265 名前:マドモアゼル名無しさん[] 投稿日:04/11/15 16:44:22 ID:ZHZJmjaR みづがめ15日 It’s taken a lot of patience. But now that long delayed plans or ideas are finally coming good, it will have been worth the wait. True, some things may need to be changed, primarily because circumstances themselves have moved on since you began. Still, these are minor details during an otherwise glorious week. 多くの忍耐や痛みがあったことでしょう。しかし今、長く干されていた計画や考えがついに姿を現すときがきたのです。 それは待った甲斐がありましたよ。がらりと変化を遂げる局面もあるでしょう。あなたがてを付け始めてから初めて 環境そのものが変化することによるものです。このことも、これからの素晴らしい週においては瑣末なものといえるかもしれませんよ!
266 名前:マドモアゼル名無しさん[] 投稿日:04/11/15 17:02:23 ID:ZHZJmjaR みづがめウイクリィ(14日から) You’re entering what is perhaps the most remarkable period of the year for you, although as it begins it may not seem that way. This is because you’re facing a disconcerting number of uncertainties. If there’s any question that you should pursue ideas or offers, just do your sums. That alone should persuade you. Keep in mind, however, that whatever seems good now is likely to be considerably improved by the extraordinary developments promised by Jupiter’s rare aspect to the inspired Neptune, which is in your sign, at the month’s close. After that you’ll have no doubt where your future lies. あなたはあなたのために、1年で最も重要なピリオドに突入しました、始まる時にはとてもそのようには思えないでしょうが。 これはあなたが直面し,まごついていた不確定要素のために起こったものです。 もしも疑問に思っていることがあれば、その件について考えやものごとを追いかけるべきです。 ただそのことだけがあなたを説得できるでしょう。 しかしながら、覚えておいてください、今よさげにみえるものはなんでも 木星とあなたのサインである海王星のまれなアスペクトによって、今月の終わりには目覚しい 発展を遂げることを。 そのあとに貴方の未来があることには何の疑問も持たないでしょう。
98 名前:マドモアゼル名無しさん[] 投稿日:04/11/24 08:54:00 ID:TfnXR2ma 24日 みづがめ Some people think highly of you. Others have yet to learn quite how special you are. Many of this world's finest flavours are similarly undervalued by the majority of people. Great works of art, great pieces of music, truly inspired designs and inventions are admired only by a select few whilst the masses buy dross in their droves. So, your lack of universal popularity is nothing to be ashamed of. You may, though, discover very soon, that in an unexpected area you have recently won yourself a lifelong fan.
25日 みづがめ Every once in a while what could be termed a golden opportunity comes your way. And judging by what’s taking place in the heavens this week and next, that’s exactly what’s happening to you. While these developments can’t entirely banish problems, what they introduce to your life should make them seem considerably less significant. 貴方の人生にまたとない機会が訪れます。 今週と来週天空で起こっていることが、まさに貴方の人生にやってこようとしています。 それでも、これらの進歩は、抱えている問題を完全に払拭することはできないのですが、 さりげなく見せてしまいましょう。
24日 みづがめ During the lunar cycle, the few days prior to the Full Moon mark a period of increasing tension. While you may find yourself feeling uptight about personal issues and those involving loved ones, that no indication that problems are serious. In fact this may give you a much-needed chance to talk things out.
みづがめ 26日 'Be yourself.' It sounds like great advice. Wise. Incisive. Empowering. But in order to be who you really are, you first have to know who that is. The true fact of the matter is that none of us do. We have a rough idea. We cling pretty tightly to the sketchy self-image we have managed to develop, Often, though, this only causes us to become more entrenched in opinions we ought to be growing out of. This weekend presents a chance, not just to be yourself, but to be the 'yourself' you have always wanted to be.
344 名前:マドモアゼル名無しさん 投稿日:04/12/01 14:32:33 ID:9ygfDJFy みづがめ 12月 As one of the most inquisitive signs, you’re intrigued by everything new. However, because you think long and hard before committing to a plan, you dislike making sudden changes. Yet recent developments have your mind working overtime. Explore these, but as there’s much more coming in 2005, there’s no rush to make arrangements. Instead focus on the dilemmas highlighted by Mercury’s retrograde cycle, until the 20th. This raises unresolved past issues and misunderstandings. As you eliminate them you free yourself from potentially restrictive worries and beliefs. 好奇心の最も強い人々のなかの一人がサインする時、全ての新しいものに興味をそそられます。 しかしながら、あなたはプランを立てて実行する前に、あまりにも長く、深く考えすぎるので 急速な変化を厭う気持ちになっています。 しかし、最近の進展にはあなたが働きすぎでへとへと気味なのでは? これらを探検しなさい、しかし来るべき2005年にはもっとなんやかんやいぱーいあるのですが その支度として、急ぐ必要はありませんよ。 水星が逆行しる20日まではあなたのジレンマに関しては強調されてしまいます。 過去の未解決の問題や、誤解などがクローズアップされてきます。 それらを排除するときに、あなたは潜在的に自分を縛っている心配や信念から解放されます。
みづがめ 1日 As a logical air sign, you’ve a respect for the facts. But you’re also aware that others, even those closest, disagree with you on certain relatively fundamental issues. Under other circumstances this makes no difference. At the moment, however, you really must work together to find a plan that everybody concerned can live with.
2日 みづがめ Where do you get your energy from? Why can't others get theirs from the same place? Could it be because you are always there before them, helping yourself to a supply that ought to be shared more equally throughout the zodiac? And might your need for so much energy be fed, in part, by the very fact that you are always having to compensate for less active individuals? The sky promises plenty of energy and success now. Even so, you may do just as well, with less effort, if you allow someone else a chance to assist you.
ヤスミン 12月 みづがめ(1) If there’s a big deal in your life which you’re saving up for, take extra care mid December, when your budget could blow out if you’re not super careful. This is also a potentially touchy time for love. The keyword for romance for you right now should be ‘freedom’… give and take it freely and you should sail past any problemos. Overall, this party season finds you in good form and with your name on plenty of invitation lists. Enjoy!
2日 みづがめ You’ve no intention of upsetting anybody. But at the same time you can’t agree to plans that you regard as impractical or foolish. Let others know what you think, but go no further. Once you begin to waste time on explanations, you’ll be drawn into debates. All they need know is where you stand.
3日 みづがめ Somebody’s trying to play on your sympathy, and it would appear that they’re having considerable success. Certainly you feel that you’re obliged to keep them happy. This is ridiculous. They’re perfectly capable of looking after themselves. It’s just they’ve even better at manipulating others, which is exactly what they’ve been doing with you. 誰かさんがあなたの同情引きを仕掛けていて、それはかなり成功している様相をあらわしています。 あなたは彼らのために自分が犠牲になっているような気がしていることでしょうが、おかしいことですね。 彼らはいまや完璧に自分達で面倒をみられるのです。彼らはなお小細工を他人に広めていますが、 良さはかれらがあなたと共にしているということです。
7日みづがめ Discussing plans is one thing, making then quite another, as you’re learning. As an Aquarius you’re usually superb at achieving a consensus. At the moment, however, there is absolute no spirit of cooperation. Take it slowly. Eventually others will realise that their biggest problem has been their own attitude. Until then occupy yourself elsewhere. もうすでにあなたが学んだ通り、ずっと議論されてきたプランと、成されたことは別物です。 本来の水瓶座らしさは、異なる意見を束ねていく力がずばぬけているのですがね。 しかし、いまは絶対的に協力するのにNOという感じになっています。 ゆっくりいきましょう。そのうち彼らも自分達の態度にこそ問題があることを理解することがあるでしょう。 それまであなた自身は少しどこか違う場所に身をおいてください。
376 名前:マドモアゼル名無しさん 投稿日:04/12/08 14:02:22 ID:SlIacUDk 8日 みづがめ Naturally you don’t want to make arrangements until you fully understand both the commitment you’d make making and know more about the people involved. What’s tricky is that with Mercury retrograde, even simple facts aren’t necessarily reliable. While it’s worth proceeding, simply ensure that everybody’s aware that a certain amount of amendments are very likely. あなたは、あなたがしてきたことと他の人が作り上げたことと、二面性があり、 十分わかるまではどうこうしようって気にならないのは当然です。 ただでさえ事実が信頼できるかわからないのに、まして今は水星の逆行中です。 他の人々がかなりの量の修正が近々必要なことに気がつくことだけ押さえておけばいいでしょう。
The time has come to put yourself first. For the past several weeks you’ve been juggling all variety of obligations, most of which involved the needs of certain individuals and organisations. While most of these were important, they’ve all been dealt with, leaving you with time to focus on you and what you need. あなたが最初に身をおくべき時がきました。過去数週間、あなたは義務とすべての種類を考慮しました。 その大部分は核心している個人と機構のニーズに関わります。それらの大部分が重要だった間、それらはすべて対処されています。 あなたに関する時間と貴方が必要としている物を残して。
気になるのでシェリ週報(12日より)も みづがめ For weeks others seem to have been expecting you to give them a hand with perplexing problems. You’re happy to help. However, they’ve become increasingly demanding, until in certain cases it seems they’re waiting for you to rescue them. Now you’re forced to draw the line, and it isn’t easy. Not only do you not know what to say, they’re not exactly thrilled about taking responsibility for their own lives. Deep down, however, they know problems are theirs to resolve. Besides, you’ve some considerably more interesting developments involving intriguing activities and associations to focus on. These are far more deserving of your time and attention. 何週にもわたり、あなたは他の人々にあのややこしい問題について手助けをすることを期待されています。 あなたも人の助けることは望む所です。しかし、彼らの要求は雪だるまのように増大し続け、例の一件に関しては彼らは貴方の手助けを 今か今かと待っています。たやすいことではありませんが、今、あなたは一線をひくべきです。 あなたは何を言ったらよいか知るべきではなく、彼らが彼らの人生においてスリルを求めていないことを知るべきです。 しかしながら、本当の事を言うと彼らは彼ら自身で問題解決すべきであることを知っています。 そのうえ、興味深い進展のためあなたが注意を払ってきたことやいくつかの注目のことがらの活動を含むことをあなたはしてきました。 これらのことは、あなたがしてきた注意や時間よりはるかに価値があることなのです。
13日 みづがめ For some time you’ve suspected that differences with close friends or loved ones wouldn’t work out until issues came to a head. Consequently you’re likely to welcome this week’s developments, which force everybody involved, including you, to express their views and feelings. After that you should be able to make some serious progress. しばらくの間あなたは親しい友人、あるいは愛する人々の間での食い違いが、いよいよ土壇場にくるまで 解決しそうにないよ〜とさじをなげたい気持ちでした。 あなたはもちろん、含めた全ての人々を巻き込む大騒動が今週起こります。 その結果、あなたはその出来事を感謝するようになるでしょう。その後に何らかの重大な進行をあなたが進めるべきです。
13日 みづがめ For some time you’ve suspected that differences with close friends or loved ones wouldn’t work out until issues came to a head. Consequently you’re likely to welcome this week’s developments, which force everybody involved, including you, to express their views and feelings. After that you should be able to make some serious progress. しばらくの間あなたは親しい友人、あるいは愛する人々の間での食い違いが、いよいよ土壇場にくるまで 解決しそうにないよ〜とさじをなげたい気持ちでした。 あなたはもちろん、含めた全ての人々を巻き込む大騒動が今週起こります。 その結果、あなたはその出来事を感謝するようになるでしょう。その後に何らかの重大な進行をあなたが進めるべきです。
413 名前:みづがめ[sage] 投稿日:04/12/17 09:41:35 ID:HE0jML9i 17日 水瓶座 Confusion about arrangements involving children or loved ones is beginning to cause you some concern. Much as you wish things would go smoothly, with Mercury retrograde until Monday there’s little chance of that. What you can do, however, is decide to learn from events, however disruptive they are in the short term. 子供達や愛する誰かを巻き込む騒動はあなたに関連することが起因しています。 あなたがものごとがスムーズに進むことを望むならば、月曜日までの水星の逆行中ならわずかなチャンスがあります。 しかし、あなたができることは出来事から学ぶことだけなのです。短い期間で彼らは分裂してしまいます。
21日 水瓶座 Santa Claus is, of course, an Aquarian. What other sign could he be? Think how opinionated you need to be in order to feel sure that you can find your way down millions of chimneys in one night. Imagine the resourcefulness necessary to receive and honour all those endless wish lists. Consider the courage it takes to ride a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer. You have much in common with Santa... including the way in which you now have so much on your plate. But you have the same generosity too... and the same inevitable date with a sense of satisfaction. サンタクロースは、もちろん水瓶座です。 他のどのサインに勤まると思いますか? あなただからこそ一晩で何百万個もの煙突にたどりつけることを確信させるために どれくらい独善的に物事が進んできたことか、よく考えてみてください。 それらの無限の「欲しいものリスト」を受け取る名誉と、尊敬に値する 必要な工夫を考えてみてください。 それを受け取り、空とぶトナカイに引かれるそりに乗る勇気を考えてみてください。 いまやあなたはサンタクロースととても共通点が多いのです、それは あなたがとてもよいものをたくさん持っているからですよ。 しかもあなたは時間の制限がある満足感と同じように寛大さも持ち合わせています。
433 名前:マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:04/12/21 11:11:44 ID:LzeezEdA 21日 みづがめ There’s talk of reorganising elements of your working life or changing circumstances could force you to rearrange your daily routine, and you’re not happy about it. Once you begin, however, you’ll realise that certain things you’re doing out of habit are actually more of a hindrance than they are of any help to you. 事情のため、あなたの仕事や環境を変えるため日常の生活に変化の要素が生じました。 あなたはうれしくないことでしょう。しかし、いったんそれをはじめることによってあなたは気がつくことでしょう。 他の人が助けようとしても、あなたが習慣的にしていることがもっと妨害になっていることを。
434 名前:みづがめ[sage] 投稿日:04/12/21 11:28:53 ID:LzeezEdA ついでに 水瓶座19日からの週報です(長期的予測も含まれてましたので) There are few things more upsetting than arguing with friends or loved ones, particularly when the issues are as mundane as finances or obligations. However, these disputes serve to bring previously unnoticed differences to the surface. While these may seem to be of little significance now, once you’re making important decisions early in the new year, you’ll be grateful that what you’ve learned. Insights help you understand why others have been so difficult. What’s more, with Mercury finally ending its retrograde cycle on Monday, the missing puzzle pieces in various dilemmas should also come to light, and just when you were getting desperate. 友人や愛する人たちとの諍いほどいやなものはないですよね、事柄がお金のことや信用問題に関わる場合は特に。 でも、このような争いが、気付かないような以前との違いを表面化してくれるのに役に立ちます。 いま、たいした違いはわからないかもしれないけれど、来年早々あなたが重大な決意をしたときに あなたが今まで学んできた事柄に感謝することでしょう。洞察することです。それが、他の人がなぜ難しい顔をしているか理解する助けになります。 月曜日に水星の逆行が終了したことよりも、もっと、あなたが絶望の淵にたたされたときに、 失われたパズルのピースが光り輝きながら出てくるでしょう。
395 名前:みづがめ[] 投稿日:04/12/22 09:58:34 ID:GCOe3XIg At some point over the next few days, you may become deeply concerned about a duty of some kind before suddenly seeing the whole thing in a very different light. You don't owe anyone anything. You simply owe it to yourself to do what you know is right... rather than just what may seem right to other people. In making allowance for the people whose views need to be tolerated now, it's important not to suddenly start doubting your own ideas! A decision you reached some while ago remains as wise now as it was then. Trust it and continue to implement it. この数日間の何らかの時点で、あなたは非常に異なった光の中で全体のものを見ながら、突然前にある種の義務に関して深く心配するようになることができます。 あなたはだれにも何も負っていません。 あなたは、あなたが… ちょうどまさしく他の人にとって見えるかもしれないことよりむしろ正しいのを知っていることをするのに 自分からそれを単に負っています。 寛大に許容される必要がある人を考慮に入れるのにおいて、突然あなた自身の考えを疑い始めないのは重要です! あなたがいくつか達した決定、前、現在そしてより同じくらい賢明なままです。 それを信じてください、そして、それを実装し続けてください。
438 名前:みづがめ[sage] 投稿日:04/12/22 09:49:35 ID:GCOe3XIg 22日 水瓶座 Sad to say it appears that somebody you’ve trusted has taken advantage of that position. Difficult as it is raising such matters, they’re best discussed openly now. There’s a slight chance that it’s all a complete misunderstanding; if so, you’ll soon clear things up. Alternatively, at least others will know that you’re on to them. 貴方が信頼していた誰かが、そのポジションを利用したようである、ということは悲しいことです。 いろんな出来事が浮上してくる中、困難さを感じていることでしょうが、 いま事態がオープンになったということは、ベストの議論ができるということです。 もしもあなたが物事をクリアにしようとするならば、 全てが誤解に基づくものだと理解してもらいチャンスは残っています。 かわりに、他の人たちは、すくなくともあなたの思いやりの深さを知るでしょう。
Christmas, for most of us, means spending time in the company of people we don't normally see so much of. Sometimes it means remembering why we don't normally mind not seeing so much of them. It can mean making an effort. It can be a time for giving in more ways than one. There are joyous factors in your life now - and there are oppressive ones too. You're not sure just how the next few days are due to pan out. So let me tell you. There may be a tense Full Moon but the Sun's harmonious alignment to your ruler is a promise of an excellent experience.
水瓶座23日です。 There are few things more difficult than witnessing others make unwise decisions and being unable to say anything. But they’ve made it clear that they want no advice, and you must honour that. What you can do, however, is remain quietly on the sidelines, ready when somebody’s needed to pick up the pieces.
Christmas gets more commercial every year. Now though, things have gone too far. Santa has had his sleigh sponsored It has been brazenly emblazoned with the logo of Toys R Us. What may we ask, as an ethical Piscean, do you intend to do about this? The world of tradition is depending on you to fight against this evil. The sky insists that your duty is clear. Tonight you must neither eat, drink nor be merry. You must stand all night in the garden, clutching a protest placard. The rest of us will be with you in spirit. Honestly.
431 名前:笑福亭水瓶[sage] 投稿日:04/12/24(金) 20:36:55 ID:suwhj3bD みなさま、クリスマスイブをお楽しみですか? >>418の一文、短時間でやったため構文上、ちょっと間違えちゃいました。 大意は変わらないのですが、お詫びして訂正いたします。 What may we ask, as an ethical Piscean, do you intend to do about this?
448 名前:笑福亭水瓶[sage] 投稿日:04/12/25 18:27:57 ID:O+R7UFLp 25日水瓶座です。別訳歓迎。 If you’re beginning to feel a little bit restless, it’s no surprise. In fact with the expansive Jupiter accenting new ideas, people and places, you’re bound to need a change of scene. Just what that might be, however, could be as much of a surprise as the way in which the opportunities involved appear.
450 名前:みづがめ[] 投稿日:04/12/26 09:29:28 ID:jT59zb4c 26日水瓶座 Nobody likes it when friends or colleagues are at odds with each other. But if they refuse to acknowledge the source of their problems, they’ll never get to the bottom of things. Encourage them to discuss these matters, but ensure that you avoid getting caught in the middle of issues that are theirs to resolve. 同僚や友達が仲たがいしているところを好きな人なんていません。 しかし、問題の本質を捉えないことには真相を探り当てられないでしょう。 論議することを彼らに勧めなさい、でもあなたが中心に入ってはいけません。 彼らが自分で問題を解くべきです。
453 名前:笑福亭水瓶[sage] 投稿日:04/12/26 11:13:20 ID:2CxYMTr+ 水瓶座週報(26日〜) Adopt a philosophical approach to various dilemmas and you make life a lot easier. Differentiate between those situations about which you can do something and those you can’t, then focus on the former, and you avoid a manner of stress. The trick is discerning which is which. Early in the week you’ll be wrestling with the intense developments triggered by the current Full Moon. However dramatic they seem, these yield to a thoughtful approach. Issues which involve a tricky combination of personal responsibility, friends or colleagues and money seem clear-cut, but will require of you far greater patience and character-building detachment.
438 名前: 笑福亭水瓶 [sage] 投稿日: 04/12/27 12:40:27 ID:BLPY+vcv 水瓶座27日です。 'Concentration is the ability to think about absolutely nothing when it is absolutely necessary.' So said sports star, Ray Knight. Imagine, please, that you are good musician attempting to play a lovely piece. Then along comes someone who happens to be tone deaf - and starts joining in with you. Or maybe you are an artist, carefully painting a picture. How are you going to feel if someone grabs a brush and starts 'contributing' to your masterpiece? Firmly but calmly, you now need to demand your freedom to operate without interference... and to assert your right to sit in silence till you have something to say!
463 名前: 笑福亭水瓶 [sage] 投稿日: 04/12/27 12:45:11 ID:BLPY+vcv 27日水瓶座です。 If anybody is fair, it’s you. Yet over the coming week you’re going to be forced to make exceedingly difficult decisions on your own. It’s not just what you’re dealing with that’s the problem, but that whatever you decide, somebody’s going to be unhappy. That being the case, you may as well please yourself.
445 名前:みづがめ[sage] 投稿日:04/12/28(火) 10:56:15 ID:+mVlUfm+ 28日 水瓶座 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.' So said the great teacher Lao Tzu. Close your eyes. Think of a clear blue sky high above you. See a ladder, emerging from the top of your own head. Watch it go upwards, ever upwards, into that wide blue yonder. Now, conjure up an image of yourself, somehow climbing that ladder. Keep climbing. Keep climbing. Keep climbing. OK. Now, look down. There's your situation. The one that seems so big, daunting, urgent and overwhelming. Seems small in the distance - doesn't it? Stay positive and it will stay small. Are you worried about what's going to happen? 「千里の道も一歩から」とは高名な師、Lao Tazの言葉です。 目を閉じてみてください。あなたのはるか頭上にあるクリアな青空をイメージしてください。 あなたの頭からはしごが現れたとします。それが広い青空へ向かってどんどん上のほうへとのびていくところを想像してください。 そして、あなたがそのはしごを登っているところをイメージするのです。 登り続けてください。登り続けてください。もいっちょ登り続けてください。 OK.今度は下を見て下さい。あなたの今の状況があります。 とてつもなく大きく威圧的で、緊急で圧倒的に見えるもの。 はるか下でなんと小さく見えることでしょうね。そうでしょ? ポジティブでいてください。そうすればそれは小さいままです。 それでもあなたは何がこれから起こるか心配ですか?
468 名前: みづがめ [sage] 投稿日: 04/12/28 11:22:51 ID:+mVlUfm+ 28日 水瓶座 You really must keep a close eye on the use of your resources: your time, money and even your ideas. The problem is, that forces you to cut back on the support you’ve been giving others. Some will understand. But others’ complaints reveal that they weren’t just unappreciative, they’ve been taking you for granted. あなた自身の源となるもの…お金だったり、時間だったりあなた自身の考え方であったりしますが、 あなたはその使い方について厳しく目を光らせるべきです。 例の問題があるために、あなたは他の人へのサポートを減らしている所です。 理解してくる人もいるでしょう。他の人は不平をもらすかもわかりませんが、それこそ それこそ彼らは見る目がなかったことの顕れです。 彼らはあなたを認めようとしています。
693 名前: 笑福亭水瓶 [sage] 投稿日: 04/12/28 12:21:35 ID:2IFwZ/1i 12月27日-1月2日水瓶座です。 Love Meter:8 You’re a huge flirt this week ? and potentially dangerous during the weekend. Rules were made to be broken, right? As charming, funny and adorable as you are, don’t push your luck ? especially on Friday night. あなたは今週ひどい浮気者かも。そして週末には危険を招く可能性も潜んでいます。 ルールは破られるために作られた、って間違いない? あなたが魅力的で、面白くて、素敵だからって、図に乗って危険を冒さないでね。 特に金曜の夜に。
Career Meter:7 An old competitor, colleague or all-around nemesis may emerge in conversation this week. Just when you thought you could flush and forget this person, a bit of gossip brings it all back. In the past, this individual may have blocked you from getting what you want. Chances are very slim that he or she will succeed in doing so again. 昔の競争相手、同僚、または万能の強敵が今週会話の中で現れるかも。 この人をきれいスッパリ忘れられたと思ってたのに、 少しのゴシップが全てを元に戻してしまいます。 過去に、あなたが望みを叶えることをこの人が妨げたことがあるかもしれません。 ただ、彼(彼女)が再び妨害を成功させるチャンスはほとんどないでしょうけど。
There is something you are exceptionally good at, something that you have been waiting, your whole life long, for a chance to do. So be glad of the sharp, restless angle between your ruler and Mars. If you were too content at the moment, you would become lazy, listless and lacking in motivation. You need to be a little sore and angry so that you can be sure of success. But now, you are cross enough. All you need next is to become determined, sure of yourself and ready to seize a real opportunity in 2005.
499 名前:笑福亭水瓶[sage] 投稿日:05/01/03 14:59:22 ID:SBDY2gWN 水瓶座3日です。 What might you be willing to do for a million pounds? It would depend, presumably, on how you felt at the time, what the circumstances were and how badly you needed the money. Don't dwell too long on that question. You are not about to be made an offer. But you might now care to think about what you wouldn't agree do for one million, or indeed, for any money in the world. List a few of those things, then consider how closely they compare to what you are now contemplating. There's your compass for the New Year.
501 名前:笑福亭水瓶[sage] 投稿日:05/01/03 15:38:18 ID:AysuxN+I ヤスミンによる水瓶座1月です(ttp://www.cainer.com/) (その2/5) A LITTLE TICKLE WHICH FEELS RATHER NICE ... かなり良い感じがするちょっとした喜び...
495 名前:笑福亭水瓶[sage] 投稿日:05/01/03 15:02:56 ID:SBDY2gWN 水瓶座1月です。 Feeling compassionate about others’ problems is one thing; getting involved in them is quite another. Discussing issues is informative; become entangled, however, and you’re in a web of deception and chaos. But you may also be avoiding various important but far less intriguing dilemmas. They may seem lacking solutions; ignore these and you’re guaranteed they’ll become more troublesome, and you could even find ways to tackle them. Most of all, when mid-February’s Aquarius New Moon demands that decisions be made, you’ll be well-informed and ready.
497 名前:笑福亭水瓶[sage] 投稿日:05/01/03 15:06:42 ID:SBDY2gWN 水瓶座3日です。 Facts are facts. At the moment, however, various rather strong-minded individuals seem sure that they’re the only person in possession of the truth. Not surprisingly this is likely to lead to clashes. Since you also have your own idea of what’s right, you’re better off avoiding even simple discussions until things have been settled.
496 名前:笑福亭水瓶[sage] 投稿日:05/01/03 15:05:16 ID:SBDY2gWN 水瓶座週報です(2日から) For some time you’ve simply assumed that certain arrangements involving who or what you love would proceed as they have, continuing by a mutual unspoken agreement. Now it all comes apart. This seems a disaster. However, what’s taking place gets you - and everybody else - talking about your idea of where things are going. First you discover just how disparate your views are. Then you learn about others’intentions. These exchanges become uncomfortably frank but also clearly long overdue. They also set you thinking about whether you want to continue in the same direction as before.
517 名前:AB男[sage] 投稿日:05/01/04 11:25:32 ID:SpGlqOki 1月4日水瓶 もし、この世界が組織立った知能の高い人々によって運営されているのなら 一体この騒ぎはなんなのでしょう? もし大抵の物事について社会が「正しい」のであれば これだけたくさんの人が貧しく、不幸で混乱しているのでしょう? わたしたちはみな、どこか遠くで、賢い、分別ある人たちが筋書きを知っていると 考えたいのです。しかし証拠が指し示すものは違います。 あなたには今でっかい考えがあります。でもあなたはそれが少し見当違いかなと 恐れています。 他の人は賛成しないとか不可能だというのではないかと。 どうにかして、説得しなさい。2005年にはそれが勝者だと明らかになるかも しれません。 If this world is run by organised, intelligent people, how come it is in such a mess? If society is 'right' about most things, why are so many people poor, unhappy or confused? We all like to think that somewhere, out there, some wise, sensible people know the score. Yet the evidence suggests otherwise. You have a big idea now. You fear, though, that it is a little off beam; that others will disapprove or that they will tell you that it is not possible. Pursue it anyhow. In 2005, it could prove a winner.
538 名前:みづがめ[ ] 投稿日:05/01/05 11:14:16 ID:bG/NgRuw 水瓶座 5日 You are growing a little restless and impatient. There is something you want to accomplish; something you strongly suspect is possible. To make it happen, you are going to have to put yourself out on a limb. You will need to make a lot of effort and have a lot of faith in your own judgement. But what if you are making a mistake? This fear is holding you back. Soon, though, you will have to overcome it. Your judgement is better than you imagine. Trust it, act on it and allow it to lead you in the right direction now.
503 名前:みづがめ[sage] 投稿日:05/01/05 10:46:53 ID:bG/NgRuw シェリ1月5日 水瓶座 You’ve a strong sense of mutual responsibility, and will happily help others when you can. You’ve also a huge respect for independence and would never intrude on situations that are clearly others’ to deal with. Alas, certain individuals don’t share those instincts, which means you may just have to tell them to back off.
509 名前:みづがめ 投稿日:05/01/06 10:02:15 ID:7ZoXTNRj シェリ6日 水瓶座 Making plans is one thing. At the moment, however, it’s sustaining them that’s the problem. Shifting circumstances and individuals who constantly rearrange things are playing havoc with existing arrangements. While you can’t prevent situations of this nature arising, you can adopt the kind of attitude that refuses to allow any such developments to upset you.
560 名前:みづがめ[] 投稿日:05/01/06 10:42:12 ID:7ZoXTNRj ジョナ水瓶座 1月6日 Do you have a heart of stone? Not at all. You simply have a will of iron. Right now, it's vital to make sure that something happens in the way that it needs to happen. You can't afford to let wild emotions muddle your thoughts. You can't let yourself be distracted by your own passing moods or by other people's initial responses to a rather disturbing development. You are not being cold or unsympathetic. You are being practical and wise. There will be time, later, for all the soft stuff. First, there's a pressing need to be strong. あなたは石の様につめたいハートの持ち主ですか?そんなことわけないですよね。 ただ、鋼のような強い意思があるだけです。 たった今、起こるべくして起こった出来事はとても重要です。 荒々しい感情があなたの考えをかきみだす余裕もありません。 あなた自身のの心の中に燃える火が消えてしまいそうになったり、他の人の最初の 応答にめげて不穏な空気に取り乱している場合でもないのです。 あなたは冷たかったり、人の気持ちが分からない存在ではありません。 賢明で有意義な存在です。 時間はすべてのやさしい人々にたっぷり残されています。 まずは最初に差し迫って必要なのは、あなたは強くなることです!
シェリ水瓶座7日です。 Much as you’d like to get things settled, it’s becoming increasingly clear that even simple matters are going to take time. Do what you can now, then deal with the rest in stages. This both takes the pressure off and enables you to be flexible in the face of constantly changing circumstances.
ケイナー水瓶座週末です。 Stand up and take a bow. Give yourself a pat on the back. You have something to be proud of. You are handling a delicate situation with skill. You are coping, as well as anyone ever possibly could be expected to cope, with an adverse set of circumstances. Your criticisms of your own performance are unfair. The aspersions being cast by others are downright ridiculous. Be proud of how you are handling yourself and look forward to a time during which, despite your fears, you push past a big barrier.
シェリ週報です(1月9日〜) After weeks of having been sympathetic to others’ dramas, you’ve about had it. This is good timing, since many of this week’s developments require a clear-minded response. Allow yourself to become sentimental about either situations or certain individuals and you risk losing your perspective. Be firm, however, and you should be able to clear up even persistent dilemmas. Some involve others but a few are entirely personal and have been an on-going nuisance. While dealing with these won’t be fun, knowing that what you’re doing means you’ll soon see the back of them will be.
シェリ9日です。 It’s not that you were unaware of certain habits, rather you hadn’t realised the degree to which they’ve been undermining you. Now that you do, it’s up to you to change them. It’s won’t be easy. But it’s far easier then wondering why, in spite of your best efforts, certain problems remained unconquerable.
シェリ10日 You may not be pleased about the circumstances that have cornered you into making plans or decisions that you had no intention of pursuing. Ironically, however, what you learn or who you meet as a result will revise your thinking about them. In fact you’ll soon entirely forget those complaints about how unfair things are.
ジョナ10日 Can you turn back the clock? Of course not. But you can, though, rewrite history and there's a very strong case for doing so. Your view of a past event is coloured by perceptions that at the time, seemed strong and valid. The conclusions that you have drawn are now influencing your decisions in a hundred subtle (and not so subtle) ways. Yet there's more to what happened than you understand. In broadening your view of how something came about, you may yet radically alter your idea about what's possible further down the line.
ジョナ11日です。 'Excuse me please, I'm looking for Utopia. I seem to have got lost.' 'Lost? No. You are not lost. This is Utopia.' 'Really? It doesn't seem ideal to me.' 'Ah. You want the other Utopia. 30 miles south, through the valley of dragons and over the Mountain of Murderous Trolls.' 'I don't fancy that journey. Isn't there an alternative?' 'Of course. Do what the rest of us do. Stay here and pretend that THIS is Utopia.' Or, to put it another way, you are now contemplating a compromise. Contemplate it carefully. It is a big decision.
シェリ11日です。 Everybody’s busily making future plans. While you know the general direction in which you’d like to go, nothing excites you enough to commit. Take it slowly. While you may not be sure exactly what you want to do until early February’s Aquarius New Moon, once you do, it will have been worth the wait.
ジョナ12日です。 What's the best that you can do? That's not an easy question to answer. What's the worst that you could do? Well, you can't be so sure of that, either. We are far too judgmental. We give ourselves a hard time when we really don't need to. We invent reasons to feel bad and weirdly, too, we create reasons to feel good. If we attain irrelevant and artificial Target X, we cheer. If we lose unnecessary and meaningless Position Y, we sob. The best thing you can do now, is stop worrying!
シェリ12日です。 Somebody seems to be trying to convince you to shoulder responsibilities that are really theirs to deal with. If you can retain your detached perspective, you’ll realise that they’ve been looking for a likely candidate, and you’re a good bet. Say no firmly and swiftly or they’ll just double their efforts to entangle you.
ジョナ13日です。 Are you starting to feel slightly trapped? Does it seem as if most of your options are awkward? Are you even inclined to suspect that someone, from somewhere, is deliberately trying to make life difficult for you? On this front, at least, you need have no fear. You always have been your own worst enemy, and there's no chance that this title will ever be taken away from you. Herein lies the clue to an improved experience. Make a concerted effort to be your own best friend. Let yourself off the hook of self-criticism today.
シェリ13日です。 While some Aquarians look after themselves very well indeed, just as many live in their heads, forgetting about their bodies. If you’re among the latter, you neglect looking after yourself until something goes wrong. However, deal with the issues highlighted by the Sun’s powerful aspect to Saturn immediately and you’ll sidestep otherwise tedious problems.
ジョナ週末です。 People who break society's laws are confined to an existence where options are severely limited. There are, of course, many free folk who might see this as a promise, not a punishment. How blissful to be saved from all those bewildering alternatives. How easy it would be not to have to think. You are starting to feel imprisoned by your numerous choices and chances. You would love to be liberated from these this weekend. Sadly, that's not going to happen. The good news, though, is that you are sure to pick well and wisely.
シェリ14日です。 For ages you’ve ignored various unsettling obligations, fearing that if you acknowledged them you’d be drawn into a web of demands and complications. However, others are already making decisions without you, some of which involve you. Continue avoiding these, as you have, and they’ll soon inform you of the arrangements they’ve made on your behalf.
ブリジット(ELLE)週末です。 You rebel against any and all restrictions this weekend ? especially financial ones. You feel a deep yearning to leave routines and worries behind, and may take Friday off. You’re receptive to advice and others’suggestions as long as no judgment is attached. Rely on your brilliant intuition during the rest of the weekend. Sunday morning is blissfully optimistic. Your creative muse suddenly reappears. Take full advantage of this while it lasts. Sunday evening is somewhat somber. Memories may overtake you and dominate your thoughts.
シェリ15日です。 The time has come to talk things over frankly. You’ve been avoiding these conversations for fear they’d veer into emotional territory, making civilised discussion impossible. While it’s true that recently others were out of control, both circumstances and their mood are considerably calmer, enough that you can discuss matters with much-needed forthrightness.
英語サイトのみに載っていた、ジョナ週報です(15日〜)。 You don't have to have a plan. You just have to have an intention. Right now, though, if you want to protect your sanity you must stop trying to persuade yourself that everything is 'supposed to be' a certain way. It is the way it is. Whether that's good or bad, there's only a very small amount that you can change. That doesn't mean you should forget about what you really want to happen. On the contrary. You should keep your eyes open at all times for the chances and seize them when they arise. Until or unless they do, don't worry about them.
ブリジット(ELLE)週報です(1月17日〜23日)。 Love Meter:7 You want reassurance on Tuesday that you’re loved and wanted. You won’t come right out and ask for it, but your ears ache listening for it. Observant sensitive types will see this and respond accordingly. Obtuse types won’t have a clue ? just like always. After Wednesday, you feel more confident and are better prepared to push your agenda forward, instead of routinely deferring to others or undercutting yourself.
Career Meter:7 After midweek, it becomes crystal clear that others don’t understand your theories, potential or goals. All the glad handing and sparkling smiles seem frustratingly fake. Instead of complaining about others’lack of sincerity, commitment or follow-through, you’re encouraged to personally take charge of business decisions.
シェリ16日です。 You may not have realised it at the time, but you’ve been compromising various of your objectives. This was done for the best of reasons; you were encouraging others and didn’t want them to feel you were inferring or competing with them. But now they’re doing fine, and it’s your turn to come first.
シェリ週報(16日〜)です。 You have some important decisions to make, and are keeping much of your life on hold until these are settled. Because you’re unlikely to know enough to commit to such far-reaching arrangements until early February, you’re less influenced by the dramas that everybody else is taking so seriously. What’s more, this detachment allows you to observe changes in circumstance that could influence your own plans. Dramatic ? and unlikely ? as these seem now, they’re worth paying attention to. They could so alter things, in fact, that you’ll need to completely revise what you’d considered to be ideal.
ジョナ17日です。 It could be worse. You could be chained to the wall of a dungeon. You could be the victim of an extremely sadistic individual. You could be... well, that's enough. A few less 'could bes' would help your frame of mind a lot. A few less 'should bes' too. Pluto and Saturn are awkwardly aligned now. That's why you feel as if a painful process is taking place and why, too, you can see no way of extricating yourself from it. But why is it all so uncomfortable. What or who is it that you can't stand? Is there no way you can develop a little more tolerance? It could render you a lot happier, surprisingly swiftly.
シェリ17日です。 It’s not so much the tricky situations that everybody seems to be facing that’s the problem. It’s that you’re uncertain what’s most urgent and what can wait. Naturally you’ll need to think these through for yourself. However, there are certain facts of which you’re unaware, facts you can only learn from discussions with others.
ジョナ18日です。 Good things can and will happen over the next few days. Your ability to recognise them is not so certain. You may mistake the good things for bad things, because to get past an overly efficient sentry and enter the fort in which your hopes are being held hostage, those friends have had to disguise themselves as enemies! They are masked so professionally that you can't look at them without wincing. Yet Saturn's antagonistic link to Pluto is not an event designed to create mayhem or to produce a sense of deep disappointment. On the contrary, the purpose of this alignment is to help you make a big and valuable decision.
シェリ18日です。 When it comes to certain decisions, timing is everything. Others may insist that plans be made now. But there really isn’t any hurry, they’re just restless. Not only would rushing be hugely unwise, judging by the unexpected twists indicated by this week’s planetary activity, the more flexible you can keep arrangements, the fewer the complications.
An Aquarian and old family friend once wrote a song called You've Got A Friend. You've got more than a friend: you have a world of friends who take loving you to the level of divine passion. All you need is to accept that support and be open to receiving the gift. Today is an excellent day to practice the ritual of receiving, accepting, and taking in. The source that's giving these gifts to you is infinite. Everyone involved in the equation gains by their participation. So... receive openly, and let that remind you what happiness is.
>>178 毎日訳ありがとう。最後の一文が抜けてたみたいなのでそれにあわせて3行だけ別訳スマソ (>あなたは決定的な進歩を遂げたのです。のつづき) You have pulled together as many ideas and solutions as you can. あなたはできる限り多くのアイデア、解決策を集めてきたところです Now, like concrete or gelatine, a mixture needs time to set. コンクリートやセメントのように、考えも固まるための時間が必要。それが今なのです Don't worry; you are about to get it 'just right.' 心配御無用、あなたはその解答をまさに「ピッタリのとき」に得ようとしているところだから
ジョナサン21日 One day, when sensible people rule the world, a new law will be passed, banning certain phrases from the language. There will, for example, be an instant fine for anyone who begins a sentence with "If only..." Individually, the words are harmless. Put them together though, and you've got a dreadful recipe for wistfulness. Like it or not, a certain situation is as it is. Accept it and you'll soon find a way to make the most of it.
最終2行だけ別訳 The long-term implications of a recent change or discovery will soon begin to sink in. You'll then feel happier about the future. 最近の変化や発見がもたらす長期的な影響が、まもなく、十分に理解され始めます そのとき、あなたは将来について、より幸福を感じるでしょう
ジョナサン別訳・揚げ足とりたくて別訳やったわけじゃないのでご理解を Bank managers, when they want to remind you that you are late with your payments, don't stop to wonder if their letter will make you sad. Oddly though, when they are writing to offer you a loan, they profess to be deeply interested in your happiness. Our world is full of people whose concern for one another's well being is inconsistent and conditional. Yet every so often, we do encounter truly pure, sincere gestures. One is coming your way now. 銀行の支店長は、あなたの支払いが滞っている事を知らせたいと思った時 自分の手紙があなたを悲ませてしまうだろうか...と立ち止まって悩んだりはしません しかし奇妙なことに、彼らは、融資を提供するための手紙を書いているとき 『深くあなたの幸福に関心がある』なんて称します 我々の世界は、他人の幸せへの関心において 一貫性がなく、かつ条件付きである人間であふれかえっています しかし、しばしば、私たちは本当に純粋で、誠実な意思表示に遭遇します その1つがもう、あなたに訪れつつありますよ
582 名前:マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:05/03/02 21:02:31 ID:Yn/OJoxm Your monthly stars for March
Late last year you discussed various plans that could completely revolutionise your life. They seemed far out then, but now they take several steps closer to becoming reality. If there’s any problem is that they’re being discussed in a climate of change, which means even simple plans will be revised several times over before anything is settled. Don’t mistake this for meaning offers are unreliable. They’re not just good, they’re probably better than you’d imagined. However, only once you pursue them will you be sure.
Your sense of frustration or fear is better understood as natural apprehension.You are contemplating a brave step into unknown territory. Take it and trust.
Don't worry if things seem like they're headed for a downturn. A shakeup may indeed be on the way, but you'll weather the storm and come out stronger than when it started.
What may seem like idle socializing could be networking in disguise. Stay in touch with new contacts, and keep those business cards! You never know when a new acquaintance could turn into a real business asset.
Love Meter 7 March 28-April 3: いい関係を維持するための努力だったら あなたはよろこんでやり方を変えることでしょう。 あなたはあんまり我慢がきかなくって頑固なのは周知のことですが 水瓶座に友好的な提示の仕方である限りは喜んで考慮しようとするでしょう。 あなたたちの多くはペースか場所の変化を求めてやまないことでしょう。 今週の試金石:ペリドット、エメラルド、翡翠、鱗雲母、ローズクォーツ、ロードクロサイト
Career Meter 7 March 28-April 3: あなたは今週大きな集団では閉所恐怖症的なものを感じるかもしれないので おそらくもっと効率、もしくは専門的な小さい集団で作業することになるでしょう。 大きく、動きの取れないミーティングはあなたを眠らせるのには優れていますが インスピレーションにおいては散々なものとなるでしょう。 今週の試金石:アクアマリン、アメシスト、ファイアオパール、蛍石、シトリン
For March 28: You’re a sunbeam this morning, delivering light, humor and your unique interpretation of the world, much to the delight of others. This makes you a very welcome guest in others’ hearts and lives. This love-in continues throughout the morning, and might even generate a career or status coup. (Psst: Be patient and subtle while discussing money.) Later this evening, be on your very best behavior because others are paying very close attention.
4/12 水瓶 You currently imagine that a certain situation is 'bad news'. You think that someone is nothing but trouble or that a particular course of action is likely to fail. But on what are you basing this? On hearsay, prejudice and circumstantial evidence. Mars, as it now aligns with Neptune in your sign, suggests that you can't afford to rule out the one option that is most likely to work - and work well - for you. Look again at what you are refusing to consider.
Aquarius Thursday Apr 14, 2005 Do something that will help you improve your looks and raise your confidence. The more time you spend with friends, the better you will feel. Love is looking positive.
Daily stars for today 25 April 2005 ほんの数週間前、家庭や仕事に関する、最も規模の小さな「チェンジ」にすらあなたは「ノー」と言った。 今、大規模な「再編成」の中に居るだけでなく、あなたはそれをエンジョイしている。 グッドタイミングです。この大きな変遷の中で、物事はもはや以前とは全くの別物になっているから。
Daily stars for today 29 April 2005 とあるアイデアが初めて持ち上がったとき、あなたは躊躇した。実は「そんなの非現実的だ」と思ったのでしょう。 だけどそれを知れば知るほど、興味がドンドンわいてきている。 自分のペースを固守できるのであれば、もしかしたらいい意味で「遠慮」など忘れ去ってしまうかもしれない。
Love Meter9 May 9-15: 金星が水瓶座の「プレジャー、娯楽、多産、創造力」の5室に入る。 これが素晴らしくてジューシーな前兆であることはまったく疑いようがない。どうぞ社交的に。 電話もたくさんある。お誘いにはイエスと答えて。今のあなたは魅力的で、ものにしたいと思わせてしまう。 クリエイティブで社交的な場において、本当に輝いている。 This week’s touchstones: Carnelian, Morganite.
Career Meter7 May 9-15: 余計なストレスと経費を解消・回避したいと思っている。 今週、モチベーションが物凄く上がる。機能しているものの磨きをかけ、役に立たないものを一掃させるため。 あなたの収入がどうであろうと、キャッシュマネージメントの能率は良くない。 資源のマネージングに関し、あなたにはアシスタンスが必要であることは目に見えて明らかなことなのだ。 This week’s touchstones: Chalcedony, Cinnabar
シェリー Daily stars for today 20 May 2005 プランを立てるのは大事なこと。しかしそれに固執するのは、最初に計画したときにイメージしていたのよりもはるかに難しいことのようだ。 ですから、起こる出来事に対しては、のんきなアプローチをとって下さい。 出会った「人物」「コンセプト」から、「自分には何が出来るのか」を学び取るのを忘れないで。
Your monthly stars for May もしもまだ気付いていないのでしたら、5月が過ぎて行くにつれ、 今月中旬頃には、自分のライフのエレメントを再編成していかなければならないことに気付くことになるでしょう。 当初はこれには不満を覚えるはずです。 どうやって多々あるコミットメントを結んでいくかという「気懸かり」と関係している「破壊」が、あなたを苦しめている。 しかし徐々にその「不安」が「冒険心」にすり替わっていく。恋愛関係においても似たような「変化」が起こる。 「相手に望むものが何であるか」を明らかにしないままでは、相手があなたの夢見ていることを叶えてくれることなんてまず無い。
シェリー Daily stars for today 22 May 2005 相手の気まぐれなムードはどうしようもないので、 お互いが後になって後悔する余計なことを言わない「作戦」でいきましょう。 きちんと向き合うのは重く感じるけれども、論争中の「問題」が落ち着くまでは、詮索しないでおいて。 ちゃんと実行すれば、起こりうるデカい落とし穴を回避できるだろう。
シェリー週報 Your stars for the week beginning 22 May 2005 あなたの頭を混乱させ、場合によっては気を動転させる、 そういう色々な「シチュエーション」における「真実」が一目で解るようなら、 ライフはきっと物凄く気楽なものとなるだろう。 あなたはその「真実」を理解しようとして頑張っているけれども、他人はあまり思慮深いとは言えないようである。 あなたに最も近い人でさえ責任逃れ。しかし気むずかしいわけではない。 相手だってあなたと同様、「不安定さ」と付き合っているのです。 だから相手は、内容のある言葉を全然言ってくれないのです。 たったひとつの「答え」は我慢強くいくこと、そして緊張をほぐしリラックスすること。 最初のうちは骨が折れるけれども、すぐに「とある人間関係が、どうして自分にとってこれほどに大事なのか」を思い出す。
Love Meter9 May 23-29: 今週、愛が豊かで報いられる。 多くの水瓶座は、家族を増やすことを考えたり、新しいペットを飼うことがあるでしょう。 与えるための愛情なら沢山あるし、誰かと自分のライフを共有したいと思うようになる。 社会的な見地から言えば、新しい出会いや新しい何かへの挑戦のための準備は万端。 あなたのスピリットは開放的で熱心すぎるため、狭いスペースでは窮屈になるのです。 ある人は今週、自分のライフスタイルについて徹底的に検討する初期段階にいることでしょう。 This week’s touchstones: Lepidolite, Rose Quartz.
Career Meter9 May 23-29: 出費はやむを得ない。それは未来への必要不可欠な投資なのです。 キャリアスーツからコミュニケーションデバイス、オフィス設備に至るまで。 あなたの活動を楽しめる能力と、ビジネスと趣味の継ぎ目のないブレンドが、今週際立つ。 満月が創造的な、セールス・プロモのチャンスをもたらしてくれる。あなたにまさにうってつけ。 ある人は「情熱」を再発見する。それは新しいキャリアへと転化していくかも。 This week’s touchstones: Ruby, Yellow Sapphire.
Love Meter9 June 6-12: 愛らしく表現豊かな5室にある、刺激的な新月が月曜日に「希望」「奇跡」「ハッピーな予感」を刺激する。 今週の最高のハピネスが創造的でロマンチックな「表現」で得られる。もうそればっかり。 子供っぽい喜び、無邪気さ、身に染みてわかる気持ち、嬉しいくらいに新しいイベントがある。 This week’s touchstones: Chrysoprase, Unakite.
Career Meter7 June 6-12: あなたの創造性とマルチタスキングな専門的技術が目覚ましい。 いろいろな人が行き来するけれど、 あなたは純粋なインスピレーションとアドレナリンでもって、プロジェクトにハートとソウルを傾注する。 どうりであなたの業績が立派なわけですね! 今週末、水星が蟹座入りし、火星が牡羊座入りする。 あなたの仕事の環境で、さらなる活発さを掻き立ててくれる。 もしかしたら誰かが寝返ったり、協力が期待できなくなるかもしれない。 それが誰なのかは想像つくんじゃありませんか? This week’s touchstones: Labradorite, Turquoise.
Enough decisions have been made. Enough arguments have been held. For now, at least, further discussion is unnecessary and irrelevant. Though your ruler's change of direction is technically just an astronomical illusion, it has great symbolic significance. Now is a time to honour policies, keep commitments, deepen involvement and strengthen arrangements. It is no longer appropriate to ask, 'Shall I do this, or shall I do that?' Inwardly, you now know what you are going to do. All that remains is for you to recognise as much and then actually do it.
The time has come to take a tough line with somebody you love. You've hoped that sooner or later they'd realise the degree to which their actions and attitude are upsetting everybody, particularly you. Either they don't, or they don't care. Whatever the case, it's up to you to draw the line, and to do it now.
While adverse aspects to your ruler Uranus indicate that this won't be the easiest week of your life, you'll be considerably better off for what you experience and learn. Tempting as it is to keep certain arrangements as they were, that would only complicate matters. Go with the flow and you minimise problems.
It is no wonder that you are so well thought of. You go out of your way to make the impossible possible. You may have many antisocial inclinations but you can't resist a challenge - and little in life is more challenging than a person who has a seemingly insurmountable problem. Thus you strive to help people who seem to be in hopeless situations - often while ignoring those closer to home. A close companion is now more deserving of your care than a stranger with a fascinating but irrelevant case to solve. Cheer up! Your new in-depth weekly forecast is now ready. To hear inspiration, reassurance and useful advice
As a clear-minded air sign you can deal with almost anything if you can understand it. But what you’re facing at the moment simply isn’t reasonable, which leaves you both short of answers and feeling vulnerable. Still, this unsettling process is an important step to making changes as dramatic as they are worthwhile
You are now, officially, over a hump, past a barrier, through a drama - or at the end of a decisive chapter in your ongoing saga. Now, you can relax. Now, you can breathe again. Now, you can allow yourself the luxury of looking back and wondering why you tried so hard, worried so much or became so upset. You did what you had to do. You said what you had to say. You moved what you had to move. Till the next, intense major cosmic alignment, you can now put (at least one of) your feet up!
Discussing what’s going on in your life and the lives of those around you may make you feel better, but it’s unlikely to reveal much about the eventual outcome of changes. What’s taking place is such a departure from anything you know that it can only be understood one day at a time.
Children don't grow up. They just grow bigger. Parents continue to feel concerned and responsible, no matter how old their offspring becomes. Once we are in the habit of honouring a particular commitment - or playing a role - or wrestling with a problem - we tend to carry on. We get into the habit. We can't break the pattern. There may no longer be a need but, somehow, there's a desire. You are now going through a ritual. Don't worry about it, just enjoy it. I have good news for you in your newly recorded in-depth forecast. To hear something that will make you smile .
It may seem that one particular individual is being deliberately obstructive. But from their viewpoint they’re only doing what’s wisest. What’s more, they’re so convinced they’re right that there’s no likelihood of them even considering your advice. By midweek, however, things will have changed so much that they’ll be coming to you with questions.
You've been learning some powerful lessons about what not to say. If you just let it all hang out, the result may be the opposite of what was actually desired. Whatever you say now can affect others, so it's best for you to speak only after thinking about what you intend to do.
You may be the source of discomfort for someone else today. If this occurs, examine your own uncertainties, for you've probably sent mixed messages without even knowing it. Go out of your way to make certain that others understand your intentions. This will prevent problems later on.
最後の一文、 you're well informed and free of the restrictions that could hold you back. 文中の"that"は、free of restrictionの結果としての係り受け、 hold you backは「自分を押さえつける、進歩させることをしない」という 訳もできますが、ここでは、文中の「大いなる学び」と「達成の星」の暗示 から「破壊的な変化に巻き込まれず、自分のペースをとりもどす」という 訳にしてみました。
The Full Moon is making you feel a bit like a prison. You are stuck in a situation that you can't get out of. You may have entered into an arrangement voluntarily but you now seem to have no choice or power. If you really want to be free, you can be. This, though, will take time and effort. Before you put yourself to all that trouble, you had best look again at the reason why you allowed a particular situation to develop. The original point or purpose is still valid and should be respected.
Anybody would agree that the situations you’ve been facing haven’t just been unfair, one particular person has been taking advantage of you. Ironically, now that Mercury is retrograde, unexpected twists in circumstances and minor mistakes will expose their manoeuvres. All you need do is be willing to speak up when the opportunity arises.
Love Meter 太陽と土星が人間関係に関する水瓶座さんのチャートに入っていることで (水星が逆行中ということを忘れないで)、水瓶座さんは信頼できない関係を終えようとしています。 水瓶座さんはホンモノ以外は何も欲しくはありません。 もしあなたがホンモノを手に入れられなければ―水瓶座さんのうちの一部の人は、 孤独のほうがマシというかもしれません。以前にあった失望で、 ちょっと親密になることに対して多くの水瓶座さんたちは極度に臆病になっちゃいましたね。 だけどどんなに臆病になってたとしても、100万分の1の確率で出会えるパートナーが現れるという 希望を捨てないでください。いいですか、水瓶座さんは実に正しいかもしれませんけどね...
Career Meter 補正も調整もする必要はないんです。水瓶座さんは必要なことと知っていて、 支持される結論に至るためには喜んで盲従的に働きます。 問題は水瓶座さんたちのプライベートにおける不調和が専門的なところにまで 影響を与えるということです。「距離を置く」というのは簡単ですけど、 実際にやるのは難しいですよね。でも、とりわけ今後の7ヶ月間では やらないといけないかもしれません。 だから物理的には同時に2箇所に存在することはできなくても、 現実的に"水瓶座さんにとって"有益なことを選択する必要があると思います。 それってたしかに自己中心的ですけど でもある意味自分を守り、信頼できるものでもあります。
Do your best to get out and about at some point today. You'll hate it if you're cooped up in one place all day long and a change of scene will do you good. You'll also be unhappy if you only have yourself for company, because you're in the mood for a good chat with a lively companion. If you've fallen out with someone recently this is a great opportunity to show there are no hard feelings. Favourable colours are cinnamon and bright gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 57.
For July 26: Thoughts of freedom and exhilarating change are so tempting, so compelling, that humdrum routines pale in comparison. In fact, you decide to push your agenda forward today ・not in an obvious way, however. Since you池e still checking out how another person might react or respond, you池e careful. The worm, however, has turned, and things cannot move backward. New goals, new life, and new hope are beginning to simmer quite nicely.
7月30日(土) It's time to cheer yourself up by doing something nice. Try to get together with people who always make you laugh or who boost your confidence because they think you're a superstar. If you've been fretting about a certain someone during the past couple of days, you'll start to see the situation in a more realistic light. It probably won't seem half as bad as it did on Thursday. Ideal colours are magenta and peach. Lucky numbers are 24 and 51.
You don’t regard yourself as a stick in the mud. On the contrary, you’re interested in everything and everybody around you, or so you think. Yet recently you refused one particular offer outright, which mean others couldn’t take part either. Think about whether you might owe it to them to reconsider this entirely arbitrary decision.
Either you’ve been trying to do too much or somebody has been so persuasive that you’ve committed to more than is realistic. Whatever the case, you must now draw the line. This won’t be easy. Wait in the hope that things will work out, however, and you’ll regret it. They’ll only become more complicated.
There are important decisions looming, and you'd like things settled as soon as possible. If you were able to organise arrangements as swiftly as you'd like, you only find yourself wanting to change them. Bide your time until the Aquarius Full Moon on the 19th; after that you'll know exactly what're in your best interests.
We are, for all our impulsive urges and adventurous instincts, creatures of habit. We give preference to precedent. We opt for the kind of mystery with which we have history. We do, of course, regularly make an effort to be innovative but it usually is an effort. We do it when we suddenly realise that we must... because we are in a rut. You have arrived at your current position by doing, more or less, what you always do. You are, though, about to start to see how to do things very differently - and more pleasingly.
As you begin the week you're unlikely to feel prepared to make the important decisions facing you. This is complicated by the fact that with Mercury finally ending its retrograde cycle on Tuesday, revelations could substantially alter your view of several situations. Still, even what you least expect will only help clarify your thinking.
Love Meter:7 今週は重要な決断に対して精神的、感情的な部分での準備をする1週間です。 理屈の上では、あなたはそれが必然であると知っていたとしても、 感情的にはまだ準備ができていないようです。あ なたは何度も何度も同じ音ばかり弾いて、他の弦と、 全ての音楽の可能性を無視しているかのようです。 駄目になるまで追い込まないでください。 現時点では、人間関係は、とある目標が必要とするよりも ずっと多くの注目を必要としています。 ゴールへの強迫観念は人間関係における誠実さを傷つけるものです。 どうかリラックスしてください... -- *harp on the same string 同じことをくどくどと何度も繰り返して言う[する] (ALCからの引用)
シェリ17日 Just when you thought that everything was organised, along come glorious if unexpected ideas or offers. These are too good to refuse, but still, you are tempted. You know that saying yes means changes of the sort you loathe. Still, that discomfort will be passing, while regrets about what you rejected will last a lifetime.
ボラさんお願いします Saturday, August 20, 2005 When you run into both obstacles and the objections of others, as is inevitable when things are moving so swiftly, you can do no more than make your views abundantly clear. Tempting as it is to debate the pros and cons of various ideas, your time is better spent focusing on potentially life-changing decisions.
じょな The people we love the most, cause us the most trouble and create the most drama. The things we love the most, have a similar impact on our lives. If we didn't care so much, we wouldn't try so hard, we wouldn't get so involved, we wouldn't make so many commitments and we wouldn't allow ourselves to be so sensitive. There's nothing wrong with love. There's nothing wrong with passion. There is though, a need to stand back and look at our deepest involvement from a more objective perspective. The dramas now unfolding in your world are all, effectively, urging you to think again about what you are doing and why. If you want to hear something that really makes you feel better, I have just recorded your new in depth forecast. To hear it click here and take out a free four week trial of your weekly spoken forecast. 誰かお願いします
Love Meter8 August 22-28: Your tastes are changing. Whenever this happens, your personal life is affected. What once seemed satisfactory may now seem too limiting or repressive. You feel an urge to break free and declare your independence from some connections, but continue to devote yourself to others. A number of you are almost stir crazy because your immediate environment is too confining or intrusive. Because you have an active, sensitive mind, you periodically need to retreat to a peaceful, soothing place. Now’s a great time to grab your loved one by the hand and shop for your own private love nest. This week’s touchstones: Kunzite, Tourmaline.
Career Meter8 August 22-28: Fortunate opportunities beckon that are nearly impossible to ignore or refuse. One lucky break may involve travel or moving − and most of you are ready to take a flying leap into the future. Although finances are rarely predictable, you’re in a fortunate cycle, particularly in real estate, land or family business/inheritance. Although conflicting emotions (including a dollop of guilt) may cause you to question your own intuition, you’re advised to gladly accept change and opportunity as it occurs. This week’s touchstones: Aventurine, Jade.
At the time of last Friday's Aquarius Full Moon, you may have found the events that took place somewhat worrying. But now you're beginning to realise that they were the beginning of a powerful cycle of change. Not only is that true, the more dynamic the options you're considering, the more progress you'll make. この前の金曜日の水瓶座満月のときに起こった出来事は、 ちょっと心配だったかもしれません。 けれども今あなたはそれが強力な変化の時期の始まりであったことを理解しつつあります。 それが事実であるだけでなく、 考慮に入れる選択肢がダイナミックなほど、より多くの進歩を成し遂げるでしょう。
You can walk away. You can change everything. You can say, 'I'm not going to play this game any more'. Really, you can.
You are going to incur an awful lot of consequences if you do this, but, as long as you are willing to accept these, you will find it is perfectly possible. Whether or not you should do this, though, is another matter. You certainly don't need to. You can carry on. You can finish what you' ve started. If you do, you will find that the current source of trouble and aggravation becomes far less of a problem and far more of a joy.
8/23 じょな When emotions run high, sensible ideas run away. They hide away in quiet corners of our mind and wait until we are ready to seek them out once more. Like field creatures, sheltering from the rain, they prefer not to get drenched in the showers of our passions. You may now feel as if your powers of logic have deserted you. They are, though, much nearer than you think. Something is making you excited and anxious. As soon as you calm down, your wiser instincts will re-emerge and you will regain a much more inspiring perspective.
8/23 しぇり It's not that you're a pessimist as much as you tend to think first about the cost of change, and only after that consider what you'll get from it. While it's vital that you keep the practical side of developments in mind, dwell too much on them and you could actually be overly cautious. 変わることによるコストをまず考えてから、 何を得られるかを考える傾向はありますが、 あなたは悲観論者であるというわけではありません。 進んでいくことの実用的な側面を念頭におくことは大事なのですが あれこれ思案しすぎて、実際には用心深すぎるかもしれません。
Thursday, 25th August 2005 What are we without our problems? Are we content, comfortable and complete? Or are we bored, bothered and bewildered? We need to be constantly striving for something. Our days would be empty if they were easy. That's why so many of us hang on to our hardships. We don't really want to be free from them - for then, we would have to ask ourselves a lot of questions about who we are and what we are supposed to be doing. Don't let any of this be the reason why you turn down today's opportunity to finally overcome an old difficulty.
For August 25: It’s becoming more difficult to have a sense of humor in an ongoing soap opera. Your patience is threadbare, and another’s pleas for help are sounding more like the boy who cried wolf. Some of you have put your life, schedule and finances on pause in an effort to accommodate another’s whims. The phrase ‘tough love’ is starting to sound like an idea worth trying.
Weekend Update: Wouldn’t it be great to chuck all the duty and r esponsibility and scamper off into the sunset? Almost makes you sigh, doesn’t it? This grownup stuff can be vastly overrated, especially when the buck stops with you. Stop grinding your teeth and just keep stomping along. You’re almost at the end of one torturous tedious chapter. Saturday makes timing even more of an issue than it usually is. Since you have virtually no control over another’s sense of timing, you might be in for a bumpy ride. Why not temporarily divorce yourself from another’s mood swings? Take a break and stay away until his or her medication kicks in. You must prop up your boundaries, no matter how many times they get torn down. This problem will not last forever.
Friday, 26th August 2005 There was a time when you couldn't walk, talk, read, write or add up. Why, once, there was even a time when you couldn't tell the time! You mastered these arts and many more. Why, then, do you feel that there are some things you will never understand? Has your mind stopped expanding? Have you lost your ability to learn? The planets are now keen to promote your mental, emotional and spiritual 'growth'. Be willing to be taught, this weekend, and you will learn something very valuable. I've just recorded a prediction that will please you greatly and may even change your life.
Daily stars for today�26�August�2005 Either you’ve been shy about letting others know what you want and expect from them or you’ve allowed certain mistakes to go without comment. In every situation of this nature, it’s vital that you clear up any misconceptions. Saying nothing now implies that everything’s fine, and seriously undermines you right to complain in the future.
Your Weekend: 'Sorry, but you can't do that'. This is what you keep hearing. It's true. Kind of. But you are not just an adjustable character. You are a tenacious one - when you think there's a good enough reason to be one. Or, in this particular case, when you think the reason not to be one is a bad reason. You don't 'buy' the package you are being sold. Or the story you are being told. Rightly so. That IS a rat that you can smell. Don't back off. Chase it away. Ask why the rules have been changed and the goalposts have been moved. You'll find that, actually, they haven't.
There is a fine line between sticking with what you believe in and having a closed mind, and this week you are going to have to discover exactly where it is. While certain rather tricky situations, probably involving family or property, must be dealt with firmly and according to what you think is right, others will require a completely different approach. In fact your initial response may be completely wrong. This means you will need to reflect at length and listen to the advice of others, particularly that you consider to be ridiculous. The odds are good that, eventually, you will realise that what you should do.
Daily stars for today�29�August�2005 Ordinarily youd have no problem standing up to anybody who tries to blame you for things that simply arent your responsibility. But either situations are so unclear that you cant argue or individuals so elusive you cant confront them. Still, you can let everybody concerned know what youre responsible for and what youre not.
Monday, 29th August 2005 If you want to do what's right, you have to begin by investigating the possibility that you do not know what IS right. Most despicable developments in this world result from actions taken by people who do not have a shred of doubt about the best thing to do. The rest ensue from lack of action, following prolonged indecision. Your reservations about a certain matter are important. Acknowledge them - and then, given that you have to do something, do the best that you can, giving due allowance to all those misgivings.
Aquarius � Your stars for the week beginning�28�August�2005
Theres a fine line between sticking with what you believe in and having a closed mind, and this week youre going to have to discover exactly where it is. While certain rather tricky situations, probably involving family or property, must be dealt with firmly and according to what you think is right, others will require a completely different approach. In fact your initial response may be completely wrong. This means youll need to reflect at length and listen to the advice of others, particularly that you consider to be ridiculous. The odds are good that, eventually, youll realise thats what you should do.
Love Meter 7 August 29-September 4: Once again, the balance of power is at issue. Who’s the boss and who gets the final veto are concerns that must be addressed. You won’t be able to rest or relax until these matters are resolved. Financial issues also impact a relationship. You’re just not up for surprises this week or next. If your partner intends to spend money without discussing it with you first, there could be stormy weather ahead. You simply want the respect and consideration of being included in important decisions that affect both of you. That’s not too much to ask. This week’s touchstones: Pyrite, Citrine.
Career Meter 7 August 29-September 4: You suspect that you’re being underpaid for the work you do. You’re probably right, but others may not be responsive to your concerns. Even if you used to look forward to your job, you’re less than thrilled with it now. In fact, every inconvenience or extra amount of underpaid effort you exert is another reason to start looking for something new. You’ve come to the conclusion that you may never get the raise or consideration you’ve patiently waited for. This week’s touchstones: Peridot, Carnelian.
If you want to do what's right, you have to begin by investigating the possibility that you do not know what IS right. Most despicable developments in this world result from actions taken by people who do not have a shred of doubt about the best thing to do. The rest ensue from lack of action, following prolonged indecision. Your reservations about a certain matter are important. Acknowledge them - and then, given that you have to do something, do the best that you can, giving due allowance to all those misgivings.
ケイナー31日おねがいします Though you have recently accomplished a lot, you are starting to wonder whether any of it has really been worthwhile. You fear you may have wasted your time. You suspect that you are right back where you started from - and no better off for all that effort. What has caused this sudden surge of doubt? A development you were not expecting and which appears to have made a mockery of your great endeavour. That's an oversensitive reaction on your part, though. Soon enough, you will see this in perspective and will feel far better.
シェリ 31日 If ever there was a time when you should put what and who you love most before life’s duties and obligations, it’s now. Others may question your judgement, and you may worry you're being irresponsible. But the fact is, while those tasks can be dealt with tomorrow, what's come your way is very rare indeed.
シェリ 9月 September is brimming over with opportunities, but they don't necessarily fit in with your dreams, which leaves you confused and unsettled. If you go along with what's arisen, you fear you're e abandoning what you're worked for. However, you gradually realise that these once passionate goals are neither realistic nor still as significant as they once were. Instead of being disappointed, you feel free. Similarly, once close relationships come under scrutiny. Instead of making plans out of habit, you spend time with those you truly care about.
Saturn in your love zone will be sending you challenges over the next two years where your love life is concerned, and the fun and games kick off this month. Whenever there’s a problem with a lover (past, present or potential), look at what you want long-term, rather than worrying about any short-term mini-dramas. Meanwhile Venus makes the first part of September a good time to talk about cash at work. Moneywise, a new cycle starts. If your first attempt doesn’t succeed, try again.
But back to Saturn and those lessons he has in store for you. You are pragmatic at the best of times. Now try to practise being realistic too. Taking off the rose-coloured glasses about You Know Who doesn'nt mean they won't love you anymore (or vice versa). It does mean you'll have a better idea of what happening and how to handle it.
Financially, this month marks the start of a new cycle. The New Moon in early September takes place in your shared finances zone. That’s the part of your chart which deals with credit cards and loans, your salary and pretty much anywhere that your cash is tied up with someone else. If you need to make a new start re cash, the iron is hot so get ready to strike! Because the New Moon is in Virgo, you would do well to analyse and double check facts and figures before you go asking for a pay rise or getting into any kind of conversation about cash. If you take care of the details, this could yet prove to be a lucky month for you. There are good vibes around re money early in September in any case, as Venus meets Jupiter. If your income is somehow connected to someone foreign or to a foreign or travel company, you are in double luck, so use it wisely!
The trick is to try to go with the flow this month. September starts with a surprise but whatever happens, try not to panic and resist the urge to try to control every last detail. There is a lot to be said for letting life just unfold in the first part of the month ・go with the flow and see where it takes you!
Around September 9, you will need to be doubly careful about what you say and who you say it to. There is a tough Mercury/Uranus link which could see either sex or money or both coming up as a hot topic for you to handle. If you are having trouble earning as much as you would like to know, make sure you don't project your upset onto a partner and accuse him or her of hassling you re cash. Right now, your partner is your rock, so try to stay as calm as you can. And if you are single, the most important ther person・in your life takes that role. Treat that VIP with care and act now so that you can create the relationship you would like to have later. Keep it real.
You're focused on two pretty disparate things, when it comes to your professional life this month. On one hand, you're looking at power issues. Who does what to whom, and how do you fit in, at work? The other is a question of creativity. How does your work life spark your creativity? How does it hinder it? How can you take control? Early on, these issues come up, and they aren't just going to go away. So think about them! A week into the month you have an intellectually enlightening experience at work, and then on the 12th, you have a totally frustrating experience. Midmonth you succeed in processing both and understanding something new about your work environment. It really helps! You feel great on the 19th and you get downright so-excited-you-could-jump-up-and-down about something the 20th and 21st. On the 26th, make sure you aren't skipping your exercise routine. Then at the end of the month move ahead with a new business undertaking -- but carefully.
Romance -- and its corollary, a relationship -- is going to be on your mind, this month. Starting early and continuing all month long, you're going to want to examine how romance affects your creativity (and vice versa); how it necessitates compromise; how it gets you involved with other peoples' hearts, minds and lives. Sure, it's a lot of stuff to think about! That's why you should give yourself lots of time to process things -- especially the 4th, when your personal issues play a role in unrealistic expectations you might have. The 9th you feel emotionally exposed (which is okay!) and the 13th, take the day off from heavy-duty dealing. In the middle of the month you connect in whole new ways, and the 17th, something a little mystical could happen with somebody. The 22nd, you are in store for a no-holds-barred romance, and by the 26th, it's time to reflect on it. At the end of the month, do your best to get grounded.
This week's challenge is discriminating between those situations in which you must be both precise and tough ・primarily money matters ・and those which you should keep an open mind. It's no secret that changes, both around you and in your own life, have caused considerable chaos. Initially you grumbled, but you're since realised that what seemed unwise has turned out brilliantly. This justifies adopting an inquisitive approach. Yet at every stage you must ask practical questions, mostly about timing and costs. While certain individuals may complain these are premature, not until you have such facts will you know whether things should be taken further
September 5-11: You’re in a nest-building phase, but require the cooperation of at least one other person to make this a successful venture. You want to be able to plan a real life - not be stymied by doubt or threat of loss. So you’re willing to compromise in the name of security and stability. For many of you, this is a major development - especially those that want to live their dreams NOW. Don’t be coy with a partner. Speak up.
Career Meter 9
September 5-11: Venus enters your career sector on Sunday, starting a very favorable career phase. You’ll be in demand, so agree to interviews, meetings and so on. The word is out and you’re a hot property. P.S.: Your tenure at the whipping post does not have to go on indefinitely - unless you really want it to.
Thursday, 8th September 2005 The discussion is disturbing. The talk is troublesome. The conversation is confusing. The theory is scary. None of this means, though, that the reality will be unpleasant. You are doing the right thing. You are making the best possible move. The more you analyse and examine it, the more you may feel inclined to doubt this. But then, where's the alternative? Until or unless you can see a demonstrably better option, stick with the one you have already selected. Despite what you think or fear, it will work surprisingly well.
Daily stars for today�08�September�2005
You seem to have either been overly optimistic about the timing of certain events or simply made promises based more on hope than hard fact. This leaves you with the problem of extricating yourself from certain arrangements, and without hurting others’ feelings. Waste no time devising elaborate excuses. Simply tell them you miscalculated. They’ll understand.