of your life. While Mars could produce the occasional skirmish between you and an employer, you should be able to impress those who count with your expertise and your commitment to the job. And, if January's stars deflated your ego, and caused some kind of upset regarding a job, the next four weeks see you back in the saddle, and with a conquest.
Until the 20th the planets are on their best behaviour, making life a lot easier and more fun, but during the last eight days unpredictable Uranus takes control, so there is more static to cope with, and you may face sudden changes to your agenda. Uranus is tucked away in the secretive twelfth house, so on the plus side the end of February could spark some great new ideas but on the minus side you may be prone to feelings of anxiety. Since the sun will also be residing in the twelfth house, health requires a little more attention and you should avoid pushing yourself beyond your physical and mental limits. But these are small niggles in another wise excellent month.
It'll be a bumper car kind of week, Aries. As long as you stick to the designated course, you can expect lots of thuds, jolts, and caroms that won't hurt a bit. In fact, most of them will actually be fun even as they knock some sense into you. That's why you have cosmic permission to raise your normal quotas of raucous laughter, boisterous horseplay, and madcap adventures. For extra credit, sprinkle wacky accents and silly voices into your conversations.
It will be pretty impossible to dance around the explosion of energy this week. It won’t matter how quick on your feet you are, a volcano of heat and intensity is set to force your growth in some way. At the moment, the universe doesn’t take the word ‘no’ to growth for an answer. Like a rocket, deep soul truths are set to shoot right up and out of you. Who knows where they will land? Make sure to digest the energy and its effects carefully for with this, you will have an opportunity to create a deeper, more meaningful life.
625 :Madalyn Aslan 2月 @:05/01/29 16:24:44 ID:PKLX3q9i
Do you just want to stay at home and be warm and swaddled? Go right ahead, dear Aries. Do not even hesitate. As you are recreate who you are in your relationships, you need this.
Jupiter retrograding on February 1 heralds a return to your old self in love. Your self which you may have lost for a while there. Good news, Aries! It's back! And with it, comes old lovers, too.
The real light at the end of the tunnel is your career, which is in a massive shift position. How on earth have you stood it? To be under that much pressure is just UNBEARABLE. Now, you have less than a month left to heal that wound and move forward to your new life.
You have until Wednesday, February 2 to get ready for that big gathering. Which is going to be fabulously successful for you, by the way. As it should be. You fully, totally, deserve it. You'll look great and you'll attract some powerful people, with sexy Mars moving into your career house over the weekend of February 5.
626 :Madalyn Aslan 2月 A:05/01/29 16:30:30 ID:PKLX3q9i
With Chiron changing signs in the third week of this month, you are getting ready to return to a more communal life. Your true, happy community. After the isolation you experienced last year.
You do this by remembering the lessons you've learned in your fourth house of home (never leave it again!) and taking responsibility for all the ways YOU made it hard to come to the place you are now -- and it IS a good place, it's the best.
Saturn, planet of above lessons, doesn't actually leave your Cancer-ruled home until the middle of July. But don't worry. The worst is over. You can relax in your true home.
It's been tough though, emotionally. But with major planets moving in your eleventh house, friends are coming forward to help. In fact, they'll start to pop up everywhere. Some from years ago. And some lovers from years ago!
They helps you with a road you ended in 1990. Think back to that year. Was it a year full of changes, or what? You had to lose something to gain something and it was difficult. You triumphed at the end of it, as you always do. BUT there were more people around to help you then.
627 :Madalyn Aslan 2月 B:05/01/29 16:35:32 ID:PKLX3q9i
Which you haven't had so much of recently. Which is why this month will be a turning point in your life, Aries. If you ALLOW it to be. Work on getting along with everyone, chilling out, and relaxing. Remember: your natural charisma.
Which leads me right into talking about the asteroid Ceres, currently trying to do its loving thing in your eighth house of sex.
Ceres is all about nurturing - the nurturing you got when you were young, and the nurturing you give yourself now as an adult. Some of you didn’t receive very good training, and this month we look at how to make it better.
Even when you do well, or have done well, it is hard for you to LET yourself do well. Or to believe it. If you lacked nurturing in a certain area, it’s harder to do it yourself later, when grownup.
It’s only challenging to learn new nurturing habits and behaviors ? but it’s not impossible. It’s like anything else ? you just need to do it DIFFERENTLY. Try something new!
628 :Madalyn Aslan 2月 C:05/01/29 16:37:09 ID:PKLX3q9i
This February, the nurturing and healing is all about your Eighth house ? which is also about SHARED RESOURCES. You will receive deeply RELIEVING information about your financial arrangements. And in doing so, you can let go of the past (and past failure) and move on.
After this: No more the bitter waste of time you’ve been feeling in these areas. You move on, happily, successfully ? and much, much stronger.
Let’s see, in particular, what this will mean in your life.
Your Eighth House covers these areas:
Firstly ? Shared resources and money is absolutely top of the list. You will want to reconsider and completely change existing financial arrangements. Taxes. This includes taxes and monies with your family, too. Merging with another - sex, sex, sex! Sharing your deepest truths Letting go of the past Shedding an old persona Clearing out outdated clothes, remnants of a past self Healing Regenerating Recovering your unconscious Summoning your psychic powers
629 :Madalyn Aslan 2月 D:05/01/29 16:39:02 ID:PKLX3q9i
Know that you can do it. Remember “There’ll be nobody like you ever again. Make the most of every molecule you’ve got as long as you’ve got a second to go.” Which famous Sag Jupiter said that?
And, finally, for those of you going through your hardest time right now: this was sent to me by a true angel!
I don't know if it will speak to you as it did to me, but this and a lot of praying got me through some very rough times. Just remember you're not alone. And that when you're at the bottom, there's nowhere to go but up. So keep on slugging it out with life and stay in touch.
Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom and pain of it no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it. Because in the last analysis all moments are key moments and life itself is grace.
SPECTACULARLY LUCKY DAYS FOR ARIES ? To schedule that job interview, ask that person out on a date, try that thing you've always wanted to do ? do it : Fri Feb 11, Sat Feb 12, and early Sun Feb 13.
630 :Madalyn Aslan 2月 E:05/01/29 16:41:02 ID:PKLX3q9i
Dear Aries,
I, like many of us have been helping survivors of the tsunami in Asia. Horrors happen everyday, everywhere, and then so do acts of grace. It gives me hope that, in the face of tragedy, our natural instinct is to help.
I know if we were shown what is happening in Darfur or Iraq or in our own neighborhood -- in the same way, just pictures of human suffering, without prejudice or political agendas, we would respond similarly.
On the site, many of you tell me you love and are helped by my horoscopes every month, and I'm so glad! Many of you ask, how do you do it? Well, I don't use a computer for your charts. I draw up each chart by hand, I research, I concentrate, I use my psychic gifts, and I write -- for weeks, until the message is clear. I bring twenty-five years of practice, study, and work to your forecasts.
A few of you ask, well, how do you do it then? And a VERY few of you ask are you independently wealthy? (The answer is no. I have lived on my own, working and supporting myself since I was sixteen.)
631 :Madalyn Aslan 2月 F:05/01/29 16:43:42 ID:PKLX3q9i
Today I'm asking you to give what you feel the horoscopes and this site are worth to you every month. Sadly, we cannot continue without your support.
IF you value what you receive every month, as non-profit pledge drives say, please SHOW that you do.
Either by buying one of my books or by dropping something in the donation box below.
Whichever you decide, you'll be saying this is important, and that you'd like us to continue giving it.
And to those of you who have already given, and who have already bought my books, a thousand thank-yous.
>>657 一応、原文的には "They helps you with a road you ended in 1990. Think back to that year. " と書いてあり、 1990s=1990年代ではないことと、後ろの文で単数扱いされてるため、1990年限定と判断されます。 現実としてはどうだか分かりませんが。
Meter reading: 8 Your fantasy life exceeds anything an average private life has to offer. Everything from being spanked by Hilary Swank to concocting an homage to your favorite lovers’ biggest attributes keep you pleasurably amused throughout the week. Really, sexual fantasies are the answer ? what else can you do with a manic schedule like yours?
Meter reading: 8 This week pulsates with massive career opportunities. Don’t hesitate to accept additional duties. Sure, more responsibilities will virtually obliterate your free time, but these offerings are too good to pass up. Wednesday and Thursday demonstrate your versatility and inventiveness, while Friday afternoon and evening clearly illustrate how fiercely determined you are.
After the past week’s rather intense experiences you’re feeling wary. But both the encouraging attitude of others and inspiring events soon persuade you that, unfair as recent events were, dwelling on them achieves nothing. If this seems a compromise at the time, as each day passes you encounter unexpected opportunities in the most surprising places. Explore all of these. Show interest in those that intrigue you. However, lasting commitments should wait until next week, when your ruler Mars’ move into the crucial midheaven angle of your chart ushers in a period of life-changing decisions.
This could be a week of quite extraordinary events. Though difficulties are signalled for Monday ( and Aries people could experience this as a full-frontal financial attack where resources are tested to the limit, this is followed almost immediately by a desire to co-operate and to work within a group for the greater good. This could prove one of those periods where the pen is mightier than the sword. You could do much to build contacts with others by answering questions directly and speedily. Curiously, and for all that lack of resources weight heavily at the start of this week, the need to do something for others is of far greater priority as the days progress. You might choose to take part in an artistic event to raise funds. On a very different level, you may be very aware of the need to put hygiene and health and safety controls into operation.
Your sensitive side is revealed this week - or will your weaknesses be exposed? Oscar Wilde explained: I can resist everything except temptation, and this is a sentiment worth remembering whether you're contemplating a bout of retail therapy or considering embarking on a new liaison. Deception is in the air, and unless you are very sure of your footing and positive that your integrity is in tact, you should avoid taking a risk of any description - the only hot water you want to be immersed in is a scented bath. By contrast magical Neptune could preside over a happy gathering of like-minded souls, and/or your creative talents could know no bounds.
This is a short but intense month. For starters, Jupiter goes retro in your house of partnerships until early June. This indicates that key business and personal connections may change, grow and evolve almost continuously. Good thing you enjoy a challenge, huh? Mars enters your reputation and image house on the 6th until March 21st, indicating that you’ll work incredibly hard and be handsomely rewarded. February can elevate you to a rarified group of super achievers. Many of you are trading in your maverick spurs for something more, um, corporate. The New Moon on the 8th encourages you to articulate goals and wishes and then push them forward. Recognize your ever-increasing power, respect and influence, Ram. Mid month heightens your intuition and embroiders your dreams with detail and color. The Full Moon urges you to make others comfortable about trusting you, particularly in career or financial matters. Throughout the month, you can influence others more effectively by subtle suggestion.
The one good thing about February is that it's not January. Actually, there are many wonderful features to February's stars, which I will expand upon shortly, and they are certainly a great, great improvement on January's alignments.
The main thrust of the planets is aimed at friendships and collaborations. While some Arians will be devoting more time to their friends and enjoying a spirited social life, others will be joining up with like-minded individuals with the purpose of mounting an endeavour of the professional, altruistic or social kind. Now, it hasn't escaped my notice that Valentine's Day occurs this month, and while there may be many celestial Rams getting married or engaged, this year the astrological emphasis is on the spirit of friendship as opposed to the joy of passion. In other words, the focus of your relationship should be on working as a team, and treating your significant other like you would your best friend. Venus, the planet of love, will be transiting your sign from late March until mid-April, so this is more truly the time to expect romance to blossom.
Ruler, Mars will be charging through the zone of career and life-direction so February is also a time to pursue your professional ambitions and to put energy behind material aspects of your life. While Mars could produce the occasional skirmish between you and an employer, you should be able to impress those who count with your expertise and your commitment to the job. And, if January's stars deflated your ego, and caused some kind of upset regarding a job, the next four weeks see you back in the saddle, and with a conquest.
Until the 20th the planets are on their best behaviour, making life a lot easier and more fun, but during the last eight days unpredictable Uranus takes control, so there is more static to cope with, and you may face sudden changes to your agenda. Uranus is tucked away in the secretive twelfth house, so on the plus side the end of February could spark some great new ideas but on the minus side you may be prone to feelings of anxiety. Since the sun will also be residing in the twelfth house, health requires a little more attention and you should avoid pushing yourself beyond your physical and mental limits. But these are small niggles in another wise excellent month.
You like it when you have to fight for something, simply because you know you're good at competing, so you have a better chance of getting what you want, even if it doesn't just fall into your lap. This month, you are super strong and if there's something you need to fight for, not only are you ready to go for it, you're almost guaranteed a win. Meanwhile, listen to your hunches, instincts and dreams in February. They have important info for you.
If last month seemed action-packed, thank your ruler Mars who had his once-every-two-years meeting with mighty Pluto, the planet of passion and power. On your Aries chart, it took place in the 9th house, the part which rules travel, adventure, the bigger picture, religion, self-development, publishing and higher learning. The chances are that you felt touched in at least one of those areas. But more than that, when Mars met Pluto, you got fired up. Perhaps you just found it easier than ever to find the energy you need to keep up with yourself. Perhaps you felt more motivated or you got more done. The good news is that the power keeps pumping now in February as Mars moves through Capricorn. This is one of the signs which Mars loves to be in. And when he’s feeling good, you should too.
One of the best images here to describe Mars in Capricorn is that of the long distance runner. Mars is about sport and running and Capricorn is about perseverance. Keep yourself ‘well-hydrated in mind, body and spirit’, so to speak, and you could make great strides this month. That means looking after yourself. This is a month when you’re quite like to feel very decisive when it comes to making big decisions. You’re quite likely to stick to your guns, even if those about you do not agree with your plans.
All Aries but especially though born in the first half of the Aries period (from March 21 to about April 10) will also have the thrill of Mars making a tough angle to your Sun this month. Once again, this suggests you will be quite energised but more than that, it suggests you could encounter more disputes and disagreements than you might like. Never fear! Mars is going to give you all the firepower you need to confront those challenges.
What’s more, it’s said that what you successfully defend or stand up for now will pay dividends when Mars reaches your sign, which will happen in mid-June. Do be prepared to compromise if someone thinks your plans are totally impossible. But do stand up for yourself or projects, ideas, people, personal situations and work matters which you strongly believe in.
If you’re an Aries born after April 10, make a note of this section now because you’ll be feeling this in the first half of next month.
As well as the Mars action, the part of your chart going off like mad this month is your so-called Friends And Wishes Zone. This is the part of your chart where you get invited out to parties and the fact that Venus is in there suggests that a lot of the parties you do go to this month could be quite pleasant. Singles can even hope to meet someone who takes their fancy, especially around Valentine’s Day so keep your eyes peeled. Couples will have the chance to feel closer than ever to their beloved around the same time, as a Venus/Neptune meetings hints at making those impossible dreams of soulmate come true. Just try not to do that Aries thing and race ahead too quickly now, if can help it. Mars really could put you in the mood to try to do everything at once and you know that’s never the best idea! A bit of patience and you could even find that what you need comes to you.
SPECIAL NEW MOON NOTE : The New Moon in your 11th house is said to be a super special time for making wishes. Don’t delay. Wish today! And especially make one at the time of the New Moon on February 8 around 10.30pm UK GMT. Click here to find out what time that is if you’re outside the UK.
POWER DATES - February 1 is great for networking ? February 7 sees you getting stronger and/or moving into a more powerful position ? February 15 and you have the chance to show the world your lightening quick mind and reflexes
Friday morning and afternoon are wondrously positive, creative and proactive. Just be yourself and go after what you want. Late Friday evening, however, is plastered with mixed signals, false alarms and unexpected jealousy. Don’t allow fear to affect your thinking. Saturday is all about restructuring your life, career and personal goals. Put one foot in front of the other and make plans, baby! You already know what someone else wants for or from you. Don’t allow another’s needs to dominate your thinking. Sunday makes you more aware of time and deadlines. On your supposed day of rest, you’re all business, micromanaging upcoming schedules, not only for yourself but also for another. Don’t set the bar so high that you disappoint yourself.
It’s quite possible that things are moving in your favour. Indeed , as Monday approaches, the possibility of experiencing true romance increases substantially. That could be because, as of Friday, you’re even more willing to embrace new ideas. Sure, on Saturday you might be the one who applies the brakes (‘my folks wouldn’t approve’) but, overall, it seems you are thinking differently. What’s particularly interesting about all this is the fact that you’re leaving to it others to lead the way. This isn’t your usual style. That said, for some months now it seems you’ve been learning how to stand back and let others take the initiative. What follows now puts you in an interesting position. For just how long will you keep this up? Is it possible that you're going to care so, so deeply for someone that you’re prepared to put your own needs second on a regular basis?
The website Learningtoloveyoumore. com invites its readers to carry out assignments. I have borrowed some that I feel will help you fulfill your destiny in the coming week. Do as many as you feel moved to do. 1. Photograph one of your scars and write about its origins. 2. Write down your most recent argument. 3. Draw a scene from a movie that made you cry. 4. Ask someone you love to describe what you do. 5. Take a picture of the sun. 6. Record your own guided meditation. 7. Hang a wind chime on a tree in a parking lot. 8. Write your life story in less than a day.
Everything appears to be taking longer than you think it should. I am sure we can both agree that patience is not your strong suit, especially now as the inner momentum you feel around moving your vision forward is not met by others with the same sense of urgency. Or perhaps everyone seems to be too busy to take your call.
The generous giant Jupiter has slowed down to a crawl and is shifting into reverse mode. Don’t panic. The world will not stop, nor will your life. You have a four month window to complete some necessary earthly details before you can see your vision manifest.
For the first time in a long time, you actually believe this thing will fly. Slowly but surely, if you don’t believe already, you will soon become a believer of magnificent things for your life.
Meter reading: 7 February 7-13: A lot depends on how you define love. If love means taking care of someone, this week is thick with love vibes. Everything from carrying someone’s books to taking out the trash qualifies as dutiful loving behavior. Monday and Tuesday have potential; but if you’re in the mood for erotica, this week is mostly a wash.
Meter reading: 8 February 7-13: This week gets busier by the day, especially after Tuesday when a career decision or milestone is reached. This, in turn, pushes you to try harder and to press for a more timely, innovative agenda. Partnerships are excellent on Thursday. You’ll nip a problem in the bud instead of waiting for the inevitable to occur. Friday is fractious, mostly because others are scattered or argumentative.
For ages you’ve known that changes were overdue. With your ruler Mars just having moved to accent your work, lifestyle and long term goals, that time has come. Eager as you are to get things settled, it remains in this position for six weeks, during which ideas and offers beyond anything you’d have conceived of come your way. These begin this week. However, circumstances are changing too, so tempting as it is to commit, show interest but make no promises. Talking things through with others provides vital insights now, and as the thrilling and frequently unexpected developments of the coming weeks unfold.
There are good aspects both at the start and at the finish of this working week. In fact, if you do experience a ‘down’ day, then that’s as likely to be because you run low on energy more than anything else. The fact that is that even the slowest of people around you agree it’s time to move forward. Some of their plans may be impractical (especially those announced on Tuesday) ? but that won’t be true of all of their ideas. Indeed, it’s either the youngest or oldest member of your team who could come up with one that’s almost visionary. (OK, this could come from a Pisces: the point is it’s someone you simply wouldn’t expect to come up with a winning formula). And actually:- at the moment when you do run out of steam (possibly Thursday), could be the time to encourage them to take responsibility. Boosting their confidence could make a difference to your work-load.
Harmony reigns and Aries thrives and prospers. This is a particularly good week for furthering business and personal relations and for pursuing things of a collaborative nature. There could be good news for some - an offer confirmed or an invitation given - and, if you've chosen this week to celebrate a marriage, you couldn't have chosen better. Likewise, if you meet someone new under these joyous stars, the relationship should prove happy and fruitful. And, if you've suffered a disappointment or setback recently now is the moment to launch your offensive and get people to sit up and notice you and your abundant assets!
Meter reading: 7 Your expectations are very high this week, which is a good thing. Since you’re a natural born rescuer, you’ve been known to lower your expectations and take in strays ? but not this week. Valentine’s Day morning is mostly sweet, but could turn sour during late afternoon through early evening. Perhaps your loved one will be unimpressed by your Valentine offerings ? or perhaps you’ll forget to give someone a card or gift. Thursday should turn out to be a much, much, MUCH more romantic day, anyway.
Meter reading: 8 Ambitious plans are in the hopper and things are looking very good for the near future. Despite positive early indicators, don’t trumpet potential victories just yet. This entire week is excellent for trouble-shooting and testing. Make sure your basic premise or foundation is rock solid before alerting the media.
In many ways it could be said that this is your kind of week. You thrive on the excitement that comes with its sudden twists and turns and are confident enough to rely on your instincts when things are moving too swiftly to investigate the facts. Unfortunately not everybody is so easy-going about either the pace or the unfamiliar elements of developments. This means you must become a part time psychologist, the last thing you feel like doing. However, in talking over matters you not only gain valuable insights about plans, revelations about others could prove pivotal when making decisions in the future.
Valentine’s Day may be Monday but romantic activity is unlikely to stop at midnight that day. For the better part of this week the need to do right by others continues. Acts of unconditional love are likely to be plentiful. Here you may set an example. A friend is not quite on the ball (perhaps because they’re hopelessly smitten) and you may choose to take some responsibility from them to enable the wheels of their love life to run more smoothly. It’s also possible that you might have far more to do with a design or computer graphics department than is usual. By Thursday, your particular contribution to team working is likely to be remarked upon. The simple fact is that others want to be around you ? not just for your obvious leadership skills but also because just presently you really are good to be around.
Astrologically speaking, you're sitting pretty at the moment, so if you're feeling blue and disenchanted with your lot, what is it that you're missing? One of Aries' biggest problems is lack of patience - as soon as a situation isn't zipping along your enthusiasm dims, and sometimes you abandon a project or a relationship when all it needed was a little more time. On the 18th, the sun slips into the underworld of the twelfth house, so you are about to enter a four-week period when there could be a general slowing down of life: all the more reason, therefore, to take the pedal off the metal for the week ahead and leave the cosmos to work on those dreams and ambitions.
Ooh la la -- this Valentine's Day finds you ever so charming, and there's every likelihood that the hard work you've been putting into matters of the heart will pay off now, big-time. Use your amped-up powers of persuasion to wrap the world (or somebody specific) around your pretty little finger while you enjoy the heck out of yourself on the day of love. Midweek, keep the romance flowing with lots of communication -- electronic, floral and otherwise. The weekend finds you reacting strongly to an amorous issue -- don't suppress it. Who knows? The fireworks may be rather exciting.
On Friday, the Sun and Moon exit creative air signs, and in one big swoosh move into passionate, intuitive water signs. This begins a dramatic shift of emphasis and reminds you to trust your hunches. Your instincts about career and personal matters are right on the money. You may face an emotional obstacle course during early morning, but the rest of the day is gratifying and reassuring. Saturday is a grin-and-bear-it refresher course in emotional endurance. You’re tense and impatient (who, you?) and feel claustrophobic in small, boring places (amen to that, baby). Think of Saturday as an opportunity to update anger management techniques. On Sunday morning, you’re committed to helping out another ? probably a family member. You feel obligated to do so. Things, however, may not go smoothly ? like that’s a surprise.
You could enjoy a belated Valentine's weekend. There's evidence to suggest a meeting of minds on Saturday and a telepathic experience on Sunday - both of which look as though they might contribute to emotional equilibrium. What's particularly nice about this is that you could be stoking embers in a well-established relationship i.e. rekindling fires of passion. For those as yet unattached there's the likelihood of attraction to those who've been studying something single-mindedly. Perhaps only now can they think about romance. Since whatever happens (for everyone) is a new beginning, it's reasonable to think that this is just the start of something big and that by your birthday period, your romantic world could be all that you'd like it to be. The downside seems only to be that an older family member will find developments hard to handle. Is it possible that they're simple living in a bye-gone age and that the problem really isn't you and this particular relationship but the pace of life generally?
Usually you’re the one trying to convince others to go along with the unexpected. You’d rather take a chance on the unknown than miss out on an intriguing opportunity. But the events triggered by this week’s aspects to the unpredictable Uranus aren’t just unsettling, they’re completely out of your hands. However, the good news is that they force you to review certain habits, obligations or elements of your working life that you’ve long known needed to be confronted and dealt with. Better yet, the resulting changes clear the way for you to take advantage of those disruptive, but ultimately worthwhile, developments.
Marketing isn’t generally a skill associated with your sign. However, since early last year, your ability to focus on design and style has developed considerably. What you suggest to others (even if you’re just helping with a clothes-shopping trip) is likely to prove invaluable on Tuesday. This would also be a good day for furthering interest in digital photography. Contact with someone overseas is possible too ? with you being the one to initiate the contact. Between Wednesday and Friday there’s a degree of urgency around. For once you might be the one who wants to put the brakes on. It could seem to you that others are being too hasty. This attitude of yours could take a few people by surprise. They might even wonder what’s happened to your usual enthusiasm.
March ushers in the Spring Equinox and the beginning of your birth month. And to make things even more exciting, Mercury goes retro from the 19th until April 12th. During the last week, Pluto goes retro until early September, suggesting that an important agreement or relationship may be sluggish, but doable. In other words, don’t give up. Travel plans are subject to repeated change later this month. A situation that you’d assumed was sewn up and ready to go may require more personal tending, which may mean additional travel. To prevent inconveniences or overnighters in a noisy airport, make certain that everything is in order. Even then, you may encounter a few problems. Saturn moves direct on the 21st, signaling an "all clear" for home and family plans. The Full Moon on the 25th is superb for negotiations and contract talks. It’s also very good for clearing up a personal misunderstanding.
Mercury enters your sign on Saturday 5th: This year for an extended stay (until 11th May). View this as a bonus. You can make yourself heard. Sure, from 20th March to mid April others might need extra time to assimilate your proposals, but this gives you breathing space too. Pressure on the back-bone of your solar chart on Monday 7th indicates the potential for change both at work and at home. You might decide to undertake a major property commitment. You might also decide you need to change job. Around this time too there’s evidence to suggest you’ll be more interested in the image you present. That could lead to an expensive shopping trip. You might also decide to review your c.v.. Interview time could be as early as 14th/15th. Something you read in the papers over 20th/21st might give you further food for thought. By Tuesday 29th you may be considering forming a partnership that harnesses creative talent. The accent then moves to finding the funding necessary to move this forward.